#i like all the chrom pairings actually? unpopular opinion all chrom ships are good ships
sieglinde-freud · 3 years
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i love chrom!inigo and his dynamic with his dad but unfortunately i cant express my feelings in any other way than shitposting
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iturbide · 3 years
i can go on and on about how unbelievably dumb and convoluted rudolf's plan was and how his callous lack of foresight got his nephew needlessly killed (and also very nearly his own son, which would’ve defeated the whole purpose of all this) but we'd be here all day and you haven’t played SoV yet. Anywho, for the character meme maybe Morgan (either of them or both of them — your pick) or Ferdie?
Please do go on about how dumb and convoluted the plan was.  No, I have not played Shadows of Valentia, but I want to hear about this.  Tell me.  I would absolutely love to hear the details of this idiocy.  I have time if you are willing.
But also Morgans my children
How do I feel about this character?
I love Morgan.  I love both Morgans.  I love these aspiring tacticians who want nothing more than to match their genius parent, I love how they’re over-excitable as pranksters and sometimes spoil their own traps without meaning to, and I love the way they help spur their allies.  They’re just such wonderfully good kids and I want the best for them.
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
Once again I have to call in the “no one” card.  I tend to see the Morgans as the absolute youngest in the group, down there with Nah and Cynthia, and along with the whole wanting them to have a chance to live for themselves in a peaceful world, they’re just too young to think about romance for.  Let them live a good bit more first, then maybe I’ll think about it, but for now they just deserve to be happy and perfect their tactics and pranks.
Who is my brOTP for this character?
OWAIN.  He continues to be my go-to second-gen answer because he’s still so great and also the fact that they’re both in the Justice Cabal and can really go at it in equal measure with the over-the-top theatrics just makes it.  Cynthia’s part of the group, too, because the Justice Cabal can’t be complete without the Pega-Pony Princess, and I love the idea of them as a daring trio making adventures for themselves.  But also Morgan and Lucina as siblings is one of my favorite things -- a very literal brOTP -- and their relationship and how they bond through their supports is really heartfelt to me (especially given how Morgan flat-out refuses to wield Falchion because it means Lucina can’t and that’s not allowed to happen).
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
This is probably going to be very unpopular but F!Morgan’s supports are Bad.  She ends up being near Severa levels of manipulative, not to mention her sadistic streak with poor Yarne, and I just really don’t think that’s fair to her in any way.  M!Morgan’s supports are all delightful, and there is absolutely no reason why they had to make F!Morgan a borderline psychopath when her male counterpart is a perfect ray of sunshine (though they also had no reason to do That with F!Robin’s supports with Chrom compared to M!Robin’s, so I guess I have to chalk it up to IntSys being IntSys).  Basically I throw her canon supports out the window and draw off of M!Morgan’s supports for both of them where possible because it’s a significantly better pool to work from (and where it’s not possible I just axe the more disturbing tendencies that don’t line up with everything else about the characters).
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
I really wish canon hadn’t rehashed Robin’s situation with Morgan.  Robin made perfect sense as an amnesiac since they’re our point of view character, and we’re experiencing all the twists and turns with equal inability to predict where things are going; Morgan has no good in-game reason to have no memory, so I really wish they hadn’t done it.  Let Morgan remember both their parents: it’s not like it would be hard to change their supports since they just rehashed all father supports for all the other kids.  Even if Morgan IS from another timeline, or even Future Past, I think it would have been far more interesting if they’d actually had a story of their own to contrast with Robin -- especially if it could have helped bring back some of Robin’s own memories.
EDIT because I missed it the first time through I am so sorry Ferdie
How do I feel about this character?
Perfect ray of sunshine.  Absolute joy of a human being.  A man who lights up any room he walks into with his sunny disposition.  People who do not love Ferdinand von Aegir probably missed something or else didn’t bother talking to him outside of monastery dialogues.
Basically Ferdinand is one of the best things about Three Houses and I will stand by that.
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
HAHA TRICK QUESTION I have I think two romantic ships across all of Three Houses and Ferdinand von Aegir does not feature in either of them.  With that said I really enjoy his supports with Mercedes and how he goes all Knight in Shining Armor and breaks into a Kingdom noble’s domain specifically to dig up evidence of her step-father’s terrible behavior?  Legendary.  He and Hilda make a nice pair, too, and the fond indulgence in their conversations is really pleasant.
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Dorothea all the way.  I love their Support chain and how Dorothea finally stops pushing him away off of a mistaken assessment of his character, and I think it makes the foundation for an incredibly powerful friendship; also Ferdie as her biggest supporter as an opera diva is just phenomenal.  I also really enjoy his relationship with Hubert since they’re so firmly rooted in opposite camps but still clearly trying to do what’s best for the Empire; their grudging respect for one another that grows into a bizarre unorthodox friendship (up to and including Hubert looking out for Ferdinand, which confuses both of them) is an endless delight.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
...are there unpopular opinions to be had about Ferdinand von Aegir, Literal Ray of Sunshine?  ...except maybe that he is a pain to try and recruit he was the last one I managed in my original Golden Deer run and I did it literally in the last available week I know you’re a noble Ferdinand but cut me some slack Ferdie your B support doesn’t unlock until post-timeskip and heavy armor’s a stupid requirement.
...and even then I think most people would agree with me if they’re starting from scratch rather than New Game +.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
I really wish that CF had given him a better role.  Although that’s kind of what I wish for most of the characters in CF, Ferdinand in particular suffers for the fact that he does see issues in Edelgard’s approach, which is clear just from his supports with her (she hadn’t considered public schooling at all before he brought it up); the fact that his opposition and pushback to her methods are shunted off into Supports and End Cards does him a disservice, especially given how dedicated he is to the idea that nobles are duty-bound to care for and protect their people -- something that is not happening with Edelgard’s war in full swing.  I would have loved to see him argue her decision to attack the Alliance, or leave Caspar’s father in charge, or any number of other things, rather than passively going along with everything despite how war harms the most vulnerable -- aka the commonfolk -- before anyone else.
Give Me a Character
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arcxnumvitae · 5 years
Give me a character & I will tell you:
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How I feel about this character: My husband. The wind at my back, the sword at my side, drinks his Respect Women juice every morning and gives off big Thor in Ragnarok vibes. A sassy boy. Obviously, I’ve made my love for Chrom clear because he comes off as such a poster boy for the stern, stalwart, but kind yet bland basic prince protagonist in the base game but then you get to his supports (the holy grail of FE characterization read Seteth’s supports Kirei) and it turns out he’s kinda a bumbling dummy. Once ate an orange with the peel still on, declared himself the winner of a cooking competition because his cooking literally knocked out his opponent? Sassy little awkward thing, I love him
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Of course, Robin, not just because of my personal love for him but because of the way it adds so much more drama to the narrative having them being romantic and Lucina being Robin’s kid. Not to mention I just like having Lucina as my daughter, love her awkward self too. Chrom and Robin’s relationship lives on in Claude’s interactions with Byleth. Now for other ships with Chrom…? Do I…have any I feel strongly over? I don’t think so. I think I married him to Sully one playthrough. There’s that.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Gosh, give me a moment to remember supports. I feel like Lissa is an easy go-to because their sibling interactions were very sweet. Frederick as well, a hoot.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Once again I don’t think I have an unpopular opinion? 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Two halves of a whole, fuckers, it makes no sense for him not to be able to get it on with m!Robin too. As for the actual plot of the game, uhhh, also nothing I don’t think. I’m sure there’s something but– oh wait, okay. I know early game focused on his story more with the war vs Plegia and Emmeryn and then late game went into more spicy dragon stuff with Robin, guess I wish there was more of a way to integrate his deal with second half stuff other than that whole deal about him apparently somehow dying. I don’t know, just a way to keep it from feeling like Robin became more of the protag in the last half and for them to share their two halves of a whole center stage together. Oh! Also! This might kind of be a more overall thing but his dad was apparently a warmongering bastard who hated Plegians, leading to his sister’s exceeding passivity when she became the Exalt along with the Plegians resulting hatred for their more prosperous neighbors which ultimately results in–well, you know. Does the game ever go much into how Ylisse apparently used to be a real jerk to Plegia and how Chrom feels about that legacy after he becomes the Exalt? I don’t think it did. It should have.
Favorite friendship for this character: Hm! Gaius. Casual thief and proper prince, unlikely pair. Foils, if you will. Their supports were nice and surprisingly nuanced though, good stuff.
My crossover ship: Me x Chrom Not much of a crossover shipper in general so yet again, no one really.
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thexgrayxlady · 5 years
CHROM + bonus fire emblem character of your choice cause I’m dying for FE right now.
How I feel about this character: I genuinely enjoy Chrom and I like how he feels very believable as both someone who was likely born knowing dad jokes and a serious warrior king. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I love Chrobin okay. It’s really great from a story perspective because there is so much potential for angst and also for heartwarming moments.  
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Either Frederick or The Vaike. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: So because I’ve curated my experience with the FE fandom really well, I don’t know what the unpopular opinions about characters are. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. I kind of wish he and Owain had a support conversation 
How I feel about this character: Stahl is just such a good person and he just likes helping people and I love him so much. And like, he’s an actual powerhouse unit. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
For a while, when started a new playthrough, I told myself that I’d pair somebody else up with Stahl. Then he would inevitably save Miriel from fatal damage and I’d wind up paddling this canoe all over again. And I know they don’t have a great support convo, but I feel like it’s a ship with a lot of potential. And I like it. And that’s what’s important.  
But really though, I feel like Stahl’s understanding enough to get what Miriel’s trying to say when she says stuff like, “I also find you agreeable.” 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I love him and Sully being BFFs okay. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t think that there are unpopular opinions about Stahl. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: If I could summon the motivation, I would rewrite Miriel and Stahl’s support to be about the two of them working together to improve an old potion. 
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rubisaurus98 · 5 years
How I feel about this character
You ask how I feel about my Awakening daughter and best Smash Bros. main? I love her! So fierce and badass and devoted to her comrades and didn’t deserve any of what happened to her and her friends in Future Past. Needs a better fashion sense though.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I actually don’t remember who I S-Supported her with. I think it may have been Laurent. I remember thinking their personalities being pretty similar, so that’s what I went with. I also ship her with Inigo, Gerome, and Severa a little.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Can I still call her and Owain that? I love this dumb cousin duo.
My unpopular opinion about this character
FUCK EVERYONE WHO SAYS SHE’S TERRIBLE TO MAIN ‘CAUSE HER MOVESET’S IDENTICAL TO MARTH’S OR SHE’S NOT “META”/”TOP-TIER”. Or whatever lingo the elitists like to use. I’m a proud Lucina main and I will die upon that hill. I like playing as her because I think I’m pretty good as her and have proven that many times over. I’m better with her than him and I’ll kick their asses as her to prove how absurd they’re being, taking a game like this way too seriously...except they probably spent like 16.5 hours a day perfecting their skills as like Greninja or something, so in my dreams, I guess.
(Side note: The people I play with at school do respect my choice of main. And even if they didn’t, having that kind of attitude with Smash is a surefire way to get kicked out of the school video game club. I’ve just heard things and had a pretty bad encounter once a few years ago.)
I’m also a little uncomfortable with her being shipped with M!Robin. He’s a friend of her father’s who’s been around literally since she was born. Same goes with any Robin being shipped with any Future Past kid. It reminds me of back in the old Twilight Saga days where people were saying Jacob had a thing for Edward and Bella’s infant daughter. Although, I have seen AU art on a blog where Robin was a man from Lucina’s time that got sent back along with everyone else, counting him among the Future Past gang, and I like that much more.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
This is indirectly about Lucina, but I’ll still say it, as it involves a potential could-be Lucina mom. I wish Chrom and Cordelia had Support convos. Even if Chrom doesn’t return her feelings, they could at least talk things out instead of leaving things awkward like that, leading to Severa having that resentment. Plus, I think she and Lucina would make an awesome pair of sisters.
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emotionaldepravity · 6 years
Hírd :> ( for the break down btw )
How I feel about this character:
I’m actually very meh on Hrid. He is a young twink so he really isn’t my style:tm:. I don’t think that they could have impressed me with him once my tastes drastically changed. I will say that its fantastic that he got more of a twink in the New Years version like they knew that they made a mistake the first time. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
No one. Okay I know that’s kinda cheating, but I can’t think of anyone that he’d be good with. I feel like all the morosexuals that he could get with are taken. FHDJHFFHDJSHD
If I had to say someone then maybe Camilla? She could be the top and dom that Hrid needs.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Maybe Chrom? Hrid I don’t think is as anywhere near as good at breaking things as Chrom, but I think they could get into a lot of trouble being morons together. 
My unpopular opinion(s) about this character:
Yes I have several. Hrid is physically unable to dom or top anything or anyone. He is a twink no questions asked. I personally dislike seeing him paired with Helbindi. You know both of them are bottoms so it just wouldn’t work. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon :
I wish he did anything besides begin dirty in Book 2. I realize he was supposed to have been a real nuisance to the Muspell army, but we didn’t see any of it. I just wish we could have seen something cool from this nerd before we knew he was a total nerd. 
I wish that Hrid played a bigger role story wise. Like most of Book 2, he wasn’t fleshed out, and I can’t say that I even know who he is in canon. 
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piercedfrombehind · 7 years
Who would you ship Zero with? Any ships you're for/against?
Concerning my muse, I obviously have some preferred ships and others I’ve not really thought about but nothing is set. In various fandoms I’ve had threads with characters I outright disliked in canon but ended up loving thanks to that mun’s portrayal of them, so I’m always open to considering new dynamics and following from that, ships. Essentially, I’ll ship Zero with pretty much anyone as long as we build up to it. I can make exceptions depending on the context such as is an AU with multiple people involved, especially if child muses are important in the context.
If Zero ends up having really interesting chemistry with another muse, chances are I’ve considered what if this develops into a ship but just don’t normally say anything unless I suspect the other mun is thinking the same.
In terms of OTPs, Leo/Zero to the point I’ve probably read every fic involving that pair on ao3. Also, Zero/Corrin regardless of which gender. For the former, I love their relationship regardless of if it’s platonic or romantic or one sided - their dynamic just feels really unique and I enjoy seeing it explored, Zerrin I know that’s not a ship name I’m just using Zero because you did is fun as well. The prince(ss) who’s seen barely any of the world and the outlaw who’s seen too much. I see Zero as being very protective of those he comes to care for, even if he doesn’t show it in obvious ways and I feel Corrin would be good at getting him to open up and making him honestly feel loved?
General ships I have so many. To name a few: Nyx, Charlotte and Tsubaki are big ones for me. Admittedly Nyx was sort of to do with the fact I found the censorship hex hilarious. And how she basically went “talk dirty to me” by the end. Though I can see them working well for meaningful reasons as well. Charlotte I like any where the guy sees through her right away tbh and Tsubaki...I may have a thing for hateships. You don’t want to know how excited I get at Chrom/Grima alright. I mean at least with Tsubaki it would stop being antagonist later on.
I won’t go into details for all of them because the dash will hate me for how long this will become and I’m sleepy anyway. But yeah they’re the big ones. Camilla/Zero is also growing on me to an extent their Nina would be terrifying and I feel I’d be more fond of Beruka with him if I actually saw more of her supports-
ok I’ll shut up now.
Ships I’m against? Out of the possible game ones, Setsuna/Zero grates on me? Like he even says that she’s the exact kind of person he would hate and I don’t really see anything in their supports that would change his opinion. I don’t know, maybe it’s because I don’t really know her character well beyond the gimmick but unless there’s something big about her I’m missing, Zero should still find her irritating since she seemingly hasn’t got a care in the world.
Any other ships would just be characters I honestly dislike in general which I’m not going to go into detail because that’s getting into treacherous territory, especially since I know one will be a really unpopular opinion.
In terms of rping, if you’re one of the unnamed characters I dislike, just remember that I said above that portrayals have made me change my mind before. And with the specific one I named, if I interact with a Setsuna and they have actually chemistry and Zero’s given a reason to like her, I might do the ship.
I’M SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG I LOVE MY SHIPS OK. But yeah. Even if a character isn’t named above, I may still ship them - I just have too many so gave some examples that stood out.
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mx-bright-sky · 6 years
fire emblem awakening or fates for the ask meme?
oh ho ho? Talking about?? My special interests are we?? Hell?? Fucking?? Yeah??
Fire Emblem Awakening
Favorite character: I would die for Nowi. Like she just?? Wants to have a family?? And be happy?? Fuck???
Least Favorite character: Aversa is just bland and boring to me, guys only like her cause she has Titties and that’s the truth
5 Favorite ships: OOF IT’S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I THOUGHT ABOUT SHIPS FOR THIS PLACE SO HMMMMMMMMMM,,,, Gaius and Chrom is fucking fantastic, I forget what their exact supports are but I know I used to like Henry and Sumia together, Chrom and m!Robin is also god tier, Severa and Noire is super cute, aaand so is Owain and Inigo (but that’s partially because of fates too but shhh)
Character I find most attractive: Cordelia
Character I would marry: Lissa, I love her, I would die for her too,
Character I would be best friends with: Gaius. Also it would be funny if I could like, go to the Fire Emblem world, but still be able to bring things from this world because I would give Gaius a mountain dew and he’d be like !! liquid sugar!! what the fuck!! I’d be the best friend ever hell yeah
A random thought: sometimes i think about robin from the Original Timeline(TM) and like. I just wonder what they were actually doing and how they joined the Shepherds, cause they didn’t have amnesia in the first timeline (i’m pretty sure somewhere it says the amnesia was caused cause grima tried to join with robin after coming back in time, but robin was too weak, and the attempt gave them amnesia) so like. first time line robin. were they infiltrating the group because validar told them to? were they running away from plegia? if it’s the former, did they ever actually grow attached to the shepherds or was it all an act? I just think about OG Timeline robin sometimes, what is up with them, i wanna know
An unpopular opinion: Lots of people say that the characters are one dimensional because they’re all just one defined trait and then everything is built around that, but I really like how all of the characters are because they all feel so unique and distinguishable. You know how I keep making crossover aus? Part of the hard thing with assigning characters to roles is that most characters in bnha are very similar and don’t have their own traits. Meanwhile, all the FE characters are distinct and rememorable. Heck, one dude’s gimmick is that he’s a normal guy because,, there just aren’t any other people who are Normal Guys. 
My canon OTP // Non-canon OTP: technically everything is simultaneously canon and not canon so uhhhhh just up and look at the 5 fave ships
Most badass character: Say’Ri is a QUEEN I love her akldsjfkl
Pairing I am not a fan of: Henry and Olivia. I never really got it. Like, it’s shippable, but I don’t get why everyone ships it, it seems like. 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Tharja. like,,, you know what I mean. she would have been better without the whole weird yawn-day-re crush thing. and also I like to believe that after getting married she would be able to have a happy family, but then noire is evidence that whatever change she goes through in supports means nothing and that? upsets me? like let her change for the better. she deserves more than being just a creepy lady with big titties
Favourite friendship: Chrom and Lissa. They have a good sibling relationship that is just so that they can count on each other and would also throw hands, i feel like 
Fire Emblem Fates
Favorite character: Laslow is just. such a mess. I love that disaster. I love him so much.
Least Favorite character: I actually can’t think of a character I honestly dislike all that much, besides the obvious ones like Garon, Iago, and Hans. Like, Yukimura maybe?? I feel like he could have been cool as a sort of antagonist figure but then he,,, wasn’t. He’s just so boring to me.
5 favorite ships: oh oof it has been a while here. I think I actually held off on s ranking anyone cause i was going to try and complete the support log but i never got around to finishing that. oops. I’ll get to it some time, which is what I say about everything i never do
Character I find most attractive: Scarlet
Character I would marry: okay, when the game was first announced and I caught a glimpse of her, i declared that Beruka would be my forever bae, but I also really like Flora
Character I would be best friends with: Odin. is so fucking dramatic. and sometimes i need that in my life.
A random thought: I just fucking love Izana as a character so much too. Like, this game just has a lot of great characters. but just, the idea of this guy who’s supposed to be a priest and prim and proper whatever and he’s just like “oh ancient gods... What’s up mah homies?” will never not make me fucking laugh. I love this man. Love peace and chicken grease in Izumo
An unpopular opinion: the story of fates isn’t That Bad. Like, okay, there are some parts that are just stupid, I won’t deny that, but people beat it down like it’s the worst story ever. it’s just a video game! the story was entertaining enough, the characters were lovable, you guys are just mean. leave the flaming chainsaw sword alone.
Again, no canon ships. Although, above I did say owain and inigo was good and this carries over to this game too so Odin and Laslow are best bfs for life
Most badass character: Scarlet is just a badass butch and I love her. Also (in her supports we find out) she likes collecting rocks? And using them to decorate weapons? I just think that’s super cute. I love scarlet okay
Pairing I am not a fan of: Any of the royals with Corrin. It Doesn’t Matter If It Isn’t By Blood, They’re Still Siblings You Sick Fuckos
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): so someone else made a video about this and i really agree with it so i’m gonna go with this; Xander was a really good character in supports, but in the story his good character gets messed up for the sake of plot. if we just had support convo Xander be main game Xander too, That Would Be Nice
Favourite friendship: Odin and Leo. I like how Leo just sent Odin on quests that were supposed to be impossible, but Odin just somehow did it anyway like a fucking madlad and Leo is just like *suprised pikachu face* and so he’s like “okay i guess i can tolerate you” and they become friends and it’s like?? i just enjoy that.
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