#i like all the guys so far tbh but yesod........ yesod...............
hirokiyuu · 2 years
lobocorp (my face in my hands)
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strangefellows · 5 months
hiii its me the X!Dante guy. I was thinking more about the Sapling of Light abilities when i noticed something
Pigritia means Sloth, and its ability is to slow down time
See the connection?
So based on your theories for the rest of the abilities, we may be able to pin down some names.
Gebura-Iracundia (Wrath)-her ability will maybe be to increase ally damage output by 2x
Netzach-Edacitas (Gluttony)-potentially increase of ally defense or giving them an immunity to a certain kind of damage
Hod-Tristitia (Gloom in Latin, as there is no Greed in Limbus)-lower enemy morale perhaps?
Binah-Acedia-her ability im uncertain about because speeding up time would be somewhat redundant gameplay wise with Pigritia already existing, unless they implement it in a unique way thats not “increase ally speed”
Malkuth-Exaltatio (Pride)-reshuffle enemy skills to be weaker
Chesed-Vanagloria (Vainglory)-changing sin affinities into what the enemy is weak against
This is as far as I can get tbh. Would love to see how this plays out ingame
OH I LOVE ALL OF THIS, I definitely see where you got all of them, I can definitely see this being the case. Yesod is, again, extremely tricky haha XD
As for Chesed, it could be that, or it could be changing the enemy's weakness to be fatal for All Affinities briefly - i think there's an MD EGO Gift that does that - or it could be resource generation, like Coffee and Cranes to give us more resources to use EGO? One of those things, possibly!
Hmmmm. Man. Yesod. Why you so difficult mr purple man.
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