#i like cardcaptor too i guess but that’s like saying i like breathing air
fishdiva · 6 months
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sayaka from a while ago
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atomicpowered · 6 years
On next season’s anime: 
So with bleeding fast speed we approach next season already when Im not even halfway done with a lot of anime I picked up this season, but isn’t that how it always works I guess. I blame this season for having a lot of pleasant surprises! 
winter this year is a season of hibernation and looking at the spring season and how it is going to be a Ride for all sorts of anime fans into the really popular stuff this season coming up looks like it is, for the most part, taking a breather. Lots of continuations to long running series, cute girls doing cute things shows (or the filler rice in the anime burrito), and some technical arthouse stuff along with a few original projects, a lot of shows are up in the air based on what they are adapting and the question of whether they can stick the landing (the former statement applying to shows that are adaptions or original)
here’s my thoughts on this season’s crop of bounty
overlord: last season was pretty good, its nice for an isekai to do something different and I’m gonna keep up with it
Citrus has me interested up until that last sentence on the blurb on MAL then I got the fuck out of there
cardcaptor sakura: so I dont remember much about this series because I binged it like a decade ago but lets check out clear card hen sure. madhouse sure likes to overwork itself! 
darling in the franxx looks super ambitious and im very excited for trigger and a-1 to team up, robot designs look bangin
koi wa amegari no you ni- character designs on this look super boss, very 80s with send ups to patlabor, but sad to say this is another one that grabs you until the last paragraph on the MAL blurb, wont touch this with a 10 foot pole
I’ll probably check out the first episode of kokkoku? it looks fine?
pop team epic: finally, after the pushed back betrayal a few months ago ive been waiting forever for this one! there is still ZERO synopsis for this!!!! with like 2 weeks to air time!
junji ito collection: finally 
killing bites: looks like dumb fun, great
yuru camp: confy
hakumei to mikochi: lerche has a tall order for a show with such small protagonists, the manga art on this is stunning so im very interested to see what they do, hope the ost is good too, it’s going to be instrumental in a series like this. upon looking up the composer they got an american guy to do it, since i havent seen any of the shows that hes done because a lot of them arent great im very interested to see his style, also he’s working on violet evergarden so woo
violet ever garden has been the most high profile project kyo ani has been working on in the wings for a long time, the pv is so stunning it looks like a movie, i dont care if the story is trash Im watching it for the visuals alone! this is another show that was supposed to come out a while ago so now im waiting with held breath.
two of the shows that i have the highest stake in are netflix funded projects that are going to be simulcasted, devilman crybaby, feet, studio science saru. maasaki yuasa’s home roost and one of my favorite studios besides TRIGGER. crybaby is what I like to call a pageantry project where what they are adapting is so well known and loved that they want to do a proper job and go buckwild. if the pv is anything to go by im quite pleased. second, theres b: the beginning, a production ig original project with a pretty high profile key animator turned director, im gonna give this one a healthy shot just because its very left field and the simulcasting in a ton of languages that netflix is doing with this. I like the idea of netflix snapping up anime, they give producers less of a raw deal than CR and BDs still get sold of the product, its like getting a payday and then a bonus for the studio involved. 
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sailormiyoung89 · 7 years
hi there! from your url, i'm assuming you're a Sailor Moon and kpop fan? Just wondering as a fellow fan when you discovered them and how long you've been following them? What's your top 10 anime/kpop artists? And what are your opinions of the Sailor Moon reboot and kpop in general? (P.S. what does the 89 stand for?)
 Hey :) You guessed right, SM and kpop are my obsessions XD I first watched the english dub of Sailor Moon when I was...idk like 4 or 5. Then when it went off air I didn’t watch it again for YEARS. I lived in the middle of the countryside and didn’t have a computer till my uncle passed away and we got his. I was about ten. But because we were so isolated, we only had dial-up till I was like...16. At which point the FIRST thing I looked up was Sailor Moon XD 
I’m not certain when exactly I got into kpop. I was a fan of Kesha’s and was listening to her song, Run Devil Run and scrolling through the comments when I saw a lot of people debating whether this or the SNSD and Girls’ Generation versions were better. I’d never heard of SNSD or Girls’ Generation but decided to check them out and find out for myself - it didn’t take me long to discover that SNSD and Girls’ Generation were the same group XD (Incidentally, please don’t ask me to chose which version is better. I refuse XD). 
I don’t know exactly when this was - I THINK the first half of 2012. 
Top 10 anime: I actually haven’t watched a whole lot of anime. I start them and get a few episodes in and then just get distracted XD
10. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica. If you like shoujo anime, you probably know about this one but it’s kind of a dark magical girls anime :)
9.Another. It’s a horror mystery anime....I actually kind of want to rewatch it now that I think about it XD
8. Deadman Wonderland. It’s about a boy who’s framed for the murder of his classmates and is imprisoned in a kind of Battle Royale/Hunger Games style prison. I actually named my dog after one of the characters in it, Shiro (and also for the Japanese tale about the dog of the same name who lives with the elderly couple). 
7. Digimon. Back when it was Pokemon vs. Digimon, I may have loved my pokemon red (and blue and yellow), but in terms of anime, I always preferred Digimon. The digimon just seemed to have a lot more personality compared to pokemon. Plus I adored Kari (Hikari in Japanese).
6. Cardcaptor Sakura. After Sailor Moon had gone out of my life as a child, we would occasionally rent videos and dvds from Xtravision and there was always a CCS one. When I first saw it, I thought that maybe it was that other one I watched as a child or something. After the first time, I realised it was definitely something else but I would always pick it up anytime we rented a dvd.
5. I’m going to put Naruto here. Not because I ADORED it or anything and I definitely don’t think it’s the best but despite the fact that it must be one of the longest airing anime, it’s one of the few that I actually saw through to the end.
4.  Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I think it’s just one of those GREAT anime that should be a staple for any anime fan to watch. 
3. Full Moon wo sagashite. It’s a shorter anime about a young terminally ill girl who gains the ability to transform into a singer and fulfill her dream of being a singer. I won’t say anymore except that if you ever watch this one, make sure you have tissues.
2. Death Note. I remember being SO blown away by it when I first watched it when I was 17 - I actually convinced a LOT of people in my class to watch it XD 
1. Sailor Moon. Without question.  
Top 10 kpop artists:
10. Ladies Code
9. Sistar
8. BlackPink
7. GFriend
6. Pristin
4. F(x)
3. Twice
2. Mamamoo
Opinions about Crystal:
....I REALLY wanted to like it :( I didn’t though. It moved too fast. Sure the anime had a bit too much filler but taking away ALL the filler and just plowing through plot full speed ahead was far too far in the other direction. Personally for me, characters come first and the plot comes second. It’s not that the plot is unimportant but you have to give me reasons to care about the characters - reasons that don’t hinge on things I know about them from other adaptations. Plus I’m not a massive fan of SenShi. I’ll take some VenusXKunzite but other than that, I’m not interested in pairing up all 4 girls with all 4 guys. Like you’re telling me that 2 of them didn’t like the one person? Or everyone was liked by SOMEONE? 8 people are not just gonna pair off that simply. I watched the first season and could feel my interest going away episode by episode. I watched the first episode or two of R and while that was a LITTLE better, that was because I was already predisposed to adoring my lost little baby Chibiusa. 
All that said, I did watch S and enjoyed it a bit. It’s still far too fast paced. Breathing every now and again isn’t bad but they just don’t seem keen on doing that. But I did like it a bit more and will check out at least the first couple of episodes of SuperS. I know also that there’s been a lot of discussion about the animation quality and even though I lack any kind of artistic talents, I can see that the animation hasn’t been great. And it DID get better for S. But honestly, I don’t care. I would take stick figures. All that’s important is that I’m given a reason to love these characters. 
Kpop in general? That’s so vague XD You want my general opinion on an ENTIRE music industry? :P 
Okay well I like kpop. We’ve established that much XD And I’m sure you could tell from my top 10, it’s the girl groups I’m here for. There weren’t any really when I first started listening to kpop that I knew of and I am 10000000% here for girls being friends (or more than friends. lbr, there have to be SOME lesbian kpop idols. There are literally hundreds of female idols) and loving and supporting one another. The thing that really appealed to me and why I can’t tell you exactly when I started listening to kpop was the reality shows. I mean Western artists don’t really have reality shows AND variety shows AND modelling gigs AND mc careers AND acting careers. Kpop idols just seemed to be able to do everything!! The one I spent the first six months or so watching over and over again was Hello Baby. I was completely enamored with it :) Only after I finished watching it did I start to wonder ‘hey, I wonder if they’ve done anything recently...and I googled and found out I missed the debut of their first (and only official) subunit. All because I was watching a show that they’d filmed years ago that I could’ve watched anytime....
And lol. For most people, if they have a number at the end of their username, it’s related to their date of birth. For me, it’s ‘89, as in ‘1989′, the year my bias Tiffany Young Hwang was born. My original tumblr username was ‘SailorMushroom89′, ‘Mushroom’ being a reference to ‘brighter than Mushrooms’, Tiffany’s -butchered- intro when she first debuted. (I don’t know if you’re a Sone but it was back before Tiffany’s Korean was fluent and she was SUPPOSED to introduce herself as ‘brighter than Jewels, Tiffany’ but mispronounced jewels and introduced herself as ‘brighter than Mushrooms, Tiffany’). 
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oblivion-time · 7 years
Card Captor Sakura AU
Happy birthday @mrsashketchum! I hope you've a wonderful day with lots of cake and happiness! Hope you enjoy this thingy I wrote for you.
In which Soul returns to Death City unannounced and Tsubaki has made a movie of Maka's growth as the cardcaptor of the Maka cards.
"How could you be so darn stupid!" Soul laughed loudly as he leaned backward on the chair inside of Tsubaki's secret cinema, balancing on the hind legs. He munched with his mouth open on some popcorn from the bowl resting in his lap. "Everybody knows light is the only way to beat shadow!" he snorted loudly as he shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth. "Geez, how the heck did you even manage to capture all the cards?"
"I was just starting out." Maka mumbled under her breath, hot flush dusting her cheeks.
"It's common logic! How else did you fight the darkness when you were younger? With water?"
"You're the one talking. How many cards did you even capture, huh?" she growled under her breath, fists bawling the hem of her skirt.
His laughter came to an abrupt ending, heat visibly spreading on his cheeks.
Throughout her journey as the cardcaptor, Soul had been more of a partner than a rival and they both knew it. Only in the beginning, he had been her rival, but even then, he was always helping her out and teaching her how to capture the cards. The barely handful of cards he acquired, he didn't explicitly say it, but it was apparent to her in their later stage of their unofficial "partnership" that he didn't even want the cards. It wasn't until she was close to the end of her card-capturing journey when he revealed, he wasn't that interested in being a cardcaptor. He preferred playing on his piano than putting his life on the line to capture some cards he knew his brother could do better, but it was his turn to make a name in the Evans family and preserve their family heritage.
Looking back from the moment she opened the curious book in their basement to now, she was surprised how much she had grown. Not only had she discovered the courage she never even imagined she possessed, but she became more daring and independent. She made so many new friends and deepened the bounds she already had.
She was so lucky to have met Soul and Liz, laughed even at the memory of Liz's storming inside of Soul's apartment, bag dropping to the floor and a wide grin on her face at the view of her in Soul's clothes due to her own getting soaking wet after falling into the lake. Then she spoke those words that kept on ringing in her mind over and over again like a broken record "well, well, I think I can drop the act of being your fiancée, can I?"
Liz had explained in detail (oh how she hated those details thinking back at them) how back at home in New York, Soul was very popular with the girls. Letters had flooded his family's mailbox, the doorbell rang every day with girls wishing to see him. Soul had been driving himself insane until one day, Liz stormed inside of his room, thrusting a golden band in his face. She had pretended to be engaged with him to chase away the girls and give him some peace of mind. That was what friends were for, Liz had explained.
"This is one of my favourite one out of them all."
Maka lifted her gaze back toward the screen, instantly a blush blossomed on her cheeks. On the screen was her latest "fight". Her classmate, Hiro, who had turned out to be the reincarnation of Lord Death, cast a spell on the sky, forcing every nonmagical human to fall asleep. Her brother Black*Star had fallen asleep and so did Tsubaki, but she didn't think her camera had actually managed to catch any footage of the fight.
She saw herself on the screen, the new staff in her hand after absorbing Blair and Kid, light surrounding her. Soul stumbled toward her, supporting himself on his sword before he crashed into her, hands clasping her staff. The angle was of their backs and she couldn't see his lips caressing the shell of her ear as he whispered words of encouragement in her ear. The cards floating in the air was consumed by light and officially turned into Maka cards.
The scene kept on playing on the screen, Maka transfixed as she kept on watching it, Soul equally speechless beside her. The dark sky ceased to exist when the light card was activated and the spell was broken. Quickly after that, the screen turned black and the mini cinema was once again dark.
Only a minute or two of more footage, footage she knew Tsubaki had to have but cut out from the mini movie to spare her. Soul had desperately been reaching out for her, stopping her from going after Hiro. His grip on her was frantic, nails digging into her flesh as if she would disappear if he let go. His mouth opened and closed before he burst, "I like you!" he screamed at her.
"Soul, if you could, I think it would be great if you played the piano so I could use it for the final scene." Tsubaki spoke as she had turn on the lights.
Maka didn't dare to looks. Confusion still clouded her mind when it came to Soul. How couldn't she have seen the signs? She… he always teased her about her lack of bosom and her fat ankles and her interest in books and school― and he like-liked her? Well, she had noticed his scold that seemed to be permanently glued onto his face from time to time, now when she thought about it, it always seemed to appear when Hiro was present.
No… it couldn't be.
He- he really genuinely liked her?
She had to admit, when she saw him, she did grow warm and her palms grew sweaty. When he gave her his rare and special smiles, showing off his teeth, it did something with her. It was as if a flock of butterflies hatched from their cocoons and flew around in her belly. When he returned to New York, she missed him. The teddy bear he had given her offered her some comfort, smelling his scent still lingering on the bear had reminded her how… how real they were. She didn't appreciate the friendship they had until he returned home. The cards were all captured and turned into Maka cards, there was no longer a reason for him to stay in Death City. There was no reason for them to see each other ever again.
But he had returned!
He just popped up in front of her out of the blue!
Soul always admired her courage, but she didn't have enough to confess to him before he left, now, she couldn't afford to cower away. This heart-racing and body-heating and stomach-fluttering feeling couldn't go on without being voice. At least once.
Who knew if he even were to ever return again.
"Uh," Soul smacked his tongue against his gum, a habit she had discovered when he was trying to think of what to say. "Um, okay? I guess."
"Great." A wide smile spread on Tsubaki's face. "I'll make all the arrangements. You can play your piece tomorrow! I want you both to see the finished version before Soul returns home."
"Yeah…" Maka sighed, standing up from her seat. "I need to go home. It's soon dinner time and I promised Black*Star I would help out."
"I'll come with you." Soul said, standing up from his chair suddenly. Maka's eyes widened at the fast gesture. "Um, I mean, Wes's probably waiting for my anyway so."
"Oh, okay." Tsubaki nodded understandingly. "I'll call you tomorrow, Soul."
"Cool." Tsubaki followed them to the door and they said their goodbyes before they started heading home. Maka's eyes fluttered with confusion when he started heading in the same direction as her. He read her mind at once and murmured he could walk her home.
Her cheeks heated at his shoulder bumping into hers. She hadn't yet given him an answer. This was her chance. This was a golden opportunity for her to confess his importance in her life and how much she enjoyed his presence, even missed and craved for it as if he was her favourite book she just couldn't get enough of. She… she treasured him so much.
They went in silent. They neared her home too close for comfort. Her throat ran dry as they went through the penguin park.
She had to tell him.
"S-Soul." she stuttered as she came to a stop in front of the penguin king. He halted and faced her, hands still shoved in his pockets. Silence hung heavy between them as he gave her his full attention. "I… I… There is something I…"
"Yeah…?" he encouraged her, taking a step closer to her.
It was as if her vocal cords tied knots and the words refused to leave her mouth. What would she even say? What were words again?
"Soul…" she wet her lips. She just had to say something― anything! "… I missed you." she mentally facepalmed. Out of all the things she could've said, she said that.
His facade of apathy slowly melted away and a soft smile played on his lips. "I missed you too."
"It was… a while since I saw you last."
"Yeah… a couple of weeks." Silence fell between them. "How was your summer?" he asked eventually.
"Good. No card trouble at all."
"That's good."
"How was your summer?"
"Good. It was nice to see my parents again."
"Good… very good." Maka said, nervously fiddling with the hem of her skirt. She should just say it. She needed to just say it! She knew before summer arrived, Soul felt the same way, maybe even feel the same way. Deep down within him, there was a part that genuinely cared about her. Showing him her feelings wouldn't hurt her. Soul cared about her.
"Um…" Soul avoided her gaze, scratching the back of his neck.
"I… I know I haven't replied to you…" she started saying, his eyes widened and he faced her. Thankfully he stayed quiet and let her speak. "I should've told you before you left…" she swallowed nervously. "I… you're really special to me too. Y-you're my number one person―" she gasped loudly when he crashed into her, arms wrapping around her shoulders and face buried in her neck.
"Thank you." he whispered. She could swear she could feel his heart hammering against her chest. "I like you so much."
A large smile grew on her face and she beamed happily, her arms snaked around his waist and embraced him tightly. "I like you too." She couldn't help but take in his spicy and leathery scent. "I like you so much."
They clutched onto each other, enjoying the special moment of mutual bliss before the inevitable separation would come to tear them apart once again. For now, only they existed, only them and no one else. Their problems didn't exist, only them and their love was present as they hugged in front of penguin king.
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lyssantia · 6 years
Cardcaptor Sakura Fic
It’s late. I know I should be heading back inside, but the night is pleasant and enticing. I have moved to the roof of our building. The one which we moved into just a few weeks ago. No one else is out at this hour and even if they are, my illusions will make sure no one sees me.
I don’t want to be seen. I’m tired, more so than usual, but I need fresh air. And I need to think.
Lately, I’m wondering about my existence. Why am I still here? My originally intended purpose is completed. I am no longer a Guardian for the keeper of the Clow Cards. In fact, the Clow Cards themselves are no longer.
They have all been changed in to Sakura Cards instead. And she has become so strong, that she no longer needs me.
By all intends and purposes, I shouldn’t be here. So then, why am I?
Don’t get me wrong. I do not wish to die. Not anymore. There was a time where death would have been a relieve to me.
In fact, I wanted nothing more than that.
The sweet forgetfulness, stillness and emptiness of death, would have been a blessing. It was easier than existing in any case, after what he did to us.
To me...
But that was all changed, when she defeated me and named me her friend. When he realized the truth and accepted it for what it was. When he gave up everything, for us.
In all honesty, I know he did that because of him. My false form. Yukito. He wanted him to live, and seeing as Yukito cannot live if I die, as things are now, he gave me every last drop of his magic, so that I could sustain us indefinitely.
I promised to take care of his sister, as well as myself, in return for it, and I have.
But now she, my Mistress, doesn’t need me anymore. Her own powers have become far greater than they were back then, but I guess that was to be expected.
After all, everything which she went through at that time, was to ensure that that would happen.
And I am left like this, unsure of what to do with myself. I cannot live, without a purpose. So then, does this mean I am going to die?
She is getting married this summer. To him. The other cardcaptor. They are a good match. He too, has magic. He will be able to protect her well, in my place.
But what about me?
Originally, I was created as a companion.
Then, my existence was changed to that of a Guardian.
And then I became a friend.
He thought I would have become something more. But he didn’t know everything. My heart didn’t choose as he’d expected it to.
To begin with, I was confused about my true feelings. I didn’t want to acknowledge that I could feel like that about anyone other than him.
But first, Yukitos’ heart chose him. And then, with time, mine followed.
I never felt like that about my Mistress. I never felt for her, anything but friendship, though my promise to Toya forced me to get as close to her as possible. To protect her.
But through the past years, I have started feeling that way, for him. I know that he can never return those feelings, because his heart belongs only to Yukito.
But I cannot change my own emotions, however unrequited they are.
And after all, it’s not like I haven’t tried this before. He never returned them either, my creator.
But to experience exactly that, yet again…
I sigh heavily.
A warm breeze caresses my skin and plays with my hair. I like it.
The wind is one of my elements, alongside water. Both have the ability to comfort and calm me.
Already, I can feel my head clearing somewhat, the dark thoughts growing less dim.
I lift my head and look at the stars. Though we are in the city, they are bright and as beautiful as ever.
There is barely a moon tonight. That, in part, is why I’m so tired. My phase will be upon me again in just a few days. The one where I will be at my very weakest.
I will need a Master then. And yet, I have none. Not really. Not anymore.
Anyways, there is only one I can accept as such, now that my feelings are, the way they are. Only one, whom I will acknowledge.
I’m never going to Judge again. That part of my existence is over.
But if I tell him the truth, how will he react? He’s getting some magic back, slowly, but steadily.
Not that he would need it to become my Master. With what he has given me, I can form the contract utilizing my own magic, without him having to use any.
But will he accept it?
What if he won’t?
I got through my phases before, without Clow being present, usually because Cerberus was there to keep me company, even as it wasn’t in the way I truly desired, but he was there at least. I guess I would have to ask him for aid once more, if Toya says no…
 But if I can accept that, then why am I so anxious?
 “Oi, Guardian… You up here?!?”.
His voice.
I rise and turn around to look in the direction from which it’s coming.
He is there, standing near the door leading from the staircase on to the rooftop. And he is calling for me.
 Not for Yukito. But for me. I let fly my illusion. There is no one else to see us anyways. And he looks at me, and smiles.
“So, this IS where you ran off to” he says, as he is approaching me. “I figured that would be the case”. I remain where I am, silent and unmoving, arms down along my sides as I look at him.
He has reached me now. His eyes are locked on mine. I feel myself shiver under that gaze, which I have grown to love so, but I attempt not to show him.
“Toya” I say “were you looking for me?”. He nods. “I was” he replies. “Has something happened?” I ask. He shakes his head. “No… But the apartment was getting kind of lonely. Yukito told me he was going out for a bit, but he doesn’t normally want to leave in the middle of the night, so I figured it might have been you talking instead of him” he says.
I sigh. It isn’t me he is looking for after all. What am I thinking… “My apologies, Toya” I say, face as perfect a mask as ever. “I needed some air. But I will return him to you now”. I stretch my wings out behind me, preparing for the transformation, but a hand on my arm stops me.
I raise an eyebrow and look at him. “Toya?” I say questioningly.
He sends me a smile. One of those that can instantly make my stomach flutter and my heart beat faster.
“Why don’t you… stick around for a bit?” he asks and my breath catches in my throat, making my head feel oddly light.
“Did you not come here for Yukito?” I ask, when I can form a sentence again, though my heart is hammering fearfully in my chest. “If I say no” he says mysteriously “what will you do?”.
 I swallow heavily, as he steps impossibly close to me, our faces mere inches apart now, but I do not speak.
He moves his arms and slowly, places them around my waist. And then… his warm lips lock with mine…
Tonight, I swear, I will talk to him. About everything…
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