#i like his redesign better pfft
lemomix · 5 months
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i honestly feel like i did henry so dirty w/ his first appearence ×_×
also he kindaaa looked bald so thats why he has a hair thing now lol
hope you like him better now >:33
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abhainnwhump · 1 year
I'll Make You Mine Masterlist
Read on Wattpad and AO3
NIGHTMARE is a sadistic bastard, that's just a fact. His goal is to corrupt Dream's soul and prevent the Doodlesphere from feeling positive emotions ever again. He has a new plan to do it. His brother is smart enough to know his games, but one of his friends isn't.
INK doesn't know what to think of the letter on his nightstand. It only added onto the strange missing things and nightmares he's been having. Was Nightmare asking him on a date? Pfft, that was ridiculous, there was no way- wait. When did he get so pretty? When did Nightmare get so perfect?
DREAM has the hope of the entire multiverse in his hands. With their best friend and Protector of the Doodlesphere missing, they have to do both Ink's job and their own, along with making sure no one else goes missing. He's stressed and exhausted, but he can't rest now. Come on Dream, stay . . . awake . . .
Content warnings:
- Abusive Inkmare
- Gore
- Graphic body horror
- Medical experimentation without anesthesia; we die like half the characters in this story.
- Physical and psychological torture
- Traumatic events
- HEAVY brainwashing/conditioning
- Stockholm Syndrome/Lima Syndrome
- Dehumanization/objectification
- Major character deaths
- Specific warnings I will put on the chapters that need them.
1. Sadistic Experiment: Nightmare
2. High on Sweetness: Ink
3. The Puppeteer's Warning: Nightmare
4. Nightmares Don't Mean Anything: Ink
5. Last Minute Preparations: Nightmare
6. Let's Get This Over With: Ink
7. Should've Could've Would've: Dream
8. Lure into the Darkness: Nightmare
9. True Colors . . . Or Lack Of: Ink
10. Every Action has Consequence: Dream
11. Perfect Backup: Nightmare
12. Make Me Your Masterpiece: Ink
13. Killer's Twisted Surprise: Dream
14. Behavior Modification: Nightmare
15. Toys Don't Talk: Ink
16. Candy Corruption: Dream
17. The Battle for Birdtale: Nightmare
18. Guardian of Nothing: Ribbon
19. Rainbows Over Shadows: Dream
20. Stitch by Stitch: Nightmare
21. Welcome to the Show: Ribbon
22. Mind Sickness: Dream
23. No More Denial: Nightmare
24. A Night to Remember: Ribbon
25. The Final Star Sans Standing: Dream
26. Backstabbing Crash: Nightmare
27. I Can Fix Him: Ribbon
28. New Ally New Plan: Dream
29. For Our Future: Nightmare
30. Captive to Queen: Ribbon
31. Into the Castle of Night: Dream
32. Restore the Balance: Nightmare
33. Better Late than Never: Ribbon
34. A Darker Lie: Dream
35. Heart Made of Lead: Nightmare
36. Pastel Redesign: Ribbon
37. Nightmare's Labyrinth: Dream?
38: Final note
Ribbon's (Doll!Ink) Reference Sheet
Human Ribbon Reference Sketch
Ribbon Apology Doodles
Azurem's Ribbon Art
Shadorio's Ribbon Art
Azurem's Ribbon + Blossom Art
Azurem's Chapter 20 Ribbon Art
Depravitycorner's Ribbon + Blossom Art
Shadorio's "Nightmare Throwing Error off a Balcony in Chapter 24" Art
Azurem's Human Ribbon Art
Artisticauras' Ribbon Art
Artisticauras' Ribbon Profile Pic
Inkedartdragons' Ribbon and FTFO Ink Art
KK_TheAnimator's Ribbon and Nightmare Art on Twitter
Shipanhookq's 'Better than This' Oneshot
Related Asks:
Prompt: Killer wants to hang out with Cross (canon, takes place between chapters 31 and 33)
Prompt: Nightmare is a racist
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: Electric Boogaloo
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: The Empire Strikes Back
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: Ribbon officially becomes goth
Prompt: Nightmare misgenders Ink: Separate the Star Sanses
Prompt: Nightmare tortures Ink and becomes ableist
Prompt: What if Ink asked for help with the letter back in Chapter 4?
Prompt: Dream is 110% Done with Nightmare's Shenanigans.
Prompt: Nightmare Surrenders for Ribbon
Prompt: Possible Cross x Killer x Dream
Prompt: Possible Cross x Killer x Dream 2: Dream is Pissed off
Splatoon Classes
Ribbon's Favorite Song
Headcanon: Ribbon's Seasonal Outfits
Ribbon + Blossom take over Wattpad
Nightmare's Villain Song
No Hope for Ink
Ribbon's Birthday
Chapter 37's Inspiration
Clarification on Ribbon's Happiness
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Mysteries Running Deeper...
[Future Foundation Branch 14 Head Office - Several Hours Later]
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This feels...strange...This was basically my home for so long, but...having not been here in a year, it feels...weird coming back.
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Yeah. Same is true for me. I haven't been here in a long time either.
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And recently, I was worried that I might never be able to come back.
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Why not?
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Kyoko loves me dearly, but she knows to make tough calls. If I hadn't gotten out of that twisted headspace when I did, I...Well, you get the picture.
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Makoto...I know this didn't work out so well the last time but...maybe it would be best if you sought consultation with Miaya.
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I know...Maybe that would be best...still...
*He reaches out and takes her hand.
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I don't think I would have been comfy spending time in this office if you weren't here in it. Shortly after you...left...every time someone came in through the door I'd raise my head hoping it'd be you but...it was never going to be.
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I...I know I can't stop you from doing your duty, but...Please...Never do any of that again. For me, or for anyone else.
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That's not a promise I can keep...
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Well, you had fuckin' bettah...
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Ah!? K-Kuripa!?
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You're...WHAT!? You're ok!?
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*Kuripa is wheeled into the room on a chair by Uchui. His face is patched up, but his broken legs and arms are thoroughly bandaged. Uchui also has smaller bandages around his face.
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Jeez...You got that face issue fixed FAST!
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I told you guys, Uchui's tech is like magic.
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I've done operations like this on Kuripa at least a dozen times already, but I actually had surgical help from Tsumiki and Inori this time. They insisted he take pain medicine and lie down for a few hours...not sure why since he doesn't feel pain anyway...but he insisted on coming to talk to you guys.
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This is the first time he's thoroughly damaged his face, but it should be equally as persuadable. Still, it's gonna leave a nasty scar.
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I don't see a scar.
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Yeah, well, it'll take a while to form, but it'll pop up eventually. I might have to get stitches to prevent half my face falling off in the future.
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Is...that...really how that...works?
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Nah, I don't think so, but Mod Creeper was too lazy to go and add a scar to all my sprites. So hopefully it'll be on my redesign in Phase 3.
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I don't know what any of those words mean, but I'm glad you're doing better.
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So...is it really true? You really can't feel pain?
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Pfft...Check the medical records if you don't believe me. They only now just got updated to include my condition.
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Is that why you avoided getting medical help for so long? You didn't want anyone else knowing about your CIPA's?
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Pretty much...It's...pretty personal to me. I didn't tell you guys, not because I don't trust you, but because I just don't like talking about how fucked up I am in basically every way...
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How many people knew before you and Kibin told us?
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toxooz · 8 months
So uhhh...how ruthless and dark can lilac be?
me seeing the name Lilac in my ask box tbh pfft😭
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UM boi its been a minute and all my love for Lilac resurfaced i gotta draw him soon AAAA(and honestlyy redesign him a bit) but anyway I'd say Lilac is a pretty kind spirit but at the end of the day he's meant to represent the whole notion of nature, life, and the innerworkings of ecosystems and how that must stay balanced by any means necessary and, from the human perspective heavily influenced by empathy, may seem cruel and uncaring at times but it is simply his duty as a spirit of that world. Like in this world nature may seem cruel ei. a male lion killing any male lion cubs to prevent future competitors, or a mother stork throwing her own young out of the nest because it's chances of survival would be hindering to the rest, a monitor lizard biting prey and following it as it slowly dies from the infection, how typically large prey animals Will obliterate Anything that it feels threatened by, the list goes ON and on but that's simply how life works on this planet and how certain animals are designed to live and survive in their own way. Lilac may assist and can create life ( his specialty is plants, more complex organisms are a little more complicated for him) and can take life away, but he typically keeps his hands off and lets nature do it's own thing. Any territorial battles amongst harpies he *usually* stays neutral since in his eyes it is merely territorial disputes which again is natural as certain territories can cycle through with time. If there is a species that is overrunning the ecosystem Lilac will eliminate however many members of said species until it is balanced again, if there is a forest fire from a lightning bolt he will reside in that area and help the harpies rebuild and survive until it's as if it never happened that's just How He Is. So ig he can be as ruthless and dark as nature can be, in fact Valon's main resentment toward Lilac is that Lilac shows no outward remorse for how Valon got his cards dealt- Valon was the runt of the nest, as a result was bullied and singled out by his siblings(even tried to be killed by them) and was ultimately thrown out of the nest whenever difficult times arrived, but managed to survive the fall and grew up carrying that bitterness of 'why didn't you care enough to help me live you were just going to let me die a miserable death if it meant 'keeping the balance through natural selection??'. He hates that he can't get a reaction out of Lilac when it comes to that topic which ultimately leads to him only half accidentally waking up Gracrux and surprise surprise throwing off the entire ecosystem with the mass destruction from Gracrux's wrath which all that lore abt the harpies n such can be read here>> X
Even if Lilac does feel bad for Valon or any other creature that doesn't make it, the bottom line is it is what it is and there are a multitude of reasons why he cant help every single harpy out there just because he feels bad so he prefers to stay stoic and unwavering about it. However if anyone from any other world discovers the harpy portal and Lilac finds out he Will be as cruel as a territorial hippo if he must😳 so Cinder better watch his everlovin asssss lmfao
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roseyjustice · 2 years
I wanna redesign my star wars s/i so baaad ooough
Mostly to make his design look better cause I do not like his palette/outfit pfft
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eggseabutter · 3 years
sonia. So hunger for fan content about her, especially revolving around her status other than she likes the finer things in life and thinking highly of herself to a t, which is fine and dandy, but would like to seeing another angle and would like to hear your take on her.
First of, I’m using my own Sonia redesign as reference to these headcannons.
-They’re not triplets. Sonia and Manic are twins while Sonic is younger for five years.
-Sonia was raised with her mother, Queen Aleena. She was incredibly strict with her, making her practice to late hours her ballet and literature classes, this to being the future Queen of their realm (which name I still have not decided hehe). Aleena was very disappointed in Manic for very stupid reasons, they got easily punished but it wasn’t better for her bc she had to be the perfect sister all the time.
With time, she started being a little bitter towards her mother, to the point she and Manic left the castle to go look for Sonic (who was w Uncle Chuck (that’s another story)). However the more they saw of the world,the more they were interested in having adventures, they never stopped looking for Sonic but it wasn’t their priority.
-They started a band, a little one but they enjoyed every moment of it.
-Sonia did get into fights from time to time and her fighting style was based of her ballet(inspired movements by Spider Gwen in spider verse).
-She can play the electrical piano but also guitar.
-She has a few tattoos hehe.
-She is hyper romantic and asexual.
-She has encounter various of Sonic’s friends through her travels; Mighty and Ray, for example. She never asked about him so she never knew.
-She and Manic live in the van, sometimes they fight each other. Manic has a few scars of Sonia’s scratches, Sonia too.
-She is not opposed to crime pfft
Her relationship with Sonic:
Once they do find Sonic, she isn’t instantly fond of him. She is glad they found him, sure. But she just doesn’t know how to be his sister. Sonic follows her from behind like a baby duck but VERY VERY subtly, is confused about it too bc he had grown used to calling both Knuckles and Tails his siblings.
Sonia and Knuckles have a confrontation about that actually.
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jesbakescookies · 7 years
Too Hot To Handle: Chapter Two
So I kinda wrote a different kind of fanfiction. It’s nothing as in depth as my other fics so I am going to post it here. ENJOY!!
                  ***Actor, Real Person Fanfiction, Walking Dead RPF***
Featuring: Jeffrey Dean Morgan X Original Female Character, Norman Reedus and others..
Rating: Mature
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Chapter Two
Aria closed the restaurant but stayed to plan the new spring menu. Every season she rotated out specific meals for seasonally available produce and proteins. It was something she felt strongly about and one of the biggest draws to her dining room. 
Using the largest table, Aria spread out all her concept platting drawings as well as recipes and item descriptions. She even produced a few of the experimental dishes to taste as she worked. The restaurant’s lights were all dimmed and she turned the radio on low over the speakers. She was moving a few ideas from the maybe pile to the definite pile when a knock rattled the front door. Squinting, Aria could see someone in the large glass pane but not who. Pursing her lips, she weighed her options, the restaurant wasn't in a bad area of town but psychos lived in every zip code. 
Another knock came spurring her into action. Holding her cellphone just in case, Aria approached the door to finally see who was pounding. 
Jeffrey stood there with an apologetic expression and slightly embarrassed smile.
Smirking inwardly, Aria deadpanned, "Sorry we're closed."
Watching him pout obnoxiously and fold his hands in prayer had Aria laughing loudly and unlocking the door. "Okay what'd you forget a wallet or cellphone? Because if it's either, they’re long fucking gone."
Snorting, Jeffrey shook his head and replied, "My hat. Black with white logo?"
"Fuck if I know. Come with me." She answered, locking the door behind them and leading them to the office. Aria could feel him following her, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end. She bit her lip to keep from blurting out something inappropriate about the amazing fucking scent coming off of him. A mix of expensive cologne, leather and smoke. The man looked like sex on a stick in his worn t-shirt and low riding jeans. 
"What're you doing here so late?" his voice rough and low behind her made Aria swallow thickly. 
"I'm the lost and found guard." She quipped, pulling out the box used as the catch all of forgotten items. Smirking at her with sparkling eyes Jeffrey drawled, "Don't guards usually wear uniforms?"
"It's under my clothes, like a super hero."
"Oh yeah?" He rasped, his hooded eyes trailing down her body and back to her face. "I'd uh... like to see that."
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Snorting, Aria shook the box and replied, "I can't go showing just anybody."
"I am definitely not just anybody." He drawled, glancing at the box before turning his attention back to her. "Nope, no hat."
"Well, sorry to inform you. If anyone saw you wearing it and found it, it's probably on eBay with an authentic famous actor sweat certificate."
Bellowing with laughter, Jeffrey gave her a blinding grin. "I like you doll. You are a fucking riot."
Dropping the box and dusting her hands off on her hips, she replied, "you hungry?"
"I can always eat."
"Hollow leg?"
"Bottomless fucking pit." 
They wandered into the dining room where her table was still in the depth of planning. 
"What's all this?"
"I'm redesign the new spring menu." She replied pointing out each area of the table. "I use seasonal products so every few months I revamp things. I have my standards but I try to have a handful or two of seasonally designed dishes."
Jeffrey seemed enthralled as she showed off the plating sketches and the pictures of her sample dishes. She let him try the few meals and appetizers she had in the concept phase. 
"You're fucking amazing." He commented, shaking his head while chewing and looking at the sketch. "And I don't just mean the goddamn delicious circus in my mouth. Just the conception, the thought you put into everything... I'm fucking blown away."
Aria felt her cheeks turn rosy and laughed anxiously. "Umm... Thanks?"
"I mean it. I feel like a dick for not even knowing or thinking about what kind of work goes into this."
"Well to be honest, I probably go above and beyond. I'm not sure many others go this fucking crazy. I just..."
"Love it?"
"I fucking love it." She corrected, her cheeks hurting from the size of her grin. "As hard as it is. As much pain and stress it causes. I love it. I wouldn't do anything else."
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Jeffrey smiled at her and bobbed his head, "that's the way it should be."
"Do you feel that way? About acting?"
"Most days yeah." He answered with a chuckle, "there's always times where you question yourself."
"Very true." She agreed, sipping the wine she'd left breathing. 
"I have a confession." His voice was softer and a little gruff as though unsure of how she would take his next words. 
Cocking an eyebrow she asked, "You hate the lamb huh? I'm not sure about it either."
"Jesus woman, the lamb is ri-goddam-diculous." He exclaimed, throwing a fed up hand in the air.  
"Okay, okay." She giggled, plopping down in one of the chairs. Jeffrey joined her and motioned for the wine bottle. After pouring himself some and sipping it, he confessed, "I didn't forget a hat."
Furrowing her brow she asked, "What'd you forget?"
"Nothing.. I..." he paused, scrubbing his face with an embarrassed smile.  "I had a feeling you'd be here late with just coming back from vacation and all..."
"Okay I'm officially pathetic."
Chuckling, he shook his head. "No you love you job."
Rolling her eyes, Aria motioned for him to continue, "Okay so you came to see me and not find an imaginary hat."
"Yes. I... look I don't really do this shit. At least not recently... and even then it was not frequent."
"Spit it out."
"I'd like to take you out some time.” The dark haired man explained, leaning towards her. “I'd say to dinner but I think I should take you somewhere non workplace like."
Aria’s eyebrows raised to her hairline and she felt her cheeks flush again. "Um."
"I mean if you're not available or whatever.... I asked our waitress and she said you weren't seeing anyone or at least she hadn't seen you dating anyone."
"Oh my god. Was it Cheryl? I'm canning her ass."
"No don't do that. I was persuasive." He drawled, flashing his dimples. The salt and pepper scruff that covered his handsome face only added to his appealing grin. Aria could feel herself melting under his gaze, his lip bitten as he suppressed a smug grin. 
"You do seem like the persuasive type."
"I've been known to get my way, yes." 
"Pfft." She snorted, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. "I've been known to be pretty fucking stubborn."
"Seems about right. Most successful people are."
"Suck up."
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"I'm trying to get a date here." He retorted, sipping his wine and winking at her. Aria bit her lip to contain the smile pulling at her lips. 
"Well... on this hypothetical non workplace like date, where would we go?"
"Jeesh put a fella on the spot."
"Said fella should come prepared for such inquiries."
"High standards. I like it." He commented, licking his lip before biting it in thought. "Alright. I got an idea. Do you like to ride?"
"Depends on what I'm riding?" She flirted, licking her own lip coyly.  
"Fuck doll." He grunted, his teeth flashing "you're making it real hard to be a gentleman."
"I bet I am." She joked, drinking another gulp of liquid courage. Aria wasn't sure how the conversation was actually happening but a famous and handsome as fuck actor was asking her on a date. She was hoping she wasn't actually having a stroke or some other kind of hallucination causing neurological event. 
"Stop, tease." Jeffrey rasped, shaking his head as if ashamed but grinning just the same. "Motorcycles."
"I’ve only been on one once and it was some crotch rocket which was uncomfortable and frightening."
"Well, I won't put you on my Honda. We'll ride my Harley. Much comfier and smoother ride."
"So we ride somewhere?"
"Damn. You need a play by play. What about the element of surprise, babydoll?"
"I'm kind of a planner." She replied, waving a hand over the table as if a game show host. Jeffrey smirked and answered, "We'll go somewhere fun. You'll love it. Wear jeans and comfy shoes."
Aria chewed her lip in thought and asked, "When?"
"When are you available? I know you work everyday, all day but you gotta have a day off."
Pulling out her phone, she flipped through her schedule and said, "Is a weekday okay?"
"Any day, anytime darlin'."
Smiling crookedly she asked, "You sure you don't do this all the time? Sound a little too smooth."
"Okay. If you say so Don Juan." She remarked, dodging his playful smack to her shoulder. Laughing she offered, "How about Thursday? I have both my sous-chefs on. My produce comes in the morning so I can check it and leave after."
"It works for me, if it works for you."
Setting it up on her calendar quickly she asked "what time?"
"How about we say three and go from there?"
"Sounds good. That'll give me time to get everyone on the same page."
Jeffrey smiled and nodded happily. "Good. I'm glad I lied and came back."
"You didn't have to lie."
"It was that or, hey let me in, I wanna make an ass out of myself. I figured it was better to tell a little teeny tiny white lie."
"Well I'm usually against lying but I guess I'll forgive you this time seeing as it got me a date."
"Never again." He offered, giving her the boy scouts sign. "Scouts honor."
Rolling her eyes, Aria yawned suddenly and blinked hard. "Okay exhaustion has hit me and I don't think I'm getting anything else done tonight."
"I'm sorry I interrupted."
"I'm not." She replied, smiling at him. "Best brainstorming session yet."
Grinning at her, Jeffrey stood up and opened his arms offering a hug. Aria smirked and gave him one, forcing herself to not inhale deeply. He was so much taller than her, her head barely reached his shoulder. The length of his arms could circle her twice if he tried hard enough. 
"You're so damn tiny." He muttered, pulling back to flash her his dimples. 
"I think it's you, who's the giant."
"Nope. You're elfin like."
"Fuck off. Am not." She scoffed, walking with him to the front door. "I'm perfectly average."
"Doll, you are any-fucking-thing but average." He rasped, leaning forward to kiss her temple. The rough crackle of his words murmured into her ear, "Lookin' forward to taking you out beautiful."
"I'm looking forward to it too." She replied, holding her hand out. "Let me see your phone."
Placing her number in his phone, she sent herself a text and handed it back. "There's my number. No more wild goose chases."
Laughing gruffly, Jeffrey agreed bashfully, “No more lies. You will need to show me you're super hero outfit though."
"That's more of a third date event."
"Well fuck. I better start planning number two." He joked, stuffing his hands in his pockets. 
"Probably a good idea." She replied, with a flirty smile. "Goodnight Jeffrey."
"Goodnight Sweetheart."
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Find Chapter Three here:
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged for updates. I'll try my best to remember!
@magikat409 @cadeviolet @aforrester77422 @bethcarli @redwineandmanhattans @thamberlina @star017 @bec-brained-blarg @yellatthetopofyourlungs @blackmother77 @lascitateognesperanza @adriannawiggins @jdm-negan-mcnaughty @negans-network @negansmutweek @cltex84 @audreychaz @wolfhart18 @ruggedasfuck @
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