#i like how he gets his swag back only to be sent to super hell
menacingfag · 11 months
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moririki · 3 years
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the class representative finds an unlikely partner in the resident punk of 1-a
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REQUEST -> anon: is it okay if i suggest something for tenya iida with a rebellious s/o? not like mean rebellious, just kinda abides by their own rules in a kinda punk rock sort of way while still being friendly and stuff even if they tease tenya a little bit and think he's cute. i apologise if this breaks any rules, i wasn't able to find any
CONTAINS -> light teasing, less light flirting, reader being cool and swag and self assured, tenya kind of being an easily flustered mess, swearing bc i do it too much
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> ummm hey!!! i'm so sorry for how long you had to wait for this shit but thank you so much for your patience anon! this was a very fun request, and though i'm not super punk, i hope i still did what you wanted justice <3 and as for the rules thing, i purposefully haven't set any so i'll just try to address requests on an individual basis. hope that that clears things up :)
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-> right ok i have taken the executive decision of making this a drabble
-> idk what they're called the bullet point fucks i like em sorry if you don't anon
-> ok so
-> you (reader) and tenya
-> definitely opposite ends of the people scale i won't lie
-> he's very rule-abiding and uptight (except when he uh went to kill stain but let’s look past that for the sake of this)
-> you are pretty much the exact opposite
-> you couldn't give a fuck about rules, especially stupid ones
-> and though this fact may make you seem off-putting, your friendly smile and disposition cancelled that out completely
-> you were so kind and a well-loved member of class 1-a, and you got along with everyone
-> well, almost everyone
-> ever since iida had screeched at you on the first day for chewing gum in class and resting your big chunky skull-crushing boots on your desk, you had made it your life mission to torment this poor class representative
-> out of affection, of course
-> you just found it so amusing when his face would get aggressively red, and he started to stumble over his words and increase his erratic arm gestures as he got more flustered
-> hell, maybe you even found it kind of cute
-> i mean, you definitely enjoyed looking at his face as a blush spread across his cheeks
-> "y/n, a leather jacket is not part of the standard school uniform. where is your blazer?"
-> "aww, iida, but this is so much comfier. besides, i look way better in this"
-> you grinned to yourself as the tips of his ears turned red, his chest inflating as he prepared to lecture you for the thousandth time. you rested an elbow on your desk, propping your chin on your hand. you wanted to get comfortable for this one
-> "y/n, we are privileged enough to be chosen to study at ua. it is only right that we show respect for our teachers and seniors and wear the school uniform as intended”
-> he had sent his right arm sailing firmly downwards in a chopping motion, and you grinned, your nimble fingers latching onto it and completely ceasing all of his motions
-> “iida, i can respect my seniors and wear my own jacket indoors. you should try and loosen up a little.” your hand slipped to the knot of his tie, tugging on it a little to make it look messy
-> you then let go of his arm, but iida remained frozen for a few seconds. you laid back in your seat, smiling as the kinda cute boy started to turn a furious pink colour
-> he didn’t even manage to get a coherent sentence out, only muttering something vague about how “irresponsible” you were and that this was “highly inappropriate”
-> he stalked off, and you laughed to yourself a little before resituating your feet on the desk in front of you
-> that was the kind of dynamic that you and iida had, him trying to reprimand you for breaking a rule and you teasing him mercilessly
-> tsu had pointed out that he didn’t treat anyone else like that, and though you had scoffed at her suggestions that the tall class representative may have a thing for you, you couldn’t help but hope that what she said was true
-> and so, you proceeded with caution now when it came to iida
-> you, who was usually so cool and calm and in control of situations, found yourself screaming internally at a throwaway comment from a mutual friend
-> you never showed it on the outside, though
-> as far as everyone else knew, iida was still the easily flustered one. it had become a pretty standard sight to see him red and stumbling over words before aizawa started classes
-> you weren’t particularly sure on whether there was a specific way to go about this, though. on the inside, you were panicking majorly and now painfully aware of how you behaved
-> this feeling really pestered you, and to be honest, you didn’t like it
-> you thought that you would have a better grip on your feelings than this
-> but here you were, y/n y/l/n, getting nervous over a boy
-> it took you a few months to truly figure out how you felt
-> but when your feelings for him were doing the exact opposite of fading away, but rather only increasing in intensity, you realised that you would probably have to do something about it
-> you had never been the sort of person to sit around and wait for someone to make the first move, anyway. fuck having to do things by the book, right?
-> the romantic aspect of your confession had kind of been overlooked by you
-> instead, you had opted to grab tenya’s hand and drag him to a semi-secluded alcove outside of the school
-> his back was against the wall, eyes wide and face flushed as you stood in front of him, unsure of what to say
-> you should have rehearsed this
-> “y/n, i-” you placed a hand over tenya’s mouth, and his eyes were almost comically wide
-> “sorry tenya, it’s just that if you talk i don’t know if i’ll ever be able to say this”
-> you were aware of the look he was giving you. it was one of intense scrutiny, and you took a deep breath for courage. and maybe a little bit of luck
-> “the truth is, tenya, that i’ve liked you for a while now. i don’t know if you feel the same, but i just wanted you to know” you let your hand fall from his mouth, and you could see that tenya was effectively frozen in place
-> “and if you wanted to, maybe we could go out some time?”
-> he didn’t respond, not for a good few seconds, but you saw him give you the slightest nod
-> a wide grin broke across your face. “c’mon, class rep, use your words”
-> tenya adjusted his glasses, trying not to stutter
-> “y/n... i would like that very much”
-> you were about to tease him for the lack of hand gestures and monologue, until you were just about proved wrong
-> “but y/n! what were you thinking to drag me here in front of all of our classmates? what if somebody saw! and being so close on school grounds! this is highly inappro-”
-> you giggled, giving him a quick hug before slipping back out to join the rest of 1-a heading back to the dorms
-> and that was history
-> you and tenya went on a pleasant first date to a cafe somewhere halfway between your houses
-> it went very well, to say the least
-> iida was, as expected an absolute gentleman (even though he was a tad awkward at times)
-> as it turned out, not being in a school environment really helped him loosen up
-> though he was still as uptight as always
-> you two shared drinks over some discussions about your interests and lives outside of school
-> and really, things just got better and better from that point onwards
-> who knew that the cutest couple of class 1-a was one that were in a relationship right under their noses?
-> the only person that knew was tsuyu, as you felt that it was only fair to tell her since she had helped the two of you get together
-> but tsuyu wasn’t exactly one to gossip freely, so word didn’t get around
-> it just never came up
-> tenya didn’t think that pda was something to partake in at school, and you respected his wishes
-> but that didn't mean that you didn't like to push your luck
-> though the two of you lived in pretty much opposite directions, iida would walk you home, and you'd repay him with a swift kiss to the cheek
-> but one day, you simply didn't want to wait
-> the two of you had just left the school, with a few stragglers behind you as well as midoriya and uraraka tagging along with you. you felt kind of bad not telling your friends, but it just never came up
-> well, you could change that
-> just before you all went on your separate ways, you slipped your hand into tenya’s tugging on him a little so that you could reach his cheek
-> you pressed your lips against it, only briefly
-> it was still enough for tenya to let out the slightest squeak, and for midoriya and uraraka to stare with wide eyes
-> “y/l/n.... have you finally made a move on iida?”
-> “we’re dating, midoriya.” you couldn’t help but laugh at the green-haired boy’s face when iida said that
-> uraraka clapped her hands together, sqealing
-> “about time! congratulations!” you grinned and iida blushed, though your hands still remained intertwined
-> the four of you split off to walk your respective directions, and you turned to face iida
-> “you didn’t mind that, did you?”
-> “y/n, you know that it was-”
-> “-highly inappropriate, yeah,” you finished for him, and the two of you laughed
-> “they were going to find out anyway, y/n,” iida hummed, swinging your arms by your side
-> and the two of you continued that way, together
-> even if the two of you were wildly different, you would still make it work
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take a look at the menu - ,, 📚 ·˚ ༘ ꒱
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champagnesugamama · 5 years
All That Glitters Ch.1: The Proposition
All That Glitters Ch.1: The Proposition
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Moving Day 
Viktor Drago x Ofc(Athena Creed)
Author: Champagnesugamama
Summary:  Athena Creed, twin sister to the legendary boxer Adonis Creed, has been expanding her business of natural hair and skin care products, when another unexpected business venture lands in her path, but will it cause more harm than good?.....
You guys it literally took me so long just to start this first chapter! I rewrote the first paragraph like 50x! I hope you guys enjoy my little series. 
     “What the fuck do you mean you have to move to to the Ukraine?” Fuck, Adonis is already giving me a headache. I rubbed my eyes and answered him for the fifth time.
    “Adonis I already told yo ass why five times! I have to oversee the building and manufacturing of my two factories! You know the taxes over in the Ukraine are significantly lower than in the United States. I have to base my factories over there if I want that 50 million dollar tax break.” He acts like I haven’t explored all options before deciding this. I don’t want to move to a foreign country where I will be ostracized from my loved ones, but this money doesn’t make itself.  He ain’t the only one in this family who got bread. Matter of fact I’m richer than his ass. I worked my ass off in Harvard to get to where I am today, and I will be damned if my irritating ass little brother stops my bag.  
      “So, you got the stuff?” A masculine voice said through my dormitory door.
      “Yea you got the money?” I replied with a straight up attitude. Shit you would be mad too if this high ass senior was knocking at yo door at 12 am.
   “Yea, open the door Ma, I just wanna see what you got.” I know this nigga don’t think I’m about to let him in my dorm at no 12 o’clock at night.
    “No Sir, yo girl already sent in her order and you are just supposed to pick it up, ain’t nobody say you could browse the merchandise after hours. Now slide the envelope under the door and wait for your product.” He sucked his teeth and slide the envelope under the door. I counted out the necessary $150, and unlocked my door, but still keeping the chain on, I handed the man his shit.
    “Yo tell Keisha she ain’t special, if her ass can’t come between business hours she is just gonna have to get it shipped to her dorm.” I said rolling my eyes. I know that girl ain’t got shit to do, but lay up with her nigga.
    “Aight, I got you Ma. You know this shit is like crack to the females out here.You even got my momma and homeboys pullin’ up on me for this shit. What you really be puttin in this shit?” Now why he ask me that like I’m gonna tell him?
     “None of your business sir. Now go give my home girl her hair and skin shit, she been looking a little ashy lately.” He laughed, but I was straight up serious, bitch been lookin’ a lil flaky lately.
     “Oh shit, Imma tell her you said that shit too, night little mama.” I rolled my eyes and shut my door. I fed my money in the safe’s automatic counter and saw my day’s earnings were reaching up to 10,000 dollars. I’m gonna have to start looking into a bigger manufacturing place cause this ain’t cuttin it. I still have 25 back orders for just this campus alone. The secret is that I have two different pricing menus. One is for the stuck up rich kids at the school, and the other is for the chill homies, and scholarship babies. I gotta make my money somehow.
    “Hello, This is the office of Athena Creed. How may I help you?” My assistant Keisha answered the phone.” Now y’all must be wondering, “This bitch got a whole ass secretary? Since when?”, since I expanded my business and went national with a few small factories. I graduated top 5% of my class in Harvard, and expanded my business before I graduated. I am now the youngest self made Billionaire in the United States.
     “Ms. Creed, P. Diddy is on line one and your finance manager is on line 2. You also have to get back to the Supply manager about the shortages on the shipments to Ulta and Sephora. The online orders are also being backlogged for some reason, and there is a protest at one of your factories about the “supposedly anonymous” tip about animal testing and what not. Should I put them on hold or patch them through?” See this is why need a second assistant.  
     “Patch through P. Diddy, tell my finance manager I’ll call her at 3 o’clock, tell the supply manager to email me the problem, hire a online order manager, and call the cops on the protesters outside of the factory. The whole 15 acres around the factory is private property and they are in violation of the privacy laws. Call Oprah to do a walk through interview with me and my factory manager to silence the protesters. They are only protesting because this is a black made business with black investors, and they want to burn it to the ground like black wall street, but I rebuke that Caucasian devil.”
     “Ms. Creed you so crazy, but I’ll get right on that.” I waited 20 seconds after I saw the red light turn on to answer. I can’t let these niggas think I’m too excited to be in their presence.
     “Hello, this is Athena Creed.” I said in my professional black voice. Y’all know the one you use for corporate niggas.
     “Hey baby girl, you got time for lunch today?” Sean has been a friend of my family since the early ‘80s, since before my dad passed. My parents met Sean at one of my dad’s fights at the MGM casino. We’ve been close ever since.
     “Yea Unc, What’s up?” I asked concerned, because my uncle has had it pretty hard recently, with the passing of the love of his life Kim Porter.
     “Nothing, I just have a business proposition for you to expand your reach in the business world. Ya know it’s always good to have different eggs in your basket. I know hair and skin is your passion, but I hope you’ll have an open mind with your uncle today.” Alright now what does he want.
     “Alright Unc. I’ll meet you at Urasawa on rodeo drive in about an hour. Make sure you come dress like we’re having lunch and not going to the met gala.” I laughed. He has a tendency to go overboard with his day to day outfits. We hung up and I made my way to my house to change out of my office clothes and to take a shower, I smell like the office.
     “Hey Keisha, you can go home after you post the job to the job sites, and organize the food for the next staff meeting on Monday. Have a good weekend, oh and redirect my calls to my business phone while you’re at it. Thanks sweetheart.” I said from the elevator.
     “Sure no problem Ms. Creed. Have a nice weekend.” She said with a smile and a wave as the elevator closed. 
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     I got out of the bath, and I put some of my super growth oil, curling cream, and rice water aloe Vera gel in my hair to make my curls pop. I did my edges, and put on my chill day makeup. You know I had to support my girl Rihanna and buy her body lava. I mix one drop in with my moisturizer and rub that on my face and neck. It gives me a natural glow without makeup, cause I’m lazy.
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Okay, so I know I said I was gonna chill, but I’m going on Rodeo Drive today, Imma stunt on them bitches. And since I’m stunting on some stuck up bitches we might as well go all out and bring out my new baby that I treated myself to as a present for making the Forbes list. 
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     I stepped out of the car and threw my keys to the valet and gave him a band to not scratch it. My bodyguard met me at the sidewalk and escorted me to the door through the paparazzi and fans. I don’t know how they keep getting my location, but Imma need them to chill. The waitress automatically escorted me to my Uncle’s table. You can tell we come here way too often, but my uncle knows I’ll blow a check on some sushi. The waitress lead me to the back and up a set of stairs behind the grand piano, behind a draped, white, sheer chiffon  curtain to the only table in the back V.I.P. area of the restaurant.        “Hey Uncle Sean. How are you?” I asked him as he got up to hug me and pull  out my chair.      “Hey, Athena. I’m hanging in there. What about you, sweetheart?” He said as he sat back down in his chair.      “I’m good Uncle Sean, but I’m hungry as hell. We need to order before I waste away.” I laughed as I signaled the waiter over to us.      “Hello, welcome to Urasawa. What can I start you guys off with?” The waiter asked. I squinted hard as hell to read his name tag. Okay Kenji I see you. He’s cute or whatever.      “Hey Kenji, did I pronounce that right?” I waited for him to reply, while giving him the bedroom eyes. I looked him up and down, making sure he knew I was interested. I peeped Uncle Sean rolling his eyes at me, but I don’t know why he’s complainin’, I learned it from him.      “Yea, you’re the first person to pronounce it right on the first time. What can I get for you beautiful.” Kenji the waiter asked me, as he eyed my body, and proceeded to commence with the fuck boy tendencies, and bite his lip and “seduce” me with his eyes. Okay he’s canceled. I can’t take the fake ass california valley “swag”. Shit disgusts me.
     “Um. I’ll take the Ama Ebi, Ikura Gunkan Sushi, and the Toro with a sprite. Thank you.” I handed the menu back, and turned to uncle Sean. 
     “Well shit I’ll just take what she’s having.” He said handing his menu back. Alright now it’s down to business. I put on my Big Boss Bitch face and folded my hands on the very neat and crisp tablecloth, and turned my gaze to my uncle.
     “So, this ‘business’ proposition….What is it?” I asked impatient as hell. He just leans back in his seat and folds his hands in his lap.
     “Can’t we just eat first before you upset your stomach with all them nerves. You’ve always been impatient as hell, even as a baby. Cryin’ n’ shit. Being spoilt by everyone who looked at you. Man I couldn’t walk in yo parents place without a Cinnabon for your greedy ass.” He laughed, and I looked at him out the side of my eye. So that’s why I was a 90lb kindergartner. This nigga been trying to give me type 2 diabetes since I was two.      “Uncle Sean you ain’t right for that! You were over the house almost everyday! You was trying to kill a nigga!” I said rolling my eyes at him. He laughed at me, but I was dead ass serious! I had breathing problems in pre-k all because this nigga couldn’t say no to a toddler. 
     “Alright, I’ll spare a nigga. The proposition is for you to open up your own alcohol brewery.” 
Tag List:
@dragothishole @marvelheaux @honeychicana @harleycativy @avengersandlovers @amethyst1993 @sdcyumyum @the-lululemon
@almostpurelysmut @itshinothey @titty-teetee @laubluered @pananegra
@est1887 @bugngiz @ginghampearlsnssweettea @chaneajoyyy 
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dorleing · 6 years
Secret Santa 2018
Merry Crisis @disorganizedkitten !! Hope you enjoy!! Thanks to @mlsecretsanta for hosting it!
Alix had seen far too many pairs of underwear for it to be okay. Too many pairs that weren’t hers, period. 
“Oh my god, Kim. Pull up your trousers. You ain’t ever be gangsta. You look stupid.”
“You’re just jealous of my amazing butt muscles.”
Alix and Kim were in the lunch line, waiting to be fed a substandard meal. Kim had lost a bet against Ondine last week that he could hold his breath for longer than she could. His punishment was to wear something other than athletic clothes for a full week (including sleepwear!). Ondine had been hoping to see him dress in style, like maybe a button up shirt tucked into nice slacks, but it appeared that Kim was oblivious to more than just the people around him. He thought that 2012 American wannabe gangsta was perfect for him and his newfound “swag”, and delightedly showed off his plaid pairs every chance he got.
Alix thought that if she ever had to see a Gabriel waistband again, she would murder somebody. And it wasn’t just Kim; no, he set off a ‘retro’ trend around the entire school of Francoise Dupont. Only the few didn’t follow this trend: Adrien, because there was no way in hell his father would let him leave the house with his underwear showing (that was strictly for photo shoots), Ivan, a man of sense, and Max, who said suspenders were more necessary than ever with the current trend.
“You know what, Kim? I am jealous of your Kardashian rear. Because you can show your butt to anyone you like and go shirtless anywhere, but as soon as I show as much as a bra strap, I get called out for public indecency!” Kim went pffft at that. Alix had had enough of his attitude for one day. She looked down at her chest, and then out to the cafeteria where the student body was happily eating their meal. Giving Kim the side eye, Alix spoke. “I bet you 20 euros that I can get the staff to send me to the office for dress code violation in less than thirty seconds.”
“Y’know what, I actually want to see that. Deal.” They shook hands, and Alix ripped her shirt off. She tossed behind her and smirked at Kim. She was in a sports bra and thin-strapped cami, nothing exposed but her shoulders.
The vulture-eyed Mendelieve came storming over to them. “Miss Kubdel! Put your shirt back on immediately or I’ll have to give you a demerit for public indecency!” The fury in her face was palpable as she glared down her nose at the aforementioned student.
“No.” Alix crossed her arms and glared back, channeling as much defiance as she could muster, preparing to tantrum. 
Apparently, it worked, because she had no less than two staff members escorting her to M. Damocles office a minute later, Kim giving her a look of respect as she was frog-marched from the cafeteria.
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“Miss Kubdel, would you please put a shirt on while I’m talking to you,” Principal Damocles said, holding out a large t-shirt to her while facing away.
“Why?” Such a simple question, Alix thought. One that would really help her prove a point.
“W-why? P-please, child,” Damocles spluttered. “I simply cannot talk to you when you’re in such a state. It’s indecent, and frankly, distracting.”
Alix allowed herself to gasp with dramatics Chloe would approve of. “I’m distracting to you?” Alix shifted her weight to one side. “Do I need to call another teacher in here, M. Damocles?”
“Of course not!” Damocles snapped. “Why would we need someone else to help me discipline you?”
“Oh, they wouldn’t be for you.” Alix sneered. “They would be here for my protection, obviously.” M. Damocles looked a bit confused. “Y’know,” Alix started. “To keep me, a minor who hasn’t finished maturing into an adult body, from being preyed upon by an adult man in power,” His eyes widened at her statement. Damocles stammered again.
“I am not- I would never- That is an outrageous claim-”
“Is it though?” Alix said. “You are always alone in here when students are sent in, and you are well known for getting students to behave after they see you. How can anyone be sure you’re not persuading any student who comes in here? All it would take is one person…”
“Get out.” He said. “Put a shirt on and get out of my office.”
Alix smirked. Grabbing the shirt off the desk she sauntered out of his office, knowing she was twenty euros richer and had a plan of action on her side. Now all she needed was support.
 “Ailx, you know I fully share your sentiments, but are you sure this is a good idea?” Marinette said from behind her sketchbook. The Girl Squad was gathered on the steps of Trocadero, with the addition of the newly indoctrinated Chloe and Sabrina, who were off to the side absorbed with their phones.
“Absolutely, Mari. I am sick and tired of the blatant sexism happening at school. I want to be able to show my shoulders at school if the guys walk around with their pants around their ankles.”
“I’m in,” said a voice from the edge of the group. Everyone looked over in surprise at Chloe examining her nails. “What? Just because I dress more effeminate than all of you doesn’t mean I don’t want freedom of choice.”
“Yeah,” Juleka spoke up from Rose’s lap. “I’m sick of teachers saying my ripped leggings show too much skin.”
“I remember I’ve been told to zip my hoodie up because my shirt was too low cut. I can’t help that I’m busty and the girls do what they want from time to time.” Mylene offered.
“I can do an expose on the school blog to help gain more support,”
“I can make posters!”
The girls started shouting about how they could help Alix. She smirked at Marinette’s new look of resolve.
“Okay, Alix, but I can’t do my part alone. You all will need to chip in with supplies, and come in for fittings.” Everyone started nodding. “But! I’m not a miracle worker. I’m thinking I can finish these in three? weeks with help.”
“My daddy’s started being a bit too old-fashioned for my tastes lately, so I’ll handle material expenses.” Chloe smirked.
Alix brought a notebook out of her bag. “Now here’s a bunch of points to take note of when we start researching our arguments, and I also brought a copy of our school’s dress code,”
 Marinette was yawning, trying to finish the first set of outfits by the end of the weekend. Alya had left a few hours ago, being the last to go home of all the girls helping put together the new outfits. A thump from her roof and one “Hello, Princess!” later and she had a new helper. Chat Noir was surprisingly knowledgeable of the specific stitches Marinette was using to create the illusionary effects.
“I may not have your amazing skills, Princess, but I am purrfectly well versed in your lingo,” He said, nuzzling into her neck as she was trimming a hem. Marinette failed to hide her blush, his quiet laughter ringing into the night.
 Alya’s eyes were drooping. Her laptop screen was too bright, and her head hurt, and she wasn’t finding reliable sources on dress codes at the moment, and she-
Nino’s ringtone called out like a beacon in the night. Alya lept from her chair to grab her phone on the bed. “Hey, Nino,” She said, trying to not sound too eager and out of breath. “What’s up?”
“Nuthin’ much, babe. Just wanted to see if your super-secret research had killed you yet.” Alya could hear his eyeroll and burning curiosity. “And to say goodnight in person.”
“Nino, you can’t call it ‘in person’ if it’s over the phone,” She corrected, teasing him back.
“I know,” He laughed. His breathing was a bit labored, she noted. “Are you hungry?”
“A bit- why?” Her doorbell rang, and she gasped. “NINO, you didn’t-” she said, launching herself out of her room and tore down the hall.
“I did,”
She wrenched the front door open to see a flushed Nino with a bag of food and a phone to his ear, grinning like an idiot. Both phones fell to the ground a moment later as the two nerds collided.
 “Hey ladies,” Adrien crept up behind Marinette, spooking the poor girl. “I heard through the grapevine that you’re planning a protest.”
“So what about it?” Alix narrowed her eyes at him. “What d’ya want to know?”
Adrien looked at her curiously from his place on Marinette’s shoulders. “I want in.”
“I want to partake in your protest. Wear what you’re going to wear, help highlight double standards, bring in a privileged face. That sort of thing.”
“Fine,” Alix snapped. The other girls gave her a look of surprise. “What? I just wanted to keep it secret for a bit longer, but some how this nerd,” she shook her fist at him in jest. “caught wind and I don’t want him letting the cat out of the bag,”
Adrien snorted at the last bit and Marinette shoved him off her. “Will your father even allow it?”
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Probably. Hopefully.” Adrien said with a grimace.
“Well then, I guess we’ll tell you more over lunch, but only if you’re buying,” Marinette called over her shoulder and sauntered away. Rose nearly fainted, with Juleka catching her before she hit the ground. Then Juleka dragged the still-swooning Rose down the hallway to their next class.
“Hey!” Alix snapped her fingers in front of Adrien’s dumbstruck face. “Lover boy!”
“Hmm?” Adrien snapped his eyes to hers. “Did you say something?”
“I said,” Alix muttered. “You’re a hopeless case. C’mon, let’s get to class. I don’t want to miss Chloe’s compliments today.”
That’s all for now, but I’ll have the next chapter out soon!
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