#i like my twt ‘echo chamber’ where i only have to see ppl with correct opinions on him
yexiu · 2 years
every time i come on here just to see someone saying johnny storm should be “slutty” like that isn’t a complete misinterpretation of his character n then i log off
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comradedream · 3 years
why do you think crit blogs exist in the first place? Other than the no parental love in their lives aspect or never having normal relationship with the media they supposedly “consume” why do people find pleasure in spewing out lies and far out conclusions based on a few clips from four different time periods in a cc’s career? It’s obsessive and unhealthy to engage in only negativity in that sense, only seeing one side of a coin, working to only reach nothing but a bullshit “it must be true” motive to plague everyone they are in contact with. Critical discussion is warranted when the topic is nuanced enough I get that, but actively trying to pursue the goal to ensure that “MY perspective of this person I know nothing about is RIGHT and I will make sure that you all know it based off the obscure words and statements they’ve said from months ago that they’re hiding Something that we’re all entitled to know” like it’s so unproductive and sad to think there’s actual blogs dedicated to doing that when all they need in reality is therapy.
GODD "why do you think crit blogs exist in the first place other than the no parental love in their lives aspect" SENDSSSS💀💀💀 i agree w everythinggg u said it's such an unhealthy way of coping with disliking something lmao
my thoughts under da cut😵
a pet peeve but i HATEE the term crit blogs it's way too nice and sophisticated sounding they're literally just hate blogs😭 (not @ u ik its used bc it refers to specific ppl LOL.) like criticism ≠ a cynical cesspool of hatred. anyway
i think it starts off w disliking smth popular/aspects of it and wanting agreement/validation? and also wanting to continue being engaged w the fandom/media (esp if u hate everyone but one cc lolll) instead of just dropping the whole thing (or recognizing its flaws.) so they seem to just kind of end up forming circles of people who have similar thought processes
just being in a group that generally thinks like u is gonna affect the magnitude of ur preexisting opinions and/or form totally new ones. like if im in a community that loves gnf (not the one i ‘main’ but a step away), it’s gonna make me feel confident in liking him too. but if i’m in one that’s constantly criticizing him, pointing out his flaws, talking about their dislike of him, etc, that’s gonna end up rubbing off on me lol. (which kind of seems like its happened to dream a lot but i digress.) especially if something later happens that annoys u and now the ‘criticism’ seems noteworthy. i see this a lot in fandom and honestly irl as well and if it doesn’t give u a new opinion, it at least strengthens/multiplies previous ones u had, and in isolated spaces tends to form selective exposure/an echo chamber. which is probably related to y so much ends up being taken so far
i also think disliking something popular tends to make ppl feel like they need a good explanation, so instead of just saying it’s not their thing/admitting to their individuality complex/etc they look for justification, which is where morality tends to get involved and they convince themselves the person they hate is legitimately a bad person. n then they look for and overemphasize/obsess over little specific things that help support their conclusion. which also now makes vile behavior okay LOL
idk what makes them wanna do it in public instead of just ranting in dms/on a priv twt or whatever but i’m gonna take a stab in the dark and say that if there’s enough ppl in ur circle thinking the same thing it starts to feel less like an opinion and more like it’s fact and correct and so acceptable to be public? which could explain y so many of them are always like “well you’ll see one day” or whatnot when referring to the general fandom, as if it’s an inevitable conclusion (since it’s the “truth”)
tbh mutual hate is like . a terrible thing to base a community off of LOL even without the extremes that ive seen gone to it seems pretty unsustainable? and exhausting lol. like if u think about it, running a fan acc basically means u think about its subject nearly every day (whether that be just getting a related notification and thinking about it for a bit or actually scrolling thru a dash of said content for hours.) but running a HATE account and thinking about smth u hate v often and for a long period of time seems awful, like you’d just get pissed off and hate it more as time goes on😟 no way that’s fun in the long run esp when ur convinced it’s the truth and it’s everyone else who’s blind, even the ppl that know the cc irl💀💀 that’s gotta b frustrating loll
TOTALLY WORD VOMITED LOLLL this is embarrassingly a lot of writing. idk if this answers ur question of what i think which HOPEFULLY wasnt rhetorical LOL but this is why i think these subcommunities form and how they get to the extremes they do. there are a million other factors depending on each individual situation as welllll these r just some general thoughts i had😵
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