#i like to imagine efnisien frantically shaking his head
not-poignant · 11 months
Woof, that Constellations reveal!! How come Gwyn knows which psychologist Ef saw at Hillview but not what happened with Henton?
Oooo this is an awesome question.
So there's a few layers to this, thank you for enabling my rambling, this won't be a short answer.
The main reason is simply that Efnisien didn't want him to know. And given that Efnisien's privacy had been violated unconscionably repeatedly at Hillview, Dr Gary wasn't in a rush to tell Gwyn ap Nudd, especially because (in this particular world I'm writing lol) he had no legal obligation to. Efnisien was a legal adult at the time the recorded assaults took place, and his choices actually matter.
Like, it wasn't like Gwyn was getting regular progress reports or anything once Efnisien was in Hillview, and he certainly got a lot less as soon as Efnisien became a legal adult. Gwyn was notified of some bare bones stuff in the hospital because Efnisien's life was in danger and frankly doctors and psychologists tend to be a bit more open while someone's life is in danger in a hospital (and Efnisien wasn't formally enrolled at Hillview yet or living there).
But after that, most of what Gwyn knew about Hillview he learned directly from Efnisien. Efnisien would have told him that he was seeing Dr Henton while he was still verbal / talking.
Once the sexual abuse and assault started, Efnisien went fully nonverbal for some months afterwards. Not just with Dr Gary, but also with Gwyn. All Gwyn knows is that, all of a sudden, Efnisien has gone nonverbal and changed psychologists.
Gwyn assumed this was because Efnisien relapsed and started hurting other people, and his attitude actually changed around Efnisien after that, and Efnisien never corrected him because he never saw the point.
Not only that, but it's in Efnisien's records that Gwyn has been abusive to Efnisien. They allow his visitations, but Efnisien has also disclosed that Gwyn has broken bones in his face, beaten him, and been violent towards him, and while Efnisien didn't know this was being written in his general file - the staff certainly knew of Gwyn in context of 'actual abuser visiting Efnisien on occasion.'
So they don't exactly have incentive to say 'heyyyyy...abuser of Efnisien that we allow him to see because his mental health dives without you, we're just going to share that he was abused by another guy in case you want to like...abuse him over that too.' It's not like Gwyn is 'just a concerned cousin' - he's not an immediate family member, he's a point of contact, but he's a point of contact with caveats, like 'we know Efnisien has stated clearly he needs to see Gwyn, but we don't like him' caveats. They're not going to rush to give Gwyn tools to harm Efnisien.
And he would have.
And Efnisien knew he would have.
This is really vital. All along, Efnisien has always assumed Gwyn would say 'well that's what you deserve' re: Henton's actions (or 'now you know what it's like I guess') and we know Gwyn would have said something like that, based on how he reacts to Efnisien being harmed during Falling Falling Stars.
Like, Gwyn's attitude changes over time, but Efnisien and the staff are right to think that Gwyn would hurt Efnisien with the knowledge that he'd been abused by staff at Hillview.
So yeah, and also like... Dr Gary tried to get Efnisien to press charges, he even brought lawyers in, and Efnisien just...didn't talk. Refused to talk to anyone. While he couldn't verbally consent to literally anything, they erred on the side of caution. Probably the only thing he insisted on was staying at Hillview, because he knew Gwyn would only keep seeing him if he went to Hillview.
And that is why Efnisien stayed at Hillview, after Henton assaulted him. :(
Because Gwyn blackmailed him into staying there.
Idk if Gwyn would ever find that out, because it'll break his heart in Constellations if he realises. But like, Efnisien didn't want to go stay at a place where he was regularly abused and assaulted, but he did, because he was so desperate to keep the one lifeline he had.
Anyway yeah, there's a few reasons basically why Gwyn knew the name of the psychologist only, and then nothing else!
And a lot of it was purely that Efnisien never wanted him to know, and the folks around him respected that.
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