#i like to watch black n white stuff while i'm drawing and this scene was so so funny to me
keeps-ache · 1 year
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this is just really funny to me. spegatti timee
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tabbykatsplayground · 1 month
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This has been out on the TKP server for a while... but I finally got to uploading it here now! This is for all the Vinnie fans out there. As always, alt text is under the cut!
Vinnie stands straight with his right hand on his hip and his left arm at his side. Vinnie is a purple guy with spiky, curly hair, which is supposed to cover his right eye. He has a small ponytail. His eyes are lined messily, with little eyelashes coming out from top and scruff. He smiles at the viewer. Vinnie is wearing a purple security guard hat with a gold button and black brim.
Vinnie's outlines are pure black! He is not normal.
Not really design, but his skin is fuzzy like okra!
He can just manifest his arm hair to appear or not
Usually has That Damn Hat on... it's debatable if it's an actual hat or if it's skin
Eyes are scribbly circles!!! Go wild!
Next to Vinnie's base ref is a version of his head without his hat, as well as a drawing of his mouth with his tongue, which is purplish pink.
His right eye is always visible under his hair!! Think anime hair logic
The heart shines are non-optional. jsyk.
The gay little eyelash is as well non-optional
Inside of his mouth is like this... purplish-pink.
Vinnie wears a purple security guard outfit with a gold badge. His shirt is noticeably strange, almost structured like a tunic, as a pure black belt goes through it. He also has pure black shoes. On his right arm is a pure black watch, and on top of it is a magenta, beaded bracelet.
Good ol reliable!
.... This is his skin. By the way. Not clothes.
The watch is ALSO skin and nonfunctional. sad.
The bracelet is real and he always keeps it on him! He'd cry if it breaks.
Weird semi-tunic thing going on around here...
All black stuff is pure black irl as well.
Vinnie has pink and black stripes in his hair. He has an eyebrow piercing where his right eyebrow would be, as well as two snake bite piercings. He has more elaborate eye mascara. Vinnie wears a pink and green shirt with Gir's head on it. He has two belts, with the bottom one being purple and studded and the top being black with a steel Hello Kitty buckle. Vinnie also wears black pants and black shoes with pink jewels. For accessories, Vinnie wears a black fishnet glove on his right arm, with the magenta bracelet still on top, while he wears three bracelets on his left arm. The top one has rainbow beads, the middle has red and purple beads, and the bottom is Kandi with four white letter blocks that read "Y/N" with a heart following it, a transparent bead, and a few pink beads along with heart-shaped beads.
A purple guy is put in a room with a DA kid for one day and comes out scene. Good!
Sometimes dresses fem! He can go either way! Whatever Y/N wants :3. She doesn't mind as long as he's enjoying himself.
He's a fan of 5 million belts and fishnets
The piercings are fake. He'd die if he got them
(Vinnie voice) Teehee Y/N look we BOTH have streaks in our hair *blushes*
Sometimes he just scrolls on the internet to come up with outfit ideas
These are ACTUAL jewelry. He and Lulu made them together
Twinkle toes :3
Vinnie wears his purple security guard hat again, but wears a different outfit. He wears a dark purple, buttoned up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a black tie, black vest, black dress pants, and black boots with lots of belts. For accessories, Vinnie has a gold badge that reads "Vin" with a heart underneath. Three little buttons surround it. On the top is a light pink buttton with Gir's face. The middle button is a purplish-pink button with a cupcake. The last button is purple with a red heart. Vinnie also wears two black fingerless gloves, along with a black bracelet with gold spikes on his left arm.
I'm gonna be honest. I just wanted to dress him up in this one cosplay I found
He dresses like those purple guy cosplays.. you know the ones
He IS styling
He likes to personalize the outfits of course
Big fan of big fucking boots. His 5'5" self loves to rock em. He will trip.
Vinnie has his hair down, showing his spiky, shoulder-length hair. He wears a long, purple shirt with a purple grape silhouette. He also wears pink and black striped stockings.
Lets his hair down! Mena sometimes brushes his hair
Technically he would sleep shirtless and in boxers but Mena would explode him, so.
Long ass PJ shirt with boxers it is!
Long ass PJ socks as well... warm and comfy
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hawksugarbaby · 3 years
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Todoroki x male reader- Caramel and Honey
Fluff + Au where todoroki rebelled and never became a hero 
Todoroki hummed to himself laying out the ingredients in front of him with his mixing bowl in the centre of the counter top, the mix of ingredients in organised lines from first to last except he was missing one ingredient.
It was soon to be your birthday, and todoroki being the gentleman as always was desperate to make you a cake as his local supplier. You deserved it for the kind smile you wore dropping of his orders at the back of the shop and hovering around for a few minutes to talk before disappearing into the wind again driving away in your van with (y/ln) Produce, stamped on the side of the van in big, black cursive.
He took over the shop from his mothers side of the family before she fell ill and had to go to hospital. not wanting anything to do with his disgusting father he chose to stay and manage the store of light pinks and pure whites. He heard your tires pulling up outside on the gravelly path and he opened the door for you to drop off your produce inside on the counters by the door.
"Hey Roki! How's it hanging, making anything special today?" you asked hauling a crate of freshly picked fruit for the season in and dropping it onto the steel top, wiggling under the weight and scooting forward a millimeter. "What do you consider special?" he asked bluntly helping you carry the boxes into the kitchen and put the items in their respective places.
Finally you brought in the cardboard box layered in bubble wrap filled with decorative jars of golden honey pockets of air suspended in the viscous liquid and Todoroki nodded happily in receiving everything he asked for. Sometimes you'd forget the blueberries, or the tea leaves or the bananas grown specially by your quirk. You grabbed a glass of honey flicking the lid open and dipped your finger into the glossy amber tasting it yourself.
"Something special? I would love a rustic honey cake. Just the way mum used to make it with our honey. Not the dumb store bought stuff, the stuff we make ourselves. With the bee's we lovingly care for, for a reason!" you shout but it was muffled by you sucking the honey off of your finger.
Todoroki wiped his chin and cleared his throat "you've got some... there's uh... like a little" you looked up at him and touched your chin the sticky threads of honey clinging to your hand. "Shit" you tutted and wiped it away with the heel of your hand getting that just as sticky as the rest of you. "Well this is embarrassing" you sighed and todoroki exhaled quickly, which was close enough to a laugh to make you smile. "Here" he ran a tea towel under the warm tap and wiped it over your chin and pressed it into your hand for you to clean your hands yourself.
He felt his own face light up red and grabbed a cup of blueberries in preparation for the blueberry muffins he would bake today and you blinked a few time's rebooting your brain after the short interaction making you flustered.
You wiped your hands down and neatly folded the towel over the side of the sink and shook your head clearing the busy, buzzing thoughts from your head and drew your eye's away from him focusing on the calendar hanging next to the wall. Delivery, nothing, delivery, nothing, delivery + (y/n) Birthday. You grinned and pointed to the red circle around the familiar number on the calendar and twisted your neck to watch him stir ingredients together into a pale yellow batter.
"You remember my birthday?" you quizzed and he nodded furiously beating the whisked eggs into the mixture and poured in the cup of indigo berries fresh from the bush. "Hey are you busy right now?" Todoroki asked moving on from the topic of your birthday and lifted his eyes from your strong arms he'd seen carry so many boxes of fruit, to your joy filled (e/c) orbs sparkling happily at the prospect of him. HIM. remembering your birthday.
"I can be not busy?" you raise your palms to the popcorn roof and flick out your phone calling a coworker. "Hey Bro, could you perchance come get the van from the Todoroki Bakery and deliver the rest of the products?" you ask and pushed the phone to your ear with your shoulder and mouthed 'frozen fruit' to todoroki and you quirked an eyebrow. He nodded to the bottom drawer.
"No I dropped a crate on my foot carrying the peaches into the shop and It hurts to walk on it I dunno how driving would go" you chuckle nervously and wink to todoroki who just looked back down at his muffins filling the white, paper cases not quite understanding. "No, I know it's so unlike me! But it's okay, Todoroki said he'd give me a lift home but can you just do the rest of the rounds?"
Your brother agreed and you said your bye's on the phone. "I now have the entire day off" you said proudly and leaned your elbows on the counter admiring todoroki's fluffy hair straying further from the style it was originally in while he pushed the baking tray into the oven. "Wait but I should check your foot if you hurt it" he said crouching down and pressing his cold hands against your ankle making you flinch "no I didn't really hurt my foot I just needed to get out of work" you chuckle.
"Oh okay. Will your dad believe that, aren't you supposed to be the big strong son?" Todoroki craned his neck up to look at you still resting with one knee on the floor and the other pulled up like he was going to propose. You lost yourself in your thoughts again imagining that instead of his hand on your foot he was holding out a small grey box with a gleaming band tucked into the cushion.
"Hey what the fuck is this?" your brother laughed at the scene in the kitchen and you whipped your head up to see him leaning against the door frame uncaringly. "Uhh todoroki was checking if my foot was swollen or anything. No evidence of broken bones yet! So you should just get going with the van here are my keys!!" you said hopping over like a professional actor and shoved the keys into his hand. "Mhm i'm sure that's what it was. OUTSIDE!" he shouted at you pulling you round the corner clipping your arm on the wooden pallets leaning against the wall out back scraping up inside your elbow.
"Hey what the hell, that hurt!" you shouted lightly tapping the bleeding scratched that didn't seem to want to stop bleeding. "Look I know you like that todoroki kid but you can't just skip work to spend the day with him!" your brother turned around and looked at your face, mouth agape and eye's furrowed into annoyance and he shrugged "what i'm just being hon-" "ARE YOU BLIND OR STUPID!?" you shouted back thrusting your profusely bleeding forearm in his face.
"Oh shit what! are you feeling okay?" he panicked suddenly drawing Todoroki's attention and he poked his head out the back door. Being the observant boy he was, his eyes went wide and he jogged over to where you were standing and wiped the blood away with the already honey covered tea towel but the crimson immediately started pouring out again. "He needs an ambulance" the dual haired baker tightly wrapped the tea towel around your arm which was quickly soaked in red.
You moaned in pain and annoyance feeling your head spin. "What could he have cut his arm on?" your brother asked and you held your hand out in front of his face snapping your fingers closed against your thumb shutting him up. "There's a huge fucking rusty nail... on the pallet you dragged me past you dickhead" you huffed. The ground span and swayed around you and the brightness in your vision was turned down so you could barely see the outlines of the boys surrounding you.
And then you were on the floor.
And then you were in the hospital. Staring at the white plaster ceiling at midnight with no one by your side. "Huh" you hummed and checked your phone hissing at the brightness lashing the dark hospital room.
todoroki was in the shop with a bowl and cake pan next to him. The jar of honey you scooped from open and his phone laying open waiting for your answer to his text.
You replied to the questions he asked and Todoroki's phone buzzed on the steel countertop and he perked up immediately reaching for the electronic, slowly running out of battery.
Roki 💖🍰
Hey are you okay?
Fri 12:18
Do you like pistachios?
Oh also raisins, do you like raisins?
Probably not, no one likes raisins
I like raisins...
Anyway. Text me when you see this
Fri 18:35
Roki 💖🍰
I hope you wake up.
I wasn't supposed to get a delivery from you today
But I wish I was cause I like seeing you
You make my heart feel... weird.
Good weird
Sat 8:44
Still don't know if you like raisins and pistachios
Sat 12:27
Roki 💖🍰
It's your birthday tomorrow you know.
Sorry I didn't text yesterday but you were sleeping anyway
How can you catch tetanus so quickly
It's supposed to take 4 days dumbass.
You got it in like 1. You fainted because of the blood btw
Mon 13:21
Please just wake up for your birthday.
I have something special for you
But I need to know if you like pistachios and raisins
Mon 14:56
Roki 💖🍰
Happy Birthday (y/n)
Tue 00:00
You chuckled to yourself at the sweet messages todoroki sent you over the course of the days and glanced at the clock. "I wonder if he's still awake" you croaked and wiped your eyes from sleep then yawned filling your waterline with unnecessary tears.
Bumblebee 🍯
Hey Roki. I'm up
I like/don't like pistachios
And I like/don't like raisins
Sorry for worrying you. Promise I won't get anymore tetanus
I'm going back to sleep
Come visit tomorrow
Tue 4:13
"You better not be awake dumbass" you mumbled and turned over on your pillow burying your face into the uncomfortable pancake for your head.
Tue 4:15
The baker smiled and finally started working on his surprise for you chopping his toppings and thinly slicing/ throwing away his toasted pistachios and crunching on a few raisins while working.
At 2pm he walked in and went to visit you with his surprise balancing carefully in your hand. He carefully tiptoed to your bedside and pushed your side slightly. You snorted and rolled over, opening your eye's to an amused todoroki settling himself into the chair next to your bed. "Something smells great" you muttered pushing your face back into the pillow and smiling. "Thank you for visiting" you muffled and todoroki chuckled nodding.
"Happy birthday" he smiled pulling the foil off of the top of your surprise. You peaked your eyes open and sat up smiling brightly. "I didn't know how your mum made it but I made my own recipe" he scratched the back of his head and moved to sit next to you on the mattress. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and kissed your cheek lightly before you could take off the handheld slice you were slowly lifting to your mouth.
"My heart feels weird around you" he sighed and thumped his forehead against your shoulder and you snickered, taking a soft bite of the sticky, nostalgic cake in your grasp. "I know. Thank you for the little updates by the way, very sweet of you" you emphasised the sweet as a pun on the honey cake but of course, it flew over todoroki's head. "But yeah. Thank you for the cake it's delicious" you complimented and leaned your head on his. "Can I go back to sleep now?" you joked and he smiled and pressed you down by your hard chest and lay on top of you. "Just don't sleep for 4 days again" he mumbled nestling into your t'shirt.
You stared down at the parting in his hair with huge, round eye's and put your hands on his back, grasping them together in a hug-ish type thing. "Okay"
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peerless-soshi · 4 years
Hello from ao3!!! There's so many prompts and I can't decide what to choose haha I feel that your last chapt left me thirsty so maybe fengqing and 75/92???? And if you don't like writing this kind of stuff maybe xuexiao and 40/96? I'm so happy that you're still accepting those requests :) And good luck with your long stories!
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.  
XueXiao: Almost kiss +Scars 
A/N: Yes, I'm coming back to life after the long break (caused mostly by my new job). Although I have less time now, I'm really determined to go back to writing and post more frequently. Big thanks to Anon who was waiting... months... for this chapter :)
Trigger warnings: Xue Yang being a killer and a creep (he was), some disturbing imagination, death mentions
Xue Yang tiled the window. Yi City broke in; fresh wafts of morning flowed through the coffin house, dust piles falling from the windowsill and flitting in the somber daylight, then fading. Xue Yang forced himself to draw a breath. Finally. The air reeked of wet that was neither dew nor rain, but it felt clean, and swept away the stinky dead smell skulking in the corners. Xiao Xingcheng liked the coffin house to be tidy, even if taking care of it was an idle job, so Xue Yang decided to grab a cloth and dust a little more before daozhang’s waking up.
Really, he wasn’t good at this – at playing house, playing nice – but he followed Xiao Xingcheng’s advises like a good guy. A good listener, and a better liar. You raise early, prepare water to wash your face, then put on clothes and smiles, take a knife – to chop meat in dices, just like Little Blindy liked. Xue Yang lived a quiet life, a fox holed up in his burrow, but he couldn’t complain. His patience was sharpening claws, curled up in the winter sleep. And it was getting hungry.
Leaving the window wide open to let the air in, Xue Yang leaned against the frame to rest. There was no sound but the wind. Then his eyes narrowed: he could barely see the buildings, the mist like a curtain over them. Recently, it was becoming thicker and whiter, he noticed, as if snow fell in blinding flakes, swallowing Yi City whole. Xue Yang could almost imagine them catching in his eyelashes, blinding him. Why? The mist was everywhere, the cold was unbearable, and he was in the middle of it. A cold chill run through his spine; Xue Yang blinked, shivered, and stepped away from the window. It should’ve been warm, spring was almost there, but no, it was cold. Too cold. The fox slept for too long, the winter was so close. Goose-flesh covered his still bare arms and his fingers, hidden in glovers and now cracked with cold, clenched on his wrists.
Waiting made him uneasy: he was waiting for warm, waiting for revenge, waiting all the time, waiting for Xiao Xingcheng, waiting…
Suddenly, someone shifted behind him.
"Who?” Xue Yang glanced back with some caution, but his face revealed nothing. The next moment, his heartbeat slowed down. “Daozhang. Did I wake you up?”
Xiao Xingchen slowly rose, sitting straight in the provisional bed made out of the coffin. His blindfold was awry in a morning disarray. “Don’t worry about it.” A smile. “It’s morning already?” A laugh.
A life.
Xue Yang remained silent. He was struck by how white Xiao Xingcheng looked in the morning: pale like rice paper, as easy to rip up, with just a few soft strokes of black hair and a thin line of a smile. His skin seemed to glow against the dark coffin wood and it was nothing like snow. More like a painting. Drop by drop, the snow melted and gave way to the warmth of Xiao Xingcheng’s voice.
“Hello?” he said,“What is going on?”
“It’s nothing.”
“What time is it?” Xiao Xingcheng repeated.
“Quite early.” Xue Yang finally said. He tried for a normal tone, a careless tone, not sure if it worked. “Sorry for the noise, daozhang, I only wanted to air the room. The hinges squeak, we should get new ones. Maybe we’ll go to the town later?”  
Xiao Xingcheng nodded but said nothing, then turned his non-existing eyes to Xue Yang. “Is everything all right, my friend?
“Of course,” he replied fast. Too fast? Clearing his throat, he realized how stiff he was. “Why does daozhang ask?”
“Are you sure?”
“It’s quiet outside,” Xiao Xingcheng said.“Nobody’s there?”
Xue Yang shrugged, then remembering that daozhang couldn’t see it added, “Maybe they’re afraid after that fierce corpses’ attacks. Who can understand stupid villagers…? Uneducated villagers,” he corrected himself. “They have their own superstitions, I won’t keep up with them.”
The whole city lived on things that Xiao Xingcheng didn’t know. But maybe he didn’t want to know. And fine, him and Xue Yang could be alone, and feared. It’s much better to be hated for what you are than loved for what’re not, Xue Yang lied to himself.
Xiao Xingcheng seemed to look at him through the bandage. “Where is A-Qing? She’s not there?”
“I don’t know,” Xue Yang whispered. “I think she’s playing with the boys again. So ungraceful. But everything’s fine. Can’t you see it, daozhang?” he asked. A little of the laughter rang in his breath. “Stupid question. I guess you can’t.”
As he grinned roguishly, he was rewarded by a gale of laugh. “You devilish friend.” Xiao Xingcheng gave him a face of good-natured scorn, checking the blindfold. “One day I’ll have enough of your jokes, so watch out.”
“Perhaps, but today is not that day.”
With a quick flick, Xue Yang closed the window and turned again to Xiao Xingcheng. Gray light deepened to darkness. He reached for a candle; the fire grew up on the cusp of wax and the air warmed, and became dense. Outside the cold was rising; inside the scent of death, sickening and old, wrapped around Xue Yang like a balm. He walked to Xiao Xingcheng, black shadows on all sides. 
“It’s still early. Go back to sleep.” His quiet voice dropped lower and his smile drained out of it like wine from a bottle. “You don't have to worry, daozhang. I'll take care of it, you just rest.”
But Xiao Xingcheng would not listen. He raised his head, higher, thinking about something Xue Yang couldn’t see. At least he stood up, letting his long sleeves to flutter like wings.
“I don’t like it. Stay here, please,” Xiao Xingcheng said, more gently then he should. “Something must have happened in the city. I’ll go and check.”
“Stop it.You stay here, I’ll go and see if everything’s fine.”
“Thank you, my friend, but are you able to do it?” Xiao Xingcheng whispered a question. “Those villagers are counting on me, I can’t leave them alone.”And he read the answer in Xue Yang’s trembling hands. “You wouldn’t go, but it doesn’t matter. This is why I need to. Take care of yourself.”
The sudden realization stabbed, sharp. Xiao Xingcheng would never have come back if he had left now. He’d never have come back to Xue Yang if he had heard stories of fierce corpses… and if he had seen the truth… or half-the-truth… or Song Lan… and if…
Noticing that Xiao Xingcheng was holding his hand, Xue Yang pushed him, but almost immediately grabbed his arm and forcibly seat him in the coffin. He didn’t understand it, but daozhang’s voice sounded different than it did before. Somebody had lit a flame between sentences, started a fire. All of sudden, a smell of thousand dead bodies enveloped the room. It was strong. How many people had died here? The candle flame quivered, and Xue Yang’s heart became heavy. His grip strengthened.
“Just sleep, daozhang,” he said, his lips by Xiao Xingcheng’s ear. “Why won’t you sleep? I don’t want you to go.”
“Didn’t you ask me to wake up?” he replied. “What are you going to do now?”
Xue Yang stopped. He felt stupid. He wanted to tell Xiao Xingcheng to be silent, but instead he thought “stay”. Xue Yang craved Xiao Xingcheng to stay; to lie, to fill him with words and never speak again. To be here, and to die, but not really, just a little. He could do it, have Xiao Xingcheng all to himself.
Xue Yang’s body was very close to his now, almost too close, and his hands weren’t gentle, weren’t careful. Xue Yang was still holding Xiao Xingcheng and before he knew, he used all his strength to push him down. The wood under them cracked. This picture – Xiao Xingcheng sleeping in the coffin, cladded from head to toe in washed white like in a funeral robe – it seemed familiar, and Xue Yang knew it was wrong. In another world, he would relive the scene again and again and again: laying daozhang down, washing his face, brushing his hair. The air reeked of wet that was neither dew nor rain. It wasn’t water, it was blood. But the picture turned watercolor hazy, the borders blurred. Maybe Yi City has really made him blind?
It wasn’t time for this. Not now. Xue Yang released Xiao Xingcheng’s shoulders and moved to his hair, then neck, to the soft skin he was still afraid to explore. The light of the candle painted strange patterns on Xiao Xingcheng’s face – he was the work of art, white paper instead of white mist. Xue Yang’s breathing, close to daozhang’s ear, was strangely irregular. He smiled at that. This breathing was out of rhythm, strained, as if he was holding something back, something violent. What a lovely feeling it was.
And then, there was something like a click. Like a flash of light. Xue Yang’s lips were so close to his that he brushed them while speaking. “I just want you to belong to me.”
Somewhere in his head a tiny voice said, what are you doing? Get hold of yourself. Xue Yang ignored that voice, but before they locked in a kiss, daozhang stopped him.
“No, Xue Yang. You can’t do that,” he said, his voice veiled in a quiet reprimand.
“Why?” Xue Yang’s fingers once again tightened on the edges of the coffin. “Can you stop me? Can you forbid me? Can you push me away? I’ll tell you: you are not strong enough to take care of yourself, Xiao Xingcheng, and you’re dreaming of giving orders to me?”
He bent down again, tried to swallow. For a moment, each breathed the other’s breath. But the instant was over and Xue Yang realized he didn’t have a taste of daozhang’s breathing: there were no leaves and trees and no cold frost on his tongue. There was nothing. Because daozhang wasn’t breathing.
A line like spider-silk showed between Xiao Xingcheng’s brows. “I’m not the one who’s dreaming.” He shook his head slowly. “You should wake up, Xue Yang. I’m dead.”
Yes, his mind yelled, That’s right.
“No,” his lips whispered. “It's not true!”
Xiao Xingcheng was talking to him again, as if from behind a wall, words Xue Yang didn’t grasp the meaning of. He just stepped away, tripping over his own feet, and falling. That was the moment he knew, there is no going back. Everything had been lost. Xue Yang was nothing but a bundle of stupid, helpless despair, kneeling on the floor of the empty coffin house like in an absurd prayer. Everything had happened so quickly, much too quickly. He had no control. And he remembered, of course.
“Xiao Xingcheng! Xiao Xingcheng!” Xue Yang called, reaching for the hands that were too cold. “Come back, Xiao Xingcheng! Can you hear me? XIAO XINGCHENG!”
It wasn’t meant to be like this. Did it have to be like that? It didn’t. It should. Those thoughts were weighing on his mind.
Xue Yang wasn’t sure how long he’d been cowering on the floor. A long time. He heard the wailing wind again. Apart of that, he heard nothing. There was nobody in the coffin house. He was alone. No Xiao Xingcheng’s voice. Just himself… and the memory of what had happened.
When Xue Yang lifted his head, everything was almost dark. The candle burned out. But even now, his eyes fell on the long scar crossing Xiao Xingcheng’s neck – deep, irregular, and buried under the clean bandages. He had exposed it earlier, as he had been running his hand through Xiao Xingcheng’s hair. Once again, he was struck by how white Xiao Xingcheng looked: pale like a corpse, and nothing like snow.  
Of course.
Finally, he got up and walked over to the coffin. This time, he ignored the lips and kissed only the ugly, ugly scar.
 I am no longer here.
However, the body lying in the wooden coffin was the greatest evidence that Xiao Xingcheng was lying. Oh no, he was still there. Xue Yang grabbed a cloth to dust a little more before daozhang’s waking up. Xiao Xingcheng liked the coffin house to be tidy, even if taking care of it was an idle job.
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