#i liked the strength more for her technically but knight of wands was easier to work with in the context of making this
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June Trevelyan || Knight of Wands
One down!! This took me. several attempts to figure out how to approach the rendering dfksdlf but i think it turned out ok!
some wip shots under the cut :>
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therestlesswitch · 7 years
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First entry into my tarot journal.
This was a “getting to know the deck” spread that @glawarelmagolben posted. 
Please feel free to give me feedback! I’m new to this and I’d love to hear what you think. Maybe @swampseer could give it a peek?
I did this spread last night, Wednesday January 18th. It was basically the last quarter moon. (technically it’s today, but close enough) I don’t know why, but I always like recording the moon phases in any journal, witchy or otherwise.  
Here’s @glawarelmagolben​ ‘s spread pic:
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So here’s what I read.
What is your nature? 
The 8 of cups.
I interpreted this, before ever looking up meanings/associations in the book, as the deck being the mountain, standing strong and firm while other forces or things may crumble around it.
In the book is says: The eight of cups send an urgent message to pack your bags and move on. There is no hope of rekindling what's been lost. You must start anew. This card also points to phases of illness and physical stagnation. The message could not be more clear: nothing good remains for you here. Lift your eyes to the horizon, and let your feet lead you forward.
After reading this, I feel that the deck is telling me that it's nature is to encourage forward movement. It will default to moving on and starting fresh when asked advice.
What are your strengths?
The son of Wands
Before reading the book: This deck is a smooth operator. Knowing what to say to get your emotions going it's way. 
In the book: The son of wands is a true charmer. He's handsome and adventurous and seems to say all the right things. Some call him the 'white knight' of the tarot. But at some point you may find he becomes hard to know. Trust your instincts with this one - perfection is an illusion.
After reading: I wasn't too far off. The deck knows the right things to say to charm you. And he is complex. Since this is about what the deck's strength's are, I'm going to assume the deck isn't telling me that it's going to be hard to know it...maybe it means that it will say all the right things, but it is still complex and will have layers in it's readings?
What do you like doing best?
The Chariot
Before reading the book: It likes to have strong focus. Likes being asked specific questions, even if they're big questions.
In the book: The Chariot is your confidence, your will, and your inner warrior. At points in your life when you felt the bliss of achievement or triumph, you were riding on his back. Build a relationship with this part of yourself. Try to 'see' the chariot inside you. The more focused your mind, the easier it will be to sense his presence and stay mounted on his back. With a fixed gaze and sure footing, you'll be headed toward all you dream of.
After reading: Again, not too far off in the focus part of things. I think it likes specific readings having to do with goals. And questions that are more about how to achieve, rather than if something will be successful or not.
What are your weaknesses?
The hanged man - reversal
Before reading: i find it funny how both the card about what the deck is not good at and what it doesn't like doing are reversals. I was having trouble picturing what the reversals meant until i realized that both these were reversed, so it likely is the deck's way of saying this card is a negative one..like i'm not good at being like the hanged man... instead of i'm not good at not being like the hanged man. I interpreted the hanged man to mean 'hanging by a thread.' So the deck might be week at holding on. Which makes sense when it's nature is to move forward and starting fresh. 
In the book: Many people talk about the art of "letting go." But what does it really mean? How do you achieve it? The hanged man has all the answers; he's the master of non-attachment. This card implies there's a sacrifice or a difficult or painful situation coming up in your life. Though you naturally want to resist and struggle through it, be more like the hanged man. Find stillness, open your eyes, and use this new perspective to learn something. You're stuck here either way. 
After reading: Again not too far off. If the deck means that it tend to tell us to let go too much, that is. 
What do you not like doing?
The Ace of Pentacles - reversal
Before reading: I know that pentacles have to do with physical possessions, so i figured that this deck doesn't like being asked about weather or not you will have physical gain. 
In the book: In the centre of even the giant redwood trees...a tiny seedling once stood. Such is the energy of the Ace of Pentacles - it's the seed that takes root, grounding you for the future. You're in the beginning phases of a prosperous venture. Stay grounded. Go outside and take time to appreciate nature. You may also find a windfall of wealth headed your way.
After reading: This one still isn't crystal clear for me. Maybe this deck doesn't like doing reading about beginning ventures who's aim is financial gain? 
How do you feel about me?
The Daughter of Cups
Before reading: It feels that I am a follower at the moment, but will grow to fly free. My reflection is colourful, that might be how i see myself, but not how others see me.
In the book: Creative energy abounds from the Daughter of Cups. She's romantic, artistic, and easily inspired by her surroundings. A true dreamer by nature, she struggles to stay 'grounded' or to deal with any harsh realities that come her way. Conflict of any kind is very disturbing to this gentle creature.
After reading: this is pretty spot on. Well done, deck. Though I am learning to stand up for myself and others even if it creates a conflict.
What do you think I need to learn?
The Two of Cups
Before reading: I need to learn to connect more in my relationships. Maybe specifically in my romantic relationship.
In the book: Say hello to the much adored Two of Cups. When this card appears, you can anticipate new love to be headed your way. And yes, this usually means romance... but sometimes it points to the birth of a dear and lasting friendship. Either way, the connection between you will be pure, honest, and solid. Open your heart and get ready.
After reading: I feel this definitely has to do with platonic relationships. I don't have any best friendships that I would call pure, honest and solid. I definitely need to learn how to make friends and keep them.
How can I work to achieve that?
The Five of Cups
Before reading: Take time to be alone and to really feel it. Being alone isn't useful if you don't pay attention to it. 
In the Book: The Five of Cups indicates a time of sorrow. A relationship may fall apart or an old friend could slip away. There will be disappointment and even regret. When this card appears, it's important not to make any hasty decisions. It may also help to look at the type of expectations you place on others. Perhaps they can never do enough to please you.
After reading: It's right. I do have very high standards for friends. It is likely telling me to lower my expectations and that's how i'll make new friends, or to let go of other relationships in my life to achieve new ones. I could read the  last two cards as '7. i need a new romantic relationship, and it will be great' and then '8. you need to get ready to lose your current romantic relationship to make room for the new one.' but that scares me and I don't feel that that's what the deck was going for..hopefully.
Where do you see us going together?
The Emperor - reversal
Before reading: Instead of shooting up to the heavens and getting lost in the clouds, we'll become grounded and come back down to earth.
In the book: The Emperor is the father. He's the tarot's perfect counterpart to the Empress. He represents the side of you that's protective, decisive, and truly stable. He brings clarity of mind, and this in turn leads to actions or decisions. Sometimes this card is literal and points to a paternal relationship in your life. At other times, it suggests reconnecting with the part of you that stands strong and tall and knows  just what to do. With help from the Sun, the Emperor can see for miles and miles.
After reading: I'm not 100% clear on this one because of the reversal, since it already represents being grounded with strong roots. Maybe the reversal means that we will be reaching farther down than we will up? Since evergreen roots are rather shallow, in the reversal, the roots don't go very high, but the branches go very deep.
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