#i literally only found out she was wearing a ring in sunshine bc looking at the gallery on mario wiki
dooxliss · 10 months
Peach and 4?
ask meme
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absolutely nothing bad will happen on this vacation, trust 🔥
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lunaastoir · 3 years
fluff/relationships w the mondstadt crew
characters included: diluc, kaeya, and jean
gn! reader as always <3
tw: fluff??? domesticity??? crack??? ideal relationships w people who will never be real??? also mentions of alcohol!
an: so i’m back w a sequel to my “fluff/relationships w the liyue crew” since you guys seemed to really like it <3 thank you my heart is literally melting 😩 this post was getting too long so i excluded some of the characters but expect a part. 2 (more like part 3 but part 2 to the mondstadt version)! 
man. this MAN.
that’s it, that’s the headcanon. 
he would literally be the most doting lover in the softest ways
SUCH a soft romantic like you thought you knew love??? nah this man will show you what love is
will constantly leave you things around the winery to convey his silent thank you’s and appreciation for you putting up with him being busy for most of the day
it’s always the most thoughtful things ever too like-
you mentioned how nice it would be to have some fresh lemonade with the hotter weather outside but it was too late in the day to actually go to the market in search of fresh lemons 
the next day you walked downstairs only to be greeted with a pitcher of cool lemonade with a side of lemon bars
there was a note attached to the handle of the pitcher <3 
“i recall you mentioning how lemonade would be perfect for the warmer weather so i decided to make some for you this morning. i hope it’s still cool by the time you drink it. love, d” 
pls sir your hand in marriage
he secretly loves it when you usher him to bed after waking up in the dead of night to see him working by candlelight on reports 
soft hands on his cheeks gently whispering about how, it’s been far too long and come to bed, darling and there will be time for this in the morning
his protests are light given the dark purple hues under his crimson eyes but he’ll still make a little fuss 
don’t let this man fool you tho he’s so so touched that you care enough to check up on him and drag him to bed!!
sometimes on the days he has a bit more free time, the two of you will quickly grab your dinners and race to the highest spot in the winery to watch the setting sun
these moments are always filled with laughter, something you’ve found you’re easily able to pull out of diluc, simply because it’s you 
uncontrollable sobbing
he would let you paint his nails black like the angsty man he is 
frankly he would let you do anything to him if it makes you happy <3 
ok but wait diluc w bLACK NAILS?? AND RINGS??? i would die on the spot ⚰️
on the topic of makeup, this man is surprisingly really good w it 
i like to think he learned after practicing on kaeya when they were younger bc kaeya was really into makeup
you found out after babysitting klee one day and trying failing to draw eyeliner on the sweet girl after her “big brother ‘bedo!”
you hastily grabbed some wipes, gently wiping off the messed up design before attempting to dive back in 
diluc however, had some down time so he decided to check up on his favorite chaotic duo 
only to be met with a pile of dirtied makeup wipes, your frustrated expression, and klee’s growing jitteriness 
swiftly moving to your side, he quietly asked if you needed help 
you glanced up quizzically before handing him the eyeliner, already looking around to find more makeup wipes when this inevitably goes wrong 
to your utter surprise tho the eyeliner is perfect??? two perfect winged lines??? in less than a minute??? WHAT
you just stood there like 😦 before diluc got back up and handed you the eyeliner 
you were short-circuiting, klee was ecstatic, diluc was worried about you 
ok last thing abt diluc 
crack! warning but the both of you like lowkey pranking kaeya 
for diluc it’s revenge on his annoying brother; for you it’s good - natured sibling rivalry fun 
every time the two of you see kaeya, one of you always swipes something of his 
small things really, it could be a pen or a handkerchief
one time, diluc swiped kaeya’s spare eyepatch and from the looks of it, kaeya’s only spare black eyepatch bc he was frantically looking for it yk he’s desperate when he even asked diluc if he saw it
the two of you spent an hour nearly laughing your asses off 
all in all, life w him is so sweet 
pretty boy? pretty boy. 
while i can’t guarantee stability, life would never be boring w this man that’s for sure
piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 🗣 piggy back rides 
he LOVES it, the feel of you on his back while he’s walking around mondstadt most likely carrying you to your commission 
he finds it comforting especially since he can hear the rumble of your voice against him while you recount stories, or just babble on about everything under the sun 
he is SO dramatic so obviously when y’all reach the site of the commission he has to kill all the monsters even tho the both of you agreed to split it up evenly 
he makes quick work of his set before stealing some of yours much to your chagrin 
you scold him but can you really be mad at him when he looks drop dead gorgeous freezing the hilichurls the answer is no, no you cannot be
oh my god ok wait-
he does this thing where he tries to spook you in public 
so say you’re getting groceries at the mondstadt general store
you round the corner just minding your own business, looking around, taking in the sunshine 
and suddenly you just hear someone drop in behind you but before you can register anything you hear a soft “boo” and hands circle your waist 
you jump SIKE let’s be honest you shrieked 
meanwhile kaeya’s just laughing his ass off 
you can hear his rich peals of laughter while you attempt to regain your bearings 
he does this so often you SHOULD be used to it but you really aren’t bc mans is SNEAKY-
he cards his fingers in your hair whenever you’re speaking 
he doesn’t know why, it’s just a cute habit and he finds the feel of his fingers in your hair soothing
oH on the topic of comfort, kaeya really likes resting two fingers on the back of your neck???
ik he seems like the type to throw his arm around your shoulder which yes he totally is but during more serious conversations his hand automatically seeks out the warmth of your neck 
your neck feels amazing especially during the warmer months due to his chilly fingers contrasting with your warm skin  
he likes that he’s able to access such a vulnerable part of you and you would willingly let him 
no i will NOT take criticism on this i just kNOW he’s that type of guy
it would be those stupid “i’m his” and “they’re mine” sweatshirts like BYE 
it’s so cringy but for some reason it’s oddly adorable and you truly despise it but you can’t seem to say no whenever he asks 
you pretend to ignore the look of pity diluc throws your way whenever he sees you like this
kaeya really loves accessories so i think he would be the type to give you a promise ring or something similar to show that he truly does care for you 
he would brush it off, flirting a little like usual before handing you the ring 
with the way his cheeks softly darken though, you know he’s being genuine 
TICKLE FIGHTS ik i mentioned this for childe but shhhh
he has tickle fingers??? his hands just loOK like they’re itching to tickle someone so you’ll most likely be the unfortunate victim 
he will not show you mercy. at all. he’ll tickle you until there are tears streaming from your eyes, your face is hot, and your voice is hoarse from laughing so damn hard 
it gives him such a rush of serotonin its SO CUTE 
i feel like this goes without saying but he’s super into pda,,, anything and everything is on the table 
hand holding? duh. ass grabs? ofc. carrying you bridal style around mondstadt? why not 
ik he’s typically very playful but once the relationship reaches a certain stage, he’ll slowly start to let down the walls that surround his facade 
very very slowly show you the more realistic parts of him 
the real, damaged pieces of his soul 
he’ll be carefully monitoring your reaction though, any sign of fear or disgust will have him recoiling within himself again and you most likely will never see his true nature ever again 
once you’ve seen the parts of him he’s offered to you, the hushed whispers of his past, and the uncertain lines of his future, he will take off his eyepatch 
pretends like he’s not super nervous but he’s SWEATING- 
the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen though hands down 
you can understand why he covers it up but you would like it if he felt comfortable enough to take off the eyepatch occasionally when he’s with you 
also!!! sleeps with his eyepatch side facing you (in the event he wears it to bed) 
if this happens you KNOW he trusts you bc it’s his blindside <3 
anyways life w kaeya will never be boring but he is a very complicated man 
stay with him though, i promise it’ll be worth it 
the key to jean’s heart is coffee and food 
i am begging you she deserves it 😭
the poor woman works so hard bc the knights are so mf understaffed, this is literally the best way you can ever show her your love and appreciation when she has work
she will MELT if you have a hot shower and dinner waiting for her when she inevitably returns later than she promised
will completely refuse at first with, “you did not have to do this, it’s too much” but shush her as you shOULD bc she deserves the entire world 
she’s the definition of “you do something for me, i’ll return the favor ten times grander”
you leave a flower on her desk bc it reminded you of her??? you’ll wake up to find a whole bouquet of the prettiest windwheel asters you’ve ever seen the next morning along with a thank you note
she’s so sweet BYE
she gets flustered extremely easily so you obviously use this as an opportunity to tease her 
when you’re in public rest your hand on her waist and inch it higher until your hand is underneath her shirt and in contact with her warm skin 
she’ll actually short-circuit its quite adorable 
sometimes y’all will be cuddling and you’ll hear whispers of her insecurities 
“am i a good grand master? will i ever be as valiant as vanessa?”
reassure her!!! tell her that she doesn’t need to be like vanessa, she’s already amazing as jean 
if you haven’t seen her in awhile, track her down and schedule a lunch date 
she never misses appointments and if it’s for you, she’ll gladly make time to see you even if she has to stay up even later than usual 
she has so much tension and the sorest muscles from hunching over papers and running around on errands 
if you sneak into her office and quietly stand behind her before gently pushing down on the sore tendons of her neck, she’ll genuinely fall over on her desk 
so make sure you steady her 😀
after you feel how tight her muscles are though, you drag her to barbara bc she needs a healer asap 😭
while most of your time is spent in her office - you helping out in the ways you can while jean is overseeing knight duties - you still have your fair share of life outside of the favonius headquarters
jean never likes to sit still so whenever you have free time, the both of you head off looking for monsters to clear
bouken da bouken???
adventuring w jean is seriously the funnest thing you could ever do 
it’s just non-stop you accidentally getting into trouble and her having to come help you 
even tho the both of you are dead tired after fighting, what? 20 hilichurl camps now??? the laughter and joy in your eyes shows how you both truly loved every minute of it
it’s both a stress reliever, good fun, and a work-out <3
you’re definitely prone to getting dragged to angel’s share w kaeya 
kaeya and jean sometimes hang out after work at the tavern so inevitably you’re dragged along too 
all three of you are drunk out of your minds which just makes everything a MILLION times funnier 
kaeya slurring over his words makes the two of you start cackling endlessly while diluc just shakes his head making sure to not give you more wine despite your pleas 
angel’s share ft. kaeya and bartender diluc are always the best times fr fr 
life with her literally feels like y’all are married 
so much domesticity it’s so NICE ALJDKSFH
your house is always so clean and the color scheme is impeccable bc jean has such a good eye 
you have a chore schedule 😎 but it almost never works out bc jean ends up doing everything without you knowing- 
you always confront her abt it and she’s like 😁 “i had some time so i did them! no worries tho” like i- time??? where bitc-
oH- she has amazing style so you can bet shopping w her is literally the best experience 
she takes you to all of the hidden gems some places lisa recommended and helps you pick out things 
will 100% get really blushy if you come out in something and ask her for her opinion tho she’s literally the cutest
basically jean is a sweet girl who deserves the entirety of teyvat that is all. 
thanks for reading! if you have any requests don’t hesitate to send them in <3 
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whet-ones-write · 4 years
*Whistles* @haikyuuheadcanonshq
. . . I did the thing. It’s un-beta’d and I literally wrote this in the last 30 minutes bc I could and to make me happy. A Continuation ending from ‘Replacement’ Song: Waiting For Love - Avcii
Koushi Sugawara knew the moment he fucked up.
It was the moment when he realised just how big his apartment was without you. He could remember the day you didn’t come home like it was yesterday. What did he do wrong? Was he too quiet? Too focused on his future as a teacher? 
Still the moment you started to change to become more like his assistant he couldn’t understand why you were doing that. He loved you the way you were and that was always plain to see or so he thought. He gave you a promise ring after all. He wasn’t one to just back down on something like that. Even though he was seen as childish, to him something like that was serious. He wasn’t one to back down on his promises. 
You were there for him through thick and thin so when you just upped and left he broke down to his assistant. How did he miss the signs? How did he not see the ring and key you left on his desk. But how could he speak to you about it? Though in true fashion without anyone else there he turned to the only person he knew. His assistant. She was lovely, helped him through the hard times when you weren’t there but every night he begged to the stars for another chance. Some kind of way to make it up to you. To tell you his true feelings that he’s kept bottled for so long. He was the master of wearing a mask though, having learned through High school and Collage without you that he could fool even the closest people to him that he was happy when truly he was lonely. 
He always tried to keep things vague around you so then he didn’t seem like too much of a creep but the truth was you would never leave his mind. Thinking he would never be good enough for you and fearing he would let you down. 
Still when he saw you for the first time in a long time at your birthday party he couldn’t help but be elated. He had waited for this moment for so long. Though his mind quickly came to a hult as your friends surrounded him, welcoming him with open arms and asking him about his life. 
Though his eyes were empty the moment he saw you, it took him a few seconds to realise that’s where you were before you blended back into the crowd. You always had a way of being quiet and sneaking off without him noticing but this time. This time he wasn’t going to let you go. 
“Honey?” His current wife questioned him with his first child in her arms. An accident he protested in his mind. He never wanted a child with Her. He wanted you to have his first child, to be the happy family he had always dreamed of. Still shaking his head he turned a somewhat angry expression in his eyes. How could no one else notice that the birthday girl just left? It infuriated him so. Was he that much of a ray of sunshine to take away the spotlight from you? 
“I’m leaving” He stated coldly before turning and running out into the rain and hopefully after you. He wasn’t going to let you get away this time. Panting, hot and working up a sweat in the rain he ran frantically looking for you. 
“Y/N!” He yelled at the top of his lungs. The rain soaking his shirt, hair clinging to his body but nothing would stop him from trying to find you. 
Taking almost a good twenty minutes in the rain he finally found you standing under a bus stop. That’s when his eyes found you and took in your drowned appearance just like him.
“Y/N” He panted as he slowly approached you as if you were an animal and you were likely to bolt if he made any sudden moves. “I-I” He started, but where could he begin? Sorry was always a good start though it felt like he was too late for that. It broke his heart not knowing what to say or do to make it better. “Forgive me” He sniffed as his tears started to mix in with the heavy downpour.  “I-I was too focused on my future to see what was right in front of me the whole time” He whimpered crumpling to your feet, Head on the cold, wet concrete as he cried and begged explaining his life to you. How he missed you, how much of an idiot he was. How the assistant trapped him with a child that should have been your’s. Giving her a ring he was planning to propose to you with. How he regretted his choices, and never dared to look up to see your expression. 
Hoping you would take him back, giving him a chance at what he also wanted.
Wanting Redemption
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knybits · 5 years
- ̗̀ peonies, white roses and camellias ̖́-
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hoooooooo boy guys youre all in for SUCH a ride :)) this is 5k words long so i broke it up into 2 parts!! also, this was LARGELY inspired off of the flower shop and tattoo parlor au that @thunderandrainclouds wrote (im linking it here!) and i thought “why not just write the au but with all our ocs” LMAOOOOO 
she also drew some art, so i hope youll give her art work some love bc it LITERALLY SENDS ME ALL THE TIME 
Akiko is my oc
Chiyo belongs to @thunderandrainclouds
Miyuki belongs to @kny-writings
so without further ado, please enjoy! 
Part One || Part Two
“Have you heard? There’s going to be a new shop across the street,” Akiko says, looking out the window at the construction team that’s pointing at blueprints. 
“Hah? Why the hell should I care?” Sanemi snaps, not bothering to look up from his client. Akiko rolls her eyes, directing her attention away from the busy scene outside and instead to her two co-workers, whom she hates with a passion. 
The ever so quiet Giyuu that once snuck up on her, tapped her shoulder, scared the shit out of her, and made her fuck up on a client. 
Sanemi, a royal asshole that can’t control his temper and snaps at Giyuu and herself. 
Yup, Akiko is living the life at her job. 
Unfortunately, the three of them are the best of the best, and they get clients from all over the world. 
What with Akiko’s talented eye for precision, Giyuu’s incredible watercolor designs, and Sanemi’s bold sense of style, their names are well known by other tattoo artists. 
It’s such a shame they all hate each other. 
Well, maybe Giyuu has no hate in him, but tensions are high. 
At any rate, a few more months pass, and Akiko is able to tell that the new store across the street is a flower shop. There are colorful buckets lining the outside of the store, and the windows are big and tall to allow for sunshine. The two stores line directly parallel from each other, and Akiko catches sight of three people that constantly walk in and out of the new shop. 
She doesn’t even realize she’s looking at one particular guy until he turns around, and their eyes meet. Akiko blinks once, twice, then she quickly turns away from the window of her parlor. 
It’s the next day that Akiko actually meets someone from the new store across the street. 
The bell to their parlor rings, and Akiko looks up from her phone to tell them that they’re still closed, only to see that Giyuu is already at the counter. 
“Hi! Sorry to just walk in, I read your sign I swear. But we’re your new store neighbors!” A bubbly voice says, and Akiko finds herself look at a pearl haired girl wearing a light green apron with a small batch of flowers in a small mason jar in her hands. Her white short sleeved shirt allows for Akiko to see her muscular arms, and she’s impressed by the size. 
Giyuu makes no move to talk, only blinking stoically at the girl. Akiko can’t help but find this odd. 
Sure, he doesn’t talk much, but he would at least greet customers or visitors. 
Her smile turns a bit wry, she looks nervous in Akiko’s eyes, and she awkwardly places the jar of flowers on the corner of the counter. 
“Uhm, anyway, there are two other workers over there, and if you ever want to stop by and say ‘hi’ you’re more than welcome to!  No pressure or anything,” she mutters a quick ‘fuck’ under her breath, twiddling with her thumbs. 
“Yeah, I’m Takenaka Chiyo, and uh… yeah, I think I’m gonna leave now so… bye!” Chiyo jets out of the store, the bell ringing a final time, and the store is quiet again. 
Sanemi walks into the store a few minutes later, an eyebrow cocked at the odd sight of Giyuu and Akiko staring off into the same general direction. 
“What? The fuck you guys lookin at?” 
Giyuu bursts into a fit of red, and both Akiko and Sanemi’s jaws drop. 
It’s been a week now, and Akiko finds herself looking out the window more often. 
She hates it.
Because she’s looking out of the window to stare at some burgundy haired guy that works at the flower shop. 
He wears a forest green apron that reminds Akiko of a Starbucks employee, and Akiko can see that he also wears hanafuda earrings. There’s also a scar on his left temple, but she finds herself drawn to his bright smile every time he gifts a child a small daisy. 
She’s getting caught more often now though, and it’s embarrassing as hell for her. She tries to play it off nonchalantly, but she can’t help the quick blush that spreads across her face. 
“Oh my! How cute! Did you get these from across the street?” A lady gushes once Akiko is done with her tattoo and is ringing her up at the counter. Akiko turns her attention to the batch of wisteria, peonies, camellias, and white roses. 
Akiko smiles at her customer, handing back the change and replying, “Yeah! Our store smells a lot nicer ever since they’ve come into town,” she laughs, and the lady laughs with her. 
“Well I think it’s a nice touch to the store. Perhaps you’ll get a discount and can have more flowers in the parlor?” 
Akiko glances over at the window, catching the burgundy boy looking at her, before flicking her eyes back at her client with a polite smile. 
“Y’know? I couldn’t agree more!” 
“Sanemi go across the street and pick up some flowers I ordered.” 
“HAH?! Why me?” 
Akiko and Giyuu hold up their tattoo guns, continuing to scroll through their phones on a lazy Sunday before chiming in, “We have clients we’re waiting for.” 
Thank god Akiko found out she could purchase the flowers online. 
Otherwise she would have stayed staring out the window and sent in a telepathic order. 
Sure, she wants to walk over and say ‘hi’ to her store neighbors, but she also doesn’t want to meet the burgundy haired boy. Her heart might not be able to handle his smile up close. 
Sanemi glares at the two lazy asses before stomping over to them, his own tattoo gun in hand.
“Fuck that. I have clients too. Akiko you go,” he points his gun at Akiko, and on instinct she lifts her gun to point it right back at Sanemi. 
He’s giving her the nastiest glare now, and Akiko glares right back at him, slowly standing from her seat to square him up. 
“Wait, guys,” Giyuu makes the mistake to point his gun in their general direction, and the two whip their tattoo guns straight at Giyuu within a snap. 
And now Giyuu can’t help but actually point his gun at Sanemi out of feeling threatened, and Akiko slowly slinks back to her work area to grab another gun. 
The two other idiots do the same, grabbing another gun while moving back and forth between each other and glaring menacingly. 
“Put the fuckin gun down you brat,” Sanemi snaps at Akiko, one gun pointed at Giyuu and the other at our golden eyed protagonist. 
She scoffs, “You first, twat.” 
“Guys maybe we should stop before customers walk in-” 
“How cool! What do you think is going on?” Miyuki smiles, resting her chin on her hand as she leans over the store’s counter to look through the window. She’s watching the three world famous tattoo artists and their stand off, and to say she’s interested is an understatement. 
Chiyo looks up from the register, squinting her eyes at the scene then tilting her head to the side. 
“Are those… Real guns?” 
“Do I call the cops??” Tanjirou suddenly shows up, quickly putting down the watering can in his hand to pick up the store phone, only to be stopped by the two older women. 
“Put the phone down,” they chorus without moving their gaze from the window. 
“Miyu, are you recording this shit?” 
“Do you take me for a fool?” 
“I- I really think we should call in some law enforcement to make sure no one dies…” 
“Oh wait? Oh? Tea? They’re putting their guns down- THEY’RE UP AGAIN!!” 
“This is gonna go viral.” 
“Guys I don’t think-” 
Miyuki scrambles to turn her phone off, shoving it into her apron pocket as Tanjirou scrambles to pick the watering can up again and rushes to the back of the store to hide. Chiyo, for reasons unknown, ducks under the counters and sits there, so Miyuki is left to defend the fort. 
She picks up a random rag, wiping the counter and making sure she doesn’t look into the eyes of an oddly hot hell beast, finally hearing the bell chime. 
“Hi! Welcome! How can I help you today?” Miyuki goes for a smile. 
There’s a crash and a bang from the back of the store, a miserable, “Ow…” then Chiyo popping up from the counter to dash back and check in on a certain baby. Needless to say, the store isn’t making the greatest first impression. 
But Sanemi pays the incident no mind, shoving his hands into his pockets before nodding his head back to the tattoo parlor. 
“I work there, and one of my stupid co-workers bought some flowers from you guys.” 
Miyuki can’t stop staring at his toned chest, which he so brazenly displays with the top half of his silk black shirt popped open. The shirt is tight fitting too, and Miyuki is about to ascend, her mind repeating ‘NICE’ on repeat like some mantra. 
“Uhh, yeah, lemme go get that,” she mutters under her breath, then stumbles to the back of the store. 
When Sanemi gets back to the tattoo parlor with another small batch of flowers, Giyuu looks up from his work and Akiko swings her legs off a nearby chair. She stares at him quizzically, in no way used to seeing him with a light blush on his face. 
“What? You embarrassed you scared the flower fairies?” Akiko scoffs, and Sanemi moves to slam the jar onto the counter but stops himself, setting it down gently instead. 
Now Akiko knows something is up. 
“She kept me there longer than she should have. Rambling on and on and on about flower language and what the flowers we ordered means and the colors and stuff. God she’s annoying,” Sanemi snaps, and Akiko raises a brow and the newly budding love. 
“Yeah, sure Romeo…” 
Akiko almost drops her tattoo gun and through her foot when she sees sunshine boy walk through her parlor doors. 
She’s just finished up with a client and rather than setting the gun down onto the metal tray, she starts to cough on her own spit and freaks out a bit. 
Sanemi and Giyuu look over at her, and she discreetly mouths at them to casually ‘fuck off’, before helping her client to their feet and assisting them to the counter. 
Sunshine boy is accompanied by his oddly attractive friend, but they wait patiently while Akiko quickly explains the steps for aftercare while ringing her client up. She’s quick to notice that she better hurry up though, since sunshine boy’s friend looks to be a bit… energetic. 
When her client leaves, Akiko tries her best to smile at her two customers, shutting the cash register door with a clank. 
“Hi! How can I help you guys today?” 
Sunshine boy looks apologetic, gesturing to his friend, who looks around the store at the examples of what he can possibly get tattooed onto himself. 
“Sorry, uhm, my friend Inosuke has been wanting to get a tattoo for a long time, so I thought this would be the best place…” 
Akiko starts tapping into the computer, spelling out Inosuke’s name before frowning at the screen. 
“Sorry, but did you guys make an appointment?” 
“Huh? Why would we do that? Just draw a boar on my arm,” the Inosuke guy stands before Akiko now, his arms buffer that the Chiyo lady Akiko met a few weeks ago. Akiko raises a brow, and sunshine boy quickly rallies his friend back. 
“S- Sorry! I didn’t know we had to make a reservation. We’ll just go now-” 
“Hold up,” Akiko raises a hand, clicking through the computer to check her schedule for the day. When she sees that she’s all clear, she looks up from the screen with a smile. 
“It’s your lucky day. I can squeeze your friend in,” Akiko says, but sunshine boy looks distressed. 
“No, that’s okay! We can schedule a real time and date and come back, honest!” He says, but Inosuke rolls his eyes and starts to waltz over to the chair that Akiko’s previous client was sitting on. 
Akiko smiles at sunshine boy’s abrasive friend, not too bothered by this attitude since Sanemi is leagues worse, so she turns to sunshine boy and winks. 
“Consider this a store neighbor special.” 
When has Akiko ever been this smooth? 
Akiko tunes out her embarrassed thoughts, shoving aside the last 20 seconds to get out her sketch pad and asking Inosuke what he wants. 
“A BOAR!!” 
“You’re gonna have to give me more to work with. Else you want me to ink Peppa on you.” 
So Inosuke rolls his eyes, and Akiko’s pencil dances across the pad of paper. She works quickly, listening to Inosuke ramble on about how cool boars are and how he used to live with a bunch of them when he was a kid (this mildly worries Akiko). 
By the end of it, Akiko��s drawn the head of a boar with sharp tusks, and Inosuke marvels at her drawing, claiming it to be badass and worthy enough to be inked on his arm. 
Even sunshine boy looks impressed, softly clapping for Akiko from his seat across she. 
Akiko ignores her subtle blush, deciding to get to work as she fills up her tattoo guns and swabs the arm that Inosuke wants inked. Then she quickly redraws the boar onto her ipad, gets it printed out, then applies the art onto Inosuke’s arm. 
“Is it done already?! That’s fast!!” 
The sudden buzzing noise from Akiko’s tattoo gun makes Inosuke jump a bit, and his face pales enough for her to notice. Even sunshine boy takes note of his friend’s alarm, and he offers his hand with a smile. Inosuke turns the offer down though. 
But once Akiko starts to get to work, Inosuke becomes oddly quiet, eyes trained on the flowers on the counter with the sound of buzzing clouding his mind. 
Akiko looks up from her work to glance at sunshine boy, who is watching with wide and curious eyes, and their gazes meet once again. 
She decides to strike up a conversation while she has his attention, flickering her eyes back down to make sure she isn’t messing up then casually saying, “I never got you name.” 
He blinks to snap himself out of his concentrated daze, flushing a bit and scratching at his cheek. 
“Oh, sorry! We’ve been store neighbors for months and I never properly introduced myself. I’m Kamado Tanjirou.” 
Akiko smiles to herself, “Finally, I can call you something other than sunshine boy,” she chuckles. 
Throughout the rest of the conversation, Tanjirou remains red in the face and Akiko busies herself as to not flush red too. Of course, the minute she puts down the tattoo gun, it’s over for her. 
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hhhh so for some last minute notes, ill,,, explain a few things :) 
that tattoo gun scene? yeah think of that one episode from the office. cant picture it? literally type “the office showdown gifs” into google and bam, a live action of the scene. 
this was such a joy to write!! and i cant wait for you guys to read the next part! this was like,,, the set up of the ships so :) 
a huge huge thank you to mari and chuu for letting me use their ocs!!!!!!!! check our their blogs guys, theyre so so nice and such a joy to collab with :,,) 
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cheollies · 7 years
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he runs this really tiny flower shop right next to Jihoon’s music shop
you wouldn’t really notice the shop if it wasn’t for the flower pots and hanging flower ornaments and the giant sign that says Sunshine Florist
yep, that’s Seokmin’s flower shop.
It has a very rustic feel, the place was built with wood, the floors are wood, and Seokmin even got cute tables that were wooden
once again, the place was very tiny, probably only a few people could fit into it, maybe a good twenty, but after that it’s very hard to fit more into it
Seokmin has little tables outside of his shop, he found that some of the grannies of the town loved to visit his beautiful shop, not to mention they also bring along the nice drinks they acquire from Seungkwan for free
he often sits with the ladies who talk of the gossip floating around town, such as ‘did you hear that Lee Jihoon is trying to court the pretty new girl who Seungkwannie hired.’
Seokmin doesn’t really understand what ‘courting’ really means until Seungkwan explains it to him later.
bc he spends so much time tending to his flowers on the outside of the shop, he often sees people of the town walking by and greets them all by name with a toothy smile as he accidentally over waters his plants.
will occasionally go over to Jihoon’s music shop to ask him to play some sweet soothing music which results in Jihoon blasting hard rock so loud that it disrupts Joshua’s preschool lessons.
Seokmin also has this thing where he just drifts along the sidewalk to the other shops, and he pops in with a ‘Hello!’
and Soonyoung has to stop his dancing lessons to look at him like ‘dude, who’s running your shop.’
‘Chan is literally right here.’
So he forgets sometimes, but no worries, the little grannies protect his shop while he wanders sometimes.
Because he’s so sweet, he usually sends the grandmothers home with plants, some pretty roses or lillies just because he loves ‘spoiling’ them
Occasionally he’ll also belt out his wonderful vocals on the rare occasions Seungkwan has open mic night, Seungkwan tries to limit open mic night due to Soonyoung’s non-funny jokes and the fact that it’s slightly boring hearing Wonwoo recite poetry as a way to promote his bookstore down the street
Anyway, he definitely enjoys his little simple life in the little town.
But the little grandmothers are so worried for the boy
‘What’s there to be worried about, I love the way things are now’ he grins one day while sitting and drinking tea with the ladies
‘But what about marriage?’
‘How about kids?’
‘Don’t you think of these things?’
Seokmin thinks hard for a moment, a grin appearing on his face, ‘not really.’
And thus begins the frenzy of who gets to introduce their granddaughter to the precious Sunshine first.
That’s when you entered.
When you entered his little shop, it was like the sun had actually stepped into the tiny area, he swore some of the wilting flowers had actually begun to bloom in response to your entrance
‘Hi! Can I help you.” He was quick to step in, swooping in to professionally greet you.
‘Hi. You must be Seokmin. I’ve heard a lot about you from my grandmother.” Your giggle sets everything in him on fire.
‘My heart is actually blooming for her. I feel like a flower.’
‘You’re holding up my line.’ grumbles Seungkwan over the counter of his cafe
And then Seokmin ends up visiting every other place to talk about you
‘Oh she’s so wonderful kids. I think i’m in love.’
‘Alright Seokmin, time to pass over the sharing bear. Seokmin. Pass the bear over.’
The date was set for saturday. That’s what your grandmother had told both you and him. She had walked her way all the way over to Mingyu’s nice restaurant and told the taller boy to set a reservation for you and her future grandson in law Seokmin
‘Isn’t that a bit of a stretch to be calling him your grandson already ma’am’
‘Hush dear.’
Seokmin shows up thirty minutes early
That’s a lie, he showed up fourty five minutes early but waited fifteen minute outside of the restaurant because he knew Mingyu would make fun of him
that was once again another lie, he was actually an hour early, he was down the street at his flower shop spending fifteen minute deciding on what roses to pick for the date
He was just so nervous, he hadn’t been on a date in so long and the first date he has, he has it with you, you who was soooo out of his league and pretty and had the most pretty laugh
and in that very short first meeting, he was desperate to get to know you more
now here he was, breath taken when you step through the door, he felt as though he had to hold back his total and utter excitement when he sees you smile and walk his way
Anyone could see it
Seokmin was so smitten by you
‘Sorry i’m late, did you wait long?’
Seokmin shakes his head, even if you were late, he’d probably wait a hundred years if he had too
‘It’s no problem, I know the owner anyways, if you stood me up, he’d probably sit and have a whole meal with me. If this wasn’t his restaurant he’d have been fired for eating all the food’
you laughed at his remark, sending shivers down his spine and creating heart emojis to emit from his head.
and that’s how it happens, that’s how you two end up staying there until closing, barely even reaching the dessert course before Mingyu swears you two have to leave now because he has to go home
so you two leave in a fit of giggles, Seokmin walks you home, a lightness in his step that he tries to slow down so he could spend another hour entertaining you
‘This is my place.’
Seokmin’s shoulder fall in a defeat as he realizes and suddenly he’s so awkard with you
‘but you know, we never got to dessert, wouldn’t you say you owe me some’
some turned into more than just ‘some’ it turned into ice cream dates, cafe dates, exploring town dates, any kind of date that Seokmin could think of.
and like that, you two fall blissfully in love
‘I told you he’d be my grandson’
Mingyu: ‘he hasn’t even proposed yet’
He loves watching you tend to his flowers, watering them cutely with the small pitcher that he had the preschoolers decorate
he loves the way you hold and touch the petals, as if they were the most precious things on earth
and he loved seeing you through the large glass window that looked outside of the shop. Sometimes you sat with the ladies, giggling and laughing at their words while simultaneous catching his eyes, making his heart flutter with a wink
You’re also the one to get Jihoon to play more softer music
mostly because you bribe him by giving him little facts about the pretty barista next door who you’ve become friends with
you and Seokmin also got really cute matching flower shirts, and you guys wear it all the time whenever you two plan on being at the flower shop at the same time
and it’s so cutely annoying that people just have to roll their eyes but they do it because they know you two are cute together
you’ve given him the nickname ‘Sunshine’ mostly because his shop is called the ‘Sunshine Florist’ but also because you find everything about him to be so bright and so energetic like well the sunshine
oh he’s so whipped okay. He’d do anything for you, even closing his shop five hours early just to take you on a date. He constantly give you flowers to cheer you up and tells you things like ‘in a room filled with flowers, you’d still be the prettiest flower to me’. And honestly he just wants to love you forever and ever.
and that’s why, he plans to propose, with a beautiful ring placed gently in the middle of the rose, he’s going to propose and make you his forever
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evakviigmohns · 7 years
punk chick [richie tozier]
request: hey could I request an aged up Richie x reader where Richie is transitioning into his bad boy style because of the reader because to impress her because she's a badass punk chick.
A/N: i!! had!! so!! much!! fun!! writing!! this!! I hope that the anon who sent this doesn’t mind that these are headcannons¿¿¿ cuz I just thought it was easier & im trying to get my shit done LMAO,,,,, soooooo hope u guys enjoy this!! don’t forget to send me request or such cuz i still have time until school begins & I want to write as much as I can before it does. i hope u have a great day!
 -okay so let’s say you are the new girl in school at 11th grade (i would say freshman sophomore or whatever it is but I have no fucking idea how that works lol) & u came in with all of this bad punk chick vibe and everyone just went nuts
-bc its fucking derry, here everyone is just kind of average and the cliques are not really empathized or anything so seeing someone just look so much like a character from a movie and all of that is just different, u know what I mean?
-soooooooooooooooo, it’s your first day at school, you walk in and you literally feel how everyone turns around to look at you, which you just kind of brush off cuz just fuck it, you know what I mean?
-okay so you go into your first class and you just sit like in the middle of the classroom cause even though you are interested in this subject, you are not interested enough to sit in the front seats and wait to until the class starts; everyone is sitting with friends or such and you are still alone but you really don’t care cause you might as well just turn around and make a lil chit chat with the people sitting behind you because for fuck’s sake if you aren’t charming
-sOooOo as I was saying, people keep walking into the room and you see a guy with such an adorable smile and just looks like a real-life bunny and he gets closer to the seat where you at and he just smiles directly at you and nicely asks if he can sit next to you and you reply yes.
-It turns out that his name is Ben Hanscom and he is the nicest boy you’ve ever met. The conversation between you two floats easily and right before the ring bells, he invites to hang out after school with his friends and you immediately agree; everyone could use some new friends and even more when you are the new girl at school/now.
-your day just floats normally, until you reach your final period, but you decide to skip it because who fucking needs to P.E
-so you are just hanging out behind your school, smoking a cigarette as you just look around waiting for the final ring to make its appearance and you see a couple of boys who are walking around and you just follow them with your eyes as you keep inhaling and exhaling smoke (out of context but if u smoke pls be careful bc of fucking cancer) apparently one of them notices you.
-and they just pull the shirt of the other as they keep staring, talking about being lowkey, the other guy who is wearing glasses and is just fucking tall smirks at your direction and tells something to the smaller one and he just starts walking in your direction as his friends follows him.
-once they reach you, your halfway trough your cigarette and you just look at him until he says something.
-“well, hello there” the glass-wearing boy tells you and you just nod your head at his direction “uhm, my name is Richie and this is Eddie” he said as he looked at his friend next to him “and I was just wondering what is doing a lady like you out here all by herself” “what you think im doing?” you say as you put the cigarette in your lips “to smoke? Yeah, well, im here to take a smoke too.” As soon as he said that, eddie looked at him just shocked bc for fucks sake Richie doesn’t smoke¿ wth is he doing¿
-but you have no fucking idea and you just take the cigarette off your lips and give it to him, so he can take a hint of it, to which he just opens his eyes and grabs it and puts it in his to give a big blow of smock and not even five seconds in he just starts coughing
-you just start laughing and so does eddie, you look up to Richie and he is still coughing a little bit and he is just blushing like a bastard
-you quickly look at the watch in your wrist to see how much time you had left until you and ben were going to meet up, 2:55 pm; since your school day ends at 3 pm you just grab your backpack from the floor and start walking away
- “bye eddie, see you later smoker-boy” you say as you leave bc yeah you might a badass chick, but you are also really fricking polite so
-you walk slowly and once you reach the entrance of your school, ben is already there with his friends and he just waves at you as he smiled bc ben is a fucking ray of sunshine
-so, you stand next to him and all of his friends just stare you, maybe because you are wearing all black, maybe because of your eyeline or probably just because ben aka cutie managed to talk to you aka punk chick
-ben clears his throat and starts introducing you to his friends: bill, stan, mike and bev, his eyes showed such an adoration as he introduced Beverly and you immediately realized how lovestruck he was for her, and he introduces as (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the girl on his history class who is super sweet when she wants to
-hardie outside softie inside TM
-but it turns out that they still have to wait for 2 other guys, so they can go to a little forest that it’s pretty much theirs by now
-the conversation between all of you floats so fucking easy that you are shocked like ??¿¿ beverly even asked you if you can give her tips on how to do her make up and you immediately agree bc she is just so great smh
-just imagine punk chick!reader and softie!beverly teaching each other to do their make up JNKJVDNVKDFNVKJFNKD, im so fucking gay im SORRY
-let’s get back to it
-so, you hear stan say that the guys who you were expecting are already coming and you turn around to see the infamous smoker-boy and eddie getting closer.
-once they’ve settled in, ben goes “okay, (Y/N) these are-“ “Richie and Eddie, I’ve met them before” you interrupt him “and Richie trying to make himself look cool or something just chocked in my cigarettes smoke” you say with a little smirk as the rest of the group just starts laughing at the brown-eyed boy.
-“well thank you for embarrassing me, princess” “suck it up, dickhead”
-also, you swear like a freaking sailor and literally 20 minutes in, everyone already knows it
-so you and your new gals are walking towards the forest and you are just amazed because everyone is just so nice¿¿
-you feel really welcomed and you are happy that ben spoke to you in the first place
-OKAY SO, the weeks pass by and you keep hanging out with them and you’ve gotten insanely close to ben, bev, mike and richie
-you keep showing Richie your favorite bands and you just kind of ignore the fact that he gets really fucking red when you get close to him
-because he is really fucking cute when he wants so he get’s a free pass at being lowkey flustered around you
-so, one day you are all hanging out waiting for classes to start but Richie hasn’t arrived yet, which is not weird because he is usually  late
-but then he does, and he is not wearing his usual stuff, but he is wearing a sex pistols shirt and you are like ?? since when does Richie like sex pistols??
-and he is just smirking like an asshole and just winks at you when he realizes you are staring him and you just reply by flipping him off and then the bell rings
- so, you have physics now and you share this class with Richie, and you just walk to the classroom together and he keeps making remarks about how cool you two look all punkie and stuff and you just wink at him and all of his coolness is long gone bc you never wink at him????????
-physics just go by very lowkey because you really like this class and in middle of it you feel Richie pull your arm
-“hey, (YN), look down” “for what” “just do it for fuck’s sake”  and you do it, and guess what
-Richie Fucking Tozier is holding a box of cigarettes under the table and you are just shocketh
-because like two months ago he almost chocked to death for smoking and now he does it
-like what the fuck Richard
-and you ask him what the hell is up with him
-and his explication was that it looked fun
-but in reality it was just because he had a silly crush in you. I mean, he is Richie fucking tozier, he doesn’t need to change to be liked by girls but he wants to be liked this girl.
-he even asked bev about it
-because he realized that you two became really close
-and she explained to him that you never really spoke about boys and such but that you were single but not lonely
-u know what I mean 😉
-SOOOOOOOOO, he is like fuckfuck what do I do now, so his best idea is to turn into a bad boy version of himself
-cuz that’s what all punk chicks want, right? -in reality, you knew about richie’s plans and you found it adorable and you also didn’t really have a type bc life’s too short to think about having types so
-but you also had a crush on him HDFJHFKJDJN, ben, bev & mike were the only ones who knew about it because even though you liked all the losers you trusted them the most
-soooooooooo, let’s say its Christmas break or something
-and there’s a party where everyone is invited but you reach there earlier because you weren’t in the mood to wait and you just wanted some alcohol because life is stressing oKAy
-and it’s like 11 pm when you see the rest of your friends getting to the party and you are really happy bc you were tipsy, not drunk, tipsy
-everything is going super great and then you hear someone say something about Beverly and you are like ??? protective gf activated
-it turns out someone was calling her a whore bc apparently she slept with someone named Patrick
-but you know it aint true and you also know that the girl who is talking trash about Beverly has done it for some time
-so you walk up to her and you ask her what did she say
-she says without looking ashamed any second that Beverly was a disgusting slut and that  it made sense that you were her friend
-and wait?? Is that your fist against her cheek?? What is she doing on the floor?? Yeah you just punched her cause she deserved it
-so, you kneel down next to her and softly say: “say anything about Beverly or my friends ever again and I will make your life fucking impossible, understood?” the girl just nods, and you go to your group of friends and everyone is just in shook and bev just hugs you and you just hug her back bc awe <3
-richie’s brain kind of stopped working and it’s insanely cute
-like, he is just staring at you, with his lips partly opened and his hair is just a big mess and wow, is he wearing a leather jacket??
-“Richie, can we go to talk outside?” “what? Oh, okay, yeah, sure” talking about being flustered
-the moment of shook is long gone and as soon as you walk off with Richie everyone is just freaking out because you two have been pinning for the each for a long ass time now and everyone knows it except you two, like how stupid is that?
-they had bets and all of that going on to see how long it took you two to date LMAO
-so you and Richie are outside of the house and you just look at him and he looks like a damn mess but you need to get this out of your chest
-also Richie + leather jacket is a combination made by the gods
-“Richie, I like you” and before you even manage to say something else, his lips are already on top of yours, his hands are on your waist and at first you are kind of shocked
-but a few seconds in and one of your hands was on his chest and the other one was in his hair and if this wasn’t one of the greatest kisses you’ve gotten in a while
-so after a while you pull away from each and you just smile at him and he just smiles back nsjkfd
-“I like you too, princess.”
-“yeah, you’ve kind of made it clear” you say scrunching your nose a little bit
-“I’m trying to have a moment, for fuck’s sake YN”
-you just laugh at him and kiss him again and he doesn’t complain
-because your lips are really fucking soft and he just wants more
-so by the end of the party you two are officially A Thing and everyone is really happy for you
-also make out sessions as you listen to The Ramones? SING ME UP
-so yeah, lol, you and Richie re just a happy punk couple who smoke together and are just really fucking happy with each other
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