#i love charizard i wanted to do him justice ok
Ok, so, I've been trying for too much to think what Pokémon represents best the IkeVap boys and?? I'm clueless H e l p Like maybe Theo could be a Lucario, Nappy an Arcanine, Moz a Glaceon, but honestly? I Do Not Know And I'm Not Sure™️
Truly, I have never been more understood than in this moment 😂😂 I love Pokémon, so it was fun to do this! I just hope I don’t disappoint~
That being said bc I have absolutely no reading comprehension despite appearances, I originally just made a kind of compilation of the Pokémon I thought they would have (if it’s a legendary Pokémon, maybe they’re just Good Bros^TM at least). But given that much of my selections were made on the basis of similarities between each suitor and the pokémon listed, I decided to just add and bold the one that I felt best embodied each character c:
(Also I am hugely into Pokémon so I have no qualms getting requests like this; go for it y’all)
Comte: Ninetales (Alolan): thought to be immortal, treated like a deity but really just wants to be left alone with its own kind sometimes Alakazam Froslass Zoroark Milotic Celebi Rapidash (Galar) Reshiram Delphox Bonus: has a shiny Gardevoir he brings to balls with him sometimes, and she is very lovely uwu
Napoleon: Braviary: fights for its allies until the bitter end, very committed to justice and protecting those who need it Arcanine Lucario Rayquaza Rapidash (Kanto) Rhydon Skarmory Bonus: He keeps a Falinks bc "march on you funky little Pokémon”
Mozart: Meloetta: ability to create music that moves one to emotion Rowlett (HE’S A DAPPER LITTLE GENTLEMAN WITH A BOWTIE OFC MOZART LOVES IT) Primarina Suicune Jigglypuff
Leonardo (he literally just finds cats and babies and takes them home, this is what my instincts say and I trust them. Also has a Machoke for when he needs help with more intensive work): Cubone: do y’all really need an explanation for this one. [Okay bc I don’t want to be obnoxious, for any of you that might be unaware, Cubone is known as “The Lonely Pokémon.” It essentially wears the skull of its dead mother and weeps for its loss. The reason I chose it for Leonardo is that, at least to me, 99% of his characterization and vibe just screams “abandoned/neglected child” imo] Luxray Litten Espurr Silvally Machoke
Arthur: Mandibuzz: power complex about preying on the weak Lumineon: attracts attention from potential mates, but also risks attention from predators/enemies from the gaudy display
Isaac: Applin: hidey apple child that has yet to tap into his strength (you will be a dragon type one day) Quilava Magneton Lanturn Togedemaru Metagross Bonus: Minior bc he is a child of the stars
Vincent: Smeargle: art Swablu: it’s baby. he baby. [okay but like fr Swablu loves people and coos at them and its all around adorable and even sits on people’s heads like a little cloud hat for fun. tell me that isn’t Vincent energy.] Poipole [if anybody has seen the anime, it’s basically a tiny agent of chaos that loves to paint on anything and everything; I feel like Vincent would find it endearing] Sunflora Lycanroc(Midday)  Zigzagoon Zacian Ho-oh
Theodorus: Scrafty: I think of this Pokémon bc it is strong and takes great pride in protecting loved ones “This Pokémon may be rude, but/While mostly known for having the temperament of an aggressive ruffian, it takes very good care of its family, its friends, and its turf.” This you, Theo? Lycanroc(Dusk) Nidoking Zangoose Zamazenta Yamper Tyranitar
Jeanne: Golurk: functions to protect people Absol: considered a bad omen/harbinger, even though it appears to forewarn humanity--it doesn’t cause calamity Pawniard Gallade Marowak (Alolan) Aegislash Umbreon (Shiny) Sirfetch’d Corviknight Spectrier
Dazai: Mr.Mime: clown Corsola (Galar) Confagrigus Lapras  Piplup Ninetales (Kanto) Pidove Slowking Rotom (specifically acquired via painstaking means just to harass Isaac)
Shakespeare: Mimikyu: nananananana spyman Buneary Seviper Chatot Liepard Bannette
Sebastian: Indeedee: male version of this Pokémon act as a valet, and are known for their poise and helpfulness Greninja Ampharos Polteageist Wooloo Combee Bellossom (I hc that he acquired a Bellossom for the sole intention of thwarting rain whenever possible, mostly for Dazai and Jeanne’s sake. It doesn’t always work, but it can also serve to lighten rainfall)
Vlad: Zekrom: seeks to create a world constructed in the name of ideals Hydreigon: perhaps closer to his true nature, incredibly powerful and rampages indiscriminately Dragapult Charizard X Haxorus(Shiny) Gengar Krookodile Scolipede Spiritomb Roserade (Why can’t I stop imagining him as one of those annoying Dragon Tamer trainers on Victory Road, where I just whip out Ice Beam and level every single one of his Pokémon. Sir I have no interest in your erroneous preconceptions of strength, I have an Elite Four to d e s t r o y)
Charles: Mawile: very pretty but big murder Crobat Skitty Dreepy
Faust: Oranguru: will not abide inexperienced trainers (aka imbeciles or people he deems empty/pathetic) but also creates medicine for other Pokémon Mewtwo Eevee --> Espeon Noctowl (Shiny)
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rankakiu · 5 years
Thoughts of the Droid: Pokemon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
Hello, people of Tumblr! How life treats you? As always, I hope very well. On this occasion, I bring to all of you my review and opinions of the film: Pokemon: Detective Pikachu. Although I know in advance that my review is late, I could not resist the temptation to share my opinions with you. After all, this platform serves this purpose.
Finally, continuing with the review, it is surprising that this film is considered the first adaptation of a videogame to the big screen to be totally successful, both at the box office, as well as in the criticism and acceptance of the audience. It is certain that? Well, I invite you to stay and read my review to find out.
WARNING: NOT SPOILER-FREE. Read at your own risk 
Entering already in full in the review, What do I think about the movie? Short answer: fun and entertaining. It does not waste seeing it on the big screen. Now, we go with more details.
Characters: Perfectly constructed to please the spectator. At this point, I would like to highlight the magnificent work that actor Ryan Reynolds did, since he was apparently born for the role of Pikachu. Through his voice and facial expressions, he gave life to a Pokemon as classic and loved as Pikachu is. He plays his role and with that, achieves another interpretation worthy of admiration, just as he did a couple of years ago with the character of Deadpool.
For its part, the actor Justice Smith delivers a character, who is not as charismatic as its protagonist but delivers a character well enough built to care about his life, his decisions and how it unfolds in the history. Justice Smith delivers, at first, a character who has renounced all dreams and has adopted a conformist attitude, where he does not care what happens with his life. For later, that his character, in his journey, evolves into a character that little by little opens his heart, with which he creates new friendships and where he also changes his perspective of life and even finds a new vocation to which wants to dedicate. This duo of actors is those who carry mostly the weight of the film and in return deliver good memorable characters, with whom the viewer can sympathize quite well.
Of the rest of the cast, although they are not as developed as the main duo, at least they are quite friendly, each of them has a charisma that makes it impossible to hate them or that one as a spectator does not feel that their presence is redundant.
History: Entertaining, but a little more effort would not have hurt. Of course, I admit that I'm facing a story that honors the genre of mystery and detectives. It is, in a basic sense, a police-type story, where little by little we are presented with clues so that our characters (and in passing the audience) form a scheme of events that allows them to solve a case. Not only that, but I also recognize that the story perfectly presents motivation to our protagonists to be involved in the mess. We have Pikachu, who has lost his memory, and only resolving the case can find out who he is. In the case of the character of Tim Goodman, his motivation is due to finding his father or to be certain that happened to him. Lucy Stevens sees, in this case, the opportunity to achieve her dream of being a reporter, but as she spends time with Tim and Pikachu, she becomes a true ally and helps the duo, because that's what she wants ... of course, without ever forgetting her goal, which is the story simply goes to the second place on her list of priorities, which speaks very well of the character and that is not just a kind of walking ambition.
As for the villain, Howard Clifford and his motivations ... Eh, I feel that they could work much more, as they deliver an unmemorable villain and in fact what you remember most about him is that he passes his mind to the legendary Pokemon Mewtwo. Although there is something that I liked about the villain and that is that when he uses Mewtwo's body, it becomes a real threat. Basically, it's like a little taste of seeing an alternative scenario of "'What would happen if Mewtwo is a bad guy?" And his plan, in a certain perspective is quite cruel, since the pokemon reduces them to mere bodily recipients, taking away their free will, his personality, feelings and above all breaking the bond of affection that these creatures have with humans.
And as for humans, Howard basically condemns his own race to be trapped in a body that is not theirs and what is worse, in the body than their companions were once. Truly a terrible plan, motivated by a belief, apparently noble, but deep down is a true spectacle of horror, where someone decides for everyone without taking into account the opinion of others.
In general, the story is well thought out, but not without its mistakes. Although luckily or for the good work of the writers, the story works well within what they want to propose, of course, without forgetting the comic moments that work wonderfully and the dramatic moments that serve to further explore the facets and psychology of the characters.
Visuals and special effects: Without a doubt, special effects stand out to give life to the city Ryme, which looks largely like a highly futuristic city, but do not doubt that we could see something similar in a few more years. On the other hand, the city also feels realistic to present several facets of a very large city, where we have different places to explore. Of course, without forgetting that the city also has its dark side, especially the Pokemon fights, where they are totally clandestine. In addition, you can truly appreciate a healthy coexistence between humans and pokemon, where both races work side by side on a daily basis to keep the city prosperous. It is in its purest sense, a kind of paradise, of utopia that shows that both parties can coexist.
As for the design of the pokemon, I feel that most of them work quite well. But there are also some, that despite having respected their classic designs to one hundred percent, definitely not very good, and in this case, I think that the pokemon of Mr. Mime and Psyduck are the most suffer from this problem. Even so, you feel the effort they put in to make the pokemon on a more realistic plane, so to speak.
Action: This is the point where I believe I will be most critical. I do not doubt that the fight between Pikachu and Charizard was exciting and overwhelming since it had a genuinely comical outcome. However, in my opinion, we should have seen more fights in this style. The fight between Mewtwo and Pikachu, that was disappointing, since Pikachu fled more than he fought. Ok, I agree that a normal Pokémon is not a rival to Mewtwo, but I also believe that they could deliver an action sequence that was more developed. In this fight you have to Pikachu only uses an attack against Mewtwo and nothing else. Although that, the various scenes of escape and persecution, such as the forest (where the Greninja make their appearances) are very attractive, they keep you on the edge of your seat and you want the protagonists to escape from such terrible enemies. The action is decent, but it leaves you asking for much more.
In conclusion, Pokemon: Detective Pikachu, despite its problems, is a very entertaining film, it is in its essence, a fun and interesting trip to see. To be the first live action movie of this franchise, the result is a real pleasant surprise. So while I give this movie 3 out of 5 Pikachus coffee fans. If ultimately you are looking for a fun time or want to see a new perspective of Pokemon, without doubt, this movie is for you.
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