#i love chip
poyopaan · 10 months
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i am not immune to drawing Chip Just Roll With It
also i adore fnc so much i hurts me
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browniboxx · 6 months
Here is my official submission for the @kirbyoctournament
Sir Chip!
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Lore under the cut :3 (it's a lot)
Sir Chip Sweet (outside of KPP business known as Prince Chip) is the first born son of the princess of Kandyland, Sugaree Sweet. He was made with her life-bringing powers so he has no father. He was made specifically for his role as the kingdom's protector and leader of the KPP. He was also the first cookie ever designed for Kandyland and used as a loose blueprint for any other cookies. He grew up alongside the other members of the KPP and Lady Kandi Sugarose's twin brother, Taffee. Taffee was his best friend.
The most important day in his lore is his 10th birthday. During his party, he wanders off into the garden to play with a marshmallow rabbit. While playing with the animal, it jumps on him. That startles him and he accidently explodes it. (There was Life Sugar, their equivalent of blood, amd guts everywhere. Not a good thing for a 10 year old to see) Crying, he runs to his mother and grandfather and informs them of the situation. Surprisingly, The Confection King sees this as great news.
Thus, Chip's training begins. Using Candees as test subjects, The Confection King teaches Chip how to focus his power. Also, how to suppress it. Due to his power being closely tied to his emotions, suppressing the power ment suppressing his feelings. In a few months, Chip was handling executions at Kandy Castle.
Second important moment. Kandyland gets involved in a war. (How it started isn't important for the purposes of this post) Naturally, as the planet's Guardians, the KPP was on the front lines. And, wanting to help his sister, his best friend, and his girlfriend (who was Sundaie Skoopz), so was Taffee. After quite a bloody battle, Taffee suffered a major injury and tragically died at the ripe age of 18. This took quite the toll on everyone close to him. And, after the funeral, Sir Chip cried for the first time in 9 years.
Naturally, the death of his best friend sent him into a deep depression. This partnered with The Confection King's constant demands caused Sir Chip to suffer a mental breakdown which, due to his explosive abilities, stopped his heart. Luckily, his mother, with the help of her father, was able to save him. During his recovery, he was very often visited by Lady Kandi Sugarose. Under the pretense of "checking on her brother's friend." During this time, the two began to grow quite close and, in the following years, began a romantic relationship.
One day, The Confection King asks Chip to do some research on the (somewhat) legendary warrior Kirby. During his work, he learns about many others. Such as Galacta Knight, who the Confection King mentioned knowing before. But no one fascinated him as much as one.
That one was Meta Knight.
Meta Knight fascinated him. He always managed to remain somewhat illusive despite being so well known. One could say he became Meta Knight’s biggest fan.
This brings us to the Kandyland series. Being a fan of Meta Knight's, he was eager to take up an opportunity to duel him. However, Kirby ended up being his main issue. After being bested in combat, he very well expected to be killed.
But Kirby didn't kill him.
No, Kirby merely fixed Chip's wing and sent him to the infirmary. Kirby was something Sir Chip wasn't used to from an opponent.
He was merciful.
This brings us to post-Kandyland.
Kirby became quite good friends with the Sweet Family, including Chip. Being friends with Kirby also isn't anything Chip is used to. He doesn't do well with children due to his constant fear of hurting them. But he can't accidentally hurt Kirby. He enjoys the boy's company, though, Kirby always has a lot of energy. Being friends with Kirby also allowed to meet a lot of other people and get closer to Meta Knight.
Most recently, Sir Chip proposed to Lady Sugarose. Also making the couple's relationship public.
(That's all I've got lol)
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starboy-acer · 6 months
“get him back!” [Chip JRWI x You!]
(this is the "slightly spicy" one. basically im just being more detailed abt kissing instead of just saying "passionately" or some bs like that)
(very slight spoiler warning for a mention of jazz and mid-later game crew members)
you chug back another shot of vodka and slam the glass down on the bar. you look back at the barkeep who just gives you a slightly disappoint sigh and tops off your drink.
"don't look at me like that. at least i'm paying, plenty of people here wouldn't. given that this is outlaw land, after all." your words slur together slightly. you're not completely drunk, but definitely tipsy.
your reasoning for trying to drown out your sorrows with liquor are complicated. complicated just like your relationship with chip. you aren't exactly dating, but there's no denying the feelings between you two. you can't tell if its actually love or just some sort of lust or passion for him, and chip can't tell what his feelings are for really anyone. all you know is you get extremely jealous on your adventures whenever chip tries to pick up women, and then you heave a sigh of relief whenever he inevitably fails. whenever jazz had flirted with chip after that whole fight between the crews and the giant sea monster, you almost punched him in the face. and by him, you definitely mean chip, not jazz.
you're fairly new to the crew so its difficult to say anything about your feelings for chip. you don't know much about his life; you don't even know his last name. you just know that you have a soft spot for funny, cocky men. it also doesn't help that whenever you're alone, things get a little tense.
for example, the night before you got to land, you and chip were alone together on the deck, except for alphonze. you were just talking about the most random stuff. chip was talking to you about his new found power of "hot hands" and talking about going "hot mode". you made a joke that he's always in hot mode. he didn't get it, so you clarified that it's because he's attractive. just like a romcom, the ship hit a wave that made you slip and fall into him. you both fell with you on top of him and turned bright red, but you didn't move immediately. chip didn't say anything, he just kissed you. it wasn't the first time you guys had kissed. however, last time you were drunk. the time before that, chip was drunk. this time, you were both sober. you definitely knew it wasn't a completely thought-out action from him as he is prone to impulsiveness, but you definitely didn't care. i'm sure he could tell that you didn't care because you ran your hands up his arms as he snaked his hands around your waist and pulled you as close to him as possible. you're sure it would've gone further if it wasn't for alphonze chastising you two and telling you to go to bed. "and go to SEPERATE beds." he had emphasized. the next morning, he didn't say anything about it and just went off with jay and gillion to do whatever it was they were doing there while you went to the nearest hotel, book a room, then headed to a tavern.
you had noticed chip walk into the tavern alone a few minutes ago. whatever the captains had to do here, it didn't take but around two hours. you assumed that jay and gillion were off doing their own thing, and chip hadn't noticed you yet. he walked around, got a quick drink, and then was approached by a beautiful dark elf woman. you had to refrain from squeezing the glass so hard that it broke.
being a wizard, you knew how to fuck with them without being caught, but you decided against it for now. instead, you just listened in to their conversation from afar.
"i haven't seen you around here at all," the dark elf said to him while touching his arm and running her fingers along his firey tattoo. "nice tattoo, where'd ya get it?"
"ah, just someplace. somewhere. not important! i'm chip, what's your name?"
"zidara. nice to meet you, chip. very nice to meet you."
"zidara..." he dragged out the name and smiled. "gorgeous name for a gorgeous lady."
"aw, you flatter me. what are you in town for?"
the conversation continued on. it was incredibly boring for you. it was just small talk and exchanging compliments. the moment you started really paying attention was when she started playing with his hair and getting all up on him, and he wasn't denying her. you had to play your cards right here. you didn't want to piss off chip, but you wanted to get her away from him. you decided to discreetly cast telekinesis and just push her back ten feet. the dark elf was ripped from chip's arms and as she let out a yelp, chip looked around for the caster. he locked eyes with you and you simply waved. his eyebrows furrowed as he turned back to the dark elf and pulled her up. he apologized and claimed he didn't know what happened. he turned her around so that her back was to you and he could see you. he caressed her face. you couldn't tell what was being said, but there wasn't much before he kissed her. his other hand wrapped around her waist and you saw him flip up his middle finger at you from behind the elf's back.
you stood up from the bar and went up to a guy who had hit on you moments before chip walked in. you talked him up. it wasn't exactly hard to talk him up either. you were gorgeous and he was tipsy. it didn't take long before you were able to get him to kiss you, but before his lips even touched yours, you were getting pulled away.
"hey, what the fuck?" you yelled as you turned to look at who was pulling you. it was none other than chip, the bastard that just made a whole scene to piss you off. he didn't say a word as he dragged you outside to a more secluded place by the tavern. he let you go and you turned to him.
"what the hell, chip. what was that?"
"i was getting you away from him." chip replied. "i could tell you weren't into him. you just wanted to piss me off."
"no shit, sherlock. you kissed that elf just to piss me off!"
chip crossed his arms and looked down at you (he's a good few inches taller). "that's different."
"literally, no it isn't. that guy was hitting on me just like five minutes before you walked in."
"how long have you been there?!"
"none of your business, chip."
"it is my business. you are my business."
"oh, really? and why is that, chip? i definitely didn't feel like your business when you blew me off this morning."
"last night was a mistake and you know that."
"didn't feel like a mistake when your hands almost wandered under my shirt."
chip scoffed. "you're the one who had their hands feeling up my arms."
"i think having hands on your arms is not near as intimate as having someone's hands on your bare back."
"you're being impossible right now."
"I'M BEING IMPOSSIBLE?!" you chuckled. "oh, that's rich. that's actually insane."
"you're being crazy! you're expecting shit to happen from a few accidents."
"i cannot stress this enough, but i do not think that having your tongue in my mouth or hands all over my body is an ACCIDENT."
chip just scoffed again and looked off to the side. you decided to press further. "why are you so afraid of admitting that we like each other? things would be so much easier if you did."
"i have my fucking reasons, okay." chip sighed. "listen, i'm sorry. my reasons for pushing you away are irrelevant. i shouldn't have even done it in the first place. i do like you, i really do."
"you have a pretty shit way of showing it."
"i haven't actually shown it at all. i'm very good at showing it when i do."
"yeah, i'm sure." you said with obvious sarcasm. it's not that you didn't believe him, it's that you wanted him to show you. you wanted to know what he meant by that. chip raised an eyebrow at you. before he could speak, you suggested that you go back to the hotel where the crew is and to get some rest, as it's late, and you can talk when everyone heads to bed. you didn't want to continue this conversation around anyone else because whether it went bad or good, you didn't want anyone else around to hear it.
you both walked silently to the hotel where the crew was gathered in the lobby. the lobby here was a big meeting spot for guests at the hotel, perfect for your large crew. gryffon had already headed to bed and alphonze was out doing maintenance on the ship, and earl was out buying more fruit. it was just jay, gillion, ollie, and queen left in the lobby. jay was messing around with some contraption of hers with ollie with gillion and queen were trying to make a song. jay waved at you when you walked in and gillion called chip over for some input on their song. you told everyone that you were going to head to bed and what room you were in, just in case anyone needed you. when you got to your room, you changed into some more comfortable clothes. right before you could get in bed, chip barged in and walked over to you. he pulled you close to him and just said, "this is me showing you that i like you," before kissing you.
one hand was on your hip, pulling you into him, while the other was tangled in your hair and holding your head in place. your wrapped your arms around his neck as you turned and fell onto the bed. chip's coat quickly started to get in the way, so he pulled away for a moment. he smiled and looked down at you below him before throwing his coat out of the way and smashing his lips back into yours. his hands quickly began to wander as they ran down your side and tugged at the bottom of your shirt before sliding up and under it. your hands ran up his back. your hands were cold as they naturally were, but his body was warm. it was a nice sensation to both of you. chip's leg split yours apart and rest just between them so that he could get more comfortable as he pulled away from your face and kissed your cheek, then your jawline, all the way down to your neck. you breathed out softly as he kissed your neck and gasped when he lightly bit you. he just laughed and looked up at you. you rolled your eyes and he kissed your cheek and then your lips again.
before anything else could happen, jay and gillion kicked down the door. "I KNEW THERE WAS SOME EVIL HAPPENING HERE!" gillion yelled while pointing at you two before he realized what was happening. "wait. WHAT?!"
chip scrambled to get his coat and cleared his throat. "gillion, jay. what are you two doing here. this isn't your room."
"this isn't yours either!" gillion said while looking between you and chip.
jay very quickly noticed a red mark on your neck from where chip had bit you and laughed. "don't get too rowdy in here. we have things to do tomorrow. let's go, gill."
"DON'T DO ANY EVIL. I WILL KNOW!" he said as jay dragged him out of your room. chip then promptly went to the door, locked it, and threw his coat to the side.
you yawned as you walked out to the lobby where the rest of the crew was having breakfast. you went and sat beside chip and he kissed you on the cheek before handing you some food. you noticed that everyone was staring at you and you looked up at them. jay was giggling, gillion's jaw was hitting the floor, and ollie was looking at chip and then at you.
"why does your neck have purple spots?" ollie asked while pointing at your neck. you almost spit out your juice.
"i'm sorry? what?"
earl spoke up. "ya got hickies! nasty kids..."
you looked over at chip and he was just smiling and enjoying his food. you promptly slapped the back of his head and he burst out into laughter.
"what are hickies?" ollie asked earl. earl opened his mouth to speak, but gillion held a sword to him.
"do not speak of this evil to the young boy. chip, you are a bad father."
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doomordestiny · 5 months
hey guysss guess who is finally catching up on riptideeee :3 listening to 112 rn :D
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gmax-centiskorch · 2 years
last night I dreamt that there were so many tarantulas and I wanted to adopt all of them but I only have room for my one tarantula rn
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chiptrillino-art · 3 months
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(ID in ALT text)
when you hate him at his best, you can only poor little mow mow him at his worst.
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catball · 1 year
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luckygumkat · 4 months
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swagliostro · 5 months
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Every Chip needs a decent cuddle!
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sophfandoms53 · 5 months
Anyway shout out to Dewey who constantly looked like he was having the worst time of his fucking life in the pitches
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Just an 11 year old pissed off at the world it seems😭
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officialmiintee · 10 days
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nail polish trend with furin trio
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avephelis · 6 months
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we are locking into BEAST MODE to unleash our SUPER MONSTER BLAST chip
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dizzybizz · 7 months
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"this is regrettably the best kiss of your life, you understand?"
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tomatohorse · 4 days
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JRWI WIP 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ might maybe finish later
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rain-cloudsky · 8 months
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crystalliumdaisy · 29 days
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for funsies i thought i’d redraw one my first ever riptide art pieces!! which is them as pokémon trainers
below is the og piece
2021!! she’s old old
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