#i love doin goofy ass bullshit
chickenoptyrx · 2 years
This is goofy and I cannot stress enough that I have no gd idea what i was doing. But. Since I think iv abandoned this:
Turles and crew tryin to convince gohan to join them via musical number :]
(Song is 'professional pirate' from muppet treasure island)
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soulc-hilde · 3 months
Twiddledee, Twiddledum
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Pairing: Eminem x afab!reader
Synopsis: You’ve never been the most sociable person, missing countless of romantic possibilities until an accritically acclaimed rapper decides that you’re the one for him. Of course, the mean girl who lives for theatrics doesn’t agree. 
Based off of this request
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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“Baby, you’ve been telling me for months about how great of man you’re with, but how come I’ve never seen him before?” Your mother practically whines through the phone call. 
You scoff, shaking your head. Because your other child is a hoe and three quarters. Despite her conscience, you decided to play it safe with your words. “We’ve just been busy, mama. Ya know, if there’s one thing about workaholics, we attract one another.” 
“Child, you may be grown, but I ain’t stupid,” the woman snorts. “Besides, you’re a bad liar. If you’re ashamed of us… I’ll cuss your ass out, but I won’t judge. Your father still believes that wearing socks with his sandals is a practical fashion statement. That’s enough shame to last a lifetime.”
You laugh, nostalgic moments of your family’s arguments over the man’s fashion choices. “That man could bring shame upon a village and he still wouldn’t care,” the two of you laugh. They settle down for a moment. “You do know that we tend to find love that reminds us of home or our loved ones, right? I bet you, that boy you’re with is just like yo’ daddy.”
You freeze for a second, thinking about whether the statement was the slightest bit true. 
“Oh my God,” Hailie gasps, eyes wide as she glares up the stairs. “Dad, no. Absolutely not!”
Stevie and Alaina lean over, trying to see what traumatized their sister. Immediately, their eyes widen, jaws dropping like never before. Their father, goofy as can be yet aggravating as hell, was dressed like the Boy Wonder in a tight costume and a fat blonde wig that contrasted heavily against his dark brown beard.
“What?” He shrugs, gesturing down at the outfit. “You don’t like the look? I was thinkin’ about tryin’ some’ new.” 
Stevie shakes their head, face turning as red as the vest of his costume. “No, you… you can’t. This should be illegal. How did we even get here?!” 
Alaina just laughs, flying back against the couch without a care if she’d smash her head into the frame. Walking around the corner, sipping on a homemade Pepsi slushie, you choke at the sight. Distressed, was the way Hailie described your reaction. Nothing could’ve prepared you for the bullshit that would arise on the once fine Tuesday evening. 
It was only fucking Tuesday. And this motherfucker actually went outside and walked the neighborhood in this shit. Not even your poor Corgi, Parlay, wanted to be caught dead beside this man. 
“Parlay,” he scolds, “come on, man. You gotta take a shit? You better do it now cause you sure as hell ain’t doin’ it in my house.” The dog huffs and whins, tossing and turning on his back, paws covering his eyes. 
You lean out of the living room window, smiling. “Stop stressing him out and maybe he wouldn’t be constipated. Crazy son of a bitch.” 
Oh, good times. Good times. Shit, your mother’s right. He was damn near the mirrored image of your just as comedic father. 
You simply sigh into the receiver, chuckling at the thought. “So, dinner?” Your mother questions, a smile so strong it could be heard through her words. Damn, snake. “Yeah, yeah. I can see about dinner. I’ll ask him first, so we can find a good time and I’ll text you.”
“Yes! I’ll be waiting, now! Kisses,” she hangs up with a quick air kiss to the phone. 
You toss the phone to the other side of the couch, forcing a throw pillow over her face in hopes you’d strangle to death. Marshall walks past, eyes widening at the sight, unsure if you were just being dramatic as per usual or if you needed to talk. 
He takes quick, hesitant steps your way. His strong hand quickly taps the tips of his digits against your neck. You scrunch, catching his fingers in the process, with a yelp. “Ow, Mars,” you wince, “what the hell, man?” 
He removes the pillow, meeting your squinting eyes with a shrug. “Hey, not my fault, you search for death on a regular basis. I still don’t know when you’re serious, sometimes.” 
The man plops beside you, sliding the phone over under your legs. “What’s going on, mama?” He pats your thighs. “My mother wants to meet you, have a nice little family dinner,” you easily open-up.
Between you and Marshall, nothing was complicated. You both found it easy to converse and open to one another, after he felt confident that you weren’t in search of his wealth that is. All of your insecurities, your fears – anything on your minds, was like an encrypted cope that only the two of you could decipher. His kids would constantly compliment your partnership, happy their father has found the beauty in love. 
“Okay, nothin’ wrong with that,” he shrugs. “You don’t avoid talking about your parents, so they can’t be that bad in your eyes.” 
“And they’re not. They’re not the cause behind my worry, it’s my sister,” you nearly growl at the thought of her. 
Growing up, you two were only a few months apart yet you two were polar opposites. While she basked in the praise for everything she did. From the way she talked down to the way she dressed, it was like experiencing Regina George before the Mean Girls movie. Now that you think about it, maybe she inspired the character. 
Outside of her appearance, she began to fraternize with boys a little too much. Sneaking uninvited guests in and out of their house when their parents were gone, knowing her little sister felt incredibly uncomfortable. You could never forget the night she stormed into your room with a boy, invading your privacy as they bounced onto your bed.
“Did you know that she’s a virgin,” your sister laughs, steadily watching your face. “It’s so bad that she gets disgusted by the idea of having sex.” The two laugh, finding humor in the fact that their abrasiveness and ignorance. 
“I don’t get disgusted about sex, idiot,” you hiss, shaking with anger. “I get pissed off when your slutty, disease having ass disrespects my personal space and our parents. So, yeah, I’m gonna get mad.” 
“Aw, poor baby’s gonna cry,” she laughs, hoping to cover the impact of the insult. The boy laughs as well, “maybe she just needs a little action. Really give her something to cry –” 
Irrationally, you swing at his face, smashing the old cd player against his cheek. His body rolls off the bed, shaking the ground on impact. Your sister glares up at you, eyes trembling with fear. “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you crazy?”
“Like a fucking patient,” you holler back, snatching her hair, pulling her off the bed. “Let me go, you crazy bitch!” She screams as you drag her down the stairs, silently hoping you’d cause even greater damage.
Since then, things have been different. Well, for one, word got out that you were a crazy, temperamental bitch so no one really got in your way which meant that your sister couldn’t mention bringing a boy home without him pissing his pants. And two, the girl stopped fucking with you. 
Once you graduated high school and went about your adult lives, you simply told your parents one thing. One rule: ‘I never want to hear a single update about that woman.’ Of course, they had their questions and opposals, but after a while, they began to understand that something happened and it was up to you two to figure it out. Which you never will. 
“What about her?” He asks. “That bitch is the reason why I look at sex with disgust, why I felt so uncomfortable with the idea of letting anyone so close and personal,” you huff. 
“She’s even went out of her way in the past to publicly humiliate me because I’d rather pick up a book than wonder who I can fuck for how ever much time.” Marshall’s eyebrows raise, “and that’s a problem, why?” You deadpan, receiving a shrug. “Just askin’, ya know, I used to act similarly in the past.”
You nod, “true, but I can bet that you’ve never gone so far that you’d humiliate and force it onto someone who’s just not comfortable with it.” He nods, “hell no. I couldn’t imagine doing that to anybody.” 
“Well, she had no problem doing that to her little sister. Bitch, had the damn nerve to act offended when I started lashing out.” Marshall snorts, “you do have an insane temper, babe. I thought I was bad, but you take the cake, boo.”
You lightly kick him in the side, rolling your eyes, amused. “Shut up.” He nods, “my bad. My bad. So, the dinner. Do you wanna go, take the risk of your sister being there? Or do you wanna just stay home?”
“We can go,” you shrug. “It’s not right that I got to meet all of your loved ones, but you’re just a stranger to mine.” He nods, “well then, we have a dinner to attend. I’m free this Friday night, okay.” You simply nod, turning your attention to the television. 
– Friday Night – 
The plans for dinner weren’t too fancy, instead it was just a casual steakhouse they were attending. Reaching the restaurant, you two step inside, eyes searching for the booth your mother described to you. 
‘Big and in the far corner,’ she texted. So descriptive mother, she could be a writer with those words. Finally, your eyes fall onto hers. The woman waves, enthusiastically causing her husband to turn around quickly, nearly giving himself whiplash.
“Let’s get this shit started,” you sigh, stepping forward. Marshall pecks you on the head, holding your hand in a gentle caress. 
The two of you reach the table as your parents stand, waiting to introduce themselves. “Mom, dad,” you smile, “this is Marshall. My boyfriend.” He steps forward, shaking your father’s hand before pulling your mother in for a quick hug. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Your mother nearly squeals, “oh, you’re so handsome! I’m so happy to finally meet you.” Your father nods, “our baby kept you hidden real good, but she’s told us somethings.” Marshall chuckles, “hopefully, all good things.”
“Of course,” your father leans forward, “it’s good to know that a man with humor has captured her little heart. We were afraid some average pain in the ass was gonna weave his way in.” 
“Dad,” you groan, slipping into one side of the booth when you feel a lump brush against your hip. You look down to see a fake snake skin purse. 
Your face scrunches with disgust, looking at your parents, “please tell me you didn’t get me a gift? Besides, you guys know I hate purses. Especially poorly designed ones.” You grimace, raising the bag by its strap. 
“Uh, about that, lovey,” your mother stutters when a shrill voice cuts in. “Oh my God, no way!” They scream, rushing for the table. You look up, eyes widening at the sight of the monster from under your bed hugging your boyfriend, legs wrapping around his waist.
Marshall coughs on his saliva, eyes widening at the invasion of space. “Get the hell off your sister’s boyfriend, what the hell is wrong with you?” Your mother scolds. 
“Yeah, sure. Eminem is that bastard’s boyfriend, anywhosers.” She drops down, coming to a stop at the dark look that overcame your features. It’s been years since the two of you have talked, much less stand in the same space. It’s obvious time took its toll on the both of you. 
She struggled to keep up with the trending makeup looks and fashion of the decade while you confidently dressed in your casual yet chic black wardrobe of button-ups, jeans, and boots – the sole color you owned being the accessories that fit your mood and simple makeup that worked with your features rather than fight against them. Not to forget the well sculpted figure that filled out said clothes. 
“I see you’ve gotten quite… big,” she scoffs. You smirk, “I see you like the drunkie aesthetic. You do realize the whole concealer for lipstick and clumpy mascara is an old trend of the past, right?” She huffs, “well, it’s back.”
You nod, “yeah. For drunkies.” She rolls her eyes. Quickly, your mother steps in, a gentle hand on Marshall’s shoulder. “This is your sister’s boyfriend, Marshall, she’s been telling us about. You’ll act –” 
“How much is she paying you?” Your sister leans in, “I know it’s not in sex, but it’s gotta be something appealing.” 
“Accordingly as if you were raised with manners and some damn sense or do I gotta knock it into you?” The older woman finishes, a scowl dressing her naturally sweet demeanor. 
Marshall clears his throat, shuffling to your side. “She’s not paying me anything. We started dating like 7 months ago and enjoy being together.” Your father gently guides your mother back to her side of the booth, sliding in beside her. 
“Let’s just continue our dinner,” he glares at his eldest, “respectfully.” You nod, sliding further in so Marshall could get beside you. “Of course, pops,” you snatch the woman’s purse and swing it onto the empty table behind you. “Unfortunately, this table is at capacity, you can sit in the back like a good dog.”
“Bitch,” she grumbles, snatching the bag off the floor. Your eyebrows raise, “I literally just called you that. Don’t tell me your hearing’s going out?” The older man sighs, pinching his nose bridge, “girls, please!” 
He opens his eyes, slowly, focusing on Marshall. “Marshall, please, tell us about yourself. We’d like to know the man who warmed our little girl’s heart.” The rapper nods, “yes, sir.”
As Marshall began talking, trying his hardest not to ramble on about your first meeting, your sister slides in beside him. Ignoring your glare, she set her purse between her hip and his, taking that as her moment to squeeze his thigh. Jolting, he side-eyes her, a flare of irritation taking in her actions like a fuel to his flame. 
He was already irritated that your sister had a history of putting you in such bad positions, but to be here in public and continue to try and humiliate you in your grown ages was infuriating. As begins to hype up your parents for the way they raised you, she goes for another squeeze a bit closer to his groin when he finally snaps.
“Genuinely, what the fuck is wrong with you?” He glares, body completely turned to face her. “You lack that much respect for yourself and your family that you just can’t keep your hands to yourself?” 
Your eyebrows raise, looking over his shoulder at the now flustered woman. “Wha– What? I didn’t do shit to you. You’re the one over here pathetically gushing over her when you’re copping a feel on me. I knew you were a pervert Eminem, but for fuck’s sake man, I thought being sober changed you.” 
You glare at your mother, her own matching yours like a mirror. In your family, your mother was known as the ultimate crashout. Granted, she’s gotten a bit softer in her older age, but that was fit and appeared physically younger than her mental. If needed, she can and is always ready to throw down. 
She slams her palm down onto the wooden table, the glasses clinking with the quake as your face silently stares upwards, lips mouthing a silent prayer. “Girl, when I tell you,” she snarls, pointing a manicured finger your sister’s way. “You need to tighten up, I mean that shit.”
“What– Mama,” she gawks.Your mother’s lips curl in anger, “tighten the fuck up. In your grown ass age, acting like some gahtdamn hussie. Now, I told you, when we do this dinner, it’s about your sister and her man. I ain’t about you, ain’t shit about you.”
“Now, I’m here to tell you,” she leans forward, “either you tighten up, sit in silence, and act like you got some damn sense, take your ass home, or you can go toe-to-toe with me or your sister. Choose wisely.” Both Marshall and your sister turn stiff, eyes widening with fear.
Apple really doesn���t fall too far from the tree, huh? He holds back his amusement, watching your sister stumble over her thoughts. She glances your way only to be met with a familiar glare that brings on memories she tried to forget. 
“I’ll fuck you up,” your accent comes out thick as your mother’s, emphasizing the ‘fuck’ slowly yet strong enough for her to get your point across.  
She nods, sliding out the booth. “I’m, uh, I’m actually getting kind of tired. I’ll talk to you guys later, yeah? It was nice meeting you, Mr. Mathers.” Holding her purse to her chest, she speed walks out down the aisle for the front entrance. 
Seconds after, your waitress set down your plates. Your father cuts into his rib-eye, enjoying the juicy fat that explodes with flavor on his tongue. He looks up, meeting Marshall’s shocked gaze. Bouncing his knife between you and your mother, cheerfully speaking about something completely different as if y’all didn’t just threaten your sister. 
“Twiddledee, Twiddledumb,” he simply says before going back to his food. Marshall laughs, shaking his head as he cuts into his sirloin. What the hell did he get himself into?
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Sorry for the tardiness, I got off work and my legs felt so fucking swollen for some reason, it hurts. I was debating if I wanna sleep first, but I knew that if I did, I was not gonna wake up again.
If I haven't got to your request yet, I'm most likely at work. So, if you guys want to, you can request through someone else if I don't respond some time after 8pm EDT. I'm really sorry, but my legs sting so bad.
Anyways, enjoy!! 💚
Eminem Taglist: @evasmlp
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xulcan · 4 years
Having a black s/o [ Seven Deadly Sins]
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────••─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
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♤ Escanor he treats you like ROYALTY especially in his neutral form
♤Neutral Escanor has written many poems about you, he highlights your features in them like your curls
♤He loves them, if you allow him he will play with them, he’s mesmerized by them all the time
♤He’s very open minded so he would be able to do your hair
♤He will try his best to stick around for wash days but normally it’s “Escanor” that’s there with you
♤He loves it when you make him soul food
♤He loves the way it tastes and he says it feels homey in a way
♤Lemme tell y’all about ESCANOR
♤Bro imagine the “sun god” with someone who literally glows in the sun
♤You and only you will be the only one who could turn his head
♤I mean look at you bro, how could he not stop and stare
♤Escanor would just walk up to you and be a little shit talkin about some you should be his n stuff
♤You gave him the face
♤You know what I’m talkin about
♤You just upped and left, know after this he changed his approach a bit
♤But either way he did sweep you off your feet
♤He LOVES to see your glow he calls you the “Sun Deity”
♤When it comes to wash day he wants nothing but the finest products for his s/o
♤He manages to get you the expensive stuff and you’re just like “How...you work at a bar-”
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♤Ban loves a bit of melanin
♤Especially since we masters the art of MOB
♤We know how to mind our own damn business and he likes that cause normally he was worried that his s/o would wanna ask about his relationship with Elaine
♤If it ain’t our business we ain’t gonna press
♤ Anyways he loves every feature of you just like Escanor
♤If y’all end up celebrating something for whatever reason when he’s drunk he messes with your hair
♤He gives you a mini look of consent before doin it though
♤Wash day with Ban is very interesting he’s normally in and out, he’s there for a while then goes to bother Melidos or somethin
♤But when he does stick around you’re in for a fun conversation, lots of jokes too
♤He can’t really braid your hair like that but every time he gets all clingy wrappin his arms around your waist
♤And if you tell him why his goofy ass out here with some “Cause you’re too good to resist that’s why.”
♤ Ban probably mentioned to Melidoas A LOT that you can actually cook so it ended up gettin around
♤ So when dinner is mentioned everyone just makes subtle glances towards you
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lxstfulbeans · 4 years
May I request Dio, joseph, and mama bruno headcanons of them having a crush on black reader but they don’t know how to approach them? Thank uuu!🥺👉🏾👈🏾
I’ll be doing part 2 Jospeh! But, I know I looooove some Brunoooo!
HEADCANON: having a crush on black reader, can’t figure out the right approach.
---3. 2. 1. ACTION!---
DIO [Modern Era]:
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Him? Dio? Having a cRuSh?
AND not knowing how to fuckin’ talk to you?
Oh hell no.
Surely, he had done something UTTERLY evil. like the mf-ing bully he is.
Like being fake as shit towards some people which you could obviously smell the bullshit from a mile away, thinking he was doin sum.
When he saw that concerned, almost bothered look on your face, he knew he was fucking up.
You were too beautiful, too PERFECT. He had to have you to himself.
He started to send gifts to your house, sometimes to your workplace. Hoping that would rIgHtfUlLy earn your affections.
They were flattering but, you almost saw it as cowardly that he didn’t just— approach you on his own??
Like bitch tf is you scared for- 💀
The time finally came for him to ask you out, about fuckin’ time though-
Dio stopped by your house, definitely at the worst time though.
It was the early morning, your day off especially. You were so irritated when you heard a loud ass POUNDING at yo door.
In your bonnet, tank top, and pink pajama bottoms, you stomped to the door to see who it was.
“It is I, Dio!”
You wanted to punch him, if he wasn’t so damn cute with his little bouquet of roses and a basket of your favorite snacks.
“Lately, I’ve been told that sending those precious gifts.. isn’t quite the way to earn your love. Now I, Dio, wish to take you out for dinner tonight!”
You couldn’t help but snicker. This was oddly cute yet so damn dumb for someone so cunning.
Without another word, you jump to press a kiss to his cheek before taking the new gifts.
“Aight then. Pick me up tonight. But, don’t just pull up without tellin’ a bitch. Got me out here lookin’ crazy!”
After that, y’all have been a power couple ever since. He definitely likes to show you off.
Joseph Joestar [1939]:
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This goofy ass- 💀
He’s a well-known flirt, but he definitely had his sights set on you!
Trust me, he’s seen plenty of beautiful women but BABY-
He was definitely feeling that Cupid’s arrow piercing his heart when he first saw you.
The two of you were introduced through Smokey, who was your childhood friend at the time.
You couldn’t thank Joseph enough for helping him out with those bogus cops.
You two became friends very quickly.
Although the two of you would hang out 95% of the time, it didn’t stop the trouble that often came by.
He was always down to fight for you or do some goofy shit to make you smile.
But, he was so scared of asking you out.
It wasn’t because of the people, fuck them.
But, it was because he thought he wouldn’t be good enough for you. That he’d crash before the journey even started.
He often flexed when you were around, was more flirty with you more than others, and even lent his big ass jacket when you were chilly.
You’d often pick up on his advances, his hard crush on you not so much of a secret anymore.
When the time came that he actually decided to ask you out, best believe that he went all out for you when he came to your house one night.
I’m talking suit and tie, limo ride, buying you hella gifts.
“[Y/N]!! Ever since I’ve laid eyes on you, I knew you had to be mine! Come on a date with me!”
This had to be the cutest thing you’ve ever seen this boy do. How could you say no? Especially after he delivered the full package!
You chuckled as you thought about your answer, your cheeks hot.
“Okay boy. Lemme get ready!”
You’ve never seen a more wide smile as he jumped for joy, almost messing up his suit.
When y’all started dating, he never failed to make you smile. Even when he’d annoy the shit outta you, you couldn’t stay mad at the fool.
Bruno Bucciarati:
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This has got to be my FAVORITE character of part 5 kakldlfmfnwjwkf— DAFUQ IS HE SO FOINE FORRR 💀 😭
Okay, okay. Let’s say that you joined Passione for XYZ reason and you were assigned to Bruno’s team.
You meet everybody at the restaurant and best believe that my boy is in complete AWE.
Sure, he was aware of another stand user who passed that DUMBASS lighter test- But, he ain’t expect a fine queen to be stuck with his rowdy ass team.
He couldn’t even count the millions of times where he bonked Mista in the head for flirting with you nonstop when he was questioning you, even going to the point where he zipped that mofo mouth shut.
Like on god, let him SPEAK- 🗣
Everyone, except you, had the idea that he had a little crushy crush on you because of how gentle and guiding he was towards you.
He was a true gentleman, praising you for hard work, even stared at and admired your beauty for a long period of time without realizing nor with you looking.
He was definitely attracted to how determined, headstrong, and smart you were. Whenever the team got into a pickle, you knew just how to get ‘em out.
Whenever you two hung out, he’d take you on tours, go on walks with you, maybe even go to dinner every now and then. Everytime you stared at an item you really wanted but couldn’t get because of expenses, he’d secretly buy it and drop it off at your doorstep for you to find. But, he loved golden hour.
When the sun was setting and it hit your skin just right, glowing from that precious light. He could feel his heart pound, coming to terms with his feelings for you.
There weren’t any missions or anything like that, so he took this opportunity to take you on a boat ride. He wanted this confession to be perfect, no distractions.
As the sun was setting, he basically got a promise ring. His heart racing as anxiety set in, what if you rejected him? He wouldn’t know unless he shot that shot.
“[Y/N], not only have you been pleasant to work and fight alongside with, you’ve been such a darling friend. Your smile shines brighter than stars, your skin glows so beautifully in the setting sun. You make me feel so alive, bella. Please, be mine.. your heart will be treasure in my hands.”
Okay, you had to admit. That was so poetic ass shit right there, you couldn’t help but feel sudden warmth in your cheeks as you stared at him.
He was fine ass hell, a goddamn gentleman, the nicest man in Italy, AND had some power?
Yep, he had you.
With a giggling nod, a smile of relief comes to his face as he slides the promise ring on. Shit, y’all were already official but he might as well put an ACTUAL ring on it.
“Damn! This must’ve cost some real cash money... I don’t think I can ever get used to you spoiling me, Bruno.”
Before the ride was over, best believe that he took tons of pictures of you while the sun was still making you glow.
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sailorvinus · 4 years
What are your thoughts on people who goes all out on the aesthetic for their blogs? Do you think they’re have the right to express their creativity however they want? && Other than roleplaying, what’s your favorite hobby?
✨ @deductry. meme. still accepting!
17. What are your thoughts on people who goes all out on the aesthetic for their blogs? Do you think they’re have the right to express their creativity however they want?
i think its fine as long as aesthetic doesnt hinder the ability to make a reply i can read. some people really do be out here triple spacing their words, adding bold, italics, upside down letters, strikethroughs, underline, and everything else and for what???? for a reply that the kids i used to teach could write. and they were like 4 years old. lol. thats sad....... that’s when i know someone’s not confident in themselves
dont rly understand why ppl trend chase. ive noticed ppl putting dividers in their replies now and im just??? mystified???? what is this... what does it add to the reply.... which if ppl wanna do it then fine but please consider this: my blog is pretty and its bad enough ugly icons that dont match them are ruinin the vibe now mfs wanna add a border that is totally irrelevant to the actual reply???? i.......... im gonna get a divider / border like these 2001 old web ones and then force everyone to look at it on their blog then the concept becomes goofy
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i think id be fine with aesthetics if they didnt involve those chunky dunky ass container themes with super busy backgrounds + 50 textures, the crispiest color psds, promos that all look Exactly alike, navigation that u cant see, 20 x 20 icons the size of a cheerio, 4px text, the shittiest formatting on this side of lady gaga's america, and actually gave some sort of idk. pizzazz to the muse.
like if the aesthetics are important then at least let them tell a story too. and authentic. not something thats bein done cuz everyone else is doin it. id like to think i go balls to the walls with my blog too but you walk into my blog and you know it’s a myspace era throwback because that’s what my muse is supposed to be.
everyone can do whta they want! but if its uglee imma call it dat so......
30. Other than roleplaying, what’s your favorite hobby?
im a musician before im anything else so im probably in my daw fucking around. producing something. ive recently gotten into ambient electronica / ambient techno production so im finding joy in stringing together a bunch of synths til i hit the 6 minute mark, adding random bitcrush effects, some percussion just so it looks like i actually did some work, maybe a vocal sample of someone whispering.......... and then i delete it gfkldjgslf. im actually working on a beat tape tho. its been a work in progress for the longest time. but if i actually managed to find my voice as an electronic music producer then i guess i could get somewhere. using a daw is new to me. im more of an instrumentalist. drummer and flutist, primarily. but i dont have any drums and my flute is at my grandmas so there's that..............
i also like to read!!! i buy like 3 - 4 books a month. havent bought any since like november. i only bought two i think. but its fine because ill always revisit my recent favorites. ummmmm... video games. i rly like those old school ass niche ps2 era games like mr. mosquito, space channel 5, kinetica, etc.
wow do i luv internet drama. so im probably reading up on someone’s dumb bullshit on reddit or something!! or youtube. i love internet drama, its my favorite thing on the internet. i live for watching people be the very worst!!! other than that??? i like to collect and try out different skincare and research ingredients cuz its just fun. might go to school to be an esthetician when this whole covid19 panera bread is over.
i love collecting obscure jazz records from taiwan.
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theblazian · 5 years
That finale was nuts and i have some things to say about that and the season as a whole
I like that they used a belly eyelash song i thought it was overdue for a show like this
I know lilli reinharts back is ACHING from carrying this show on her own . the best acting in the show 👏🏽👏🏽
Varchie getting back together was inevitable no shocker there
Im glad jughead got to beat some ass he always getting his ass beat good job jug.lmfao his response to chic after he explained why he was doing what he was doin had me WEAK talm bout some "okay "
Poor Betty. I know hal is like a serial killer but i dont think anyone wanna see they dad die infront of them get that poor girl some therapy
Kevin get your head out of your ass sis, " i dIdNt gEt tO aCsEnD" boy you STILL dont see shit wrong with that? Yo whole ass kidney got stolen and you still being hardheaded is that what were doing? I know he was brainwashed but damn the ignorance was entirely too much bliss
One thing ill never understand is the fucking obsession with that damn game like yal are aware its just a GAME right? You dont have to fucking play it ethel was really making me mad w that bullshit talm bout some " I love him" BITCH shut UP. then got kids murdering eachother? OVER A GAME???? Make it make sense god please my head hurts .and was that crackheaded mf curts or whatever of age why was he in the pussy house ??!!
Ion even wanna get into how fucked up it is that betty and jug share a sibling. Like i guess we already knew that but him being alive is nuts and it brings it to attention like damn that shit is really deadass .ion trust this
I hope cheryl stops being under then over utilized like, can yal let her have character development that sticks! shes so stuck. yoyoing between problematic and helpful at the drop of a dime like can she pull her head out of her ass and keep it out this time? Please i love my ginger drama queen .also the whole keeping jasons body thing? Lordy send my baby to therapy right along w Betty she stressing me out now
For that matter Toni needs development too its like she knows better but would rather be goofy w her wild card ass gf than listen to reason and its getting stale i love choni but let toni be her own character again
The farm. Bitch the farm . so you mean to tell me the fbi knew about it for months and just allowed minors/ people im general to get their organs stolen and murdered? For months? And like how long has Edgar and his lil daughter wife been scamming people for their organs? Like its just crazy how simple it is to maniuplate people like that .Lordy the mess.fix it jesus. I just wanna know what they gon do w Polly if shes alive cause shes been fucking annoying since s1 so if she is dead i really dont care its probably for the best all she do is stress Betty and alice out .
Speaking of bitches that need to be euthanized im sick and TIRED of hiram he is so fucking annoying its like can your crazy ass just calm down and mind your business why is that so hard for him?you gon come after Ronnie now ? Okay bitch whatever he not gon be satisfied till he dead I really hope he gets sent to like a prison that he has no power in or deleted next season bc im sick of the games. its not even interesting anymore its just SO annoying. Lastly,
That fucking time skip? Bitch why now i got anxiety.i know they probably won't kill jug off but maybe thats what they want us to think? They play entirely too much we wont know till season 4 drops i guess but like damn i just got a hold of my edges can the writers take their foot off my neck for 5 seconds.
Ight dassit im done time to wait for season 4
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lynxgriffin · 6 years
Led Zeppelin was right all along
It’s my FINAL PIECE of KH3 commentary! That’s right, I’ve finished the game! Commentary for me finishing it is under the cut!
Okay guys, this is it
It’s time to finish this sucker
It’s time for all of my feelings to get curbstomped and then cracked in half over a knee
Turns out I’ve caught a cold so this might be tougher to do
But I’m still going to do it
And after beating this gummi boss again…
Ahhh there he is at last
The old fart
…So weird that it’s not Leonard Nimoy though
Xehanort: Let’s just try out this whole apocalypse thing and see how it goes
It’s rainin’ Heartless, hallelujah
LMAO there isn’t even an enemy counter, it’s just:
And I just blew up ten million Heartless with a train, THIS IS THE SHINIEST APOCALYPSE EVER
Ohh, once again, hate that tunnel
At least Aqua didn’t fall for that
Oh dang he’s got No Name there
Oh well now that’s cheating
Donald’s fukkin pissed
Did Donald just Megaflare this bitch
ArE yoU kiDDinG mE
Oh great, one of you again
Aqua: Never mind, that is way damn too many Heartless
Well that was five different layers of OH SHIT
Oh hey back at that chess metaphor HI AGAIN YOUNG ERAQUS
Wait the hell kind of chess move was that
Chirithy: So yeah you’ve kinda died a couple times previously just by being unconscious a lot
Sora: YEAH WELL time to get back to life
Ohhhh no the sparkly stars are KHUX Keykids, aren’t they :(((
Ugh it’s the little star soul stories that are getting to me :(
Sora bein’ a pal even to all the souls in heaven, gosh darn
OMG this soul is longing for his kismesis, what a nerd
“What a weird place” YEAH NO SHIT
Well it’s nice to see THESE Soras are having a great time
Perhaps this game was taking the idea of Sorabits a tad too literally
Also actually two quick questions here:
1) Why is Chirithy in heaven?
2) Sora were you instagramming from heaven??
Sora: So heaven’s been a trip and all but I’ve still got endgame to do, STAY COOL FUZZY FRIEND
Wait a bloop it sent him back in time too??
Insert 2001 Space Odyssey reference here
Oh now we’re in DIFFERENT heaven??
Okay yeah now I have no clue where we’re going from here
Man here I was expecting to fight all the Norts and instead it’s…Heartless…Grim Reaper
I’m starting to suspect this is not the real Jiminy
This is kind of a weird callback to KH1, innit
Yeah I was just wondering that myself
Oh hey Youngnort
See? Grim Reaper Heartless, I knew it
I gotta say that after Sora dying and going to KH heaven this is…kinda weirder coming afterwards
I’m kind of worried about where this is going
This is like Three Days of the Condor, I TRUST NO ONE
Guys, let’s…let’s not do this again
You ever get a sense of deja vu
Terra: I’ll kick every ass! I’ll kick your ass! I’LL KICK MY OWN ASS
Gad damn the bullshit never stops around here, does it
We’ve done this before but I DUN CARE since this is my favorite boss battle music
Meanwhile the Unreal Engine’s just huffing and puffing trying to keep up
And all the dead Keykids came to help!
Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyy goooooooooooosh
Congrats Keykids, U ARE ATTACKS
That’s…that’s really sweet actually
That’s a whole lot of Unicornis and Vulpes in there
OMG I was so busy watching those names I didn’t even realize I was supposed to avoid dying
I dunno Lea that was already a pretty big bad
Aw darn they Norted Repliku
Or wait no Pastku?
Pastku you’re such a little shit
Lea: That wasn’t blundering! That was failing, WITH STYLE
Unreal Engine: Please…help…I’m dying Squirtle
Oh hey FINALLY super powerful magic users like Yen Sid get involved!
And Moses parted the Heartless Sea
And hey finally got Starlight!
Well ain’t this a familiar setup
I miss Leonard Nimoy :(
Well I’m glad we get to save and shop before we all die horribly!
….Wait haven’t we all already died horribly??
FINALLY We get to fight some Norts!!
Took out Xigbar first
Yeah Xigbar I’m really not sure all that hoohah was worth it
Are we gonna do this for each one or do we have to pick and choose?
Oh well that takes care of Pastku so maybe not
Oh that’s creepy actually
OH NO! Repliku :(((
Sora…you just gonna leave that…okay
So now we got some Neophytes to deal with
Well I was gonna go after Mar first but I guess Luxord is our opponent now
AW DAMN I hated this part from before!
Oh wait that wasn’t hard at all you just look behind those stupid cards
Luxord: Well it’s been fun, time to die
Why does everyone’s teeth look blue??
Really liking all these remixes of the old boss themes tho
Aaaaand down goes Mar
And what’s nice is partners have mostly worn down the last Nort present!
Larx is an asshole to the very end
Door puzzles ohhhh nooooooo
Well thank goodness we worked out that nonsense
Who to help first? REDHEAD SQUAD
If that’s Xion I’m going to be SO UPSET
At least we get to fight WITH Kairi even if not as her
Oh well that ain’t good
Absolutely not, Xemnas!!
*throws hands in the air* OHHHHHHHH
Oh fuck you Xemnas HDU
Ohhhhh sheeeeeeet
Called out by Roxas daaaayum
Gah dammit not again! STOP DOING KAIRI DIRTY
Hot damn but it’s satisfying to beat the crap out of Saix with Sora, Roxas and Xion all at once while The Other Promise just blasts in the background
Lea: I’m not mad I’m just disappointed
Awww maaaaaan
Now to the Wayfinder family! Took out Vanyeetas first!
Sora: Hey WTF that’s my face you got
Yeah I gotta agree I don’t know which part of that was okay honestly
WHELP no time to think on it gotta take out Terranort
Since we got back Roxas and Xion can we finally get Terra back??
That was metal as all hell
Ohhhh gooooosh
Everyone’s together and I’m full of rainbows
MAN so we got…three Norts left, don’t we
Guess the only way out of this is up
What we’ve just been cloning No Name the whole time??
Okay, FOUR left, we gotta deal with Ansem, Xemnas and Youngnort first
Oh sheesh that was Youngnort dying, thought it was me for a second
Youngnort: Just one last piece of cryptic bullshit to leave you with! BYYYYEEEE
Aaaand that’s Ansem down
Ansem: Must…pontificate more…before…I die
Haha took out Xemnas with flying rocket punch nanobots
Xemnas: Regrets…I’ve had a few…
But then again, too few to mention?
Sora: Life is pain, Xemnas! Anyone who says otherwise is Norting you
Oh boy oh boy, all we have left now is…the old fart…
Oh this is gonna piss me off good, ain’t it
Nomura do we need to sit you down as a group and learn you some things about NOT DOING THAT
That was…kind of a cool moment I guess?? BUT I’M STILL MAD
Oh shitcakes
The world to come is death from above I guess
Donald and Goofy just coming in like “Hey…what’d we miss?”
I’m honestly really glad they’re here tho, TRINITY ALLLLL THE WAY
The whole gang here together again IRONING OUT THE PLOT POINTS
Trophy here???
A town of nothing but Norts
OH I forgot THESE WEIRDOS were in trailers somehow
The hell is happening anymore
An Organization so nice we fought ‘em twice!
The scary music is playing but I have no clue where to goooo
Well it took me five minutes just to find the dang guys before Thundaga finished them off
Oh really now!
SHEESH that was a nutty battle that took awhile
Well I think I won THAT battle anyway
Is this gonna be a THAT WASN’T EVEN MY FINAL FORM or what
More callbacks!
This is the fight that never eeeeends, yes it goes on and on my frieeeends
OH that was fuckin weird but COOL
Yaaay my favorite terrible dad
That look from Eraqus OMG
Babbeh Eraqus so cute
Now YOU get the goofy apocalypse weapon, Sora!
More dad reconciliations sob
Oh gosh I’m so glad we get this before we end
ohhhh noooo
Oh no you know shit’s serious when you enter a blocked scene
Man everything’s just so shiny now
Also dang sing us out Utada
*points and points* THAT? FINAL SHOT???
What did you do to my son Nomura
Also just interjecting here but damn that endgame was so long IT FELT LIKE A WHOLE ‘NOTHER GAME
And now the pretty march music with the Super Longer Credits—I CAN’T BELIEVE DRAKE BELL WAS YOUNG ERAQUS
Well if nothing else gonna get me a kickass OST out of this
HERE we go, post credits stuff
Here’s the Furry Squad!
What fresh bullshit is thiiiiiiis
Hey where is Ava
Oh fuuuuuck yoooou Luxugbar
*throws hands in the air* I GOT NOTHIN FOLKS
Nomura I am in fact going to die and go to your house and haunt it and push all of your things off shelves like a cat
Okay so overall I did really enjoy the game but also I’m just ????
Like my reaction is pretty much just
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I think I’m gonna go lie down now
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marvelite624 · 3 years
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Sarah and I pulled into the warehouse lot a little before seven in the morning. Some of the other guys who'd just arrived were disappearing through the door as I slid out of the car. "Hey! Don't forget to grab your lunch!" She'd packed some things for me since I didn't have my truck today. I told her I could get a ride or have something brought back but, she shook a finger at me, "And what if you can't? You may not be as fortunate as you think! Just in case, let me make you something. If you don't eat it, oh well!" Right now, she was pushing it across the seat towards me. "Don't let them boys work you too hard...and don't put up with none of their crap either! I'll be here at four to pick you up! Love you, honey!" I picked up the sack as I replied, "Love you too, babe!"
I shut the door and she pulled away in a rush. The vet's office opened at seven also and she only had minutes to get there. Sarah hoped she might show mercy and take her on back, as an early walk-in. Jeb pulled in just as the wife was pullin' out. I saw them wave at each other in passing. He parked and came runnin' about to be late, as usual. I was crazy to wait on the goofy s.o.b. as it might make me late too! Naw, we had time, long as we didn't dawdle.
We entered and headed straight for the clock. I barely had time to stick my sack in the fridge before punching my card. "Another day, another buck-fifty!", Jeb said as he slapped my back and shuffled toward the breakroom door. "When did YOU get a raise?", I asked in jest. As we stepped out onto the work floor, two guys approached. "There he is, the 'ab-DUC-tee'. Has anybody EVER heard a bigger load o' horseshit in their life?" I knew the fella walkin' WITH this jackass, Joey, a young buck who started the job a week or two before my troubles began; the 'mouth', I didn't know from Adam.
"Look, fella...I don't need more troubles, ok?" A familiar feeling of tingling hairs hit me as I tried to persuade him to cool it and just move on. But no. Assholes like this are never eager to move on. "Troubles, huh? Seems like some fresh bullshit what got you some extra va-CA-shun time, yep...whilst they helt yer spot." I looked away just in time to see several of the fluorescent lights blow, about twelve feet to the left. My neck hair was doin' 'the floss' like nobody's business while the lights flickered and softly sputtered overhead. "Maybe we should ALL go git ourselves 'PROBED'...", the mouth continued, "...down in Meh-HE-co, where we can enjoy the cheap booze with our bitches in..." I was about to deck the creep myself when a fist flew in outta nowhere to do the job for me. The fool hit the floor like a big sack o' potatoes, droolin' an' moanin'.
A small shower like you see from holiday sparklers briefly rained down in spots randomly around the work floor. People were flinchin' as they looked up, startled. About like me when I looked up, startled. It was Donny, standin' there floppin' his open hand like somethin' in it was hurtin'. "What?", he said. "You didn't have to...I could'a...", the words came stammering out as I spoke. "Yeah, I know, but I wanted to! Mealy-mouth bitch was askin' for it big time." "Donny, I...", nobody ever lets me finish a sentence any more. Donny continued to speak as he attempted to pop his knuckles, with little success. "You don't need no problems with HR, not this soon after comin' back, Frank. His type are always the first to go bellyachin' when put in their place. I can take the heat, you got enough to worry about."
We'd already walked about ten feet before I even realized we were movin'. Jeb was pullin' up the rear, giddily sayin' things like "wack!" and "whammo!" as he bounced along, punchin' his own palm...'children'!
"Gilly came to see me yesterday, Frank." "He came to see you?" "Yeah, he's not a kid anymore! Haven't you noticed?" "Well, I suppose I have, but..." "He helped me to see how wrong I was. I've been a poor-assed friend lately, Frankie. After the scare you gave us an' all...well, seems I been holdin' onto some things from our past...I think you know what I mean, right? You were able to walk away, no harm, no foul. For me, it wasn't just a pastime or some game we'd been playin'. I fell for you in a bad way, an' just never found the words to...it don't matter now. I've been afraid to let you back in, Frankie. I lost you once, when you met Sarah. The second time was three months ago when I still believed...hoped we had a chance maybe, one day. I didn't think I could handle a third, so I've stayed away...tried to bury everything deep. But forgettin' isn't the answer, not for this."
"Uhh, guys? I'm still here...every word you've said, I'm right here. Did you forget?", Jeb inserted himself uncomfortably into the conversation. "No, I didn't forget, Red...I just don't care anymore. The days of hidin' and pretendin' are done! Anyone who doesn't like the 'new' me, same as the 'old' me, can suck it! Now, where was I? Yeah, just want to let you know, I plan to take it slow, no rushin' in... but, if you'll forgive me, I'd like to try an' heal what's left of our friendship. Can we rewind the clock for a do-over, Frank?"
"I think you just rewound that clock, buddy. But before any healin' can begin, I gotta tell ya...I'm sorry. Sorry I didn't see what it, what 'we' meant to you. I never thought about how I must have hurt you back then. What an ass! You got it all wrong on one point though, I'm the one that needs forgivin', Donny...I realize that now." I gave him a hug at that point, one that started as one of those good ol' boy things. But, he wasn't havin' it! I felt his grip tighten around me, he wasn't lettin' go just yet. I relaxed and hugged him back...it felt good to have him back and I think, no, scratch that, I know the healing had begun. Just loud enough that we could hear, Jeb was singin' now, "Frankie and Donny were lovers...", oh,God!.....'children'.
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I left Donny's around six-thirty this morning, maybe a little later. He was in a rush to get ready for work last time I saw him. What a great night it had turned out to be! I grabbed a slice of that pizza on my way out; it was surprisingly delicious. All the way home, I kept thinking of the man I'd just left bouncing off the walls. A more tender lover I could never imagine. How did Frankie walk away from that? It wasn't his 'game', I guess. Sarah is what makes him happy.
For Frankie, it was like trying to float a boat in shallow waters. For me, Donny was the deepest of oceans and this ship couldn't see anything but clear sailing ahead! The last thing he did before getting out of bed was to tell me how I'd rocked his world, how much he'd enjoyed my company, and how much he looked forward to doing it again real soon. Said he'd not been so ready to face a day in a long time.
When the alarm went off, he rolled on top and kissed me, running his tongue slowly up from my lips to the very tip of my nose. "Wish we had time for another 'round the world trip, Gilly-boy! I think there are still a few places we've yet to visit!" "Feels like you left no stone unturned to me!" "Speakin' of stone, what's this?" He reached down between us to get a grip on something he did not want to mess with right now! "That's one of our tour guides...he's about to take the day off, though...might have a heavy load comin' up on the night shift!" "You don't say? Glad to hear the entertainment on this cruise will be nightly!" We laughed, he pressed his body into mine, and delivered a soft, warm, lingering kiss to one of my eyelids. That's when he got serious with all the other things he'd said.
It honestly felt like Donny had sucker punched me! Did not see this coming! As he hopped out of bed, I just laid there...feeling like a big sack of potatoes, drooling and moaning.
When I got to my brother's place, it was deserted. I'd probably just missed them. They'd left the door unlocked for me, thank God! Inside I found the coffee still hot and debated on whether to grab a cup or hit the sack. I decided the coffee was my best option but first, a quick shower. Didn't want to smell like musky man-sex when Sarah and the kid walked in. I sniffed at my arms and hands, distinctly Donny, and I hated that I had to wash him away so soon! My shower saw the return of a certain tour guide who thought it was time for roll call; sadly, I had to disappoint him again.
I was about to step out and dry off when I suddenly became very angry. I had to take a moment to order my thoughts, realize these were not MY feelings. Invisible 'antennae' were active and broadcasting into my brain from somewhere I'd yet to determine. Even before I could begin to sort things out, it faded. Very brief but, very strong! Someone I was now or had been close to recently, had been pushed to their limit. I got the full brunt of it. I hate when that happens! Feels like I'm being swallowed up or drowned maybe. Sometimes, it puts me on my ass, it's so strong. Other times, very mild to mediocre and can drag on for days.
I got dressed, poured a cup of coffee, and took a seat at the table. There it sat, the last piece of Becka's cake, across from me on the counter...it was calling my name. I couldn't say no, so I grabbed a fork and got busy with it. A Will Smith song popped into my head out of nowhere and I just went with it. "Nah, nah, nah, nahh, nah! gittin' jiggy wittit!" I was flapping my arms and began struttin' as I tapped the countertop and savored each bite! "Nah, nah, nah, nahh, nah! gittin' jiggy..." "Ahem!" The woman's timing is impeccable. "Hope you're not leavin' your 'Fresh Prints' all over my counters...I might have to leave somethin' fresh on your be-hind!" I choked the last bite down as I turned to see Sarah standing there, arms folded while she tapped one foot impatiently. "If that's how you behave on campus, ain't no wonder you're only cuddlin' with your books! Why, hell, I'm thinkin' about readin' one right now." She finished with an all too familiar vertical arm wave that lead to 'the snap'. We began to laugh as I laid the dishes in the sink.
"Glad you finished that off but, wasn't it gettin' a little 'crispy' at the edges?" "It was still good to the last bite! By the way, MY birthday is the day after tomorrow." "Nice try, buck-o but, I happen to remember your birthday bein' a what, a week before Christmas!? You've got like three months to go." "Dang it, Sarah! Now I have to come up with a plan B!" "Maybe I'll put in some practice time on my holiday pies for you!?" "The day after tomorrow?!" "Don't push your luck, Gilbert!" She knew I hated when people called me 'Gilbert'! Only her, and now one other, would I let get away with it. When Donny said it yesterday...it just felt right. But then, he could call me anything, as long as he was calling me.
"Hey, where's Peskers?" "Doc Lendry had me leave him. She's supposed to call when she's done with him later on today." "I know where Becka's at!", how could I not? That 'wadio' was going to be like a cowbell on her. "She's headed this way now from the sound of it. Don't tell her I got the last piece of her cake, ok?" "Why not? She told me and Frank to "not tuts it" last night cause she was savin' it for Unca Gilly." "Bless her heart, that's twice now you girls have had my back!" Oops, as soon as it left my lips, I knew I'd slipped up.
"Twice now?", she asked as she tilted her head to one side and shot me a 'you got some splainin' to do' look. She reminded me of an old Ed Wood movie just then. Very dramatic stuff where a wife loans a fuzzy sweater to her transvestite husband. His dreaded secret is out of the bag and she's trying to be supportive. Only thing is, Sarah wasn't acting. I don't recall everything I'd said to her over the phone when my brother up and vanished. I may have gotten weird then, maybe. She had some reason to tell Frankie to "let it go". What was SHE not saying?
"I heard what you said to Frankie about my little Thrift Store fib, Sarah. I did have good reason and one day, probably more sooner than later, I'll be coming clean about it. For now, trust me when I say that it WAS necessary, ok? Just for now?" She crossed her arms again and laid it on me, "Well, like I told you before, you can keep your secrets, but when the soup you're stirrin' gets too thick, you're gonna be beggin' for help. 'Too many chefs in the kitchen' is not always 100%, Gilly. You got a new recipe, maybe I got some of the ingredients you need. When you want to, try me."
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Damn, for all her simple, country charm and a tendency to slip into metaphor, she was loaded with, what's the word I'm looking for? Savvy? The woman has a good head on her shoulders. That was going to come in handy when my brother had to find a way to fill in the gaps he doesn't even know are there yet. He was going to be the one in need of a shoulder, it would be my fault, and I was going to need all the help I could get. The back door opened up and in stepped Becks, singin' up a storm, "puss it weal good, uh! Puss it ...puss it weal good! Uh!" Oops again! I shrugged real guilty-like at Sarah with my best 'please don't hurt me' look and only one thing escaped these lips, "My bad."
(to be continued in Part 8)
•This is an original work of fiction and labor of love, written by me, Terry G. Nunley.
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