#i love giogio so much
sproooti · 1 month
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Li’l GioGio!💛
He’s been on my mind lately because I listened to il vento d’oro the other day. I doodled him earlier then made a digital version pretty quickly :]
(Version with no filter and the original doodle from earlier under the cut!)
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mrsgiovanna · 1 year
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Dark Mode- Light mode😍🐞💓🕊 ah I love him so much 🥰
Art credit: Dango99 on Twitter
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wrabbit-art · 2 years
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I, Giorno Giovanna, have a DREAM!
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technofantasia · 2 years
One of my absolute favorite parts of golden wind is the singularly horrible outfits that the main characters wear, but not just the fact that they're terrible, no no. Sure, they all look like they got dressed with their eyes closed in a boutique for clowns, but the REAL kicker is that they did not always dress in this way??
We see the characters' backstories. We see how they used to look. And almost ALL of them USED TO WEAR NORMAL PEOPLE CLOTHES!!! Why? Why the sudden shift to kitchen sink fashion?? And, of course, there are layers to this, too.
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Like. Giorno is his own whole can of worms, concerning exactly what happened between middle and high school. Sure, there's the whole hair color change thing which I refuse to acknowledge the canonical reason behind, but whatever, I can ignore that. Why suddenly decide on that hairstyle? That wardrobe? Especially considering that in every other way he's not exactly the flamboyant, attention-grabbing type... The only explanation I can think of would be, I don't know, he just happens to have a surprisingly eclectic fashion sense and high school was the first time he was able to be on his own away from home to indulge it. First opportunity to show off his individuality and he went whole hog with it, I could see that. Yeah sure you go giogio!! have as many heart shaped boob windows and ladybug brooches as you like
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Abbacchio, too. It looks like he mostly dressed normal for his job, but the second he left, he transitioned to his current look? Either that’s just his usual taste or his emotional crisis led him to an emo makeover. Or both. In either case, I suppose that’s valid and I support him. His weird eggshell hat is the only part of his outfit that’s really that out there anyway
But the others??
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Narancia. Mista. Fucking Fugo. They all dressed at least mostly normally right up until they joined Passione, at which point they switched on a dime to looking Like That. Sure, some aesthetic preferences seemed to carry over, like Narancia’s boyish style, Fugo’s suit pattern, and Mista’s navel window + crisscross pattern + hat. But they still used to wear, yknow. People clothes. So... Why??? What on EARTH happened???
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Strangely enough, Bucciarati looks like he’s ALWAYS dressed Like That. Same hair style, same colors, same patterns... Given how much everyone else’s backstory outfits clashed with their eventual outfit choices, it’s almost weirder to see that Bucciarati clearly has clothing and style preferences that match up from past to present.
So. I can’t help but wonder.
Did... did the others just assume that, since Bucciarati (and maybe also Abbacchio) dressed Like That, that was just The Mafia Style??? The Style Of Clothing That Mafia People Wear???? So, in order to integrate themselves into Passione, they’d have to start dressing Like That too??????
Actually. Given that all the members of La Squadra and Polpo and the boss’s personal guard and the boss himself ALSO dress Like That... fuck, i don’t know, maybe they were right and that IS just The Mafia Style!! The fact it also happens to align with Bucciarati’s/Abbacchio’s/Giorno’s personal fashion sense might just be a coincidence!!! Who knows!!! Who cares!!!
Where do you even go to BUY clothing like that??? Are there special, under-the-counter sections of clothing stores that specially cater to Badcore fashion for mafia members??? Do the designers earn a special commission for designing clothes no sane person would wear that fit as uncomfortably as humanly possible??? Didn't they say at some point that mafia members try to dress inconspicuously to blend in???? RISOTTO IS LITERALLY JUST WEARING A JESTER HAT WHAT KIND OF CIRCUS IS THIS
But yeah so the logistics of part 5′s character designs drive me insane and I love it
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mikibagels · 1 year
ive said it before but i genuinely love your art so much your style is just SO good everytime you post i end up scrolling ur blog again just to look at the art 😭 you are amazing i love the way you draw everyone
You're so damn lovely thank you 😭💖 I wasn't sure which character you'd be happy for me to draw so I just went with the giogio in your profile picture. I just felt that I should give you something in appreciation of your sweetness.
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Thank you for your support 🫶🫶
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starry-blue-echoes · 6 months
I found this old snippet 90% finished in my drafts so W O E, 2k words of Tonio being my favorite character and Mr.Giovanna slowly understanding that he is not in fact Giogio's father anymore <333
(also tw for implied/referenced child abuse since Giorno)
Tonio noticed the second the man approached Giorno’s table.
His customers knew better than to do so. They knew the boy was under his personal protection and it was best to steer clear. A greeting hello when the boy arrived, a brief exchange of conversation, an offered treat or trinket was of course allowed, but approaching his booth while Tonio was not present?
That was not common.
In fact, by the time Tonio made it out of the kitchen and to the dining area, the man had gathered quite a bit of attention from the other customers if the glances being cast his way were anything to go by.
The man was practically looming over Giorno’s booth, all but boxing the boy into his seat and talking in a low voice so as to not be overheard. Tonio couldn’t even see Giorno from his spot.
Tonio did not like this.
He did not like this one bit.
So plastering on his best Customer Service Smile, he approached.
“Excuse me sir,” he spoke up, keeping his voice light and pleasant. “My apologies, but at this establishment you must wait to be seated.”
The man turned to face him, not moving away from the booth and instead attempting to slide a softer, kinder mask over his features.
It was sloppy, Tonio couldn't help but note. Sure the facial expressions were… passable, he supposed, but his body language was all wrong. Maybe spending so much time amongst the real dangers in Italy had made him a bit of a snob, but honestly this was laughable.
“Ah, you misunderstand sir, I’m not here to eat, though I have heard good things about this restaurant.” the man waved him off with what was supposed to be a lighthearted chuckle that only succeeded in feeling patronizing. “I’m here to pick up my son.”
“Oh?” Tonio responded with a slit tilt of the head, and a cold, cold feeling slipped into his gut. “You’re this boy’s father then? I wouldn’t have guessed.”
“Step father, technically.” Mr.Giovanna explained, the veiled insult sailing clear over his head. “His mother already had him when I stepped into the picture, but I see and love him as my own.”
His smile got tighter when he saw Giorno, kind, smart, shy Giorno who loved frogs and ladybugs and the color pink and listening to Tonio talk about recipes, flinch.
“I see.” was all he offered.
Tonio knew so little. So, so little. Part of him knew it was purposeful. That he was giving himself plausible deniability. An empty comfort.
But he knew enough. He’d always known enough. More than enough really.
And now it was looking him dead in the eyes and spitting in his face, daring him to lie down and take it.
“Well, it’s getting late. We’d best be getting back to the house before your mother starts dinner. Come along, Giorno, you’ve taken up enough of this man’s time.” 
How long has he been standing idly by as he’d seen Giorno hurt? 
How many times has he knowingly allowed Giorno to return to that sorry excuse of a family? 
How many times has he merely nursed his injuries instead of doing anything to stop them from happening in the first place?
Well no longer.
“Actually, sir.” he interrupted. “I have some…. concerns I’d like to speak with you about.”
The man froze before slowly turning toward him.
There was a dangerous glint in his eyes and he not very subtly squared his shoulders to make himself look bigger.
How funny. The man thought he was intimidating.
Tonio had done a bit of asking around about Giorno’s family when the boy hadn't been present. Nothing too nosey of course, just the standard gossip that was floating around which he generally got quite a lot of. 
And the results of his findings were quite fruitful.
Mr.Giovanna had a temper and was somewhat quick to anger, and he’d had a few dealings with the underworld, but that was as all. The man wasn't anyone important nor did he have any connections whatsoever.
He was just a simple, ordinary, powerless man.
A man who in the long run wouldn’t be able to do a thing to Tonio.
Tonio did not normally like taking advantage of his position, of the power he had at his fingertips. The near crippling fear of entrenching himself further and further into this world always had held him at bay, but in this moment he was more than willing to make an exception for this.
“Yes.” he made a slight show of stepping slightly closer to Mr.Giovanna and the booth seat, closer than was socially acceptable and a clear challenge to the man’s current proximity to Giorno. “And in all honesty, I’m not quite certain I feel comfortable allowing you to leave with this boy.”
“And for what reasons would that be?” Mr.Giovanna was openly glaring at him now, trying and failing to loom over a man who had a few centimeters on him.
“I notice things, Mr.Giovanna.” Tonio spoke, keeping his words clipped and flat lest his rage bubble over. “Giorno has been a patron in my restaurant for well over a year now, and I am not nearly as blind or stupid as you appear to think of me. I may be a chef, but I am also very familiar with the practices of medicine and the healing processes of the human body.”
Sometimes Tonio loathed this skill of his. Of seeing the way people moved and being able to pinpoint exactly what was wrong, of seeing the lethargy and careful movements and stiffness and knowing of the presence of bruises or cigarette burns or broken skin.
(In a bitterly comforting way, Giorno had always liked that part of him. Of their shared skill. He said it made him feel less alone and less strange)
Mr.Giovanna simply sneered at him. “And why exactly are you paying so much attention to little boys?”
His rage surged at the accusation, howling and throwing itself against the cage he’d locked it inside, only made worse by the man’s smugness as though he’d just won and Tonio would back down.
Oh how he longed for his butcher’s knives. They cut through skin and muscle like warm butter and would so easily make short work of the man before him.
“You know very well that is not what I’m talking about.” much to his dismay, his calm mask had begun to crack at the edges, his voice growing more tense and taught with every prolonged moment. This man was managing to slide through every crack of his carefully constructed walls in ways the most vile, loathsome mafioso couldn’t, and all with hardly more than a few words.
This needed to end soon. Before Tonio did something he would regret. For Giorno’s sake.
“I am not going to allow you to leave this establishment with this child unless you can offer me a reasonable explanation for why he comes here with bruises every single week, and that is final.” 
A lie of course, he wasn’t letting Giorno go anywhere with this pathetic excuse of a father, no matter what excuses he scrounged up.
“Well I don’t owe you shit.” he snapped back, forgoing excuses and even denial of the accusations completely. At the very least, it seemed Tonio was getting under Mr.Giovanna’s skin just as badly. “I am going to be taking my son and we are going to leave. Giorno, come here right n-” but as the man tried to move Tonio out of the way and make a grab for the boy, Tonio grabbed his arm in an ironclad grip.
The man froze, surprised either by the strength or by the audacity.
Tonio’s expression didn’t falter.
“I think it would be best for you to leave, sir.”
For a second all was calm.
And in the next, pure fury overtook the man’s face.
The punch was quick and powerful, and Tonio barely had a moment to realize what was happening before he had both hands on the booth table to support his weight with a blooming pain in his jaw. With one of his hands he hesitantly brought it up to test the area, but while it would undoubtedly bruise and was rather tender, nothing felt broken or severely damaged.
Tonio should have seen the punch coming, but alas, hindsight is 20/20. He partially expected a second blow…. but it never came.
In fact, Mr.Giovanna was being awfully quiet.
His grin which had temporarily been chased from his face found itself sliding back into place once more.
It seemed the man finally noticed. Now that their conversation had reached a small pausing point, it was likely that much more obvious, but Tonio still couldn’t help but internally chuckle at the man’s horrendous observation skills.
It was dead silent in the restaurant.
The clicking of silverware, the murmur of conversation, the footsteps of the waitstaff, all of it had vanished into thin air.
And as Tonio stood back up to his full height, one merely needed to glance around the room to see why.
Every single customer and staff member was staring at them.
And not one was happy.
Expressions ranged from murderous fury to offended disgust to cold disapproval. Weapons of all types were in hand: knives, firearms, utensils, even a few Stands had joined the fray.
Sometimes being neutral felt like a curse, but in this moment? In this moment Tonio had never felt freer.
Because everyone respected the rules inside Trattoria Trussardi.
And those who didn’t……
“You’ve broken the rules, Mr.Giovanna.” Tonio spoke, a grin still on his face. Only now he let the pleasantries fade away. Now, he let his grin stretch wide and manic, filled with teeth and not quite reaching his eyes.
To an outsider, it was downright predatory.
And Mr.Giovanna, finally realizing the lion’s den he had stumbled headfirst into, froze.
But Tonio did not care.
Not one bit.
He nudged the man to the side with the back of his hand, and didn’t even resist the urge to wipe it on his apron afterwards. He’d need to wash his hands later, wouldn’t want the food suffering from whatever filth that man possessed.
“Giorno,” he asked quietly, his body relaxing and growing soft at the bright, vibrant hope sparkling in the boy’s eyes. “Would you like to join me for dinner?”
Giorno’s eyes widened, growing glossy and shiny yet not a single tear spilt.
“I would.” he said in a hushed whisper, as though the words would break if he was too rough with them, and in Tonio’s heart the only regret he felt was that he hadn’t done this sooner.
He gently grabbed Giorno’s hand to tug him away from the booth seat with as much gentleness as he could, leading him toward the back door that led to the stairs up to his apartment. Giorno’s hand was so small, yet it clung to Tonio’s like a lifeline.
He would call Doppio later tonight to help with the paperwork, of course after Giorno had eaten and gone to sleep. He had more than enough spare funds for the shopping trip that would be required tomorrow, but it would also likely be best to ask if there was anything Giorno wanted from his now-ex-parents house. He’d likely have to rearrange some furniture upstairs, Giorno would need his own room obviously, maybe cash in a favor or two to help, and of course possibly transferring schools which meant even more paperwork-
But that was tomorrow. Tonight, he got to look forward to a nice, calm dinner that for the first time since inviting Doppio in wouldn’t be alone. 
And just as he nudged Giorno through the door…
“Yeah Boss?”
Tonio liked Marco. A good head on his shoulders, a competent host and waiter, had potential for a manager position, always called in ahead of time if gang work interfered with his schedule, and on the rare occasion things got out of hand he was good at regaining order.
“I’m temporarily waiving the ‘no violence’ rule.” Tonio said. “Make sure nobody breaks anything important and if things get too noisy, see to it that it’s moved elsewhere.”
Marco’s eyes lit up with an emotion he didn’t dare to place, but his face remained stoic. “‘Course, Boss.”
Tonio looked back to the restaurant, his eyes soft and smile warm in a way that did not match the manic and horrifying implication of his words in the slightest.
“You have 30 minutes. Try to keep the mess to a minimum.”
The future looked bright and Tonio felt happy.
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normalaboutfugo · 7 months
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"I can't find an ask box so I'mma just drop this here! I would love something with mafia boss GIORNO finding out his mom had another kid and pretty much goes feral to adopt them !! tyy"
⋆₊☆ ⊂⊃ platonic yandere don!giorno || m.list
[ warning :: PLATONIC/NOT ROMANTIC, kinda kidnapping, platonic yandere ]
[ notes :: first post!! thank you @foundfamyanderes for requesting!! <3 i can't remember what happened to gio's mom but just pretend she left giorno and had reader and left them too lol ]
[ important :: see this post on another blog? likely a repost to my rebranded multi-fandom blog! don't be afraid to check, but if they're not linked w me, let me know! <33 ]
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— when giogio first learns his mother went on to have another kid, he wanted to have a genuine connection, and he did everything in his power to find them. what if you weren't doing so well on your own, assuming that your mother didn't care about you, like she didn't with him? there's no way he'd let his own blood live like this, especially when he was doing so well.
— giorno did everything he could to look for you, searched the internet under the last name shiobana to find a lead, he looked for his mom's profile online, and when he found it, he saw various pictures of drinks, club floors, everything you'd expect from someone like her.
— it took a long time, quite a bit of searching through what seemed like a million pictures of your mom partying — giorno scrolled for hours and hours, ignoring the way his eyes burnt when he looked at the screen for too long.
— finally, after he thought he was starting to fall asleep from staring at the bright computer screen for forever, he found multiple pictures of selfies from his mom with the head of a child in the background; cropped out the best if could be, but still quite obvious you existed.
— it took a long time to find you, but honestly, it confused giorno. why was he so hooked on meeting you? he only found out you existed a few days ago, and you didn't even know you had a half brother.
— when giorno finally found you, he had immediately introduced himself to you — not as the don, but as your brother. he wanted to have a genuine connection with you, because he never had a sibling, and while everyone in bucciarati's gang were like family, but blood ran thicker than water.
— and upon finding out you were broke and living on pickpocketing because your mother left you? giorno spoiled the fuck out of you. when he met you, he treated you to a meal at one of the nicest places in italy because he wanted to make a good impression, but when he finds out you're not used to such good dining and being treated well?
— most definitely takes you shopping for whatever you want, turning you down when you say you'll pay him back for it.
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"Here, whatever you want."
"That's...! Giorno, no, I'll pay you back as soon as I ca-"
"With money you took? Don't worry about it, there's more than enough for you to have what you wanted."
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— reader goes quiet real quick
— not long after meeting him, giorno offers you a place to live. the streets got cold at night, and he would know. gratefully, you accepted it; what else could you do?
— it doesn't take long for giorno to get overbearing. he'll start putting extra locks on the doors, and when questioned, express that he just wants you to feel safer in your new home.
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"..Giorno, what's with the locks on the door?"
"The locks? Oh, I wanted to make sure you felt safe, is all. Is there a problem?"
"Well.. no, I just.. don't you think it's a bit much?"
"Mm.. no, I don't think so. You can never be too sure."
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— he might even give you a curfew at first
— he'll give you the reasoning that the streets of italy aren't safe at later times, which is semi-true. it really wasn't safe to be roaming around at night, especially after you start living with the boss himself; word spreads like wildfire in passione, and a bounty would be placed on your head by traitors before you know it.
— eventually, a curfew turns into him spending every second with you during your outings, and that turns into you just not being allowed to leave the house at all.
— even if he needs to pull a few strings to find a reason to keep you home, he'll do what he needs.
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"The strap on your bag, it's broken."
"Oh, yes.. I noticed a bit ago, but it's no big deal."
"That's fine, we can get you a new one today. There's got to be something identical somewhere."
"Should I get ready to go out, then?"
"No, you don't need to. We can find something online, or I can go find it at the store we bought it from."
"..Oh. Why?"
"I don't want you going out."
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— when you bring up your concerns to him about not being allowed to leave, he takes it really well, as if he'd just up and abandoned his previous reasons for you being kept inside. and after that, you go to bed that night with relief, sleeping easily knowing that it's going to change.
— except for in the morning, when you're leaving the room, you turn the doorknob only to realize you were locked in from the outside. on the nearest table is a notepad, next to a plate of food and a cup of water. written in red ink,
It's wrong to lock you up, but I can't bring myself to put you in danger and allow you to leave. But I can also promise it's only temporary, I want you to be happy here. I had some business with the famiglia, so I left home quite early this morning. I will return, but while I'm not there, I left food and a glass of water next to this note. I'll be seeing you soon.
— Giorno
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gothgfanchan · 10 months
Two GioGio's? 🤯 (Featuring @nothingbizzare's Gio design, I had so much fun drawing it, I love how he draws him twhehwhwhdhwwh 🫶)
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 9 months
how i think bucci gang would confess their love
i don't even know anymore man, enjoy the hcs
Bruno Bucciarati
very calm about it
it just slipped out one day lmao
he was just chilling with Abbacchio and he was talking about something
"I understand how you feel, Abbacchio. But you have to be more careful, ok? I love you." "I know- WHAT?!"
bruno acted like he meant to say that
he was screaming on the inside tho
the moment he got home he was giggling and kicking his feet
he has a boyfriend now
Leone Abbacchio
he probably confessed while drunk
he's the type of guy to push his feelings away and not pay attention to them
but spoiler alert, you can't push away your intense love for Bruno, dumb goth whore
probably tried to avoid Bruno for a bit
it worked until Bruno took care of him while he was drunk
"Ok Abbacchio, it's time to go home now-" "but I love you!"
Bruno just stared at him for a second before bringing him home and hoping to GOD that Abbacchio wouldn't remember what he said
he did
they had a deep conversation after and started dating
Abba looked a little happier that day
Giorno Giovanna
very straight forward about it
walked up to Fugo and said "we need to talk"
istg Fugo almost shit his pants, he thought he was gonna get in trouble or some shit
instead giogio just sat him down and told him he liked him
"What did you need, Giorno?" "I'm in love with you." "...." ".........." "....WHAT?!"
Giorno started listing everything he loves about Fugo and strawb boy almost fucking fainted he was so flustered
Giorno had to stop halfway through his rant to make sure Fugo was ok
he ended up gaining a boyfriend and was super happy and giddy for the rest of the week
everyone else was wondering why he was smiling so much and flapping his hands (it's because he's autistic)
also clung to fugo like a glue trap
Pannacotta Fugo
another one to push down his feeling and try to dismiss them
he couldn't look at giorno for more than five seconds before turning bright red and looking away
EVERYONE knew he liked giorno lmao (except giorno)
he probably didn't confess, instead giorno overheard mista and narancia teasing him about it
"Still got a crush on the golden boy, Fugoo??" "shut. up." "C'mon! We just wanna know!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP" "I'll take that as a yes" "FUGO LOVES GIORNO!" "I DO NOT-" "You love me, Fugo?"
Fugo immediately shut up at slowly turned to Giorno with the most terrified expression you'll ever see in his life
bro looks like he just pissed himself
cue nara and mista laughing their lungs out in the background
he just quickly brought giorno into another room and quietly explained that he had feelings for him
it was all good because he gained a boyfriend
he was a lot happier for the rest of the week
Guido Mista
verrryy flirty
but he only uses cringy flirts
sometimes they're good but most of the time...
"hey, are you lightning? cuz you're McQueen. KACHOW"
since i don't ship him with anyone YOU (yes you, person reading this) GET TO BE THE UNLUCKY PERSON MISTA CONFESSES HIS LOVE TO
when i say unlucky i mean unlucky
he'll never leave you alone
"I need to go piss hold on" "can I come?"
probably confessed with a love letter (he's a sucker for romance)
but like he just handed you a letter and ran off
he'd be very happy if you said yes
everyone would know that he's dating you by the end of the week
also do NOT sleep in the same bed as this guy, he snores louder than a nuclear explosion
Narancia Ghirga
shy. that's all i'm gonna say
he'd try to act chill and fail miserably
my guy tries to say something flirty and stumbles over his words so bad he trips
"hey, so, uh, d-did it, um, hurt when- when you, uh, y-you fell from heav- heaven? Uh, actually nevermind! OKBYETALKTOYOULATER!" *trips*
cried to Mista about it later
i also don't ship narancia with anyone so YOU, THE READER, ARE THE LUCKY ONE WHO GAINS HIS AFFECTION
and when I say lucky, I mean LUCKY
sweetest boy ever
he'll literally die for you
probably tried to confess romantically but stumbled over his words and got so nervous he almost passed out
just ended up screaming that he loves you
"s-so, basically, uh, the thing is, um, I uh... FUCK IT! I LOVE YOU!"
his face was so red
very giddy and happy for a long while if you say yes
he'd proudly show you off
Trish Una
once again, YOU get to be the one she's attracted to
surprisingly chill about it
she compliments you on a daily basis
expect her to constantly be around you
mf she is NOT leaving you alone
"I need to piss" "let's go piss together queen"
i fully believe trish is a hardcore lesbian
she cringes at the thought of dating men
"I'm sure one day you'll find a kind young man to take care of you" "EW no"
"you wanted to talk to me?" "yeah, so I kinda have a crush on you and I was wondering if you felt the same way?"
very smiley if you say yes
also she will NOT let go of you hand
the end
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
If you had to live the rest of your fictional life with one of your yanderes, Who would you want it to be, who would you think would be the easiest for you to live with, and who'd be the worst?
ohhhh this is a very fun question to think about 👁👁
want would be giorno. he's one of the least intense yanderes when it comes to his methods. he wouldn't actively want to make me miserable, which i'd appreciate. he'd also let me keep my rabbit. he can be rather devious but has a decent sense of boundaries compared to the other options. being with giogio also gives the opportunity to influence the world for the better. sure, it might be blood money that he's donating to my charity of choice, but it's best not to think about that. i also love animals and would bother him endlessly for him to use his stand. gold experience requiem might look like an eldritch abomination straight from the pages of a lovecraft novel, but it can make me infinite bunnies, so i'd be happy about that.
the easiest would be fugo. i know, i know, he's got a temper, but i think i have the necessary finesse to make it work. he's intelligent academically yet his emotional intelligence leaves much to be desired. i could get him wrapped around my finger... eventually. it's a long-term investment. i have a flirtatious personality that'd fluster and make him more easily prone to manipulation. all he needs is a single kiss on the cheek and he's stuttering, his face red as a strawberry. ez.
the worst would be either chrollo or feitan, but i'll expand on the former, since the latter is pretty self-explanatory. for one, chrollo wouldn't let me keep my rabbit, so he loses points. he pushes physical intimacy and that'd make my anxiety skyrocket to the welkins above. i don't care for being kissed with tongue and i just know that man is the type to shove that muscle where it isn't wanted. blegh. keep that thing away from me. we'd have interesting conversations but that's about the only good thing happening here. i'm either extremely talkative or willing to commit a crime when someone is in my general vicinity when i want to be alone, which puts me at a disadvantage. he's almost always hanging around like an annoying ghost. i'd throw salt at him to see if that'd make him go away but that isn't likely to be effective.
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xescaaa · 2 years
Featuring Giorno Giovanna ( +18 characters) x reader
CW: NSFW/ smut, MDNI,Female reader, Spanking, spoiler ig ? idk, cursing, rough sex? kinda , Kitchen sex, sex without protection( stay safe) friends to lovers, and breeding.
This was kind of inspired by another Giorno smut but I cant find the author so credits to u if u see this ( it was a smut w kitchen sex as well:) )
ALSO INSPIRED BY THE SONG " Stargirl Interlude" by Lana Del Rey and The weekend
1 am:
You are currently chilling in the kitchen snacking on ice cream instead of sleeping. Although joining the gang was fun and full of adventures, you also enjoyed to have some piece and quiet in the mansion.
While currently eating ice cream on the kitchen counter in a calm state of mind, your mind at the same time couldn't help but think of Don Giorno Giovanna. Well, how could you blame myself? he is so fucking handsome , his toned chest, silky blonde hair, and good looks surely earned him a spot in your mind.
Deep in thought about the handsome Don,
you hadn't noticed that someone else had gone into the kitchen. Adjusting your eyesight a bit more you realized that it was Don Giorno himself, that had gone into the kitchen himself to get a glass of water.
Oh hello y/n, didn't know you would be up this late , said Giorno as he softly smiled.
Oh- uh, Yea I was hungry so I went downstairs to have some ice cream- you say.
Giorno had gray sweatpants showing his V- line, no shirt and his silky blonde hair resting peacefully on his shoulders. You couldn't help but to drift your eyes all over his body which looked even better reflecting off the moonlight.
Like what you see? says Giorno as he giggles a bit.
O- Oh sorry ,you say as you blush instantly looking away.
You know, says Giorno
although you are my friend, fuck..., you are so beautiful, smart, and caring.
R-really? you reply blushing
Yes, you are also really hot, says Giorno lifting your chin up to look at him.
So tell me Cara, Giorno says
Do you love me the way I love you?
Yes, I do- before saying more, you felt the Don's lip crash with yours. Placing himself between your legs on front of the counter the kisses turned more passionate and hotter, each other's hands scrambled all over your bodies and your sleep wear long discarded somewhere in the kitchen.
Turn around Bella, said Giorno as he sucked your neck, making you release a soft moan. Letting go your legs from Giorno's waist, you let your feet down onto the kitchen floor and turn around.
Let me know if it's too much, whispers Giorno into your ear.
You nod and suddenly feel a harsh spank go on your ass making you moan Giorno's name.
You like that huh cara?-Giorno says as he spanks your ass more, leaving his handprints as your nails scratch the countertop, letting out tears of pleasure out of your eyes and wanton moans out of mouth.
Such a beautiful ass you have cara mia, says Giorno as he presses his clothed hard cock against you, massaging your buttocks before letting more spanks on your ass making you crave more of him.
Giogio, you say as you bite your lip, containing from moaning more and you pressing against his hard cock.
Yes Bella? he says
I want your cock inside of me .. please - you say while rubbing your clit in desperation.
Hmmm,you're lucky we are alone at the mansion, if not, everyone would know who's about to fuck that pretty pussy of yours so good, Says Giorno as he spreads your pussy lips, making you release a moan.
Get on the counter and lay down on your back dolcezza. Once your position changed, you see Giorno taking off his gray sweats and underwear releasing his hard cock which is with a red tip and leaking from precum. Look at what you did to me cara, Giorno whispers into your ear as he makes you wrap your hand around his cock.
Holy shit Giogio , you say containing a moan
Your so fucking big, I say jerking Giorno off before letting go. You taste so good too , you giggle as you lick some of the precum left on your finger.
Lining himself against your wet entrance, he slowly pushes his tip in making you softly whimper in anticipation, Be patient Cara, Giorno says and all you can do is nod.
Once Giorno settled his cock in your perfect pussy he couldn't resist but release praises out of his mouth as he slowly thrusted into you. With his thrusts getting faster and harder all you can do is let out moans which get louder and louder as he keeps on fucking your pussy so good.
Oh fuck Giogio! right there please!- you moan as he thrusts his cock into your pussy restlessly hitting your sweet spot each time, drawing you closer to your release. Feeling Giorno rub your clit with his fingers as he kissed you was all you needed to cum, with a few more thrusts you feel Giorno's cock twitch inside of you and release hot white cum inside your gummy walls.
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askphf · 8 months
Anyone got any embarrassing stories about the big boss himself? (I love this sort of stuff)
We wouldn't talk about our boss like that. We've sworn our lives to him and we all respect him too much. Even Sheila wouldn't talk about Giorno, despite her apparently being the town crier all of a sudden and being too far in everyone else's business! - Fugo
I'm sorry I just so happen to be good at my job. It's also part of how my stand works, I can't help it! - Sheila E
Come a little closer... they may not talk about him, but I will. Fugo may think there's nothing going on between the two of 'em, but I can tell Giogio's fond of the guy. Also, he's got some weird thing about extra rare steak! Garlic, too, apparently it makes his mouth all tingly. I think it's an allergy, but it doesn't seem too severe so I just haven't said anything about it! - Murolo
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years
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Hes so beautiful in this style, I love him 🥰🌟🐞
Art credit: AAak_00000 on Twitter
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alumi-san · 8 months
So... did somebody think about JJBA Hazbin au? Cuz I did.
The Jojos (and Giogio)
Jonathan Joestar - one of the archangels. Has no idea about the extermination, Giorno just assumes he does. He refused to have a winner's name. Share personality with Lucifer (at least the father aspect). Too good and naive, even for heaven. Represents the Commandment of Piety.
- he loves Giorno more than anything (except his wife and husband and other sons and-), tho it's kinda hard to explain how he created three children with the ruler of hell who was his foster brother when they were alive.
- not allowed to visit hell (it was done so he wouldn't learn about the extermination). He hates that because he can't visit Giorno and the rest of his family, but he can't obey the main seraphim rule.
- despite being and trying to be a good father to George II and Giorno, he kinda forgets that he has three other sons. Mostly because Giorno is the only one with strong angelic powers (and doesn't worship Dio), so he's the only child who is allowed to visit heaven (don't worry he'll try to fix this).
Joseph Joestar - honestly, I have no idea whether I should put him in heaven or hell. Siner's/Winner's name is Battle Comet. If winner, then he represents Reticence if sinner then Lust.
- learned that he has a son only after death.
- tries to fix the relationship with his children and partners.
- when he brings Shizuka, Ceasar, and Suzi Q's immediate reaction: "You cheated on us again?!" And Joseph is like: "Guys, I can explain!" (Don't worry, they love her)
Kujo Jotaro - a mysterious man. Nobody knows why he got to hell, but he got a lot of power and beat up a few overlords in a matter of a week. Siner's name is Sea Star. Represents the Sin of Wrath.
- everybody thinks he's some dangerous creep, but when they ask Cherry Splesh and Silveref about him they first tell them about how the overlords started to disappear after he arrived and that it's better not to get on his nerves "Oh, but he's a total sweetheart! Just talk to him about the ocean, give him a sugared and you won't recognize him!"
- he doesn't admit it, but he misses his mom.
- tries to be a good father for his little butterfly.
- hates Dio. Nobody knows why, but as rumors go, they had a battle in which Dio almost killed one of Star's friends. Because of that, he doesn't trust Giorno. He knows that he's a good kid, but he can't help but worry when he sees Gio around Jolyne.
Higashikata Josuke - a troublemaker in heaven, but because of his good heart, nobody dares to send him to hell. The Winner's name is Star Dimond. Has the Emily role. Represents the Commandment of Pacifism.
- also not allowed to visit hell, but unlike Jonathan, he's a rules breaker, so he visits anyway.
- acts like a big brother to Giorno, Jolyne, Shizuka, and Hayato.
- loves his great-grandfather Jonathan.
- has a complicated relationship with his father but likes his stepmom and stepdad. The feeling is mutual.
- he likes to make jokes about him and Josuke having the same name (tho, Gappy doesn't understand them).
Giorno Brando Joestar - Prince of Hell. Half demon (from Dio) half angel (from Jonathan) (don't ask how it happened). Hell and heaven born. Has the role of Charlie. Created the hotel because he believes that some of the sinners don't deserve to end up here (and it was a great opportunity to move out from his dad's place). He has a grey morality but sometimes sees the world as black and white like killing is good as long as you don't do it for selfish reasons.
- Gappy is the only family he has a good relationship with from Jonathan side in hell. However, sometimes, he feels like he has a good relationship with two/three family members instead of one.
- allowed to visit heaven, but doesn't do it often because he feels unwelcome there. Only visits to see his father and Dimond.
- much more sweet, caring, and at some point goofy than he shows. Also, secretly a musical/theater kid.
- one time, he called Erina mother. He's embarrassed by this (jonerywagon cried tears of joy when this first happened).
- he adores Jolyne, but because of his tense relationship with Star, he doesn't spend time with her as often as he wishes. The only opportunity he gets is when Dimond sneaks out in hell to steal/babysit Jolyne while Star is working, and they both play with her and somehow have a good and bad influence on her.
- Has a stable relationship with his brothers. In a good relationship with Rikiel and Ungalo, who look up to him. Tries to be a good big brother/role model to them. In a complicated relationship with Donatello. He doesn't spend time with Jorge but thinks he's good.
Kujo Jolyne - Star daughter, nobody knows who her mother is. Thinks of Cherry Splash/Kakyoin as a second father. She loves her bizarre family.
- she's a kid here.
- dreams of having a younger brother.
- loves to hang out with Josuke and Giorno. Wishes to see her other family from heaven.
Johnny Joestar - Jonathan's cousin. Seats at home all day. Distanced himself from his family. He only speaks with Gyro. Siner's name is Star Dancer. Represents the Sin of Sloth.
- not sure if in hazbin lore if you die disabled then you'll stay disabled in hell/heaven, so for now, I can't say if Jonny is disabled here.
- kind of depressed.
Josuke "Gappy" - he's a hell born, obviously cus he's a total sunshine! At some point, it feels as if he had just been born. Share personality with Charlie (yes, I'm making him a musical/theater kid as well). He and Yasuho are the first people to believe in Giorno idea so they immediately started helping him with the hotel. Believes that siners deserve a second chance. As I said, total sunshine, but doesn't have a black and white view on the world somehow.
- has amnesia only remembers how he woke up naked after the previous extermination where he was found by not other than Yasuho. After she asked him what his name was, he said that the only thing he remembered was that he's a hell born. She asked him if she could call him Josuke? He said yes, thus accepting his new name. Later, they fell in love with each other and started dating.
- loves his girlfriend very much.
- when he and Giorno first met, they had no idea that they were related, but they felt some kind of connection between each other.
- despite not knowing/remembering who his parents are, he feels like they're always with him.
Jodio Joestar - I don't have anything on him yet. But in my vision, he will be Giorno rival and will be shiting on the hotel (yea, kinda like the V's, I guess?). Represents the Sin of Gluttony.
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sacredpit · 11 months
↳               @praeteritus-memories ,   continued from   here .     🍒
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    to   no extent   had kakyoin expected that so significant a tenderness would bloom in his chest upon making giorno’s acquaintance ,   especially since he’d come to italy for work .   over a decade has passed since the momentous events of his egyptian escapade ,   &   in that time ,   he has learned more about his true self than ever had been previously apparent   ━━━━   become more of himself   than ever he had been before .   but one aspect of his being that has yet to fully emerge from its chrysalis is his reluctance to open himself up to others ;   many pensive hours has he sat beside his inner child in   healing silence ,   hoping to unravel ,   thread by thread ,   the tightly - wound shroud in which he’d enswathed himself for protection ,   as if hierophant’s tendrils had coiled ’round his too - soft body like an unbreakable cocoon .
perhaps that had been a necessary response to the   corroding heartache   of a childhood spent entirely alone .   yet ,   he has managed to make a home for himself on   the other side ,   now ,   &   the white - knuckled grip he’s maintained on the latch to free his heart from its cage doesn’t serve him so well anymore .   how ironic a tragedy that   letting go   is this difficult ,   but as a man that has survived   the unfathomable ,   kakyoin is not so inclined to think of it as a mountain he cannot summit .   even the slackening of one knuckle at a time is still progress .
even so ,   there was something he saw in giorno early on that rendered his heart’s   immaculate camouflage   futile ,   exposing the softness tucked beneath layers   &   layers of armor without so much as an honest effort .   perhaps he saw himself in giorno ,   &   perhaps that extended to him the ability to perceive the lonely child hiding at the core of the strong   &   straight - shouldered   force of nature   that brought an entire syndicate to its knees .   how could he behold that   &   allow himself to become another person that   abandons him ?? 
the embrace is as warm as the venetian summer ,   or maybe warmer still ,   &   the loving width of kakyoin’s smile encapsulates a disposition just the same as his arms anchor tightly around giorno’s smaller frame .   as much as he’s   dreaded   having to bid giorno farewell   (   distance can be so cruel ;   how   unfortunate   that the heart can leave pieces of itself all over the world   ) ,   moments like this are precious enough to quell the sinking feeling in his abdomen ,   leaving a comforting reminder that   not even eight thousand kilometers   can make strangers of them in its wake .  
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“   i don’t just mean for practical things ,   ”   he says ,   straightening his back just enough to look at the boy in his arms ,   “   though that’s important ,   of course .   but for anything ,   even if you just need someone to talk to .   ”   a lavender gaze is devastatingly soft as it meets the blueish emeralds reflecting off of it in a deepening gradient ,   &   in the back of his mind ,   kakyoin curses the throb in his chest   &   the pressure building behind his eyes .   his husband would surely say he is being dramatic ,   &   maybe he is ,   but his ever - growing affinity for the golden - haired boy cannot be helped .
“   i know that you’re a busy young man ,   but if you just want to talk about your day ,   or tell me about any cute boys in your life ,   ”   his smile grows a little with that remark ,   the teasing glint to his eye twinkling like a sky full of stars ,   “   i’d be happy to listen .   ”   
the raising of a slender wrist   &   hierophant’s tugging back of a linen sleeve reveals the face of kakyoin’s watch ,   prompting a slight pout .   oh ,   fuck it .    sure ,   he’s eager to return home to his family   (   this is the longest he’s been away since jouta was born   ) ,   but giorno has become family ,   too .   “   say ,   giogio   ━━━━   it seems i don’t have to be at the airport for another few hours ,   ”   he says ,   ruby - hued lashes fanning out between scarred lids as his eyes become smiling crescents .   “   i think that gives us just enough time for one more adventure .   i still haven’t gotten to try amarena gelato ,   &   that’s just unfair .   ”
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Ooh this sounds fun! Can I request a JJBA drabble with Passione please? They have weekly tickle fights, they just font know when or who is gonna start it
You can choose who can be the Lers and Lees (and spectators)
I can't wait to see what you come up with🫶🏾
And remember to stay hydrated 🥤
KJEJKRKJEJKR YES! I love part 5 so much! And the Passione! I've gotcha covered, friend! :) Decided to go with Ler!Mista for this one! :D Stay hydrated too and have a great day! :)
“Gotcha!” Mista yelled, his cry of glee lost beneath the startled “MERDE!” Giorno let out. “I’m gonna tickle you, GioGio~”
“Ah! Ahehehahhaha! Wait! Nohoohoho! Miihihihiista!” The blonde yelped, falling to his knees as the gunner dug into his ribs. “Coohohohme on, tihiihihihckle sohohohmeone else!”
“Hmm…nah, I think I’ll stick to you!” Mista dropped down beside him, one hand still on his ribs while the other dug into his belly. “Besides, you make funny noises when tickled!”
“GEHAHHAHA! MIHIHIHIISTA!” “Oi, oi- why are you two so loud?” Abbachio grumbled as he came around the corner, voice rough with sleep. He must have just woken up from a nap. “Either shut up or take it outside.”
Mista paused, giving Giorno a much needed break. There was a brief moment of silence, then-
“Mista, you pezzo de merde, don’t you dare-” Abbachio tried to back away, but Mitsa was like his bullets, flying across the small space between them and tackling the older man into the carpets. “Mis-Ghahahhahhahahhahaa!”
“Haha! Passione’s team grump is ticklish! I freaking knew it!” Mista cackled alongside him, fingers flying over Abbachio’s ribs as the taller man tried to shove him off. “Take that! And that! Giogio, help me!”
“Dohoohohohohon’t you fuhuhuhuhucking dahahhahhare, Gihiihihihiohohohohorno!” Abbachiro declared, unable to keep the growl in his voice when Mista found the terrible spot along his upper ribs. “Yohohoohoohu dahahhaamn brhahahhahhat!”
“Oh, I’m a brat, am I?” Giorno, who was on the fence about joining in originally, scooted over with a small grin. “Make some room, Mista- I’ll get his hips.”
“Son of a BIHIHIHIHIIHHIIHIHIHIHITCH!” The older member howled as a new set of hands went for his tickle spots, making his voice crack in mirth.
Around the corner, Bruno struggled to fight down a laugh as he watched the three play.
Just another day for the Passione it seemed.
Send me a headcanon and character(s) and I'll write a short 300-500 word dabble for it!
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