#i love hanamaki takahiro
reebmasul · 5 months
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finally drew seijoh4 together !!!!
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sunarins · 6 months
due to popular demand (not), i will be ranking the prettiest haikyuu character names
matsukawa issei
konoha akinori
suna rintarou
hanamaki takahiro
hoshiumi kourai
special mention to komori motoya bc he's as cute as his name is and iwaizumi hajime bc it sounds so masculine and strong and embodies everything he is
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raisunomii · 3 months
Oikawa Tooru gets a job at a smoothie stand next to the beach during his post-grad summer (which is perfect! because he gets a brilliant view of all the surfer boys). He's got his eye on Iwaizumi- that's what Suga, his coworker, said his name was, anyways- but he's like the ONLY surfer who hasn't gotten a damn smoothie yet! really, Oikawa's gotten to see every surfer in Japan's abs except this bara beauty's. When Hajime finally does stop by (pulled along by Maki and Mattsun, who really want their friend to see the cute smoothie guy) Oikawa completely forgets how to speak. It's so bad that Suga taps him out and takes Iwa's order instead- "Hey Iwaizumi! What's up?" Fortunately for Tooru, Iwaizumi comes back the next day. And the next. And the day after that. Guess he liked the smoothie.
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haezen · 2 years
how he apologizes 
suna, makki
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haikyuu!!  genre: hurt/comfort
a/n: they’re so silly and i’m in love with them (heheehehahaha) if you guys like this, show it some love.  (i love seeing you guys reblog with # ! i read them and they make my day!)  maybe i’ll do sakusa and atsumu next :>
dedicated to my lovely best friend @nami66m !
Rintarou is unbearably stubborn. 
He says things that he doesn’t mean and his words are venomous. When the two of you got into a fight over something that didn’t even really matter, you are shocked when he spits your biggest insecurity back in your face. He will never forget the pained expression that washed over your features and almost instantly, he regretted ever saying it in the first place. 
You held your head up high, trying to ignore the lump forming in your throat and the tears threatening to spill, before heading out of your shared home. He could tell that you were heartbroken to hear something you told him in confidence thrown back in your face. He knew that he fucked up, but yet he stood there unmoving like a statue, too afraid to move a muscle or utter a word. As he watched you storm out, he told himself that he never wants to see you leave out that door, running away from him again.
He stood in that same spot for a while, frozen. Why did he say those things? What were you even fighting about in the first place? How can he fix this?
He doesn’t know what to do. Before, all he did was run from his problems and avoid people he wronged like the plague. He’d ignored their texts and calls. He’d act like he wasn’t home when they’d knock on his door, begging for an explanation on why he went ghost. He’d even act like he didn’t know them when seeing them in public. 
Rintarou doesn’t know how to admit he’s wrong because he believes that if he admits it, then you’ll find somebody better. You deserve somebody who wouldn’t hurt you in the first place: someone who acknowledges their faults and overcomes them with humility. And he has never done that — he doesn’t know how to. 
So as he sits on the couch with his head in his hands and unbecoming tears streaming down his face, he decides that he needs to drive to the only person he can trust to ask for advice: Osamu.
You finally come home at midnight. Your cheeks and nose are red and he instantly realizes you’ve been walking out in the cold. 
But when you open the door, you’re greeted by the warmth of the fireplace, candles lit everywhere you look, and Rintarou standing right in the kitchen like he’d been waiting there for hours. He offers you an uneasy smile, one that doesn’t reach his eyes. He smiles like he’s unsure of what to say or what your reaction will be. 
Deep down, he wants to run and hide like he usually would. He’s afraid that you will leave him first because you’ve seen how ugly he can be.
He gestures to the kitchen island, and you see he’s made you your favorite food. It’s not perfect and the display looks awful, but the hopeful look in his eyes is begging for your acceptance and validation. You know he’s never done anything like this before. 
The gesture makes you want to cry all over again, but you’re hesitant to forgive him so easily. When he’s met with silence, he continues.
“I made it all myself.” He explains, “But...I had to ask Osamu for help because I didn’t know where to start.” He admits, voice a little lower than before.
You step into the kitchen to take it all in  — the kitchen is a mess, the sink full of dishes and it looks like he spilled something all over the stove. But you know he’s trying, in his own stupid way, to make it up to you.
He approaches you carefully, scared that you’ll storm out again. To his surprise, you await his embrace. He wraps his arms around you while you hesitantly wrap yours around him.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers for the first time, “I didn’t mean what I said.” 
You think he might be crying.
“I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.” 
He hates to think that he could’ve done something wrong in the first place. 
Because it was only a joke.
You had invited your family over for dinner. While all of you are having a good time and getting along for once, Makki decides to make a joke in an attempt to make your family like him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the time or the place for this particular joke —   it’s inappropriate and borderline offensive, especially to you.  You, most out of everyone, are appalled and shocked that he’d even bring something like that up. It makes everyone stiff and the aura is suddenly uncomfortable; the air is stuffy and no one knows what to say in response. You excused yourself from the table, dragging Makki outside to the balcony by his ear. He groaned in complaint and once you left the table, everyone shared knowing looks. By the time the both of you returned inside, everyone had already finished their food and was ready to leave, eager to leave the tense atmosphere. You were beyond embarrassed and disappointed that the night had gone awry.
You pointedly ignored him for the rest of the night because you decided that you were too upset to fight. You cleaned up by yourself despite Makki’s protests to let him help you. You shouldered him off and he didn’t know what to do. He was starting to get frustrated, but he knew not to say anything in retort. 
Unfortunately, like most men, Makki has his pride. But, he realizes that he would much rather admit he’d done something to upset you rather than sit, brood, and refuse to apologize. Of course, since it is Makki, he has to put a fun and exciting twist to it.
He’ll usually give you your space for a few hours, acting like he is oblivious to the silent treatment you always give him when you’re upset. He looks past all the harsh glares you throw his way and he ignores the scoffs you make when he walks past you in your shared apartment. He even gives you a flippant, ‘bye!’ when you leave to get some fresh air because the tension is so thick that the both of you feel like you’re going to suffocate.
While you’re gone, he scrambles to get things ready as he prepares to build a blanket fort for the both of you. It might be childish, but the two of you have never been afraid to indulge in ‘kiddie’ activities. And he knows how much you love to watch movies together. He even makes the quickest trip to the convenience store in his life – rushing to get you your favorite snacks and drink. 
He barely makes it home before you return. He's putting the final touches when he hears you unlocking the door.
 As he whips around, you walk in and your eyes go wide.
“What’s this?” You question, eyeing his guilty expression. 
“I’m sorry.”  Is all he says.
You scoff for probably the hundredth time today. As you unlace your shoes and shrug your coat off your shoulders, you hear him messing around with the television. Your heart is racing as you try to decide if you’re still upset at him. 
“Do you know how uncomfortable you made everyone? You’re so–” 
“I shouldn’t have made such a stupid joke.”
“You think?” 
You fail to realize that your boyfriend has closed the distance between you two. He sweeps you off your feet, strong arms picking you up to hold you bridal style. 
“Hey!” You scream.
“I’m sorry.” He murmurs with a soft smile, before he playfully throws you inside the fort, your back hitting an array of pillows. You squeal in response and he is quick to follow you inside. You look around and he’s put a lot of effort in – he even used the bar stools so that you’d have more room. He sits beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulls you to his side. 
“Please forgive me.” He whispers into your ear, kissing all over your face and neck as you protest. 
“‘Hiro!” You laugh, trying to fight him off but it’s fruitless. You enjoy his proximity and even, you recognize the fact that he’s doing his best to cheer you up.
You can’t help the giggle that bubbles up from your throat as he restlessly starts attacking you with his affection.
 Then, you forget why you were even mad in the first place.
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sleepskie · 10 months
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MatsuHana my scrunkles...my everything...💚
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audinosaur · 1 year
seijoh road trip ¡!
(bc i’m on a super long car ride right now)
let’s start with seating arrangements (assume they’re in an suv or something bc those maniacs would not be able to fit in anything small) 
iwaizumi’s driving (i don’t think this needs an explanation) 
matsukawa’s in the passengers seat. always. he’s the oldest sibling so therefore the front seat is his god-given right, sitting in the back is just too foreign for him
(he’d also put together a pretty nice playlist for the trip let’s be honest) 
kindaichi’s also usually a front seater (when he drives w his family), but with anyone else he prefers the very back row. it’s nice and secluded :)
plus he always sits next to kunimi, and kunimi needs the seclusion
speaking of needs, yahaba gets car sick ridiculously easy, so he needs to be next to a window so he can have easy vomiting access
like actually, the slightest bump or turn will make him throw up. 
watari’s right there next to him (he’s the only one sane enough & versatile enough to handle being in the very center of everything)
oikawa’s sitting behind iwaizumi, partially to be a helpful navigator and partially to annoy the fuck outta him
makki’s in the third row. i don’t have much to say about this, he’s just chill. you could put him on the hood of the car and he’d be all “this is cool man”
kyoutani’s in the trunk lol
he’s a trunk guy?? he’d sit back there with his dog and enjoy being away from everyone (plus he kinda hates the feel of seatbelts, they’re too constrictive)
(“that’s kind of the fucking point kyou”)
(“you are literally turning green go puke your guts out yahaba”)
hanamaki is the king of snacks. chips? he’s got em. chocolates? he’s got em. cookies? he’s got em. that boys bag is the equivalent to mary poppins’, the snacks just keep coming
funnily enough he can never remember to bring a phone charger
(chargers are kunimi’s department) 
kunimi’s blasting music/white noise/anything into his earbuds the entire ride. he NEEDS his shit to be charged because he’s not about to listen to people talking (read: arguing) for hours on end
kindaichi’s always the one who had to go to the bathroom immediately after they leave the rest stop
“why didn’t you go back there??”
when everyone falls asleep iwaizumi likes to listen to true crime podcasts
the only thing is, watari is physically incapable of falling asleep in cars (i am projecting) so he just has to listen in horror as a narrator describes the most gruesome, bloody murders he’s ever heard
they accidentally left kindaichi behind once at a gas station (it was only for 5 minutes, but he sobbed uncontrollably)
after that they made sure to do a head count at every stop
every half hour oikawa will get bored and make them all play games like i spy, 20 questions, truth or dare (mostly truths), etc. 
cue kyouhaba crawling over the seats to beat the shit out of each other during punch buggy
kunimi’s splayed over kindaichi for half of the trip
so hanamaki will be having a conversation with kindaichi and trying so hard to ignore the fact that kunimi’s head is in his lap and the former is combing his fingers through the latters hair 
oikawa switches out to drive so that iwaizumi can sleep for a bit, but ends up screaming at some dumb crap another car did and is banned from the wheel (road rage oikawa supremacy!)
kyoutani’s the “are we there yet?” person. every ten minutes he’ll ask how much longer until they stop
when they do stop, he’ll just go run a lap or two. then come back ten times happier than before, he just needs to stretch his legs !!
mattsun will look up fun facts about each place they visit to entertain everyone :) he’ll be very “dad”-ish about it, like “woaahh, listen to this kids” and “jeez louise that’s a cool little nugget of information”
(we need more dorky matsukawa he’s a total fucking nerd sometimes)
he likes to recline his seat all the way back just to piss yahaba off (he moves it back upright but only after making the second year say please)
yahaba practically falls to the ground when they pull over at rest stops. everyone will go get food/water and pee and he’ll still be kneeling on the pavement holding his stomach when they get back
(when i said the guy gets car sick i MEANT CAR SICK)
in between podcast episodes, iwaizumi will look back at all his sleeping teammates (and a mortified watari) and just think about how much he loves his friends :)) 
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incorrectseijouquotes · 6 months
matsukawa "I've always known that I loved him" issei
hanamaki "I didn't realize I loved him until one day when it hit me like a truck" takahiro
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datingdonovan · 5 months
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a/n: stfu I found yet another makki timestamp I never posted. guess I was like obsessed w makki during the era right before I stopped writing for hq *cough* you mean the era right before I got my tsukki bf and disappeared from Tumblr anyway if you haven't been following my tags & tales, my roomie is watching hq for the 1st time and it's causing me to want to possibly get back into writing for it, or at least post all the old stuff I wrote and never published. so anybody who's still in this fandom on here, come get your freakin FOOD!!!!!!
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4:35 pm
Hanamaki Takahiro (27) is no longer between jobs. Well, actually, he’s sort of between being between jobs. Basically, he doesn’t think that scooping ice cream is a real use of his talents, but a friend of a friend landed him this gig, just until the summer’s over. Despite the fact that it sucks, he’s never been one to say no to cash. And there are some upsides. Namely, the fact that this kid around his age drops by every Thursday after they get off work. Hanamaki’s not saying he’s in love or anything. He just thinks you’re the most attractive person to ever order ice cream.
It’s been about a month since you started coming, which means he’s really only seen you a handful of times, but he doesn’t plan on forgetting you anytime soon. The way you sort of awkwardly fumble your cash out of your wallet, the absentminded look in your eye as you study the board of flavors, the fact that you say “No, thank YOU!” right back to his coworker when you tip way too much. He loves it. He loves the way you wait at the counter, swiveling around in your chair without a care in the world, just existing there in your own pleasant daydreams. He’s pretty sure you’re begging to be watched.
And he’s even more sure now that you’re here, for the fifth week in a row, and you’re glancing at him from your seat at the bar. He misses it the first time, so shocked at being caught staring that he doesn’t quite register that actually, you were looking at him, too. He can’t even remember who looked first. Had he even been staring? Or had he been casually looking your way when he noticed you looking at him? He decides it’s no use wondering, and as he serves another customer their sundae, leaning over the counter, he sneaks a glance at you. And you are watching, dammit. Your eyes aren’t on his, they’re in his hair, and running along his bicep, and then you look up, and he smirks, and this is definitely the best job ever. He turns back to his work, willing himself not to actually do a stupid fist pump. Instead, he busies himself with crossing the delivered order off the list in front of him, starting on the next bowl of ice cream.
He’s trying really hard to focus on delivering ice creams. He really is. But he keeps looking up at you, now, every time he comes to the counter. When you make eye contact again, he sees the smile creep onto your face, and he can’t help smiling too. And you keep smiling at him, each time he comes over, like looking at you was the right thing to do. Two cones, a cup, and a milkshake later, he licks his lips and flexes a little as he walks away, and he’s pretty damn sure he hears you snort. And his heart’s starting to beat fast, because you noticed. You’re watching him intently, even when he’s not watching you.
And then it hits him. You’ve been sitting there a really long time. Without ice cream. Whoops.
Right about that time, it seems like it hits you, too, because he watches you nonchalantly get up from your seat and walk over to the register, questioning the blonde man about where your cone might be. The guy walks over to Hanamaki and starts rifling through the order list, and sure enough, there’s your cone, line straight through the order. “You crossed it off like you already finished it, idiot!” The blonde laughs and knocks his arm against Hanamaki before coming back to you at the counter. “Sorry. He’s not the brightest.”
Your ice cream is ready faster than any of the ones you’ve seen come out before, and the blonde man watches with a laugh as Makki hands it to you. “I swear, I’m not new.”
“I know,” you say. And you don’t know what’s gotten into you, because you add, “They just keep you around cause you’re cute.” And you leave him standing there, mouth hanging open, and walk to sit at one of the tables outside.
It’s not five minutes before he sits down next to you. “Hey, pretty thing.”
You look over and roll your eyes, trying not to smile. “What, do you need something?”
“Nope. Just got off.”
“You expect me to believe that?”
“If it means you’ll let me sit here with you while you eat your ice cream alone instead of forcing me to go back inside—“
“So dramatic.” You laugh. 
It takes a minute for him to work up the courage to say it, but he eventually does. “You really think I’m cute?”
You shrug. “I was just messing around.”
“Well, don’t all good things start with messing around?” He swivels to face you and flashes you that lazy smile. And he definitely leaves with your number… even if he’s getting dragged away by Ukai.
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inocitron · 2 years
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You know MatsuHana would get matching outfit for (s)trolling exclusively lol
(This was drawn in April 2020)
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rosy-126 · 5 months
We’ll Meet Again In The Stars
Trigger warning: suicide
Oikawa has always liked Iwaizumi. Since the first day he saw him, he knew that he was in love. Iwaizumi was never the type to attract a lot of people. Usually it was Oikawa who got all the attention.
(Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa has made countless jokes that Oikawa even attracted Ushijima.)
Oikawa knew that he had a chance with his beloved Iwa-chan. If Iwaizumi chose anyone it would be him.
But it wasn’t.
After they parted ways for college and university, Iwaizumi met someone whom he was interested in. She was everything to him. He was everything to her.
Oikawa returned to his plain apartment after a long day at work. He checked the mail as usual. (Not there was usually anything important there.) So you can imagine his surprise when he opened it up to find Iwaizumi’s wedding invitation.
Last he knew Iwaizumi was single! Oikawa’s mind flooded with so many thoughts.
Why not him?
Oikawa thought that he would be the one with Iwaizumi. He was happy but…
Oikawa was honestly still pouting when he was on the plane back to Miyagi. Not that there was anything he could do.
Oikawa sighed as he rung the doorbell. A few seconds passed. Then… an all too familiar face opened the door.
“IWA-CHAN!!” Oikawa practically squealed at the sight.
“Shut up Shittykawa,” replied Iwaizumi.
“Heheh,” Oikawa ruffled his hair, “Sorry. Just excited to see you.”
Iwaizumi just rolled his eyes and let him inside. After a quick house tour, some introductions, and catching up, it was time for Oikawa to go back to the hotel he rented.
Oikawa was glad Iwaizumi found someone. She was nice and sweet. She seemed so perfect compared to him.
Oikawa mentally slapped himself. He’d promised himself that he’d stop comparing himself with others. This wasn’t even about volleyball!
The soft city sounds lulled Oikawa to sleep.
A few days later:
Iwaizumi walked glumly to the cemetery.
One second Oikawa was sleeping on a hotel bed, the next he was found dead.
He hung himself!
Why would he even think about that!
Iwaizumi postponed the wedding with everyone’s agreement. It felt wrong to be so happy when his childhood best friend suicided.
Police had found a note in Oikawa’s hand that read “For Iwaizumi Hajime”.
Iwaizumi was surprised at first. But he opened the letter anyways.
Hey Iwa-chan
I just needed to tell you something before I go. I love you. I always have. But I’m happy you found someone to be happy with. Maybe one day we’ll meet again in the stars.
Love Tooru
Iwaizumi started to tear up, “Shittykawa. That idiot!”
He started to cry even harder.
Choking down his tears he said, “But, yeah. Maybe one day we will meet again in the stars.”
“I’ll always be here with you Iwa-chan.”
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abductsanxiety · 2 years
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It's Hanamaki day let's celebrate! 🥳
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nowordspageempty · 2 years
literally my favorite thing about seijoh is that in some way, shape or form all of them are kind of assholes
like with some of them it‘s more obvious (matsuhana, kyoutani, also kind of oikawa) and with others a bit less (watari, kunimi, yahaba, kindaichi). (Iwaizumi is kind of a grey zone), some of them are more of an asshole (oikawa, kyoutani, kindaichi lmfao, kunimi and matsuhana) and others less (iwaizumi, yahaba, watari) but either way it does become clear that they are all a little bit awful (and i say this with as much love as i can lmao)
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kirioxel · 2 years
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A little bit late bc I forgot to post here before going on my trip so here's Hanamaki's Birthday art!! I wanted to do something cute with my single dad AU and Makki playing with Miyuki came to mind, they're adorable and I love them sm
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prettyboyhub · 2 years
best friends to lovers w/ hanamaki takahiro
a/n: pls i love him so so much. this is self-indulgence. anyways enjoy babes!!
- instant besties. you were inseparable from the START bitch.
- you met him while walking to school on your very first day. you asked him for directions, he offered that you walk with him, and you talked his ear off the entire way to school
- he found himself laughing at you more than mattsun??? literally impossible
- he told you to meet him at the gym after school. it was his ploy to convince you to become manager. (it worked)
- he walks you home every day!!!! how nice
- he LOVES to clown you for doing the most basic human functions.
“LMFAOOO why are you washing your hands like that??? weird ass, that’s why you got no bitches”
- it’s honestly relentless teasing between you two, but you find it hilarious
- the last time you facetimed, he made a cape out of a blanket and pretended he was batman for 10 mins.
“i am vengeance” headass
- when you laugh really hard, you smack him in the stomach and he loves it
- your nickname for him is “pinky” and he glares daggers at you every time you say it
- years go by of you being his best pal, and things are wonderful
- one day he comes over after school, like usual, and you’re just hanging out and talking in your room. you’re both sitting on the bed and you’re showing him an old picture of you on your phone. he’s chuckling at the picture, then he looks up at you and….
- the sunlight from the window makes your skin glow, your eyes are glimmering with joy, and your smile is radiating so brightly he might faint
- he loses his breath for a moment, his smile dropping completely
- “pinky, are you good?” you question, but his mind is somewhere far, far away.
- as soon as he comes to, he stands up. he gives a cheap excuse for leaving, and practically sprints out of your room. weird…
- you’ve never seen him act like that.
- you try to text him and make sure he’s okay, but you’re met with the “read” label. super weird…
- the next few weeks of your life are absolute dog shit, as makki completely distances himself from you.
- when you try to confront him, he runs the other way.
- you’re confused, his teammates are confused, his mom, EVERYONE. like what is going on with him???
- you spend too many nights awake, thinking about him.
- you miss him. you miss his sarcasm, his laughter, they way he’d jokingly tell you to shut up in the middle of your sentence. you miss the face he’d make when he tried really hard at practice, and his scent, and the way he leaned into you when laughing. you miss looking up at him when you walked together and sitting next to him, your legs touching- oh. oh.
- you oh-so-dramatically move your hand to cover your mouth, eyes wide and heart thumping hard. you like him. you like makki. pinky. your best friend.
- this new discovery eats away at you, and you have no idea what to do with yourself. even if he wasn’t avoiding you like his life depended on it, you cannot face him. the thought of looking in his eyes makes you weak in the stomach.
- a few awful weeks later, you walk home alone on a cold, rainy winter day. it sucks bad.
- when you get home, you put your pajamas on and nap on the couch.
- you jolt awake as someone bangs on your door. its dark outside your window, and the rain sounds like a tsumani.
- you slowly pad over to the door, and open it with a big yawn.
- it’s him??? wtf
- you’ve never been so surprised in your life.
- his hair is soaked from the rain, a big grey hoodie engulfing his torso.
- “pinky, have you lost your mind?? it’s freezing outside.” you say, avoiding looking him in the face. your heart has never beat faster.
- when you’re met with silence, you breathe deeply and slowly look up into his eyes.
- they’re full of tears????
- “makki? what’s–”
- “y/n i’m so sorry.” he whimpers, biting at his lip in anxiousness. “i got so so scared and i left and i was so ashamed i couldn’t even look at you-”
- you roughly pull him inside by his sleeve and shut the door behind him.
- he’s so close you can feel his breath fan you cheek.
- you look up at him and he looks awful, like he could break at any moment. you’ve never seen that terrified look in his eyes before.
- you instantly wrap your arms around him and bury your face in his chest. you breathe in deeply, and it feels so right to be holding him like this.
- there is no hesitation when he entangles his hand in your hair, bringing his face to the crook your neck. you can feel his tears on your skin.
- there’s a few moments of silence before you simultaneously speak:
“i love you”
“i love you”
- your eyes widen in shock and there’s a moment of pause before you both crack massive grins.
- you laugh as you bring a hand up to his face to wipe the final tears from his eyes.
- he puts one hand on your waist, and one to cover your hand on his face. he’s closes his eyes tightly, basking in the feeling of you.
- “i missed you, pinky.” you sigh deeply.
- “i know. this sucked major balls. i’m sorry.” he murmurs quietly, his heart swelling when he hears you chuckle.
- “so…” you speak hesitantly. “what’s going on with us?” you shyly look up to him to find him blushing profusely. your heart was so happy you thought you’d die.
- “why don’t you tell me?” he says with a smirk, biting his cheek with a smile.
- you grab him by the strings of his hoodie, slowly pulling his face towards you. your lips meet his in a slow, deep kiss. your senses are overwhelmed by him, and you never want to let him go again.
- and the rest is history!!! yay
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localunseeliefae · 2 years
fuck matsuhana fanfiction now i have the irresistible urge to go buy myself some cream puffs I DO NOT HAVE MONEY FOR CREAMPUFFS I AM A POOR STUDENT CREAM PUFFS ARE EXPENSIVE
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redrocketpanda · 2 years
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MatsuHana - Lavender Skies - One Shot
It's Makki and Mattsun's final year at Seijoh, and Valentine's Day is fast approaching. Makki decides this is a golden opportunity not to be missed and propositions Mattsun with a prank that he insists will go down in the Seijoh history books. All that's required is a card, a gift, and a public "confession". But don't worry, Mattsun, it's all just a joke. Right?
Let's all pretend it didn't take me a month to write this and instead focus on the beautiful gift of these two chaotic dumbassess. Lavender Skies is my first MatsuHana fic. The title was inspired by the beautiful MatsuHana art of @violetyams. The content may/may not be inspired by personal experience of valentine's day "jokes" and contain references to 2000's pop culture
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