#i love her. my failgirl girlboss
nessiefynn · 9 months
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Fuuko Izumo
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Follow up of the Marco And Shanks Feuding Over Buggy -
Once things resolve, the captains are somehow the WORST instigators. Roger, once he realized Marco was flirting with his Baby Bug, is caught between "well, kid has good taste" and "Oh I Gotta Kill A Child".
Whitebeard makes frequent comments about daughter in laws and it sends EVERYONE reeling, especially Buggy. He thinks it's hilarious, and it mostly joking ((but a little serious)).
Maybe it's the multishipper in me, maybe it's the polyamory projection, but eventually Shanks and Buggy have The Conversation about being captains of the own crews, of being each other's most definitely, of being married ((they are 13-15 when The End Is Nigh for Roger, and I can see Buggy having a sudden realization that Captain that Dad is dying. She and Shanks speedrun being married so he can do it. They're minors so it isn't official, but they get/make rings, set it up and have Captain officiate it so they're "married". It's the closest they'll get to the real deal and both need their dad there for this.)).
Shanks and Buggy establish an open relationship. They can be with and pursue others, but communication is key and they need to just keep each other relatively in the loop.
Buggy jokingly asks if Marco is still a sore subject, and Shanks shoots her a grin. "If you stay mine, you can be with whoever you like. Just promise me you will make sure he treats you the way you deserve, princess."
The next time Marco crosses either, it's Shanks. And he asks "hey featherhead, still crushing on clowns?"
"And if I am?"
"Here's her denden number - be nice, be polite, don't hurt her or I'll roast you for dinner, chicken boy :))"
"No wait what-yoi-?"
Buggy goes on to assemble the world's weirdest, most unexpected polycule. A Yonko husband, a Yonko's division commander boyfriend, two warlords, a Marine, maybe a Revolutionary, just... wild ass polycule.
((Bonus, once she settles in the East for a bit, Zeff takes one look at her and goes "Oh boy now I have a niece. Damn it all." He threatens to shovel talk anyone who dates his weird clown niece but they rarely stop by the East, so he's got the conversations scripted in his head. When Mihawk shows up, he is READY.))
Buggy also has a bunch of evil exes bc she's a catch but she doesn't always clock red flags. It's mostly fine, but if any attempt retaliation, usually she's oblivious, either bc her crew goes full Protect Mom Mode or bc her current partners... take out the trash, as it were :))
Once Luffy realizes Buggy is basically his step mom is all sorts of ways, the Strawhat Protection System is enacted full throttle. She is oblivious. It's hilarious. Buggy has Scary Dog Privileges and doesn't even realize.
Whitebeard still calls her daughter-in-law. Roger is screaming crying throwing up in the afterlife. Rayleigh flips between "Oh my baby girl can handle herself ahe's so strong" and "Nobody Is Good Enough For My Daughter". Crocus hoards all newspapers that so much as mention her or Shanks.
Just. Silly funny polycule shenanigans.
Buggy just has a whole ass harem of boys pining over her and she goes through life thinking they're normal about her but they're not. They're literally obsessed with her. She only loves Shanks and is fond of Crocodile and Mihawk (ends up falling for them eventually, y'know) and the people she has been with have always been just kind of there? She doesn't forget them but she doesn't really care about them either. IT girl, girlboss behavior for once even if she's still a failgirl. But they always remember her. She's not easy to forget. Everybody that loves her is so protective of her too and she wonders why she never gets bothered by anybody?? She believes it's because she's now important and scary and yadda yadda but it's just because people have to go through Rayleigh, the strawhats, Shanks, and Cross Guild to get to her. So, you know, she's protected.
This is just amazing, btw. I also think they have an open relationship. And Marco being extremely confused when Shanks gives him Buggy's number is just hilarious, help. He's having a moment there wondering if it's a trap or something. I think Buggy would have the time of her life, and although Shanks also sleeps with other people, his heart will always be with Buggy. Like- He's the clingiest most annoying husband in the world. He's so proud of calling Buggy his wife. He's just there cheering for her, knowing that no matter how many people she's with, she'll go back to him!! The trust they could've had in each other if things would've gone well,,,,,, Going insane.
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potatobugz · 1 year
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Reasons why you should vote for Princess in the @original-character-championship !!!
- well she does a little bit of 🐈, perhaps even a "meow" every now and then
- literally a cat girl AND mouse girl in one
- show your support for strange and off putting women!
- feminism.
- there are many things wrong with her
- she calls her family in the middle of the night to ask if they'd still love her if she was a worm
- she has a favorite bug! it's bees. bumblebees, to be exact. for context bees are also like the size of puppies here which makes it infinitely better.
- she's been through the horrors but she is not miserable forever. she grows and gets better :3 still a failgirl though
- ultimately still kind to people despite everything
- could probably fight someone and win. rip and tear!
- even a girl boss has her weak moments
- (she's not exactly a girlboss though because she is unemployed. and has zero dollars)
- she's an aspiring poet and is honestly pretty good at it 👍 get your self a woman with good reading comprehension
- shes trying her best.
I hope I have sufficiently convinced at least a few of you to vote for my wonderful creature. on that note, I ALSO OFFER MORE COOL ART IN EFFORT TO SWAY THE PEOPLES OPINION!!!! GET A LOAD OF THIS ↓
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elfdyke · 1 year
Misty Quigley is the failgirl of all time and honestly Jackie from Yellowjackets is a failgirl too. I classify Nadia Vulvokov as a meow meow and highly recommend Russian Doll.
Gone Girl and I Care a Lot feature Rosamund Pike as a failgirl girlboss as much as people like to ignore the failgirl part her characters are very pathetic and shitty and that's part of what makes them so great.
I love your bag and charms!! Can I ask what the Amanda one looks like?
NADIA IS MY GIRL OF EVERRRR russian do did numbers in the strugglewoman enjoyer community shes fighting for her life 💖
also i havent seen those other character but ill have to check them out!! i think rosamunds character in i care a lot was sooo fucking insane i was having a blast seeing her be quite literally a girlboss in the true definition of the world. her crimes were heinous and she really had no remorse. SLAY!
also thank you so much!!! this is what the mandy charm looks like! its by the same creator who did the red + adelaide charm!! heres a link ^_^
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ectoplasmfear · 2 years
Sexuality Headcanon: Well, she's canonically bi. I do think she has a pretty strong leaning towards girls, though. Gender Headcanon: Cis woman. I could go on about how I think her story is a trans narrative and her dysmorphia is a huge trans mood - buuut at the end of the day I do think she's cis. A ship I have with said character: Edelgard is my shipping bicycle. I ship her to some minor extent with nearly every female character in FE3H (including Kronya but maybe not Cornelia) and a select few of the boys. Edeleth, Edelthea and Petragard all take up a similar amount of space in my brain. A BROTP I have with said character: Hubert and Edelgard are such a hot mess as far as friends go and I love them dearly. The way that Hubert is willing to do anything for Edelgard, even things Edelgard explicitly does not want him to do. It's very good. Also, I think Dimitri and Edelgard's relationship has a lot of potential that was kind of unexplored in the game since we only get Dimitri's perspective on it. A NOTP I have with said character: M!Edeleth takes a dynamic that I really love and turns it into the most sexist shit imaginable lmao. Beyond that... I'm not crazy about Claude/Edelgard. Don't really know why. That might change after I play Three Hopes. A random headcanon: After the war with both Those Who Slither and The Church concluded, Edelgard adopted several cats, all of which the rest of the Black Eagles (except Ferdinand) agree are the ugliest cats imaginable but she is convinced they're beautiful. General Opinion over said character: Best girl, love of my life, did absolutely nothing wrong in her life. She's both a girlboss and the lamest failgirl I have ever seen in my life. I like the contrast between embracing her place as a villain/antichrist after feeling as if the stories she grew up on about the Goddess and the saints are all full of lies, while simultaneously hoping that she could have a happy ending and make the world into something kind. She's a stone cold bitch and a hopeless romantic, and I love her.
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arundolyn · 2 years
Mind sharing your orientation hcs for the undernight/guiltygear cast?
thats a bit of a tall order so here's the ones i personally have particular thoughts on?
hyde - bi
linne - too old to care about labels (bi, some flavor of trans/nb for fun. can't tell me she's basically immortal and is not tired of cishettitude. and also her reincarnation thingy is potentially very conceptually interesting in that it specifically puts her in the bodies Of Girls. brings up some interesting ideas regarding transness even if i personally like to think her soul just goes to whatever it vibes with that's closest at the moment her current body dies and she has no say in the matter. fuck canon that one's more fun. from that standpoint maybe some kind of genderfluid then.)
wald - GAY CAUSE YOU CAN'T TELL ME THE SHIT WITH KUON WASNT LGBT AS HELL. yeah uh huh you respected him as a warrior sooooo much that you defected and pissed adelheid off so bad she said licht kreis is girls only now. no they broke up and she was so big baby mad about wald being Gay, Apparently she's not letting a man within 10 feet of her again i guess
amnesia is like lgbt gang. chaos and gordeau are obvious. too easy. enk gay trans man. hilda trans lesbian who will flirt with men just for fun or evil purposes. girlboss moment.
orie lesbian executor squad quadrouple so true. mika's bi. kaguya is so lesbian definitely. wagner nb lesbian bc why not lets run with the shoddy localization its more fun that way.
phonon + nanase trans lesbian besties to gfs speedrun
yuzuuuuu so bisexual. i love you failgirl
vati agender for sure
merkava canon trans
carmine's just confused and would punch someone he had a crush on (hyde) bc hes pissed theyre making him act weird.
lmao thats mostly everyone whoooops
gg: (i have not played strive's story and dont anticipate to in a while)
sol - lgbt all at once no i will not explain
axl. dont even get me started trans butch nb lesbian you either get it or you dont. i can opine for days
relatedly i-no lesbian. she said im not about to date a man and axl said wait what the fuck did you just trans my gender. her power...
bi ky bi ky no i will not explain
milla elphelt ram all lesbians. id say millia is ace too
baiken and anji trans wlw mlm solidarity ofc
goldlewis is gay as hell for sure and we love him for it
johnny is an egg detector that counts for something
bridget trans gener
ANSWER IS SO GAY. chipp is bi. they are in love and they kiss in the president's office
zato hates women he's gay by proxy but who's keeping score over there. and his strive outfit is literally gay as fuck. why is he as a man always standing with is ass toward the fucking screen. stupid.
slayer bi but hes married. if sharon let him..... im not elaborating.
gio big lesbian for sure
venom. well. yknow.
jack-o trans and bi queen shit love her for that so bad
nagoriyuki has transcended mortal perception (gay and trans but by far the coolest about it)
thats everyone i can think of off the top of my head i think
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silenthill2ps2 · 2 years
top 5 dbd/castlevania characters? :3
OK I DID THE CASTLES VANIAS ALREADY so ill answer the eeby deebys but only the original characters cuz then the list would be full of liscenced characters lol
1. YUN-JIN FUCKING LEE!!!!!!!!!! she's literally the best character in the whole game in terms of lore and she's actually a survivor that's morally gray lmao (stares at jonah) she's my beloved kpop lady that may have let ppl die but it's ok 👍
2. rin!!!! her lore has a lot of problems tbh but i still love her cuz i love unhinged woman that kill and are justified like yassss commit patricide and never forgive and never forget what they did to you
3. kate i love how she's literally the nicest girl you'll ever meet :) and her weird connection to the entity cuz she escaped from it once b4 it took her like how do u do that. the original dbd girlboss and she plays funny songs on her guitar
4. ill put them together cuz they're both failgirls from the worst dlcs carmina and mikaela :) their lore both sucks so hard but it's ok they can be in lesbians with each other
5. ADAM THE MOST UNDERRATED SURVIVOR like he did not sacrifice his life for a random stranger on a train to get barely any cosmetics he's so sweet i love him so much he would help u with calculus homework
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