#i love him i love the team and i vant wait to see what theyll do during ih!!!
ywpd-translations · 4 months
Ride 760: Kiji, flying
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Pag 1
The MTB Emperor is taking part in the road racing Inter High!!
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Pag 2
1: As expected!!
2: The groups from Kyushu, like Fukuoka or Kumamoto are in quiet places close to the course and the main office
3: and close to the water supplies too!!
4: Well, they're from here after all
5: On the other hand, we're towards the end where there's so much noise
6: And above everything, they clearly.... forgot
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Pag 3
1: only our tent and they added it in a hurry, fou!!
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Pag 4
1: Hmm, that could be
Is it because it's our debut? That's discrimination!!
2: It's handwritten!!
And it's even spelled wrong!!
3: In this kind of situations, you can't do anything even if you get so worked up about it, Ichifuji-kun
Isn't it enough that we have a roof?
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Pag 5
2: Should I fix that writing with magic later?
3: Sonomoto-san!!
4: The place is a problem too!!
We're close to where they're holding the bicycles exhibition, so there's a lot of people passing by and they can see us since we have no tent
5: And when we're changing clothes? We use the bath towel like this, that's what they do on elementary schools' pools!! Fou!!
6: During MTB races you either do it in a car or in the wild
It's not like the management just conveniently forgot about us, either
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Pag 6
1: But the truth is that we're being treated unequally....?
What about you, Kaida!? What do you think!?
Should we go tho the management tent and say a word to them now? Fou!!
3: I've never got any results in MTB and never participated in the Inter High, so for me it's sufficient enough that I'm able to participate in the road racing Inter High
4: Stuff like the tent aren't important
Ugh.....!! You're kidding, I have zero supporters in this situation!!
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Pag 7
1: And isn't it nice to have good ventilation?
2: And also... if you have to say something to the management
Don't you think it would be more persuasive
3: if we first ran in the race
4: and brought results?
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Pag 8
1: If we brought results.....!!
2: Fou!! (Yessir)
Now, if you're ready
3: Should we all go for a trial run?
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Pag 9
2: Excuse me! This is a pedestrians crossing!
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Pag 10
4: Hello
Are you maybe? A kid from here?
5: do you stand on the bike like that?
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Pag 11
1: Are you interested in bikes?
Even though your feet aren't connected to the ground, you're still in one place
2: Do you want to try?
4: I guess you won't be able to do it right away, but this is the theory
5: Bikes have a center
I'm standing there
6: A center?
7: It's different depending on the model, but a little before the saddle there's the center point of the bike
8: The technique is that you feel for it, find your balance, and then you find your stability if you properly position your body
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Pag 12
1: It's called “standing”
2: Furthermore, if you can put your center of gravity firmly there
4: you can also let go of your hands while standing still, yon
5: Amazing, amazing..!!
6: Yes yes, that's right, Kiji-san is amazing
Why does this guy looks so self-important
7: What's the heaviest thing on a bike?
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Pag 13
1: Uh... uhm... the helmet?
3: It's your body
4: When riding a bike, the most important thing is to be conscious of where we put this “body”*, yon
Ah, when you're holding a bucket, if you're holding it with one hand you stagger, right?
(*NdT.: written as “heavy object”)
5: It's the same thing
6: “Weight” is power, yon
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Pag 14
1: When you stop thinking “that's obvious”, “I know that”
2: That's when it's over for you
3: Discovery lies in common sense
4: The essential thing when handling a bike.... remember
5: is the “load” and the “unloading” to get ahead of it!!
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Pag 15
1: Maybe it's faster if I show you?
2: Ah, that's good
Look at that fence
3: The movement of the “load”, and the “unloading”... and....
Use the same method as when you jump to take a picture at the beach
5: I'll jump over that fence!!
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Pag 16
1: No, isn't it better to stop!? Onii-chan!!
2: You'll run into it!!
Just look, boy
3: Hayaaaa
That guy
4: is a guy who jumps over common sense!!
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Pag 17
2: Don't miss all the multiple techniques he uses in an instant!!
He looks so self-important
3: First, he moves his body back and so he unload the weight from the front wheel
6: “Unloading”!!
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Pag 18
1: He's really going to cras-
He's not!!
2: Then, he lowers his body's center of gravity for a moment
3: Then he stretches!!
And pulls the frame!!
5: He's not high enough!!
This is the moment when you jump when taking pictures!!
6: Pull up
7: your knees
The technique of skillfully using your “load” to jump over obstacles
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Pag 19
1: is called “bunny hop”!!
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Pag 20
1: There are people who have mastered the technique and can do it, but it's at most 30cm.... but Kiji-san
2: can jump 80cm!!
3: Who's that guy!
Did you see that just now
4: He jumped that fence with a road racer
His bike floated!?
The fence!?
5: I've never seen something like that
The jerseys' of the guys who are with him say “Gunma”....!!
6: It was ama.... amazing....
That.... if I practice... will I be able to do it too one day?
Of course
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Pag 21
1: If you fall a lot, and skin your knees a lot, and eat a lot....
2: Okay?
3: Well now, since we're participating in the Inter High, come see us!!
4: I'll cheer for you...!!
Thank you!
5: The cyclists will soon gather at the starting line!!
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