#i love him so mucb
yuichiiusagii · 9 months
Yeah I noticed Leo really likes to cling to people when he's asleep. It's really cute.
hes so fucking adorable i'd give him the entire world if i could
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inkystaarart · 10 months
happy bday to grian!!! the birb ever :)))
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themusicalsky · 1 year
Everyone should clap and smile and cheer when they see Ryuji, imagine being blessed with having THE sunshine boy in your presence god id kill for that
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ellatherepersons · 1 year
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Ive created another creature
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rii-bows · 2 years
Twice. Aka, Jin "will ask if he can fuck the mental illness out of you" Bubaigawara
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sanjifucker42069 · 6 months
Sanji x Reader drabble
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Word count: 1.5k
I am so in love with this man. I have so many feelings about Sanji, about his past, about him hiding his anxiety. And yeah this is based on a scene from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries lol.
Sanji sees someone associated with his past, you calm him down. (Mild comfort, fluff, pre-timeskip, pre-relationship, no one is aware Sanji's a Vinsmoke by birth yet. Gender neutral reader)
It was a lazy day, the kind that makes Sanji's face stretch into a languid catlike grin. There were no pressing issues, no captain getting into the worst trouble imaginable, no swordsman annoying the shit out of him. Life was good. To top it all off, here he was, enjoying a drink in a small island pub with his favourite straw hat. 
Life was so good.
You had chuckled when he'd offered to buy you a drink as a thank you for joining him today. The sound was like wedding bells to him; loud, low, and one that made his heart race. He'd beamed at you when you'd agreed, pulling you into the nearby bar.
The two of you had been chatting for hours,  beyond comfortable with each other. It had been so good to be away from the others, just having your complete undivided attention. And soon enough, the sun was setting, the two of you too wrapped up in having fun to even notice.
You sighed. “I suppose it's time we got back, last thing we need is a search party looking for us.”
It was regrettable, but Sanji agreed. He'd s get the walk back with you, so win-win, really. With a flourish that made you smile, Sanji offered his hand, gently helping you out of the booth.
Life was good.
Or it would have been, had Sanji not seen it. A man. No, not just a man.
A Germa66 soldier
His blood ran cold. It couldn't be like this. No one knew his true lineage, and he was not about to ruin his whole life by telling you all! No. He couldn't let you know. Sanji could practically see how hurt you'd be, how he'd lied to you by omission. 
He'd finally gotten another family, he was not going to let some random soldier ruin it!
And besides, what was someone from Germa even doing here!? The implications made anxiety try to claw its way out of Sanji's chest.
You, unbeknownst to Sanji, were studying him. One second the two of you were giggling like lovestruck teenagers, the next he was frozen, eyes trained across the bar.
“Ji? You okay?”
Nothing. Sanji was still.
“Sanji!” You clicked your fingers in front of him. “Eyes on me. Nothing to worry about, ‘kay?”
The cook didn't move, still staring at the man across the room with palpable fear. You could practically taste the anxiety rolling off him in waves. 
“Just…someone from my past.” He managed to breathe out.
“And you're safe. Eyes on me. If you keep looking at him he's going to see you. Look at me.”
His shaking eyes regarded you for a second before wandering back to the soldier. You had no idea where they were from, or how they knew Sanji, but right now you didn't care. Based on how badly he was trying to cover up his fear, you were certain this was big. 
He didn't budge when you tried to direct him to you.
“Sanji!” You bit as quietly as you could. 
Sanji looked so scared, so helpless. It hurt your heart. Running out of ideas you cringed. You had one, but it wasn't exactly the best. But Sanji needed his crew right now. He needed someone to ground him.
With a speed you didn't often muster, you forced the tall man to look at you, hand cradling his chin. The fear was still apparent in his eyes, but ever the agreeable boy he stared in your eyes. You felt him startle when you wrapped your free arm around his neck. 
A small apology left your lips.
Before he could turn his attention back to panicking you pulled him down to meet you, kissing him softly. Using Sanji's shock to your advantage you spun the two of you so you could keep an eye on the man that had your friend so desperately afraid. 
Sanji gasped into the kiss, and for a moment you were worried he was going to push you back. His hands were thrust towards you, palms splayed. You braced yourself for the impact.
But it never came.
Instead you felt his strong arms encircle your waist, one travelling to clutch at your back, the other snaking to hold you closer against him. Sanji melted against your lips, a small noise of appreciation slipping out. 
Shit, he was a really good kisser. You fought the urge to close your eyes, to just give in and kiss the man silly, but you had a job to do. It felt wrong to kiss Sanji with your eyes open, but you trained your eyes on the man he was scared of. The soldier was exiting the pub with a beautiful woman, him eagerly leading her by the hand while she giggled.
Once they had left and the coast was clear you began to relax. You'd love to say you did the right thing and gently pulled back, but you didn't. Your eyes slipped closed as you kissed him with a passion that scared you, after all, when would you get another opportunity to kiss the man? Sanji clearly wasn't expecting it, if the cute little noise he made was anything to go off. You relished the feeling of his lips against yours. They weren't chapped, which surprised you, both living on the sea. But, you supposed, if anyone was going to take care to make sure his lips were soft and kissable, it'd be Sanji. 
You wish you could convey all your thoughts and feelings in the kiss; you're safe, you're loved, I'll follow you wherever.
I love you.
Regretfully you pulled back, both for air and out of guilt, you'd certainly taken advantage of the situation. Sanji chased your lips for a second before coming to and straightening. His beautiful eyes on yours in a moment, you watched him sigh, a more relaxed air about him. His eyes swept across the pub floor, anxiety rising when he couldn't find the soldier. You grabbed one of his hands, rubbing soothing circles into the top of his palm. Sanji's eyes snapped down to yours.
“He's gone.” You smiled warmly up at him. Sanji looked dazed, making you smile stretch to a grin. “He left about two minutes ago. It's okay Ji.”
Sanji wanted to say a thousand things, to thank you, to sing you praises, to cry and hold you close, thankful of your protection. Instead all he managed out was;
“You kissed me.”
You felt a light blush stain your cheeks, pointedly looking away from him. Sanji wanted to scoop you up and kiss you silly, you looked so cute when bashful.
“I needed to distract you, you were panicking.” You pouted dropping his hand, with narrowed eyes you snapped your gaze back to him. “Besides, you kissed me back.”
Staring up at Sanji took your breath away, he was regarding you with such genuine warmth. The intensity of his stare made you uncomfortable, and you made a move to excuse yourself. Sanji gently scooped your hand up, and held it against his chest between his hands. You blushed, looking up at him completely dazed.
“Love.” He paused. “(Name), I- thank you. You're so good to me.” Another pause, before he hammed it up. “And to experience a kiss from such a beauty? You're truly an angel fell from the heavens.”
He shot you such a cheeky smirk, his eyes sparkling, but you knew better. Sanji was a sweetheart, and yeah he could be a pervert, and a ladies’ man, and just a tad overdramatic, but he definitely played it up to protect himself. The feelings were hanging in the air unspoken; love, dedication, thankfulness. But it wasn't the time for that, neither of you wanted to have your hearts broken, brave on the battlefield does not always mean brave in love. But still, that stupid charming grin had you, hook, line, and sinker.
“Well my dear, if you ever need to distract me again...” He relished the laugh that escaped you. You pat his chest and moved your hand to delicately cradle his cheek.
“I'll make sure to keep that in mind. You might wanna watch yourself though, or you'll never pry me off you.”
Sanji chuckled, lovestruck. “Oh no, what a shame! You know I'm feeling kinda-”
You lightly swatted him on the cheek before he could finish, flustered but on cloud nine. “Alright loverboy, c'mon.”
“One more kiss?” He pouted, that boyish charm captivating you. He grinned when you pulled him down for a kiss.
You had aimed for a quick peck, but Sanji held you in place, peppering you in kisses as you giggled. He placed a last kiss on your lips, melting as you crushed him against you and kissed back with fervor. You pulled back with an audible smack.
“Wow.” He whispered, relishing in the love in your eyes.
“Now, c'mon, for real this time, handsome.”
You two didn't need to audibly say it right now, it was obvious you to regarded each other highly. The right day would come. 
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fettiowi · 11 months
Sonadow fans when
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fairyhaos · 4 months
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account-name · 20 days
god i wanna kiss phone guy so bad hhhhhhhhhhhhhh he's so cute why can't he be real (and also not dead) gahhhh he's so smoochable
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aquilachrysaetos · 9 days
I love him alotabd he means alot to me and HE LOVES Me that's crazy But I love him and he's awesumm,,,,,, mwah mwah...
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smashwolfen · 2 years
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The wait felt forever but I'm so glad he made it, and on a friday no less!!! This lil bitty man's name.... Is Niblet, and he's with his big buddy Nugget XD
Niblet was a commission piece made by the lovely @imfluentinfangirlandgay and he is made so so wonderfully~!! Seeing the progress pictures did not prepare me for how actually tiny he is in person, and my heart can't take it HES JUST, SO, DANG-!!!!!!
I can't even imagine how folks can crochet things that are this tiny, hes absolutely perfectly sized AAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Thank you so so very much for making him imfluent he will forever be loved~!
And I mayyyyy have gone a bit overboard, but I made something so my cat can't get to him easily.... best 3 bucks and an hour spent
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Made him a lil habitat thingy, he fits better than I could have imagined
Welcome home Niblet~!!!! ;;;u;;;
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teh-inggris · 7 months
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sakasakied · 2 years
hcs for the one and only old man rei please. thanks
rei rei rei. ok now i probably think this for a lot of my favs but i'm really into teasing rei. him being totally into humiliation wohhh @ _ @ but not in the degrading way natsume does. do y'all get it like he doesn't do mean words but he loves to fluster you a lot. if ur the type of person who gets flustered easily like me oh boy ur in big trouble with this man.
it's actually canon ok. he's always teased people like anzu since forever (i've read most of the stories that feature rei i would KNOW. also that scene in dark night halloween made me weak sorry) so how would he not be with you?
ik he's already graduated but sometimes he would visit the light music club room to reminisce about his days in yumenosaki. and he would of course visit at night. and he would also fuck you in that very same room where his fellow club members would hold practices LOL... for him it's apparently the most perfect place to bury his dick inside u, on that very club room floor. it also plays a bit into his exhibitionism kink. remember that some students stay until night at yumenosaki so there's always the chance of someone walking in. maybe even someone like koga could see.
“you’re clearly enjoying this, aren’t you? are you not afraid of the possibility of someone walking in on us? or does it excite you rather?” and he'll watch in delight as you tighten up from those words.
he's like super into sensory stuff. like breathing down ur nape. lightly dragging his teeth, or even better, his fangs across the dip of where ur neck meets ur shoulder wtf do u even call that. feathery touches with his fingers. he would use stuff like blindfolds to make u more sensitive to whatever he'll do to u. depriving u from seeing him, u wait in anticipation for his next move, only depending on the shifting of the bed or the sound of his voice to guess whatever antics he was up to.
i bet he has lots of thoughts about sharing u with ritsu. the other would Hate sharing u and keep u to himself (possessive much) but rei would be soooo all for it. sakuma sandwich woooooo best thing ever. (let's include undead & the five eccentrics but i'm mostly for sakuma sandwich)
AND OFC WE WILL NEVER EXCLUDE ANY KINKS RELATED TO HIS VAMPIRISM. i love vampires so much bro if i met a vampire irl id have sex with them despite being a bit repulsive abt irl sex. but anyways. something about vampirism is just very erotic
vampire rei that lurks the night searching for a victim, scouting each bedroom window for suitable prey. until he lays his eyes upon you. the perfect bloodbag. normally, he'd drain his victims dry and leave them to die, but he'd never do that to you. he'll keep you alive. he'll also keep you healthy to keep your blood fresh and delicious. oh my god
ok outside that little au i think he's very hesitant about all-out biting you unless you really ask for it. he doesn't want you to be scared of him or get too hurt, so you really have to ask. he'll nibble a little at first, being really careful not to actually puncture you with his fangs, but if you convince him to really draw blood then he will. forget him hating blood it's for the intimacy ok. besides he thinks u look nice decorated with two puncture wounds dripping with the scarlet fluid :3
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rodeoromeo · 5 months
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fatcowboys · 2 years
i introduced cayenne and oregano p quick after she was out of the wall which was Way quicker than i normally would but she loves other cats and my hope was it would reduce her stress and while she is def still stressed. introducing oregano was def the right call. i cant comfort her at all bc shes so scared of me but he can and does and so even tho she's still crying and upset tonight she has also been following him around and sticking close to him so it was worth the risk tbh
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