#i love lukas making jesse the happiest person ever
enden-agolor · 11 months
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today i have to offer the gay minecraft men. tomorrow? who knows…
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enden-agolor · 1 year
The way you draw the funny gay block men makes me very happy and makes my brain go wacky /pos
Is there any headcanons about any of the characters you haven't gotten the chance to share?
YAAAY thank you 😍 It's kind of amazing how much damage they can do to ones brain
As for headcanons hmm let's see.
I have been asked once if I had any trans headcanons for any of the characters, which of course I do. Radar is one of them. I see his adventure with Jesse and everyone in season 2 not only as a growth of personality and his strength to overcome the dangers of their world, but also as a means of finally finding comfort in his identity, especially with his friends who make him feel safe and comfortable with himself enough to come to terms with this, and finding it much easier to live his best life surrounded by friends who support him. I love to imagine later after season 2, Radar gets like a girlfriend who is so kind, loving, and supportive of him and he's seriously the happiest little guy in the world. I don't tend to make ocs for existing franchises though, so nothing will probably ever come of that character. It's just a nice thought I run by from time to time.
Speaking of Radar, I also like to hc that the tattoo on his arm is the witherstorm. Being such a big fan of Jesse himself, I think he'd definitely get a tattoo of what it was that began the whole story.
Also I know it's like, widely agreed upon that Radar is a child for some reason, but I hc him as a young adult because children can't get tattoos, run an adult job, nor do I think Jesse would be down for child labor. That's just me personally though, everyone has their own hcs.
For Aiden, I know I don't talk about him much because I genuinely hate him lmao, but I do hc that he and the Blazerods built their own lives in what used to be Sky City. Maybe owned up for their actions, and became notable citizens out there. That letter Jesse received at the end of season 2 from him, I imagine Jesse read and tossed into the trash. Aiden will never be a part of his life ever again after his attempted murder of both him, Lukas, and the rest of the Sky City people. Aiden's own story is just that. His own. Especially after the events of episode 5. The Blazerods will never be welcome back in BeaconTown so long as Jesse stands as leader. They get to continue their story without Jesse, and honestly? That is the best possible way it could ever be.
As for Petra, if you have read my Recovery fic, you know I hc her leaving BeaconTown at the end of season 2 and going on her own way where she discovers a path of being a griefer bounty hunter. It takes a long time for her to realize her inspiration to help people comes from the way Jesse does, but they both do it in completely different ways. Whereas Jesse stays in BeaconTown, leading and providing for his people, while Petra on the other hand chases down the people who leave towns burning, finding the utmost gratitude from those towns when she brings those griefers who looted and vandalized these peoples homes to justice. It's everything she needs. Adventure, combat, and a sense of belonging. She finds that she loves her job, but of course misses her friends dearly. She knows though that Jesse and the rest of her pals would be so happy for her for finding her calling, and when she does comes back, she gets to gloat about how much of a badass she's become, and how much people in towns across the world see her too as a hero. Jesse couldn't be more proud. Always embrace in the tightest bro hug they both can muster whenever they see each other again.
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