#if youre interested in a specific character feel free to send an ask about em
enden-agolor · 1 year
The way you draw the funny gay block men makes me very happy and makes my brain go wacky /pos
Is there any headcanons about any of the characters you haven't gotten the chance to share?
YAAAY thank you 😍 It's kind of amazing how much damage they can do to ones brain
As for headcanons hmm let's see.
I have been asked once if I had any trans headcanons for any of the characters, which of course I do. Radar is one of them. I see his adventure with Jesse and everyone in season 2 not only as a growth of personality and his strength to overcome the dangers of their world, but also as a means of finally finding comfort in his identity, especially with his friends who make him feel safe and comfortable with himself enough to come to terms with this, and finding it much easier to live his best life surrounded by friends who support him. I love to imagine later after season 2, Radar gets like a girlfriend who is so kind, loving, and supportive of him and he's seriously the happiest little guy in the world. I don't tend to make ocs for existing franchises though, so nothing will probably ever come of that character. It's just a nice thought I run by from time to time.
Speaking of Radar, I also like to hc that the tattoo on his arm is the witherstorm. Being such a big fan of Jesse himself, I think he'd definitely get a tattoo of what it was that began the whole story.
Also I know it's like, widely agreed upon that Radar is a child for some reason, but I hc him as a young adult because children can't get tattoos, run an adult job, nor do I think Jesse would be down for child labor. That's just me personally though, everyone has their own hcs.
For Aiden, I know I don't talk about him much because I genuinely hate him lmao, but I do hc that he and the Blazerods built their own lives in what used to be Sky City. Maybe owned up for their actions, and became notable citizens out there. That letter Jesse received at the end of season 2 from him, I imagine Jesse read and tossed into the trash. Aiden will never be a part of his life ever again after his attempted murder of both him, Lukas, and the rest of the Sky City people. Aiden's own story is just that. His own. Especially after the events of episode 5. The Blazerods will never be welcome back in BeaconTown so long as Jesse stands as leader. They get to continue their story without Jesse, and honestly? That is the best possible way it could ever be.
As for Petra, if you have read my Recovery fic, you know I hc her leaving BeaconTown at the end of season 2 and going on her own way where she discovers a path of being a griefer bounty hunter. It takes a long time for her to realize her inspiration to help people comes from the way Jesse does, but they both do it in completely different ways. Whereas Jesse stays in BeaconTown, leading and providing for his people, while Petra on the other hand chases down the people who leave towns burning, finding the utmost gratitude from those towns when she brings those griefers who looted and vandalized these peoples homes to justice. It's everything she needs. Adventure, combat, and a sense of belonging. She finds that she loves her job, but of course misses her friends dearly. She knows though that Jesse and the rest of her pals would be so happy for her for finding her calling, and when she does comes back, she gets to gloat about how much of a badass she's become, and how much people in towns across the world see her too as a hero. Jesse couldn't be more proud. Always embrace in the tightest bro hug they both can muster whenever they see each other again.
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matan4il · 2 years
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I’m making this post at the request of the lovely @siflovesbuddie​​. Thank you for sending me your ask, and for your interest in my own thoughts! xoxox
Resource post with names info for all the notable 911 characters, compiled by the fandom’s resident name geek (slightly better than your average baby name site, which doesn’t give a damn about accuracy or about respecting the original cultures).
Gif makers and fic writers, please feel free to use this! If you do, credit or a reblog would be nice.
Also for anyone into enjoying different cultures and languages!
Here’s an open invitation if anyone wants to consult me on any other character’s name.
Under the cut: the info for all the characters in text, including a little more detail and explanation for the (giffed) main characters
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origin: Mikhael (Hebrew). meaning: Who (mi) is like (ka) God (el)? evolution: Mikhael (Hebrew) > Michael (Greek) > Michael (Latin) > Michael (English)
origin: David (Hebrew). meaning: Beloved (dod, spelled in Hebrew exactly like David). evolution: David (Hebrew) > David (Greek) > David (Latin) > David (English)
origin: Maia (Latin). meaning: The name is derived from the Roman month, which is itself named after Maia, a Roman goddess of spring. evolution: Maia (Latin) > May (English)
origin: Heimirich (Germanic). meaning: Home (heim) ruler (rich). evolution: Heimirich (Germanic) > Heinrich (Germanic) > Henri (French) > Harry (middle English)
origin: Yehoshua (Hebrew). meaning: God (Yeho and its abbreviation Yo represent the explicit, unmentionable name of God in Judaism), save (shua)! evolution: Yehoshua (Hebrew) > Iosue (Latin) > Joshua (English) > Josh (English, short form)
origin: Dionysos (Greek). meaning: God (dios) from Nysa (the region of Greece that the god of wine and dance Dionysos was born in). evolution: Dionysos (Greek) > Dionysius (Latin) > Denis (French) > Dennis (English) > Denny (English, diminutive)
origin: Lintha (Germanic). meaning: Soft (linth). Nowadays sometimes merged with the Spanish word for beautiful (linda). evolution: Lintha (Germanic) > Linda (Germanic) > Linda (English)
origin: Shoshana (Hebrew). meaning: Lily (shoshan. Sometimes conflated with rose). evolution: Shoshana (Hebrew) > Sousanna (Greek) > Susanna (Latin) > Susan (English) > Sue (English, short form)
origin: Adalbert (Germanic). meaning: Noble (adal) and bright (beraht). evolution: Adalbert (Germanic) > Albert (Germanic) > Albert (English)
origin: Ravi (Sanskrit). meaning: Sun (ravi). evolution: Ravi (Sanskrit) > Ravi (Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, Gujarati, Nepali and more).
origin: Avigail (Hebrew). meaning: My father (avi)'s joy (gil). evolution: Avigail (Hebrew) > Abigail (Latin) > Abigail (English) > Abby (English, diminutive)
origin: Karl (Germanic). meaning: Man (karl. Sometimes used specifically in the context of ‘free man’). evolution: Karl (Germanic) > Carl (German) > Carl (English) > Carla (English, feminine)
origin: Chana (Hebrew). meaning: Grace (chen). evolution: Chana (Hebrew) > Anna (Greek) > Anna (Latin) > Ana (Spanish)
origin: Chava (Hebrew). meaning: Living (chai. The biblical character of Chava is described as ‘em kol chai,’ the mother of all who are living). evolution: Chava (Hebrew) > Eua (Greek) > Eva (Latin) > Eva (English)
origin: Hludwig (Germanic). meaning: Famous (Hlut) in battle (wig). evolution: Hludwig (Germanic) > Ludwig (Germanic) > Ludovicus (Latin) > Louis (French) > Louis (English) > Lou (English, short form)
origin: Sionainn (Irish). meaning: Old (sen). It derives from the name of the longest river in Ireland. evolution: Sionainn (Irish) > Shannon (Irish) > Shannon (English)
origin: Elisheva (Hebrew). meaning: My God (eli) is perfection (sheva is the Hebrew word for seven, a number representing perfection in Jewish tradition) or My God (eli)'s oath (shvua). evolution: Elisheva (Hebrew) > Elisabet (Greek) > Elisabeth (Latin) > Isabel (middle Occitan) > Isabel (Spanish)
origin: Raginmund (Germanic). meaning: Decision (regin) of protection (mund). evolution: Raginmund (Germanic) > Raimund (Germanic) > Ramon (Catalan) > Ramón (Spanish)
origin: Yoseph (Hebrew). meaning: He will add (yosiph. From the biblical language of oath taking: ‘So will God do to me and so he will add if I...’). evolution: Yoseph (Hebrew) > Ioseph (Greek) > Ioseph (Latin) > Joseph (French) > Joséphine (French, feminine) > Josephina (English)
origin: Helene (Greek). meaning: Torch (helene) or possibly derived from moon (selene). evolution: Helene (Greek) > Helena (Latin) > Helena (English)
origin: Lucius (Latin). meaning: Light (lux). evolution: Lucius (Latin) > Lucia (Latin, feminine) > Lucie (French) > Lucy (English)
origin: Antonius (Latin). meaning: The name derives from Etruscan and its meaning is unknown. The first notable historical figure to carry the name was Marcus Antonius (Mark Anthony), bringing many to link the meaning to him, or incorrectly to the Greek word for flower (anthos). evolution: Antonius (Latin) > Antonia (Latin, feminine) > Antonia (English) > Toni (English, diminutive)
origin: Nia (Swahili). meaning: Purpose, aim. evolution: Nia (Swahili) > Nia (English)
origin: Viator (Latin). meaning: Voyager, traveler. evolution: Viator (Latin) > Viatrix (Latin, feminine) > Beatrix (Latin) > Beatrice (Italian) > Beatrice (English)
origin: Shmuel (Hebrew). meaning: His name (shmo) is God (el). evolution: Shmuel (Hebrew) > Samouel (Greek) > Samuhel (Latin) > Samuel (English)
origin: Dùbhghlas (Gaelic). meaning: Dark (dubh) river (glais). evolution: Dùbhghlas (Gaelic) > Dùghlas (Gaelic) > Douglas (English) > Doug (English, short form)
origin: Adalheidis (Germanic) or Alexandros (Greek). meaning: There are two names whose English diminutives are Ali. Adalheidis means noble (adal) kind (heit). Alexandros means defender (alexo) of men (andros). evolution: Adalheidis (Germanic) > Adelais (Latin) > Aalis (middle French) > Alison (French, diminutive) > Alison (English) > Ali (English, diminutive) or Adalheidis (Germanic) > Adelais (Latin) > Aalis (middle French) > Alice (French) > Alice (English) > Ali (English, diminutive) or Alexandros (Greek) > Alexandra (Greek, feminine) > Alexandra (English) > Ali (English, diminutive)
origin: Daniel (Hebrew). meaning: God (el) judges me (dani). evolution: Daniel (Hebrew) > Daniel (Greek) > Daniel (Latin) > Daniel (English)
origin: Helene (Greek) or the town of Migdal (Hebrew). meaning: There are two names whose short form is Lena. Helene means torch (helene) or is possibly from the Greek word for moon (selene). Magdalena refers to a woman who is from Magdala, the Greek pronunciation for Migdal, the town in ancient Israel mentioned in the Bible. The town’s name means tower in Hebrew. evolution: Helene (Greek) > Elena (middle Slavic) > Yelena (Russian) > Lena (Russian, short form) or Migdal (Hebrew) > Magdala (Greek) > Magdalene (Greek) > Magdalena (Latin) > Magdalena (English) > Magdalena (English, short form)
origin: Noach (Hebrew). meaning: Comfortable, pleasant (noach) or resting (nach). evolution: Noach (Hebrew) > Noah (German) > Noah (English)
origin: Taylor (English). meaning: Tailor (from the Italian verb ‘taliare,’ to cut). evolution: Taylor (English)
origin: Gautfrid (Germanic). meaning: While ‘frid’ refers to peace (fridu), ‘gau’ might derive from the word territory (gawi) or from gautaz, a reference to the Germanic tribe of Geat. evolution: Gautfrid (Germanic) > Geoffroi (middle French) > Geoffrey (English) > Jeffrey (English)
origin: Helene (Greek). meaning: Torch (helene) or possibly from the Greek word for moon (selene). evolution: Helene (Greek) > Helena (Latin) > Hélène (French) > Elaine (English)
origin: Yona (Hebrew). meaning: Dove (yona). evolution: Yona (Hebrew) > Jonah (English)
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origin: Yochanan (Hebrew). meaning: God (Yeho and its abbreviation Yo represent the explicit, unmentionable name of God in Judaism) has graced (chanan). evolution: Yochanan (Hebrew) > Ioannes (Greek) > Iohannes (Latin) > Johann (German) > Johan (middle English) > John (English) > Ifan (Welsh) > Evan (English)
origin: Eadmund (old English). meaning: Rich, wealthy (ead) protection (mund). evolution: Eadmund (old English) > Edmund (English) > Edmundo (Spanish and Portuguese) > Eddie (English, diminutive)
origin: Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and fair, smart, brave war. meaning: Unknown. The goddess got her name from the city she was a patron of, Athens, but the city’s name comes from an undetermined language (likely an unknown language spoken in Greece before Ancient Greek even developed), so its meaning is also a mystery. Most people therefore associate the meaning of the name with the qualities the goddess represented. evolution: Athene (the name of the city in Ancient times) > Athena
origin: Hrodebert (Germanic). meaning: Bright (beraht) fame (hruod). evolution: Hrodebert (Germanic) > Robert (Germanic) > Robert (English) > Bobby (English, diminutive)
origin: There are three names that have entered modern English as Howard, Hughard (Germanic), Ewehirde (middle English) and Harvardr (old Norse), making any of these likely to be considered the origin of the name. meaning: Brave, hardy (hart) spirit (hugu) or ewe (eowu) herder (hierde) or high (har) guardian (vordr). evolution: Hughard (Germanic) / Ewehirde (middle English) / Harvardr (old Norse) > Howard (English)
origin: The town of Migdal (Hebrew) or Mahthilt (Germanic). meaning: There are two names whose English diminutives are Maddie. Magdalene refers to a woman who is from Magdala, the Greek pronunciation for Migdal, the town in ancient Israel mentioned in the Bible. The town’s name means tower in Hebrew. Madison means Maud’s son, Maud originating in a name that means might (maht) in battle (hilt). evolution: Migdal (Hebrew) > Magdala (Greek) > Magdalene (Greek) > Madeleine (French) > Madeline (English) > Maddie (English, diminutive) or Mahthilt (Germanic) > Matilda (English) > Maud (French) > Madison (English) > Maddie (English, diminutive)
origin: Heimirich (Germanic). meaning: Home (heim) ruler (rich). evolution: Heimirich (Germanic) > Heinrich (Germanic) > Henri (French) > Henriette (French, feminine) > Henrietta (English) > Hen (English, diminutive)
origin: Aikaterine (Greek). meaning: There are two Greek names it might have been influenced by. Hekaterine, meaning each of the two (hekateros) or Hekate meaning far off (hekas). Either way, during the early Christian era, the name's spelling was changed, adding an ‘h’ after the ‘t’ and tying it to the Greek word for pure (katharos). evolution: Aikaterine (Greek) > Katerina (Latin) > Katharina (Danish) > Karen (Danish) > Karen (English)
origin: Christophoros (Greek). meaning: Bearing (phero) Christ (christos, meaning anointed, Greek translation of the Hebrew word ‘mashiach’ which has entered English as ‘messiah’). evolution: Christophoros (Greek) > Christophorus (Latin) > Christopher (English) > Chris (English, diminutive)
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inkandpaintleopard · 5 months
Look at that, an Introduction Post!
Good morning! And in case you’re staying up like I am, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
I am ████████, I draw so much I have a wrist brace now.
As anyone could tell from one quick look at my blog, I love Spooky Month. It being my main fandom on here was not the plan, but I’d be surprised to see something change that now. However, any piece of media, be it shows, movies, games, books, or anything else, that I even so much as mention, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ABOUT IT. If I bring it up at all that indicates that I am willing to talk about it, bordering on desperate to, please I’ve been alone for so long-
Old Things
Anything I have ever done, anything I have ever drawn, any idea I have ever had is totally up for grabs as long as I’m credited. You can go into my old archives, please go into my archives, please reblog my age old posts, PLEASE build on my ancient ideas. I give my thoughts specifically to be built upon, to spark new concepts, to one day be turned into drawings, and if you can do any of that, DO IT. It’s not like once it’s old it’s gone, that’s what an archive is for. It’s still there, use it.
I’m gonna say that you can use my stuff for anything. Again, as long as I’m credited; but even if I’m not, what’s mostly important to me is that something I made is out there being enjoyed by someone. Also, please put my posts on Pinterest if you want because I didn’t even know it was its own social media until like a few months ago and I sure as hell won’t be doing it myself.
As for a DNI list, I don’t really have one. If you do identify with anything on a standard list (proshippers, looking at you mostly), let’s just agree to exist around each other as Minecraft wolves, ok? As long as neither of us attack each other for no reason, everything should be fine. This is a blog run by a child and is mostly about children and children’s media, keep that in mind. Honestly even if you are problematic, I likely won’t care unless you do something bad to me personally.
Don’t betray me or you’ll be integrated into all my stories through allegory characters and when you die I’ll search your grave for cool stuff.
I try to remain as neutral as I can on most touchy subjects and am generally pretty sympathetic, which may or may not be my downfall one day, but for now you can rely on me to just be your funny little art poster and AU flesher-outer.
Asks N’ Stuff
I look at every single notification/ask I get and I love receiving them. If you send an ask and I don’t answer it, chances are:
I just can’t think of a response (may be answered when I do, could be insanely old by then but eh)
It sprouted an idea in my mind that made me go “Ooo, I should draw that!” and then I never did
I am specifically keeping it in my inbox for quick access
I did have a response and I just. Forgot. I think about it constantly but only when I can’t actually post anything
I may have legitimately just missed it. Trust that I’ll eventually look in my inbox, go “Oh BRUH I NEVER SAW THAT ONE,” and then one of the above will occur
Sometimes I also just look at ‘em and smile cause they’re nice
So Uh, Yeah
Interested in characters, interested in people, interested in the future, and interested in the past. Too much is on my mind at any given time. You need fandom stuff? I got it. Something drawn? I got it. Someone to talk to? Sure, I’ll try. But for now, I’m going to bed man.
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devilmademewriteit · 1 year
meet the freak (point and laugh)
hi everyone I’m being a grown up and setting my blog up for realz so here’s a meet the author typa beat thing
who I am
A 21 year old French-Canadian Sagittarius, baby! queer, ashkenazi, doing an English major, hopefully a future lawyer. Big feminist (despite what my writing might consist of LOL). I write songs, too! I got adhd and ocd and love to talk about them so hit the inbox if you ever want to chat about that xx
I started writing music and fiction at ten. I’m on tumblr to share my depraved ideas and to practice my authorial skills:-)
what I like
Lana motherfucking Del Rey, Stevie Nicks, SZA, Lucy Dacus, Rihanna, Heart, shirts that show off my rack. Margaret Lawrence and Margaret Atwood and a lot of gender theory. Drunk Dancing. I’m a big fan of moral philosophy (John Stuart Mill and Krenshaw are my favs) and ecocriticism — I’m writing my honours thesis on indigenous ways of knowing, particularly in connection with anti-humanist narratives centering non-human species (I love magpies and mother trees). Canadian humour and Canadian wildlife. Oh — I also love a good em-dash. DILFS.
Favourite movies: Pride & Prejudice (with Kiera, the best of the best), the Shawshank Redemption, Hairspray, Waiting for Guffman, Les Intouchables, Avatar I and II, Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi, the original Halloween and Scream, and The First Avenger.
Favourite Shows: Supernatural, Parks N Rec, Narcos & The Last of Us, the Boys, Arrested Development, Call My Agent, Rupaul’s Drag Race, and so many more I lose track.
what I don’t like
Real person fic, slow talkers, capitalism, and Leonardo Dicaprio. Militarism, imperialism, and colonialism. Rhubarb. Friends (the show) and Heidegger. TERFs (all transphobes, really), and artists who don’t reblog other artist’s work. HUMANISM. Men who take credit for women’s ideas. The gender binary. Honestly, I could go on forever. Feel free to give me ideas.
what I write
For now, dark fic involving Pedro characters & dark fic about Soldier Boy from the Boys. Might be more later on, but that’s it for now.
what I won’t write
Overly specific requests (it’s always going to be reader insert so don’t ask me to use your name or defining characteristics), anything related to feet or bodily fluids beyond cum LOL, real person fic (yes, that includes Pedro, he is a person), and fandom cross-overs.
Generally, I’m slow on requests — this isn’t because I don’t like or won’t write your kind of request, it’s just because I’m a gal who works 2 jobs and has a full course load, and I have a lot of my own fics in the works.
what you can send me in my inbox
Any and all thoughts (but please don’t trauma dump or send me hate lol). Suggestions, requests, accolades, song requests, questions you may have about myself or about my interests! Feel free to leave fic recs in there, too.
I’m a sensitive gal so if my work revolts or triggers you, please just block me and move along. I have so many warnings about my content — please heed them and protect yourself.
I’ll probably add more to this later on, but that’s all I can think of for now.
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Never been good at introducing myself. But, here we go.
I'm Paris. Or Ghost. Either one works. Ghost is a nickname, and has been an alias for a while now. I don't really care which one you want to call me. Anyways, I'm 24, and my pronouns are he/him.
I used to fight in the Battle Subway a lot. So if you remember a guy named "Ghost" from there, that's probably me. That's all over now though, I've been living in Galar for a while now. Still connected to my Unovan roots though. Imagine some braviary sound effects here, I don't fucking know.
If you think you recognize me, firstly no you don't. I keep my face private for a reason. Secondly, don't come up to me if you aren't looking to have a battle. Not gonna force you but I don't like talking to strangers outside of that.
So my horse accidentally posted a video of me getting attacked by my rival's Froslass. So my face is kinda out there now. Don't fucking harass me or shit like that, don't be a weirdo. (and no, this doesnt mean ill be posting more pictures of myself. Don't ask.)
Anyways. Enough about me, here's my team.
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I've also got a battler in-training, and 3 rattata that I keep as pets. I might as well give 'em all a graphic here.
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FAQ because people in real life keep asking me this:
Q: Cheri looks very pink. Is that normal? A: Yes, he does. It probably is.
Q: Is that a shiny alolan rattata? A: No. Bean is albino.
Q: What's wrong with Grungle? A: Nothing. He's a weird subspecies or hybrid, not sure which yet. Either way, he's REALLY FUCKING BLUE NOW, HOLY SHIT. He's safe though- it's not dangerous.
Dunno what else to say here. My main interests are battling, so if you have any questions about that, feel free to ask me. I'm not an actual EXPERT on it or anything, but it's whatever.
Hello! This is the OOC part of the introduction! I follow from @act11as, and ooc posts will be tagged as such, and will usually have the color green. I don't always do this, as it can be grating to look at after a while.
My rotomblr "hub" account is @battle-subway-aftershow!
Muse is an adult, mod is a minor. Don't be weird, or I'll screenshot your ask and make fun of you with my friends. Into the hall of shame with you.
(Weird: NSFW/Suggestive asks, fetish mining, etc. Do not fucking do these.)
Additionally: If your main is NSFW, please do not follow me. I will block you for my own comfort.
ALL TRIGGER WARNINGS WILL BE TAGGED AS "[word] tw"! This is to make it easier to blacklist things! if I ever miss something or you need me to tag something in specific, shoot me an ask or a dm! I'll try to remember.
Guidelines/Rules I guess?
*ALMOST ANY kind of Pokemon Irl blog can interact! Eeby deebies, sapient pokemon, evil teams, whatever! I cannot guarantee that Paris will be nice to you, (ESPECIALLY an evil team) or believe you.
*Self-Insert fallers, please do not interact. I personally cannot handle these kinds of blogs. Self-insert ocs are fine, but the idea of a real person on rotomblr being isekaid into Pokémon is not.
IN CHARACTER anon hate is perfectly fine! Be an asshole to Paris! Keep in mind that I won't always respond to these however, especially if they go too far in my eyes.
PARIS CAN AND WILL BE AN UNRELIABLE NARRATOR! He doesn't know all the details, he can be wrong, he can flat out lie. Just something to keep in mind!
Mystery Gifts are now open! And Preferred! Feel free to go crazy with this ^^
Pelipper Mail, un-mail, and Malice are always open! Feel free to torment this guy whenever you so please. (links go to the source posts for all 3 lol)
Musharna mail, (sending dreams) and Musharna malice (sending nightmares) are always on! Once again feel free to torment this guy.
Magic anons are usually off, unless I specifically specify otherwise!
Organizational tags:
#[nickname] the [pokemon] - Most posts about Paris' pokemon should be tagged like this.
#mind's eye - Usually ask games- these are not things Paris would actually say out loud, at least in the way the post says it, to a degree! Consider these semi-canon in nature. Feel free to press him outside of ask games, if you see something interesting though ^^
#Paris used Sleep Talk - a bit of a mixed bag, posts made by Paris either when he’s tired, falling asleep, or actually asleep. Usually angst but can be memes as well. Mixed bag like I said
#rival tag - Tag for posts mentioning/about Paris' rival, also known as @/subzeroiceshard
#mylah tag - Tag used for @/tinkatinktrain- Paris' friend.
#sprite tag - Tag used for @/thatfailedpokemontrainer- similar situation to the above.
#frosty tag - Tag used for @/frosty-sneasel!
#bluebird anon/bluebird tag - Tag used for @/blu3b1rdsss!
#beedrill tag - Tag used for @/a-nickits-den!
#shilo tag - Tag for @/shilo-sumac!
Previous arcs/Lore:
#A Frosty Reception / #A Frosty Reception 2.0 - Takeovers of one of Paris' childhood friends. done twice because I kept getting sick :(
#Gone Fishing Arc - Paris fucked off into the woods and almost never returned! Good look into his character. (warnings for pokemon attacks, injury, and frostbite)
#Kicked to Kanto - Smaller thing, what it says on the tin.
#Team Fauna - Inconsistently tagged, but should have the vital bits in the general area? (Check "Cult tw" if otherwise). Paris goes undercover in a cult to save his friends. This does not have consequences whatsoever (obviously, warning for cults.)
#Unraveling arc - Post Team Fauna- Something strange is going on with Paris' reality... It seems to be falling apart! Unraveling, even! (Warnings for horror, body horror, and unreality)
#Greyed Walls Event - The aftermath of Unraveling. Our Paris is missing, and a curious foxlike entity has gotten involved... (Askblog-style event- this is an AU of Paris, set in a post-apocalyptic world!) (Mild warning on top of the obvious apocalypse for horror and talks about injury + amputation!)
And finally, for music enjoyers- Here's his playlist! NOW ON YOUTUBE TOO BECAUSE FUCK SPOTIFY!
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blimbo-buddy · 1 year
Now I'm just upset I sent like 1k words of lore and it ends up being a ghost? Tumblr??? Why??
Anyways yeah poor Waffles was created so I can show that the clans really want to scare the kittypets away and stuff.
Dunno what happened with the humans and honestly don't care to create a reason so they just disappeared one day. Many cats did start crying and that's how the kingdoms formed at first. They started forming groups to support each other because a lot of cats did have deep emotional bonds with their owners.
They learned how to open the bags and cans and breaking out their trapped friends inside of the homes that were locked. (The raccoons helped by smashing in some windows lmao).
Tiny doesn't exist because I fused him with Rusty and that's why Scourge as we know doesn't exist in Kittypet Kingdoms.
The dogs were kind of peeved off on the behalf of their packmates and some who knew how to eloquently speak cat almost went off on a clan cat before being dragged back.
Barley and his barn are neutral grey area for the kingdoms and the clans. They respect this dude's wish to live in peace.
Also, the kittypets found a way to use fire. It's just the raccoons perfected it and then it went from there.
The clan cats were absolutely offended to try and be bribed with "trash" when I have read your twolegplace culture and they were being bribed with what these cats considered treasure. Their toys. Their special little blankets. Even their cans of tuna.
Most of the kittypets were offended the fuck off and had to be dragged back by force to not cause a fight.
Waffles is scarred for life and while he does joke about it from time to time. It was rather truly traumatizing to have him be pinned down and feel his tail be torn away from him to send a message to the other kittypets. He was kind of never the same.
They could've taken his eye. One of his ears. Given him a nasty scar on his body but they took his tail and that's what makes it worse. He was created to show that most of the clan cats can't be reasonably be reasoned with.
He walked in on a Gathering, they heard him out. They heard the humans are gone and most of them agreed that, "Hmm, yes, the twolegs are gone we can take the land for ourselves and go back to the times before all of this. Starclan sent this as a message for a brighter future. Come here little kittypet. Here's what's gonna happen if you and your little friend decide to stay and not leave when asked."
That's haunting!
God, that fucking sucks dude I'm sorry that ended up happening. Tumblr sucks ass.
Honestly I don't mind that there isn't a specific cause towards the disappearance of the humans, I think it adds a bit of mystery that won't be solved. Poor Kittypets though, imagine one day you find your house empty with none of your Housefolk in sight, I like how that led to the formation of the Kingdoms, it builds a sense of community and builds a strong bond between those who were affected the most.
I feel like I remember you talking about making "Scourge" some kind of patron to the Kittypet Kingdoms but I could be misremembering, feel free to correct me on that. I think Tiny and Rusty being put into one character for this AU can lead to a lot of interesting ideas. It's good to know that Barley is just trying to live in peace and the Kingdoms respect his wishes (surprised the Clans respected his wishes but I digress). I'm sure that the raccoons helped the Kittypets with how to safely create fire without burning themselves. I'd imagine that while yeah, the cats have thumbs, with your word about Racoon thumbs generally being more capable, I think that it'd be hard for cats to hold tools to make fire.
I would very much imagine some dogs holding every fiber of their being back from mauling a clan cat to death, I don't blame em. Also makes a lot of sense for the Kittypets to be offended back at the fact that the Clans considered their prized possessions and treasure, "trash". Again, don't blame the Kittypets who wanted to beat the fuck out of the Clan cats, but also they're stronger than me, it would have been on sight for me.
Poor Waffles, man. I guess sometimes you need to show the unwilling and violent nature of the clans through some form of writing. But also, fuck, imagine how horrible he feels after realizing that he gave the Clans vital info about the disappearance of the Twolegs and feeling like he's the cause of their frequent raids and attempted take-overs of some of the Kingdoms. He feels like he's doomed them all.
Overall this is such good ideas you got cooking up! Really gets you thinking about something else too. How many cats in the Clans don't share the same sentiment towards the Kingdoms, how many cats in the Clans are tolerant of them? Are they scared to voice their opinion because they fear punishment? Such a terrifying idea.
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thatgordongirl · 1 year
1000 follower celebration!
Tumblr media
Thank you to everyone who has followed and interacted with my blog! This couldn’t have been achieved without you - here are some asks so feel free to send :)
Fruit Emoji asks
🍉 Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why? 
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated? 
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write? 
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!) 
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…) 
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work? 
🥭 Rank from most enjoyable/fun to write to least: Fluff, Smut, Angst, Crack.
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with? 
🍋 What’s your favorite spicier trope to write? 
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic? 
🍏 Is there something you overuse, whether it’s a certain phrase, trope, or piece of punctuation? 
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc… 
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions. 
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.) 
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one? 
Emoji Asks
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
✍ Do you have a beta reader?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
⛔ Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
🍷 Do you drink and write?
🍆 Do you write the spicy stuffs? If so, what's your most popular nsfw fic?
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
💖 What made you start writing? 
💌 How do you feel about comments and feedback?
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
💲 Would you ever open commissions? 
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
🏆 What's your most popular fic? 
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
🎯 Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
📈 How many fics do you have?
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
💞 Who's your comfort character?
🧠 Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favorite headcanon for them. 
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write? 
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
😬 Which of your fics would you be most horrified for friends, family, or coworkers to stumble upon? 
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
📚 Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
💥 How do you feel about criticism? 
🤭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
🥰 How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
Headcanon asks (Sent with character) 
1•What instrument(s) does this character play?
2•What is this character’s favorite color?
3•Which person can this character trust?
4•What does this person like to do in the winter?
5•Does this character enjoy reading? If so, what’s their favorite book?
6•What social media platforms does this character use?
7•When does this character usually go to sleep?
8•What is/was this character’s favorite subject in school?
9•What singers or bands does this character like?
10• Does this character enjoy doing art or sketching? Are they good at it?
11•What is this character’s favorite animal?
12• What is this character’s favorite show?
13•What is a bad habit that this character has/had?
14•How does this characters cope with a stressful situation?
15•How does this person handle people who get on their nerves?
Halloween•What does this character dress up as for trick-or-treating?
Birthday•What is this character’s ideal birthday party?
Christmas•What presents does this character want?
Thanksgiving•How is the relation between this character and their family?
New Years•How does this character celebrate New Years?
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scramblecat · 2 years
Tagging System
edit the links are broken but I’ll fix em at some point
Personal Tags (for posts that I created, or occasionally added on to)
#scrambleposting : Original posts from Yours Truly, or worthy additions to reblogs
#scramble’s rambles : Something I am known well across the land for is going on spontaneous and absolutely deranged character analysis rants. This tag is for all of those & other assorted rants of mine!
#scramble scribbles : Art tag! I don't have much here but I'm intending to utilize my art sideblog. (which is also pretty empty…. but that’s okay)
#scramble writes : Writing tag! I write fanfictions, but I haven’t posted many here. The majority can be found on my AO3. This tag covers anything related to my writing endeavors, including writing and talking about writing.
#scramble ocs : Obligatory oc tag for the ocs I never talk about. I may make a comprehensive list of my most activest belovedest ocs, who knows…
#scramble’s cats : Take a look :]
#answering machine : All the asks I’ve received. Will often be followed up by the username of the person who sent the ask. (Anons will be tagged ‘anonymous’. feel free to send me random shit, comments, etc. I’d love to talk, and I don’t bite :])
General/Common tags (the ones you’ll see the most)
#fav : Posts I like a lot
#serotonin tag : Posts that give me serotonin :]
#friend art!! : Discontinued tag, self explanatory. Check it out ‼️
#laugh rule : my sense of humor is broken. rule is veto'd if the post is nsfw
#for later : Posts I’m saving to look at later. Either reference material or just something I probably will want to go back and look for.
#refs : Mostly references for drawing and writing.
Interest Tags (mostly in order of date established)
#TF2 : Team Fortress 2. FPS game where you play as 1 of 9 guys on a team fighting their clones over a pit of gravel.
#HLVRAI : Half Life VR But The AI Is Self Aware. Funny improv series taking place in the Half Life universe.
#TPOH : The Property of Hate. A gorgeous webcomic that takes place in a sort of dreamland universe.
#TMA : The Magnus Archives. Horror anthology podcast that gets more and more into an audio drama as time progresses.
#The Mechs : The Mechanisms. A band of immortal space pirates who travel the universe and tell stories of what they see in the form of songs.
#RQG : Rusty Quill Gaming. TTRPG podcast in a steampunk-historical-fiction-fantasy version of our universe, with incredible soundscaping.
#OFMD : Our Flag Means Death. gay pirates
#TSP : The Stanley Parable. Fantastic game about choice which is very goofy until it’s Not.
[Note: Some of the content in TSP can be triggering, and so I’ve tagged any posts relating to that content accordingly. I currently have ‘Zending’ and ‘Skip Button’ as tags, so filter them out if you’d like to avoid them.]
#Keep The Wheel Turning : TSP 432/Settings Person tag :]
#Gorp Arg : 8+]
#DHMIS : Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared. Psychological horror webseries and tv show modeled after musical educational shows.
#TPP : The Penumbra Podcast (specifically the Juno Steel segment). Audio drama about a private investigator who falls in love with a master thief. Takes place in space. If you love found family this is for you
#Animation : ANIMATED THINGS!!!! Arguably one of my biggest interests of all time. Majority 2d animation with some occasional 3d stuff.
#IEYTD : I Expect You To Die. vr spy game where you play as a telekinetic spy and either solve problems or cause them (or both at once!)
#Hatchetfield : A trilogy of musicals by the musical production company Starkid. Eldritch gods torment alternate universe versions of the same town. Also includes the original series Nightmare Time.
#Rain World : A game where you play as a creature called a slugcat, and try your best to survive in and make your way across an unforgiving post-apocalyptic world filled with creatures that want you dead.
#Gravity Falls : Cartoon about a pair of twins getting to the bottom of supernatural happenings in a weird little town.
#Ace Attorney : gay lawyers game
Misc (Tags that don’t have any other place to go)
#ask game : For asks that were sent in as a prompt-- ‘send me __ and i’ll post __’ style things. Often links to a post with a prompt.
#uquiz : yeah
#picrew : for when I get tagged in those picrew chain thingys
#tag game : I consistently forget if I use this one for people who tag me in reblog chains or for those ‘put in the tags’ games HEHAHA oh well. it can be used for Both until I figure it out
#tagged : Experimental new tag for things I’ve been tagged with
Putting all tags at the bottom for (my) ease of access ⬇️
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
That answers my question I just completely forgot to send it in omfg I CANNOT let myself get distracted while replying anymore I literally like almost deleted this note thinking I already sent it in goodbye.
But anyways….……
LMFAOOO THANK YOU I APPRECIATE THE SUPPORT!!! You’ll be the first to know if I ever actually start using it HAHA honestly you’d probably end up answering some boomer like tumblr questions of mine bc I’m ngl why’s there sm on this platform HAHA now that I think about it though I straight up just don’t post anywhere maybe I should start changing that…..
NO SO TRUE because I just KNOW they’re picking the juiciest stories like I’m not scrolling through that subreddit myself HAHA
Just doing my part for the Karasu community!!! Gotta kick start it somewhere yk hopefully I’m inspiring people to talk and request Karasu more often!!!! LMAO wait that’s actually kinda crazy though HAHAHA I guess the Hiori requester sniffed out your secret side character vibes before I did smh….lowk that is interesting though?? Ok my thought process was definitely 1) ok she knows Kaiser so she’s def read the manga 2) she has no character limits so I’m just gonna shoot my shot (it worked out in the best possible way omg) I’ve def seen blogs that only write for the main characters ****itoshis but a good amount of them do out only a specific handful of characters in their request rules….wait actually pause I think the main tipping point for me is actually when I ended up reading cherry tree and was like no fucking way Karasu mention??? Time to test the waters because I kid you not I loved the way you did cherry tree but I was also so fucking hooked on the Karasu cameo I was like oh em gee….karasu mention and HE TALKS?? Guys….so yeah!! Actually that also jogs my memory and clears up my own thoughts of how I first found you (again…??) my memory’s kinda bad if you couldn’t tell HAHAHA
Ok……Mira really trying to solidify the shower evidence…sus…/j
THATS WHAT IM SAYING HAHAHAAH ok but like I was a little surprised that they were the color scene I thought it would’ve been some Kaiser Isagi Rin looking thing with maybe mini side characters in the bg kinda like your current header! Stop did we just manifest ego glow up too??
That’s funny because I also haven’t watched but ik what you’re talking about because I remember seeing people freak out over it LMAOOO BUT FR omg shin ah so gorgeous??? Also omfg you’re so right??? The side by side of Hak and hair down zantetsu….the resemblance is uncanny….but FR S2 being my real male leads into the spotlight please….
Tbh I don’t have high hopes for the fandom but we’ll know in our hearts that Karasu is just a closeted sweetheart loser!!! Ok the Nagi cheater allegations and red flags are actually INSANE like how tf??????????? I seriously have no idea what people are on do you think bro even has the energy to cheat……
LMAOO you’re giving them a reality check on everyone’s behalf we thank you for your service o7
Honestly pop off LMAOO like who’s gonna go challenge your parents sooo also wtf????!!!! BRO DID WHAT???!!!! wtf I literally have no words what the helllllllll glad you’re safe now but omg I hope you never have to experience something like that again….um wdym you have more stories like that??????????? Idk if you’ve ever seen those wild tiktok sponsored posts of like this weird pheromone attractive perfume I think you need creep repellent you’re rizz is too strong…..wtf…..also ENJOY SWITZERLAND!!!!!
But omg another storm shshshs stay safe??? Manifesting your electricity holds up from now on HAHA I’d imagine there aren’t storms in Switzerland rn so….
-Karasu anon
LMAOO no i always get so distracted that ‘save draft’ button is my savior when it comes to answering asks but ik you can’t really do that when sending them 😭 if i ever take more than like a day to respond without explanation feel free to send a check-in ask because that means i’m either being unprecedented levels of offline or i just didn’t get it/see it!!
tumblr takes soo long to get a hang of i will be happy to answer any boomer questions of yours as i probably had the same questions when i first began using the app!! i will always be here for the reveal if/when it comes
i guess the side character vibes i give off are too strong…also hiori made a cameo in cherry tree alongside otoya and karasu so they might’ve made a similar journey as you LMAOAO especially because they mentioned in the request that they had read and liked cherry tree!! that’s so funny that that fic (which i wrote for the most basic character ever) is what led to side character fans finding me!! omg no because tbh there was no reason for karasu to be the one talking in that scene but i was starving and desperate to write him and i thought he could pull it off and now i’m so glad i did that!! and yeah a lot of people tend to only write for a few characters which i think is fair because i 100% get being uncomfortable writing for characters you’re unfamiliar with 🧐 me personally though…if i’m in a fandom there’s not a character in it I WON’T write for!! if i’m too unfamiliar with them i’ll just do research until i feel decent abt it (that’s what i did for the hiori request hehe read and reread his ln + wiki until i was like “okay i think i can do this”)
I SHOWER I PROMISE I SHOWER (not clickbait!!)
maybe this means the NEL arc is ending soon?? like they’re putting all of the coaches in the color spread because we won’t see them again for a while…honestly i really liked this (much more exciting than the last epinagi one) and i’m happy it wasn’t the kaiser + isagi + rin combo again!! all of the coaches are really interesting to me as they all show diff pitfalls of professionals sports (chris + vanity, snuffy + depression/burnout, loki + selfishness, lavinho + immaturity iirc?? and noa + being boring af /j) honestly i could read a spinoff abt all of them too!! and omg ego glow up too…we sensed the vibes in the air and we knew egonation was about to RISE
SHINAH MY BELOVEDDD omg i actually once started a fic for him that was the precursor for hurricanes / hummingbirds in many ways and i still think abt it sometimes but like the fandom for yotd is so nonexistent that i never got the motivation to finish it!! but i think i answered an ask abt it as part of a tag game once here if you’re in the mood for some mira writing while waiting for bfb!! no but the resemblance between zantetsu and hak is uncanny omg team v trio is actually team shoujo trio all of them look like they deserve to be male leads…zantetsu in a historical fantasy shoujo, nagi in a high school slice of life but also mental health focused shoujo, and reo in a ceo romance shoujo SKDJFHS they’re all so bf i love them
we will always know the truth abt karasu and that’s what matters 😩 no because i need to know…do the nagi cheater/red flag (which are unrelated to his laziness) allegations stem from him “leaving” reo during second selection?? because if so that’s insane to me there’s such a difference between joining a different soccer team and cheating on your romantic partner 😭 in epinagi even reo himself acknowledges that he SHOULD be happy for nagi and nagi is so ‘no thoughts head empty’ about it LKDFJGNS bro fr was putting the pieces together like isagi…”play soccer with isagi -> get better at soccer -> win world cup with reo 😄” HOW IS THIS A RED FLAG???
LMAOOO it’s so bad i feel like looking back my time in high school just sounds unreal?? i sent a picture of my eye to another guy i was friends with (in the same friend group as the other two ironically) to show him my new mascara and no joke he responded with an entire verse comparing my eyes to “the heavens” 😭⁉️ and there was also a point in my senior year when i kinda liked a junior on the soccer team (so bfb reader of me but like. reversed.) but for some reason everyone shipped me with the captain of the soccer team?? like people would harass my FRIENDS asking if i liked him…meanwhile i liked mr junior varsity who didn’t even get playtime 😓 it was so bad too i went to a soccer game and everyone thought i was attending to watch the captain, INCLUDING THE GUY I WAS INTO 😐 i went up to congratulate him after the game and bro fr said “did you see the captain play he was amazing” i just left at that point because what can you even do…these are relatively tame in terms of mira lore sadly KJSHGHDFK this is why i have never had a boyfriend or first kiss or anything like that 💔 they’re all CRAZY 😱
SWITZERLAND SOON!! unfortunately my dreams of finishing bfb before my flight are definitely not coming true sooo ig i know what i’m doing for the entire plane ride!! hopefully the lack of distractions will help me finish it up and then i can just proofread in my downtime and hopefully post at some point soon…feel like i’ve been teasing you all for so long but i promise it will be long enough to make the wait worth it (i hope anyways)
0 notes
asylumseriesdaily · 3 months
Mod intro! Wahoo!
hey it's me Jasper T. Jowls (that's not my name that's a Chuck E Cheese character, but you can call me that if you want) here because I needed something to do. You can, like, send me asks if you want, but if they're not super related to this blog I'm gonna point you at my main blog. If you must refer to me, use whatever name you want and he/him pronouns. My blog name or Jasper are good options because I'm not big on sharing my name online. You can also give me dumbass nicknames. I get the feeling I might become known as the guy who wants to smooch Micah from Madeleine Roux's Asylum. I'm a minor so be normal.
I'm super interested in hearing what y'all have to say! I want you to experience this with me! I'm gonna work on finding some free PDFs of these books to share the love!
If you're interested, here's my main blog: @jaspertjunk
Aaand if you want to support me in my endeavors, the blog for a project I'm currently working on: @gleamintomurk
What is this blog?
Primarily, this blog is me liveblogging my reread of the Asylum Series by Madeline Roux. I'm hoping to post one chapter a day, and each chapter's liveblog is going to one uninterrupted post. You can read about why I'm doing this here.
To make it not just one long block of text, and make it easier and more fun to read, I'm going to play around with formatting a lot. If anyone has any ideas on a more accessible way to do this, please reach out to me.
My liveposts are going to be a combination of good old fashioned Tumblr liveposting, analysis and essay-ish content, a few memes and things I'm reminded of, and a generous helping of quotes.
I will also post and reblog a lot of other Asylum related content, like memes, as well as some longer and more well thought out essays and other analysis content. I'm gonna drain those books for meaning.
What exactly are you reading?
The main trilogy of the Asylum series by Madeleine Roux. If I can get my hands on some of the others, I'll read those too, but I'm working with what I have.
Actually you're wrong about these books
This is what I want to hear. This is not gonna be an anti-haters thing. Far as I can tell, I'm the only person really talking about these books much, let alone analyzing them. Probably because they're barely above the scholastic horrors you got at 5th grade book fair. This means my word is god, but I actually do not want that. I am begging you to disagree. I am begging you to debate me. I am begging you to correct me or elaborate on things I say. As long as you're respectful, I will listen to and engage with you! Please! Also, I'm new to looking at books beyond the surface level, so I'm bound to be wrong a lot! Please I wanna hear your opinions
Will you liveblog-
No. Unless it's a short story or I've specifically asked for more content. I am, however, always open to new things to read or watch on my own time. You're also free to ask me for recommendations. I'm actually not a huge horror guy, but I do have some favorites.
Can I...?
Send you asks? YES! About literally anything, though I do ask you to question if it would make more sense to ask my main blog.
Tag me in posts? YES! If they're relevant to this blog in some way (literally anything about this book series).
Make my own blog/do my own liveread/write analysis inspired by this blog? PLEASE GOD DO! About these books or literally anything else! If I somehow inspire you to make content about these books, great! If I somehow inspire you to make content about something you love, even better! I do ask that you credit me if you're using a lot of my arguments in your own analysis, and if I do somehow inspire you to do something like this I'd love to know, but you absolutely do not need my permission.
Do you hate these books?
*White knuckling the bathroom sink, dripping blood* I am having a wonderful time :)
Tagging system
(no I do not)
Obviously, lots of spoilers. Some sensitive topics too, though I'll try to tag 'em. These are horror novels, even if they ain't that scary.
#not liveblogging - not my actual liveblogs
#liveblogging - actual liveblogs
#not asylum - not related to the books
#reblogs - reblogs
#modposting - content I post other than liveblogs
#modscreaming - analysis I post other than liveblogs
#asks - asks
Each liveblog will also be tagged with the name and chapter
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tatters-the-bat · 5 months
Hi there!
Figured I should make a proper pinned message at some point.
I'm Tatters, your local fluffy flying fox! :3 Main fursona is the bat in question, secondary is a honeybee named Lore.
I go by she/they/it, and post all my art on here as well as reblogging stuff I like. Multifandom and my hyperfixations change often lol, my top fandoms are FNAF, Undertale/Deltarune, Pokemon, Crypt of the NecroDancer, MLP, Rain World, and Hollow Knight.
Big fan of small animals, especially bugs! (As such, trigger warning for bug and spider pictures, i usually tag them with #bugs and #spiders but i might miss 'em!)
If you like my work, following and/or reblogging helps a lot! I love getting comments on / asks about my stuff too!! :3 My comms are usually open. If you're interested or just want to support me, check out my Ko-Fi! Thanks for reading!
Tag Stuff:
#my art - My own artwork! - #oc art - For all my various original characters. Feel free to send in asks about any of them, I LOVE rambling about literally all of them!!!! - #sona art - For specifically art of Tatters, Lore, Mally, and Aerith. - #fanart - For stuff I make that's based on existing properties. - #ship art - For any fandom shipping, I don't do it often but i love a choice few :3 - #art comms - Comm work I've done for other people! #text - Usually general rambles that may or may not mean anything. #my writing - Links to my fanfics and stuff. - #oc info - OC lore and whatnot #bats - Bat pics I find/reblog! #bugs - Same but insects and arthropods in general! #aquatic - Anything related to water critters! All three also can include art I find of such! #cute art / #cool art - Reblogged art tags! I didn't have foresight when making the cute art tag that I would reblog art that isn't necessarily trying to be cute, so I just threw on "cool art" as a more generic one xD
0 notes
green-sky-smoke · 8 months
Sup. Im smoke, somehow now fan of helluva boss and hazbin hotel. I write headcanons and oneshots for fun. Big fan of x reader stuff, will do it.
My english can suck. If you want to help a bit with beta reading and explain some rules and correct usage of words - i will be extremely happy.
My interpretations and writing of characters may go straight up completely ooc too, if you try to correct me on this - please don't. I write what i want for fun. block me and support writers who you like, they need support more than i need criticism. Maybe reread their work, and say that their characterization is so good you come back to it, they will poop themself from happiness.
I plan no sexual scenes, tho jokes and swearing may appear a lot, depending on context. Im not exactly the writer to use much swears in my texts. If i do anything that would need warning - then i will warn you properly in summary, i don't have any spoilers to hide.
Feel free to send requests and just generally chat about things, would love to socialize in my new fandoms. Anon asks on.
request rules:
feel free to not read rules and just send it lmao. but keep it sfw
feel free if you like very niche obscure sfw tropes that may seem weird/fetish to someone. You won't seem weird for me, so share all kind of it :D
My tastes on writing characters etc are really too complicated to explain, so i won't even try. If request won't match it - i may just delete it and never reply even if your prompt is extremely good but not in my taste, sorry. So, copy them all!!! (im serious) and save somewhere, to send other writers. They may write things i won't and do it better than me!
one request per ask, please!
yall can request multiple characters per one request.
specify do you want romantic or platonic. and if you want to go further, lovehate, enemies, or frenemies, angst fluff etc.
I prefer more specific prompt over vague prompt.
"charactername and reader who is evil demon possesing their reflections and mirrors, who they can't just get rid of" = specific.
"Reader with X and Y interest and Charactername celebrate Christmas together "
"character reaction when they they found out that the other character love someone else and plan to break up" = specific.
"charactername and canon/reader?" = vague.
You can ask for just any characters headcanons and i would give you them. :D
You can include some headcanons or ooc things you want to include, etc. can make angel not so horny lol or rude character softer. Canon barely exist for me and i can (and will) change character's traits freely. Can make aroace char into rose romantic and pan, or make any character aroace too. they're fictional after all! Can go with aus too (swaping characters, or making demon character angel etc).
feel free to spam as much different requests as you need, i will close em if i will get enough.
I do x reader mostly!!! That'll most easy and likely for me.
can do Canon x Canon. You may request rarepairs like fizzxstriker, or blitzxverosika, etc, i love crackpairings, thinking about certain situations characters may end up in, and think how different characters can get along. If you request popular or canon pairing ( like stolitz, or millie x moxxie - i prefer to have more prompt since i don't create content for them, and don't want to write something that pairing fans saw thousand times.)
Don't send asks with oc x canon. tho i don't mind, you may try your luck, i would love to hear about hellaverse ocs or selfinserts, and ask questions. Im big oc x canon fan and can read loredumps about ocs and i love when people really creative and thoughtful with it, dm if you want to share, don't just send ask. I don't promise to write about them, but if we match (that'll be a miracle but it may happen), i can.
can go both with oneshots or headcanon bullet lists, what i see more fit.
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swimmingleo · 3 years
The Wizard of Oz: yet another conspiracy
It's about the infamous spinning around parallel, this one:
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Why... would they do this.
Point is I've gone too far, Harryween happened, I fell into a Wizard of Oz rabbithole and found this that for some reason I've missed all this time, which happens to be mf Pink Floyd related because why wouldn't it be.
I promise it kind of adds up in the end, but it's mostly me... clowning.
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The Dark Side of the Rainbow:
It's an old Pink Floyd theory and one of the most well-known in the band's lore: it started around the 80's with the popularization of videotapes. One day, someone just had the idea to mute the Wizard of Oz (1939) and play The Dark Side of the Moon (1973) over it right at the beginning of the movie (the third roar from the MGM lion). A scarily accurate synchronization resulted, to the point where one could ask themselves if the album was indeed produced as an alternate soundtrack to the film.
cut, im pouring mercy on the dash
Just your average fan theory, which really took off in the 90s and surprisingly received a lot of response. The album's audio engineer called it "eyewash" and an impossible thing to do with the technology they had back then. (which is. really not true. You could do it, it was just terribly impractical. then again if you're crazy enough..)
David Gilmour and Nick Mason, guitarist and drummer of the band, also vehemently denied the theory: total non sense and a waste of time.
basically everyone got real pressed for no reason lol it's a cute fan theory guys not gAy rUmOuRs cmon
HOWEVER, there is one person who never denied it and it's the guy who literally conceptualized the entire album. Indeed, Roger Waters found the theory "amusing" and had even referenced Over The Rainbow in later album The Wall (and seeing how frustrated he gets when the audience doesn't engage with their music the way he'd like, it almost feels like he was encouraging the theory but then again. pure assumption idk shit)
So yeah, make what you want of this dysfunctional band's response to the theory.
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Okay but does it really work ?
There have been psychological explanations of the phenomenon: the theory has been dismissed as the brain always finding connections and parallels between different elements: if you're looking for something, you find it. Yes, this explains various fan theories like the Beatles' ''Paul is dead'', or crispy audios we have around here (pReTtY uNfoRtUnaTe) where the perception is influenced by what we're told to hear or what we want to see. If you play any random music over any random movie, you will always find synchronized moments. But I think the Dark Side of The Rainbow goes beyond that: you can actually make out obvious interpretations and patterns that make sense with the rest of their discography or what they said about certain things/songs. The album actually matches the movie’s narration or the transitions between scenes. But once again, the theory has been associated with crazy delusional fans on acid who live on conspiracies so... (so larrie of em)
Here you have the full movie, with the album playing on loop over it (cuz it's an album designed to be played on loop). Most little moments feel like those funny coincidences I mentioned before, like a character moving, dancing or speaking on beat, but some others are like... too much for me to dismiss as coincidences, because they carry some deep PF-esque meaning. I won't get much into it here cuz we don't have time for that~ but if you're a PF fan interested by the topic feel free to send me an ask and we'll rant about it it's honestly so cool ffgeifzji
Still, I really recommend to watch this specific part:
There isn't any kind of edit to make it fit. It just naturally goes smooth like that.
Also the front and back cover of the album:
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...No colour > Colour > Back to no colour // Sepia > Technicolor > Back to sepia.
If you're wondering why Roger Pink Floyd would go this far to hint at a movie which had a massive impact on queer culture ever since WW2, and how it could be even more relevant to Larry, here <3
Do we know other weirdos with too much time on their hands who do weird shit with synchronization in their art yes we doooo.
So, the shot of them filmed by a camera spinning like a tornado, in an already spinning setting (twirling dancers) in MVs loaded with queer symbolism.
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last one just because... SOTT sounds a lot like The Great Gig in the Sky to me. Also he's flying passing by a rainbow at some point so.
The tornado scene is the core of the Dark Side of the Rainbow theory. The music and image go incredibly well together: the piano starting on the first gust of wind, the music gradually getting louder with the chaos on screen until it suddenly calms down when Dorothy’s unconscious in the eye of the tornado. Music ends when the tornado stops for good. But also the symbolism of that song and that scene combined: The Great Gig in The Sky is part of the transition between the first and the second part of the album and it evokes death. The tornado in Oz is the transition between sepia and technicolor, two different worlds and technically.. it's Dorothy's departure from earth to somewhere over the rainbow.
Meanwhile, TPWK is in black and white, Walls is colorized. Both songs represent a significant milestone in their respectives careers. That theme of "I used to feel bad, but I've made peace with myself and now I feel better".
The TPWK/Walls parallel starts at 1:41. Solely based on that film video I linked earlier, The Wizard of Oz is 1:41:47 long. So like. If they wanted to be little shits and choose a precise timestamp that would hint at the Oz synchronicity theory...
... I just like the idea of Harry and Louis scanning the internet for some rbb/sbb ideas, stumbling upon (or already knowing) the Dark Side of the Rainbow and being like.. aha, we could do that at some point. Because in the end, whether it's intentional or not, it's a pretty big pop culture fan theory, and they've both already hinted at PF and Oz.
All in all, the first person who had the idea to play Pink Floyd's album over the Wizard of Oz would have made an excellent delusional larrie and I wish they were here.
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maraudersftw · 3 years
This is weird. My dialogue is awful. I've been writing for over eight years now. I've barely improved. I feel demoralised every time I reread something of mine because it's just plain terrible. Like, there's no way anyone is actually ever going to say that. Let alone two super witty people, you just know would be great at bantering / flirting. I've asked people to beta, they're just too nice to actually tell me the very apparent issue with my dialogue. I'm not exaggerating. What should I do?
Hey, anon! First of all, I'm honoured that you thought of reaching out to me for this question even though I'm definitely still learning a lot of things about writing and what feels right to me myself. But I understand where you're coming from, and I'll do my best to help you out in whatever way I can. If any of my lovely writer mutuals have more to add, please feel free to do so!
1. Before I even start talking about anything else, it's important to remember that we're our own toughest critic, so it's possible (and quite likely) that your dialogues are not nearly as terrible as you think they are. When you've been writing and staring at the same words you've written multiple times, even the most interesting of dialogues can feel lame and try-hard to you. Whenever I write a fic and proofread through it before posting, 9/10 times I feel like it sounds boring or too dragged out. And it's because I already know what's going to happen, what the other person is going to say. Even if something is meant to be witty, I no longer find it to be so because I've written them. Return to your fics a year from now and you may feel differently.
2. Your betas are there to help you. I know it's difficult to broach that awkward boundary where you want them to be brutally honest about your writing vs wanting strangers on the internet to shower you with validation, but if you really, genuinely, want to improve your writing and make the maximum use of your betas, try talking to them about it. From what you've told me, they seem like very nice people, and if you tell them that they should just be as critical with your writing as they are with theirs, I think they'd understand. If they find that uncomfortable, that's fair. You can always ask someone else. I find that having different betas for different fics is always a good idea because you get to see how differing perspectives work.
3. Ask your betas to leave you comments when they're editing. It's easier to just pass on the doc and have them fix your typos and grammatical errors, but ask them how you can improve the dialogue and pacing as well! Tell them to leave some tips for you as they go over your work. This way, it doesn't have to be an one-on-one conversation (so neither of you feel awkward), and you can just return to the doc later and go through the suggestions slowly and imbibe them into your future works.
4. This might sound very simple, but it's important to remember when you're writing fic that these characters are normal humans who talk and behave like normal humans do. Sometimes, the whole flirting/bantering feel of the conversation just comes through from their actions and not their words. For eg. instead of writing something like:
"Hey, Potter! Are you free this weekend?" asked Lily.
"Why? Wanna take me on a date, Evans?" He smirked.
"Maybe I do."
You bring the scene to life through the same words, but more actions. Like so:
"Hey, Potter!" Lily called, her fingers tentative as they fell on his arm. James turned around, one eyebrow cocked. "Are you free this weekend?"
He looked at her silently, a smirk pulling at his lips. "Why? Wanna take me on a date, Evans?"
Lily's eyes glittered with the thrill of a challenge, and she pressed a little closer. "Maybe I do."
5. Make sure that you let your characters talk and breathe like normal humans, too! Let them take those heavy pauses for tense scenes, let them break off in between sentences because they can't finish a thought right or they're laughing too hard or they've just suddenly remembered something that froze them on the spot. Let them fumble and sigh and repeat words like we do IRL conversations. If your character is having an argument, and they're red in the face, they're probably not gonna say: "Why not?"
They're much more likely to say: "Well, why the hell not?!"
You can throw in a couple of "um"s and "uh"s and "er"s for those unsure few milliseconds. Em dashes are your best friends here. Sometimes, even saying that they're pausing to think or breathe or collect themselves can help bring your dialogues to life.
But yeah, don't overdo them either coz then the flow might break lol
6. Read! Read! Read! As writers, we sometimes forget to really read other stories or appreciate different characterizations and writing styles, which can make your writing growth halt. Not saying this is true for everyone, but reading more definitely doesn't do harm. And especially for us fanfic writers, this works even better, because we're writing about the same characters again and again. If you read another writer's take on it, you'll slowly start to hold onto the pattern of how a certain character speaks, or what they're likely to do. This is extremely useful when writing a dialogue. For instance, I know how headstrong and stubborn Lily is, I've read so many takes on this trait of hers. So when I write my dialogues, I know I can't have her backing down easily. She will go red in the face, she will yell, she will be in denial, and say harsh things she probably doesn't mean entirely when she's mad. But at the same time, I also know she's unflinchingly kind, so you know you have to write that she speaks in soft tones when comforting someone. She probably smiles really kindly, tucks her hair behind her ear when she's shy, confesses things with a lot of bravery, watches James from the sidelines with the softest expression (sorry, got lost in the feels for a sec)
Similarly, you've gotta make James be the loudest one in the room, the one who's voice carries over to everyone, who's absolutely unabashed in his dialogues and whose confidence shines through his words. But the same boy then turns unsure and tentative in moments where his heart is on the line. I always write his dialogues as super vulnerable during such scenes (much more than Lily's would be). A lot of desperation, pleases, promises, etc. etc.
I know this got really long, and I'm not sure if any of it was at all helpful. If you're looking for something specific, please do send in another ask! I don't mind helping out!
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perperam · 3 years
OKAY I saw your Instagram post things and I just want to know what are your headcanons for that universe?? Is there any specific AU you imagine the Instagram AUs happening in or do you have specific rules for your own ideal version or
somehow, surprisingly, you're not the only one to ask this !!
okay so funny story at first I literally just drew the instagram things bc I thought yeah harley would be so loved by all of internet generation gen z college kids (as an internet gen z recently graduated undergrad myself)
but then as I made the posts more and more intricate with the comments and stuff it kinda...grew into something bigger? like they actually have a particular AU for them now!! so that's fun
here's what I'm thinkin I want in my social media AU:
world building wise:
neither of them are really "heroes" but they aren't outright supervillains either—like they're anti-heroes that dont give a shit about corporate & capitalist culture
aka they can, have, and will continue to steal from big market names and threaten CEOs, but will also pool money to pay small business and support local folks
much like the vibes of the harley quinn animated series, harley and the rest are literally Just People and go to coffee shops and just hang out in public (the fuck is GCPD gonna do for them drinking coffee, send em to Arkham??)
this makes them really well liked by Gotham's general public
also because ivy has and will kill rapists and bad men on sight and harley has on more than one occasion been linked to crimes where abusers have mysteriously turned up dead or beat to a pulp with a blunt object suspiciously shaped like a bat or sledgehammer
there's this specific tattoo shop harley really likes that she goes to whenever she wants a new piece done, and because of her instagram they've become the most popular place in Gotham, in fact if you go there on any given day you have a 25% chance of seeing harley
also I wasn't kidding when I said harley really would have her own psychiatry clinic and continue to treat people (mostly college kids and criminals) for free because harley says fuck the US health care system and helping others would be really fulfilling to her
harley advertising on her instagram story: hey yall I'll be having a trauma processing session tonight at my clinic please stop by if you want to make an appointment or listen to my lecture
oh also harley has a podcast and the episodes vary from "workout routine" to "breaking the glass ceiling of female supervillains and the male gaze in crime" to "why stealing is sometimes okay" to "studying for the mcat and quick tips" to "perhaps marx was right" to random tangents that go on and on and on
pam on the other hand is not only a feared ex-supervillain but now a revered member of Gotham's city-revitalization planning committee
in between heists for rare floral specimen she plans climate protests and tree-planting events and in general does her damn best to try and bring some sort of green to Gotham in a "legal fashion" (a news source once said this and ivy almost killed the news anchor on the fucking spot from how much rage pumped through her veins in that moment)
characters & dynamics wise:
harley and ivy have been living together and literally married for like, a year now by this point
selina is over so often she might as well be living at their apartment
the gotham city sirens and the batkids are besties!! as they should be (this used to stress bruce out to no end but after the third family dinner dick planned with "aunty harls and pam" he had to eventually give up)
in fact jason and harley often get involved in stupid shenanigans and dick is almost always there with them and literal seconds from being implicated in their scheme somehow
jason is often at harley and ivy’s apartment and can greatly relate to harley in many different ways (from growing up in a crime riddled neighborhood to having intense trauma courtesy of the joker and ivy finds it endearing that he trusts harley enough to let people in (and there is a visible, tangible change in him after he starts getting closer to harley, everyone can feel how much happier he becomes)
harley and ivy are 28 and 32 respectively but because ivy literally has the interests and name of a 90 year old everyone just teases her by calling her "grandma pamela"
the batkids refer to them as aunty harley and aunty (sometimes grandma) ivy and ivy fights every time for a different name but just gave up sometime after tim joined in
ivy and tim get along really well, surprisingly
also alfred literally loves pam because she helps the plants in bruce's neglected green house thrive and ivy really enjoys his company because he's on the same wave length as her and "knows when to shut the fuck up and just bask in the quiet unlike literally all other men"
I think I want babs and dinah to be dating bc have you seen their chemistry and dick and kori to be dating bc again have you seen their chemistry but I'm kinda torn and in between and idk
bud and lou are great cuddle bugs and ivy secretly loves it but pretends she hates it to harley's face bc a girl's gotta save some semblance of dignity right
harley has adhd and you can't convince me, someone with adhd, otherwise
harley has both shitty tattoos that she gets for no other reason other than that it's funny or that she hyperfixates on them super hard for half a second and suddenly there's art on her again and ivy's just ?? when she gets home. she also really meaningful tattoos that she has multiple consultations about
she had two ribcage tattoos before the joker, got three tattoos commemorating him during their (highly abusive) relationship which she immediately covered with new ink upon leaving him, and gets a lot of patchwork style tattoos down her arms and thighs
she has a giant flower tattoo going down her entire spine and it's ivy's favorite thing ever
ivy actually also has a (singular) tattoo and it's a diamond with a stem and leaves as if it were a flower
it's still very much a work in progress but since multiple people have asked me about this I thought I'll dump all my thoughts here
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
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Hi my name’s Maeve! 😇 I write for Anakin and a tiny bit of Obi. 
My inbox is closed! 
Feel free to send me any thoughts you have, but if you send a fic request I can’t promise that I’ll get to it anytime soon. I still love to see your ideas though! 
(ps check out my ongoing fic Give Me Love) 
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First Kiss - Anakin treats reader to their first kiss
Drunk - Reader comes home from a party wasted, and Anakin is there to witness it… and maybe make out with…
Anakin Cuddling Hc’s - What it’s like to cuddle with the Best Boy
Anakin with giggly reader Hc’s and Anakin x Jealous/Insecure reader - first half is hc for a giggly reader and second half is a fic where reader gets jealous and insecure and Anakin comforts them
Anakin x Short/Shy/Insecure Reader Hc’s - Just some headcanons of a soft boy
Loving On You - Slight Anakin angst, basically you hold him after a crappy mission
Be My Forever - Anakin proposes with as little words as possible
Anakin Teaches You How To Drive Hc’s- nice car go zoom 🚗💨
Anakin With a Pregnant Reader Hc’s- use protection kids
Anakin x Touch Starved Reader Hc’s - definitely not self indulgent
Touch Starved Anakin x Reader Hc’s - this was actually rlly cute
Playing with his hair imagine - i know i write about this a lot but cmon
Anakin Comforting Reader Hc’s - cue the uwu’s
Distraction - Anakin distracts reader as they study
Walking with Anakin as he does General stuff- small blurb
Domestic Anakin Hc’s - random thoughts I had of him
Giving Anakin a massage - w a tiny hint of smut
Complimenting Anakin - is never talked about enough
Anakin x curvy Reader Hc’s
Anakin x skinny Reader Hc’s
Fluff blurbs! - one, two
Stargazing with Anakin
Wearing Anakin’s Jedi Robes Hc’s
Sleepy moments with Ani Hc’s
Jealous Anakin x Reader Hc’s - mentions of smut
Anakin x Jealous Reader Hc’s - mentions of smut
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Patched Up - Reader comes back from a mission all cut up, Anakin helps patch her up
Sick People Should Stay Away from Balconies - Reader is sick and asking for trouble, Anakin deals with her shit
Jelly toast - a request for a reader coming back from a mission all bruised and cut up, Anakin takes care of her
Anakin x Asthmatic Reader Hc’s - how he would act to you having asthma
Bad Dream- Reader has a nightmare during a thunderstorm and goes to Anakin for help
He Kicks Your Ass And Then Lets You Braid His Hair - see title
A Helping Hand (part 1) - Reader hurts her arm during a mission, and Anakin comes to help her (in more ways than one). Whump is in part 1, smut is in part 2 listed under Smut.
Anakin x Reader on her Period heacanons - shark week oofs
Anakin x Sick reader headcanons
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Don’t Forget About Me - Reader begs Anakin not to go break up the fight between Mace Windu and Palpatine
I Gave You All - Our war-torn baby just needs a hug
Anakin x Reader w/ Mommy Issues - bro i just 
Night Bus - The Council forces you to leave Anakin
A Reason to Stay - read this at your own risk, deals with severe mental health issues. basically Anakin helps reader through a dark time.
Misunderstandings - angst ending in fluff, Anakin and reader go on a bodyguard mission together and both get jealous.
Anakin crying blurb - give sad boy a hug damnit
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Anakin and Reader Take a Shower -basically what the title says. The shower gets heated in more ways than one.
What That Mouth Do Though 👄💦- he eats you out like a champ 💪🏻
Needy Anakin - (you give him a blowie)
Say My Name- jealous Anakin, choking, fucking, you know 🤷🏼‍♀️
First time - Readers first time HAVING SEX with Anakin 🥰
His First Time - The first time Anakin HAS SEX, & it’s with you :)
Welcome Home - Anakin comes home from war and reader welcomes him back with open arms... and open legs 
Save a Spaceship, Ride a Starpilot- Anakin has reader sit on his face and then she fucks him slowly ;)
Giving him a lapdance short - just a lil imagine
Jealousy (part 1) - classic under-the-table action at a high end event
Jealousy (part 2) - he gets his revenge
Master Kink Hc’s - exactly what it sounds like
A Helping Hand (part 2) - Anakin helps Reader out bc she has a broken arm :) very sweet and soft and fluffy to mend y’alls broken hearts. (part 1 is under Whump)
This is what he sounds like when he cums - grab ur headphones
This is what he sounds like in bed - grab ur headphones again lol
Anakin Eating Pussy Hc’s (part 1) - from the top make it drop thats a wap
Anakin Eating Pussy Hc’s (part 2) -  wap wap wap
General Kink blurb - credit goes to @kenobikittens​
Cruel Intentions - holiday smut, this hurt ppl’s feelings for some reason woops. anakin is mad and he’s got a dirty mouth, and also it’s Life Day.
Anakin x fem reader Pregnancy Sex Hc’s - i hate kids but this was cute
NSFW blurbs! - one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
Sub Anakin Hc’s - good boy ;)
Deepthroating Anakin Hc’s 
Dry Humping Hc’s
A Dream Come True - Anakin helps reader masturbate and cum for the first time
Anakin & size kink hc’s
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Anakin is smart - just a post talking about how intelligent our favorite Jedi is
More proof that he’s smart
Anidala Fluff - A request where Anakin and Padme do it in the fields of Naboo for the first time (no smut it’s romantic get ur head out of the gutter John B)
Love at First Sight - Anakin falls in love with you as soon as he sees you
All These Little Things - Padme x Reader / Anakin x Reader Hc’s where reader is romantically interested in Padme until she notices all of Anakin’s little things
Anakin’s hands appreciation post
Anakin’s Cheekbones Appreciation Post - he’s just got em okay
Anakin’s arms appreciation post
Aggressive Negotiations (part one) - Anakin and Reader go to a ball and it doesn’t turn out the way they expect
Aggressive Negotiations (part two) - combines the ‘he sees her dressed up for the first time’, ‘handcuffed together’, and ‘stuck in a closet’ tropes all in one mission gone wrong ;)
When he does the hand-on-cheek thing - *cries*
For people who have freckles
For people who have freckles p2 - not my work but thanks to @haydens-moles​ you guys have to suffer through this post with me
Anakin can sing
Anakin + drinking - some musings about the jedi and booze
Anakin loves rain
Anakin’s Eyelashes Appreciation Post
Random facts about his childhood
Sad Anakin fact
Anakin Reaction Pics
Random Anakin Thoughts - im so disorganized my b
What does his dick look like?
Is he brunette or blonde discourse - spoil alert: it’s neither. see next link
What color is his hair really?
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It’s you- Obi Wan x Reader fic where he comes back from a mission planning to break it off with you, but then realizes he can’t let you go
You Can Rest Now - Obiwan x Reader where you take care of him after a mission that’s left him tired and sick
Obi-Wan Hc’s - random thoughts I had about him being in a relationship
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What I Imagine The Star Wars Boys Wear For Underwear
What I Imagine The Star War’s Boys Dicks Are Like
Rating the Star Wars Boys Cum Faces on a Scale from 1-10
Kinky R2
The fanart that ended thousands of careers
R2D2 x C3P0 Smut 
You get Acid in your Vagina Hc’s 
Carrot Fun w Anakin - two parter, includes videos
Yoda smut snippet
He gave you a specific order
If Anakin can pull off a butt chin then so can I
How many shots it would take for me to sleep with the stars wars men (part one) (part two)
Anakin w a weave
Which Star Wars Characters Have a Foot Fetish
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