#i love manami and bashi's relationship its so fckn funny lmao
ywpd-translations · 2 years
Ride 717: What Manami sees before him
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Pag 1
2: Please look this way too
So, how's the final result?
Is the building of the team going well?
How is this year's Hakone Gakuen?
3: Oi, Yuuto
What is it, Bashi-san?
Could you tell us your future plans?
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Pag 2
1: By the way
2: Could you pose for us, please?
3: One more this way
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Pag 3
1: Why didn't Manami come too!?
Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing!
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Pag 4
1: Ehhh..... so there's also
2: the guy who won on mountain bike two times in a row...
3: He's probably going to win Gunma's qualifiers!
4: Kiji Kyuui, that's a troublesome name! Jou-kun
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Pag 5
1: It seems like, with his outstanding physical ability and incredible movement sense, he could forcibly hold down his opponents even during the race
3: Ehh
4: He's 188cm tall and weights 66kg
5: Apparently, he appeared on the mountain bike scene during fall three years ago, but he practiced mountain bike since before then
He's big, but
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Pag 6
1: He can climb!!
5: Ehh...
A MTB racer climbs road that are slippery and with a rough surface, so unlike with asphalt, there's grip
The power output from a one-shot climb is on adifferent order of magnitude from that of a road racer
6: What do you think?
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Pag 7
1: “Mountain Emperor”
That's that guy's nickname!!
2: Neh, Jou-kun, I was thinking
3: You know, an octopus
4: An octopus?
5: Its mouth is a “3”, right
Huh? …. three?
What? You mean that scribble you drew on the sand!? Huh... ah... yeah
6: It's the opposite way!! It's an E, like the alphabet
Ah, haha, that's right- you're really attentive, Jou-kun
7: “Alphabet” sounds like the name of a bedding product, don't you think
Oh? Huh? Alpha? Bed?
Isn't it a new discovery?
It's not!
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Pag 8
1: Sometimes he twists words and goes beyond time and space.... Manami
He means like an alpha waves bed?
2: I have more informations about that guy's race, do you want to hear them?
Nah, it's alright
3: How does he look?
Long eyelashes, his hair doesn0t cover his ears, and he usualy has eyewear on
4: Since he has low pigment in his eyes.... so it seems
5: Listening to that profile- how should I put it, it's fun to imagine him
7: Kiji-kun... huh
8: I wonder how's that kind of tension... and, like, if he's a silent person...
And how will he answe if I ask him this...
See, we're going to meet anyway, so it's more fun to imagine it, isn't it?
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Pag 9
1: Like... I wonder if he climbs like that
2: And if he has that way of fighting
5: But if that's wrong , then what
What will you do if when you see him he's completely different from what you imagined?
6: Isn't it an “hazard”?
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Pag 10
1: Isn't that the most fun thing?
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Pag 11
1: If he's just like how imagined him, then that's boring, isn't it?
Looking forward
2: to a chance meeting with an enemy?
I... see
I usually collect and analyse informations, and that's something I don't feel...
3: I guess
He's so absurd he goes beyond space and time
4: “Imagination” can sometimes exceed “knowledge”
5: It really is a new discovery, Manami
Now, should we go back to the clubroom?
Ah, right- we unintentionally took too long
Doubashi will probably be mad
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Pag 12
1: Why isn't Manami here!?
Yessir, sorry!
2: He's the captain, isn't he, that guy!!
What about the interview to Hakogaku's captain!?
Yessir, sorry!
3: I told him that today there would be interviews and photographers
4: I told you two, that you could put a leash on him, just keep a close eye on him!!
You told us!!
You did!!
5: Now now, Bashi-san
For now, the interviewers understood and went back, so it's okay, isn't it?
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Pag 13
1: He kept us waiting this long, and then he'll just lie and say the practice dragged on too long!!
Well.... that's right
2: Did you put a leash on him!?
3: What? This...
Sorry, please!
Doubashi-san told us
4: Today at 6pm you have an interview, so please be there...
Ah... that?
Sorry, but I'll pass....
5: “Pass”...
6: No!! Where is he!!
And Takadajou too!!
He's scary
I'm so glad Doubashi-san isn't our captain...
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Pag 14
1: We're back!
We're late
Goruaah!! They're back!!
2: This is the worst time, Manami-san, go outside!
We're at the highest peak of Doubashi-san's anger
3: Oh...
4: How was is, Bashi-kun
5: Did you do well with the interview?
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Pag 15
1: Thanks to you, we could practice a lot
Together with Jou-kun, we  practiced on the mountain for 12 times
2: Huh?
That climb....? 12 times!?
3: Even though I advised him to stop at the ninth time
4: 'cause I was decided
The basics of training are recovery and pushing hard
5: If I don't push myself hard then I won't become stronger
6: And did you?
7: We're the greatest up until now
8: I have no date about it
9: It's okay
Because I can feel it
10: Buah!!
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Pag 16
1: Then alright!!
Bring it on, Manami, you must be right!! After all
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Pag 17
1: We're Hakogaku's third years!!
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Pag 18
3: What?
4: Doubashi's anger is...!?
I thought it was a critical situation, and yet
The moment the three third years gathered
It changed into an incredible sense of unity
I wondered what kind of excuse he had but...
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Pag 19
1: He just said he was practicing...!!
2: And they agreed with each other?
Strength is their common language!
There's something I heard
They practiced hard and walked together, so Hakone Academy's third years
3: Have a very unique bond!!
4: Amazing!!
They're so strong!!
I'm so glad I joined Hakogaku!!
5: Incredible....!!
In the club tournament, the E group and the F group haven't finished yet
6: This year's Inter High....
In addition to the three third years, the second year Yuuto will run too, right!?
7: The four people who are decided already have such a pressure!!
What we'll see this summer.....
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Pag 20
1: It's an overwhelming victory!!
2: It's the final summer...!!
Will you come!?
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