#posting this very quickly hoping theres no huge mistakes lmao
ywpd-translations · 2 years
Ride 717: What Manami sees before him
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Pag 1
2: Please look this way too
So, how's the final result?
Is the building of the team going well?
How is this year's Hakone Gakuen?
3: Oi, Yuuto
What is it, Bashi-san?
Could you tell us your future plans?
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Pag 2
1: By the way
2: Could you pose for us, please?
3: One more this way
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Pag 3
1: Why didn't Manami come too!?
Yeah, I'm wondering the same thing!
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Pag 4
1: Ehhh..... so there's also
2: the guy who won on mountain bike two times in a row...
3: He's probably going to win Gunma's qualifiers!
4: Kiji Kyuui, that's a troublesome name! Jou-kun
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Pag 5
1: It seems like, with his outstanding physical ability and incredible movement sense, he could forcibly hold down his opponents even during the race
3: Ehh
4: He's 188cm tall and weights 66kg
5: Apparently, he appeared on the mountain bike scene during fall three years ago, but he practiced mountain bike since before then
He's big, but
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Pag 6
1: He can climb!!
5: Ehh...
A MTB racer climbs road that are slippery and with a rough surface, so unlike with asphalt, there's grip
The power output from a one-shot climb is on adifferent order of magnitude from that of a road racer
6: What do you think?
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Pag 7
1: “Mountain Emperor”
That's that guy's nickname!!
2: Neh, Jou-kun, I was thinking
3: You know, an octopus
4: An octopus?
5: Its mouth is a “3”, right
Huh? …. three?
What? You mean that scribble you drew on the sand!? Huh... ah... yeah
6: It's the opposite way!! It's an E, like the alphabet
Ah, haha, that's right- you're really attentive, Jou-kun
7: “Alphabet” sounds like the name of a bedding product, don't you think
Oh? Huh? Alpha? Bed?
Isn't it a new discovery?
It's not!
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Pag 8
1: Sometimes he twists words and goes beyond time and space.... Manami
He means like an alpha waves bed?
2: I have more informations about that guy's race, do you want to hear them?
Nah, it's alright
3: How does he look?
Long eyelashes, his hair doesn0t cover his ears, and he usualy has eyewear on
4: Since he has low pigment in his eyes.... so it seems
5: Listening to that profile- how should I put it, it's fun to imagine him
7: Kiji-kun... huh
8: I wonder how's that kind of tension... and, like, if he's a silent person...
And how will he answe if I ask him this...
See, we're going to meet anyway, so it's more fun to imagine it, isn't it?
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Pag 9
1: Like... I wonder if he climbs like that
2: And if he has that way of fighting
5: But if that's wrong , then what
What will you do if when you see him he's completely different from what you imagined?
6: Isn't it an “hazard”?
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Pag 10
1: Isn't that the most fun thing?
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Pag 11
1: If he's just like how imagined him, then that's boring, isn't it?
Looking forward
2: to a chance meeting with an enemy?
I... see
I usually collect and analyse informations, and that's something I don't feel...
3: I guess
He's so absurd he goes beyond space and time
4: “Imagination” can sometimes exceed “knowledge”
5: It really is a new discovery, Manami
Now, should we go back to the clubroom?
Ah, right- we unintentionally took too long
Doubashi will probably be mad
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Pag 12
1: Why isn't Manami here!?
Yessir, sorry!
2: He's the captain, isn't he, that guy!!
What about the interview to Hakogaku's captain!?
Yessir, sorry!
3: I told him that today there would be interviews and photographers
4: I told you two, that you could put a leash on him, just keep a close eye on him!!
You told us!!
You did!!
5: Now now, Bashi-san
For now, the interviewers understood and went back, so it's okay, isn't it?
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Pag 13
1: He kept us waiting this long, and then he'll just lie and say the practice dragged on too long!!
Well.... that's right
2: Did you put a leash on him!?
3: What? This...
Sorry, please!
Doubashi-san told us
4: Today at 6pm you have an interview, so please be there...
Ah... that?
Sorry, but I'll pass....
5: “Pass”...
6: No!! Where is he!!
And Takadajou too!!
He's scary
I'm so glad Doubashi-san isn't our captain...
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Pag 14
1: We're back!
We're late
Goruaah!! They're back!!
2: This is the worst time, Manami-san, go outside!
We're at the highest peak of Doubashi-san's anger
3: Oh...
4: How was is, Bashi-kun
5: Did you do well with the interview?
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Pag 15
1: Thanks to you, we could practice a lot
Together with Jou-kun, we  practiced on the mountain for 12 times
2: Huh?
That climb....? 12 times!?
3: Even though I advised him to stop at the ninth time
4: 'cause I was decided
The basics of training are recovery and pushing hard
5: If I don't push myself hard then I won't become stronger
6: And did you?
7: We're the greatest up until now
8: I have no date about it
9: It's okay
Because I can feel it
10: Buah!!
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Pag 16
1: Then alright!!
Bring it on, Manami, you must be right!! After all
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Pag 17
1: We're Hakogaku's third years!!
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Pag 18
3: What?
4: Doubashi's anger is...!?
I thought it was a critical situation, and yet
The moment the three third years gathered
It changed into an incredible sense of unity
I wondered what kind of excuse he had but...
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Pag 19
1: He just said he was practicing...!!
2: And they agreed with each other?
Strength is their common language!
There's something I heard
They practiced hard and walked together, so Hakone Academy's third years
3: Have a very unique bond!!
4: Amazing!!
They're so strong!!
I'm so glad I joined Hakogaku!!
5: Incredible....!!
In the club tournament, the E group and the F group haven't finished yet
6: This year's Inter High....
In addition to the three third years, the second year Yuuto will run too, right!?
7: The four people who are decided already have such a pressure!!
What we'll see this summer.....
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Pag 20
1: It's an overwhelming victory!!
2: It's the final summer...!!
Will you come!?
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joshusten · 1 month
kiss and make up
In which Honey wants a makeover and Guy gladly helps. (lots of kisses, fluff, makeover time!!!)
2.7k+ words [ao3 will be added when im not lazy lmao] [masterlist]
[CW and notes: typical guy innuendoes, honey doesn't know how to do makeup and they get a lil insecure about that fact, that being said i'm not really a makeup expert too LMAO, theres also lots of grammar mistakes probably ;--; and since like, makeup styles and visuals vary between people i tried to make it as vague and gender neutral as possible but idk if i really achieved that so keep that in mind and please let me know if i should change some wordings etc. ! oh and lmk about typos too hehe tysm!]
thank you so so much to my dearest friend @slushiepizza !! this wip is literally a year long and they've been a HUGE HUGE (x1000) help to me finishing (and convincing to post) this fic!! this fic's also inspired by fanart they made before and this yt short from that one anthony padilla interview. also yes theres a lil 2024 hbs guy AAAND jin (his gamer friend in that second hoodie video i think) reference too lmao HAHAHAH hope you enjoy!! :D "Ugh! Why can't I fucking–" 
“Piece of—!”
Another frustrated groan cuts Honey off. For the past few minutes, Guy had been hearing his partner's muffled frustrations from their room all the way to their humble kitchenette and he was seriously starting to get worried about what could possibly be troubling their usually well-composed lover.
He quickly turned off the stove, wiping his hands on the piercingly hot pink apron with the words "Please Do More than Kiss the Chef" embroidered on its body (a joke gift, courtesy of Rosa being his Secret Santa last year, that Guy legitimately used in his every day, much to his friend’s amusement). Fortunately, the lunch he was making was done by the time he decided to check up on them (and, really, it was just a simple one-pot pasta recipe he stumbled on Tiktok at 3 AM.)
Guy haphazardly hung the apron by a chair nearby—future Guy can worry about all of the mess later—and made his way to the hallway that led to their small shared bedroom.
He gently knocked a little melody on the door,  announcing his presence through the painted wood. "Honey?”
A thump was heard, as if something suddenly dropped out of surprise, followed by a faint “Shit!”
The man knocked again, this time with a furrowed brow.
“Honey dearest? Lover of mine? Is someone botherin’ you? Need to kick someone’s ass?” He joked, clearing his throat afterward for a more sincere tone. “But for real, do you need any help there, baby?”
The silence that followed almost tempted Guy to ask again before a loud sigh came from the other side.
"Yeah…It's unlocked. You can come in..." 
They almost sounded embarrassed. A little shy even. The man couldn’t help but grin at how comfortable Honey had become showing him their more vulnerable sides throughout their time together. 
Guy opened the door slowly to reveal their usual semi-tidy bedroom save for the mess that seemed only to be contained around Honey, whose head was currently hanging low in shame. Alarms went off in his mind once he processed the potential severity of the situation with how distressed his partner looked.
He rushed to where Honey sat, in front of the vanity where a variety of make-up products were strewn across the dark oak wood. Upon closer inspection, he could see that—
Oh. Uhm. This was interesting.
His partner’s frustrated face seemed to be an amalgamation of different cosmetics that looked like they were hastily smeared on and rubbed off multiple times. 
Patchy foundation, unblended blush, shaky eyeliner. 
Guy can practically feel the heat coming off their tinted face, furrowing their brows and averting their glare to the side.
“Look, I know what this looks like but—" Honey was never able to finish their sentence as a very, very poor attempt of stifled giggles reached their burning ears. Oh my god, he's never gonna let them live this down, is he? 
“Wh-whaaaat? N-no, you look f-fine Honey! Pfft–” A snort interrupted the man's words of reassurance. 
“Guy, stop laughing, you asshole!” They groaned, sending a flurry of light slaps to Guy's shoulders, snickering along to indicate that they weren’t actually mad at him because, yeah, they did look a little silly (and his laugh was too damn cute to distract them from their predicament) but that still didn't make them any less self-conscious about it.
“I-I–OW! I don’t know what you mean, baby!”
Honey crossed their arms and made a face, looking away in a pretend-but-not-really sulk. 
“Fine, so I’m horrible at makeup ha-ha! Pack it up, jackass!”
To that, their boyfriend's laughter slowly died down, leaving him with a soft, sympathetic smile. 
“Okay, okay! I’m sorry! C’mere,” He apologized, beckoning them to come closer to which Honey begrudgingly complied. His smile brightened, pressing numerous quick kisses against his partner’s grumpy face, pulling away with a string of giddy giggles.
“Ew, I got your foundation on my lips.”
“Serves you right,” Honey huffed, unable to hold in a chuckle as they saw the faint splotches of the coating in their skin color on their boyfriend’s stubbled chin and pouted lips.
“So, uh, mind telling me what actually happened over here? ‘Cuz, Honey, you’re as pretty as a painting…given that it’s a painting my baby cousin can do, which I’m assuming isn’t what you were going for?” Guy asked, his full attention to his partner's make-up Frankenstein of a face.
The embarrassment rushed back to Honey tenfold but they masked it up with a shrug that looked timid regardless. “I dunno…there’s this event in the evening with my company and I just…wanted to try something new with my look. I-it's stupid. I started a lot earlier because I knew I’d need some time to learn but…I just can't get the hang of it!”
Sure, they know make-up isn’t all that easy to do but managing to tremendously fuck up something as seemingly simple as putting color on their face despite the amount of tutorials they’ve watched was just embarrassing to admit (especially to someone they’ve grown to care about what he thinks of them). They braced themself for more mocking laughter yet the teasing never came. Instead, they heard an excited gasp.
"Oh, I can do your makeup for you!"
"Uhm– I– You–?"
Guy picked up the wiped near Honey and started pulling a few from the already-opened plastic pack. The subtle clean scent of aloe vera wafted into their nostrils.
"I can do your make-up!" The man repeated happily, oblivious to Honey's quizzical stare. He gently grabbed their chin with one hand while the other one held the cleanser-soaked napkin inches closer to their cheek before he stopped and gazed into their eyes, "Can I?"
"Uh…Y-yeah. Sure." They felt their breath hitch at the sudden intimacy of the distance between them.
Guy beamed at that and started removing the product on their face but the confused expression never leaves it. He discarded the used wipes in the trash can under the vanity table and started sifting through their shopping spree's worth of cosmetics.
“I suggest you buy micellar water or cleansers instead of those wipes. They do a better job!”
“Uh, Guy?”
"Oh, you got this one! Yeah, I really like their formula, it doesn't feel too heavy on the skin. Well at least on my skin. Let me know if it doesn't feel comfy and–"
"Woah, you got your shade just right with this one! Ah, but I think this brand oxidizes so the color might change–"
"Ooh, I haven’t seen this product before! Is this newly released or—”
"Guy!” Honey exclaimed, finally capturing their boyfriend’s ever-so-dwindling attention. “Babe. How…I mean, not that I'm doubting your skills or anything but–" 
By this time, Guy had already cleaned all of the makeup off from his partner and was now left with the face he was more used to seeing (and admiring).
"It's just…I've never seen you wear makeup. At all. Besides Halloween, I guess?”
The man simply grinned at that and continued rummaging through the cases of eyeshadows and face creams. “If you must know, a performer was moi!” 
“Oh, trust me, I'm familiar with your theatrics.”
“I’m just gonna pretend you meant that as a compliment,” He huffed, averting his gaze to the products that lay between them both. “Anyway, I did a lot of shows back then and, well, with constantly getting your face painted on, you pick up a few techniques, y'know? I even get to do my own makeup!”
The click and clatter of glass and plastic fills the room as Guy carefully examines each container with the same look he gets when he proofreads a revision of a script he made. It was almost weird to see how his eyes scanned the text of the labels and his habit of biting the inside of his cheek while focusing on the context other than the familiar blue light of his laptop.
“Got interested, asked my friends, then watched a few vids. I got to…’secretly borrow’ some of my mom's makeup to test out some looks.” The image of a teenage Guy experimenting with makeup much like what Honey was doing a while ago tickled their mind.
“But eh, college got in the way and I never really got the time to play around with some flashier makeup styles between delivering greasy ass pizzas and delivering exquisite screenplays that excite the mind and bewitch the heart.”
He held up a circular blush pot near a dumbfounded Honey. His eyes squinted with focus until he finally determined the blush matched their skin tone just fine. 
“Anyway, let's get some moisturizer to prep that cute face of yours!”
After Honey described what they wanted for their look, scrolled through Pinterest to get some inspiration, and watched a few more tutorials, the pair eventually got started with the process.
Guy put on an even layer of foundation, and concealer that he tried his best to match their skin, added contour, eyeshadow and blush according to the style they had requested, and painstakingly drew on some eyeliner (“Because everybody looks hotter with eyeliner!”). He had even let them try a few brush strokes of their own to get the feel of it.
Honey, on the other hand, felt like they were going to explode from the attention they’d been getting from him. Granted, they were no stranger to his affections yet something about the way he was so close—to the point where they could feel the warmth emanating from him, where the way his breath ghosts their neck made them tremble—it was a whole different experience.
The man added some finishing details to Honey’s face before announcing the final step: lipstick.
“Hm, let’s try these colors. Maybe it’s more your style.” He brought up a few plastic tubes with one hand closer to them, awaiting their input on his selection.
“Have you tried these brands before?”
“Uh, not really…I don’t think I’ve actually tried the liquid ones or the twisty ones. What’s the difference anyway? They both color your lips, right?”
Guy laughed at the sheer creativity of the nickname his partner had appointed to the lipsticks in his hand.  “Ah well, I’m glad you asked, Honey!”
He twisted up the matte tube and swiped the creamy formula on his lips, smacking them to spread it evenly. The color on his lips only emphasizes the smirk it formed, amused by the hitched breath Honey lets out as he gently cradled their face and brought it closer to his.
“Solid lipstick doesn't last long. See?” 
He demonstrated this by pressing his mouth on the back of his hand a few times to reveal pigmented marks against his skin. The man even gestured toward his face to show that the tint of the lipstick had significantly faded.
Honey was definitely studying his lips, alright. It formed into the same old smile they never got tired of, this time with its edges slightly smeared from what he had done moments ago. They were so entranced that they didn't even notice Guy reaching for a clear tube, this time twisting it to reveal an application wand with a different hue of the lipstick before, quickly applying it on his lightened lips.
“While liquid lipstick—” His quip breaks Honey’s lip-centered daydream and with a sudden movement, Guy pressed his colored lips gently against Honey's bare ones,  the latter letting out a quiet squeak that made the man eagerly press down harder. He slowly pulled away, close enough to have just an inch of space between their mouths.
“...Is kissproof!” 
He was right. Honey could see that Guy’s lips still looked the same with no sign of smudging or transferring of the product. Not that the efficiency of the lipstick is what’s on the forefront of their mind at the moment.
“O-oh,” their voice cracked rather pathetically but Guy only let out a laugh, holding up the twisted-up tube of the lipstick he first used near the other’s visibly quivering lips.
“Hm…now that I see it, I think the shade on the ‘twisty one’ fits your look better. Let’s use that!” 
A wide-eyed Honey simply nodded in response.
“...And then here’s your make-up bag, just in case you need to retouch! So, what do ya think? Stunning? Iconic? Gorgeous? Oh, oh! Pulchritudinous? Ehh?”
Honey turned to the vanity mirror for the first time in a while and gaped in the reflection. 
“It's…” They raised their hand, opting to feel their face before deciding otherwise as they realized it might waste all of their boyfriend’s hard work. Honey racked in every corner of their brain for a word to encompass the awe they’re in right now, wishing they had even just a fraction of Guy’s mind to express it in words. 
But for now, they’re just Honey—who isn’t particularly known for their expertise in saying what they mean and they settle for the answer they weren’t satisfied with at all.
“It’s pretty.” 
The person staring back at them looked so different yet still the same. It felt like looking at themselves from a different perspective. Pretty was hardly an adequate descriptor for what they were looking at but it’s all they could think about in their dazed state (the way their partner beamed at their compliment told them he didn’t mind).
“You’re the pretty one, hon! With or without make-up! I mean, c’mon! Look at that smile!”
That earned a wider smile from Honey with Guy giddily matching it.
“I’d have to thank my handsome make-up artist for that. He did such a wonderful job after all.” 
“How do you suppose you’ll do that then, Honey?”
This time, Honey was the one to surprise their lover with a kiss.
“Do you really have to go?” Guy whined though he already knew the answer. That didn’t stop him from snaking a hand around Honey’s waist, who was just leaving through the door of their shared apartment.
“Yes, Guy. I really have to, especially with how long you’ve been painting on my face, there’s a possibility I might get late,” they explained, giving him an apologetic look despite the scolding tone of their voice. 
“Well, who can blame me when my Honey’s looking absolutely ravishing,” He pulls Honey closer with his usual goofy smile, though this time they notice a mischievous glint in his eyes, “Besides, just a while ago it seems like you wanted your face to be painted with something else, ehh—mmph!”
Honey had cut him off by pressing their lips tenderly against his once more, eliciting a relaxed sigh from him. They pulled back to see a pouty expression plastered on Guy’s face.
“Fuck. Y-you’re enjoying that stunt way too much, it’s not fair!”
“I wasn’t the one that started it!”
“Fine, whatever!” Guy lamented loudly, complete with his hand clutching overdramatically on his chest. “Be like that, go to your party, then! See if I care!”
Honey just rolled their eyes with a smile. “One last goodbye kiss?” 
And how could he ever say no to that?
So after a quick peck on Guy’s cheek (maybe two or three more), Honey finally made their way out the door, leaving him a bit lightheaded than before. 
Despite his lovesick state, he was quick to make his way over to the couch and started setting up his game console connected to their T.V. Since his Honey would be out for most of the night, he decided to invite a friend over to play video games and kill some time.
Knock, knock. Ah, speak of the devil. “Jin! Come in, man!”
Guy swung the door open to reveal a man his age, carrying a paper bag full of chips on one arm and a game controller on the other. He set down the snacks on the second-hand coffee table before settling himself on the couch his friend was sitting on. 
“Sorry for being a little late, just had to do a few things. So, what game are we…Oh.”
“Why? What’s wrong?” “Dude. I think you should look at a mirror.” --
yes jin like one of guys friends that he plays with in that one hoodie video. with no voice line or anything at all. that jin. LMAO
anyway i rlly hope u enjoy this :")) i honestly dont think its my best work LMAO but eh! im here 2 have fun man,,, and this probably would be my last fic (atleast in a while but aughh idk if i'll be active again here HAHAJHAD) so yeah!! hope u liked it tysm have a good night/day!!
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