#i love reading your interpretations and i get so giddy thank you all so so so so much
shadowusagiart · 1 year
I hav no clue how modern Tumlbr works so I have been ass at saying this but!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you all for all of the love on my fanart pieces!!!! 🥹
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heisenberg-simp257 · 1 year
I saw the Requests open so, yeahhhhh
The 4 lords (separate) with a crush!reader who's, yes have a crush on
Who's really, really, really, oblivious, like a lot, that they can't even take one small Hint,
And the 4 lords (separate) Finally confessed, The confession took 4 hours to understand the reader.
Thank you for reading!
I think I understand! Hope you enjoy! 💖 Sorry if it's wrong anywhere!
The Four Lords with an Oblivious Crush!Reader
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-When it comes to having a crush on someone, Alcina is usually very patient. She's not one to get giddy or overly excited, but she does feel a sense of pleasantness when around her crush. That being said, it's very hard for said person to realize her fondness because she is very subtle about it.
-Especially when that someone is as oblivious as you are.
-You don't recognize anything as flirtatious, which upsets her because Alcina always believes that her subtle hints were brilliantly thought out, and then you don't even see it. She tends to sulk a bit afterwards, and you have to pry her on why. Which sucks because Alcina gives up on telling you the exact reason.
-Her daughters try to help in any way they can because their mother has ranted about your oblivious behavior to them, but even those three can't get through to you. They won't tell you about Alcina's feelings out of respect, but they sure as hell give hints.
-One day she can't take it anymore and prepares some wine to tell you about how she feels. Knowing Alcina, it was very dramatic and a lot of words were used. But still, to anyone else, it would have been very straightforward. Except for you, who kept thinking she was talking about friendship.
-It only took four grueling hours for you to get what she was talking about.
-You confessed that you never realized what she was trying to get across and apologized profusely for it. She was a bit strained during this whole exchange but was relieved that it was over and you returned her feelings for you. Now you'll recognize all her gestures were coming from love.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna is extremely shy when it comes to having a crush on someone and it all stems back to her insecurities. She never feels like she's good enough for someone to love, but Donna is trying to push herself to express her feelings to that person she likes. But she is very very subtle about it, which doesn't help anyone.
-Especially you, who can never recognize a hint.
-And it's not always your fault because Donna isn't even the best at giving hints. Everything she does would be considered friendly, even by a person who isn't as oblivious as you. She would make you things, fix things for you, and make you all this tea. You interpret it a lot differently than how she's trying to display it as. Every time after, she would go to her room and just stare out the window.
-Angie is way more upfront about the whole situation, but the funny part is that she never brings up Donna's feelings. The doll just gets angry at you for "not getting it", which you don't understand in the slightest. Donna has to come and apologize with a red and flustered face.
-It takes Donna literal months before she realizes that this isn't going to work and she needs to just make the first move, which honestly scares her even more. She just wants to do it fast like ripping off a band-aid. It would be just Donna's luck that she would have to explain herself over and over again because you didn't understand what she was trying to say (due to her mumbling and your obliviousness).
-Four hours later and she's an emotional puddle on the floor.
-You were embarrassed for her and yourself as well for not noticing her advances (which weren't too much to be honest). Now you both were being kind of awkward as you tried to explain your own feelings for her. Each time she does something for you now, you pay extra close attention to it because you want her to know you understand now.
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Salvatore Moreau
-Moreau is a big bundle of love when it comes to having a crush on somebody. Not only that, but he gets a crush quite easily. All it takes is a smile or a laugh before his attention is just on you. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and he's not one to give up when it comes to giving signs. Moreau is oddly patient which is good because it's going to take him a while to get the message across.
-You were a very oblivious person when it came to things like this.
-However, sometimes Moreau doesn't even realize that you didn't understand what his little gestures meant. He's so excited to give you more affection that he didn't know it went over your head. In your eyes, he was just being really nice to you since adjusting to life in this area had been hard. You didn't even realize that his affections go much farther than that.
-Eventually though, Moreau recognizes that his gestures aren't doing anything. He isn't stupid no matter what Heisenberg says. He starts to realize that he's going to have to take another approach. Unlike the other lords, he doesn't get nervous or embarrassed when it comes to things like this.
-It was easy for him to sit with you and explain his growing feelings outright. Moreau was direct and concise, probably adding more words than needed, but he was just that kind of guy. He thought was easily getting the point across and that it was going to end well. Moreau didn't expect you to be as dense as you are, no offense.
-It took him a whopping four hours for you to realize his crush.
-At this point, he was beyond exhausted yet relieved that you finally knew. You felt a little embarrassed that he had to explain all this just for you to understand how he feels. With that in mind, you were a little flustered as well. But you were grateful. Now, things can have a more special meaning.
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Karl Heisenberg
-If Moreau is a ball of love, then Heisenberg is a vacant field of isolation. He's never had a "crush" on anyone or he might just crush himself. To him, love is a weakness that needs to be eradicated. And perhaps that view of thinking stems from the fact that he didn't know or understand any form of real love. But when he gets a crush on you, he's in for a ride.
-Because you are the densest and most oblivious person he knows, and it kills him.
-Heisenberg didn't know how to give hints about how he feels towards you because he's never experienced this before. To be honest, your obliviousness was most likely also due to his inexperience. Still, it gets him frustrated that his little acts of kindness go unnoticed because that's just how Heisenberg is when it comes to things not going his way.
-The more this goes on, the more Heisenberg fears that he will have to speak up about it otherwise it was going to drive him nuts. He can't handle his emotions very well, so sometimes his aggression is directed from his inability to handle how he feels about you. He'll also self-isolate which also gives you the wrong impression. But it's the sit down with him that's kind of scary for you.
-Because of the obliviousness, he has to sit with you face to face in order to get the message across. Not only that, but you have no clue what he's about to discuss with you because you never recognized the signs he was giving. Frankly, it was because he also didn't hand out many signs. Heisenberg was stubborn, stuttering, and overall nervous as he told you how he felt. Which also didn't work in his favor.
-This led to four hours of him having to repeat and explain himself.
-He thought his face was going to melt from how hot it was. Congratulations, you have finally broken Lord Heisenberg's walls and turned him into a puddle of mush. He sincerely hopes you return the feelings for him otherwise he will just combust and probably smush himself under a piece of scrap metal. You were probably just as flushed as he was about the realization, promising to be better about it from now on. Give him a hug and he will explode.
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muridae3 · 27 days
Vertigo | Harvey x Cringefail Farmer
This is my interpretation of how Harvey and Cringefail Farmer would handle Harvey's 10 heart event. I hope you enjoy!
Cringefail Farmer belongs to the lovely @clarisinne ! If you haven't already, please go read their Cringefail Farmer comic. It is absolutely amazing!
“This is so stupid…” Harvey sighed, slipping his hands into his pockets. The early morning chill was already starting to nip at him. He was about to turn back, wanting to abandon this completely idiotic idea, when her voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Hi… Why did you want to meet me so early, Harvey?” She asked, stopping beside him and stretching. 
“It’s only nine… Your sleep schedule concerns me…” He said, smiling despite his better judgment. “But, you’re just in time!”
Harvey gestured at the sky, and she gawked at the hot air balloon descending towards them.
“Look, here it comes!” Harvey couldn’t help but feel a little giddy at the prospect of being in the sky, even though it was very clearly a stupid idea.
The balloon drifted down, the faint hiss of the burner fading as it settled onto the grass. A small man exited the basket. “Marcello’s balloon rentals, at your service!”
“Thank you for the last-minute rental, Marcello.” Harvey said, passing the man an envelope with the payment. 
Marcello did not respond, counting the bills slowly before looking up at them. “Now, I heard there was a saloon around here?”
“Uh, it’s in town… you go down those steps over there and south. It’s called the Stardrop.” She said, surprising Harvey.
Marcello left without another word.
“I didn’t know you could be kind to strangers…” Harvey said, turning to her.
She blushed, that familiar shade of red tugging on Harvey’s heartstrings. “Yeah, well, I… you know. Where’d you find this thing, anyway?”
“I saw an ad in the paper for these balloon rides, and I knew I had to surprise you with one.” He said, grinning. 
“But aren’t you afraid of heights?”
His grin faltered slightly. He had been trying not to think of that. “I am… yeah. But, I’m determined not to let that stop me from doing what I want… and experiencing this with you.” 
That made her blush more. “Sweet Yoba, that was cheesy.” 
Harvey laughed. “I’ll try not to get scared.” 
He opened the door of the basket, allowing her to step in before he did. Pulling the cord, he took a breath, steeling himself for the ascent into the sky. 
The familiar twinge of nerves in his belly progressed to all-out panic as the ground fell further and further away, and Harvey had to cover his eyes. 
“Are you… good?” She asked. “I think you’ll break the basket if you grip it any harder…”
“We’re… we’re up so high…” He mumbled, trying to swallow his fear. “I wanted to impress you with this… but look at me. I’m a trembling coward…” He let out a shaky laugh, trying to salvage the situation that he had so thoroughly ruined. 
“Don’t talk about yourself like that.” She laid a hand on his shoulder. 
“Well, you’ve certainly got more than enough courage to make up for me… that’s… that’s part of why I like you.” He said, leaning into her touch.
“Courage? Or stupidity?” She asked, laughing. “How many times did you patch me up because I went to the mines or tripped and fell or did something else just as stupid?” 
“Entirely too many. But… I mean… those times did get you to… to talk to me.” 
“Well, I mean, you went all those weeks without talking to me…” He took a breath. “But I liked that I got to see you when you hurt yourself. Not that I liked it when you hurt yourself, but… uh…” He cringed at himself– somehow, he had made the situation even more awkward.
“Heh. I guess you’re right. If I weren’t so stupid…” She trailed off. 
“You’re not stupid, just… a little hard headed. Not in a bad way!" He paused, frantically trying to think of a way to save this. "I just… oh, cheese and crackers, I messed this up. I’m sorry. I just wanted… I just wanted to do something nice for you. But look at me. I can’t even open my eyes.” 
“This is nice, Harvey. Would it help if I…” She took his hand in her own. 
“Yes,” He whispered, “Please, do.”
She stroked his thumb with her own. “I’ve got you.”
“Okay…” He took a breath. “I’m going to open my eyes and look down… don’t let go of my hand.”
“Couldn’t if I tried. You have a very strong grip.”
“Sorry.” He said, wincing. His breath caught as he opened his eyes, heart pounding in his chest. Every instinct screamed at him to look away. The ground was so far away, and they were so high in the air, and… her hand was warm. So warm. So comforting. 
“I… I think I can do it now.” He said, focusing entirely on the weight of her hand in his own.
“Look, birds!” She pointed to the passing flock, and he watched them go by.
He felt the wind on his face and the sun on his skin. He realized he had actually begun to enjoy himself. It was so… peaceful.
The nerves in his stomach gradually settled, and he allowed his other hand to fall to his side.
“Hey, this is incredible! I think I can see Mayor Lewis standing in the town square!” He said, pointing at the little green blob.
“I should have brought his underwear… we could have pelted him with it.” She said with a laugh. 
Harvey checked his watch. “Oh dear… our time’s almost up.” 
“Aw, already?” She asked, turning to him. 
“Um… well, I did want to… er, talk to you about… and, um, this is as good a place as any…” He trailed off. Sweet Yoba, why did his brain stop working when he was around her?
She was looking at him expectantly. Now or never. 
“Um… We’ve known each other for a while now, and… I… er…” He trailed off. 
She cupped his cheek with her hand, and he closed the gap between them. 
They said nothing for the next half hour, his lips on her mouth and neck and shoulders.
Strangely, Harvey felt as if he had gotten his point across without ever saying a word.
Pausing for breath, Harvey pulled away from her. “Whoops…” He mumbled, checking his watch. “Our time was up  a half hour ago. We’d better touch down.”
“But it’s nice up here… with you.” She said, cupping his cheek once more. 
“Even so… we can continue this later. Wait…” His face went red, realizing the implication. “That’s not what I meant–”
She laughed, cutting him off. “I know what you meant. I’m free for lunch if you are?”
He smiled. “Yeah, lunch sounds nice.”
As they touched down and stepped out of the basket, Harvey lingered, looking back at the balloon. “I still can’t believe I did that.” He murmured. 
She took his hand in her own once again, smiling. 
“Thank you for putting up with me today.” He said as they descended the stairs. 
“You put up with me all the time. I’m only returning the favor.” She said, leaning on his arm. 
“I mean it. I’m sorry I was such a… wuss.” 
“Harvey.” She stopped walking, looking at him. “I avoided you for weeks because of my stupid fear. You literally had to chase me down. But, you just faced your greatest fear head on to impress me. If anything, that makes me wussier than you.”
He blushed. “I… well, I wouldn’t call you a wuss…”
“A coward? A weakling? A sissy?”
“Mine. I’d call you mine.” He said, planting a kiss on her forehead. 
She blushed. “Uh… lunch.”
“Yeah. Lunch. C’mon.” He pulled her towards town, reveling in the fact that he’d rendered her speechless.
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krotiation · 3 months
You asked me about Susan but I'm curious of your thoughts on Timothy in Pre Sequel comparisment to Moxxi BL3 DLC if it's OKI!! I love reading your interpretations sm 😭💕💕
I think the main difference is the fact that Tim is a bit jaded in bl3. This guy is living out of pure spite at this point and refuses to die in the casino, just like he refused to die on Elpis. Actually, he’s always refused to die for Jack or any Jack-related reasons, but the core reason for it is different. In tps Tim’s biggest qualm with Jack was the fact that he just didn’t like him which became more and more apparent as he continued helping him. Bl3 Tim has realized that he wasn’t just working for Jack, he was in servitude to him
Jack wanted Tim to kill people, so he did that. Jack wanted Tim at the casino, so he went there. Jack wanted Tim to become a pornstar, so he became one. Jack, Jack, Jack, everything was for Jack. The least he could do was die for himself, away from the casino and anything relating to Hyperion
Another thing I immediately took note of was how he sleeps around at the casino which is actually really interesting to me since that’s very much a Jack Thing to do, and you’d think that Tim would try to be as less like Jack as possible. Tim doesn’t seem to be that much of a casanova in tps, only flirting (and failing) with Moxxi, but even then it was because he thinks she’s pretty, not just because he wanted to sleep with her. I imagine Tim gets lonely at the casino since he’s always on the run and some hanky panky is a way for him to not only feel less so but also to distract himself from his whole situation. Tps Tim is, to me, the type of guy who gets flustered when someone thinks he’s coming onto them, whereas bl3 Tim is much more familiar with casual sex thanks to his job
BUT ALSO speaking of Moxxi, there are still similarities. Tim is still an awkward dork when it comes to people he really likes and that shows with how giddy he got when he was gonna talk to Moxxi (and how he completely fumbled it at first). He DEFINITELY thought about her a lot and rehearsed lines that he would say to her which is probably another coping mechanism to him. “Gotta leave the casino or you’ll never be able to tell Moxxi how you feel” type of gooey schmooey stuff. Tim is overall more passive aggressive in bl3 and holds a grudge against Lilith for vault punching Jack which lead Tim to get scarred as well, but he never judged Moxxi for viewing him as collateral damage on Helios and almost getting him killed. If there’s anything Tim is really good at it’s being in denial!!
Aside from all this Tim is just way more comfortable at what he does, even if he doesn’t necessarily like it. In tps he considers the dopplegänger program worth it at times because he’s getting good in combat, but there’s a cognitive dissonance there. Bl3 Tim is, again, jaded. He still doesn’t like killing people, but this time it’s about self preservation, not doing someone else’s dirty work because you can’t pay your student loans (god does he miss worrying about student loans)
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yellowkitkieran · 10 months
To Have and to Heal (Part 15)
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Read part 1 here
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: Single working dad Martin Odegaard is navigating the ups and downs of parenthood all on his own, and he’s struggling. That’s not to mention football, life and... love?
Could we talk? 
When your message appears on his phone, Martin doesn't believe his eyes. At first he assumes he is dreaming; a quick pinch to his forearm and the subsequent brief burst of pain confirms he is, indeed, awake. He laughs to himself then, a giddy, overjoyed sound as he reads the message from you again and again, enough times that the words are burned into his eyelids when he closes them. 
Rearranging his schedule to pick up Atla today had been worth it. Incurring Arteta's wrath for sneaking out early? Also very, very worth the reward. Even if nothing comes of it, even if you don't have the courage or wherewithal to send him a follow up response, Martin can live with that, as long as he has some closure. 
His fingers shake as he types out a casual, cool, collected response. Of course! Now? Tomorrow? When are you thinking? 
Nailed it, honestly. Not overly eager. Simple and to the point. Leaves nothing up to interpretation. Martin is still sweating bullets regardless. 
For a few minutes, Martin simply stares at his phone until his eyes water and he is forced to blink some moisture into them. He tries not to fret when you don't immediately reply. It's late; there is a good chance you're either sleeping or prepping for your classes tomorrow. Despite his racing heart, sweating palms and pacing feet, Martin somehow convinces himself that he is perfectly calm. He's definitely not freaking out. Nope. He's fine. Toooootally fine. 
Though that fragile construct comes crashing down when Martin's phone vibrates. Whenever you have an hour or so free? After school of course. I can come to you?
Absolutely. Friday? I'll be done at six. But I'll come to you though. 
Martin immediately arranges for Kieran to take Atla overnight as a precaution. Who knows what might happen? Martin doesn't want to get his hopes up, but regardless of how things go, he knows he will be a volatile bucket of emotions and he'll need some time to process. He would rather do that on his own than have his daughter around to witness it. Good or bad, Friday will be… interesting, to say the least. 
Friday at six thirty then. That works. I'll see you then 
The expectation of hearing from you again is dashed when twenty four hours pass with nothing new. Martin's phone is far from quiet thanks to the Arsenal group chat, which thankfully keeps him busy and occupied on his day off whilst Atla is at school. Martin even arranges to pick Atla up himself, though he's disappointed to find another teacher in charge of after school care instead of you. 
Tomorrow, he tells himself. Tomorrow is my second chance. 
And Martin is completely, utterly, wholly determined to grab the opportunity with both hands and run with it. He refuses to squander his relationship with you a second time. He will say all the right things, fall over himself to make all the right promises, and follow through with each one of them. Because if Martin is being honest with himself, the last time he felt about someone like this… He married them. 
On his way into Colney the next morning, Martin passes by Atla’s favorite bookshop. It is a quaint, family owned place located on a busy corner in north London. He glances at their window displays when he is stopped at the light, as he often does. 
And Martin does a double take- the sign in the window promotes a new romance book, titled ‘Second Chances Only Come Once’, written by the author of the hit book ‘She’s the One’. 
The grin plastered on Martin’s face is indicative enough. If he had been waiting for a sign, that would be it. The sky over London is a bright, vibrant orange, streaked through with rich reds and subtle yellows. The sunrise is the exact shade of Maria’s favorite paint- Windsor Orange, a color she claimed felt like home. Each Christmas Martin would buy her a year’s supply to ensure she didn’t run out. 
“Thank you,” Martin murmurs to the sky. A light breeze ruffles his hair through the open car window, and the smile does not leave Martin’s face for the entire drive.
Kieran doesn't ask questions at training that morning- he's simply excited to spend some quality time with his goddaughter. Kieran does not question Martin’s good mood, not even when Martin convinces Arteta to go easy on the team and skip the half dozen extra drills he had scheduled and opt for an extra gym session instead. 
Martin pays very little attention whilst Kieran rattles off a long list of things he's planned to entertain Atla, including a trip to Harrods to spoil her rotten. Normally that sort of thing would irk Martin, but today the thought barely registers. 
“Uh huh, sounds great,” Martin murmurs noncommittally, “Perfect. Atla will love it.” 
“Mate, you've not heard a word I've said. You're fine with me taking her on a shopping spree? You normally yell at me for that! What happened to ‘she's got enough toys,’ eh?” Kieran makes air quotes there, referring to the dozens of times Martin has argued that point. That, at least, causes Martin to pause. 
“What? Oh- I mean sure if that's what you want to do with her I won't stop you, she'll enjoy it. Really she will-”
Kieran sets his weight down and rests his elbows on his knees. Everyone always says that blue eyes are unnerving, but Martin knows the truth- it's the unflinching, hard brown eyes that really do you in. Martin clears his throat, squirming under the pressure of Kieran's stare. “Tell me.” 
“Tell you what? There's nothing to tell.” Martin scarcely believes himself as unconvincing as his words are. Kieran simply blinks, which somehow is even more unnerving than the original stare. Martin sighs, knowing his friend will not let up until he uncovers the truth. “Alright fine- I'm talking to solskin tonight. It's not a big deal!” 
Kieran, knowing better than to pry, simply nods firmly. “Good. Maybe you'll quit moping around the grounds then. Honestly it's getting tiring, carrying this entire team on my shoulders. I cannae do it all on my own, you know.”
Martin cracks a grin, “I know mate. Hopefully after tomorrow I can take some of that pressure off you.” 
Martin, Martin, Martin. For nearly forty eight full hours, the Norwegian midfielder fills every corner of your brain. You're barely able to make it through your lessons, as distracted as you are by the thought of seeing him again. In a private setting. Alone. At your house. 
Why did you agree to this again?
Friday evening, you frantically clean your already clean flat. You agonize over whether or not to leave the blanket slung over the sofa- is it too suggestive? Or is it just cosy? You wind up leaving it. You are fully aware that you are overthinking. That doesn’t stop you from rearranging the shoes in the entry three times until you’re positive they are just the right amount of messy. 
Deciding on an outfit is nearly as chaotic- with Jen's help you settle on comfort over chic, opting for your favorite pair of jeans and a loose, warm sweater. Your hair you leave in your usual style, not putting too much effort in. This is not a date, as you have to continually remind yourself. It is simply a chat, nothing more. 
Waiting is the hardest part. You sit on your sofa with a random show on for background noise, something about the history of the crown jewels. Should you have cooked? Six thirty is dinner time, ish- maybe he's expecting a meal? Oh god-
The doorbell interrupts your thoughts and you spring into action. You wipe your palms on your jeans before opening the front door, pasting a smile on your face that you pray appears genuine. Your eyes start at his feet- black and white Nike dunks, light wash jeans, and a black bomber style jacket- and end on his soft, angelic face. You quickly meet his eyes, lasting all of one second under the gentle scrutiny of his baby blues before heat floods your cheeks and you are forced to look away.
“Hey- hi Mr. Ødegaard, please come in.” 
Martin's hands slide into his pockets, thumbs hooked into his belt loops. “I'm not coming in until you drop the formality, solskin.” 
You swear your very soul responds to the nickname. It glides so easily off his tongue, as though no time has passed despite the cold shoulder you have given him. With one sentence, Martin crosses the chasm between the pair of you without a second thought, throwing you a lifeline to cling to whilst you try to wade through the sea of emotions that threatens to overwhelm your good sense. 
“Okay,” you murmur, “Okay. Please come in, Martin.” 
“Mar,” he corrects softly, tipping his head to meet your downcast eyes. “Please call me Mar.”
Only when you nod in agreement does he finally relent and enter. He bends to untie his shoes and hangs his jacket on the hook behind the door. There is a familiarity in his actions, like he has done this a hundred times instead of being able to count the number of occurrences on one hand. 
“Um, please have a seat,” you say around the bile creeping up your throat. You haven't been this nervous since your first day teaching. It feels as if one wrong move will leech away the confidence you've spent ages rebuilding; brick by brick you've had to remind yourself that you deserve this. One step at a time. 
“Thank you.” Martin makes himself comfortable on the sofa, one arm slung over the back. It strikes you then how well he fits in. Despite his undoubtedly expensive clothes, he does not seem out of place in a room filled with mostly second hand things. The cream of his shirt perfectly matches the blanket you worried over earlier. If you didn't know any better, you'd assume they were cut from the same cloth. 
You clear your throat and carefully perch on the opposite side. You smooth the wrinkles from your sweater, suddenly self conscious of your appearance. Shit, you forgot to offer him a drink! 
“Would you uh- would you like a drink? There's water, soda, uh… milk I think?” 
Martin's smile is like a physical caress, calming your nerves. Whether he realizes it or not is uncertain, “I'm alright for now, thank you solskin. You wanted to talk?”
How is he so calm right now? How are you not calm? You're the one that asked for this. You prepared, didn't you? Spent hours on the phone with Jess last night, coming up with bullet points of what needed to be said. How have you suddenly forgotten it all?
“Solskin,” Martin prompts softly. “Hey? I'm perfectly okay sitting in silence but if you have something to say, I want to make sure you're heard.”
“Stop- just stop being so charming for two minutes,” you mumble. You press two fingers to your temples and try to get your ducks in a row. You requested to speak with Martin, yes. You wanted to discuss the potential of moving forward. You wanted to tell him you still care about him. Okay. Okay. Basics first. 
You take a deep breath and straighten your spine. Cheating your body towards Martin's you begin, “I still care about you a lot. More than I should considering you're the parent of one of my students- don't do that,” you scold when Martin tips his head side to side. Martin grins, forcing you to fight to keep your mental train on the right track. “As I was saying, you're the parent to one of my students and I shouldn't even have asked to speak with you. I should've taken what happened as a sign from the universe, an easy way out but I just…”
“Can't let it end, yeah.” Martin finishes the thought on your behalf. You nod, grateful that he was able to voice it when you couldn't. 
“Right. But I also know that your daughter has to come first, and I don't want to suggest otherwise. Atla loves you and you're all she has, I know she looks up to her papa. I know she doesn't want to see you with anyone other than her mum, and maybe she's just too young to understand, which means this was all just a waste of time and ishouldn'thaveinvitedyouanyway-”
Your words rush out in one long heap, piling over each other and overlapping at the ends. Tears prick your eyes and suddenly you feel so incredibly stupid for thinking this could work in any capacity. Martin reaches for your hand but you pull it away, unable to bear the thought of him touching you, knowing you'll only crumble. 
“I want this to work Mar, I really do. But I can't ask you to choose between me and your family, it's not right. I don't want to sneak around either,” you add in haste when Martin opens his mouth. “I won't be the reason your daughter hates you. I won't tear apart your home. I just won't. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.”
Once he's positive you're finished, Martin cautiously scoots closer to you. He watches for any sign that you'll flee, and when you don't move a muscle he wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you to his chest. This time you allow it, because you know you'll never have this luxury again. 
Martin's hand runs over your arm whilst he silently soothes you. Your nose is buried in his shoulder, his cologne imprinting itself in your memory. It baffles you how such a simple thing can bring you so much comfort. But slowly, like molasses dripping from a spile, you feel the coils of tension stored in your muscles unknot themselves. Slowly, you feel yourself winding down, your breath coming in even intervals instead of panicked gasps. Your hands, which had fisted themselves tight in the cotton of his shirt, unfurl to rest flat on his chest. 
“That speech was quite noble solskin, but I think you've forgotten something.”
You sniffle, determined not to cry despite the battle raging within yourself. “What did I forget Mar?” 
“That you're part of my home now,” Martin says into your hair. “If you're determined not to let anything ruin my home, you need to include yourself in that.” 
Martin is terrible at articulating how he feels. You've grown used to it; you may not have dated for long but it only took a handful of dates to realize that his trauma ran deep, and that he played his cards close to his chest. So that display of warmth, of what he truly feels inside, is rarer than a diamond. You want to nestle it against your heart and keep it protected behind your ribcage. It is worth more than any precious gem. 
Without thinking, you reach up and cradle Martin's jaw. You smile sadly when he presses his cheek into your hand, your thumb soothing a line under his eye. He's so beautiful- tender and raw and open. Vulnerable. A side you never expected him to share with you. 
“I don't want you to put me before Atla,” you say softly, mindful of how fragile he is beneath your fingertips. You have to be gentle; if you're not he may never trust anyone again. 
Martin covers your hand, fingers tight around yours. “And I don't want that either. I want you both on the same level. I-” Martin stops himself, his throat bobbing under the weight of words left unsaid. “I care about you so, so much. I just want you in my life. That’s all I want.”
“Then Alta needs to understand that I'm not replacing her mum. She needs to understand that before we even think about doing anything, Mar. You can't risk hurting the relationship you have with your daughter.”
“I know. I will. I'll get it all sorted and then it'll be fine- we can try again. Right?”
You nod then, your smile brighter this time. “Once she knows all that, we can try again.”
Martin's eyes flick to your mouth and you know you've both had the same thought. You want to kiss him, to climb into his lap and melt like chocolate on his tongue. You want to pull at his stupid chicken hair until he moans into your mouth, his sounds of delight so sickeningly sweet that your stomach will ache for days afterwards. 
But you can't kiss him. So you don't. At least you have that much control. Instead you let Martin trace your parted lips with a reverence that makes your skin tingle. He moves on to your jaw, your cheeks, your nose, your brow- as if he were a blind man putting a face to a woman who until now has been no more than a voice to him. 
“I have so much to say,” Martin says finally, “and there's not enough time to say any of it.” 
“One day soon, you'll have plenty of time to tell me anything you want.” You allow yourself the luxury of his embrace, your arms winding around his solid middle whilst his fit firmly around your shoulders. 
If you're lucky, this could be your reality. You could come home to Martin, or rather he could come home to you, and have his busy days be endcapped by love and devotion. You've always said you would never consider being a housewife, that you respect yourself far too much to allow yourself to be reduced to a servant to your significant other. But for Martin? You want him to eat a home cooked meal every night. You want to massage his shoulders when he makes an off-hand comment about being sore from training too hard. You want to put Atla to bed and then draw a warm bath for you and Martin to share. 
You want to give Martin the world because he deserves it. You would wait on him hand and foot because you know with absolute certainty that he would do the exact same thing whenever he was afforded the chance. And that sort of fairytale is exactly what you've always wanted in life. You aren't about to let it slip through your fingers. 
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firstdivisiongirl · 11 months
Hey there, i just stumbled upon your Blog through your law x reader works. I soooo love your writing, i will dig through your whole Blog haha. :D
If its possible, can you maybe write a precurser to the law x reader fic where he feels to clingy? Like, how they got togheter and the Long Talks and the Moment law kisses reader for the First time?! I got kinda giddy when i first read it
Have a Great day!,
Hi there! I hope you enjoy the more you read in my blog. So, I decided to talk about when they first met. I also did some research on dialects to get some knowledge on it. I used an Essex dialect. I hope you like it!
Law x Fem Reader: How it Started
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Most love stories are magical from the beginning.  It’s love at first sight or friends to lovers.  Not you two.  He had landed on a small island to resupply.  It was a quiet little village, like the ones you hear about in story books with little stone buildings covered in moss with brightly colored flower boxes.  But, Law didn’t really care about how it looked.  It was just another place to resupply.  He walked into the one store to get more gunpowder, there was a little old lady who greeted him.
“How are you doing there bor?” she asked.  Law raised an eyebrow.  He could not figure out what the woman just said.
“What did you just call me?” he asked, defensively.
“A bor.  You are one, right?”
You walked into the room carrying a few boxes in your arms.  You interrupted the conversation giggling, “she called you a boy, dumbass.”  Law glared at you.  “Then why didn’t she call me one?”
“It’s called dialect.  Ever heard of it?”
Law crossed his arms.  He was not happy right now.  You were treating him with so much disrespect.  
Him and the crew were still on the island.  It has been 4 days.  Sadly, he happened to see you everywhere.  He was already pissed about you making fun of him a few days before.  As he walked down the streets, he saw you helping some of the store owners plant flowers in their window boxes, a huge smile on your face as you talked to some of them.  He really wanted nothing to do with you.
Later that day, Bepo came back with a friend.  Much to Law’s dismay, it was you.  “I’m sorry.  Your friend got lost and I was helping him back to your ship.”
“Well, thank you for bringing him back.  You can leave.”
“But Captain!  She knows a lot about many different languages!  She told me all about how she knows the dialects of 20 different areas.  She helped me ask people for directions and she’s nice and…”
The vein on Law’s forehead started to pop out, but Bepo was his weakness. “Fine,” Law said begrudgingly, “she can join.”
That was the day you joined the Heart Pirates as their linguist and interpreter.  It might not have been the best beginning to your story, but it ended up better than it started.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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saintsenara · 6 months
Just wanted to come on to your askbox to tell you how much I enjoy and appreciate your presence on my dashboard. 
Your perspective on the HP series and its characters is extremely refreshing and always well-argued; I adore reading your posts even when I don't entirely agree with them, or even when I quite like a trope you (reasonably) dismiss [I understand and agree with your arguments, but quite unfortunately Professor Riddle and Professor Potter will have to be pried from my cold dead hands]. And I'm always giddy and ecstatic when I agree with your interpretations because you always express them so well and so beautifully!! 
Your criticism of the text as being highly individualistic at its core is, I think, what so many people instinctively understand but can't always put into words when the fandom conversation inevitably turns towards the epilogue; your opinion on Hinny is a breath of fresh air to any person, like me, who finds Hinny to be the polar opposite of that Benoit Blanc meme (it makes a lot of sense, but it doesn't really compel me); your unapologetic appreciation of Ron brings me immense joy and your firm disavowal of fanon!Hermione makes me want to get down on one knee and bring out a ring.
(fanon!Hermione is one of my many enemies in this fandom. what have they done to my girl!!)
And these are just the things I can remember from the top of my head. I'm sure there's a gazillion more I could mention if I had the time to go through your blog and pick them out (as I have, admittedly, been tempted to).
In sum: you're an incredible presence on the good old dashboard and in this fandom in general <3
well. that's going to make me cry.
thank you so much, pal - it means an enormous amount to know that there are people who indulge my silly little scribblings about harry potter on the internet, and the kindness and generosity i've encountered in this fandom has been beyond comprehension.
and obviously that exists in the other direction - i'm of the opinion that anything is possible in fiction, and my mind is waiting to be changed on all the ships and tropes i personally think don't work; bring out your professors potter and riddle manifestos and let's have a good time.
[after all, i have had to be humbled already by one of my fandom besties being someone who's ready to throw hands for ginny's honour. and she's had to be humbled by now finding tom marvolo riddle fascinating. life is so wonderful.]
and it is - of course - a truth universally acknowledged that a tomarry girly who loves ron weasley and does not love fanon!hermione [i.e. me!] must be in want of a spouse. i'll take that ring.
[and i've got great teeth and a medical degree, so mams always love me.]
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ace-of-zaun · 2 years
another part of 'Drunk Mind, Sober Heart'? Yeees please
A/N: Thank you for requesting!! <3 -el x
young!silco x gn!reader, 2.7k words, SFW
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, hangovers, love confessions, slow dancing my beloved
Part 1 | Part 3
Up until now, you’d despised the nights when Silco got drunk because more often than not, it led to your heart breaking a little bit more each time he did. But the outcome of this particular drunken escapade had been the exact opposite. 
It had healed your heart in a way that you never thought would be possible.
You’d woken after a brief, restless sleep with Silco’s confession still rattling around in your head. Blankly staring at the ceiling, you’d then spent the next twenty minutes fighting the urge to scream in frustration, if only to avoid waking up the very man who was haunting your every thought.
He probably wouldn’t even remember that he said it, so what’s the point getting so screwed up about it?
No matter how much you tried to convince yourself that he was just drunk and definitely didn’t mean it, you couldn’t shake the feeling that alongside everything else he’d said and done last night, there was something more to it. 
Silco was known for choosing his words carefully, drunk or not. 
Driven by the need to check on him, you force yourself to get up and make your way down  the corridor to his bedroom, a heavy, indescribable feeling brewing in your chest with each trudging step. But he’s not there.
A quick check reveals that he’s not in the bathroom either, as you find the door wide open and the tiny room empty. 
Hmm. You really hadn’t expected him to be up so early, not with how much he’d obviously had to drink last night. 
So you begin to make your way down the stairs to the bar when the rolling sound of Silco’s voice halts you mid-step. You unceremoniously clutch onto the bannister to stop yourself from tumbling down the stairs, the old wood faintly creaking in the wake of your desperate motions.
Frozen in your tracks, you listen intently, trying not to make any noise that would reveal your presence. 
“Seriously, Vander, I’ve fucked everything up,” you hear Silco mutter in his rough morning voice, that always makes your heart feel all fluttery. 
“What exactly did you say?”
“I literally said goodnight, I love you,” Silco recounts, punctuating it with a heavy sigh. 
Ah. So he did remember. 
“Shit, Silco…” Vander exhales, “Well, do you?”
You wait in anticipation for a concerning amount of time, enough that your stomach begins to twist in horror at the very obvious silence. 
Maybe you had read it all wrong. 
Fuck, you’d gotten your hopes up for nothing when he was just drunk. You’d-
“Yeah, of course I do,” Silco finally replies, in a tone that leaves absolutely no room for interpretation. 
Your breath catches and it feels like the whole world has just burst into colour.
He loves you back. Silco loves you back. 
As you exhale shakily, you can’t help the giddy smile that takes over your face. 
But Vander’s voice soon cuts through the euphoria, “What are you gonna do now?” 
“I don’t know, I-”
A minute shift of your weight means that you accidentally hit the creaky part of the floorboard on the step, and you’re forced to continue your journey down the stairs in a panic, lest they figure out you were eavesdropping the whole time. 
As you enter the bar, walking as casually as you can, Silco’s gaze instantly snaps over to you and his eyes widen slightly, which you probably wouldn’t have noticed if you’d not been looking for it. He’s slumped on a bar stool whilst Vander is behind the bar, sluggishly cleaning a pint glass on auto-pilot. 
“Morning, boys, how’s the hangover treating you both?” you say cheerfully as you cross over to them, your heart still beating rapidly in your chest. 
They both groan and you chuckle in response. 
Placing yourself down on the stool directly next to Silco, you can’t help but jostle his shoulder when you notice that he’s still wearing the same clothes he went out and slept in.
“Nice pyjamas,” you parrot his own greeting to you last night.   
Silco gives you an unimpressed look that would send anyone else running, but it only prompts an entirely innocent smile from you. 
Oh, this man is going to be sorely mistaken if he thinks you’re not going to spend the next few months winding him up over last night.
You turn your attention to Vander, surreptitiously bringing the beer mat Silco had gifted you last night out of your pocket.
“Pour me a pint, Vander, I want to put my new gift to good use.”
Both men look at you like you’re crazy until you wiggle the beer mat in front of you. 
Silco groans loudly in embarrassment.
“Hey, Van, did you know that I’m smoo-”
You’re abruptly cut off by Silco clamping his hand over your mouth. 
“Stop,” he groans, extending the vowel exaggeratedly, “Don’t you think I’ve suffered enough?”
You giggle and remove his hand from your mouth, leaving him to cover his face with his hands, all the while thoroughly messing up his bed hair even more with his long fingers.
“So, what are you up to today?” you ask.
“Oh, you know, thinking about tossing myself into the River Pilt.”
You shake your head at his dramatics. This boy. This ridiculous, foolish, gorgeous boy. 
“I’ll come and watch then, I can give you a score out of 10 for your diving skills,” you tease. 
“Cheers,” he mumbles through his palms. 
“Well, I gotta go down to Benzo’s and sell him some junk so we can pay off our tab from last night,” Vander cuts in, closely watching the two of you bicker like an old married couple.
You almost blanch at the sound of his booming voice. To be honest, you’d forgotten he was standing there, too preoccupied with how Silco was doing to even remember the other presence in the room. 
Sil grunts in response while you simultaneously nod at Vander in acknowledgement, leaving him to stumble tiredly out of the bar mumbling something about Sevika stealing all his money.
But before he disappears through the door, he manages to give Silco a very pointed look, which Silco returns with his own meaningful glare. A silent conversation that you’re pretty sure you understand after overhearing their conversation earlier. 
When Vander is gone, you’re struck with the realisation that for the first time since last night, you’re once again alone with Silco. Except this time, you finally know for certain that Silco loves you back.
One glance at him reveals that he’s looking a little more worse-for-wear than you’d originally realised. You lean forward to peer at him more closely. 
“Seriously, though, are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, just got a headache” he replies, before sheepishly rubbing his forehead, avoiding your gaze, “Hey, uh, thanks for last night… I really appreciate it.” 
“Of course,” you tell him sincerely, automatically even. 
The exchange feels eerily familiar up until you recognise it as being almost verbatim from the night before, except this time you’d been brave enough to give him the response he deserved. 
You suddenly feel an inexplicable change in the atmosphere and Silco finally looks up at you. You wonder if he felt it too. 
His expression drops into something you struggle to name, whilst his eyes tick over your face like he’s only just truly seeing you for the very first time. 
You put a hand on his knee and lean in slightly closer, his eyes widening at the contact. 
“Silco, I think we-”
Loud footsteps on the stairs cause you to jump and whip your head around, just in time to see Sevika trudge into the bar. She looks just as hungover as the boys, if not more. 
And just like that, all the air has been sucked back into the room, the little bubble you and Silco had been in now popped. 
“Morning, Vika,” you call across the bar. 
“Shut up, you’re far too loud,” she snarls, slumping into a booth.
You can’t help but laugh.
When you turn back to Silco, he’s still looking at you in the same grandeur way as before, but you quickly decide that there’s no way you’re talking to him about his confession whilst Sevika is in the room. 
It crosses your mind that you should probably come up with a way to properly tell him. You know, make it a special moment, one that really shows him how much you care about him. 
“Right, I need to go pick up some stuff from the market,” you say, gently patting his knee twice before standing up, “I’ll let you have some peace and quiet.”
But Silco obviously isn’t done with you yet because he grabs your hand as you move to leave. Like a car being jump started, the sudden contact from him acts like a spark for an idea on how to finally tell him that you love him. 
You slowly look down at the way he’s holding your hand and then back up at his face.
Silco says your name in a low, bordering on desperate voice, but you cut him off before he can speak again. 
“Hey, when you’re done perfecting your diving, come find me later. I want to show you something,” you tell him, offering him a smile. 
And that must satisfy whatever he was going to say because he returns your smile and nods, causing your heart to beat rapidly in your chest again. 
Gods, the effect this man has on you. 
“Alright, I’ll see you later,” you say, quickly squeezing his hand and letting go to leave the bar.
You were going to make sure Silco knows exactly how you feel before the day is over. 
With the beer mat Silco had given you now proudly sitting on your desk as decoration, you’d gotten dressed in your best outfit, ready to finally reveal your long-held feelings to him. A reminder of the happiest day of your life thus far, you’d planned to treasure that little piece of cardboard for the rest of your life (or at least until Silco gets fed up with you teasing him mercilessly about it, of course). 
Now walking through the dusty streets of Zaun with the man himself, you fight the urge to hold his hand, if only to not spoil the surprise when you finally disclose that his feelings aren’t as one-sided as you’d both thought. 
He’s looking much better now after a shower and a change of clothes, and is no longer squinting at the city lights since you’d also bought him some painkillers at the market with your meagre savings. 
It was completely worth dipping into your funds though. To physically see his headache melt away from him, his features infinitely more relaxed than they were this morning in the bar. 
But, there’s barely enough time to admire his profile as you walk beside him because you finally arrive at your destination, stopping abruptly outside the entrance to the abandoned cannery. 
Silco looks surprised as his eyes dart from the building’s entrance to your face, his eyebrows raising in curiosity. But all you offer him is a knowing smile, leading him through the dark building and down the stairs until you’re in front of the huge glass pane carved out of the underground rock. 
You both approach the glass slowly, drinking in the deep dark of the underwater, the glow of the sealife lighting up the murky waters. There’s life down there that you never even knew existed. The River Pilt being so toxic from run-off pollution, you doubt the majority of Zaun’s citizens were aware that it housed an entirely new population, one that wasn’t too dissimilar to Zaun itself. 
There’s a brief moment where you forget that Silco is even there, caught up in the beauty of the scene in front of you, until his fingers gently bump against yours.
Your attention is quickly snatched away from one exquisite sight to another, as you gaze up at Silco standing beside you. The expression in his seafoam eyes paints a picture of pure wonder, like he’s witnessing the discovery of an entirely new world. 
You take in the way his jaw is slack and his crooked teeth peek out between the flesh of his scarred lips. His breathing is almost as shallow as yours. 
A creature suddenly shoots past the window and your eyes snap back towards the river, drinking in the scene for a few more spellbinding moments. 
“Isn’t it beautiful?” you whisper, almost like you’re afraid you’ll scare it all away if you speak too loudly. 
At the sound of Silco’s gravelly voice, you turn to look up at him again, finding him already staring at you. He immediately takes notice of the tiny quirk of your lips.
Silco begins to snake his arms around your waist and pull you towards him, but before he can you grab his hand and lace your fingers with his, holding it up in the air. He pauses and his brows furrow in confusion when you tentatively place your other hand on his chest. 
“Excuse me, I was pinky promised a dance,” you say coyly. 
There’s a few beats of silence before he smirks in recognition. 
“I think you’ll find that you promised me a dance,” he replies. 
“Ah, so you do remember.”
“Of course I remember,” he smirks. 
Silco’s arm continues its journey round your waist and his fingers gently squeeze yours as he begins to sway you both a little bit. Your breath catches and your eyes instantly drop down to your hand splayed on his chest. 
“I wonder if you remember some of the other things you said to me last night,” you mumble nervously, “And this morning to Vander.”
When your eyes flick up to gauge his reaction, you feel your stomach twist at his fallen expression. He stops moving but keeps his grip on you, like you’d fade away if he let go for even a second. 
Silco mumbles your name in a tone that sounds heart-wrenchingly cautious. 
“I… I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I just-”
The hand on his chest moves up as you put your finger on his lips, shutting him up immediately. 
“Silco, it’s fine. I feel the same,” you tell him softly. 
You watch in fascination as his expression melts from worry into pure surprise. In fact, he looks so shell-shocked, you find yourself curling your hand up and around his shoulder. A gentle squeeze breaks him from his reverie. 
“You do?” he says in an adorably hopeful voice.
You nod, unable to stop the grin from spreading across your face. 
Silco’s features soften into pure happiness as he pulls you even closer, drinking in the warmth of your love. 
“I was worried you didn’t mean it because you were drunk, but when I heard you talking to Vander this morning…” you say, hoping he understands your trepidation. 
His hand drops yours to gently cup your cheek, so he can deliver his next confession whilst staring deep into your eyes. 
“I love you. I’m in love with you.”
Suddenly, it’s as if nothing else in the world matters. Nothing but him and you. 
“I love you too, Silco. Have done for a long time,” you whisper shakily.  
He smiles again and takes hold of your hand, resuming your slow dance. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asks curiously. 
“I don’t know… I guess I was worried you wouldn’t feel the same,” you admit. 
“Well, I do,” he affirms, “And I’m going to spend the rest of my life making sure you never doubt it.”
Silco’s arm around you tightens until you’re flush against his chest and he leans down, capturing your lips in the sweetest, most ardent kiss you’ve ever had. 
His scarred lips moving against yours feels overwhelmingly natural and you swear it’s going to be your downfall. 
When you both pull back for breath, you rest your head against his shoulder and allow him to lead you in a serene slow dance, accompanied only by the peaceful sound of the underwater and your intermingling sighs of contentment. 
You dance long into the night, until you can’t remember anything except the feel of Silco pressed against you, just like he was always meant to be. 
A/N: slow dancing with silco is the only thing that will fix my broken heart, i’m convinced of it 😔
- Taglist: @anotherromanticpoet @pinkrose1422 @steponmesilco
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onlyswan · 9 months
Hello! It's been a while since the last ask that I have sent here but I just want to drop by and join your annual survey because this is my favorite place on the internet and I want to wish everybody especially you, art, a warm and fulfilling holidays and eat your favorite foods! Hehehe So for the first question, as to what is your favorite/s from the drabbles i've put out this year (second in which collection)?
here are my top 5 in no particular order:
in which you make jungkook’s world spin and you tend to… make him a little too dizzy
I love this one because of how you perfectly crafted situations where in playfulness and mischief is something being celebrated, it is a lighthearted read and such a breathe of fresh air and made me so sentimental that after reading it, I just pictured in my mind that I was looking at both of them fondly and their rough years flashed through my mind and it's just, really, thank god they have each other.
in which jungkook can’t sleep, and he can’t stop kissing you either
This one is kind of understood because seeing a hopeless romantic jungkook be inlove and affectionate and not holding back and just being himself is like a blessing. I also feel giddy with the way he teases oc and be like "I look hot like this, take a picture" hahaha gosh! I miss him so much.
n which jungkook is one of your greatest fears and you’re his achilles’ heel
I love this. I REALLY LOVE THIS. I am not really the type to like suffering through literature but knowing oc and jungkook's lore - I think I have said this before - it is the kind of pain that makes the love and happiness and the time after the drought more worth it. Like, I remember your words saying something along the lines of that kind of pain exists in a place full of love - or is it vice versa but you get what I mean, right? Like you fill my heart with so much love that it grew larger than what ribcage can accomodate but it's okay, that is what it is for.
in which jungkook loves to see you smile and you are the god of mischief
This one feels like a core memory for some reason. Like a funny inside joke or memory that would always be fun to relive and retell every time. I know that this one is kind of like a silly little moment they have but I just can't help but interpret their words and action into some kind of having a deep meaning or something. Oh gosh, they just make me feel so sappy and sentimental all the time. ALso this one is memorable because I remember wanting to read this again before and I couldn't find it anywhere. Hahaha!
in which jungkook can sleep without you, but he’d rather not to
Last on the list is of course, the one where we see one of the most vulnerable moment of jungkook. I love how you use his cute antics and translating in a metaphorical way. It is such a very Artemis way kind of writing but you just never fail to excite me on your million ways of using your words and weaving it into something that feels like it should be written in flower themed scented paper and to be sent to the love of your life. It is crazy how vulnerability doesn't seem so scary when it is with the right person, no? This drabble made me want to be in jungkook's shoes, being brave enough to ask for love because you know you will never be shamed for it.
Second is for the question themes, lines, paragraphs, or scenes that stood out to you?
you guess nothing much has changed. you’re still afraid of jungkook and his power to take away the sun, just as he did before, and you deeply despise being afraid. you don’t like it when the walls are closing in on you, poisoning your mind into believing that you’re small when the heart inside your chest burns with a fire brighter than that of the damn sun.
This paragraph broke in many ways possible. I love the degrees of pain describe with every sentences and how the pain just double down with every stop of words and then it starts again. You have me audibly gasping for air because your choice of words are painting a clear picture in my mind.
for the jungkook of today, control is an abandoned form of self-destruction and he can tell you in confidence that ‘here i am in all my glory. there are unfixable, fractured parts of me and i am laying them out on the floor for you to see- you can take me or leave me, but i know you’ll always choose the former’ and ‘i am stubborn and i do not give up’ and ‘i want to buy a house in the countryside with you’ and most of all ‘i need your love.’
This is what I'm talking about from the previous question. But the reason why I adore this part so much is because I could identify that this paragraph was written by you but at the same time I also know that these thoughts are very much jungkook-like. It is you are transcripting jungkook's every hearbeat. I love love love this! * I have so many favorites that I want to talk about but this is the only free time that I have and I still have so much to say.
For the next question about who is your favorite character, oc or jungkook?
I would love to say both of them but in a perspective of the way it was written, I would say that you should be applauded and talked about on how you created such a complex character as oc. That is such an exceptional character, unique, and well thought out that many of us can see oc in different forms and shapes such as songs, things, people, and ideas. I know how oc is a reader insert but as for me, it feels as though as a reader, I am playing an established character with their own personality and characteristics. It feels like in a movie? It is like you know when an album is so good and resonates with a lot of people but they make it their own?
I would just answer the last two questions in one! hehehe
For the year? I'm really but with numbers so I would just say that I would love to see the beginning of their relationship? I want to see yearning, the adjustments, the unsure glances and nervousness around each other, all the giddy stuffs but also I want to see and understand how it must've been hard for them especially on jungkook deciding on whether to continue whatever they have or just you know end it because of the kind of life he is living. Like I really really want to see how it wrecked him everytime to the point that he impulsively decided to fuck it, I have to save the love of life from me. *Ok, I take back what I said, I think I really am a sucker for angst. I am just indenial. Hahahaha!
Also, I really love and adore seeing oc's choice of clothes and their style because I love fashion and I love how a character's style explains so much of their character. That is one thing I love the most about visual media!!!! And I can say that whenever I picture oc in my mind, I could really understand how their wardrobe choices explains their personality. So I would say that I would choose spring and/ or autumn! Because oc should be able to wear skirts without freezing to death!! ok?! hahahaha kidding!
This is so fun! Thank you for the fun ride this year, Art! I am so looking forward for the next year together as a little school of angel fishes! Hahahaha! Again, happy holidays!
Love, ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆
swan anonie! oh my gosh thank you for answering lil survey with so much kindness and enthusiasm 😭💞 i don’t even know what to say AAAAAAA i’ve just been smiling the whole time that i read your words :")
It is such a very Artemis way kind of writing but you just never fail to excite me on your million ways of using your words and weaving it into something that feels like it should be written in flower themed scented paper and to be sent to the love of your life.
oh i’m about to burst into tears??? my writing being described in such a pretty way makes me sooooo freaking happy 😭
It is you are transcripting jungkook's every hearbeat.
you know when physical books have one liner reviews on the back cover? if the in which series was a book i’d want this line to be there 🥺
I would say that you should be applauded and talked about on how you created such a complex character as oc. That is such an exceptional character, unique, and well thought out that many of us can see oc in different forms and shapes such as songs, things, people, and ideas.
i guess i’ve never really comprehended it that way T_T i got so surprised and overwhelmed when i began receiving so many asks talking about oc and how this and that reminded them of oc. i love you guys!! to think that i’ve created a character that is memorable in such a way 🥺 waaaaa
It feels like in a movie? It is like you know when an album is so good and resonates with a lot of people but they make it their own?
that is such a cool way to describe it :") THANK YOU
Because oc should be able to wear skirts without freezing to death!! ok?!
HELP 😭😭😭😭😭😭 #saveocfromwinter
something i also didn’t expect is for oc’s fashion to get attention bUT i’m so geeked about it because i love fashion LOL thank you so much for hyping oc (and jungkook) up and making me excited to write more for you guys 🥹💗
I am so looking forward for the next year together as a little school of angel fishes!
my angel fishes <333 i love you and i can’t wait for next year’s survey too hehehe. i hope you enjoy the rest of the holidays! stay safe and be happy always 🫂🎆
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starlightments · 5 months
I know you hear this a lot, but I really do love your fics ❤ I can see how much love and work goes into it, and I'm very happy to get to read them. They're this source of happiness and warmth and I always get so giddy to read and re-read them all over again. And you'd think that with how much I read them, I'd get tired but it's quite the opposite! I discover small details here and there that I missed the first time reading or I can interpret and see scenes from the beggining with a new perspective because of context given later. And it's so fun to see how you take the characters and adapt them to different stories while never losing their personality and essence. This is turning into a long and disarranged message, but I just wanted to show my appreciation and love for your work ^^ I hope you're doing well star!
thank you!!!!! this is so sweet, I’m glad you’re finding joy in my stories even now <3
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taeiris · 1 year
i am so genuine when i say that your art inspires me to both draw and inspires me to write every time i see it. it's so good and beautiful and there's just something about it that reaches into my soul. i know a lot of artists struggle with feeling like their art doesn't represent their ideas/their writing isn't how they want it to be in their head but every time i see your art i feel like it just captures the concepts you come up with so well. like they're their own paintings in a way. ahh i just love your art so much :) thank you so much for sharing it with us <3
thank you so much and im genuinely so glad its able to do that for you, i know maybe fanart isn’t as validated by the art industry as entirely original art but i really do enjoy coming up with my own concepts for these characters i know and love so much and we’ve learned a lot about them and we all have different interpretations of their dynamics and personal characteristics so i really enjoy putting in my own penny and seeing others interpret them with their wonderful art <3
i really do enjoy getting giddy while listening to a certain song that suddenly strikes an idea for a scene in my head and then i try to picture it with a still drawing and it makes me even happier to see that people enjoy and recognize the thought process of it and the detail of it all
so yeah that was honestly such a wonderful thing to say :( i wish you the best of luck and lots of fun in your own journey of experiencing and making art in your own way that makes you happy and lets you be creative and let loose 🫶
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harocat · 2 years
(prev anon here. First of all, thank you very much for their sources! It definitely made a bit more at peace. Second, I am very sorry if this goes very long, or if it makes you uncomfortable (feel free to ignore this if it does, I am just kind of venting))
Okay so basically. I finished yoi like a couple of weeks ago and I was so giddy with happiness! (Though there were a few things I could have wished went differently, overall it was such a pleasant, feel good show) HOWEVER I made the mistake of searching for meta on tumblr because I wanted to see what other interpretations were. Because I came across a lot (and I mean A Lot) of posts form when the show aired (2016-18) about people either being disappointed by it being a queerbait/ multiple posts saying it was y//a/o/i fetishizing everything/about how it was just a generally shitty/mediocre show and that it's fandom was delusional or whatever and like. On one hand I do understand that the rep isn't perfect, and that there were various fandom drama that resulted in the wank (namely the crunchyroll award thingy, kubo's confusing interviews(?)) But also it's just. I was obviously not there so I still do not know the full context and it was all OVER years ago and presently, the show is mostly remembered by people with love and nostalgia. But now, I guess I just read too many negative comments about it and I just. Am very upset since I feel like I've lost the happiness the show gave me when I first watched it? I just don't know how to or what to do to like. Not take them seriously?? Obviously people have different opinions, they HAD different opinions but it also feels very draining to read something very, very negative about something you are emotionally connected to. On my first watch, I was almost 100% sure victuuri were canon? (Especially with Yuuri saying he's going to show his love to the world multiple times, and just. The whole show with every episode) and on one hand I get that people wished they could get explicit confirmation, an on screen kiss without it being hidden and everything but I just. I feel so confused and low-key stressed about this, especially since I KNOW all of this discourse is in the past and the fandom doesn't really have any of it now?? And it's been seven years since everything happened and it's over!! But. I just. I saw you've been here right form the start and I really wanted to know if you really had any advice (in lack of a better word) on how to just get over all of this? (Again: please ignore this ask if this is kind of out of nowhere because I am *this* close to chickening out and not sending it fjdgd. But I think I really need to talk about this and put it down because it's bothering me too much:( )
OKAY this is super long. tl;dr corporations and some fans are evil and homophobic, Kubo and Sayo are queens, and YOI is and always will be 100% canon gay.
First and foremost the main reason that the show is remembered largely fondly now and that all those meta about it being queerbait and all are ignored now is because 90% of them were bad faith criticism. There were a fair amount of people who REALLY hated this show, and most of their reasons were pretty petty (seriously I remember them calling themselves the YOI salt squad? lmao)! And they wrote really disingenuous meta that has not stood the test of time because of that. So I know it may be hard and some of their posts might get to you, but do your best to ignore them. They're not done in good faith. They're not done because these people legitimately care about representation. Most of them were done because a show they didn't like was popular and was being heralded as very special. There was actually even a big anti-Kubo movement on 2chan Japan that aimed to basically destroy the popularity of her work and of YOI by doctoring fake tweets, making accusations of plagiarism, etc. Mind, this was not just because of YOI. Before YOI, Kubo did a popular radio show with her best friend, who is one of the most famous trans women in Japan, Mineko Nomachi. She also occasionally discussed lgbtq+ rights in the workplace. You can imagine this annoyed the very conservative users of 2chan.
Secondly, one thing that caused issues in the fandom was mistranslations. There were two translators famous for taking interviews with the creators and basically 'no homo-ing' them. If you ever see translations floating around from Tora on Ice or K@rice, please just ignore them. Even the translations they did that weren't inaccurate, it's not worth digging through the mistranslations to find them. The problem with this ended up being that their mistranslations upset A LOT of people. People ended up really heartbroken over them because YOI and Victuuri meant a lot to them, and though it's mostly ebbed by now, there's still some damage caused by their homophobia.
Just to give perspective, K@rice said that if Victuuri were ever 'confirmed canon' (because according to her, despite making out and getting engaged they weren't canon), she would sell her blu-rays and leave the fandom. Well, I don't know if she sold her blu-rays, but when Otsuka said that quote I linked in the previous ask, where he used the indisputably romantic word 'renai', she did make a post about how 'disappointed' she was and never talked about YOI again. Both of them had a history of doing this in canonically lgbtq+ fandoms before, and have continued to do it in other fandoms since. But yeah, they caused a lot of damage.
When Sayo Yamamoto pitched YOI, she couldn't find a studio to take the project on. Although she was considered somewhat of an auteur, neither of the anime she'd made before were hits, and she was trying to sell a show that no one thought that would be popular. Studios that were interested in the project suggested she make it about teenagers in a high school club, which she refused to do. She brought Kubo on to help, and eventually they were able to get Mappa to take the project. At the time Mappa was considered an experimental studio that took on really creative, inventive projects that other studios might consider too risky. Otsuka (Mappa's second in command) at the time thought the show could be a hit, but probably not many other people felt the same. Indeed, there was almost zero buzz for the show before it aired in Japan. They always do big polls for most anticipated anime of the season, and YOI didn't even rank in fall 2016.
So Sayo and Kubo wanted it to be a romance, but Avex (the parent company above Mappa) didn't want this. She had to push for it, and she said that 'all parties' tried to stop her from putting the kiss in, but she insisted. To note, as a woman in the anime industry without any popular shows under her belt, this is hugely badass of her. She and Kubo both could have lost their jobs and lost control of the show they wanted to make so easily. She would NOT compromise. It was amazing of her.
YOI comes out and ends up being like... the biggest hit ever in both Japan and internationally, but while Mappa is pretty happy to embrace the gay (which you see with all the merchandise they directly produce; it's very overtly romantic), Avex gets cold feet (I'm assuming BECAUSE it's so popular). They want this to be a super marketable franchise, but because they are stupid they don't grasp that the romance is part of what makes it that. They stop doing a bunch of magazine spreads of just Victor and Yuuri looking romantic, and start shoving Yurio in there as an awkward third wheel. They try to market the series as a cast of bishounen where you 'pick your fave boy' instead of focusing on what fans are wanting. It's all very messy.
And then, this might not be Avex's fault, but magazine publishers get in on the censorship. In order for YOI art to be accepted in these magazines, they force Mappa artists to remove the rings from Victor and Yuuri's fingers. Although this at first is excused by fans because 'well the rings are spoilers', by a few months post series, fans begin to outcry, and even Japanese fans are growing very angry. One Mappa artist comes forward after the spread she drew is criticized for lack of rings, and says 'she never would have left them off, and that they were there when she submitted the art.' And this is how fans find out what's happening. This happens again when YOI animation director Noriko Ito expresses surprise that the design page for the rings is not included in the YOI setting book released by a publisher, because she knows it was supposed to be in there. The publisher removed it. Later art, as in post 2018, has more often featured the rings, but there's so little of that art that it's hard to know if it would be a permanent thing if YOI ever continued. Plus, that art has been specifically for YOI collabs and merch as opposed to magazine spreads.
After that we find out that Kubo and Sayo are being censored in interviews. Please don't criticize Kubo for being 'vague.' She did the best she could in a situation where she wasn't allowed to talk super explicitly about the romance. We know for a fact that when Kubo and Sayo were interviewed, Avex SPECIFICALLY told interviewers that they were 'not allowed to be asked questions about lgbtq+ aspects of the series.' I know! It's so upsetting. We also found out that Kubo and Sayo brought character designer Tadashi Hiramatsu on the project because they did not think they were being taken seriously as a team of two women (no hate on Hiramatsu though, he's amazing and he totally loves YOI). Avex didn't believe in YOI as a romance, even after it proved so successful. It's the saddest thing on earth.
So the end conclusion is that Kubo, Sayo, and yes Mappa (though I have plenty of criticisms of them now) were pretty cool about YOI. Kubo and Sayo pushed for and wrote a gay romance into a sports anime, something that had never been done before, at constant risk of losing their job and status in the industry. They were badasses and they're both writing heroes of mine because of that, and it actually makes me love YOI more knowing how much they cared and how much they were willing to risk to tell the story they wanted to tell, that of a romance between Victor and Yuuri. And it is a romance, indisputably so, and anyone who disagrees is frankly giving them a slap in the face.
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avelera · 2 years
Hi, saw that you posted ch 7 of Giving Sanctuary and figuratively sprinted to ao3 to read. I love how soft everything is and between Hob and Dream. And! I'm noticing that Dream is slipping more about himself, lol. He literally says "waking world" or the redundancy in sleeping to enter his own realm. Which. Hob doesn't seem to really pick up on??? Ah well, he had other things - or a singular being - to focus on.
And Lucienne mention! Love Dream's description of her _strong_ urging for a "centuries overdue holiday" for him. Would love to be the fly on the wall for that exchange between them. Lucienne must have been so surprised then thrilled for workaholic Dream-my-purpose-is-my-function-and-I-can't-change-this to ask her if he could take more time in the waking world! To. Visit. A. FRIEND. A FRIEND. Also would love to be a fly on the wall for the ensuing gossip between the Dream folk (or at least between Lucienne and Jessamy) about Dream’s Friend and how Dream is willingly taking time off his work to spend time with this Friend (for more than once a century meet-ups).
And that moment when Hob changed in front of Dream and Dream.exe stopped functioning while Hob is going on as usual. Dream had no idea what Hob was talking about, huh? I laughed. I’m still laughing. I will continue to laugh.
Anyways, reading this chapter made me feel very giddy. Thank you for writing it!
Aaah, thank you so much! Apologies for not replying sooner, I wanted to wait a day to not spoil the story quite as much!
As for Hob picking up on stuff like "the waking world" - Understand I'm actually very excitedly "yes, and..!" ing you when I say, if you knew nothing about Endless lore... how the fuck would you interpret shit like that?? Like, Hob has already accepted that Dream is some sort of weird wizard or sorcerer of some kind, someone with a realm, someone whose name is "Dream" and his sister is "Death" and he's got a weird house and has lived for thousands of years. He know Dream isn't one of the Four Horsemen.
Unlike Hob from pretty much any other era, he is very much not pushing for more right now because Dream has done so much for him already, he's content to let it lie in pretty much every situation except not having a name to call Dream and being scared shitless that he, Hob, might accidentally usher in Armageddon as some sort of proxy for humanity being asked by one of the Four Horsemen if he wishes to live every century. Anything less than that? He's not gonna pry.
I only say this cuz I promise, I really did think about it! But the Endless and the Sandman universe borrows from mythology but it also gets just about everything just a liiiittle bit off when it comes to the mythological Morpheus or Oneiros, and Hob isn't as well read in the 1600s as he might be later. I genuinely wracked my brain for if he'd have any context to even start guessing Greek gods, much less get on the trail of who and what Dream is. Even the idea of a god of dreams would be pretty foreign. He might guess a Faerie creature, except Dream said he's not in Faerie.
So all of the weird shit Dream is saying is certainly weird, Hob is building up context clues to try to build a picture of who or what Dream is, but he's nowhere near guessing "the god of dreams" or figuring out what an Endless is. He could theoretically put together the name "Dream" and "my realm" and "I don't sleep" but that would again, require interrogating Dream to fill in missing pieces, which 1689 Hob is just not going to do. Sorry this essay got away from me but I was very excited at the prospect of talking about why this fic hasn't been heavier on Hob figuring out who Dream is on his own (unlike say, CLWM Hob who has more leverage because he's doing Dream a favor in return and he has an inquisitive mind and a lot less feeling of being beholden to Dream).
I admit, your comment about those conversations kinda makes me want to give a flash of what Dream's side of that chapter was like XD - Suffice to say, poor guy is going through a wild time right now emotionally, lol. And Lucienne is OVERJOYED that maybe Dream will have some help on his mental health before the whole Dreaming, where she unfortunately lives, collapses. If she ever met Hob she would surely shake his hand lol.
Anyway, I'm so glad you're enjoying, thank you for this lovely comment!
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wheeboo · 1 year
new ask from : dizzy anon ! xe says...
ateeee </3 i saw the answer to my last ask and. i can't really word things rn but i generally just. enjoyed it so much, you're so lovely :( like a magnolia in may. you have a poetic soul.
also read ur tags and. many many ideas r coming up rn and i would love to send them to you, as thoughts or request (it really doesn't matter i don't think), see what you think. ^^ because as said last time, your interpretations are actually everything. i love them. i would wanna read them for the first time tbh, every reading experience i have always has me wanting that feeling. discovering it for the first time and feeling the feeling of the words and all, yk?
i hope your day's been good!! it's currently 20mins before 6am and i for once would like to go to school early. hoping to do things before exams next week ^^
how about you? might not get back to u instantly, haha. as per usual with the anonymous feature
; 💫
><,,, me??? LOVELY ??? A MAGNOLIA IN MAY ??? A POETIC SOUL??? im sobbing rn 😭😭😭 ur so sweet i could actually hug u rn like i'm being genuinely srs
omgPLS feel free to send me ur ideas i would love to hear each and every single one :((( i'm so happy u love my interpretations and god i completely understand u! the feeling of experiencing something again for the first time n feeling that magic feeling again ??? i could say that for so many things i've read and written tbh. its so pretty how even the most mundane n simple words could convey such feelings yk <3
and thank u my day has been fine !! life has been moving very steadily, quietly, yet so fast but i've been doing okay^^ how have u been ?? and good luck in school and ur upcoming exams <333 ik you'll do great!!
another thing but i find it so strangely endearing when someone calls me ate ?? like 😭😭 i only have one older sister and have been calling her ate my entire life and my younger cousins don't even call me that LMAO,, sometimes i get called manang on my mom's side tho but dfjlksjfdfs. maybe its cuz i don't live in the philippines 😭. sorry it just made me feel a lil giddy hehe being referred as one <3
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lithugraph · 2 years
5/5 Anyway, I just realized how much I wrote, I'm so sorry for spamming your inbox like that! Your story has just been so amazing to read, and I cannot wait to see where you take it!
1/5 Hi I came across your fic The Book Smuggler last night and just couldn't put it down, so I couldn't stop thinking about it the next morning so I needed to come tell you. Your writing ability is amazing and your story is so riveting! The pacing and the skips between times and places work so well and keep me so hooked on what happens next and what backstories and secrets each character might hold. I also adore the way you write each character.
2/5 Tauraus is such a sympathetic protagonist with his own flaws and mistakes he obviously carries with him, it's hard not to root for him. As are Raivis and Gilbert. And Eduard! He's such a standout character in this story for me, I could write so much more about how invested in this character I am.
3/5 I love that you wrote him as a clever conman, as opposed to a lot of other fics that interpret him as the smart, pencil pushing goody-two-shoes. I understand and enjoy reading both versions of this character, don't get me wrong, but this was really new and interesting. Here, his emotional intelligence is central to his character, and his charm and cleverness carry him through life and different cities, but that doesn't totally eclipse his book smarts and talent in school.
4/5 And it was a little heartbreaking to read about his wishes to pursue medicine. All in all, just wanted to give an extra shoutout to the way you wrote Eduard in this story. Speaking of Eduard, you wrote the dynamic between him and Taurus so well! They clash and argue, which makes sense as people grow together, and especially as they undergo so many stressful situations. But they also care for each other, which makes me more invested in them.
5/5 Anyway, I just realized how much I wrote, I'm so sorry for spamming your inbox like that! Your story has just been so amazing to read, and I cannot wait to see where you take it!
Hello!  Hi! I wanted to take them time and respond to your messages, so I’m compiling them all into one here. First of all: THANK YOU SO MUCH!! No need to worry about spamming my inbox, lol!  These messages were the best thing to wake up to.  I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story, and especially Eduard 😊.  He has been fun to write.  I wanted to take his character beyond the smart boy he’s so often portrayed as.  There are many sides to being “smart”, and I wanted to explore how his intelligence might manifest if he had been raised differently from Tauras.  And even though he and Tauras are related in this, there will always be that element of class standing separating them, which just adds even more to their dynamic.
I feel like I had more to say when I first read these and now my brain is all mush. I'm still so giddy over this, you have no idea!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Hey Ryen 🤗I just found these Notes that I took while re-reading 3tan1 and I think I have never sent them to you. So here is me freaking out in my notes. -🧶🍁
My reaction and a thoughts I had while re-reding 3tan1:
Okay, what if he liked her already??
First of all the way that he cared about her soo much even before anything!! DUDE
Yoongi stills. “If I’m just a rebound—”
AHHHH how did he plan to finish that sentence???
ohh myy god how he keeps giving her moments to say no. Makes me feel like he definitely can't say no anymore and hopes she will. Bc he knows this is a bad idea. Also we stan an attentive king
Shaking, you watch as he slowly shuts his eyes, and you can sense that he’s closing one of his fists against the hard surface of the door.
Is this our guy struggling to keep it together bc he KNOWS that he cares about her??? Or is this just me interpreting way to much into this? who knows🤷‍♀️
“I’m liking everything with you,” you confess without thinking, placing your hands on his shoulders and missing his shrouded expression. Our man trying and failing not to fall in love rn?
What matters is that he made you forget years of being embarrassed. What matters is that you were shown self-worth that will never leave the marrow of your bones, nor the deepest recesses of your brain. What matters is how he showed you what to look for in a sexual partner and, dare you say it, a man in general.
FUCK what are you doing to me!! I am sooo close to TEARS RN!! THIS IS HEARTBREAKING; BEAUTIFUL; POETIC AND JUST AHHHH fuck fUCK FUCK!!! (Just re-reading this rn has me soo fucking GIDDY. RYEN WHAT DO YOU PUT IN YOUR WRITING??? THIS IS INSANE!!! Almost have me giggling and twirling my hair)
Light cuts through the cloudy skies when you react, and you find boldness in your chest one more time. “What if… What if I wanna be more than fine?”
Execuuuse me??? The symbolism here!! The parallel to oc being his light, bc he was in a really dark place at the time an AAAHHHH. Also go her for being bold enough to ask that question!!!
GOD I LOVED RE–READING THIS!! I love noticing new things I didn’t see before and I love how your words make me feel so many things. Also this makes me suuuper curious what their dynamic was like before this. Bc telling her to come to him should she need anything seems like a thing you don’t usually tell your best friends little sister.
yarn!! oh gosh, i got this while i was walking around nyc so i didn't get to read it properly until now and??? i am sobbing?? what the heck thank you for sending your thoughts! response under a cut!
Okay, what if he liked her already?? First of all the way that he cared about her soo much even before anything!! DUDE
awhhhh you're so right! he really did care about reader already, at least in the "hey if you need anything lemme know" older guy type thing.
Yoongi stills. “If I’m just a rebound—” AHHHH how did he plan to finish that sentence???
how diiiid he plan to finish that??
ohh myy god how he keeps giving her moments to say no. Makes me feel like he definitely can't say no anymore and hopes she will. Bc he knows this is a bad idea. Also we stan an attentive king
this is def it. he's reasoning with himself to give reader outs, when really he's mostly doing this so he doesn't have to be the one to say no. he should. but he knows he's not going to.
Shaking, you watch as he slowly shuts his eyes, and you can sense that he’s closing one of his fists against the hard surface of the door. Is this our guy struggling to keep it together bc he KNOWS that he cares about her??? Or is this just me interpreting way to much into this? who knows🤷‍♀️
LOL and the mystery continues!!
“I’m liking everything with you,” you confess without thinking, placing your hands on his shoulders and missing his shrouded expression. Our man trying and failing not to fall in love rn?
ahahahahaha i love this little moment so damn much.
What matters is that he made you forget years of being embarrassed. What matters is that you were shown self-worth that will never leave the marrow of your bones, nor the deepest recesses of your brain. What matters is how he showed you what to look for in a sexual partner and, dare you say it, a man in general. FUCK what are you doing to me!! I am sooo close to TEARS RN!! THIS IS HEARTBREAKING; BEAUTIFUL; POETIC AND JUST AHHHH fuck fUCK FUCK!!! (Just re-reading this rn has me soo fucking GIDDY. RYEN WHAT DO YOU PUT IN YOUR WRITING??? THIS IS INSANE!!! Almost have me giggling and twirling my hair)
AWHHH BABE :'))) these lines and your commentary have me crying!! he really did help reader in a lot of ways, and going back to these lines after all this time has been so surreal.
Light cuts through the cloudy skies when you react, and you find boldness in your chest one more time. “What if… What if I wanna be more than fine?” Execuuuse me??? The symbolism here!! The parallel to oc being his light, bc he was in a really dark place at the time an AAAHHHH. Also go her for being bold enough to ask that question!!!
EXACTLYYY not only do we have the symbolism of the rain being cleansing, but we also have the light from the sun.. ugh. when yoongi was in the dark.. geezus. i love them. i love them i love them i love them.
GOD I LOVED RE–READING THIS!! I love noticing new things I didn’t see before and I love how your words make me feel so many things. Also this makes me suuuper curious what their dynamic was like before this. Bc telling her to come to him should she need anything seems like a thing you don’t usually tell your best friends little sister.
i love that you loved the reread! noticing all the little things when you go back and read it is super fun and refreshing :D as far as their dynamic, we may see more of it later! there's a lot of story to go, after all. :) thank you so much for all of the commentary! this was fun to read omg
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