refrigerator427 · 30 days
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Art trade with @shinakazami1
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squuote · 11 months
Just want to say I squish your Narrator and touch his gorey face gently and just kiss your brain for being just so awesome, your stuff in my feed always brings me life /silly /p
OOUGGGHHEEEEE TYTY this literally means the world to me cause i also go like fuckin crazy whenever ur stuff pops up on my dash *_* LITERALLY THE BEST. i imagine if you tried to touch his face, it'd probably go something like this
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just be careful with his lines of thought, might make them spill all over the place
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steampoweredwerehog · 8 months
I prob get what the person meant but yeah it puts a lot of pressure on already stressed artist. I can tell you that from what I've seen and my own thoughts you're a beloved tsp artist (or well, artist in general but many of us got to find you thanks to this fandom) but please don't feel like due to that you would have to create often or speed up the art process. It's always amazing to see your work but we know art takes time.
🙏 Hope you will be able to find some time to wind of and relax somewhere, and thank you for being an amazing art inspo
Yeeee I’m sure they didn’t intent any offense; it was just…the exact opposite of what I needed to read right now pff.
But I appreciate the kind words and assurance that there are folks who understand that art takes work, & we all do the best we can. Thank you for the well-wishes ^.^
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gothic-mothic · 5 months
GEHEGEH THANK YOU SHINAA !! I appreciate ur kind words even if they did arrive a bit late <3 lol
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cake-bread · 10 months
Mr Wreden, I really like your games. I want to talk about the music in TBG though. It often mismatches your intention. In machine chapter, you said how you felt happy, seeing people like Coda's games. But the music in that part felt... Eery, to say the least. Why did you choose that piece?
It's supposed to guide to to the next part - that Coda cut contact with me at that moment. It's supposed to let you know that my happiness was cut. That my good intentions were met with displease. It's a non direct foreshadowing. Just like I intended!
Cakebread, out!
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phenikas · 3 months
Is it okay to draw (with credits ofc) pictures based on your beautiful renders? :>
AAAAA yes yes a 100 times yes!!! I would be honored!!! <3
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kelpiekidd · 11 months
Add on to the prev question - a l l . I want to see how their reactions change. And if that's too much work - pick :]
btw you are so cool and amazing and any notif from u brings joy!!
Pre-parable, for Stanley and Jim at least, probably dread? I mean this game is obviously about Stanley, it raises a lot of questions. I mean, imagine finding a game about you. Freaky.
Out of the context of it being about Stanley, it is the kind of game he would enjoy. Interactive, thought provoking, at times emotional. He'd probably feel a lot of pity towards the characters, and sympathy. After all, the protagonist is so similar to him. He doesn't play in depth games very often, but he enjoys them when he does. Just doesn't really have the time for them.
Jim, however, would definitely enjoy and appreciate the philosophy of it all. I don't think they'd enjoy playing it himself, being so long and time consuming. He'd definitely enjoy watching someone else play it, though. It would stick with him.
In the parable Stanley would probably have mixed feelings about it. It's funny, all of his thoughts, feelings, hardships, joys, all reduced into one little game. Makes it all seem so insignificant. A reminder of everything, a question to his own mortality. Neither him or the narrator are in control.
For the Narrator it would be bittersweet. This is his creation, his child. He'd be in awe of "his own" craftsmanship, but then again, what was it all for?
432 would hate it. It would force them to look at things from the Narrator's perspective, show him not everything is clear-cut as it seems. They're all prisoners. It would be very aggravating.
I hope this answers the question correctly?
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gweniala · 2 years
In 2015, @shinakazami1 and I started on a project - a music video illustrating shina’s fanfiction, Drug of Crown. I did the lineart, she did the colouring. After about two years, I procrastinated my way to a complete roadblock while editing the last picture of the nearly finished video. It has been on my mind since then. I always thought I would finish it. There’s so much work in it, after all. It would be a shame if the world never saw it.
Hope you like seeing your 7 year old art, shina! I don’t writhe at seeing it because I never got better at drawing, but you’re a different story.
The song is Drumming Song by Florence and the Machine.
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jumpinjohnnyjumble · 1 year
Happy birthday!!!
thank you !! ^_^💕!!
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vega-482 · 1 year
Kevan Brighting's opinion on voice AI
You've probably already seen this screenshot of an email of Kevan's opinion on AI generated audios
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YES it's the real Kevan Brighting
However I'll explain the full context in this post and how we got this email
[warning for brief NSFW mention]
We obtained it thanks to @/shinakazami1 who asked him directly!
Ok so, since someone from a TSP discord server I'm in posted a NSFW AI generated audio of the Narrator, and someone else pointed out it wasn't ok to feed Kevan's voice to an AI and using it for making NSFW content without his consent, I wanted to know about his opinion on the matter but I was too coward to ask myself
But Shina had previously said she could ask Kevan directly if we wanted to commission him but didn't want to ask directly, so I told her if she could ask Kevan directly about his opinion on the matter, I wanted to ask specifically about the NSFW AI audios, but she decided to ask him about AI generated audios in general, and she'll ask him about NSFW voice commissions and other NSFW matters later
And that's basically how she got his opinion about AI generated audios
So the best thing we can and should do as a fandom is respecting him and his work, as well as his opinion on the matter and stop doing AI generated audios with his voice since he doesn't agree with it
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sanzosin · 3 months
Your nisha jack art always gives me life, they're so expressive and just wholesome and silly, thank you sm for your work!
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Thank You so much for the amazing kind words @shinakazami1
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medsteeth · 6 months
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this is what i meant by @shinakazami1 inspo i'm so sorry for @ ing you again but yeah... here's a drawing this took an hour idk. It's been so long since i drew messy! :D
"he still has the lovebug or something" yeah
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squuote · 9 months
HII SHINA HI TYTYTY THIS ASK IS SO NICE WEEPS I never how know to respond to such nice messages FBDJFBDJG BUT IT DOES MAKE ME RLLY HAPPY TYTYTY bowing before you as well !!!
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eugenebird · 3 months
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Now listen carefully. This is important. Stanley walked through a RED door.
Two doors collab with amazing @shinakazami1 yippiee... It's always so fascinating when two different artstyles meet each other.
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gothic-mothic · 8 months
ok so someone on twitter asked me if my rainnarrator was inspired by weather theory post and i knew i didn't write it and then found it was you and MY GOD I AGREE SO FRICKING MUCH WITH YOU YOUR HEADCANONS ARE SO GOOD
Oh my god that’s so cool, I had no idea “weather theory” was something being discussed in the fandom! Let alone outside of tumblr! It literally makes me so happy that other people have theorized and head-cannoned about this, it’s so cool !! Aa !!
And I have no idea how I’ve gone this long without seeing much of ur Rainnarrtor art/posts, fixing that immediately (I love his design btw omg, he’s so sweet looking I can see why he’s compared to Paddington a lot LOL)
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cosmokrill · 1 year
I guess I sort of just used this old drawing I made back in June (when I first discovered the tsp fandom over on Twitter) and redrew it to see how much more competent I've become at art
Old one, circa... Some time back in June of last year. Or early July, I don't remember
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Versus new one, circa... About 8 hours ago, maybe?
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This time, it actually has @shinakazami1 's Stanley in it to go with Fernator, since I guess June 2022 Corey didn't feel like drawing him and just opted for his own Stanley instead?
The world may never truly know.
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