#i love slathering these old people in glitter and bright colors
show-tunes · 1 year
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You know what? Fuck you *blingee’s your scrybes*
Bonus Leshy jumpscare where I was trying to learn how to use the fill tool
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
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Day 13!!! Fairytale!!!
Today i went for a storybook style since instead of a fairy tale au instead the two are discussing Fairy tales and why a certain wolf doesn’t seem to ‘fall’ for the Prince like in the books and she points out she’s a wolf not a princess
Plus a Bonus doodle from post discussion
Ficletttt timeeeee it’s a lil long sooo read more
“Hrm.” the ghost frowned as he set the book back on the shelf.
“Something bothering you?” Eclipse tilted her head as she leaned around the shelf startling him.
He gasped with her sudden appearance and gripped his chest with a heavy sigh, “Don’t do that! I could have… well no but. Don’t spook me.”
She giggled as she hopped down from the ledge and looked at the book he put back, “Ah!” she lit up with excitement, “Fairy tales!”
He turned a light yellow, “yeah. I was reading to the minions again.” he rubbed his ‘neck’ with a huff, “Just was thinking about some things while I did.”
“Oh?” she flipped through it with a small smile, fangs peeking from her lips.
He stared at her and shook his head as he felt himself almost shift to human form as he stared. He chuckled, “yeha just. Um. Prince has been rather… confused lately. So I thought fairy tales may have answers because they often have a Prince.” he scowled, “and just. You know a Prince with a prince problem and all that.. Stupid stuff.”
“Fiction and reality rarely correlate like that.” she pointed out as she looked up from the book, “What’s wrong, if you can talk about it? He doesn’t talk to me much about things he’s worried about, just gives me flowery words and is s-u-p-e-r touchy.” she laughed. She paused in thought, “Well no we do talk sometimes but. Most of the time he’s just trying so hard to be that stereotypical prince…”
He turned yellow and looked away, “To be honest… it’s you.” he mumbled.
She frowned and pointed to herself, “me? What’s the matter? How should I change? Did I make him upset?” she sighed, “sorry.”
“N-No you shouldn’t change! You’re… adequate as you are. Best assistant I’ve ever had. You didn’t make HIM upset. Far from it.. Just. Confusion.” he huffed, “Just. I guess he’s so confused about the fact you don’t fall for those words. Or the whole… Prince thing.” 
The ghost sighed as he thought about it, “In books and his past, normally people just.. Fell for the prince for being a prince. With his flowery poems and kindness. He likes you. A lot. And last time he was with someone she loved the Prince thing...”
“And look where that got them...I told him when we met I like someone else.” she hummed as she went back to the book and sat on the wall as she did. She brushed her hair from her face as she read the worn pages, “I’m not going to simply fall for someone else when I’ve liked the same person for a few years. Prince or not. I’m not a princess.” she gave him a small smirk but he was looking away.
She sighed and laid back on the stone, holding the book to her chest, “If he thinks a fairy tale is what I’m after he’s wrong.” she waved a hand, “I don’t care about that. I CAN’T care about that.”
“Y-You don’t?” he frowned slithering over to stand above her, “Then what is it you care about….ah…” he turned yellow as she reached up,  rubbing her hands over his ‘cheeks’ with a soft smile. He smiled back and put his hands over hers.
“I just like who I like for who he is and the time we’ve spent. That’s all. Nothing fancy. No flowery words, no false pretenses. Just a little snarky, a little mean, a lot kind.” she snickered before gasping as she was scooped up. 
“Snatcher!” she laughed as she was held in his arms and he picked the book up and sat in her spot.
She gave a heavy sigh as she leaned against him, “Besides…”
“Besides?” he repeated.
“I’m not a princess like the books.” she pointed out, “In fairy tales. The prince always falls for a princess…”
“Ah… Not always. Sometimes she came from a poorer birth but…” he ran over the fairy tales he knew by heart, “Ah…”
“Exactly. I’m not a princess, I’m far from it.” she played with a curl of his fur.
“I could argue but I won’t.” he teased making her chuckle.
“I’m a wolf Snatcher. I’m not a princess. So you can tell Prince that. I… I am as far from a princess as he’ll ever get…” she gripped at her scarf with a sad smile, “So a fairy tale… it’s not possible… the wolf always loses. So if he thinks I want a fairy tale. He’s dead wrong. I don’t.. I’d love to be a princess but I will never be. I’m the wolf with claws and fangs. Who dances with the dead.”
He frowned and shifted, nuzzling her face, “You’re talking to an undead law school drop out who eats souls. I don’t think that’s an issue he’s got.”
“Indeed!” she gave a smile as she rested in his fur, “I don’t want a fairy tale and I won’t fall for a prince just because of his title. Titles don’t mean much to me.” she teased looking at him as he turned yellow, “And know I’m the big bad wolf of Subcon Woods.” she bared her fangs making him laugh loudly. 
“Eclipse. Thank you.” he smiled softly and nuzzled against her, “I’ll… let prince know if that’s fine. I’m sure that will help his confusion.” he chuckled, “A big idiotic, kind-hearted wolf.”
She watched his face glow and felt her cheeks go warm. She laid against him with a small smile, eyes drifting to the fairy tale book. She gripped at her scarf, “Anytime…”
“SNATCHER!” Hat laughed as the ghost jumped in his chair. 
He gave a sharp scowl, “What?”
“What’s up with Eclipse?” She crawled on the arm, tumbling into his lap as he caught her.
“Ah… I don’t know. Why? What’s she doing?” He looked at her worried.
“She just seems… down? Like she’s smiling but…” hat frowned, “Did you do something weird as ‘Prince’ again?” she narrowed her eyes.
“I didn’t. I haven’t even taken my human look today.” he leaned on his arm and gasped, “ah… our conversation earlier… I wonder if it...upset her….”
“What did you do.” Hat sneered as he sighed.
“We were talking about… Fairy tales and princes and stuff…”
“Wow. Subtle.” She snickered as he shoved against her face.
“Keep it up I have more death wishes if you want brat.”
“Bring it old man!” she cackled and wrapped her arms around his hand, “So why’d she get sad?”
He lifted the kid up as he thought about it. Running over her words he gasped, “She’s being negative again! Dammit I didn’t catch her this time!” he fumed, “She hid it so well with the conversation and I was so wrapped up in myself!”
“Shocker.” Hat kid frowned, “So what happened?”
“Well i was… to be blunt reading fairy tale books to see if I was doing something wrong making her fall for Prince instead of…” he gestured at himself.
“Riiiighhhtt. You could just. Tell her the truth.” She leaned on her hands as she laid on his head.
“That defeats the purpose of this...act…” he turned light yellow, “She SHOULDN’T love a dead soul stealer…”
“You realize you’re still a dead soul stealer even as prince right?” She pointed out.
“That’s not important, she doesn’t know that!” he argued, “But point is we were talking and she.. Got hung up on she’s not a princess… She’s a wolf. And the wolf always loses…” he recalled her phrasing with a scowl.
“She could be a wolf princess. I watched a movie like that! She was wicked strong and pretty! Like Eclipse!” Hat beamed, “I have an idea! I need scissors, glue, paper, glitter and crayons!”
He moved her down as he slithered to get her craft supplies from the shelf, “I’ll do the scissor work kiddo. I don’t need you bleeding in my house.”
“Righhhttt says the guy who keeps killing me.” She rolled her eyes as she went to sit at the table and began her master plan.
“What are you doing?” He watched as she colored and slathered glitter down, “Ah!” He saw the shape and gave a small smirk.
“You’ll need to take your prince noodle form. I think it’ll work.” She grinned handing it to him, “Cut please!”
“Alright.” he shifted down as he held the scissors humming as he cut the crown out and taped it in a circle, “Good work. Looks decent. Sloppy but you’re what 6?”
“I’m 8 but go on.” She snickered as she raised her arms, “Carry me! I wanna help give her it!”
He chuckled, “Fine only because you made it. Where did you see her last?”
“Putting up spider lures in the west area.” She snickered as he flew out of the treehouse.
It didn’t take long for them to find Eclipse as she stood high up on the nearly invisible branches, the gentle chiming noise heard with each step.
“Eclipse!” Hat kid shouted up causing her to look down. She waved and jumped, landing in front of them.
“Hey Kiddo! Prince.” She nodded to the man who gave a soft smile, “What’s up?” she clapped some dust off her gloves.
“We made you something!” Hat grinned, “Snatcher helped us!”
“Oh?” she looked between them confused as the man set the paper crown on her head. She turned bright red, “W-what are you D-Doing?!” She gasped as he kissed her cheek.
“Sometimes. Fairy tales can be rewritten.” he admitted, “And the wolf can be the princess.”
She felt her whole face grow hot as she stammered, unable to get any words out.
Snatcher grinned, it was the first time he was able to get that sort of reaction from her while he was Prince. He set the little girl down to catch Eclipse as she started to trip backwards in her red faced stupor. She stared up at him as he held her back and smiled at her. She covered her face with her hands ashamed.
Hat pulled her camera out to snap a photo and grinned, she couldn’t wait to tell Bow their plan was working.
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felicityollies · 5 years
The Green Arrow vs Pink Glitter
@eloquence-of-felicities said: How about this for a prompt? Felicity talking to Oliver. “There is a first time for everything, Oliver.”
A/N: My immediate thought was sexy times, but then i was like NO BE MORE CREATIVE. So, if you were expecting sexy times I apologize.
“I never even let Thea do this.”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything, Oliver.” Felicity didn’t bother to cover up the fact she was giggling.
He shook his head. Oliver wasn’t annoyed or upset. Actually, he was highly amused. His rough and tumble little girl had decided had decided the knights of the round table needed to go to the salon before they could have their meeting. That included his eighteen-year-old son, William.
“My boyfriend is never going to let me live this down,” William muttered as the curly-haired blond four year old polished his nails with blue glitter.
She slathered it all over his nails, getting it on his skin, but William didn’t complain. “Sir William is almost ready,” she said matter-of-factly.
Lady Mommy, Sir Todd, Lady Helen, Sir Buzz Lightyear, and Sir Woody were already sitting at the coffee table waiting for them. Oliver knew that today’s meeting included events from the last dragon slaying and a discussion on who stole the last cookie from the cookie jar; all eyes were on Sir Todd. That rascally teddy bear.
When Mia was through with William and had him blowing on his nails, she moved toward Oliver. “Daddy,” she said, looking up at him with her mother’s bright blue eyes.
“Yes, Lady Mia.”
“Fingers, please.”
He held out his hands for her. She watched her eye his nails and rub her chin as if she were deep in thought.
“Pink,” she said.
“Pink is a good color.” He nodded.
She reached for her tiny bottle of pink glitter and shook it. Mia began to apply the glitter in the same slathering motion she had done to William. He watched her and glanced to his son, taking a picture for his boyfriend. His gaze flicked to his wife. He smiled and she leaned down to kiss his cheek. It was these moments with his family that made him grateful he was alive. He loved them more than anything in the world and he wouldn’t trade this life for anything. Pink glitter and all.
Tags: @memcjo @deathandindignitybedamned @almondblossomme @alexiablackbriar13 @blackcanarydinah @mickeysjones
I’m doing this from my iPad so I’m only tagging a few people, sorry!
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angryrabbit42 · 6 years
Salt Water Taffy
“So, you come here often?”
I was an idiot. I have no idea how to be suave, so the sentence escaped my mouth in a rush of adrenaline. It was definitely a ‘panic pick up line.’ I am too much of a coward to ever speak to people. I get tongue tied, make a few noises, panic and leave. I’m not stupid. I know she was just people and I’m people too-erm, a person too-but anxiety is crippling.
She stopped shoveling salt water taffy into a box long enough to look up at me with her wide spaced sparkly gray eyes. Those eyes did things to my insides. Everything was suddenly too close and too warm. I had never in my life seen eyes that deep and full of glitter. I’m not poetic. She had glitter eyes.
Stunned, all I could do was stare and I try desperately to remember how to breathe. A large tee covered her from neck to mid-thigh like the tackiest dress. ‘Lifeguard’ in red swam across the shirt and it was soaking wet in spots. She or the short or the shop itself smelled like something had crawled out of the high tide. She was shoeless.
No one seemed to have noticed her but me. They were all blind, probably, because her hair was shockingly pink and down to her t-shirt covered butt. And on top of the bright hair and outward weirdness, she was the most attractive woman I had ever seen.
“It’s Salt Water Taffy Season,” she told me, smiling with bright white teeth, “I love saltwater taffy. Do you like it?”
“I ah, it um get’s stuck in my teeth,” I reply brilliantly.
Her gray eyes flood with worry. “You have to suck on them until they get soft,” she tells me.
“Thanks,” I said and got a soft smile as my reward.
She tossed her hair over one shoulder and went back to trying to fill the box with all the salt water taffy the store had. Once the box was full, her eyes met mine again, calculating. With a wide wink, she stuffed the entire box under her shirt and raced out of the store. The teenager watching the register didn’t give chase. He hardly even looked up from the magazine he had spread over the counter. In an even tone he said, “Hey, you stop.”
I slipped out of the shop a few seconds later so the teenager wouldn’t think I was in on the salt water heist, not that he would care. He was definitely up for employee of the month. Once out in the bright sun, I scanned the crowd for pink. The boardwalk was teeming with children, parents, and couples. Giant stuffed animals trailed from tired parents’ obscuring the view. I walked from one end of the boards to the other before giving up. The thief was gone. The disappointment I felt was a punch to the gut. She was the most interesting person I had spoken to all summer and now she had vanished into the air. I went home.
I tried to give up on her but the Salt Water Taffy Thief stayed with me. Every time I was near a shop or on the boards, I couldn’t resist the urge to hunt for her. Sometimes I thought I would catch a glimpse of her but it was always my imagination. Still, I kept my ear to the ground for any more salt water taffy heists. There were three. A man at the pizza shop told me pounds of the stuff had gone missing. He didn’t know she was the pink haired beauty I had met.
I spent every summer down the shore watching the house for a friend who hated the tourist season but hated the idea of renting more. The house was on the bay with lovely color themed rooms and it was a great way to recharge after teaching ten-year-olds all year. And because I was practically a local, I preferred to go down to the beach after most of the families and the lifeguards had gone home for the day. I would set up my blanket, slather on sunblock and pull out a book to read. A week after I had seen the thief, I did just that.
The lingering heat forced me out into the ocean. I swam out past the breakers and rolled onto my back, only doing what I had to do to stay afloat. Blue sky arched above me with not a single puffy cloud appeared to ruin it. This is how the world should look; serene and blue, not noisy and full of spitballs.
Before I knew it the blue was deepening, darkening. I sat up and started to tread water. The sun had slipped down to the edge of the water and as I watched the sky turned a magnificent crimson tinged in cinnamon before fading into a dark plum. The ocean ate the sun and left me alone. I sighed. It was time to go back to the house.
Except the shore was much farther away than I remembered it being. I rolled my eyes at my own stupidity. I struck out with long strokes. I wasn’t worried. I was a strong swimmer. I was more annoyed that I was going to ruin my peaceful moment with a dash for the beach. A tail slapped the water near me. Startled, I spun to see if it was the soft rounded dorsal fin of a dolphin or the more vertical, straighter of a shark.
The slap happened closer to me. I backed away and continued to head for the shore. The current picked up and at first, I thought it would be a bro and toss me up onto the beach. Instead, it dragged me backward, closer to the tail slapping the water. But the ocean was crueler still and I hadn’t checked to see what the undertow was before swimming out. A large wave crashed over my head and I was dragged under.
I was in inky black unable to tell up from down as the currents buffeted me. Things brushed my legs and arms. My lungs burned. I wanted to exhale. I didn’t. I knew better. What was in my lungs was all I had left. I made a decision to strike out in a direction. I had no idea if it was up or down. The water was numbing my extremities now. The pressure in my ears was building and the things were terrifying. I still didn’t know whose tail had been within slapping distance of me and where it was now.
I chose wrong. The pressure increased. I spun around to try again. Flailing, I was lost in the dark, cold water. My mouth opened and bubbles escaped. Heaviness filled my bones. I was too tired to panic. I stopped fighting.
I shot forward gasping for breath. I flailed and a strong hand gripped mine, squeezing it. Confusion flooded me as sunlight hit my skin and soft blanket met my legs.
“Safe,” a familiar voice told me. She repeated the word until it seeped into my sun-warmed skin.
My saltwater taffy thief sat beside me with her cloud of pink hair. It was damp and curling around her face making her a pink fluffy angel. She was grinning. I smiled back. Surrounded by saltwater taffy wrappers and sitting on my blanket in her bare feet, she fluffed my hair affectionately. She was wearing a lemon yellow muscle tee with a whale on it and nothing else.
“Hi,” I said, dazed.
“You want one,” she asked, holding up a plastic bag full of candy.
My stomach felt like it was full of saltwater. My head hurt and my sinuses burned. I was dry but since I had sat up, water was trickling out of my ears and I could feel sand everywhere and I mean everywhere. Sugar was the last thing I should be putting in my battered body.
“No thanks. I’m not hungry. What happened?”
She sniffed. “You didn’t listen to me. I slapped the water to get you to go away from the bad currents but you swam right into them.”
“You slapped the water? I thought I saw a tail. I thought you were a shark!” I exclaimed to giggles.
“Lucky you, it’s still Salt Water Taffy Season and I was near the beach. I dragged you out.”
Bemused, I thanked her and offered, “You can get salt water taffy all year long. They don’t stop selling it after the tourists leave.”
She shook her head like I was a particularly stupid specimen of the human race. I couldn’t blame her. I felt that way about myself most of the time. “Can’t steal it if there’s no crowd to disappear into. As it is, I’ve hit my last store. I have to be careful and not steal too much. I can’t get caught.”
“Why not buy some?” I asked.
“No money,” she said and her gray eyes brightened, the sparkle swirling. I felt like I could drown in them which was unfortunate after my almost drowning. “I don’t have a job. Jobs are a weird concept. Do you have one?” she asked.
“A job? Yeah, I teach math,” I told her.
She counted out loud as she ate candy and I grinned. I wanted to see her again. I wanted to see her again and again.
“Do you live out here?” I asked.
Bobbing her head, she gathered the wrappers and raced them away to a trash can. In seconds she was back, stretching long pale legs out beside me. The skin was just a bit too pale, almost like the underbelly of a snake or a fish. She took large handfuls of her hair and finger combed it until it behaved. Her body was lean if well-muscled.
“Do you have a home,” I asked.
She glanced out at the water and ignored the question.
“What’s your name?”
No answer came and she bumped my shoulder before standing up. “Stay out of the bad currents.”
“Wait,” I called.
She walked out into the waves. Halfway out, she turned back to wave at me. I waved back.  Seconds later a tail slapped the water.
Three days later I bought all the salt water taffy I could find and left it on the beach.
keep me writing:  ko-fi.com/fuzzym 
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