#i love soramaru/nico too
yaniasogames · 1 year
nozomi/kussuns singing voice <3
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curewhimsy · 6 years
Why are the Love Live seiyuus so pretty... They seem so cool too... I wanna be friends with them, waaa...
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ryqoshay · 7 years
How to Handle a Nico: Olympic Idol
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Words: ~1k Rating: K Time Frame: Late in Maki’s college career and early in Nico’s idol producer career. Story Arc: Stand Alone
List of all HtHaN scenes
Author’s Note: First this post rolls across my dash, then @emitsunosaurus-rex was kind enough to translate Soramaru and Pile’s tweets! And the spark of inspiration was lit. Thus, I’ve brought both the real world event from the Olympics and the Twitter responses into the HtHaN world.
No1Idol: Maki-chan!
No1Idol: Maki-chan!
NishikinoMaki: What do you want, Nico-chan?
No1Idol: Can you do Nico a hu~ge favor?
NishikinoMaki: I'm in class
NishikinoMaki: What do you want?
No1Idol: Check your Twitter feed
NishikinoMaki: What the heck?
No1Idol: Just do it
No1Idol: Please, Maki-chan!
NishikinoMaki: Fine
Maki glanced around the classroom quickly to make sure nobody was paying attention. Once certain that she was safe, she opened the app.
Nico-nii: Eh!? Nico Nico Nii!? Are you sure she said Nico Nico Nii!? Nico Nico Nii!!?
I haven’t watched TV because I’m at work, so please reply!! LOL Really, Nico Nico Nii!? Is it true, Nico Nico Nii!?
What the heck? It was times like this that Maki truly did not understand Nico. Her Nico Nico Nii thing had appeared on TV somewhere? In and of itself, it was strange, but to also assume she knew something about it just pushed things that much farther beyond Maki’s ability to comprehend. Well, comprehend beyond just Nico being Nico. Again.
NishikinoMaki: I don’t get it
NishikinoMaki: Who are you talking about?
No1Idol: One of my employees just said that someone on our curling team did my signature Nico Nico Nii when they got their medal!
No1Idol: But I can't find a replay clip of if anywhere yet
NishikinoMaki: Not for lack of trying, I assume
No1Idol: I'm at work, Maki-chan
No1Idol: I can't spend all day scouring the web for people mimicking me
No1Idol: Even if it is a famous Olympian medalist
NishikinoMaki: Uh-huh…
Maki sighed and opened a different chat window.
NishikinoMaki: Have you been watching the Olympics?
NyaCat: nyabsolutely!
NishikinoMaki: Did you happen to see today’s coverage of Japan’s curling team?
NyaCat: you mean the part where chinami yoshida did the nico nico nii thing?
NyaCat: that was so nyawesome!
NyaCat: nico-chan is going to be so happy when she sees that!
NishikinoMaki: Thank you, Rin
NyaCat: you know maki-chan i was going to respond to her tweet to tell her
NyaCat: but i think shed like it better if you responded
NishikinoMaki: Me? Why me?
NyaCat: cause youre her girlfriend maki-chan!
NyaCat: duh!
Maki sighed. Of course, Rin was right. She chastised herself for falling on old habits and not realizing it herself.
NishikinoMaki: Yes
NishikinoMaki: You're right
NishikinoMaki: Thank you again, Rin
NyaCat: always happy to help maki-chan!
So it was real after all. Mako found herself smiling. Rin was absolutely correct, this would make Nico's day, possibly her week. She switched back to her Twitter app.
NishikinoMaki: Yes, Nico Nico Nii!!!
The response was immediate, back in chat.
No1Idol: Thank you Maki-chan!!!
No1Idol: Where did you find the clip?
No1Idol: Please link it to me!
No1Idol: Please!
No1Idol: Please Maki-chan!
No1Idol: Don’t make me beg.
Maki stifled a laugh. You are begging, Nico-chan. She thought to herself.
NishikinoMaki: Sorry, I don’t have a link
NishikinoMaki: I just asked Rin because I knew how closely she has been watching our teams
No1Idol: Oh, alright
No1Idol: Thanks again for that
No1Idol: I guess I'll look for clips again later when I get home tonight
Maki pretty much knew the answer but had to ask anyway.
NishikinoMaki: Is it really that important?
No1Idol: Of course it is, Maki-chan!
Maki could easily imagine Nico putting a hand on her hip or puffing out her chest with pride.
No1Idol: This means Nico-nii is famous!
NishikinoMaki: You mean the No. 1 Idol in the Universe isn’t already famous?
Maki couldn't resist the smirk that came to her lips.
No1Idol: Of course Nico is famous!
No1Idol: Nico is just more famous now!
NishikinoMaki: Ah, I see
No1Idol: And maybe this is the first step in getting idoling into the Olympics!
What. Maki blinked at her screen. Had she read that correctly?
NishikinoMaki: Idoling?
No1Idol: The sport of being an idol.
NishikinoMako: Being an idol is a sport?
No1Idol: Obviously!
No1Idol: Probably even more so than some activities that are already considered a sport!
No1Idol: And you know the Olympics already has synchronized swimming and figure skating and gymnastic floor routines and such
No1Idol: Idoling would fit right in!
NishikinoMaki: And naturally, they would call Nico-chan first
No1Idol: But of course!
No1Idol: Nico is the No. 1 Idol in the Universe!
No1Idol: Nico Nico Nii!
NishikinoMaki: Idiot
No1Idol: You love it
NishikinoMaki: Maybe
No1Idol: Oh, and maybe Egao could become an Olympic sponsor!
No1Idol: Just think of the exposure we could get with that!
NishikinoMaki: Just think of the expense to compete with the existing exclusive sponsors
No1Idol: Maki-chan!
No1Idol: Why do you have to ruin a girl's dreams with reality like that?
No1Idol: Let Nico have her dreams!
NishikinoMaki: Right
NishikinoMaki: Sorry
NishikinoMaki: Well who knows, maybe one day idoling will become a sport
The word still sounded strange to Maki.
NishikinoMaki: Maybe you should look to see what connections you have
NishikinoMaki: Never hurts to get the idea in the heads of the right people
No1Idol: Good idea, Maki-chan!
No1Idol: I’m going to do that right now!
NishikinoMaki: I thought you were busy at work
No1Idol: I am!
No1Idol: And this is work!
NishikinoMaki: Right…
No1Idol: I am an idol producer!
No1Idol: I must look after the interests of the idols in my employ
No1Idol: I must help expand and improve the idol industry
No1Idol: Getting idoling declared as a sport is a small step
No1Idol: Getting idoling into the Olympics would be a fantastic leap
Maki smiled. There was a time when she had felt that Nico was merely obsessed with idols as a wannabe, but over time she had come to appreciate the older girl’s honest and steadfast dedication to the craft. Even with the setbacks she had endured over the years, Nico continued to dream big and push forward toward new and amazing goals. And despite the teasing, Maki knew she would support Nico in her endeavors however she could.
NishikinoMaki: I know you will do whatever you can
NishikinoMaki: Good luck, Nico-chan
No1Idol: Thanks, Maki-chan
No1Idol: See you tonight?
NishikinoMaki: Definitely
No1Idol: Have fun in class
No1Idol: Love you!
NishikinoMaki: I love you too, Nico-chan
Maki returned her attention to her class, pleased that her girlfriend’s fame had grown yet again.
Author’s Note Continued: I believe this is now the second real world event I have brought up in HtHaN. I’ve tried to guesstimate where the timeline of the story and the real world align, and this is where I have determined things to fit. I hope that I am at least somewhat close.
That said, thanks again, emitsunosaurus, for providing the translations!
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yujachachacha · 7 years
who is you fav μ's seiyuu?
Is it cheating if I say “all of them”? _(:3 」∠)_ I mean, each of them are just so funny and precious in their own unique way:
Emitsun is basically a grown-up Honoka…except maybe not so “grown-up” after all. She’s so clumsy! Then again, she’s got dem buff arms and a really powerful singing voice. A wonderful leader through and through.
Ucchi is pure. So pure. Her looks of disgust are killer, though. Also, I approve of her water-drinking habits. Stay hydrated, kids.
Mimorin, more like Memeorin amirite? I love how she has basically nothing in common with Umi in terms of personality, and has even pointed out this fact herself on more than one occasion.
Shikaco is so pretty…and yet her drawings are so terrifying…reminds me of a certain member of the Aqours cast. :3c I also love all the videos of her hanging out with Rippi - RL RinPana right here.
Pile manages to be both a dork and an ojou-sama. How does she do it?! She’s such an amazing singer, too. Also, her giggles are really cute.
Rippi is the maji angel. Nanjou’s got the right idea of wanting to dote on her. A little ball of sunshine much like her character. Talented as heck, too - if you haven’t seen her Anisama performance of “Kataomoi Sekkin”, you need to do so right now.
Soramaru…oh boy, where do I start with her? She’s the Aikyan of the µ’s crew - her dedication to her character is second-to-none. She is the reason why Nico is so beloved despite being a trash gremlin. Also, I saw her earlier this year at BushiFes and holy crap she is so nice to her fans. She was so radiant that she might have been hiding an actual halo above her head or something.
Kussun can also give the others a run for their money in terms of being the RL equivalent of their character. She always peeks under the skirts of the µ’s figurines during niconamas, lmao. Also love the fact that she never pays attention during the letter-reading corners, and while Jolno’s quite used to this habit, Emitsun had to tsukkomi her relentlessly for it when it happened on Emitsun Fight Club.
Nanjolno AKA Nanchan AKA Jolno AKA forever 17, wtf. She’s so tiny yet so fierce with her tsukkomis. Also, hands-down the most ikemen of the LL seiyuu. Shukashuu, please take notes.
But…I suppose if I had to narrow it down to three (because I really can’t choose just one aaah), it’d be:
Rippi - my favorite voice in the cast. TBH I’m biased because she does a lot of events in Korea, but it just shows how dedicated she is to her international fans! She speaks Korean so well, omg.
Jolno - her radio personality is so relaxing. Well…more like she’s just a lazy hobo, but I dig that as well, haha.
Emitsun - she tried so, so hard in Emitsun Fight Club. Faito dayo, Emitsun. :’)
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ghikij · 7 years
So I watched...
Uta no Prince-sama - And I was holding my mouth for the first three episodes to stop myself from giggling. I’m just not used to seeing Bishies singing and dancing. XD! Butbut! It wasn’t so bad and I got used to seeing these pretty boys be pretty boys. It’s just so apparently shoujo that the plot moves at the pace of shoujo... like a snail.The main character takes some getting endeared to though. But maa... I’m just 10 episodes in the first season so who knows???
BanG Dream - So @athyrabunlord made me watch this supposed competitor to LLS (?). At first I’m like... noooo, no more idols because I’ve had my share of em but then she told me it has instruments. (Waifu knows my weakness, damn her) So I tried it out. It was... okay. It could be much better though. The ESP galore was great (I love that brand) and Saya (I apparently have a weakness to drummers) made me gay instantly caught my eyes. But... sigh... the series felt like swiss cheese at times, full of plot holes and wtfs. The character arcs could have been great too. (Why did Otae join again?) if given more TLC. What disappointed me the most, however, is the lack of actual instrument use. What was that, lack of budget? But I thought the series was big already ?_?. Anyway, like I said, could have been better. Hearing Mimorin and Soramaru (Umi and Nico from LL) randomly was a great experience too. It was like a game of “I know your....who are you dammit!” and then checking the VA list and feeling your eyebrow twitch at the realization.
‘Twas a good experience though and I enjoyed both series. If you have nothing else ot watch, check out... no matter how embarrassing watching a muscular bish rolling his hips at your in the OP sequence. I must say though, I might turn fujoshi at this rate. XD!
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kuuxkat · 7 years
[EN]Lisani Vol. 27.1 Interview with Tokui Sora
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Translated by: @kuuxkat​ / Additional TL from: tenno
Typeset by: @kuuxkat​ / QC by: @yujachachacha​ @ #teamonibe
Originally TL by: 端木靖雨_Forever
Sourced from: 端木靖雨_Forever
Images from: @emitsunosaurus-rex​
Contents under the Cut!
Typeset images can be found: here
Projects will continue spreading from word of mouth, so I hope that the number of “Love Live! fans” will continue increasing day by day.
Q: It has already been half a year since “μ’s Final LoveLive” ended, so how do you feel about it now? Soramaru: It was just half a year ago, but it feels like it was something even further back. As Final Live passed by just like a hurricane, when I’m watching the Live footage that was being peddled, there would be a situation similar to: “I did something like this huh---” (laughs). As I am busy with my other jobs every day, without realizing it, half a year has already passed by. Q: What was your initial reaction when you first heard that you would be performing for two days at Tokyo Dome? Soramaru: Although before this we had lives at other large stages, (in comparison with Tokyo Dome) the scale was something completely different... I totally could not imagine what a live hosted at such a big stage would be like. In any case, I carried with me strong feelings of wanting to go down that stage without any regrets, as I wanted this live to be the mother of all lives. Q: What was the atmosphere like for the preparatory work and the rehearsals for the live? Soramaru: The schedule for the rehearsals was done in the same vein as the Fan Meeting Tour, as the atmosphere where all the members gathered together was very natural and relaxing. It was akin to club members gathering after school for very enjoyable club activities, so it was really a very remarkable feeling indeed. In the time frame when everyone gathered together, I thought of leaving behind some memories, so I took many photos of everyone. Q: On the other hand, did you have any sense of nervousness towards Tokyo Dome? Soramaru: There would naturally be a sense of nervousness, but as everyone was waiting for us (there), I felt that the feelings of the members were all in sync, so in summary we wanted to express the feelings that we had. In contrast to the tranquil times we spent during our breaks, the rehearsals were distinctively done with our full focus, and the atmosphere was really great. We carried with us the anticipation for the live with its ups and downs, knowing that we had to do our best because it was the Final Live, after all. Q: On the day of the live, what was your experience like when you stood on the stage and saw the large audience? Soramaru: At first, the stage was simply just too wide, so rather than say that I saw everyone in the audience, why not say that I saw a single beautiful body...although we frequently do describe cyalumes as an ocean or universe, it truly did feel just like that. But when the performance officially began, I could clearly see everyone’s faces. As I sung, I held with me the thanks I had for every single one of the fans. It is as if the audience was a single beautiful body, like a sea of penlights Q: Recapping the two days of the live, what was the most memorable moment then? Soramaru: At the rehearsal before the actual performance, we watched the entirety of the opening animated sequence for the first time. When we saw the sequence with the passing of the heart shaped balloon, everyone was shedding tears and the first song was performed while we cried. I said: “It would have been bad if we saw that for the first time during the actual performance, right?” (laughs). I felt that it was great to be able to be in a state of full mental preparation to welcome the coming of the first day. Q: As it was such a huge live, the live performance would have to be done to the limit too, right? Soramaru: In summary, in order to achieve the goal that we had set, the dance moves within the the dance performances were decided on by discussing them with the staff. So, I was eagerly awaiting that very instant when we would be performing in front of everyone. The enthusiasm and calls from everyone totally blew my expectations out of the park. While it shocked me, at the same time it made me really happy too. Q: Even if it was a long awaited live, did you still feel loneliness towards the end? Soramaru: On the second day, as I performed each song one by one, I was doing so with the thoughts of: “I will never perform this song again”. It felt like each and every song was the last song that would be sung at a graduation ceremony. Even though I had resolved to definitely not cry after all the songs are done, in the end all of the members did shed tears. Of course, in the heart of all the members as well as the audience, we all wished to convey the feelings of “Thank you very much”, but I do feel that It was really great that at the end, every one of the members could gather together to form the circle formation. Q: So with the live being over, what are your feelings as you go over all the activities that you have done over the past six years? Soramaru: I received support from many people, and it felt like I was able to do a large variety of things in one go. The time that I spent with everyone was just so long, to the point that the thoughts of “Is it really over?” would still occur to me even now. A TV anime where I can gain growth together with Yazawa Nico. Q: Recapping the activities at the start of the entire project, what were your initial impressions of Yazawa Nico? Soramaru: I felt that appearance-wise, she was very cute, and at the very beginning there was the line “Nico~ Nico~ Ni-” - she really was a very remarkably energetic child, huh (laughs)? At that time, I did not think even once that this particular line would become a line that would be used for such a long time. Q: Before the TV anime began, did you think about how would you portray Nico? Soramaru: As “Love Live!” was my second or third project that I had worked in as a voice actress, at that time, I had yet to think of a detailed plan on how to perform. I believe Nico was someone who, although in the initial design her expression was one of maturity, internally was more aware that, “I am cute you know?”, so she gave an impression of being brazen. In summary, for my performance I went with the momentum of going with my cutest expression and voice. Q: What were your thoughts when going through the recording process for the first few songs? Soramaru: The memory of the time for “Snow halation” is still very impressionable...at that time I had not gotten used to recording, too. When I set foot in the recording studio, as I heard my own voice from the earphones, my thoughts were, “It is different from karaoke, huh?” (laughs). At that time I was totally clueless, regardless of whether it was the method used to sing or the kind of voices used for very specific times. I had to rely on the staff members to be able to continue the recording smoothly. Until the time for the 3rd single, I guess I was charging ahead with my mentality fixed on how it would be bad if I did not do my best. Q: In your struggles, was there a song where you “grasped” something? Soramaru: Starting from the song “Mogyutto ‘love’ de Sekkin Chuu!”, Nico’s part in the drama CDs started to increase, and gradually I was able to understand her personality and traits. It was during the 4th single that I became able to put emotions together with my singing style. Q: So Nico’s personality and traits were gradually being developed, but was it all exposed in one shot during the TV anime? Soramaru: We were slowly establishing what kind of girl she was, and I felt that our two hearts were slowly getting closer, to the extent that I was able to perform very naturally for her. Rather than say that I thought of how I was going to perform, I would say that it was akin to Nico possessing me and borrowing my voice (laughs). Q: Your hearts were in sync to this level, huh? In TV anime season 1, Nico-chan was akin to a popular mascot for “Love Live!”, and she became a very good entry point for first time viewers of the project. Soramaru: The process in which I performed was very fun, too. Before the TV anime began, I was very touched when I heard from the animation director, “It is finally time to add corresponding actions to “Nico-Nico-Ni--” (laughs). As there wasn’t a set pose before the TV anime, I felt that the pose from the cover of “Natsuiro Egao de 1,2,Jump!” was great. I do have a memory of mentioning these particular words. Q: Besides having a very fashionable side, the TV anime did reveal a side of her that shows her blending in together with the other members collectively. Soramaru: Even if up until now she had always worked on Idol Research Club activities by herself, she had always been looking forward to holding lives and dance practices with comrades. As I too am the type with very little friends, it was as if I synchronized with Nico, emphasizing with her as I did dance practice at the same time. It did feel like we were growing hand in hand with each other. A grand affair created between μ’s and their supporters as the anime and reality crisscrossed with each other. Q: Just like the script, the popularity of the real members of μ’s rose greatly as well. What were your feelings with regards to the first ever live that was held in Yokohama BLITZ in the year 2012? Soramaru: At that time, we had to perform and reenact the exact same actions as the full animated PV. We totally could not imagine what kind of emotions would be going through the audience who would be watching that. On the actual day itself, we heard the cheers from everyone, and we could clearly feel that many people were having fun together with us. I felt that all the hard work that we put in had finally blossomed, and we were enjoying the fruits of our labor. Q: When you first took the stage in Animelo Summer Live, the cheers were very loud and clear, too. Soramaru: It was all due to how the PV of “Natsuiro Egao de 1,2,Jump!”, which was played at Animelo Summer Live, was very cute, and how the synchronization of the songs was done to a very high level. We stood on the stage performing while praying that we would get more people interested in μ’s with this opportunity. Q: Following that, on June of 2013 at PACIFICO YOKOHAMA, you announced the second season of the TV anime and the mobile game, as well as the decision to host a live at Saitama Super Arena; it feels like everyone got fired up in one go. Soramaru: Even though the “NicoRinPana” broadcast had the three members always using, “In any case let’s increase the number of fans for Love Live!” as our tagline, we totally did not expect the number to increase so drastically in these few years. It was simply jaw-dropping. It was the same with regards to the performance at Saitama Super Arena the following year. As it was a stage where very famous performers from Animelo Summer Live had gathered together, we couldn’t imagine at that time if our oneman show could carry the atmosphere for the entire arena. Q: For such a large venue, would there be any changes in the performance style on stage? Soramaru: That’s right. As the stage became larger, I would wish to make everyone experience even more joy. There's a strong desire to make everyone have more fun. I feel the same for new fans too, and so for the fans that had supported us from the start, we do not wish to let them feel that “μ’s had become an existence that was far away”. These were the feelings that we wished to convey to everyone. Despite how the members had previously always discussed many different things together, in order to prepare for the live at Saitama Super Arena, the things that we would have to discuss for the performance did increase significantly. Q: In the year 2015, besides the movie, there was the organizing of the Fan Meeting Tour, appearing in “Music Station” and “Kōhaku Uta Gassen”, and so on - it was an attention grabbing year, right? Soramaru: As I had never once imagined that we would be able to appear on a TV program in the role of a singer, I was very shocked that it happened just like the story in the TV anime. I had never once considered us appearing on that kind of music program. But from the perspective of the fans, they see it as, “μ’s is after all one of the top ranking idols in the Oricon chart, so why couldn’t they appear in the program?” - opinions like that were conveyed to us (laughs). Knowing that the fans had merged the anime with real life to cheer us on, it truly made us feel that the line between the anime and reality had been blurred. Q: So you welcomed the performance at Tokyo Dome in such an unprecedented and grand fashion? Soramaru: Before Final Live, there were lots of jobs like the practice for Kōhaku Uta Gassen, interviews, and song recordings. For that stretch of time, every day was very hectic. From now on, I hope that the number of fans will continue to grow. Q: What were your reactions and thoughts after Final Live ended? Soramaru: Although afterwards I did continue doing other jobs same as before, of course there were opportunities where we would speak of things regarding μ’s. Even now, I can still hear from fans who say, “Final Live really was great.” I feel very happy that even at the end, they are still looking over me. Q: What would the situation be like when you meet with the other members on the set of different jobs? Soramaru: Previously, we had always regularly met with everyone in the “NicoRinPana” program, so I guess it was something like, “Ah, good afternoon”? If we meet at a worksite now, the mood would be similar to, “Oh, you’re here, huh?” (laughs). Q: We can say that you have very deep camaraderie with the other members whom you have walked with for these past six years? Soramaru: I have some things I'm bad with in socialization. Honestly, I didn't have any bond with anyone that I could call a friend until now. I had the opportunity to realize the importance of having companions when I met with everyone in μ’s. Finding a place where I am needed, and where I belong, is something really huge to my life. Working hard for the sake of my friends, and wanting to give them something - I started to think like that. Q: Do you have something to say to the comrade that walked hand in hand with you, Yazawa Nico? Soramaru: I would say words like: “Today, you are very cute too!” (laughs). I would be thinking,“I hope you could always be as cute as ever,” and the feelings of liking her would never ever change. Rather than say “reminisce” or “It has been a long time”, I would say that even now, it feels like she has always been by my side, and that will never change. Q: Finally, please say something to the readers and the fans. Soramaru: To everyone who has supported us, really, thank you very much. I myself have always thought that μ’s really is something that would make people feel happiness. It has an uncountable number of shining points, and the songs are full of charm, too; isn’t it an existence that will continue shining on forever and ever? From now on, regardless of how things will change, I hope that you will be able to continue supporting it. Rather, I’d say that from now on, I wish for there to be even more fans of μ’s. Even now, I still would like to let people who like anime know about this project called “Love Live!”, and I hope they could fall in love with it. I hope that “Love Live!” fans would always continue to increase!
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yujachachacha · 8 years
Love Live height differences - a cautionary tale
I went on a LL seiyuu video binge session recently, and came across a Korean-subbed video of a clip from Shikaco’s radio show. I’m too lazy to try subbing it, but I liked the contents enough that I want to at least share it as a text post.
On Ep130 of Shikaco’s radio (air date: September 27, 2016), Shikaco received a fan letter asking if there were anything that she particular liked or disliked about being tall for a girl. Shikaco quips that she’s definitely on the tall side, but she’s not super-duper tall when it comes down to it.
(For those of you too lazy to Google it, Shikaco is 163cm tall, which is just under 5′4″. So yeah, tall for a Japanese female, but not that tall.)
Shikaco does note that she was the tallest in µ’s, though. That leads her to mention that one big downside to her height was that since Hanayo is a short girl, Shikaco often had to crouch down to match Hanayo’s pose for µ’s formations. It wasn’t just a slight bending of the knees either - she’d scrunch down to nearly half of her normal height. Shikaco laughs about how this really screwed with her leg muscles, but then she starts to become more serious.
Around the time of the 4th live, Shikaco had been complaining a lot about her thighs hurting all the time, especially when they’d have to walk down stairs. The way that Shikaco tells this portion of the story makes it seem that her complaints were mostly lighthearted at the time. After a while though, she went, “Wait, what if this is an actual problem?”, and decided to get a check up at a hospital. It turns out that she had developed muscle damage because of the constant abuse to her posture Σ(゚Д゚ ). Her word of advice to everyone: it’s not good to crouch down so much!
Some of us might be aware of how the seiyuu go through a lot just to match the hairstyles and hair colors of the characters, such as:
Ucchi enduring a bajillion pins in her hair for Kotori’s hair loop
Soramaru measuring the part in Nico’s bangs at exactly 35º
Nanjolno going through 6+ different wigs for Eli’s “simple” ponytail
Pile and Ucchi and Kussun dyeing their hair for Final Live
Shukashuu cutting her hair short for the first time in her life
Suwawa and Furirin partially dyeing their hair for 1st Live
There’s also the grueling training they have to go through to survive singing and dancing in front of thousands of people for two-day live concerts. But to worry about the character’s height on top of that…these girls work so hard for this franchise, and every story I hear about what they’ve done for the sake of the characters and the fans makes me love them even more. (இ⌓இ )
Bonus - some thoughts I had about Aqours heights while typing up this post:
While I’m on the subject of heights, let’s talk about the “Shikaco” (AKA the tallest in the group) of Aqours - King.
Supposedly, King is also 163cm tall. Based on this number, King is a whopping 11cm taller than Hanamaru - compare that to Shikaco’s 7cm height difference with Hanayo.
Note: I say “supposedly” because Arisha’s official profile says that her height is 164cm, which means that she should be taller than King. However, there’s lots of evidence that proves otherwise, such the fact that AZALEA lines up in height order of Suwawa-Arisha-King for their subunit greeting. If that’s not enough for you, then take a look at the LisAni lineup photo.
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Ignoring the fact that Rikyako is in front of Shukashuu despite the two of them supposedly being 152cm and 150.5cm tall respectively (I refuse to believe that Shukashuu is truly taller than Rikyako *shakes fist at photo*), this lineup is a good guide on the height order for the seiyuu of Aqours. At the very least, you can see that King is unmistakably the tallest. King’s agency profile doesn’t list her height, so that 163cm floating around on Google results for “takatsuki kanako height” is probably inaccurate if we assume that Arisha isn’t straight-up lying about her own height, haha.
The only solid evidence we have for heights is during the very first Aqours niconama back in January 2016 (it’s been over a year since then, omg time sure does fly). Suwawa had recounted a story of how shocked she was at the placement of the mic when she was recording for the KimiKoko album - as Furirin had gone before her - and her amazement that someone that small was in the cast, as the seiyuu had not met each other at that point. Furirin then mentions that she and King have the ideal 15cm height difference for couples. Seeing as Furirin outright says that she’s 148cm tall (at about 49:17), this is where we get the 163cm figure for King. Arisha and Ainya then explicitly say that they’re 164cm and 147cm tall respectively when they point out their own lovely height difference and thus the kmny ship was born.
I’m still not convinced that Arisha is supposed to be taller than King. Perhaps the 15cm height difference between Furirin and King is just a ballpark, like how Arisha and Ainya also claimed the title with their 17cm difference, because King would have to be at least 17cm taller than Furirin to be taller than Arisha. Whatever the case may be, for the sake of having a concrete number to discuss, I’m just gonna assume that King is somehow both 163cm tall and the tallest seiyuu in Aqours.
Incidentally, the biggest character-seiyuu height difference is the 16cm gap between Mari and Ainya, standing at 163cm and 147cm respectively - breaking the previous 12cm record held by Eli and Nanjolno, at 162cm and 150cm. Guess Love Live has a thing for short singers voicing tall blondes.
…wow, I got really off-topic with the height talk there.
Anyways, just wanted to say that I’m lowkey praying for King to not pull a Shikaco and screw up her muscles or something from playing the part of a character who’s a lot shorter than she is. IIRC King has said something before about trying to make herself appear more small when voicing Maru. (꒪⌓꒪) Hope she takes care of her health!
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