#i love talking to y’all and (as evidenced here) i do not shut up
jonathanbiers · 2 years
longtime reader first time anon! in regards to the "steve doesn't know what a bisexual is" thing, I'm honestly going back and forth about whether ANYONE in a small town in the mid-eighties would be super familar with the concept — as a bisexual myself I am wondering. researching it hasn't come up with much, because while we know bisexuality was definitely developing as its own movement in queer urban spaces, how much of that permeated middle america?
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hi, first of all i’m??? so flattered that you’ve read my stuff and stuck around to read more but anyway, getting to the subject of the discussion,
i mean i live in a small town but it’s not the 80s anymore and i was not alive then, so my perspective is still limited. but it’s definitely feasible to me that he’d be aware of the concept of bisexuality, whether or not he had the vocabulary for it.
but correct me if i’m wrong, we have evidence of him having an idea of the concept of bisexuality in the show when he reassures robin that vickie could still be interested, even if she had a boyfriend? and that smile at the end of vol 2 when he sees them interacting. that’s a “go best friend” smile if i’ve ever seen one, he sees her hitting it off. he knows she has a chance, even after they saw her kissing a guy
and if that’s not enough, david bowie was huge at the time and also known for liking both. this would definitely be talked about in a small town like that, even if it’s just to be derogatory(which lets be real it would) which makes it very hard for me to believe he’s never been exposed to the concept even if he’s repressed his own feelings, which is basically what you’re talking about in the third ask. i hope you don’t mind me condensing them all into one post btw jajdhjdnf
also speaking of your third ask, i’ve lived that too!! this discussion is not about me but i wanted to throw it in there. and my experience is obviously different, but. i spent a good chunk of my self discovery journey identifying as a lesbian when i was, in fact, a transmasc dealing with comphet all along. i repressed the fuck out of my attraction to guys even when i didn’t yet realize i was one. that’s a very very real thing. even while doing things that were (for me) a very obvious sign of attraction. also, if you’re a longtime enough reader to have been around before i abandoned the multi chapter steddie fic that i just haven’t deleted yet, that’s pretty much where i was going to go with that just for the record. him realizing he felt the attraction all along and just repressed it because of (he wouldn’t know the vocabulary but) comphet. not some weird “what do you mean, both?” robin handfeeding him the dictionary definition of bisexual thing that happens way to often in fics to even be funny anymore
which brings me to your second ask. who decided that robin “trips and stutters around pretty girls” buckley and eddie “super super senior dnd nerd plays his guitar so much he learns master of puppets in a couple of weeks” munson are the experts on queer history and would be the ones to explain to poor little dumb baby steve that he’s attracted to both like he’s not a big boy with more emotional intelligence and depth than A LOT of main male characters out there, and who can figure shit out his damn self? please. robin is…robin, we love her, but she’s not giving me “goes to gay bars in indianapolis” vibes. who’s taking her to these, anyway? she can’t drive. she’s underage. definitely not giving me “has a fake id” vibes, either. try and convince me robin “or rather my mouth moves faster than my brain” buckley could get past a club bouncer. and eddie, bless his heart(affectionate), whether you’re a virgin eddie truther or not, is not some sex god who knows everything about being gay and swoops in to share this privileged knowledge with steve. those fanfics, while a fun fantasy at first, are something i’m sick and tired of seeing at this point. and yet the damage is seemingly done, the fandom has just come to that consensus at this point.
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frogtanii · 3 years
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this was... weird.
the house was completely quiet, for the first time in what felt like weeks and osamu felt very out of place.
despite being so far removed from everyone besides his girlfriend, he enjoyed the noisiness and bustle that came from all the other members.
osamu never had been a fan of the quiet.
all it did was remind him that he was alone — that he was the lesser twin, the one always left behind, the one that would remain alone while his brother basked in the limelight.
but now, that wasn’t the case! osamu had meiko and he used to have daichi and iwaizumi but ever since iwa was fired and daichi disappeared off the face of the planet, he was down two friends. that was okay! his was doing what he loved with the woman he loved and that was all that mattered.
a loud clang followed by a quiet curse shook osamu from his thoughts. he gently placed the knife he was using to prep his vegetables down before following the noise to the pantry where he found... you.
you were sitting on the floor of the pantry wearing hello kitty patterned pajama pants, fuzzy socks, and a hoodie with your hand in a bag of chips and a pan sat by your foot. belatedly, osamu recognized that you must’ve knocked over the pan after falling while trying to grab your snack.
you were cute, with your sleep mussed hair and confused expression, he briefly thought but he swiftly squashed that line of reasoning down.
he was in a happy, committed relationship and he didn’t need you to change that like you changed everything else in his life. after all, you were the reason atsumu hated him now and never spoke to him anymore. you were the reason he had to avoid going home for fear of his grandmother asking what atsumu was up to because he had no idea. you were the reason he and his twin drifted apart. it was all you.
before osamu knew it, that moment of endearment had passed and was instead replaced by anger.
“what the hell are ya doin’ here?” osamu scoffed coldly, staring down at you with fire in his eyes. you sighed and stood before skirting past him and walking out into the kitchen.
“i live here asshole,” you muttered, searching for your phone in order to go back to hiding in your room until the boys got back. you wanted to avoid conflict as much as possible but unfortunately, osamu had different plans.
he slid out in front of you, keeping you from leaving the kitchen and effectively trapping you in the encounter. “ya know that’s not what i meant. what were ya doing spying on me? gonna report back to yer little harem?”
you felt your face curl up in confusion which osamu apparently wasn’t a fan of, judging by the deepening of his sneer. “i have no idea what you’re talking about osamu, now let me go.” you attempted to push past him but he was too tall, too large, too strong and you were forced further back behind the island.
“no, i know ya tell em things about me. what were ya gonna make up this time, hm? what were ya gonna say to tsumu to make him hate me even more?” he spoke down on you, his words filling with more and more venom, and as much as you hated it, you couldn’t keep yourself from cowering in front of him, your eyes filling with tears.
“osamu, please let me go, i don’t know what’s happening and i don’t know what to tell you to make you leave me alone,” your voice came out as a whimper, despite your best efforts and osamu faltered.
he’d never seen you like this, not once in your whole time living in the house, not even when most of the members were against you. you never showed weakness — you had a quiet strength most of the time and when you really got mad, as evidenced by your fight with meiko, you got violent.
but this? this was nothing like you. you were practically curling in on yourself, your arms wrapped around your chest protectively as if you were afraid he would... hit you.
oh god, oh god, osamu thought as he took a step back. what the fuck was he doing? he’d just been yelling at you, cornering you and not giving you room for escape, even though your body was clearly begging for it. you viewed him as a legitimate threat to your safety and that thought chilled him to the bone.
“yn, i—“ osamu was interrupted by the door slamming open, revealing everyone returning from the mall with atsumu at the head of the group.
“tsumu!” you choked out before pushing past a now distracted osamu and running right into his twin’s arms. he wrapped them protectively around you while whispering reassurances to you before pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
the two of you held a quiet conversation that no one else could hear but osamu could guess the contents when atsumu glared up at him, looking absolutely furious.
sakusa, kuroo, and kenma gently took you into their arms, allowing you to cry quietly while atsumu stomped over to osamu before jamming his finger into his twin’s chest.
“what the hell did ya do to her, samu?” he growled, shoving osamu’s back into the island behind him. osamu allowed him to, too in shock and ashamed to protest, much less fight back.
that didn’t stop atsumu from pressing, asking question after question, none of which osamu could answer. “answer me! open yer fuckin mouth asshole and answer me!”
“atsumu, i-i’m sorry, i-“
a force barreled into his chest, thin arms wrapping around his waist and shoving her face in between his pecs. “it’s okay baby, i’m here,” meiko whispered in between kisses to his collarbone, her presence doing little to soothe him as his eyes darted around the room.
atsumu still looked as angry as ever but he kept his mouth shut as meiko rubbed more of her makeup on osamu’s black t shirt in her attempts to comfort him. you were staring him down as well with tear tracks staining your cheeks as sakusa rubbed circles into your back and kenma wrapped his arms around your waist. sugawara, bokuto, and kuroo were standing at your sides, eyeing him with contempt while oikawa and akaashi were deep in conversation with yachi who seemed to be stressed out of her mind.
osamu searched further and his eyes landed on daichi standing the furthest away, his eyes fixed on where meiko lied in osamu’s arms, his face full of hurt and... disdain? anger? disgust?
it was confusing so osamu quickly averted his eyes, instead choosing to focus on the woman in his arms who was now whimpering and shaking in her 4 inch heels. hesitantly, he lifted his arms to hold her closer before bending his head to breathe her in, his eyes fluttering shut at her unique smell of hairspray, brown sugar perfume, and chinese food.
“osamu,” sugawara spoke up after a moment of silence, “there’s something i need to tell you. we saw meiko ki-“
“babe? what’s going on?” a new voice rang out from the still open doorway, meiko clearly recognizing it as her head darted up to watch as the group moved from the door to reveal...
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℗ poker face
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an - AHAHAHHAAH >:3 i was wayyy too excited for this chapter muahahha also so many of y’all guessed suna right but i couldn’t answer cs i rlly wanted it to be a surprise!!!! soooo if u guessed it right, feel like a baddie :) KSJ m so so excited to see y’all’s reactions so don’t forget to feed me ;)))))
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onelinemanytimes · 7 years
Holy cow that’s a lot of stuff about Fresh.
So, I see you know that Fresh exists. A lot of people have a lot of ideas about Fresh, and while some are delightful, some just don’t make any sense. I’m here to unofficially address some of the things I see about his character that I wish I didn't, so buckle up folks, this is gonna be a long post.
PLEASE NOTE that I am NOT CQ. Never have been, never will be(?), and despite my best efforts I don't know everything about Fresh. To be honest, there are aspects that I'll headcanon the heck out of, especially in regards to his magic and how possession works and what have you, but I try to make sure it makes sense with what I DO know- some of it's probably wrong. I accept that. BUT YA BETTER BELIEVE THAT I'VE DONE MY RESEARCH ON WHATEVER'S AVAILABLE.
Alright, so, first things first that I see a lot.
"Fresh Sans i-"
Wrong, already you're off. If you try to sell UnderFresh/FreshTale to me as canon, I will unfortunately dunk you faster than Sans when you spare him. Let me make this very clear: A TRUE FRESHTALE DOES NOT EXIST.
Now, don't get me wrong- FreshTale can exist if you want! If you want a Universe of 90's hip-hop style, lingo and bad choices then go for it. This Is Not Fresh. There is no Fresh Sans- that's Sans Undertale, who happens to be Fresh's current host. Fresh has fortunately claimed a different, taller (not Papyrus) skeleton in the world of Lucidia, So not even his host is Sans anymore. If you're talking about the canon Fresh, do not say Fresh Sans/Undyne/anyone else from Undertale. Just say Fresh! Or maybe Fresh in a X host. That works too.
Keep in mind, Fresh has no universe, not really. He doesn’t come from anywhere, he exists outside of that kind of logic. It’s just him- and, well, another one that we the people made. A better version. That’s some complicated deep stuff though and trying to get into all of THAT takes a lot more background. Suffice to say, Fresh is the only Fresh, and while he can produce more parasites Asexually, he’s the only him.
“Ok, fine. Fresh is a parasite, but he can still like/dislike/care about/ect. X.”
Wrong again! People seem to think Fresh likes things- unfortunately, that’s really hard to do when YOU CAN’T FEEL AT ALL. That’s right y’all. Fresh, contrary to what people believe, doesn’t care about you, your family, your money, nope. If he could be argued to care about anything, that’s HIMSELF. Because he wants to live. He may, by extension, prefer hosts with more magic to feed off of (More food! Yay! More living!), or that are less conspicuous (I dare you to count the number of Sans that exist. Bet you can’t. It’s infinite. What’s one Sans out of eleventy-badjillion.), but really as long as you’ll keep him alive and well, you’ll do.
However, while Fresh cannot feel and cannot truly understand emotion in his basic, vanilla form, he knows what fear is like. It’s the fear of Death that keeps him going after all- why would survival matter if he didn’t care whether or not he died? It wouldn’t, honestly. There’s an extension to this fear as well- the fear of being replaced, especially by… well, himself. He knows that we, the people controlling everything, exist. He also knows that on a whim, we could end him in moments, or replace him with a better, more entertaining version of himself.
I think we can cut him a bit of slack in that regard. Survival is dependent on Fear- the whole fight or flight thing, knowing when a situation is dangerous, knowing when something will probably hurt or be a bad idea, that’s a fear thing. If Fresh is going to be a sentient being he’s gonna feel at least a little fear in his life. Although, for a while there, fear was a hard thing to make him feel, because he was pretty sure he was simply better than everyone else. He probably hadn’t experienced much in the way of losing a fight, both when it comes to controlling hosts or magic V magic fights with mad people.
I’ll elaborate on how much fun an emotional fresh is after a few more points. Now:
“Fresh is weak, or a joke.”
You make me laugh, pretend speaker of unfortunately wrong statements. It seems you have been fooled by Fresh’s Persona- his gaudy, 90s, friendly, weak persona. I hope you never meet Fresh in real life, because you’d be foolishly drawn into a sense of security by the fact that Fresh acts the fool. Please, take notice: HE ACTS. the fool.
Fresh is absolutely, definitely, not a fool. He doesn’t understand emotion, he doesn’t have emotion, but he is VERY smart. Being smart is a very good way to survive.
So then why is he outwardly ridiculous so much? It’s apparently not because he feels like people should be nice and good and happy, according to me, so what’s the deal? I ask you to consider the situation: You’re at a bus stop and there’s someone waiting there. They show no emotional cues, stare straight into your eyes, and hardly move. Their voice is flat and as far as you can tell they have no interests, besides possibly kidnapping you for who-knows what. Hmm… sounds like someone… I don’t want to be around……
Now consider instead, you go to the bus stop and see a happy, colorful figure standing there having a very animated conversation with someone else. His sense of fashion may be a few decades late, as well as his speech patterns, but he’s so much more approachable! Look at him, smiling and shooting you fingerguns and talking about the new furbies he’s gotten- very rare angel furby apparently, he’s in love already- you’d be much more willing to be his friend!
Fresh want’s friends. Not because he’s lonely, but because they’re easy to use. Friends are more willing to protect you if someone else attacks you. Friends are more willing to believe your side of the story, and put up with a few little quirks now and then. Friends make very, very good hosts. If you aren’t expecting it, there’s no way you’re going to be able to get away from Fresh if he’s got you where he wants you, somewhere private where there’s no one to see him take you, no one to save you, not even a chance to scream…
Being friendly is the key to survival. Of course he’s going to act the fool. NEVER underestimate Fresh. He’s counting on it. He will use you if you give him the chance because he simply doesn’t care.
I do have a quick note though! One thing that I headcanon a bit is that when he gives advice he really does mean it. Don’t Do Drugs! Be a nice person! Stay Hydrated Kids! He probably legitimately wants you to do these things. After all, if you’re taking care of yourself, you’ll make a much better host! Drugs cause all kinds of problems- If the host body has an addiction, Fresh has to deal with all the physical withdrawal symptoms because guess what, if something’s wrong with your body, it’s going to have to be dealt with when Fresh controls you. Broken legs? Not a great host. Easily sick? Not preferable. Trying to get over an addiction? What a hassle. Stay healthy so Fresh can have a nice functional host when he gets to you, ok?
“Fresh is still a good person though! He can’t help being a parasite, that doesn’t mean he can’t be convinced to be better!”
You sound like a Papyrus! Sorry but I hope you also never meet Fresh. You’d also probably die. Heck I’d probably die if I met Fresh. He’s really dangerous y’all.
Here are some possible side effects of emotionlessness!
A: You don’t care.
B: You don’t care.
C: You really, really DON’T CARE.
...really hard concept, I know. Of course, not everyone thinks extensively on what exactly “not caring” means for you, so I’ll give you a run down! I ask that you think a bit about Flowey as well. Flowey lost emotions after having them and became a bad person. Fresh started with nothing and had no morals. Now let’s see what that might do to you!
First of all, this means that you don’t care about other people. Their problems, and most importantly, their life, does not matter to you. If Fresh is helping you with something there’s probably going to be something in it for him too. Now, because Fresh doesn’t care about your life, nothing that happens to you matters! Depressed? Oh well! In pain? Not his problem, unless it starts interfering with your usefulness!
He knows he’s more powerful than you. If you’re his host, you are completely at his mercy- his non existent, parasitic mercy. If Fresh thinks he needs to prove a point, he’s not afraid to. By any means necessary. Does that mean torture? Does that mean making you watch as he ruins your life? Does that mean possessing you more than once because you wouldn’t keep your stupid mouth shut? Ok. If it works, why wouldn’t he do those things? And, even more than that, if it’s more efficient, why wouldn’t he decide to just cut straight to the point? It’s not like YOU can do anything about it. You’re basically a dead man walking.
It doesn’t stop there though. This is stepping a bit more into the shady waters of “maybe” as far as fresh’s character goes, but it’s been mentioned once or twice. Fresh knows that he’s better than you (as evidenced by the fact that you can’t exactly stop him when you’re the host), and honestly? He knows he can get away with a lot. He Canonically infected hundred of people for what amounted to nothing more than “because I can.” THAT’S Fresh. That’s just one example. He knows what he’s able to do, and why not do that as long as it’s not putting him in danger?
You’ll see him pushing the boundaries a lot- him an error have some sort of weird relationship that we’re not really sure about, but considering just how uncomfortable ERROR is about Fresh, that’s kinda a sign that “maybe there’s something wrong here.” Error has destroyed entire universes (at the very least, he has when he was still Sans. All we know about lucidia Error is that he’s dressed like a freakin’ hobo.), and he’s been shown as having a great distrust and dislike when it comes to Fresh.
Error happens to be lucky though. His Soul glitching out could potentially cut True Fresh in half and that’s not something Fresh is particularly into, so the chances of Error ever getting possesed are nearly zero. We’ll just have to see what CQ has in mind.
“You keep talking about True Fresh, is that different from Fresh somehow?”
No, True Fresh and Fresh are the same person. When I say Fresh, I’m implying Fresh when he’s in a host and actually able to talk and do things. True Fresh is the actual parasite that is Fresh. The vaguely Starfish-slug-eyeball hybrid that crawls around infecting people and ruining everyone’s life. That’s what I mean when I say True Fresh.
Right now, True Fresh’s physical capacities are a bit vague? We know that hostless, True Fresh is very very weak. One good stomp on his eye would put him out of commision forever, and he’s not exactly very durable. Beyond that, I’m not entirely sure about the details? I’ve asked questions before about some things and have some solid answers- such as the fact that True Fresh can’t talk (but he screeches! Fun!) and can’t drown, but as far as things like physical strength and whether or not he emits slime… I have no idea. I’d like to think he’s a bit slimey and able to climb up stuff because it’s sticky, but I don’t know for sure so don’t ask me.
In short: Imagine four slugs that are purple. Connect them all together with their faces touching, like a starfish. Now give it a big eye right in the middle that’s also kinda a mouth with pointly lil’ teeth. That’s True Fresh. Probably about the size of a fist. I don’t think a specific size has ever been given. All I know is that they’re definitely small enough to fit uncomfortably into someone’s mouth, but not small or flexible enough to get in anywhere else unless you have a reasonably sized open wound.
*Side note, his teeth!! I’ve seen a few interpretations as to how placement is, but it’s the cutest part. Smol pointy teeth pokin’ out ready for the chompin!! It would be cute if it wasn’t terrifying.
“But I’ve seen emotional Fresh things from people with the CQ seal of approval! What does it mean??”
Nyeh heh heh, my homie, this is a fun topic right here. What your talking about is a variation on the vanilla fresh where he gains emotions- AND BOY IS IT FUN! You see, because Fresh started out emotionless, He’s basically started out at 0. Maybe 1, if he’s got fear going for him.
Or, alternatively, a general build up of emotions that he may not even notice at first until “Oh my gosh what am I doing this doesn’t make sense why I’m I getting so irrational about this thing”
That’s insane! He felt nothing before then! That’s like giving a college professor the emotional disposition of a 5 year old! IT’S A MESS! But a fun, wonderful to explore mess.
Especially if Fresh had the opportunity to do some real bad things before he got emotions.
Everything is a big deal for a while! That furby you had before you even really cared about it? It’s never going to leave your ownership. The person you were trying to befriend so you’d have an easy host for later? Crap. You, accidentally legitimately befriended them and now you can’t bring yourself to do it, even though it’s putting you at risk. That time someone made fun of the way you looked, and they took it too far, and maybe you were having a bad day? Guess what kind of hell they’re about to get.
The thing is, the way Fresh ends up depends entirely on what he did pre-emotion, and how he got his emotions. I’d like to bring up @alainaprana ‘s Kid Fresh- AND PLEASE NOTE! KID FRESH IS NOT TRUE FRESH! THEY ARE TWO SEPARATE PEOPLE WITH SEPARATE STORIES AND SEPARATE EXPERIENCES! However, this is an easy way to make my point.
Kid Fresh was born emotionless, and lived in a fairly good environment. He was never given the chance to develop any bad habits, living with a supportive family (minus error), and he didn’t have the same problem True Fresh has. Namely, the problem of being a soul-eating parasite that has to kill to continue living. So he got his emotions, and bad things definitely happened! He got sick because of the intensity of everything, and felt way too hard and had it pretty rough for a while! But eventually he grew up to do some pretty great things, being healthy and in a great friendship and generally? Ending up good.
Parasite Fresh, however, has a lot more problems going for him than Kid Fresh. There's a very good reason why Fresh is emotionless, most importantly because empathy is killer to him. He absolutely cannot care about people if he wants to survive in the best possible way he can. For every one person he would befriend that would be another source of magic that he’s not getting. Eventually he’d run out of hosts or his friends would turn on him, and neither one of those outcomes are great. Being emotionless also means you’re less likely to cause a scene, because you don't get worked up about anything! Nothing gets under your skin. Except maybe a death threat from someone who could actually conceivably kill you.
This section is about if Fresh gains emotions though, you know the basic backstory of emotionlessness  now. First you have to consider how he got his emotions. Was it gained slowly over time, building itself into existence until it started getting out of his control? That's going to cause problems. I’d like to draw your attention now to @neon--nightmare ‘s Fresh, who is ALSO TECHNICALLY NOT CANON! It’s very good though. Situated in GloomVerse instead of Undertale (or even better, Lucidia) but that’s not too big a problem for our purposes.
This is a Fresh that's been going down the buildup path. He started out exactly like Canon Fresh, but his story took him through The Loveball (essential rp for Fresh’s character) as well as A Meeting with Himself (Also Really important). He knows that if he starts screwing up, we, the people in control, could replace him real easy.
Fresh started out terrified at the least, and for good reason! However, as time passed, there started to be some small things that add up to a lot. One of the most obvious things is his near obsession with Wallis, and not the positive kind of obsession. He’s tried to kill Wallis at least twice, or done things that would end up with him dying, because he's worried about something that Wallis is doing. (Please note that Wallis is still alive partially through plot armor, but I mean, because we already know fresh knows we exist you could argue that he might realize Wallis has some sort of protection, but that’s really Meta and personally not what I think neon is going for.)
Wallis, meanwhile? He’s trying to help Fresh, and Fresh can't handle that. WHY would Wallis be helping him? Fresh nearly killed him multiple times- and remember! Life is EVERYTHING to Fresh! If you nearly killed Fresh but let him live you’d better watch your back. But instead of getting a response like that to his literal torture of this GloomVerse Star, he gets… what almost feels like pity? Regret? An honest, true desire to try and HELP Fresh, Because he needs the help.
The implications of that to Fresh are HUGE! Ignore the fact that Fresh is very definitely grieving the loss of a true actual friend (which was also a mistake) at the Loveball, and the fact that Fresh Knows he has to act “right” or risk getting thrown out and simply replaced by us, but the fact that he needs help is a big problem. He was made to be self-sufficient, an uncaring parasite that’s got a fun, although fake, persona. Now instead he’s a stressful mess that breaks down at a pointed mention of ‘them’ and is trying to desperately hide the fact that he's gaining emotions and it’s bad.
Things to consider with the gradual build up though. Has he stopped taking hosts? No, Although considering he took Wallis twice or so he's not exactly being as efficient anymore. Has he stopped being cruel? More the opposite, if anything he’s now more dangerous than ever in that regard, if you happen to push any of his feel buttons and freak him out enough to see you as a risk. He’s really trying to be himself but it’s not working. He had a fixation on Wallis because Wallis was making him feel, and for all his life Feeling = Bad. He can't afford to break and he knows it. Even still, slowly but surely, he’s falling apart.
---- Small intermission! Sorry but that’s a lot so far. Feel free to take a little break, like I am, and think about what you’ve discovered so far. It’s a lot ain’t it. Who knew Fresh was actually a multi-dimensional in depth character with some big problems. (I did. And now hopefully you do.) ----
BACK TO FRESH! Now, I mentioned before, there's another way to give emotions to Fresh, and while it’s less likely it’s just as fun to explore. That’s the method of “Let’s dump all the emotions on Fresh and see what happens.” This method usually happens from some sort of magical interference.
This is that zero to everything I mentioned before. Fresh, with no experience or build up, is suddenly feeling just as much as me or you. That’s a whole lot more than he was feeling before and BOY WOULD THAT BE STRESSFUL. Especially if Fresh got guilt in a more traditional way, like we would feel, instead of a build of emotions.
See, when Fresh builds up to emotions he’s still being Fresh. He’s still possessing and lying and doing his best to keep being himself, which is just unfortunate enough to not be a great person. If you dump all of the emotions on Fresh he has to deal with it immediately. There’s no time to become comfortable with what he's doing. All the sudden he has all this junk on him, a lot of it not even initially dealing with hosting, but once it becomes time for him to move on to someone else? He has to deal with empathy, and guilt.
Empathy is completely, entirely unacceptable. He can't afford to care about what happens to someone else! He can now feel that feeling of “what if someone did this to me” and if he can't rationalize himself out of that emotion he's absolutely screwed. All the sudden everything is different. There are people he cares about, and he knows what he does is Hell to the host. Ever had the life sucked out of you by force while someone else controlled your body and proceeded to ruin your life? It’s bad. Now imagine you have to do that to someone else just to live. Bad times all around.
That's just for emotions in the present. Start bringing up Fresh's past and it can get worse. For example, the fact that he slowly murdered at least a few hundreds of people more likely than not, as well as destroying relationships, and honestly? Some of that you did because you didn't care and you knew you could. Unfortunately, now you do care and you can see how bad that was. Really bad. You're a bad person, and even trying to act like “yourself” drags up SO MANY PROBLEMS. Some therapy may be required. Or a lot of therapy. Take your pick.
“Well, This stuff doesn't matter for me because I’m only interested in sexy times Fresh anyways and that's a different thing *lenny *wink face.”
(TL:DR of this in case it’ll make you uncomfortable, Fresh is a literal Asexual Parasite and doesn't understand Love anyways. Stop.)
Sorry buddy but Fresh can't even do that! Firstly he has no concept of love, so unless you give him emotions there's not going to be any relationship between you two except “possible host” and “probable cause of death.” Any love you would feel for him is unfortunately one sided, sorry Alaina.
Alright, but then you give him emotions and enough time to sort out his complicated junk. Fair enough, then maybe, very very maybe could you have some sort of relationship with Fresh. One that didn't end badly, I mean.
Emotions or not, Fresh has no grasp of sex. It just, doesn't compute. You see, Fresh is an Asexual Parasite in the literal meaning of the word. He produces more parasites all on his own, as much as he wants (or doesn't), without any help from anyone. Even without that, why would Fresh engage in that sort of relationship? There's no point. If he wants to get close to someone being friends is fine and doesn't take as long more often than not. Maybe, Maybe he would go to a bar and find someone to trick into following him away for a quick easy host, but if that happens, sorry, you’re not getting much more than your shirt off in a best case scenario. There's definitely not going to be any action.
Also, consider his persona. Does he look like the sort of person who would do that with someone he was unfamiliar with? No, not really, and remember, he doesn't exactly have the time to cultivate a relationship until it gets to that point. Please also consider that if Fresh can't feel, you aren't getting anything good out of that kind of venture anyways. He's completely inexperienced, and he's not going to understand what’s going on at any level. He just. He can't, he's completely Asexual. He might be a minor except we don't know how long Fresh has been alive, or when exactly he becomes not a kid anymore. It’s all crappy.
It’s just not good. Stop. Fresh has a kiss list, look into getting one of those instead. Still doesn't understand the weight of a kiss but it’s as good as you're canonically getting.
“Wow, that’s a super long post! How do you know so much?”
Because I LOVE FRESH! I too was drawn in by his friendly persona, however, instead of just taking that and assuming that’s all there was, I tried to find out anything I could. I looked through CQ’s blog for anything involving Fresh, I asked questions when I had questions, I went to sources that were fairly trustable, and then I asked more questions. I watched and read and considered his character really really hard because I didn't want to misunderstand him.
Fresh is in a strange state of having not enough information about him posted, and at the same time having all the information you need about him to understand him. We don't know what his true past is, why he exists, what minor goals will be, because in short, that’s spoilers. This is the information that’ll get revealed within Lucidia. And if it doesn't I’m going to eat my fist and then proceeded to ask more questions.
HOWEVER! We know so much about who he is, and if you're careful with it you might even be able to fill in some blanks with reasonable headcanons! We know that he’s emotionless, and already if you just think about that fact you’ve got miles to run with. The fact that he’s a parasite, and what that means as far as morals go. Something that has to kill to live is going to mature differently than we do, and come to different conclusions about the world! Different assumptions, hopes, expectations, experiences! So many things!
So please, I ask you, don’t try to sell me a fresh that’s little more than a bright sk8er boi that uses outdated lingo and happens to be a parasite. Sell me a Parasite trying to fly under the radar the best way it can, by imitating others and playing their cards so that they're always one step ahead, manipulating and hurting others on the down low so that people won’t believe the ones he’s hurt and they'll be willing to follow him into a risky situation. Sell me a clever Fresh, an emotionless Fresh, a Fresh that isn't afraid to get his hands dirty if that’s really the best way to get something done.
Sell me the Real Fresh, not the Fannon.
 Special thanks to @alainaprana and @neon--nightmare for having some fun emotional Fresh things I could use, as well as @feth for being a wealth of information that’s pretty safe. And of course, thank you @loverofpiggies for creating Fresh in the first place. None of this post would exist if Fresh didn't exist, and I’m glad to have been able to find you when I did. PLEASE, IF ANY OF THIS IS INACCURATE, TELL ME! I really do try my best to play him right in stories and ideas and I want to show an accurate depiction of him.
By the way, here are the tags that I had originally written, for your reading pleasure. It's a mess, but I just feel like the raw emotion might be good (even if that's basically the opposite of True Fresh).
Heck, so much heck, how does everyone NOT know this??, Fresh is so interesting and in depth and??, He's more than a 90's infomercial, that's just te persona he sells, YOU'RE ALL BEING FOOLED BY FRESH'S FAKE SELF, HE DOESN'T CARE, HE'S A BAD BOI THAT HAS TO SLOWLY KILL TO LIVE, HECKS, LOOK AT HIS SMILE, HIS HAPPY "PERSONALITY", IT'S FAKE!! ALL OF IT!!, except when it's not because it's an au where he gained emotions, and then it's "oh Lordy what have I done", and crying all the time because boi, he ain't never had any emotions, could you imagine going from zero to INFINITY, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS, when you drop toast butter-down you say "aww darn :(", FRESH WITH EMOTION, A FREAKIN', FUNERAL FOR THE BREAD, not Really I'm exaggerating, BUT BOIS, Y'ALLS, HIS HEART, "Oh no I- I dropped the bread, I had just spent so much time making that and-, and now it's gone, no one can eat it, it landed butter down now there's a huge mess, CQ comes in to fresh on the ground beside a single piece of bread, please know I'm mostly exaggerating, but just, GOODNESS GRAVY, AND THEN??? CANON FRESH WHERE NO EMOTION???, HAVE YOU SEEN HIM, HIM HIM, NOT SANS UNDERTALE, GOOD LORDY I ALWAYS DIE A BIT WHEN I SEE "UNDERFRESH/FRESHTALE", DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH THAT DOESN'T EXIST, THAT'S!!!! NOT A THING!?!!, at least, not in te case of REAL FRESH, you can make an underfresh if you want but it will never be canon, there's no fresh Papyrus, no fresh Flowey, no fresh Undyne, BECAUSE THERE'S NO FRESH SANS, ONLY FRESH, and fresh, oh boy, he's the worst, the best worst, "hey you know I don't really care so how about I just, Do what it takes, or even better, what it doesn't take because it'll be amusing for a while", Fresh doesn't care about you, or your life, or your friends, or your money, nothing, he cares about his own life, that's priority number one y'all, If that means murder? Eating people alive? Lying?, he'll do that, Yeah, His persona he's got going on?, he WANTS YOU to underestimate him., "oh yeah that colorful dude haha what a joke", no one would suspect he's actually, A STARFISH MURDER PARASITE, THAT WILL SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY DRAIN YOUR MAGIC, THEN LEAVE YOU FOR DEAD AT BEST, THAT's RIGHT, AT BEST, I have very few doubts that Fresh would kill previous hosts to cover his tracks if he, felt he had to, "If You end up living and telling people about me someone might actually believe you.", "so you get to die! Yay :D!", please note this is an exaggeration, I'm super hyped up, but STILL, MY POINT!!, IS HERE!!, I'm just gonna make a post, because I have so many words to say, and tags r not enough,
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