thedragonhordsystem · 2 years
feelings r like boogie boards. u can try and push em down under the surface but they will always and very instantly come right back up and slam u in the face. i think aristotle said that
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thedragonhordsystem · 2 years
So other systems, how do yall do friends? Like, especially with other systems. We will have one person front for awhile (like weeks at a time) then repeat with new person, but that means that someone might be really good friends with one of us and then possibly never see us again, that's not fair to the other person but it's hard to act like another alter (especially for new additions). So, how do yall do it?
- collective
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thedragonhordsystem · 2 years
Su - it/its
Hi. I'm Su or Mb (initials).
I'm new here and am still figuring everything out with this new (worse) system and don't have time to look for a good introduction so this is what you get.
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
the way people treat did headcanons is still so weird to me... im not a system but just looking at the way people who also arent systems go out of their way to headcanon characters to have did for no reason is so weird it feels like... fetishizing? bc i dont see people just go "i headcanon this character as having pstd :)" its always did and its always like a fun prompt to design alters for the characters or some shit. like the obsession with a specific disorder they dont even have and that is not fun as it is direct response to trauma rubs me the wrong way
Yeah i feel the exact same way. I think in part it's because 1) DID is very misunderstood online in general and 2) it seems fun and quirky to have anime-guys-in-your-head disease but they don't realize that it's not just that. It's dissociation, it's severe trauma, it's flashbacks.
Headcanoning a character as a system isn't just designing their alters it's saying "this character had trauma as a small child that was so intense their brain had to lock it away by not integrating parts of themself as a last-ditch survival mechanism".
You're right, it absolutely does feel incredibly fetishizey when people just HC as systems willy-nilly without realizing the full implications of what they're saying and how it's not the same as like...an autism headcanon. It's a trauma disorder with way more shit going on than just alters. It's a major pet peeve of mine actually lmao
Also something I've noticed is that the alters people design never seem to follow actual DID patterns? You never see a persecutor or a gatekeeper or nonhuman alters, just ANPs and littles and maybe protectors. Just the "cute" stuff.
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
I feel like I should do an intro post, I'm really bad at intros but hey, maybe I've gotten better at them.
Hi, I'm Femme! I don't have a true name yet so I'll be using that blanket for awhile. You might say I'm the original 😌. I suspect I have the most memories from before the boys changed how the body presented but I stopped fronting after that, I'm back now though 🎉. I'd really like to make some other "girly" friends since there are not very many in this system. Anyways nice to meet yall!
(Femme is a blanket name for our feminine alters since many of them dont or prefer not to have a name)
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
It's been so long since we have touched this account
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
inbox game for systems ! I like questions so I decided to make my own list :))
If you have too many to wanna list for each question, you can just go off the frequent fronters ! For example, we have 91. I dont wanna find and type out 91 peoples’s favorite colors
🎲- how many people are in your system?
🦋- what’s everyone’s favorite colors?
💟- most common fronters?
💫- collective pronouns?
🌀- everyone’s pronouns?
⭐️- what are everyone’s roles?
🌸- what’s the most common age group in your system?
🍓- do you have any introjects and/or fictives?
🔥- are there any romantic relationships in your system?
☁️- does anyone have a favorite number?
💭- is your system neurodivergent?
🌈- how many people are lgbtq+?
🌙- do you have any non-humans? this can include hybrids :))
☂️- what are everyone’s hobbies?
🍞- what’s everyone’s favorite foods/drinks/whatever else?
🥞- spill some tea perhaps? 👀
🥨- what are everyone’s current hyperfixations?
🍬- do you guys have any collective interests and/or hyperfixations?
🧃- what is your headspace like? if you have one. Feel free to go wild with explaining it!
🎨- does anyone have any pets?
🧩- does your system have a name?
♟- everyone’s favorite seasons?
🔮- does anyone wanna share something about their source(s)? Feel free to ramble !! And anyone that wants to can answer ! Even if it’s like 20 ppl ! Go on, have fun :))
💈- are there any token mentally stable alters?
🧬- most chaotic?
🎁- what would everyone’s dnd alignments be? (Ex; chaotic good, lawful evil; etc)
🎊- are there any omnipresent alters?
📚- any god alters?
✒️- favorite thing of yours that someone from your system has drawn? Can also be drawn by yourself !
🎀- free space ! feel free to talk about whatever you want :D
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
That feeling when you accidentally ghost someone and then are to nervous to let them know what happened -Eli
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
Meanwhile, in New York City:
"Nature is healing. Angels of death are returning to the streets."
Yep, it seems like it.
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
Dear Headmates
You are still valid if:
You're a persecutor
You're role is extremely specific
You're role isn't common or you had to name it yourself
You have different pronouns than most of your headmates
You don't speak to all of your headmates
You're trans not in reference to the body
Your skin color doesn't match the body
You identify as a different sexuality than most of your headmates
You're one of very few headmates
You don't communicate well with your headmates
You don't like to front
You don't front often if ever
You're a depression holder
You're an anxiety holder
You don't have a role
You don't have a lot of memories
You struggle with things your headmates don't
You have a disability your body doesn't
You don't have a disability your body does
Your role is hard to describe
You have different religious views or a different religion to your other headmates
You have different political views to your headmates
You have the same skills as your other headmates
You have the same job as another headmate
Your food/drink tastes are different to your headmates
You're a picky eater
You don't remember your trauma
You struggle to remember positive experiences
You trust easy
You don't trust anyone
You require more than your other headmates
Friends of your other headmates don't like you
You struggle with blurriness more
You like different activities
You have multiple roles
Your role is very broad
You don't have the same gender to your other headmates
You have a different s3x than the body or your headmates
You don't know most of your innerworld
You're "scary" to some of your headmates
You don't front when there's a specific task needing to be done
You struggle doing tasks while fronting
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
Tumblr media
like/reblog if you use or save
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
Ya know, youd think stark towers would be the safest place to be during all that but honestly it's only safe if it's like, a reasonable amount of danger, and dont even start about going outside.
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
Ok, but people really thing stark does all that stuff? That old man? Sure hes out saving people or whatever but he has like, 20 suits or whatever, you really think he maintains all of them on his own??
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
Hahaha I drew on our arm and now I'm front stuck.
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
Deer playing in the leaves
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thedragonhordsystem · 3 years
What do you do when you've got so much privilege and at the same time so much trama, were not going to ever find someone who had worked through enough to not fucking explode and still be able to relate to each other, especially no one that is the same age. Maybe I ask to much. I dont know. All i can say is i feel better when i dont explode so maybe it's not as unhealthy as everyone seems to think it is.
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