#i love the pompoms of the little girl xD
breed-station · 2 years
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"But not all Pokemon want to be petted. You see, the easiest way to tell is to simply let it smell your hand first."
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"When it's certain, they will brush your hand as a sign of confirmation. If they don't show any kind of interest or avoid it, then don't try and force your way onto them. They might hurt you!
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you probably dont see it, but Francis has to crouch down a lot! She is a huge lady after all xD
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masterhandss · 3 years
I ask for opinion on a rare pair: Sophia & Alan. I’m not sure whether it be romantic or friendship pairing, but brief discussion w/ my mom (she loves the show too XD) decided that Sophia and Alan would be cute together. I mainly find it fun due to the height difference and if these two are more of a close friendship like situation (much like how I view Alan & Katarina as chaotic siblings), cue situations of Sophia making use of Alan’s height and giving both Geordo & Nicol bits of protective sibs
OOOOH yeah they would be very very cute together! The height gap alone is giving it so much ship points gfjhsd.
For Alan, I like the kind of girl for him who would string him along on random activities and adventures, someone who bothers him with fun ideas and an infectious energy. People would usually think of Katarina and Mary at a description like that, but given that hamefura!Sophia is so much more energetic and active than her Fortune Lover self, she pretty much fits the bill too (especially when she wants to drag people into her books and book-inspired ideas) XDD @/rosamundrosemary and @/ineedglassesalways would often gush about how cute they would look from behind, like an old couple due to their white and grayish hair colors jhfsdhf it's so cute!!
Sophia having trouble getting a book from a shelf so Alan gets it for her, Alan fending off nobles who are making fun of Sophia's albinism, Alan carrying Sophia where he notes how small and light she is, Sophia recommending books to Alan where she gets him into the heavy fantasy and adventure type ones; so many fun scenarios.
I don't know about Geordo and Nicol moments of being overprotective, I think they would both be delighted if Alan and Sophia were to like each other since they could become family that way. Nicol knows the siblings well and entrusts Katarina to Geordo (even if it hurts his own heart) so I feel like he would trust Sophia with Alan too if the feelings seemed mutual. But I guess if we really need an overprotective brother moment, I think Geordo and Nicol might not like the idea at first since they think a guy like Alan who is rough and laid-back might be too much for the soft Sophia (almost forgetting that Alan is a very responsible guy, I mean he's the SC's secretary after all, and that Sophia is a wild little pompom)
There's lot of fics where the girls and boys and switched around in pairings to explore more ship dynamics, and my favorite of those is definitely Sophia and Alan. I think there is even a fic where a young Sophia would somehow stumble upon a sick Alan earlier during everyone's childhood, and the two would bond over Sophia sharing and reading her books to him to help him spend his time recovering from his illness. I can't be bothered to look for the name or to even check if it exists, but the idea of Sophia sharing the world of stories to a young sick Alan so that he can experience a world of adventure in the comfort of his own room is so nice!!!
Platonic or Romantic, I'm all for it!! It's a really high quality rare pair! :DD
Thank you for the ask^^
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket, SE02, Ep24
This is a buildup ep for the finale. looks like furuba’s tradition for awkward buildup eps continues as this ep is clearly divided into two parts: machi & zodiac banquet.
-Killing the Vibe (furuba style):
Usually when writers buildup an emotional moment, they either go with it right away or if it is not its time, they slowly dissolve it or gradually redirect the story somewhere else. But the most important thing is that you hold on to the feeling they worked so hard to build but know that it will be dealt with later. Usually this is done with minor visuals such as quick flashback to the main event & the character taking deep breath ignoring it. But it is acknowledged that now it is not the time. Furuba doesn’t do that. If they build high moment & decide it is not the time to continue with it, they drop it abruptly, using the ending ost as a closing sign....which is odd cuz this is not episodic eps but continuing plot. They did it twice now: (a) tohru’s nightmare ep 19. it was treated as cliffhanger, but the next, we opened with yuki’s narrative where we see tohru normal. I know tohru’s issues will be dealt with later, perhaps season 3. But the nightmare moment was left hanging weirdly!! we never saw tohru deciding not to focus on it or anything! then (b) the kyo/tohru moment on stage & the symbolic tearing image ep23. Big moment which I  know will be focused on later. But it is so freakin odd that we see them so normal in their daily activities..as if nothing happened. Not a slight visual hint that either one is troubled... I praised how in ep, 23, they showed tohru face worrying abt bits & pieces here & there. These visual hints connects the plot.. For a moment I thought Cinderella play is a filler!! but I don’t think so, since 3 major things happened (Tohru’s near confession, machi’s opinion of yuki, arisa’s recorded outburst) two of which dealt with this ep. I know they want the focus to be on yuki, seeing that his plotline is moving smoothly without awkward breaks, but why not smooth out the other’s plotline with minor visuals without the jarring jumps. Ending ost is not automatic shifts in continued plot. Oh well, it is a minor thing I felt, no big deal.
-Machi pov is here!:
I never expected to see machi today! nice surprise! So machi is not only lonely, she lives alone! that’s odd & tragic! how can a junior high school student live alone? since when was she living alone? & her mom calling to check on her or insult her or scold her! I never wanted a phone call to end this fast. Machi’s monologue was amazingly done. Rather than describing her feelings to us or stating what we are already seeing, the words came cold.. automatic.. slow.. without much emotions. Exactly imitating how machi feels abt herself. DULL. She never thought abt things such as fave color or fave place. never thought abt anything that requires personality or preferences. The imagery they used while she was walking in the street is epic! It explained her mentality! honestly even if she said nothing around that time while she was walking, the image would’ve done enough! Machi was able to see the change in yuki cuz she was able to sense that yuki too was dull/boring or felt he felt so. Now he laughs, jokes, interacts, & joins outside school activities. Negating the dull persona. Now, it is only her. machi questions if she can do the same but her question comes out loaded with her negativity. Instead of can I do the same? it is “ why Am i here? Her bad habits are pulling her back & resisting the change.
- Since they’re deciding to embark into the romantic aspect of mach/yuki & to further add contrast to his interaction with tohru, machi is shown so struck by yuki’s presence, she falls. Typical romantic moment that I appreciate for machi who thinks she isn’t typical girl. but dull girl. Yuki finding the leaf & being happy that she treasures it adds to his self-esteem as it tells him that he is worthy to be treasured. I love machi’s indecisive responses! It gives her personality! as she is reluctant between denying or telling the truth. She was never in such situation, so she doesn’t know what to do!! blushing red like her leaf, machi didn’t only go with friends, she also learned her fave color! yuki, developing the future boyfriend detective sense like kyo, guessed it that machi likes red. You remember things abt ppl you find interesting! Machi felt that perhaps to yuki she is not dull, but interesting enough to want to learn things abt her!
-Tohru is a grown woman!!!
trust me to take 5sec interaction that involves my girl & write a deep analytic paragraph! Call it building sandcastles out of nothing but I don’t care! XD. tohru deserves some spotlight! I’m a bit disappointed that the scene is shown form a far to include yuki & shiggure..(WHY???. They can have their moment later! let my girl have a screenshot for a change!!) & the art quality is the lowest in the ep, lol & but whatever~~~ let’s focus on the positive side! my tohru bought sth for herself!! tohru who spent her hard earned money on buying candy ingredients for the filthy rich sohma’s instead of paying her tuition fees?!! tohru who wore a worn out swimsuit for school & didn’t see the value in buying new one ?! tohru whose school bag have seen better days as hiro said?!! tohru bough herself a scarf with pompom!!& she’s PROUD!! & she goes & shows kyo!!!! cuz she loves him & cuz in SE01 he was mad she doesn't buy herself stuff & cuz she knows he’ll be proud of her & cuz she want show off her cuteness & get his attention & cuz she wanna tease him!! Did you see my girl deliberately hit him with the pompom??? my girl is feisty!! She teases!! Tohru has this feisty, forward personality that she hides but peeks in certain instances!! Like when she teased kyo that he’s still scared of the stain on the wall..like when she calls him cute later this ep!! I’m so happy for every tiny teeny moment of tohru where she is herself & not the worrying mom or friend, when she is focused abt what she shows & what she wants & right now she wants kyo to notice her! GIRL HE ALREADY DOES! you are killing him already tohru..he’d be dead by now if he wasn’t a cat with 9 souls! XD.
-Yuki is leaving Akito’s side:
coming to the big moment in this ep. Akito is loosing yuki. Not only yuki decided by himself to attend the banquet that he avoided last year, he also talked to akito & forgave him for everything before. Yuki is letting go of the past. Forgiveness is a cure ppl! it’s the hardest achieved cure. it cuts the ties to negativity & free the person from the painful feelings. Akito knows she’ll be loosing a zodiac member soon! she reacts the same way she did with hatori! violently resisting change, violently making a statement that I’m the ruler of you. However, unlike when it was hatori, no one came to her. Kureno stopped her. but the rest went to yuki, to the rebel, to the one who caused her pain & rage. Akito is not only loosing yuki...she is slowly loosing all of them.
- Yuki continues the next step in his growth & frees hatori from his sins. By allowing himself to accept that he is not a helpless victim, yuki was able to see the others plain as well. Before, in his mind, he was the only one suffering, others are cruel, but now, he sees the criminal who erased his friends memories was also suffering all along. Perhaps yuki thinks that akito is suffering too? That’s why chose to forgive her & tell her that I don’t hate you anymore or hold grudge.
Side Notes:
I’m so glad kakeru had so little to do with machi & yuki interaction here. He is a character that demands spotlight & if his role was bigger, machi would disappear, it will be another yuki/kakeru moment. Also, since machi/kakeru parallel aya/yuki, you bet kakeru will be more involved between them in order to get closer to his sister & fix the gap like aya did, so I appreciate the moment of only yuki/machi now as it is unique moment without any parallels involved.
After learning of Shigure’s correct line, I can now see how things would’ve been better for akito, if she learned from yuki’s rebellion. loosing one is less painful than loosing them all, which she will. Shigure was eager for her to be spared the pain. or he might be eager for sth else entirely! but he wants this to end.
Shigure sure wasn’t himself this ep! he was restless & his jokes were all over the place, he nearly caused a misunderstanding between hatori & Mayko. I think shigure is hearing the curse breaking!!!!!
Rin & kyo!!!! I never knew I needed this!!! like last ep, I was celebrating hana & kyo, & the return of kyo & haru!! but rin & kyo is unique duo since it is not a teasing dynamics! it is a we-are-too-similar dynamics! XD
Kazuma is luv!! ugh!! my heart! what a man!! so caring & kind & ever so gentle! look at him going to rin to invite her! no kid should be alone in new years! look at him teasing his son!! look at him out polite tohru! just look at him!!!
I appreciate that the boys (kyo,yuki.haru,momiji) have different body types from each other. however, since kyo’s body changing is mentioned in the story many times, they focused on showing him growing since the 2nd ep of season 2 & more so in the beach arc & they steadily continued ever since!!! this ep, even with the low quality they showed his Adam’s apple & he is taller next to shishio. Also his baggy clothes help defy the lanky art style. With yuki, since his beauty is mentioned in the story, they’ve been focused on his face, giving him HD quality beauty all the time, but not much when it comes to his body. but today, he looked a lil bit older in machi’s scene? I duno if it is the new clothes or they’re finally allowing his body to grow?! I hope so. They are still making him so lanky as his legs were only a bit meatier than machi’s in the fight scene, but hey lankiness is the show’s art style, just look at hatori </3. They focused on making Momiji baby as it is mentioned in the story that he doesn’t look like a highschooler at all, but I swear he looks a bit older this ep!! right???
Speaking of hatori, hello there~ doc~ I never knew I needed hatori in Japanese clothes this much! It hid the lankiness & gave him the adult manly look he deserves!! so hot!!! I heard his grunt in my heart as he took his clothes off! XD. Soyou’re attached to the school sensie now~~ a lit bit worried your filthy buddy is putting hands on her..huh? oh!, if only you knew that your goofy pal is the master mind behind your new love story! I think he knows tho~
I never expected machi to be that cute!!! machi/yuki is so cute!
Rin sleeps sitting...like a horse? rin didn’t feel haru? i thought horses are as jumpy as cats! lol
Tohru & kyo are having quality flirting time with no interference from either shigure or yuki. lol.. shishio is amazing! XD
Kureno has the DVD now..let the war begins!!!
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elvencantation · 4 years
gyadl ep6 liveblog
you’re not crazy, you didn’t miss episode five, i just didn’t do it XD
- QIKAI THE XXC’S SISTER ARE THE CUTEST!!! they can have rights. as a treat
- i am IN LOVE with hong lan’s dress 😍  give me a dress with a cape and i am SOLD
- does anyone else think their wine looks... to light colored? like it’s rly bright red it looks like berry juice
- the PETTINESS of hong lan. i love her
- we get to see flustered LUO FUSHENG?!?! we are truly blessed today
- also the shen wei blinking!! gotta gif that
- time for the father son fight
- oh honey! xxc is so dumb, but such a sweet boy
- ‘are you miss tianying?’ I CANT. thats going in the gremlin compilation gifset im saving clips for
- also i love his cardigan/coat thingy. i want it
- oh of COURSE he’s gonna make her sing at the MGM in front of other people as well 
- omg luo cheng is so earnestly enjoying this!!! precious cinnamon roll. or it might be the crab. his little nod of agreement at his da-ge is so adorable
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- into the post it goes! just look at that precious face
- oh of fucking course ur fantasizing her doing a riskier dance just for you. dumbass
- hey at least dream!tianying still dont completely take ur shit
- why the bubbles though, is the question we should be asking
- how long is this gonna go on??
- as lwj would say- shameless
- of course he grabs two entire crabs as he’s leaving. no plate, no bag, just two crabs in his hands
- “The Ultimate Crab Experience.” - @thursdayplaid​
- aggressively fans self when annoyed. what a mood 
- oh that’s what the hand crabs were for
- (even if this couple isnt as valid™)
- stop interrogating ur sister 
- get over urself! god he infuriates me 😒
- is hong lan... holding a whip? im so here for it
- oh my god thats hot. that is hot and i am gay
- what i dont enjoy as much- her being made into the ‘crazy jealous girl’
- love how when he was actually honest and vulnerable with hong lan, she didnt even fucking believe him. girl u dont deserve him
- awww he’s falling asleep to her music
- oh no a dream with a gun i dont like this??? or nightmare i guess. poor boy
- cute curled up in chair fusheng deserves his own gifset!!!
- oh that’s a cute dress she’s wearing to see her dad! love the little girdle. but can she stop wearing a pompom (or a flower) in the middle of her collar? i just feel like it looks... tacky
- why do the subs say ‘ai ai’ but it sounds like they’re saying yuenyuan?
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- two dumbasses XD
- just two bros. stripping off their clothes together. less than five feet apart because theyre probably not gay?
and on that lovely note, we are done for the evening
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dreamerwitches · 5 years
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Today I wanted to go through my own ideas for who the magical girls’s witches are in the ending of the original Madoka Magica anime! Since this was when Madoka Magica was JUST the anime, I’ll only be going over the original witches (including the ones from Portable/Battle Pentagram)
I know I’m awfully late to the party (as I am for literally everything I post here) but I really wanna contribute my ideas!
I’ll be going left to right for these girls!
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First is the girl with long hair and a strange headpiece. I have no initial ideas for her, however, this girl also appears as one of Walpurgisnacht’s familiars so we can get a better look at her!
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From this picture we can see she has long hair, with a bit tied up as a top-knot, a kimono styled outfit as well as a cute pinafore! I still wasn’t sure which witch this girl could be however after a little thought, I realised her pinafore could be a kind of apron. This made me think of Izabel, the artist witch although I have no more links. Another witch she could be is Patricia, but I have no evidence, I only think so because I’ve always imagined Patricia to have hair like the girl here.
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The next girl! A girl with long bunches and very specific bows... hmmmmm I wonder who it is...
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Oh wait, I do know. It’s Elly. It’s 100% Elly XD There’s not much else I can say!
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Though this is backed up by the image of Elly’s presumed magical girl form that appears in her monitor. This form has the same hairstyle. However, the girl in the monitor and the girl at the end seem to be wearing different clothes. The monitor Elly has a large skirt and bows/wings on her shoes whereas the ending girl seems to have long sleeves and bloomers, and nothing sticking out on her shoes. I don’t think this debunks my theory as monitor Elly could just be her human form, not specifically her magical girl form.
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For the next girl, I strongly believe her to be Itzli
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This is because Itzli is theorised to be an alien magical girl and I think her outfit suits the space theme.
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The magical girl’s outfit is pretty well shown in the silhouette but she also appears as one of Walpugisnatch’s minions. I noticed here that the magical girl has a lot of spikes with balls on the end in her design which Itzli also shares, with those same objects coming out of her brain. Another small observation is that the hairstyle of the magical girl looks rather similar to Itzli’s accessory as well as her witch symbol.
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The next girl is an interesting one. I think I know who she is meant to be, but I no longer think the witch she is is correct. Why, you ask? Because I think she’s meant to be Charlotte.
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The hair, the sweets theme, the spotted tights and Charlotte’s spotted hood. Even the little flower on her tail that matches the nose of Charlotte’s monster form. Before Nagisa, this was absolutely meant to be Charlotte’s magical girl form.
However, knowing now that Nagisa is in fact Charlotte/Bebe’s magical girl form, I think there is another candidate that could be this girl.
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Uhrmann. Why? Well the connection isn’t so obvious compared to Charlotte but the little tail really sells me on the idea. Even though we’re rather sure it’s Charlotte, let’s look at it more in Uhrmann’s favour. Even though there are a lot of sweet wrapper themes in the magical girl’s outfit, we could interpret those as bows instead, which Uhrmann has in her mane. Additionally, the fluffiness of the magical girl’s hair as well as the pompoms on her shoes and tail look a lot like the fur of a poodle (which is what Uhrmann is meant to be (she looks a lot more like a greyhound, doesn’t she XD )).
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The next girl is one with long hair and what looks like long bows too. In all honesty, I think she looks like Kyoko in her silhouette X3c Unfortunately, I have no idea who this girl could be, plus, she is not part of Walpurgisnacht’s familiars and has no further art... I’m really unsure who she could be XT
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The next girl is another easy one (thank goodness). I strongly think this girl is Walpurgisnacht’s magical girl.
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HOWEVER! I believe the theory that Walpurgisnacht is made up of many magical girls, so how (I hear you ask) how is that her magical girl? Well-! I believe that there was one magical girl that created the form and design of Walpurgisnacht, and she only gained power from other magical girls, perhaps ones that she consumed, not allowing them to become witches but instead become her minions.
So this girl’s witch form was just the start of Walpurgisnacht.
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With the next girl I have another clear idea of who she is!
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Albertine-! Well... not actually... but...
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Anja, her familiar. This is because Anja was originally meant to be the scribbling witch. In a set of production notes, the Anja is described to be a weak witch. So anything to do with this witch before Albertine’s first appearance in Portable would have to do with Anja instead of Albertine.
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This magical girl is also one of Walpurgisnacht’s familiars. Actually here we can see links to both Anja and Albertine. She has the crown and bunches of Anja and the frizzy hair, striped shirt, bows and dungaree shorts as Albertine. I think her similarities to Albertine are because when designing Albertine for Portable they wanted to make sure she still looked like the magical girl of the scribbling witch.
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With the next two magical girls, I’m very unsure who they’re meant to be.
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The girl with buns even has artwork but I still can’t pinpoint who she’s meant to be... I suppose they’re left a mystery.
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The final girl! Thankfully, I have an idea who she is-!
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Now there isn’t much evidence for her, my only ideas came from her hairstyle and skirt. The way they stick out sharply really reminds me of the way Suleika looks.
All together in the image there are 15 girls and in the main series there are 19 witches so we weren’t gonna match all our lovely witches today! The witches we had left over were Gertrud, Gisela, Elsa Maria, Izabel (maybe), Patricia, Roberta and Quitterie. However, in another post about the concept movie, I explain my theories about more magical girls that could be linked to some of these witches.
And that’s all! Sorry for another long post! But I hope you liked my ideas!
Sources: Group pic 1 Group pic 2 Walpurgis’ familiars 1 Walpurgis’ familiars 2 Mobage Witch cards Itzli card Uhrmann art Walpurgis art Suleika card
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chibalein · 6 years
Kalafina’s All Time Best Looks/Outfits Challenge - Other Lives Version
~ Group ~
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Animax 2014:
Please help me with this one, I only saw it during Animax 2014 (although only a short part, does someone have the whole performance on hand?) and I think they wore that dresses in their 2014 Live tour as well? Anyway, it’s those sashes that create a big contrast to the white, rather simple dresses that make the whole outfit so special. I just adore it (and mmmmmmm some exposed belly skin).
Anime Festival 2012
Again, another Hikaru exposing her shoulder. I love those outfits, because of the bright red and rather simple design, and yet each girl has her own charakteristic feature embedded here.
Commemorative Lives 2017
Ok, technically those don’t belong in this list, but in the PV one. However, the “far on the water” dresses were altered a bit with those long, glossy skirts, so I decided to put them here. They made it into my list, mainly because I saw them in real life during the Commemorative Live in Nikko (yes, I could actually see them very well this time). They were just perfect for this precious, amazing concert, which will forever have a place in my heart and I am so so so happy I got the very limited chance the attend it. And of course, the girls looked gorgeous in those dresses.
~ Individual ~
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Wakana - Billboard Live 2017
This is such a lovely dress, I just had to pick this for Wakana. Although those little pompoms are a bit too much XD
Hikaru - Paris 2014
I think, that blue is my favorite part about this dress. It‘s so radiant and a big contrast to the white pieces. This collar thingy is a huge overkill though. Wakana’s version of the dress in Hikaru’s color would have been the best, but still Hikaru looks great in it xD
Keiko - Acoustic Tour 2016
I just love everything about Keiko’s dress, even though all three girls had gorgeous outfits for this acoustic tour. Keiko’s little sleeves, the transparent lower part, the beautiful flower patterns together with that beloved hairstyle of mine, simply great.
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The Meaning of Family | Welcome to the Jungle
Characters: Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jennie Kim, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok, Jeon Jungkook, Min Yoongi, Original Characters
Words: 1183
Genre: High School!au, Dancer!Jimin, Marching Band Member!Taehyung, I’m not saying that I ship Jimin and Jennie in real life (I don’t even know what their ship name would be) but they do exist in this universe, Parents!Namjin
Warnings: lots of fluff, protect Hoseok and give him lots of love, Jungkook is a little shit in this but when is he not
Summary: “Kortni’s and Tae’s relationship is fun XD I would love to see more of them and Jimin and Jennie.”; “Do Jimin and Jennie become and official thing? Because they need to lol.”; Football season has begun; Time Period - 3-4 months after the original fic ended; Ages: Jin - 35, Namjoon - 34, Yoongi - 18, Sophia - 18, Hoseok - 17, Jimin - 15, Taehyung - 15, Jennie - 15, Kortni - 15, Jungkook - 13
A/N: Another drabble! The title of this one is from the Guns & Roses song, because that was my high school’s fight song. Hope you enjoy this and don’t forget to request more drabbles!
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“You know,” Jennie spoke up as Taehyung dealt the deck of cards he was holding to begin another round of Go Fish. She and the twins were sitting on the floor of the band room after school, her on Jimin’s lap, none of them feeling like going home after school just to come back for the football game. “This will be my first time ever going to a football game.”
“Really?” Jimin inquired, holding his cards at an awkward angle so the girl in his lap wouldn’t see them.
“I was never really interested in all the school spirit stuff.” Jennie tilted her head to see Jimin’s face. “But I guess I have to go now.”
“Don’t sound too excited~” Jimin teased, pressing his lips to her cheek until Taehyung started making gagging sounds.
“Can you, like, not do that in front of me?” Taehyung asked, fixing his cards in his hand so they were all turned the right way.
“If you don’t like it then why don’t you go and find Kortni? I heard that she spends every day after school at whatever area of the school she can find to work on her soccer skills.”
“I’d rather not~” Taehyung commented, setting his cards down, and Jimin immediately regretted bringing Kortni up. “Did you know that not only is she in my French class again, but now I also have to deal with her in History? Like, can I not learn about white people ripping land out from under the Native Americans without her presence distracting me?”
“But do they really teach that anyway?” Jennie commented, and Jimin giggled. “I thought you were in World History this year.”
“Not the point here, Jennie!” Taehyung exclaimed. “I just can’t catch a break!”
“Excuse me~” The group of 15-year olds looked up as one of the band directors spoke to them. “Taehyung, you can stay, but you two need to go. Band students only in here after school hours.”
“Oh, sorry~” Jennie muttered as she stood up from Jimin’s lap as quickly as she could.
The man walked away as the two boys stood up from the floor. “I’m surprised he didn’t say anything before now.” Taehyung commented, looking at his watch to see that it was nearing 5:00.
“I should probably go get changed and meet with the rest of the team anyway.” Jimin said as he shouldered his dance bag and backpack, giving Jennie a quick kiss before leaving the band room to head to the fieldhouse.
“Great, just leave me alone~” Jennie called out quietly, not really caring if he heard her or not.
“Just because I’m allowed to stay in here doesn’t mean I’m forced to.” Taehyung commented. “I’m gonna go ahead and change into my band uniform in the bathroom, but if you just wait outside at one of the outdoor tables, I’ll be out in a few minutes.” After changing in the bathroom of the music complex, Taehyung walked outside, making sure his royal blue and white polo was tucked into his black pants properly. He froze as he heard a familiar laugh joining Jennie’s. “Kortni Stephens.”
The blonde girl stopped her conversation with Jennie as she turned to face the boy. “Taehyung Kim.” She gave him a onceover. “I didn’t know you were a band geek.” She smirked at him. “I hope it doesn’t get in the way of soccer or academics. It wouldn’t be quite as satisfying if you weren’t at the top of your game.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes. “You wouldn’t be satisfied anyway~” He challenged, and the two fell into a stare down, a common event for the two of them.
Jennie whistled awkwardly. “Okay, the tension here is way too thick. I’m just gonna go down the street to Chick-fil-a and get a bite to eat and hopefully this…whatever this is will be resolved by the time I get back.” She left the pair, but the two of them didn’t even shift their glances the slightest bit.
“Oh good, we’re not late.” Yoongi said as he sat next to his family in the bleachers, his hand intertwined with Sophia’s.
“We wouldn’t have even had to worry about being late if you hadn’t insisted on taking a nap as soon as you got home from class.” Sophia grumbled as the family greeted each other.
“Speaking of class…” Jin stood up and zoomed in as far as he could with his phone camera, trying to snap some pictures of Taehyung in the band bleachers, having already taken a multitude of photos of Jimin stretching on the track below, “how are yours going, Sophia? Are you enjoying them so far?”
“Are you not going to ask me, your oldest and favorite son, about mine?” Jin quickly shushed Yoongi as he sat back down, turning to Sophia to await her response. It was no secret that Jin was very excited his former student had followed the same path as him in pursuing a career in a preschool.
“There’s a lot more work than I expected, especially with all of the observations I have to do.” Sophia answered, nudging Yoongi’s side as he was slightly pouting now.
“Have you gone anywhere yet?”
“I went to the ABC school in Morrilton yesterday to observe there, and it was really nice, I liked it. I haven’t done any of my other observation hours yet.”
The conversation was stopped from continuing further when a deep sigh left Hoseok, who was staring down at the area of the track where the dance team was preparing for the game. His gaze set on one specific member. “Hobi,” the 17-year old’s attention was grabbed when Namjoon spoke. “You know you could have stayed home tonight, right? We wouldn’t have forced you to come.”
Hoseok shook his head slightly, sitting up straighter and finally removing his gaze from his ex-girlfriend. “No, it’s Jimin and Taehyung’s first high school game, I need to be here for him.” His gaze was brought back to the girl as she walked closer to the bleachers to grab her pompoms from where they were lying on the ground. “I think I’m going to head down to the concession stand. Anyone want anything?”
Everyone shook their heads except for Jungkook, who asked for a bag of popcorn, and Jennie, who didn’t acknowledge his question at all. “Jennie,” Jungkook elbowed her, which brought her out of her daze, as she had been too into watching Jimin doing his stretches. “Do you want anything from the concession stand? Some water, perhaps?”
Jennie narrowed her eyes at the 13-year-old. “No, I’m fine, thank you.” She returned her gaze to her boyfriend down below, ignoring the teasing she was receiving from the younger male next to her.
The concession stand line was already fairly long, so by the time Hoseok returned with his Sprite and Jungkook’s popcorn, the opening notes to ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ were already ringing through the stadium as the high school football team ran onto the field, and the family prepared themselves for the first football game of the season.
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