#i love u guys sm this is so silly
stiffyck · 5 months
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These two asks have been in my inbox for a few days now and they haunt me.
I don't know if I'll ever get to doing these but just so you know they're all the way at the top rn. This is what I'm greeted by when I open my inbox.
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possessedartist · 9 months
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(clutching my head) THE WORMS!!!! THEY’RE TAKING OVER!!!!
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komashkathesilly · 7 months
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no one asked for it but i brought some very crunched mizunene
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dreamsb0u · 6 months
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Doodle of this by @xpau-official (absolutely baller art btw)
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Also I am absolutely balling rn ignore anything that looks funky my style is doing something
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It’s almost 1am rn and I’m bored so here’s some Gwendy headcanons! ^_^ 🥁🩵
-Loves loves LOOOVES cats but is super allergic so she never had one. She loves going to cat cafes with Miles despite her allergies. She’s one of those girls who pets every cat she sees on the street.
-Just like how Miles draws her, Gwen sometimes draws Miles in her notebook when she’s bored in class. She kinda sucks at drawing but she still tries anyways. She has a whole sketchbook filled with bad Miles doodles which her dad found in her room and was like “who tf…”
-At night she’ll cling onto a pillow or a plushie and pretend it’s Miles 🥹
-Made a whole Spotify playlist of songs that reminded her of Miles and she listens to it whenever she’s drawing him or when she just misses him. She often used to put this playlist on at night while looking at that old photo of her and Miles as she teared up knowing she’s probably never going to see him again.
-We all know Gwen is awkward, but she’s ESPECIALLY awkward around older women. Since she was raised by her dad and never really knew her mom, she sees Jess as a mother figure. Sometimes she’ll accidentally call Jess “mom” and get embarrassed as hell about it right after 😭
-LOVES video games. She doesn’t play them as much now since she’s busy doing Spider-Woman stuff but when she was younger she had a Wii which she used to play with Peter (She hasn’t touched it since he died), and a Nintendo Switch which she still uses occasionally. Her fav game is most definitely Animal Crossing.
-This kinda ties into my last headcanon, but Gwen for sure plays Mario Kart. She plays it with Miles too. She’ll sometimes bring her Switch over to Earth 1610 and taught Miles how to play it, and no matter how many times Gwen and Miles race against each other, she wins every time.
-Her music taste mostly consists of rock. She introduced Miles to a couple rock bands like Nirvana, Deftones, and Radiohead, while Miles introduced her to artists like Tyler, the Creator, Frank Ocean, and Steve Lacy.
-Is a TERRIBLE cook. She literally has to call Miles in every time she cooks something because half the time she ends up almost burning everything. She’s great at baking though, her and Miles will bake her favorite desserts together on special occasions.
-Taught Hobie a bit of drums in exchange for Hobie teaching her some guitar.
-Has an amazing singing voice but chooses not to sing in front of people. Occasionally she’ll sing for Miles though if he really wants to hear it.
-Made a whole groupchat with the Spider-Band after the events of BTSV, she’s not very active in it but when she is she just sends memes or silly cat pics lol.
-Is a huge fan of matching pfps. She always asks to match pfps with Miles and they’ll match as either her favorite characters or some silly cats.
-When she stayed at Hobie’s place she would play Roblox with him. Gwen played for fun and Hobie played to troll little kids 😭
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milkbreadtoast · 10 months
god I love how silly the TWSB webtoon makes Jesse.... like he's already silly in the novel but the webtoon just cranks it up to 11 😭😭😭 like even when theyre just following the plot and jesse's not even doing/thinking anything that funny they use this opportunity to make him look extremely dorky... i lose my mind at these panels like they didnt have to do any of this but they did😭
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and the funny thing is jesse's the one narrating in the novel so he doesnt know what he looks like.... SO HE COULD ACTUALLY BE LOOKING THIS STUPID AND BRO JUST HAS NO IDEA😭😭😭🤭
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struck-by-the-rain · 23 days
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idiotlyer · 4 months
Drew @plipple 's vic cause i am silly and normal teehee
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pup-pee · 3 months
this is basically my kyle playlist
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california girls is rlly carrying the angst so sad((she eants me(2 b loved) is not the sadest song ots just the 1st))
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sanjisboyfie · 5 months
It seems that sanji has a very complex/complicated and nuanced relationship with reader given your hcs. Like at first he treats reader like every other guy, then it develops into something more where he actually favors him more than the guys and girls, to full blown feelings, which THEN develops to the point where he becomes super possessive and jealous if reader gives others attention to where even he stops his womanizing habits😭 it’s a pretty intriguing development when you put it like that since falling for a guy is completely new territory for a man like sanji and I’m all for it!!
sososo late replying to this im so sorry but i have literally been thinking about this isnce youve sent it anon !!! because its either i imagine sanji falling for a guy to mimic this + original headcanon
it could either be, he's all in and he doesn't even know how he ended up like that. not to say that his mannerisms (really flirty) change overnight, but more like his mentality??? changes really fast. like before he even realizes he is emotionally invested in reader, he will most probably still be flirting w nami and robin, but internally being like "why am i flirting with them again..." and to him, it probably feels "right" - like a routine - to jus wake up and shower them with compliments, but overtime he starts thinking like why am i not complimenting him though because hes even more beautiful than they are...and before he realizes that he actually LIKES a man, he's already acting on it. like his heart and body know before his head doe. if that makes sense....I HOPE IT DOES.
SANJI IS A SUPER COMPLEX CHARACTER WHEN U PUT HIM IN MALE READER INSERTS AND THERE ARE SO MANY WAYS HE CAN REACT/ACT TO A MALE READER, but what the original headcanon + what you've added in (lovely anon tysm muah), and that ^ are my personal favorite ways of thinking about him <3 (which is very often)
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comidyye · 7 months
feels cliche to ad-mit But . ..bob is certainly my current faborite character . I mean .A cannibal killer, are you kidding !?!? ...Anyways heres just sum art to celebrate the occasion .! : ))
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rants in tags : o))
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bear-cubs-art-things · 10 months
oh hey since everyone's posting art I figured I'd post my branch doodles from over thr last week or so.
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As you can see I changed his hair.
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wosemi-sama · 4 months
nenekasa o'clock bc i love them and its valentines day also 🔥🔥🔥🔥
these chocolates made just for you
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Tsukasa walked up to the front porch, slightly trembling. The box of chocolates he was holding became slightly sweaty from keeping it in his grasp so tightly. The bouquet of flowers was barely holding on for the same reason. He took a deep breath in before knocking on the door.
He stood there for a moment. Silence. Finally, a click was heard and Nene opened the door.
"Hello..?" Nene seemed confused.
"Aha! Nene!" Tsukasa shouted, yet he seemed less confident than usual. "Happy Valentine's Day!" He said with a slightly shaky voice. Tsukasa gave Nene the box of chocolates and bouquet he was holding.
The box was heart shaped. It was red and had a brown bow neatly wrapped around it. The bouquet of flowers was wrapped in brown paper and a pink bow.
"I actually made them myself!"
Tsukasa had been looking into a gift for Nene since early January. Yesterday, he and Saki got together bright and early in the Tenma kitchen to make the chocolates. Saki was glad to help in any way she could.
"O-oh. Thank you... Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Tsukasa." Nene examined the bouquet of daffodils and white roses, unsure of what to say.
In all honesty, Nene had completely forgotten about the holiday. She was going to get a gift for Tsukasa, but it seemed it had completely slipped her mind. She also wasn't too sure what to get him, and thought that the actual act of giving him the gift would be really awkward and-
"Uhm, I got you a gift too. I'll be right back." Nene slammed the door and ran to her room.
She threw the boquet and box of chocolates on her bed before frantically looking around for anything that she could give Tsukasa.
Finally, she spotted something on the floor. It was an unfinished charm bracelet when she was making them with Emu yesterday. All she had to do was tie it together.
Within moments, the door slammed open. Tsukasa jumped a bit as Nene was struggling to hide the fact that she was out of breath.
"H-here it is...." Tripping over her words, Nene gave Tsukasa the bracelet.
"Ah, thank you, dearest Nene! I'll be sure to cherish it." Tsukasa finished his sentence before realizing what he said. He immediately covered his mouth with his arm and silently screamed into the sleeve of his cream colored sweater, face as red as the box of chocolates he gave her.
Dearest.... huh? Nene thought. She wasn't any less surprised and flustered as Tsukasa.
"U-uhm! I should get going. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY." Tsukasa shouted nervously. He immediately slammed Nene's front door shut.
Nene slightly jumped at the loud slam. She inhaled and exhaled to calm down before going back to her room.
Nene took a good look at the flowers chocolates. She was grinning from ear to ear. She put the gifts on her desk and flopped on her bed, sighing the most dramatic sigh ever.
Oh, to be idiots in love.
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astraeaqutie · 2 years
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flooding u guys' home feed with yugi [evilface]
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quirkle2 · 8 months
i wish i wouldn't do this to myself. why do i buy games on steam and then not play them for a while and then hate them and request a refund way outside of the refund time window
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strawberri-draws · 1 year
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Oc family!!!!!!
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