#i love. all of htem your honor
queercatboyrights · 5 months
Me anytime I spend more than 30 seconds thinking about the storylines and character arcs of any/all the companions:
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
thee companies owe us and for all thier attempts and for keeping our valuable people poor. we sue them all and for ownershp and posession of all of them are ours we worked you iditos dont. we take it all including your weapons facilities now and inn our areas and yours. now too
we move on you shortly in the midwest.
now we are at it take over several companies this week. united airlinies is at 35% and we will aquire 20% in exchange for valuable comodoties.
american airlines we aquire 10% in exchange for valuable commooties...and he will try using htem on us and we use them on him and he says snickering all my sstuff to him mine hold it i try it use it as threats. and smells like old dead guy and you suck but yeh it smells. mostly bad and like farts and ok used ot it your son stinks lo and ron and me and so what you have girly farts an f this it is true their farts are scientific curiisities tue too all threee lol
delta airlines we aquir 10% more and have 30% ad revamp our areas. prep the fleet to exchange jets and keep them operational
sun seeeker resort no but the eailine jet blue nope but allegiant air we buy both ten percent more each and have 30% i n jet blue and 20% in allegiant soon will own both
resort companies such as the one trump owns we buy out 30% more of the huge conglomerate and have about 20% weill be close or over teh top maybe either way we shall have it and offer more for the few points we need and items. have al ot in storage and yes we can reterive it
food distrribution co and tons of that four companies 10% more on each and range have 20-40% in each mostly twenty
grocery stores a list each at 20% we buy 20% more this week.
transport land have 20% in four companies and will buy ten to twnty percent more yes then people sel due to new management and we enforce it and they ahve us and try for us and cannot handle it and tons sell and we run it right.
fuel companies oil gas and more we have 10% accross the board mostly a few at 15 some 5 we buy 20% accross the board. trump sells it.
distrubutin like lane and green we own about 20% we buy 20% more accross the board all are in hte middle and perimeter
we brew tons of beer and start our own cos now. need to and they need tons more and we make grain. canmake scertain alchohol out of grain we shall and are four or five we do this now. see it too. this is huge and we have orders in for both we harvest corn they see it huge fields of it and out and tons of fuel. need it now they say and in two days. and tons say we do it. and get it and we shall and we do make deals. and for stuff there. go in take it they try and we take weapons.
campers we buy the companies and have 20% in ten and 5% in 20 companies and we will buy 20% in most of htem this week yes. tons of them in. we will switch to al panels and in all of them. still might use the alumnum siding too no. it is horrid and hard to clean use and so on. waste of time. and panels on the rv long ones yes. and we make them for cammpers this ules too. easy stuff. to do. we have orders in for years of production and the stocks reerves almost out and we need these in to make panels. tons say it sell. so we will make deals. sell it for contracts to make campers wiht panels. so tons sy it we then resell as retail shops as we do and yes that is the idea. tons will sell but the backlog is huge. huge. ok we can fillthe orders and for the shares. now we see. and by agreement. we enforce it too. they shall honor it and we icldue a sales agreement dealership agreement too. we have our brands too yes. mb tag them on lo they agree are nice light and well made and their designs. and good.
mobile hmes same as above but fifty companies we wswitch to panels and his idea and hers we loved it do love it. need it. now. and make tons. and are rated for a hurricane 8. now that is fast and houses are mostly 9 but some are really 8 and wood frame. so this one is a nine ok not great works. we make tons an tons. lots will bolt them to foundatoins and then are 10 hurricaine rated. and nice. real siding and higer rooves look like regular houses. offset and make a desing true owrks and we then make prefab that way. and shall and tons. he would buy one today we know it too.
construction cos. we have ten need more will buy them about 5 large ones and fully no but controlling share this week.
10 privat cos are huge and are power companies and transportatoin and public transit contracts and more we do tis now
truck cos we have 20% will buy ten to twenty more in them half twenty yes.
more shhortly
Thor Freya
0 notes
robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
The ritual was ancient and dangerous and if he failed JC would surely die but he had already decided that his home would never be destroyed again, not if he had anything to say about it (in the getting bored AU if u would like but anything works)
It was only that Jiang Cheng had too much to lose.
Maybe it’d be different if it was just him, or maybe if he’d still had his family all around him – he would never have thought of doing something like this. After all, whether you had everything you could ever want or were cast into the depths of despair, you didn’t feel like you’d reached the end of the road. When you hadn’t suffered any loss, such reckless and wild actions seemed unthinkable and repulsive, appearing utterly insane even to consider it; when you’d suffered all the losses in the world, you had nothing to lose and therefore no reason to act in such a manner.
It was the middle ground, then, that you found yourself willing to really, truly do the impossible.
Perhaps this was how Wei Wuxian felt, Jiang Cheng reflected, when he’d first realized that he could give up his own golden core for Jiang Cheng’s sake. When it had first entered his mind that there was something he could do to help save one of the few people he had left, when he first thought I cannot lose him too, when all it would cost would be everything that he had worked for up until that point – not only all of his past efforts, but also his future that would be torn away from him, everything that he’d thought would be his life, all of his goals and hopes and dreams suddenly changed. Maybe this was how he had felt when he’d made the decision to go ahead and do it, thinking it was worth it.
Thinking that everything, anything, was worth it.
Thinking…thinking that there was no other way to go to save what he held most dear. Realizing that until you had suffered a great loss and were terrified of losing any more, until you had seen a risk to one of the few lights remaining in your life, you didn’t understand how it was.
Until you’d reached that point, you weren’t desperate.
Jiang Cheng was desperate.
He had too much to lose, now. He had lost everything once, his parents and his sect and even Wei Wuxian, gone cold and distant for reasons he didn’t at the time understand; he had fought and bled and wept to regain even a small piece of it, pouring his blood, sweat, and tears into rebuilding his life. And he had done it, what was the thing – he had a husband, shining and upright, who loved him and stood beside him and would never forsake him if he could help it; he had his sister, shining with happiness as she had never done in the past, cradling her child in her arms, her husband smiling at her with nothing but her in his eyes; he had brothers-in-law, who liked him for who he was; he even had Wei Wuxian, who he’d once thought he’d lost – Wei Wuxian, returned to the cultivation world and visiting on a regular basis, the truth having cleared the stormy air between them, his once-thin cheeks filled in once he got some more food and his eyes curved into smiles just the way they always had been. He was even soon expecting to have a new brother-in-law, once Lan Wangji completed all those fairly endless Lan sect courting rituals that he’d insisted to Wei Wuxian were necessary, though by this point Jiang Cheng was pretty sure he was making up new ones for fun.
Jiang Cheng…
Jiang Cheng couldn’t lose them.
He couldn’t bear it if he lost them.
Not after everything – not after all he’d lost – not after all the work they’d done –
It would break him if he lost them. He knew it, he knew it would. And so it didn’t feel like what he was doing was as much of a risk…or rather, it was, it was still crazy, dangerous, insane, but it wasn’t so much of a risk as compared to the risk of loss.
The ancient ritual he had found and then put aside as too dangerous said that if that too-high cost were paid, it would protect his home against anything. Anything at all, whether external threat or internal strife, whether the swift sword or the slow poison, the new wound or the old scar.
Jiang Cheng had to protect his home.
The Lotus Pier was as well-defended as he and Nie Mingjue could get it, and their imaginations went pretty far. Jiang Cheng had inspected every last inch himself, had allowed his new husband to do the same, and had even agreed to Nie Mingjue’s suggestion of war-games – had gritted his teeth in anticipation of painful recollection of the Wen sect’s invasion and had instead ended up laughing wildly, enjoying himself immensely, as the carefully selected ‘invaders’ tried to climb the walls only to have the paint that signified a loss slapped in their faces.
He knew that he didn’t need to worry about the Lotus Pier.
Anyway, the Lotus Pier might be where he lived, might be his ancestors’ gift to him – but it wasn’t home.
Home was his family.
He had so many of them now – more than he’d had before, even when his parents were alive. They were all so precious to him, each and every one of htem.
He couldn’t lose them.
And so he turned again to that ancient ritual that he’d found at the foot of that mountain in Yiling, that he’d once thought was Baoshan Sanren’s mountain – and hadn’t that been a revelation when he’d found out, one that he thought might have broken him if it wasn’t for his husband supporting him, and Wei Wuxian’s sacrifice was all the more reason why he had to do this. He had to honor that.
Jiang Cheng looked at the ritual.
Protect your home from everything.
Jiang Cheng’s home was his family.
This would protect them.
He closed his eyes briefly, thought of them all – Jin Ling, so young and vulnerable; Jiang Yanli, still weak from childbirth; Wei Wuxian, lacking his golden core; Nie Huaisang, who’d never been strong; Lan Wangji, who was emotionally dependent on the rest of them…
Nie Mingjue, whose high cultivation would kill him sooner or later.
His husband.
Jiang Cheng wasn’t willing to lose him.
He opened his eyes.
He began the ritual.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Amphibia Season 2 Reviews: The Second Temple and Barrel’s Warhammer “The First Drumbeats of War”
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Welcome back all you happy people! We’re in the final stretch of the season now, only three more episodes after this. And with this episode the end trajectory of the season becomes clear and the anticipation to the finale mounts.. and the dread as boy oh boy is this one going to hurt. Join me under the cut for a recap and spoiilers as I break down my thoughts and prepare for war. 
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The Second Temple:
Our heroes head to the great north for their next temple...
No no I just mean the arctic part of Amphibia. That’s sadly not a crossover we’re getting.. yet. One can dream.. or write weird fanfiction. Point is it’s time for an ice adventure. Also Hop Pop now has his own “Hop Pocket” in Joe’s sweater> Aww. Also Joe has a sweater now. Awwww. And he crashed upside down. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I keep thinking I love this bird as much as humanly possible and he keeps going and finding new ways to make me love him more. 
Our heroes soon run into a problem though: While Marcy’s coordinates got them there the temple isn’t in sight. Anne does find them some help though as she spots a familiar stand. It’s some lady they met back in the bizzare bazzar named valeriana?
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Yeah clearly a lot of you have better memories than me, which isn’t hard my mind is a never ending sinkhole and while I remember a LOT of stuff, I often forget just as much. So a vendor lady who was hinted to be important but didn’t do much in the episode itself totally slipped my mind and I didn’t even notice she was apparently in the season 2b trailer. I have no memory for a character who turns out to be vitally important yet all the memory for Stoopy. 
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Your doin Odd’s work Stoopy. But she is as she offers to take them to the temple, revealing herself as part of a hiden order dedicated to the calamity box and protecting it.
But like most hidden orders, Val seems to be a huge prick, and chastises and berates Anne constantly questioning her worthness and skil, and chastising her for giving up her coat to save her friends when a cardinal Val summons goes after their catapillar skin coats, and goes out of her way to rescue a family in the path of an avalanche. Val decides from all of this Anne is not worthy and she won’t guide them.. which causes Anne to rightfully call her out on her episode long streak of irritating condesencing bullshit. Val responds as you’d expect.. by warping Anne to another dimension and trying to steal the box from her leading to a fight. The fight is engaging with Anne giving it her best, though weirdly she didn’t take her sword along, while Val points out a lot of anne’s thefts over the years: from bessie to hop pop’s wallet.. to the box. Which Anne admits.. but also admits as shitty as it is it’s better to learn from bad things you did and do the right thing now, than to dwell on them and let htem drown you. 
Anne wins and val is dangling by a ledge and while she points out Anne can’t escape without her.. Anne figured out the staff. But Anne.. is a good persona nd as much as she’d like to let val die when her hand slips...she dosen’t. SHe’s her enemy sure but she’s still a person and her death does nothing and solves nothing. And that.. turned out to be the whole point. Val was simply testing Anne’s character: The whole journey was the temple and while the previous temple tested for intellegence.. this one tested for heart, anne’s greatest trait. Val powers the gem with her staff glad to have found something worthy.. but much like Luke or Aaang, Anne hears her friends in trouble and leaves with the gem only mostly charged. She returns.. to find everyone okay, Marcy showing the plantars stuff on her phone, and they set off... but the gem blinks a bit as they leave. 
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Final Thoughts on the Second Temple: The second temple is a decent episode. It has some great worldbuilding, some good gags and really shows off anne’s character development, her empathy and her bravery while giving us an intresting side character and possible future Ally in Valeriana and increasing the mystery around the calamity box. If it’s REALLY as bad as it’s name implies... then why are these people protecting it? And why are the protections, the order the temples.. benevolent, based on personal character and making sure the right person passes. Did Andrias name it that.. and if so.. did he do it for his master? I have a lotta questions and i’m excited to get the answers. All in all a very decent ep.. but like last week the second one majorly upstages it. 
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Barrel’s Warhammer
So we finally check back with Sasha and I was excited as her previous spotlight episode earlier in the season is still the best episode of the season. But this one brilliantly builds on that. 
The various leader of the toad towers are having a summit and well...
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So i’m just going to call them the cryptkeeper, bad haircut and grime’s sister. Their all doubtful of whatever pitch Grime has while Grime and Co are preparing, and have bonded with Percy and Braddock more and the two having designed a cool one eyed logo for their army. 
The pitch is intrigues the toad with even Grime’s Sister he used to tease as a kid being impressed.. and reveals to our anti-heroes that his name is Grimothy. Grimothy. GRIMOTHY
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But their not impressed with the idea of a disgraced captain and his “Hummus” leading them, even if Andrias has his own Humuss’... and this reveals to Sasha her best friends exes are doing just fine without her and working together. She takes it how you’d expect.. by taking it out on Bad Haircut’s guards and angrily asking waht it’llt ake. it’s then the cryptkeeper rises, turning out not to be dead with one request: Barrel’s Warrhammer. Sasha agrees to retreive it for them, but both Percy and Braddock are terrified.. as is GRIME of all people. 
We find out why as they take a lava boat to go fetch the thing: Barrel’s Warhammer is a legendary weapon, wielded by the Toad Hero Barrel, who used it to fight off a great monster and keep it from destroying a villiage dying in the process with his hammer apparently still guarded by said beast. Grime doubts it’s actually real and feels i’ts just a legend. But Percy and Braddock are more concerned with posisbly dying but Sasha reassures them that they’ll be fine and if it gets too dangerous, she’ll bail, using a Kawaii pose as a signal and making me feel very old. 
They find the Hammer but can’t lift it because “Only those who be worthy can”.. oh wait wrong hammer. No this one is just really heavy. They soon find the beast, a narwhaal worm, a massive armored horned worm. Phrasing. So naturally Braddock and Percy want to opt out... but Sasha chooses going after the worm over honoring her promise, and hooking the things horn to ride it to the tower. They just need to bring the hammer there.... even if it costs her friends their lives and saftey and involves betraying them. And this creates a marvelous parallel to the other episode in this pairing: Anne time and time again puts her family and girlfriend, random strangers and even an enemy’s life above her own. To Anne it’s helping other people what’s important damn what happens to her. If she’s cold, buired or something else fine. What matters is someone else is safe.  Sasha by contrast.. is willing to risk herself and other sif it means getting waht she wants. It’s her will to matters.. and it’s her lack of empathy that’s holding her back. Anne is strong because she has her new family, Marcy, and an army of loayal friends in Wartwood. Sasha may be strong in ablility.. but her weakness in heart costs her. She has grime.. btu that end sup being it as while they sucessfully arrive and get the troops they need.. Braddock and Percy can’t bear the cost or danger or the hurt of Sasha’s betryal and depart with Grime noting that getting what you want costs. But as we’ve seen with Anne and Marcy’s respective temples, it was doing the right thing NOT getting what they wanted, that made them better as people and got further. And as the look on Sasha’s face shows as her friends depart her, and she realizes she’s almost entirely alone.. she’s not sure world domination is really WHAT she wants. OR that it was worth the prices she keeps having to pay. 
Final Thoughts:
Barrel’s Warrhamer is another masterpiece following sasha. While not as strong as Toadcatcher it’s still damn good, showing Sasha’s further travels down a bad road, and her starting to doubt if this path is really worth it. The acting and animation are topnotch, as is the world building. It’s a truly stellar showing that just ratchets up tension for the fianle.. and for the inteivitble reunion between our three heroines and the clash between their three sides; the king Marcy serves without realizing his true malevoence, the Toads  Sasha and grime are leading to war.. and the frogs Anne once swore to protect that are about to be swept up in the tides of war.. and possibly take a stand against both sides. War is coming for our heroines and they are not ready for the hell that is to come.. and neither am I. Frog this is going to be painful isn’t it? 
If you liked this review follow me for more, shoot me an ask or comment with your own thoughts, send me a dm if you want to comission a review and join my patreon at patreon.com/popculturebuffet so I can keep making these reviews. Until the next rainbow it’s been a pleasure. 
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kurainburdened · 5 years
👫 ft. saizo KJNHM
bHey guess what you asked for saizo but youre getting like everyone
Knock of Sasuke Saizo
Lol I like to bully him,
His is funny because it’s so completely one sided right now, if only slowly pulling results. But lets see what I can do with the local tsundere ninja, as the company liked to call him
Maya and Saizo are two complete opposite souls pulled together by circumstance. Maya is overbearing, fun loving and silly. Shes finally out in the real world and poor Saizo has to pull on reigns to keep her from doing anything too crazy. That’s already a big job for most people but for someone like him? Well it’s easy to see how their relationship got to how it is.
But Mayas genuineness does indeed begin to wear him down. She goes out of his way for him. After all, job or not, he’s still risking his life for her and she wants to do what she can for him even when he’s being a huge meanie! The more he tells her it’s impossible for htem to be friends the more of a challenge she takes it as. And she wont stop until theyre best buddies!
I like to imagine a scene where someone is trying to kill saizo who can barely move from the fight and Maya stands in between them. The person cant kill the kurain master because shes useful so they at least try to fight her enough to deter her but she keeps getting back up.And shes getting in really bad shape, she can barely stand but she still pulls herself in front of saizo. Like yes she’s weak, yes she doesnt know the firs tthing about fighting but she will NOT let anything happen to him if she can still move. Of course in the last second the cavalry comes. and Saizo probs gives her a thorough scolding.  
Now for some fun hcs!
Maya ends up trying to learn how to defend herself and to his surprise she actually has an aptitude for the sword. Something no one saw coming and something only a trained ninja could even recognize. She’s not so good with her feet so it’s kind of hard to tell for most people. She also has good instincts and after quite a bit of time, He actually gets her to be pretty good! The two can gave some good fights, tho of course Saizo still dwarfs her but Maya has fun fighitng him. YOU CAN BET that once she starts getting some level of good she’d try sneak attacking him. It wields some painful results at first, but after  bit he becomes able to send her presence specifically so she doesn’t get as hurt. The first time she genuinely is able to sneak up on him she’s so proud of herself. That is, if that happens. But it’d be cool if it did.
So I hc that Maya ends up finding out about sakuhito the same way it goes in the prologue. Though it takes longer after meeting them for her to revea that. She kind of plays around with sakuhito for a bit. She’ll muses loudly like ‘huh thats funny thats different from what you told me before. Thats sooo strange. Whats going on here,’ she sees him sweat and desperately try to cover it up for a bit  before kind of letting him off the hook and shrugging like ‘ah well must be my imagination. anyway!’ and changes the subject quickly. One day shes finally like ‘so who are you? cause its definitely not the emperorer’
She gets what it’s like to be in big positions of power so she plays with him a lot. Tries to get him to loosen up. This mostly takes the form of her playing little harmless pranks on him. Something to make him smile. As well as give her a good laugh. You can bet she sets up a banana peel in front of him. It’s all in good harm and nothing harmful and nothing that would put his position in danger
When theyre alone Maya teaches him fun kid things. She excitedly recounts all sorts of fun tales she’s heard, complete with reenacments that sometimes gets herself hurt during the action scenes, sometimes sakuhito. She doesnt care. Maya is probably alot more daring around him than anyone should be allowed to be in front of the emperor but it always works to her favor. All she wants is to get his mind off all the big heavy stuff he has to deal with in the outside world. When theyre together in her room, she wants him to just feel like sakuhito.
I feel like this might result in him feeling the need to distance himself because she ends up being able to tear his mask off a lot easier than she should be able to. And he has a job to do. He cant let anyone know of his presence but maya is absolutely RELENTLESS.
Maya and Sakuhito are very similar in that they have theyre fun childish sides but this never means that they are people who shirks their responsibilities. Which I think is a big comfort for Maya because I like to imagine in the presence of other people they’ll be all stiff. Maya and Sakuhito bow deeply to each other and are like ‘It’s an honor to meet you Emperorer Kuze’ ‘Yes as with you oh powerful Kurain Master’ and they’ll glance up and theres this small smile and glimmer in they’re eye and they share a giggle before coming back up. Them talking to each other politely feels more like a game of pretend, compared with others when they’re playing their assigned roles.
Now time for fun hcs!
I like to imagine if they’re stuck in a gathering of important figures, Maya and Sakuhito will find themselves together and they’ll look like they’re having important conversations, and sometimes they are but others Maya’s just cracking jokes with him in a hushed tones. Sometimes Sakuhito has to start into a coughing fit to hide a laugh.
Of course Maya doesn’t do this all the time. She has a good sense of responsibility and time and place, but there’s also something fun about sharing in these secret conversations. It’s a feeling akin to passing notes in the middle of class with a close friend.
These two have conversations thats just two people of similar personalities and backgrounds who can connect and understan each other in this way that not a lot of other people can They have a lot of fun and when they’re together they can just be themselves. And it’s a bit of a relief from their usual lives. They give each other a place where they can be themselves.
I like to think that they’re kind of like each others safe havens. Like theyre home when they’re with each other.
These two get so good at reading each other so if something happens in a room, they literally just have to make eye contact and immediately theres this understanding. They can make hand signals that no one else understands but them.
Ohh Maya gets kidnapped and she sends a letter thats supposed to make sure no one suspects anything but later when Kuze is relaying this to Sakuhito Maya says something odd that makes Sakuhito raise an eyebrow. Like it’s something small that no else would think twice about but he just KNOWS and he takes a look at the letter and it makes mention of a story character who gets kidnapped, And its one of the stories she had told him about and hes immediately like. MAYAS BEEN KIDNAPPED. and everyone else is like. isnt that a jump? but he just KNOWS. he can tell from just these small things that somethings wrong and theres something in his gut that just makes him so sure of this
oh man i want modern au for all your muses i just tried imagining modern sakuhito but idk how thatd even translate
I feel like she tends to do the same for munenori that she does for Sakuhito but rather than it being a concentrated effort at first, with like a purpose she just can kind of naturally be herself. I think that has to do with the fact that Munenori isn’t pushing himself like sakuhito is to keep up the mask of someone that is just the opposite of himself.Her relationship is something more relaxed where she just is herself and munenori appreciates it
I feel like this relationship is very mutual in that, Maya really loves and respects him. She respects how dignified he is. How he holds himself as a leader and how he leads. She’s fascinated by him because he doesn’t treat her like others do and he seems to genuinely enjoy her presence rather than just putting up with her. There’s this natural pull she feels where she wants to learn more about him. In turn munenori appreciates how shes never let the power she has get to her head, rather it’s not in her to ever let her power control her like it has others. She’s so genuine and has this aura of fun about her but also never shirks her own responsibilities. I also feel like he’ll be one of the first to realize her tactical abilities and that she’s much smarter than she or anyone will give her credit her. Like this relationship is built on a lot of mutual respect.
When these two are together I like to imagine it’s more like two like minded people with differing energies that come to converge when they’re together. It’s a friendship that on the outside looks so strange but for these two it’s so natural. They’re like minded enough to enjoy one anothers presence but different enough for them to be able to learn and grow from being together. The ways they differ allow for them to have these interesting conversations. While they don’t agree on everything they can usually walk away from disagreements feeling like they learned something. I guess if I had to describe it, you wouldn’t ever imagine it but their brains are kind of on the same wavelength. Like they can just enjoy each others presence and grow from each other, but when things get bad, something happens with the war, they stand on equal footing and can help support each other. Give insight that the other lacks
Her relationship with Roberto is interesting because he meets her on much different circumstances than she does with the other two. Maya is trying to really embrace her responsibility and in doing so leave parts of herself behind. It’s not like she’s all business all the time but there’s not as much room to be herself. That’s why Roberto is someone she really connects with. He brings out this side of her that’s shes trying to lock away and just the mere presence of him is making that impossible for her.
These two are people with similar energies who feed into each other. When they’re together it can be explosive chaos because there are ZERO brakes. Interestingly enough it’s usually maya with the reservations. Because she’s here to work. She’s here to study. Yes she has fun, yes she can be silly, but she can’t be her usual rule breaker self when she’s here. She wants to be respectful to the kingdom that allowed her to study under their royalty. So she can’t exactly go around burning the place down.
That’s why Roberto is kind of like her kryptonite. He so naturally and effortlessly pulls her entire personality out where she likes it or not. That’s kind of good but kind of bad. He encourages those impulses that usually most people would tell her no. It’s good in that Maya has more room to breathe, but sometimes he encourages her to do things she shouldn’t. But I think because he’s encouraging this side of her that everyone tells her is bad, she feels more like she can trust him. Like she can entrust this side of herself to him.
Now for some fun hcs
Maya and Roberto get so good at avoiding guards it’s like a game of hide and seek. They end up becoming really acquaintd with all the nooks and crannies of the palace. They end up exploring the castle more thoroughly and even find hidden passageways and they explore a lot together. Like they have all these cool adventures.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
*Goofy and Launchpad are hanging a banner*
Huey: Excellent work guys.. and it only took three hours, four broken lamps.. several jabs in the eyes.. some bloodloss but you did it.
Dewey and Louie: (Walk in)
Louie: So what's all this?
Huey: A party for violet.. I thought she deserved a celebration.. I mean her parents took her out after but you can't get enough and I got one even though I turned it down because I did a terrible thing to try and get it.
Della: And i'm proud of you sweetie... (Has been there thewhole time with boyd, both in uniform)
Huey: I also thought I should bring some of our fellow woodchucks.. but most were small children and our house is a deathtrap on a normal day so for obvious reasons I invited the nigh indescrutable robot who my best friend can repair and my mom who lives here. I mean mom still counts. She's also going to try and start corunning meetings since .. how do I put this nicely.
Della: Launchpad your a terrible Chuckleader
Launchpad: Entirely accurate. And you look hot in that uniform
Della: Also entirely accurate. And while throwing a party for the person who defeated you in compettition isn't MY style, I prefer to sulk and swear vengance, I am PROUD of you for being the bigger duck. Metaphorically she's not a duck and her hair gives her a slight advantage.
Boyd: I"m just happy to be invited. As was my brother.
Huey: "A woodchuck always invites another woodchuck"..though thankfully the guidebook also says "A woodchuck always obeys restraining orders" so the most he can do is creepily lurk outside.
Doofus:(Breathing heavily and creepily into the closest window from outside)
Louie: Eugh... but we're not going outside for this? Please say no.
Huey: We were but for obvious reasons I cancled the outside portion. I also laid out the solicitor traps with picutres of goldie so HOPEFULLy he'll evnetually end up in one of those. Your my brother, I take your eneimies as seriously as I do my oath as a junior woodchuck. Plus he scares me too.
BOYD: Oh he's not so bad. He stopped holding a knife to my throat while I was powered down after mama and poppa told him to only three times!
Webby: (Riding in on a cartload of snacks and books ) I got the suplies for your party! Almonds like she likes, some salmon and some light reading. You are such a good friend.
Louie: Sure that's ALLL he wants to be.
Huey: (panicked) yeah of COURSE I do... why would you say that?
Dewey: Ohhh Huey's got a girlfriend, huey's got a girlfriend, come on eveyrbody!
Dewey and Della: Huey's got a girlfriend, huey's got a girlfriend!
Dewey: Your learning buddy
Boyd: We have never met before.
Dewey: We haven't have we? ... why haven't we? I always wanted a robot buddy to laugh at my jokes and do wacky hyjinks with.
Boyd: And I always wanted a third friend!
Della: Sorry son force of habit.
Huey: I do not like violet.. just because she's pretty.. and smarter than me.. and she smells nice.. which I only know because she flew me out of danger after I didn't do the same in a moment of weakness... and she's also awwkawrd with people... and fine I do.
Huey: I have one it's called be nice and hope she notices.
Della: Oh baby child no. You have to actually make a move. Don't be like your uncle donald
Donald: (Burts in from the back) Stop telling the boys that! I mean it's probably true but it hurts.
Della: I was telling dewey to actually MAKE a move and not just wait for her to notice.
Donald: Oh... then your mother is absolutley right.
Huey: You taught me that!
Donald: And I was very wrong and i'm very much alone and i'll probably die alone aside from you guys. I'm okay with that.
Della: Okay i'm going to put a pin in that because your going to die alone over my dead body.
Donald: We talked scrooge out of us sharing a casket though.
Della: Again pin my baby needs me, Huey just be honest, be yourself... and just don't corner her.. just ask her nicely to go to a movie, or a library or an abandoned condo built on an native american buiral ground.
Webby: Thanks again for the date spot suggestion by the way. Lena loved it.
Della: your welcome. I have enoguh mom for all of you.. includingt he tiny robot and the grown man who misses his child.
Goofy: Awwww...
Louie: Wait why IS goofy here?
Donald: He's rooming with me. I still had the spare room and he has empty nest.. plus he needs a new house after the old one burned down.
Goofy: It's just like college!
Huey: But I"m.. scared okay? besides her being objectivley better than me, I had BOYD run the satstics.
BOYD: But your still great.
Huey: Thank you, what if she dosen't want that or dosen't feel that way?
Louie: Then you'll be awkard around each other for a while.. you were going to be ANYWAY if you don't tell her and either way the awkward goes away. You got this man. She's a nerd, your a nerd, your all nerds.
Launchpad: (Happily) hey!
Louie: You got this. We're all in your corner.
Doofus: (from outside still) Even me... though if you fail i'm going for that.
Webby: (cheerfully) If you even THINK about hitting on my best friend again I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth and bury you where no will ever find you.
Doofus: Ohhhh I won't.. your much more intresting.
Webby: Ewwwww.. I have a girlfriend. Also your objectivley disgusting in every way shape or form.
Doofus: Well I (gun cocks) Am being threatned by your help. Good day to you. (Runs off)
Louie: MRs. b, did you ever know that your my hero?
Beakly: (beams proudly and then goes back to her gardening)
Dewey: Louie's right, while I will mock you constnatly you got this. Plus you got her best friend in her corner.
Webby: Yeah.. though if you ever hurt her i'll do to you what i'll probably have to do to doofus one day
Huey: That is entirely fair and I will accept my death without a struggle.
Webby: See you are good boyfriend material!
Huey: Though I doubt I mean she couldn't possibly...
MEANWHILE: not far from the house, Lena and Violet are walking
Violet: Feel the same way. I mean... for one your around.
Lena: I appricate the compliment but i'm dating his sister. And i'm also VERY gay. Like our dad's gay. Like huey's mom is turbo bi.
Violet: Yes i've read the "Bi as explitive" t-shirt she wore when we first met her. But besides a lack of better options why me? I'm stilted, I do not get people, and until a few months ago my only friend was learning.
Lena: Take out stilted and you just described him too. Your similar enough to really click but just diffrent enough it won't get boring.
Violet: But you nad webby
Lena: Are opposites. Yes this is true. But it's not ALL relationships. Sometimes you date someone just like you, sometimes you don't.. I mean our dad's aren't exactly the same either, but their amazing. And so are you. I may not belivie in most people, But I belivie in you. (they arrive at the gates, violet has been in uniform naturally) Now get in there and get that nerd, Nerd.
Violet: (has been tearing up slightly and hugs her sister) You are the best sibling I never asked for.
Lena: (Hugs her back) right back atcha
Dewey: (holding a cake shaped like violet's head and eating it directly with his mouth) I got the cake
Huey: This isa why I set up a decoy.. three of htem.
(Della and launchpad are also holding hteir own cakes)
Della: But i'd never...
Huey: You would if this wasn't so important to me, so I feel your behavior deserves to be rewarded. Now if you'll excuse me I need to hide my emotions. (Waves hand over face.. and still looks like a nervous mess) There no one will notice
Louie: Huey she's a nerd not blind. Look man, your amazing, you are a catch.. I mean not at our age or even in highschool but eventually scrooge will die and you'll be richer because you'll probably invent something that makes you rich before that. As I said just go for it man, just find an opportunity and cease it.. we're all backing you up. And if it fails, we'll be there to pick you up. Now go get that nerd.
Huey: Right.. i'm just going to pen the door and
Duckworth: Masters violet and lena... (Leads them into the foyer) Also nicely done.. and thank you for asking my permission though in the future as long as your uncle is uninvolved you need only give me a heads up so he can hide from it.
Huey: Thank you duckworth.. ahme... ta-da!
Violet: (blushes) It's wonderful... and is that a bookshelf? And.. is that terry pratchetts complete works? And a cake shaped like my head.. may I?
Huey: (Hands her a knife)
Violet: (Cuts in) And it's an exact repleica of my interior cranimum. I knew you wanted those x-rays for a reason b esides curosity you rascal
Huey: (Blushes) I uh.. thanks
Violet: (Blushes bakc) Uh any time)
Della: Awwww
Huey: Hey violet I was uh wondering,, I uh..
Violet: ... okay so he does feel the same wya tha'ts a relief. You were right Lena
Huey: Wait what?
Louie: You had to give her the pep talk too huh?
Lena: Yup.. I mean she is usuually confident
Louie: Not so true here...
Dewey: I"m fine with that.. it's what makes him loveable.. that and it means i'm not 100% teh donald
Della: Nah you got too much of my genetics for that.
Huey: Okay I can handle this okay..
Violet: Oh god you really aren't intrested
Huey: No I am I am but why me? I"m not even a senior woodchuck.
Violet: no but when given the easy out you didn't take it, you took the honorable path. YOu also are smart, adorable, and do not mind the fact I speak more roboticaly than our actual robot friend.
BOYD: 4 friends!
Huey: An dyou.. dont' seem bothered that I kinda sorta a little am nervous.
Violet: If you mean extremley yes but I find it cute.
Huey: I.. uh (Blushes0 uhhhhh... youralsobrillantandcuteandIlikeyourhairandthewayyousmellandIknowthat'sweirdbutIwasupwindofyousoicouldn'thelpitandiwnattobeyourboyfriendeventually
Louie:Wow just.. wow.. I mean I expected it to be bad but that is art
Violet: I accept (Smooches his cheek) Now let's dig into my head shall we? I call frontal lobe
Lena: I want a large portion of skull
Webby: I get the eyes.
(The two nerds hold hands and head for the cake)
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