#i loved the whole cast to bits tbh. saw madeline eurydice and lauren persephone so i'm excited to hopefully catch grace and gloria at
lotrmusical ยท 1 month
HI! i saw u reblogged the West end hadestown and said you've seen it so i have to ask, thoughts on hades? the character switch when he goes very camp on chant (reprise) threw me for a fucking LOOP. i had been crying beforehand but I was just like desperately holding in my laughter after that. the "young man" up against the door frame? I almost pissed myself. and his legs....
i'm the wrong person to ask about this because whenever a stage performer turns up the camp to 100, worthwhile questions such as 'is this the best considered acting choice for the character' don't stand a chance. they are completely overshadowed by the gay part of my brain emitting whirring noises. i enjoy it too much to care
but anyway my actual thoughts on zachary's hades are as follows:
i like when hades sucks. i enjoy when he gets to be a melodramatic loser and a villain-y villain, because it makes orpheus managing to get through to him hit much harder for me. so zachary hades with his sleazy attitude and the kind of warped enjoyment he's getting out of playing at being powerful and manipulative fulfilled my every wish. tailored to me specifically
i especially enjoyed his acting when he starts to break down a bit for epic 3, his scared/angry/shaken/lashing out was all delicious
direct quote from the messages i was sending people about the show after i saw it: i will say that he was not very.. idk.. plausible?? in chant 2 convo with orpheus specifically bc he was having too much gay fun strutting around the revolve to sell the lines about keeping a woman lmaooo
also i'm extra sad that we don't have the 'now it thickens on my tongue / now it quickens in my lung / now i'm stricken now i'm stung / it's done already' lines in his kiss the riot any more because they're some of my favourites and i want his gay take on them
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