#i lve my parents i really DO
hotdadlicense · 1 year
hmmm top 5 shows, top 5 animals aaaaand top 5 scenes from any show/movie
loren please..... i lve you.
top five SHOWS.
the walking dead - ................. like it has to be said. i'm so sorry. it didn't even really go 'bad' for me like it did lose me for a hot minute or two there originally but like. when i rewatched i was like no actually i love it here. i love this hot mess. and i tragically fucking do. could really do with bringing certain characters back etc or just dissappearing some storylines but like. i do fucking love it.
breaking bad - i didnt even KNOW what i was in for i was just like this'll be fine this'll be chill. and then my life changed forever y'know.
it's always sunny in philadelphia - my go-to show to have on in the background, to have on when im sick, to have on when i need a laugh, to have on when im feeling miserable, to have on when i just wanna feel like Myself. can probably quote like. every episode by this point.
black sails - literally don't even need to explain this one. bs is already tumblr critically acclaimed. if i could go back in time and watch the season two last two episodes for the first time all over again, i would in a heartbeat. the girl that existed in my bedroom when watching those eps? never seen her before and i'll never be her again.
911 - listen. it TRULY is tv show of all time. u KNOW this i know you know this. u can't put eddie diaz in a tv show and not have it change the lives of millions.
top fIVE animals.
SHARKS. sharks sharks sharks sharks sharks all types all kinds theyre all my children
foxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please the fennec fox my BABY
long maned wolf.
snakes. also HOW is your snake btw i miss them
top 5 scenes!
lets revisit black sails again and say season two finale as a whole? but also the 'in the light there is discovery' forest speech in the series finale............................i get chills like every time. WAIT ALSO 'my name is John Silver. and i've got a Long Fucking Memory.' INSANE acting also idk if this is really technically 'top five scenes' worthy but uknow that line where flints like 'where else would you wake up in the morning and matter?' @ silver??? yeah it ingrained itself into my brain and now whenever my brains having a bad day and being a bitch, it just repeats that line over and over to myself. again i dont know if that makes it a top five thing but boy oh bOY it sure made an impact !
iasip mac finds his pride when mac does the dance and franks crying and is like 'i get it. i get it now.' maybe its cos i feel like there is just a 00.01% chance of my parents ever accepting me and im projecting or whatever but that scene? every fucking time im like........ crying lol
my brain is one big jumble for the walking dead and i just can't pin down one scene? so i'm just gonna take a cop out and say that part where daryl and merle are in the woods huntin when they split off in s3 or whatever after they reunite and daryls got his crossbow simply becos i still remember watching it with my mum and her being like 'oh look at daryls Arms. he's really got Muscles.' and i was like. scandalised. in a Good way. and now everytime i see him in that scene i'm like justin beiber tweet i love Arm.
that scene in breaking bad where jesses in hospital after hank beats the shit outta him in the rv and walt visits him in hospital and jesse has that breakdown in 3.07? jesse pinkman crying in a hospital bed bruised and beaten saying 'i am not turning down the money, i am turning down you.' when he's yelling 'i have NOTHING. NO ONE.' ??????????????? scene of all scenes. wait also the peek-a-boo kid scene in s2
stuggling to think of a last one uh maybe in the seventh fast and furious movie when see you again plays at the end and they're all on the beach and then dom and brian are racing except you know its not paul walker and u know its CGI or whatever and ???? i still cry over that sorry
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leighsroyalty · 5 years
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June 5th - Ibiza, Spain
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queerautism · 2 years
hiiii i just got blood taken and it was so wird .. liek its nmeang to be instie of you but now its outside???? and thats ur likteral liek .. oh my god the maount of thigns in blood. i lve the human bdoy wer' so merssy and weird. cant wait to get top surgery so i cang et tattoos of constellations all ofver my bchest and body. im really fuckng tired from the blood taking thpugh idk if you coud; tell ANDi sill have to do an online lesson and maybe chores for my parents to o.. :( anyway i hope youre having a good deay
Oh gosh i hope you get to rest!! I always feel so exhausted after they have to take my blood
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griffintail · 3 years
Griffin I'm starting a boycott in my school
For back story:
basically i was talking to my mother and she grew up in geto area where I lve. Now she was in a lot of clubs but they didn't make her pay anything and she didn't have to pay for choir and stuff. now look at where I live now, it's a high dollar neighborhood & superiority rated school but they make parents pay so kids can do clubs, join clubs, or join choir for that matter (the choir is funded by a parent group not the school) while they waste their money on building school buildings that already exist. like the play house (for plays/musicals and stuff) is connected to the school but they don't pay the school anything and the school really doesn't use it. The play house should because then that money could go to the schools theater. that' s just some of the stuff we talked about. so my mom was like you should say what you think and put of posters. then I kid you not she was like if they expel you I'll sue cause you're not doing property damage so there's no reason to really expel me cause they encourage kids/teens speak their opinion.
so Now I've got a friend writing my speeches for my revolution, a friend who might get this stuff on the t.vs (cause we got those in my school) and a friend who also just joined cause yeah the school system sucks.
I'm not joking this is what I do, also being in debate helps alot.
Good for you, stand up for what you believe in. Just make sure you do your research alongside it!
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keigosbirdie · 4 years
AHHH I could talk about this for hours, hawks' wings was the reason the hspc wanted him, they were why the hpsc trained, made his entire identity and life revolve around heroism, so him losing that would be very interesting, though he'd have nothing, due to his work and the was he's lived his life, he has no friends, nothing outside of being a hero, his wings are everything rn. AHH I'M SO CURIOUS. Ig I'm a sucker for the whole "this has been mine this whole time" and rly pushing into that, thing
AHHHH FUCK, He wouldn't even be able to use his name!! He doesn't use keigo to refer to himself as that was taken from him, "Hawks" is who is, that's him name, his identity I UST IT'S SO INTERESTING AND COOL. I love how angsty it is. BUT Again, I want him to take himself back by his own choice, to reclaim his own shit IHGA I LVE HIM, there's so many ways he could go!! Sorry I'm in a mood lmdao
I’m assuming this is the same anon! Seriously, though, I couldn’t have said it better myself. This is exactly how I feel about the situation.  Hawks is such a complex and interesting character for what little time we’ve really had with him. Honestly the situation with his name really gets to me. He truly has no identity outside of being a hero. He says thats what he wants, but he was so young and impressionable when he was taken by the commission. Way too young to really understand what he was in for, or consent to the kind of life they were pushing on him. But he took it all in stride. Everything he did, he did because he wanted to save people. He wanted to be a shining light for others, like endeavor was for him. 
Thats another reason I’m so obsessed with who he is. Easily, he could have followed in the footsteps of his parents. We don’t know much about them (though I subscribe to the idea that thief takami was his relation, and endeavor catching Takami could have actually been how he saved Hawks, but we won’t know that for a while, I think) but we do know he was at the very least neglected by them. The fact that even as a child, he wanted nothing more than to be the light for others that he himself never had- it kills me.
I’ve always felt that’s why he ended up taking a real interest in Tokoyami. He may have seen a small part of himself in the kid, and he decided he wanted to be a positive force in his life. Ever heard the phrase “Be the grown up you needed when you were a kid?” yeah, hawks at Tokoyami.
I seriously can’t  even with my feelings, and I’m so excited to see whats in store. 
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findmyrupertfriend · 5 years
By Emily Blunt Photography Sølve Sundsbø
Published February 17, 2009
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The tale of young Rupert Friend begins like many other British coming-of-age stories: in a quaint, almost anachronistic one-horse village in the English countryside. But unlike so many other legends of English lore, Mr. Friend’s journey so far has not involved any kings or warlocks or elves or quests for magical golden rings (though the same cannot be said for tights, which Friend has donned on more than one occasion). His trajectory has been somewhat more earthy: grew up in the county of Oxfordshire in a house with no VCR; became enthralled with the idea of traveling around the world when he saw his first film in a theater, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989); decided it was his destiny to be like Indiana Jones; discovered that Indiana Jones was an archaeologist, and that most archaeologists aren’t as proficient with whips or as prolific in their love lives, which thus makes the profession slightly less appealing; realized, though, that the person playing Indiana Jones, Harrison Ford, is an actor, and he seems to be having a fine time of it; and thusly embarks on a career in the performing arts.
After attending drama school at Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in London, Friend’s professional acting career got off to a fast start with roles opposite Johnny Depp in Laurence Dunmore’s The Libertine (2004) and his future girlfriend, Keira Knightley, in Joe Wright’s Pride & Prejudice (2005). But as with every good coming-of-age story, there’s a time when the protagonist must step up and be his own man. That moment appears to have arrived for the 27-year-old Friend. Having recently done duty in the British WWII drama The Boy in the StripedPajamas (2008), Friend stars with Michelle Pfeiffer in Stephen Frears’s upcoming Chéri, based on the Colette novel of the same name, and is the male lead in The Young Victoria, a film about the life of Britain’s Queen Victoria, in which he plays Prince Albert to his interviewer here Emily Blunt’s Queen V.
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EMILY BLUNT: Tell me about growing up in Oxfordshire. I remember taking a little tour around there and you showed me the corner store where there used to be a girl who you pined for.
RUPERT FRIEND: That wasn’t my village we were in; it was the next village along. But they’re the kind of villages in that area where there’s only one of everything—the boy who bullies you, the shopkeeper who gives you sweets, and the girl you pine for. And then there’s the butcher who does his work by hand with a sword, which was always quite frightening. He didn’t have a fridge either. There were whole carcasses just sitting on a wooden table. It was quite weird. He closed down, and now I know why. But when I was 8 years old, I didn’t know why what he was doing was bad.
EB: You didn’t buy your meat from there, did you?
RF: We didn’t, no. But then the postmistress was also in love with the postman . . . I mean, the village was a little bit like Dylan Thomas and Postman Pat all mixed together. The whole environment was sort of great because there wasn’t any notion of culture or anything contemporary at all.
EB: Now, this childhood bully—did you ever get into fights growing up?
RF: Was I bullied? Um . . . I was fought. I wouldn’t say they were actually fights, because fight implies that there were two people involved, and I don’t think I ever managed to successfully hit back.
EB: So were you not allowed to go to the cinema much as a kid?
RF: We didn’t ever go to the cinema.
EB: Why not?
RF: I don’t know. We didn’t have a video player at home either. I didn’t have a deprived childhood or anything, but watching movies wasn’t something that we did. One of my uncles took me to my first movie in a cinema—Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
EB: Was Harrison Ford your first man-crush?
RF: Indiana Jones more than Harrison Ford himself was—and still is—quite a big man-crush of mine. You know, the guy who’s on the adventure with the hat and the whip and the leather jacket . . . But Harrison is a big man-crush, too. He’s a very cool guy.
EB: Were there any other actors who you really looked up to and wanted to be like?
RF: Marlon Brando.
EB: Now, you see, it’s interesting that you say that, because I know that you have a loathing for crowd opinions, but no one will deny that Marlon Brando was like a wild animal amongst the stage performers around in his time . . .
RF: I think that may be a mixed metaphor, what you just said.
EB: Really?
RF: You said he was like a wild animal, and then I think you wanted to say something like, “among the tame cats,” but I think you miffed it.
EB: Rupert, this is what annoys me about you.
RF: [laughs] But, yes, okay. And then on the back of Brando, I would say that Elia Kazan and Tennessee Williams and that period of writing and directing became a big thing for me. And then Paul Newman and that side of things. And then, in terms of writing, there were people like Dylan Thomas and Jack Kerouac. I did a lot of reading into Kerouac and his contemporaries. I mean, On the Road completely changed the way I looked at what you could do with your life.
EB: Were your parents concerned about you going into this business?
RF: I mean, it’s a pretty risky one. And it’s tough because you probably don’t want your kids to take risks. But then you realize that they like taking them.
EB: I know it’s obnoxious when actors talk about acting, but do you feel like what we do is a worthwhile job? Do you think it’s valuable?
RF: Well, first thing, I wouldn’t call it a job. If it’s a job for you then you’re probably in the wrong profession. It’s like playing dress-up. It’s like make-believe. It’s like you’re suddenly given the key to the doors of these fantastical worlds. And, by the way, you’re going to get paid to do it . . . So I wouldn’t be grumbling about it. It’s more like, “Where do I sign up?” I mean, I’m not intelligent enough to be a doctor, and kind of hands down you can’t argue with the worth of that. But I don’t really have an opinion about the worth of making art. All I would say is that when I’ve been very down, or having kind of a tough time in my life, certain films or pieces of music or books have changed that. They’ve taken me out of a dark place and put me into a more positive one. And I think that if we can do that for people, then it’s certainly worth doing.
EB: So you live in London now. Could you imagine living anywhere else?
RF: Oh, yeah. The one thing I couldn’t imagine is stopping still. I can only go places because I know that I can go away from them, if that makes sense. I like the gypsy lifestyle that filming affords. I like being in different places and finding weird pubs on rivers, like the one you and I found when we were making The Young Victoria. I’ve had some great experiences that have come from this lifestyle—ones that I wouldn’t have had otherwise.
EB: And I don’t necessarily see that as restlessness. I think it has more to do with seeing life in a limitless way, with being alive.
RF: I do, too. I mean, I have a base, but it’s not a geographical one. It’s where certain people are. For me, a base isn’t about bricks and mortar or an address on a postcard.
EB: You have an eye for detail. When you walked into the room to read for the part of Prince Albert with me for The Young Victoria, I was literally like, “Thank God,” because you have a very natural, quiet dignity about you as an actor. I mean, you understood Albert, didn’t you?
RF: I think so. You’ve got to remember that Albert lives with an empress, and she’s someone who became an empress when she was just a girl. And she’s made one or two mistakes along the way, but she’s ultimately had the strength to continue being that empress, you know, for a fuck of a long time. And I think it takes quite a strong man to say, “My woman will always achieve more than I ever will, she will always have more power than I’ll ever have, and she will probably be more popular than I’ll ever be. And I don’t care.”
EB: Because he loved her.
RF: Yes. And that, to me, is about as close to the definition of a man as I’ve ever gotten.
EB: I know that, in addition to acting, you wrote and produced a short film, but would you ever want to direct?
RF: I don’t know. I think it’s a very hard job to do well. You’re kind of responsible for everyone and everything. There are two qualities that I’ve noticed in good directors: One is that they have their vision very strongly in place; and two is that they listen to everyone’s opinion and still remember their vision. People who don’t listen to anyone else tend to get it wrong, and people who sort of dither between what everyone else says do too. It’s a very hard balance and it can produce some pretty good rows. But that’s what I sort of want as an actor. I don’t want to be a pushover for anyone. I want everyone to row until we all suddenly go, “Oh, yeah, that’s much better.” And not because someone is right, but because we’ve all talked it out.
EB: So, finally, how do you like your steak done?
RF: Rare. Hopping off the plate.
EB: Still pulsing?
RF: Yeah. Bloody, bloody rare.
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delightful-dragon · 5 years
TY EMIL FOR TAGGING ME!! @gendo-ikaris-pencil-dick
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily (kind of! I get very mild sunburns very frequently T.T! it makes my skin hurt but I only get really bad sunburns if I dont wear sunblock) // I have freckles (a little tiny bit!) // I paint my nails (sometimes!! I wish I did more I love having colorful stuff on me!) // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument  // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe (only things Ive cooked or baked before though!) // I know how to swim (I LOVE SWIMMING!) // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing (Im like a bird I love singing so much XD) // I could survive in the wild on my own (but id be really scared! and bored) // I have read a new book series this year (Im reading the second installment of the book series thats of A Dog’s Purpose! My host got it when she was with our irl friend who follows us on here so it makes me happy when I read it) // I enjoy spending time with friends (I lve my friends! I want to spend time with you all 24/7!!) // I travel during school or work breaks (well I like to walk outside if that counts?) // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years (well my chidhood friend but Im more close with my friend that follows me here so even though my childhood friend is my ‘BFF’ my friend that follows me on here is my best friend right now! im so close to her and i trust her a lot) // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend (💙💙💙💙 I LOVE U ALL!!) // I met up with someone I have met online
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle (IT ROCKS ME TO SLEEP SO WELL!) // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies (and gasoline!!) // I am involved in extracurricular activities (sort of..! like on and off) // I enjoy Mexican food (I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD!!!! Im obsessed with nachos but also! everything else! for example enchiladas are rlllyy good too)  // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love (my friends are my true loves!!!) // I make up scenarios to fall asleep (it kind of keeps me up cause its fun but I am constantly daydreaming anyway because of adhd! but it does in a way help me sleep cause if I was just laying down staring at the ceiling thinking of nothing I would be bored out of my mind and not sleep) // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game ( I LITERALLY CONSTANTLY DAYDREAM ABOUT BEING IN POKEMON WORLD JLFJDJH) // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs (no but i have kitties!!)
Im sleepy so Idk who to tag.. the first people i think of are @hauntedzone @catenacciocounter @generic @ashunera !! If you arent tagged though and you see this then I tagged you!! >:3 but only do it if u wanna!
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bewareofthorns · 6 years
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jeepers! meet rowan ‘ro’ sharpe, tenant of room 3b, college student tentatively majoring in history and wholesome all-american boy learning to stand on his own.  this is legiterally the worst ™ intro, but it is also everything i applied with! 
·      ☆ ⤻ logan shroyer. meet ro sharpe. he is/are a 20 year old history student, who’s been residing in apartment #3b for a year. usually , you can catch him on the subway listening to a whiter shade of pale  by procol harum and their roommates insist that he reminds them of rumpled sheets, sunlight streaming through a half-opened window and tangled earbuds. the libra has been described as candid & guarded but since he’s known as the all-american, i guess we’ll just have to wait and see .
a brief intro
think basic white boy. now more basic. even more basic. if ur at fuccboi, ur going in the wrong direction. 
he is absolutely the kid in high school that you wanted to hate, but that you couldn’t. his parents raised him right and that frustrates others around him to no end.
he’s as american as apple pie and just as sweet. if you met him in his native environment, he’d probably be somewhere in between a state fair and a football game. picture like any movie where the underdog leads his team to state. that was him in senior year.
he had a mom and stepdad and two little siblings that he left behind in ohio. (and sometimes, though he hates to admit it because it sounds like something a coward would say, he wishes he had never really left them.)
the world is bigger than he thought it was. and there’s times when he’s in the apartment and people are walking by that he can’t help but be a little afraid.
on social media, if you scroll back in time, before the apartment, all his posts before got is pictures of these two little kids and like football cleats and like terrible shaky videos of performances he did with the awful band that he made with his friends. he never thought he was going to go to new york city for college. he never thought- that this would be his life.
the drama that goes on, the messiness of the rest of the people who live in the apartment—as much as he never expected it to be, this is a vibrance that sucks him in, that has a hold on him that he can’t really explain. there’s a joy to it, of course, an intenseness that he can’t deny. 
just a fish out of water here in the city. part of him wants to go back to when he just had one girlfriend for like four years and they were going to go to college together and get married and he was going to be an actuary or a tax auditor or something. part of him still believes that he will– 
but he also knows. he loves this life. he’ll never be able to go back. 
1.       His mom and his bio dad never got married and, while his dad did his best to be around while he was really young, his job eventually took him away to nyc and both of them agreed it would be best if he didn’t look back.
2.       though he remembers missing his biological father terribly at first, he was young enough that it hardly mattered. within the next few years, his mother got married, ro was adopted by his stepfather, and he would get two new half-siblings. 
a.       by the end of the first year of the marriage, ro had already taken to calling his stepfather ‘dad’. after all, it was his stepfather who took him out to backyard and taught him to play catch. it was his stepfather who helped him with his math homework and bought him christmas gifts. it was his stepfather who was there. and to ro, that was all that mattered. 
3.       he never once thought his childhood was missing anything. he took bass guitar and swimming lessons; he played on the local baseball team and, then, after deciding it wasn’t for him, joined the football team. he had a good group of friends and even did fairly well in school.  
4.       it wasn’t until he got into high school that things started to fray at the edges. after pulling a prank at school and getting into trouble, his stepfather sat him down and asked if he were acting out bc he missed his real father. he hadn’t been– at least, he hadn’t thought he was, but, when the gate was opened, he admitted that he wanted to at least meet the man who he had so few memories of. 
5.       so he did. and it went okay. There were no hard feelings. They agreed to keep meeting up.
6.       ro was lucky, though. as he was forced to navigate through this complicated relationship with his father, he was able to escape the perils that usually plague teens in  high school. 
a.       he was smart enough to talk with the academically-inclined and creative enough to hang around the arts kids, but his true saving grace was his position on the football team. he was good at it— enough that by his junior year, he had gotten an offer to join the reserve team for his dream school. it was a good scholarship and it also allowed him to pursue the degree that he was interested in (econ and math). 
7.       but despite accepting the offer almost immediately— he never ended up actually enrolling. Because he had also secretly applied to a nyc college to spend more time with his bio dad who lived in the region. And when he got accepted, he just knew-
a.       i don’t think he understood what he was getting into. the college he is going to has technically a better reputation than the state school he had originally wanted, but he just wanted– to know his dad better. to have a real relationship with his dad before it was too late.
b.       it weighs heavy on his mind that he threw away the larger college scholarship, the chance to be with his friends, the football offer — all just to spend some time in nyc for the more frequent opportunity to he feels guilty, as if him just being here is some kind of betrayal to the family that raised him. 
8.       lastly, ro absolutely calls his mom and stepfather every week, but still finds himself struggling to hold a conversation with his father. They don’t meet up as often as he thought they would. School takes up too much time for him. And his father is always working. And though his father is the one paying for his rent and also a chunk of his tuition, he still longs for a better connection.
9.       he’s really just a small town boy from ohio and here, where it seems like everyone parties and engages in a rock star lifestyle, he’s incredibly out of his depth. he’s sweet and he’s young and he’s responsible. he’s not here to spiral out of control or be number one  he’s just here to learn what it means to be a student. And also… if he can, someone’s son. 
fun facts
       he skateboards. everywhere.
       he doesn’t drink coffee.
       he stopped drinking soda when he turned 17 for a dare and never picked it up again.
       he knows how to knit.
       he’s a hardcore romantic. his mom took two tries to get it right, but she got it right.
        Did he have a high school gf that lasted for almost the full four years? You betcha. Did they break up because he went to NYC? You got it. Is he heartbroken over it and trying to fill the void? Done and done.
       In the apartment, he’s definitely trying to be the voice of reason. That’s not to say he can’t get down with the best of them, but he’s also always trying to get things under control.
        Since he’s 20, that also means—he’s not very good at standing his ground.
WANTED CONNECTIONS are fckn everything. 
exes, crushes, fwb, mentors, enemies (petty or deep-rooted... but i dare u to hate him). my literal fave r weird shared communal space plots. 
someone who will buy him contraband since he’s underage !! he swears he’s responsible
someone who he gives life advice to (in all of his iDiot 20 yo boy brain glory)
someone who gives HIM life advice to counsel him through being an idiot 20 yo boy 
someone who he caught doing something outlawed in the building
smoking? parking your bike in behind the potted plants? look we all know ur growing something behind the succulents but i don’t want to know okay. 
I was sticking my head out the window and you were draining water onto the pavement. Dude I see you. My god. We all have sinks. 
our mail keeps getting switched up ?? look ??? idk ???
We do our laundry at the same time every week and there’s just NOT ENOUGH MACHINES and its super weird bc like. we  never talk elsewhere about it. but every week we show up with full baskets at the SAME TIME
I know you keep ur door unlocked and so like. we’re friends. you won’t mind if I just pop in to use ur dish soap. i like ran out. 
KEEP UR NOISE LEVEL DOWN U HEATHEN. IM STUDYING. are u singing? is that a cat’s yowl? are u… Look IF YOU DON’T i’ll put a hole thru ur door.
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charliesimss · 6 years
Get to know a character tag ???
Thank you to @candydandysims, for the tag that doesnt have a name!! Im so excited to do it for Gemma !!! 
Name ➔ Gemma Raine Dime 
► Are you single ➔ Yes
► Are you happy ➔ Mostly 
► Are you angry? ➔ Not currently 
► Are your parents still married ➔ Yes 
► Birth Place ➔ Sunlit Tides (or hawaii area for rp purposes?) 
► Hair Color ➔  Blonde with a spontaneous add of light blue 
► Eye Color ➔  Green
► Birthday ➔ December 25th 
► Mood ➔ Anxious 
► Gender ➔ Female
► Summer or winter ➔  Winter
► Morning or afternoon ➔ Night lmao
► Are you in love ➔ Not with like, a boyfriend at the moment. 
► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Yes 
► Who ended your last relationship ➔ Mostly Duncan, it was also mutual 
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Probablyyyy 
► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ Nope, i crave them 
► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Of course. My baby, my parents, Adriana (@sunshinepixles) 
► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Yep, in grade school I got a few anon valentines, nothing turned out to be too serious but I did kiss one on the slide. 
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ Absolutely 
► Love or lust ➔ Love. For real this time. Please. 
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Lemonade 
► Cats or Dogs ➔ Dogssss 
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ Many regular ones 
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Wild night !!
► Day or night ➔ Night 
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ Not caught, no. Defs succeeded all those times I used to sneak out in high school. 
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Yeah, who hasnt? 
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yeeeeehh 
► Wanted to disappear ➔ Yep 
► Smile or eyes ➔ Smile is always important to me
► Shorter or Taller ➔ TAller is So Attractiveeee ugh 
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ Attraction cause im not smart 
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ Relationship. I’ve had enough hookups. 
►  Do you and your family get along ➔ Yes, theyre everything <3 
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Not at all. 
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ Barley. I tried to lve in the treehouse for a night when I was about 8, but got too scared to stay all night. 
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Nope. Don’t know how my parents delt w me tho. 
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ Not anymore, that was highschool drama 
► Do you consider all of your friends good friend?  ➔ I guess I’m pretty close with them 
 ►  Who is your best friend ➔ I try not to rate friends like that, its just been known to cause problems for me 
► Who knows everything about you ➔ I’d like to say my son does. I try to be really open with him, even if he doesnt understand. 
I’m tagging: @sunshinepixels, @clannad2, @wearetheparks and @xdark-amethystx, sorry for any double tags !!!! 
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smol-gay-werewolf · 6 years
Play it straight: Gender, Scales and Poems
Warnings: deciet, homophobia, slurs 
Kyoya stood in front of the window, he took off his hoodie and just looked at himself. He then changed into his baby blue swim shorts, they even had the word 'baby' on the back and his long black jacket. He went down to the beach and sat by the sea, he noticed that the man petting a random dog next to him looked like that annoying cardigan man, the prince dude and Virgil. He smiled at this new person. "Hello sir, I'm not sure we've met properly yet?"
The man smiled kindly at him. "Oh, I'm Thomas, Thomas Sanders. You've met my sides haven't you?" Kyoya nodded, he adjusted his glasses. "That is correct, it's nice to meet you Mr.Sanders sir, I'm Kyoya Ootori."Thomas smiled, chuckling a little. "Would you be the same Kyoya that Patton tried to talk to earlier?" Kyoya nodded, clearly annoyed. Thomas sighed and gave Kyoya a patient look.
"Kyoya, I know you probably don't want to hear it bit you're very young and you shouldn't have to deal with the people like the ones here. But since you have to then I should give you some advice; try not to be too openly gay. Me and my sides like having a lot of gay l and rainbow things one us, Patton even has a rainbow phonecase. But we're avoiding all that so we don't get hurt. You probably shouldn't go around wearing pink or really any 'girly' colours. OK kid?"
Kyoya sighed and nodded. "I know...I just..." He sighed again, not sure why he wanted to open up to this stranger. Thomas smiled encouragingly. "Go on..." "I'm just so far from my school and so no one at important can judge me if I wear what I want, but my father didn't let me pack the one skirt I own and I don't want to wear trousers in this heat and I only have three pairs of shorts and then that bubbly bastard tries lecturing me on not acting gay like its my fault the gardener was hitting on me and-"
"I don't think that was Pattons intention to lecture you, I'm sure he just wanted to make sure you'd be safe." He smiled kindly down at Kyoya. He nods slowly and chuckled. "I'm sorry about this sir, I just...I'm going through a lot right now and I simply didn't care for the way in which he talked down to me."
Thomas nods and smiles. "Of course, that's understandable. Patton does tend to 'baby' people a lot. Also if you enjoy crisscrossing then you should talk to Roman, he stockpiles skirts for some reason."  He chuckles and then stops when he sees kyoyas face. "Hey what's wrong?"
"It might not be crossdressing..." He looked up at Thomas with panicked eyes. "Mr.Sanders sir? I think I might be nonbinary..."
Deceit was basking in the sun when a young man, one of Romans boyfriends brothers sat next.to him. "So what's up with the scales?" Dec sighed. "I am NOT part snake." Akito simply raised an eyebrow at him. "Ok but what are you then?" The snake an sighed and types it out on his phone. 'I am part snake and I can only speak in lies'.
The younger man nodded, he reached out and toughest scales. "That is wicked dude. Bet it gets annoying though huh?" Deceit nods, smiling a bit. He enjoyed the company of this young man, less wholesome then the sides but still kind. They eat and talked for an hour or two before Akito had to go to lunch with his brothers and left Deciet sat alone on the beach.
The snake man soon tell asleep and before long the sun was settint, a princely figure ran past. But then stopped when he saw the snake. Roman sighed and picked his fellow side up. "Honestly, for a villain the only rudely evil thing you're doing right now is making me late for my date." After the snake had been handed off to Patton, Roman ran the entire way to the cliffside to meet Yuuichi.
Yuuichi had been waiting with a bottle of light champagne that he'd borrowed from the caterers, they say under a tree and shared the bottle while they talked about life, themse lves, everything that came to mind. Roman stared up at the stars and coughed. "Hey Yuui?"
" Yeah? "
"I wrote you a poem..."
" I'm sorry...what? "
"A poem, it's a short p-"
"I know what a poem is you idiot! Read it to me!"
Roman chuckled and nodded, pulling a scroll and a red rose from thin air. He handed the rose to Yuuichi and began reciting the poem.
"Insparation is like a seed,
It grows when shown the care and attention it needs,
but a wild flower makes its own inspiration,
And provides other with some too,
You are my wild flower,
An endless source of inspiration for me,
to grow my garden of beauty in your honour,
And as I tend to my garden,
Pride of place,
Sits my sweet wild flower,
from which it all grows. "
Roman finished and looked up to see that Yuuichi was just staring blankly at him, he was concerned before he was the corners of Yuuichis mouth curl up. He chuckles for a bit before looking Roman dead in the eyes. "Roman?"
" Yes? "
"...that's gay."
This sent Roman into a fit of laughter as he clung to Yuuichi happily. The calmer man held him close and missed his forehead. "You're an idiot Roman, you know that?" Roman nodded, still in hysterics as Yuuichi looked down at the little villa before them. If anyone from down there was them now, there'd be help to pay. But for now they were safe, for now they could be happy in each other's company. The two happily laughed and chatted well into the night and it was last midnight when they each got to their respective hotel rooms...
When Roman got home, both Patton and Logan had been waiting for him. They both gave him the annoyed parent look™ as he came in.
"Where have you been?"
Tagg list:
@ko-fanatic @sympathetic-deceit-trash @unlimitedskyeproductions@rehks-the-mess @anxiouspepsi
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i was gonna do stuff but honestly. im exhasuted. like i worked every day last week until thursday when i traveled to new york and then the next day i did shopping in the morning in the 90º weather and then that evening was the rehearsal dinner my parents put on for my brother’s wedding and then the day after was my brothers wedding which started at 6:30pm but i had to be there by 2 for pictures and shit so i was there for almost 12 hours straight and then the next day i went to brunch at the bride’s house and then left early to hop on a train to meet soph n see fleetwood mac and then today soph and i basically went on a roadtrip through new york and half of new england and then went shopping so im like
i lve u all gn probablt
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