#i made a lekach!!!! i wanted you to try it!!!
inkwolvesandcoffee · 11 months
Ideas are baking (and another Alfie imagine)!
Today’s my day off and I thought I’d put on a nice dress and give baking a go. So, on the menu is low-calorie blueberry and vanilla pound made with plant-based yogurt (plain) and milk (vanilla).
Here’s a what it looked like before it went into the oven and afterwards:
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Can’t say I did too shabby, judging by the looks of things. I wonder what it tastes like, though, because I’m no baking queen.🧐
Update 06/07/‘23: the taste wasn’t bad but version 2.0 has definitely turned out better.
But, as per usual, this got me thinking.
What if Alfie is crushing hard on a girl who runs a baking channel on YouTube?
He has his own channel called The Mad Baker, because we all know how chatty the King of Camden is.
It’s really per coincidence he stumbled across yours. He was looking over the shoulder of his assistant manager, Ollie, out of curiosity. After all, why was he staring at his phone instead of working?
No, those last ten minutes of a break are not for leisure. They’re to discard and return to the floor early.
Alfie's philosophy, not mine.
Anywho, at first he’s skeptical because your channel is all about healthy and low-calorie baking. Now, I’m sure you can imagine how badly that clashes with Alfie’s personal opinion.
“Bakin’, right, is a bloody art, mate. It’s the creation out of the simplest ingredients, given to us by Yahweh, a transformation into something incredible. Why would you tarnish a brownie by using Greek yogurt instead of rich butter? I don’t use agave syrup or worse, stevia, whatever the fuck that’s supposed to be, instead of the highest quality honey whenever I make lekach, do I? No, if something is meant to be sweet, make it sweet, yeah?”
And yet there he was that very same evening, sitting in his living room and suffering from insomnia.
Watching your videos.
Although he was grumbling his own opinions about 'proper' baking, he couldn't stop further investigating 'the girl with the micro bakery, whatever the fuck that is'.
Strangely, he found himself quieten the more he watched your videos. Moreover, Alfie found himself wanting to discover more about you, much more than what little you shared on camera.
Also, and he only realised this much later after some rare self-reflection, your voice calms him.
Soon after, he started to leave comments. At first, they were quite shallow, general. Nonetheless, they’ve grown more genuine over time, admitting to trying your recipes and asking questions.
Nowadays, those comments more often than not turn into conversations which create long threads that tend to stray from the original topic quite fast.
Both of your fan bases have noticed this too, hopping back and forth between your channels.
Recently they’ve been practically begging you two to do a collaboration.
Alfie was hesitant at first because he prefers being by himself and working on his own.
Nevertheless, when you ask him to teach you some traditional Jewish recipes he agrees without so much as a second thought.
He only has one condition, though.
That you put your own twist on his recipes and teach him the modified version.
The collab has the fans nothing short of going feral. Ships are sailing left, right, and centre and half the comment section are remarks how good you two look together and sparks are flying.
And perhaps they are right.
The conversation flows as easily as when held behind screens.
It feels natural how Alfie guides your hands while kneading the babka dough. At first he hesitates, his palms awkwardly hovering around you before he clasps them behind his back.
Only to warm the back of your palms when you ask him to teach you his way to knead dough.
Though really you only asked to fulfill the nagging curiosity about the way his body would feel against yours. His chest is warm against your back, the satisfied low hum he lets out reverberating against it.
You hear his breath hitch when your fingers entwine and for a moment he grows still. Nonetheless, when you look over your shoulder to check his reaction, his eyes are warm and a tender smile has found its way to his lips.
You know it must be weird for him to have a young thing like you interested in him in a way that goes beyond friendship. In fact, it isn’t hard to tell since the rigidity in his composure hasn’t lessened since you welcomed him into your studio/micro bakery.
Yet, Alfie tries his best to relax. Henceforth, while you two have coffee while waiting for the oven to heat up and the camera is off for the time being, he allows himself to lower his guard ever so slightly.
He nestles into the corner of your sofa, loving the softness of the cushions. Mostly, however, he loves your presence, sitting right next to him.
Like in the fantasies he’s found himself entertaining, especially when it’s just him in the otherwise empty house in Margate.
The need to settle down has never been as strong as it has been recently, started the moment you two truly began to talk.
Truth be told, though, it scares him. He isn’t used to being rooted, to being unable to think of a person the way he thinks about you despite the doubts it stirs within him.
Regardless, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
One day you’ll collab and Alfie will allow himself to let his guard down completely.
Until then, you two work through the motions of various recipes.
Slowly growing closer.
Tag List: @zablife @potter-solomons @liliac-dreamer @wandawiccan60 @buttercupsandboys @dreamlandcreations @rose-like-the-phoenix @babaohhhriley @hecatemoon87 @vir-tual @mollybegger-blog
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el-im · 2 years
boo every time i get blown off i just kind of look around and go. oh honey... the lipstick... the earrings... the curled eyelashes... the hair done up... i got up this morning and skipped breakfast in favor of making a lekach when my head was still filled up with sleep bc i wanted it to be cool by the afternoon... so strange to be sitting in my room unscrewing earring backings feeling like the silliest gal on the planet 
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Elon Musk's muskiest moments of 2018, so far
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Few people have had a wide-ranging — and weird —  2018 as SpaceX and Telsa head Elon Musk. He's made new friends, hit new milestones, and managed to make a lot of people mad. 
Musk has always been a bit of an enigma, but, so far in 2018, he's become an even bigger, head-scratching figure. Musk has been generating buzz from a new relationship, selling flamethrowers (yes, flamethrowers) just because, trying to help rescue kids trapped in a cave, and sounding an awful lot like President Trump in attacking the media.
It all adds up to a very unique year for a very unique person and the year is only halfway through. 
SEE ALSO: Elon Musk weighs in on Trump's immigration policy with a very uninspiring tweet
Here, then, is the year in Musk so far.
Just some Boring Flamethrowers
You'd think Musk would have his hands full what with SpaceX, high-speed trains, and talk of tunnels taking up most of his day. But there's always time for side projects, apparently, like, say, flamethrowers! 
Don’t do this. Also, I want to be clear that a flamethrower is a super terrible idea. Definitely don’t buy one. Unless you like fun.
A post shared by Elon Musk (@elonmusk) on Jan 27, 2018 at 5:29pm PST
No, it wasn't a joke. Complex terms and conditions and all, it is a very real thing and thousands forked over $500 a pop for their own Musk-approved bringer of fire. 
That is quite the entrepreneurial move, Elon, and one hell of a way to start the year.
Tesla's space oddity
SpaceX had a monumental first successful launch of its Falcon Heavy rocket, a huge step forward for the company as it continues on a variety missions. But the one thing people will likely remember from that launch is the Tesla that Musk sent into space. 
SpaceX just put a Tesla in space. pic.twitter.com/KCmRUhLc6c
— AngelList (@AngelList) February 6, 2018
The Tesla and its dummy astronaut reportedly disappeared into deep space a few days after launch (as to rumors it crashed to Earth and might have flattened a Nobel Prize winner, well, we'll get to that in a minute). 
But it wasn't a total waste of a car as it was able to relay some important information that will actually prove useful. 
Wooing Grimes
It takes a lot to become the "It" couple from the annual Met Gala, but Musk and new girlfriend Grimes did just that, debuting as a pair for the first time on the red carpet. But nothing with Musk is ever so cut-and-dry. 
Flesh without Blood & Kill V Maim on Art Angels album https://t.co/MycGWvbYGk
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 8, 2018
There was the nerdy joke that brought them together, the memes the relationship spawned, and his own personal Grimes playlist. The musician saw a nice bump in her streaming numbers after the pair stepped out. 
But Grimes wasn't the only new Musk friend we learned about in 2018, as we'll see in a moment.
Musk's own "fake news"
Because journalism hasn't had enough attacks from men in power in 2018, Musk has taken it upon himself to attack the Fourth Estate beyond his usual earning call hijinks. 
Musk and Tesla have been battling complaints of unfair labor practices, denying they exist and, when necessary, turning on those who report on the the accusations, namely a series by the Center for Investigative Reporting. And he swears he's nothing like Trump.
Thought you’d say that. Anytime anyone criticizes the media, the media shrieks “You’re just like Trump!” Why do you think he got elected in the first place? Because no ones believes you any more. You lost your credibility a long time ago.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 23, 2018
In late May, Musk tweeted about creating a website that "would rate the core truth of any article & track the credibility score over time of each journalist, editor & publication." The kicker? He wants to call it Pravda which is already the name of a the newspaper for the Communist Party in — wait for it — Russia.
And on Thursday, Musk tangled with Business Insider reporter Linette Lopez, suggesting Lopez bribed accused Tesla saboteur Martin Tripp for inside information. 
His better half, the aforementioned Grimes, stuck up for the embattled Musk, saying he's never hampered unionization efforts at Tesla. But things are also a little bit awkward because, well, Grimes' own mother is a journalist. 
His new BFF Malala
So a billionaire entrepreneur and a teenage Nobel Peace Prize winner bond on Twitter over something from The Onion. This is not a parody or a rejected Disney pitch but real life. 
More Bad Press For Elon: The Car Elon Musk Launched Into Orbit Has Fallen Back Down To Earth And Crushed Malala Yousafzai https://t.co/9nx6RN9CLZ pic.twitter.com/AeyfXLRfu7
— ClickHole (@ClickHole) May 30, 2018
When The Onion property Clickhole published a satire story about Musk's space-bound Tesla falling to earth and crushing Malala Yousafzai, Malala took the joke in stride on Twitter.
Hello from the other side 😳 @elonmusk https://t.co/pRTnyptZ1N
— Malala (@Malala) May 31, 2018
Musk being Musk, of course he replied. 
Hi @Malala! 💕👻😅
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 31, 2018
At least Musk didn't deride the work of The Onion like he has the media. In fact, he seems to like them quite a lot, but that's another story.
"Listen, all y'all, it's a sabotage"
Do not come for Elon Musk, y'all.
That is the lesson we learned this year when Musk went one-on-one with Martin Tripp, a former Tesla employee at the company's Nevada Gigifactory, over accusations Tripp tried to sabotage the company by hacking code and leaking data to third parties. 
In a series of emails obtained by the Washington Post, Musk called Tripp "a horrible human being" and accused him of "framing other people." Musk also told Tripp he betrayed the company and should be ashamed. 
Tripp didn't hold back, responding, "You have what's coming to you for the lies you have told to the public and investors."
Woof. So much for letting the lawyers handle everything. 
Literally a farting unicorn
In late June, Musk got into it online with musician Lisa Prank who accused Musk of ripping off her father's drawing of a farting unicorn for his Tesla sketchpad. In a series of now-deleted tweets, Musk tried to hem and haw his way around it even though back in 2017, he shared a photo of a mug with the original unicorn drawing on it. 
hey y’all Grimes’ boyfriend ripped off my dad’s art! this is a true story! what do you have to say for yourself @elonmusk ?? https://t.co/TMMJAS1ZGM
— Lisa Prank (@lisaprank) June 26, 2018
We're both breathless and fartless with anticipation, waiting for the next stage in this saga.
Additional reporting by Sasha Lekach
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@rhiannonmcgavin my friend and I made your Lekach cupcake recipe, and they're delicious! We're both complete messes in the kitchen, but this was a lot of fun, and I definitely want to try to bake more :) Thank you so much for posting it!
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Activists encourage trans kids to stay strong after Trump rolls back protections
Janet Mock has been outspoken about protecting trans youth, especially in school.
Image: Theo Wargo/Getty Images
In response to Donald Trump’s decision to roll back guidance for public schools on transgender students and restrooms, members of the trans community and those impacted have begun sharing emotional personal accounts of harassment.
SEE ALSO: Inauguration singer and her trans sister would like to talk to President Trump
On Thursday, prominent voices in the LGBTQ community writer Janet Mock, teen activist Jazz Jennings and comedian Rhea Butcher set out to raise awareness of the importance of trans protection by sharing their powerful bathroom-related anecdotes on social media after Trump rescinded the Obama-era rule allowing transgender students to use the restroom that matches their gender identity.
A plea for equal access
As a trans woman who began her transition in middle school, Mock experienced the struggles faced by trans students first hand.
In a Facebook post on Wednesday, she shared an intimate letter entitled, “For Trans Students Everywhere,” in which she described her own transition process and offered words of support and understanding to members of the community.
“I had issues with bathrooms and locker room access. I was sent home repeatedly due to ‘dress code violations,'” Mock admitted. “I was repeatedly called out of my name and misgendered daily by classmates and staff.” In touching upon the emotional struggles she faced in school because of discrimination, Mock reminded trans students today that they’re not alone.
I was a trans student. I know how vital it is to feel safe, welcomed & affirmed. Equal access enabled me to attend, stay & thrive in school.
Janet Mock (@janetmock) February 23, 2017
“To young trans folk (and all the people who love them) I just want you to remember that this is your school too. You deserve to be there just as much as any other student,” Mock wrote. “You deserve equal access, affirmation and an education, and you must recognize and I know you know, that you are powerful. You have agency and voice. Use it to organize, combat against ignorance and resist.”
‘Stay strong’
On Wednesday afternoon, transgender teen Jazz Jennings who recently inspired what’s believed to be the world’s first doll modeled after a transgender woman shared a touching video to Twitter.
Alongside her mother, Jeanette, Jazz shared that she was “deeply affected” by the repeal of Obamas directive and encouraged members of the community to “stay strong and keep moving forward” in the fight for equality.
“I know that growing up I had it really hard because I wasnt allowed to use the girls restroom,” Jennings explained. “I faced discrimination at such an early age and I didnt understand why I was being treated differently.”
To my trans community, stay hopeful and stand united! #ProtectTransKids http://pic.twitter.com/HWRsN5hwbm
Jazz Jennings (@JazzJennings__) February 22, 2017
Jazz’s adorably supportive mom also chimed in to offer her daughter and fellow parents of transgender youth a message of understanding.
‘Its about letting people exist’
For comedian Rhea Butcher, who identifies as cisgender and agender/non-binary, the reversal on protections for trans students struck a nerve. “Right now the Department of Justice and the Department of Education is targeting our children,” she said in an email.
As someone outside the trans community but within the LGBTQ community, she offered support and personal anecdotes about creating safe spaces in bathrooms no matter where you fall on the gender spectrum.
“Im just trying to be another voice to help strengthen our community,” she said.
In a long Twitter thread she detailed her own harassment experiences in women’s restrooms, shared what’s helped her cope over the years and encouraged anyone who needs help to reach out.
“This is not just about caring where people pee,” she said. “Its about letting people exist, letting us live.”
I’ve had people threaten me, harrass me, etc in the women’s public restroom 2/
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
I was scared as a kid to go to the bathroom alone, mostly because of kidnapping scares (I watched too much tv without supervision) 4/
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
I had a chin length bob hair cut and a too big Batman shirt and some “surf” shorts my mom made for me. Slip on fake Vans 6/
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
I was terrified. I didn’t know what to do. I can’t remember if I said “I’m a girl” or if I stayed silent. I can’t even remember if I left 8/
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
In addition to being the first time I was harassed and assaulted for being in a pub restroom, this incident sticks with me 10/
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
And this person who assaulted me for being what they thought was the wrong gender in the women’s bathroom? This person was a man. 12/
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
The bathroom fight is about so much more than peeing.
It’s about the right to exist. To be. /14
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
We then have to fit through an even narrower understanding of what SOMEONE else thinks is visually appropriate for that gender 16/
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
This happens everyday to trans, nonbinary, genderqueer folks. We have to hide or edit or confront. Eyes everywhere. Every. Single. Day. 19/
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
My mom was always supportive. This was 1987, she did her best. Told me to ask where the women’s restroom was instead of just restroom 21/
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
She’s a seamstress and made me dresses. She never once made me feel bad for not wanting her dresses, for actively despising them 23/
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
In conclusion: we need your help. Kids need your help. See them, love them. It’s more than just needing to pee. It’s about being. 25/
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
And if you need someone to talk to, @Translifeline and @TrevorProject are there for you.
Rhea Butcher (@RheaButcher) February 23, 2017
Online support for transgender students has popped up in other ways, too, as with the trending hashtag #ProtectTansKids.
This is what democracy looks like: hundreds outside of the White House to tell transgender students we’ve got your back. #protecttranskids http://pic.twitter.com/KYIeBwvlBO
ACLU National (@ACLU) February 22, 2017
Additional reporting by Sasha Lekach.
BONUS: The governor who started the controversial ‘Bathroom Bill’ in North Carolina was not re-elected
Read more: http://on.mash.to/2m8t88O
from Activists encourage trans kids to stay strong after Trump rolls back protections
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