#[huge sigh]
logansargey · 2 days
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I'm sick to my stomach
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christronomy · 9 months
thinking about jeongin and how love with him would be so innocent at first, but then as time goes on, you experiment more and build a lot more confidence with being intimate. your kisses linger for a little longer than usual, you tease him with soft, featherlight touches that leave him breathless, and he has the cutest surprised expression on his face because when did you start getting so bold?
he subconsciously starts doing it too though, letting his hands wander a little bit more every time you make out, and it's like that for a while, until your touches get more risky, and you're both gasping into each other's mouths in surprise. you swear you can practically feel his heartbeat accelerating because of how close you are now, and since when did this room get so hot? he whines against your lips, not wanting to be too far from you for a second, because these new feelings he's experiencing are a little overwhelming, but you're helping him stay grounded. also because he wants more, so much more.
before he knows it, his cock is twitching in his pants at the thought of the two of you going as far as undressing each other, and he's already utterly captivated by the thought of having you under him, naked, in his bed, no barriers between your bodies at all. you can't help but think the same, because oh how pretty he'd look, how pretty he'd sound while he's on top of you, panting, breathless, desperately fucking into you, begging you to let him cum inside you.
he wants to learn the proper way to love you—wants to know where and how to touch you in ways that will make you scream his name and fall even more in love with him. but it's your first time, his too. you have to take it slow for now. but he's okay with that. he's even more okay with it when he notices how sensitive you are, how every touch makes you gasp and squirm under him. he likes it went you guide him and tell him where and how you like it.
“curl your fingers like- fuck- like that," you'd say, the way his slender fingers brush against your gummy walls as his thumb rubs your clit just right making your back arch suddenly, and you gasp and moan softly in surprise. he makes sure to imprint that in his brain, remember it for next time, because he wants everything to be perfect for you no matter how inexperienced he is. he wants to limit any mess ups because you deserve the absolute best from him.
now you've already gotten past the most tedious part, which was getting his cock inside you before he had the chance to cum, cause he was already so close the second he felt your warm, velvety walls sucking him in, so warm, inviting. maybe even a little greedy. a part of him is more relieved than nervous, because he wouldn't trust anyone else but you to do this, and he's so glad you trusted him as well. he's a little clumsy at first as he settles on top of you, but he's already a whining mess once he starts moving. you look up at him, watching how his pupils dilate with lust, but he's still got that same adorably curious look on his face as he looks down at you. it's like he's asking you a silent is this okay? and you nod, urging him on softly.
he's gripping your hips tightly, not really for any particular reason, he just doesn't know what to do with his hands. but he won't tell you that, of course. you find it very endearing, the fact that it's almost like he's trying to impress you, even though you both have never done this before. he moves at a steady pace, trying his best not to get carried away and let the pleasure get the best of him because he really wants you to enjoy this just as much as he is.
and god, when you moan like that, when you whisper for him to move at that certain angle that makes you dizzy with this newfound sensation, and the way you'll yelp softly and clench around him when his cock brushes against that spot inside you just the way you like it, he can't get enough. he hopes he can see you like this as much as possible. if it were up to him, it'd be every single day, especially when he sees the way you look so beautiful when you come undone just for him, all because of him, for the first time ever. he thinks there's really no better way to have experienced his first time than like this.
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callmearcturus · 3 months
hey, "you'll need a new name to survive this" is on a soft hiatus
because Punct is busy with job hunt and I might have a serious eye condition that I need to get checked out, we're just gonna do a soft hiatus on the fic until one or both of us becomes free.
I think I've only ever put a fic on hiatus once before with take what you can carry and I promise that one did come back and get finished, so: we're good for it. it's just an overlapping mess of problems right now.
as a lil treat, we've posted the first two completed scenes of the next chapter on the AO3 as a preview.
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spaciebabie · 10 months
man i sure do love hands. its such a shame i dont know howta draw them
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moving-to-dreamwinged · 8 months
i just love him :((
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transboysokka · 29 days
ok I know I’m on here either like “omg my body is DYING” or just not saying anything and living a life offline full of exercise etc with little in between
but I realize in the past I’ve posted stuff about how fibromyalgia works but idk if I’ve ever been super specific about what it’s LIKE
So here’s a lil breakdown/faq of stuff that Google might not tell you (obvs this is all specific to me)
ok so what does it feel like?
GIRL first of all I’m ALWAYS in pain. It’s usually centered around my joints and kind of moves around? It’s not always in every place and it’s not always in the same places, but there are a handful of places I kind of know to expect it in one or a few of them. For me it’s worst in my knees. I often get migraines too.
So at the lowest level of pain I can just ignore it. These are the days I’m walking a ton or going on these crazy ass bike rides. I’m still hurting, but it’s whatever. Background noise.
On the worst days…. It often feels like I’m literally on fire. Sometimes I get tingly/numb too. A couple times it’s felt like my legs were just being crushed… it gets VERY bad. Where it hurts to walk but also just to sit.
When I have pain like that, imagine how exhausting that is. Imagine how hard it is to concentrate on anything or hold a conversation or teach a class or have a full time job. And all the while the people you’re talking to see absolutely zero problem with you but you swear that if you look down you’ll see your lower body literally in flames. It makes me feel crazy.
And still I’m trying to live my life around all that and dealing with people making fun of my brain fog or the cane I use for walking sometimes…
what can I do/say to someone dealing with a flare up?
honestly for me personally nothing’s gonna help. but know that if I ever TELL you I’m in pain then that means it’s BAD because I spend all the rest of the time just keeping it to myself. More than anything, I just want you to try to understand how bad it is. Like there are times when I wish I could just stop existing for a minute.
Also if it’s in your control, give me chances to sit. Do activities with me that require me to walk as little as possible, etc. and that’s honestly p much it. Like nothing you say or do is actually gonna help but I just want that kind of support, y’know?
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blixabargelds · 10 months
ohh i’m so miserable and frustrated with myself and whatever is wrong with my body i feel so useless i wish i could write rn but my brain just isn’t working and it’s making me feel dreadful ☹️
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iknaenmal · 1 year
Went to the vet today turns out bug has a tumor on the finger and she needs to have it amputated
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the layers to how badly i want a giant man bf for the summer are so insane i don't want to bring it up in therapy
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chelleisamazing · 1 year
I try to be stone cold and dismissive about my feelings, but the truth is... I miss him. Most of all, I miss the day-to-day, ordinary conversations we had. I miss his long, rambly voicenotes and the out-of the blue, random pictures he would send me. I miss how easy it was to be friends... and I want to think he misses me too. I know he's watching me. I don't know why he won't talk to me though, or if he expects me to talk to him first. Did he get bored? Did he realize it's not worth the trouble? Does he think I'm mad at him? Or is he mad at me? He seemed okay the last day we talked... there was tension, of course, but apart from that, we were moving on from the awkwardness of our weekend together... Is he ashamed of what happened? Of how everything didn't turn out how we expected it? I want to tell him he shouldn't be... it wasn't his fault. I see him watching me, and I wonder if he cares; if he ever cared. I also feel dumb because I probably cared more than he ever did (and still do), but it used to feel real-- our friendship. I really felt we had turned into good friends. Of course, I didn't expect to talk everyday, all-day; everyone gets bored of that... but I wish we could just check in with each other at least, once in a while, without feeling like something stings in my chest... I want to think he knows how bad I feel, not knowing about him. After all the things he said to me, and I said to him, I hope at least someday I get an explanation; some kind of continuation... or closure.
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belong2human-kind · 1 year
Hi guys! I'm sorry for disappearing a little here and on my rp account @lothal-cat-jedi (I guess it's an Ezra thing to just disappear lol!)
I've been very busy because my college is back now and because of some other personal stuff too. I'm better now, but still... a little depressed. Ocd is very tiring and sometimes it will give me depressed episodes :((
I'm sorry if I forgot or took long to answer you guys, I adore you all! I'll try to stay more active now but I won't promise an everyday everytime appearance because of the routine and also because of the difficulty I have in keeping my focus and actually completing my activities, rather I love them or not🙁
My doctor is searching for more signs to determine if I have adhd since I often don't do anything I want, need or just anything at all just to not move around and "waste energy". I feel tired all the time since ever and my back is always tensioned (I'm the one always asking my boyfriend, best friend, family and anyone for massages because it hurts daily 🥲😭). So sometimes, most of the times, it lacks on my stamina to just pick up my phone and read something that I want to. I've been wanting to play the sims 4 again since september, but sadly I just won't??? Sometimes I'll just sleep all day and forget to eat, drink water and all the other necessary things too. Not too long ago I sleept around 28h 🥲
Anyway, I'm doing good as I can! I hope I can interact more here, I really love role-playing and fangirling about Star Wars Rebels. Ahsoka series is coming soon!!
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moonfloweryka · 1 year
seeing all the girls I had crushes on in school go off to breed with ugly drug addict men
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rainbenrry23 · 2 years
i was this 🤏🏻 close to begin to tolerate Marion, now i hate both Tom AND Marion instead
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cherrymoonvol6 · 2 months
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twilightsparasite · 4 months
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panye · 1 year
for the bakery one you can do a restaurant or whatever you feel to change and making it yours, i had that idea because of role-playing but idk if there is a similar ff larry somewhere
i agree with you tho bc shawn being like alone on his bday making a cake is really cute 🥹 and niall staying with him to watch makes my chest hurt 🥹
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