#i manage a days worth of mainting every few months
sylvianasart · 1 year
So yeh, you've seen my wraithblades before, so that's not new, but I have now painted up all the gun arms for them. 5 wraith cannons and 5 D-scythes. They're a little rushed, and the colours are not exactly what I wamt, but they did turn out well enough I think. Pictured is only one wraithcannon, but I promise the others are all done too xD
But I have also finally started working on my wraithlord, finally, after I bought the start collecting box 3 years ago. Im very slow with these things xD
Also some bonus progress on wave serpent spikes and some extra wraithlord bits. The head needs some fancy air brushing, so it's not attached yet.
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Can't wait to show more when I get there. I love that aesthetic of the wraith constructs, so eventually I will have many of them. Hopefully. If I can find some.
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