#i may be startouched in form but no more than that
raayllum · 5 months
I'm really wondering about the order of events we learn of in "The Midnight Star" (MS) poem if only because some pieces of language aren't quite meshing with what we've previously known / potentially assumed
Elarion, trembling seed, lay down to earth in icy night, and in the cold her roots took hold defying winter’s deathly bite. Elarion, fading bloom, afraid to wilt and dim and die, she searched the dark for but a spark and caught the dragons’ hungry eye.
We know Elarion was an early human settlement that eventually became the biggest in ancient Xadia (TOX). We know that this is happening prior to the stars leaving thanks to a later stanza. Moreover, this stanza indicates that the city was drawing the attention of the dragons, which is also hinted at in Ripples, "It happened long ago, when humans had only just learned to hold fire in their hands without burning. They nurtured their precious primal flames secretly—in the dark of night, beneath shadows and shrouds—as cultivating its glow drew the eyes and ire of monsters".
However, Elarion suffering and struggling to hold on doesn't quite make sense if it already had primal magic... unless the first stanza condenses these events, i.e. "she searched the dark for a spark" ("that secret becomes a spark, the tiniest flicker of a primal source inside you") and that's why the city initially caught negative attention from the dragons. But even then, that contradicts statements from Ripples, in which:
"he did not know the stars as I know them. He did not know their arrogance, how they had rejoiced to look down upon their newborn sea. Where once they’d watched errant flames burn with pride and undeserved power, there was now only stillness"
the Startouch / First Elves are the ones who — seemingly — cast Aaravos out and create the sea as an initial punishment for humanity because "humanity had been given something they were never meant to have."
But MS doubles down that it's the dragons threatening the city, and that humans are still assuming the First Elves might help them, only for the stars to refuse and leave:
Elarion, frightened waif, reached bone-white branches to the night, the stars she asked their light to cast and stop the dragons’ fiery might. Elarion, unworthy whelp, Wept as the stars turned black the sky, They donned their masks They turned their backs, And left Elarion to die.
So Elarion/humans have been given primal magic by someone, who is probably Leola, a unicorn who may or may also be a startouch elf even though the First Elves disapproved (TOX, book 1: novelization). This makes the other First Elves angry and also seems to anger the dragons. When Elarion asks for protection from the First Elves against the dragons, they're ignored/abandoned.
This is, however, where MS starts to get tricky.
Elarion, dying husk, did wilt and whimper in the dark, ‘till the last star Reached from afar His touch: a blaze, a gift, a spark.
Again, we see a spark, which has most been referred to in reference to primal magic, even seemingly earlier on in the poem. We also see gift, which seems like a blatant reference to dark magic: "So he gave us magic!" (4x07) and "Lay [the staff] down? But it was a gift" (3x01). We can also read it into this section from the Puzzle House in which Claudia quite explicitly uses magic that isn't primal, either:
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He said it came from "a spark of fun" instead of primal sources, or...
And Kpp'Ar is a dark mage, and so is Claudia (in-training at this point), so it'd be within reason to assume this is some form of dark magic residue. But if it is... why not just call it that? Why make the distinction?
I think we can conclusively say there were at least two gifts given to humanity — the first was primal magic, and this seems to be more concrete. The second, assumedly, was dark magic at least in some form. But what if it was also more than that? I've talked before that as the Key of Aaravos seemingly functions now, it'd be most useful to a dark mage for categorizing spell parts/ingredients. The premonition dreams and weird blood connections between Star (Deep?) and dark magic are well known by now, even just looking at the sheer weirdness of whatever the fuck is going on with Ziard-Viren's relic staff.
The Midnight Star poem also does not help us much in figuring out the distinction between them, at least not at first glance.
Elarion, searing white, Embraced the great one’s night-black flame. And when she bowed, Her faith avowed, He whispered, “Aaravos,” his name.
Here, we get the dark-light motif pretty plainly. Fire fits with the primal flames that we're pretty sure humanity already had at this point, but we're not 100% sure. "Searing white" seems to match up with Aaravos' key, which could both relate to primal, dark, and deep magic all pretty easily.
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And giving humans deep magic isn't necessarily all bad. Elarion is called "a beautiful white city" nestled in the mountains (Tales of Xadia). Leola's Last Wish star is a beautiful guiding light. This is probably the closest to a straightforward "this is when humans got primal magic or deep magic ('good' variant)" we can read into the poem, except...
It's immediately troubled by this implication and the following stanza (said connection between 2x06 and TOX found by @its-leethee).
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The process marks its wielder, too: years of dark magic leave mages with pale complexions, bruise-like blemishes across the body, and blackened eyes. For better or for worse, dark magic became the key that unlocked a place of power in Xadia for all of humanity.
The closing stanza of the poem is why we all thought dark magic post-S2, for obvious reasons:
Elarion, black-eyed child, her twisted roots spread deep and far, The humans’ might sparked by the light of Aaravos, her midnight star.
Black eyes are found in dark magic use, twisted roots don't have a particularly good connotation, and we know thanks to S1 and S3 that many humans considered dark magic to make them powerful and level the playing field. Thus, the timeline would look something like this:
Elarion / humans eventually found primal magic (thanks to Leola + potentially others like Aaravos)
This drew the anger of the Stars/First elves and the dragons
Elarion asks the stars for help against the dragons, but they leave/reject it
Aaravos gives the humans deep magic (or something along those lines) through his cube ("searing white") which may or may not contain his chest piece / a quasar diamond
Through the cube, humans discovered/developed dark magic, thus "unlocking a place of great power"
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spicyviren · 5 months
Oh let me meditate on the beast of devouring that feeds on the stars, that star devourer dragon Let me repel this Star dragon and banish it from the light of my Sun
- Ancient Sunfire chant, Tales of Xadia
I'm thinking about the sun and the stars and how Laurelion is, probably, both.
(Reposted because I’m a damn fool!!)
The Big Bang, in real life
The majority of atoms which make up us, our earth, and even our very own sun, were formed in the hearts of the very first stars in the universe.
These stars were made of lighter elements, mostly Hydrogen, Helium, and Lithium. But under the immense pressure at the core of those first stars, heavier atoms like Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen were formed. The stars eventually died - exploded - and released those heavier elements into the universe to be crafted into other forms.
As Carl Sagan famously put it, "We are made of star stuff."
And so Aaravos's quote in the teaser for season six - We are, all of us, stardust - is a blatant nod to the Sagan quote as well as, I am assuming, that aspect of the universe in some shape or form. Allegorically, it speaks to the idea of the universality of existence in the basest sense. But also, it acknowledges that the stars, like everything else, operate generationally.
So in this way, if we are to assume the TDP cosmos operates at least somewhat similar to our own, Xadia's sun is a younger (but still old as balls) star, from a different generation than the stars which are far more distant and ancient.
(As a side note, the very first stars in the universe did not last very long. Though certain stars in existence right now have "lifetimes" which are projected to last longer than the universe has currently been in existence.)
So if Xadia's sun is technically a star, even by Xadia's own admission (see Sunfire chant), then by this metric I have to ask...
What makes the Sun arcanum different from the Star arcanum?
While those first, most ancient of stars produced the materials which would become life, only a sun can sustain life and is therefore inextricably linked with the earth and all the life on it. It's this connection which I imagine is responsible for the change in the nature of the magic.
In Callum's Spellbook, Callum makes some word-association lists for the different types of magic. He associates "truth" with both Sun and Star (perhaps a trait of their shared stardom). No other words match up completely, but it feels like they are referencing similar things within different contexts.
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The Sun teaches while the Stars are simply intelligent; the Sun is a "guiding light" while the Stars are associated with "destiny." Further, many of the other words Callum associates with the sun are about being in positive community with others (optimism, warmth, charisma, leadership). The nature of the sun is more giving, nurturing, and dare I say loving than that of your average star. Sun is revealing and honesty, Star is mysterious and reality-altering. Further, there is a dynamism in the words for Sun Magic that is absent from Star Magic - sharing knowledge vs simply having knowledge, guiding vs prescribing a set path.
(Another side note: Callum also mentions that Star mages are born, which, Callum's limited understanding aside, is perhaps a hint about what it will take to connect to the Star Arcanum. I have thoughts, but.... I'll just leave that there, winky face)
Obviously, these word associations can only go so far. Some of the most hostile and arrogant (eh eh!!) figures we've met have been Sun-aligned. But it does make me wonder about the beginning of Sun magic and what that introduction may have looked like.
Ever wonder what those sparkly dots are up there?*
Okay, so big question for me. Is Aaravos a star, like, literally a personification of a ball of gas burning billions of miles away, or is he just like, a very special elf? The same goes for all Startouch elves.
Zubeia refers to Aaravos as both a star and as an elf, and it's one of those things which I can't decide is real or simply a more poetic way of speaking of him. Is "Startouch elf" simply another type of star? Official art also sometimes depicts him and others as constellations. Are they the formed consciousness of a collection stars?
But it also makes me think of how often Sunfire elves personify the sun/the sun orb.
JANAI: You are a student of history, yes? Do you know where the Great Orb of the Sunforge came from? KARIM: Legends say it was a gift from the Sun herself. The gift of a millenium. - "The Drakewood," S4E6
In "The Queen's Mercy," we have...
Aditi nodded. “[...]and so, as the Sun’s daughter, I will lead you into her embrace.”
...and earlier, there is this:
Queen Aditi the Merciful, they called her. Queen Aditi the Kind. The Light of the Sun Incarnate. Kim’dael had thought it all an insufferable exaggeration. Sunfire elves gilded everything they could touch, of course they would do the same to their beloved leader.
Karim personifies the corrupted sun orb in "After Darkness":
He could still see it: the top of the Sunforge Tower, upside-down from where he lay, shrouded in inky corruption. It looked ill, its sickness weeping red and crowning the spire in a haze of blood. [...] We will come back, he promised his beloved, tainted city, his lost home. We will not abandon you. The orb pulsed mutely, a cry for help he could not answer.
TDP uses personification a lot, so it is kind of hard to parse out when it's being literal and when it's being lyrical. Perhaps in the examples cited it's simply the ostentatious way of the Sunfire elves like Kim'dael thinks. But if Aaravos, a known person, can be a star, then I can easily reason vice versa.
In the Book 1 novelization, Aaravos refers to himself as "of the First Elves." And if that is true, it follows that there must have been "Second Elves."
So who is Laurelion?
The significance of the laurel in the Western canon goes back to the myth of Daphne and Apollo.
There are various versions of the story, but essentially, Apollo (popularly associated with the sun), falls helplessly in love with Daphne. Though her reasons vary in different iterations, Daphne turns away from Apollo's affections. She runs and Apollo pursues. Just as Apollo is about to catch her, she begs for help - sometimes from her father, a river god, and sometimes from her mother, a nymph or Gaia - and she is saved by being turned into the laurel tree. In Ovid's Metamorphosis, when Apollo reaches Daphne post-transfiguration, he can still feel her heart beating below the bark. From that point on, the laurel wreath was associated with Apollo, achievement, and victory.
Gold, the element, takes the symbol Au from its Latin word, Aurum, which has etymological ties to 'aurora' (dawn). Names likes Aurelio or Aurelius similarly mean "golden" or "guilded."
So, taken together, I of course think immediately of this:
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THAT BEING SAID, this looks more like a weeping willow or a wisteria than it does a laurel, which has bushy foliage rather than hanging. The closest I can maybe get is a mountain laurel, which does have blooms that hang kinda sorta like a wisteria, though not nearly in such a dramatic fashion. But anyway!
The golden laurel...⋆。°✩Laurelion✩°。⋆
Interestingly, in Ovid's retelling of Apollo and Daphne, Apollo's love is the result of being struck by Cupid's golden arrow, while Daphne's disgust of Apollo's advances are the result of being struck by a lead-tipped arrow. And so, there is an association there with gold and love. And within the context of the myth - Cupid is getting petty revenge on Apollo after Apollo is boastful and arrogant about his own prowess with a bow and arrow - it's also an instance of weaponizing love.
Which brings us to that which is known everforth as...
The Nova Blade
It is actually quite common for stars to have companions and to exist in what is called a binary star system. In this system, two stars are gravitationally locked in orbit and can appear as a single object when observed by the naked eye. Sometimes, the proximity between these two stars results in what is called a nova - a sudden brightness which appears to be a new star. Novas are not associated with stellar "death" (you'd be thinking of supernova, in that case).
Now in our universe, novas are not actually stars. They are events, momentary bursts of brightness under specific circumstances between two stars. But the name "nova" originally came from the term "stella nova" which means new star.
…and though undying, took last breath, immortal Laurelion was no more. - "The Death of the Immortal"
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Did Laurelion just...die? You know, it was really unclear...
I do not think the Nova Blade killed Laurelion in the moment described in the poem. Kazi is so doubtful and Callum is so sure - Callum you fool! - surely that would be too easy (quote quote easy)?
I will grant that "Supernova Blade" would sound kind of hokey, and even originally I had thought, "Oh cool, 'nova,' like 'SUPERnova!'" And then I thought to look up just 'nova' and it turns out it was actually its own thing. But even without all that, the 'though-undying' of it all haunts me.
And so I hold to the idea that the Nova Blade makes an immortal mortal. It does bring death's bite, but in a way in which Laurelion becomes something else, reborn with death's promise like all other mortal beings are.
I have two point five ideas.
The Light of the Sun Incarnate
My first hypothesis is, of course, that Laurelion became the tree with the Sunseed with a name that's a nod to Daphne and Apollo. Of course, I'm assuming here that the tree in which the Sunseed is kept is responsible for producing/sustaining the Sunseed, which may not be true.
Now the drawback of this idea is the legend that the Sunseed was a gift from the Sun herself. So here, it would have to be within the context of the Sun sacrificing Laurelion in some way for this purpose. There's obvious Jesus parallels here which, full disclosure, is not really my bag, baby, but there are plenty of elements in TDP that very easily slot in with Christian canon. But also, in the laurel myth Daphne begs a parent to save her, which puts the sacrifice of it all in a different light. It makes me wonder if the event with the Nova Blade is self-inflicted and, mayhaps, an act of love. So in this sense, the Sun "gifted" the world (or just the Sunfire elves, I dunno) her child by simply letting her child go.
My second hypothesis is that Laurelion became the first Sunfire elf, of the second elves. We are, all of us, stardust. It would not come as a shock to me if all elves were ultimately descended from the Startouch elves of old.
AND THEN we've got Aaron Ehasz talking about how the red dragon scale amulet (...and look, this show does color coding, that's SUN) is somehow related to Laurelion?
Sunfire elf, I say! SUNFIRE ELF!
Combining both of these scenarios, I could see Laurelion being the child of the Sun (again IF we are to assume each star is a living entity). Or maybe Startouch elves are born OF stars while not, technically, being the same thing, like an egg hatching the next evolution of its mother.
And so, perhaps Laurelion chose to become mortal, to become the first Sunfire Elf. And all of Laurelion's children, and their children's children, and their children's children's children, they were all of them children of the sun, the light of the sun incarnate, bringing the hope and optimism of something new to the world; destined to return in death to the embrace of their very first mother. And as a symbol of her love, the Sun gifted Laurelion the Sunseed, golden and cradled within a tree.
*oddly relevant Lion King reference
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xadian-daydreams · 1 year
Leola - Startouch elves and Unicorns.
I'm a big fan of the Leola is Aaravos' daughter theory, and as I was making a different post I had one of those what ifs that went weird places. Plus, there's a lot of speculation about shapeshifting unicorns because the child Startouch elf holding the Leola's Last Wish in the star map is confirmed to be Leola, who is also mentioned as a unicorn in Tales of Xadia handbook.
So, this theory is full blown tinfoil hat.
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Here's a unicorn as depicted in Puzzle House. They have a diamond blaze under their horn. Aaravos' conjured horse also has diamond blade, but hornless. Notice that the shape is the close to Aaravos' missing chest piece, his "white heart".
From the Death of the Immortal poem;
Kazi: "...and though undying, took last breath, immortal Laurelion was no more." Callum: That's good, right? I mean, when someone "was no more," that-that's dead, yeah? Kazi: It's a bit confusing, but that is the clearest implication. Though, it is somewhat odd they call them undying and immortal. Callum: Well, that doesn't sound so immortal? Laurelion "was no more." Right. But how? How did they...? Kazi: Right here. "White as the star's heart it pierced, ivory draconic brought death's bite known ever forth as Novablade." Callum: It's a sword. A weapon that can end a Startouch Elf's mortal existence. The weapon. We did it. We found the answer.
(ivory draconic - wonder if that's a reference to the star dragon bone mentioned in a legend in ToX).
So, here comes the wild speculation part...
What if "took last breath" and [Leola's] "Last Wish" are connected? What if Startouch elves lose their immortality because they have massive amounts of power drawn out of them (aka last breath) by the Novablade to perform a "great wish." What if the drawing takes a twisted form that solidifies, erupting from their heart piece...
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And the Startouch is transformed into a unicorn who can die, with the horn being the mark of their final wish.
Why unicorns? Well, part of it's the western fantasy familiarity with unicorns and pure-heartedness. I think only pure hearted Startouch were selected for this...
Going with this, as a child Leola was stabbed with the Novablade, which created the brightest star in the sky - Leola's Last Wish. Now, I think this has something to do with the "heavens" the Startouch elves disappeared to. Using Leola's sacrificed immortality the Startouch created a cosmic home for themselves, which Aaravos ends up getting cast out of.
But what if this isn't just Leola, what if this is just how Startouch effect the world and every unicorn was created this way. Using a (star?) dragon bone blade to sacrifice a pure hearted child's immortal future in order to benefit the greater community. Maybe that's how primal magic was created from deep magic - a child's wish to make life better for others. Unicorns are described as "selfless" - a most cherished value in elf culture.
Take Rayla's example. Doing her duty to her community, by giving up her family, by risking her life to keep others safe, by doing the unpleasant tasks while trying to save other that burden, that's what she's been taught is love. She's sent on a dangerous mission at 15 to reclaim honor and help lift herself out of the shame of her parent's failure - when she had nothing to do with it. She has to prove she's worthy to Silvergrove. When she fails in her duty to her community, she loses their love and is castout.
Extrapolate to a culture where the greatest act of love is sacrificing your forever.
But if Leola is Aaravos' daughter, he probably was less than pleased she lost her immortality just so others could live the life. Even if everyone else praised and honored her, he still lost her. She's depicted as uniquely kind amongst unicorns and he may have felt the others took advantage of her great empathy - and being just a kid. Even if she volunteered, he would have felt the culture pressured her. He might despise the whole practice and culture that benefits from it.
Which makes his action with Sparklepuff more of a dark mirror held up against Startouch practices. Deliberately creating a child purely for sacrificial purpose to benefit from their power is evil... so how can a culture justify brainwashing children to get the same result?
(Kinda headcanoning Leola as a bit of a mash-up of Rayla and Ezran).
Then Leola became humanity's helper, gifting the people of Elarion primal stones and knowledge of primal magic, which led to some learning primal magic, and the Elarion culture flourishing. This appears to have gone against Startouches' warning and to have eventually incurred the Startouches' ire - at least according to Aaravos, who obliques says in Ripple short story that the Startouch killed all the human primal mages by dropping a small star (implied to be Aaravos) and creating the Sea of the Castout. Another slight against Leola that Aaravos may feel the need to rectify, on top of them casting him out. Que introduction of dark magic, plans of vengeance against Startouch etc.
So this theory is pretty out there, as it's not really based off much - Leola on star map & mentioned in ToX, weird wording in the Death of the Immortal poem, odd observation about Aaravos' horse, that only those of pure heart can see the unicorn map, and the "self-sacrificing for duty is love" nature of elf culture. But it was mentioned in an interview that most of Aaravos motivation stems from his relationship with an individual, and losing a daughter to elf culture's emphasis on self-sacrifice that mainly benefits those he finds unworthy of such love? I kinda like it as a motivation.
(Side note, kinda feel Aaravos is making a dig for his own amusement with his mount looking like a hornless unicorn, given that he doesn't have a white heart to stab and isn't pure hearted anyway. Plus, some stuff about why Aaravos is pleased about a unicorn horn being used in the Weapon of Vengeance spell, but that gets off topic so I might come back to that later).
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Hey I think you are cool and pretty knowledgeable in this area so I'd like to share a theory(?) I have with you. Do correct me if I get anything obviously wrong I have only been in the Fandom since February or May and there may be context I am missing 😅.
What if the Star described in Ripples was not Aaravos but Leola. The calamity is said to have happened after humans were given primal magic, not dark magic. Also:
"The sky opened its maw and spat from its black jaws a tiny star. Small as it was, it gleamed with all the searing brilliance of a diamond—brighter and more beautiful than anything the humans had ever beheld."
Aaravos is not "tiny" or "small". It would be odd for him to describe himself that way. The only Startouch elf that we know of that could be described as small would be Leola.
Idk if I am making any sense sorry lmao. Anyway. Have a good day!!
Hi there! Thank you :)) I’m honored that you think that!
Anyway, about the theory. It’s intriguing! Especially the tiny star connection to Leola, the smallest startouch elf we know of at the moment:
However— “The calamity is said to have happened after humans were given primal magic, not dark magic.” This, my dear anon, is —in my speculative view—exactly why it can’t be Leola. Leola the unicorn gave humanity primal magic. Leola the startouch elf was pictured with a star, her last wish, and last wish being pretty grim, I interpret it as the death of her, or her form as a startouch elf at least. So if primal magic had already been gifted to humanity by the time of this fallen star, Leola had likely already fallen, ruling her out.
However! This is all my view. There are a lot of different takes on Leola, the falling star, and Leola’s relationship/connection with Aaravos, and I would encourage checking those out! I’d link them but it’s been a second. They’re probably under the tdp Leola tag or with their friends
There is the possibility Leola was 1. Unicorn then 2. Startouch elf then 3. Star or some other combo, but it’s all wishy washy lore enough atm that nothing can really be ruled out, so I’m all for more theories!
So yeah, that’s my take! Thanks for asking!
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Since the elves were descended from the startouch elves, were the dragons descend from the star dragons?
Hi and welcome! This is a fun thought. Let me see what kind of answers I have in my brain today. *digs around, tosses artifacts haphazardly*
Okay this is interesting... let's start with where elves come from, which is: We don't know for sure. Which is a weird conclusion, but with a magical race anything's possible, I guess!
The Star Touch elves have long been referred to as the First Elves. Implying that the other types of elves came after, somehow.
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But the Tales of Xadia Gazetteer section on elves says there's no evidence that Star Touches have ever lived in Xadia. It also starts off by telling us that "the elves are said to be the children of the primal sources themselves."
Which is really interesting, if you take that literally.
Did they pop out of the moonlight, the sunlight, blow in on a breeze? Did they sprout like potatoes, did they step fully formed from the foam of the sea?
Maybe very literally yes!
We just don't know yet how the elves physically showed up in Xadia. None of the lore we have so far tell sus that any Star Touch elves other than the exiled Aaravos have ever set foot there, and the only surviving texts among the mortal races seem to indicate the Stars' absence rather than their presence.
So, that's not a super solid answer... However, there is magic involved, and magic has rules. So perhaps whatever spawned the elven races spawned the dragons also.
And that could totally be the First Elves, just creating life down on the planet below, bit by bit. If they made dragons first, and then elves, and then humans, there's a sort of progression there - though whether they're adding new good things, leaving off old bad things, or some of both is anyone's guess.
Personally, I'm curious whether humans were meant to be magicless or if there was some drama around their creation... 👀
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Alrighty let's get to the Star dragons you asked about, because hoo boy. The Gazetteer is full of dragon types for all of the primal sources except Stars, which only has two.
The Star Devourer dragon is rumored to eat stars whole, consuming their energy - like a black hole, I think, which takes and does not give back.
The Void Dragon is more like the infinite blackness of the night sky - an eternity that may monkey's paw your wish, whether on accident or on purpose. Perhaps a sort of karma?
Neither of these sound super creating-nurturing-lifegiving to me, although perhaps you could wish for life to occur and end up receiving elves and humans at war with each other...
I don't know of any lore that specifies where the dragons came from, any more than the elves, Star or otherwise in both cases. There are probably other Star dragon forms besides the two we know of, just ones completely unknown to Xadians. Maybe some of them are more uh, lifegiving.
Perhaps some Star dragons were out there first. Perhaps they made the First Ones.
IRL life does come from the stars, but at an extremely slow rate. And critically, the stars have to die before mortal life can begin. We're made from star stuff, sure, but it's recycled dead star stuff, so. That's fun.
(is there a parallel to that in TDP, I have no idea, but I love me some weird science facts so there ya go)
tldr: AFAIK no one knows for sure where the elves came from, or the dragons either. Some or all of them may have come from the Star Touch elves. Or maybe Star dragons. Or neither. So for now you get to decide which version you like best, because there's no canon on lore this deep yet.
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your-local-grubdog · 2 years
Startouched AU: Hocotate Pt. 1
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So a while back I made this post detailing some changes to Hocotate and Hocotations in my startouched AU (which may need renamed as the thing that gave this AU its name is no longer in the AU, oops?). Well, this is that post remade, as I've sense added and changed some information around! It'll have to be split into two parts though, because it'd be too long otherwise. I put maybe too much effort into this LMAO the pikmin brain rot is real.
Part two will be linked here when done! (it done now) Also, for those who don't want to read this whole massive thing and just want to see the art, I will be slowly posting the drawings as individual posts with less descriptive explanations.
Anyways, grab a drink and enjoy! ^^
A quick note!
Animals here are referred to by Earth animal names to provide the closet description for what the animal is. Think of it more like a translation than the actual words being used. Hocotation dogs, for example, resemble bulborbs far more than they do any Earth dog. But they're called "dogs'' to describe how they act and where they fit in the world. The same applies to whatever Earth plants Louie has mentioned - there are no avocados on Hocotate (at least, not before Koppaites were able to start exporting scaly custard), but there is an avocado-like plant. By and large, I will refer to animals and plants as being "[species]-like animal/plant".    
The Planet 
Hocotate as a planet is fairly small, and very cold. It lies just within the habitable zone of its red star, and has a thin atmosphere. Two moons orbit the planet, an icey blue moon and an iron-rich red moon (that is also still fairly icey despite appearances!) alongside some rings made mostly of dust and ice. Ships coming to and from the planet must take care not to fly through a ring, or they risk damage to their ship.
Hocotate's land masses are rather interesting as there are no true continents. Rather, a series of sub continents in the form of large islands are peppered across the planet's surface. Smaller islands are, of course, present as well. The largest sub continents take about 3-4 days of constant driving via car to cross, assuming traffic won't stop you (which it will). It generally takes only 2-3 days of constant motion by a modern boat to get between the various land masses.    
Being so cold, the polar circles on Hocotate are proportionally larger than those of Earth. The very ends of each pole are almost completely inhospitable due to low temperatures. The only lifeforms that live there don't quite count, as they're microscopic organisms at the bottom of the ocean eating funky chemical soup from underwater volcanoes that are considerably warmer than the ice caps far above them. 
The only real "temperate" zone of Hocotate is found at its equator. The hottest spots on Hocotate (aside from volcanic areas of course) don't get much hotter than 85°F/29.44°C during the summer. Winters are the mildest here, being about 40°F/4.44°C. 
The rest of the planet's habitable zones really only have two modes: summer and winter. There is an inbetween stage of course, but the springs and autumns move by very quickly. Summers in these zones are very cool, and on the hottest of days you could get away with a thinner long sleeve if you really wanted to. Think 60°F/15.55°C range. Their winters, however, are brutal. Temperatures will drop below freezing, and heavy snowfall will coat the land.  
Fresh liquid water tends to be rare to find, as most is either frozen or salt water, though modern technology has managed to negate that.  
Hocotations evolved from a predator-omnivore species that were adapted to some of the coldest reaches of their planet. While most of the traits from them are not as apparent, some still remain such as fur and a tail.
This is just a drawing of Olimar that shows off most physical traits of Hocotations. It may prove helpful to reference as you read.
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The first and most obvious to many is the fact they have a fur coat comparable to that of a short-haired house cat, which comes in a variety of shades of brown and cream colors. Patterns sometimes appear based on genetics, such as belly patches or fawn-like speckling. Flushing of the skin is still visible through the fur. It'll bristle and raise whenever a Hocotation is scared or angry. They’ll also fluff up (which looks softer than bristling) when cold or very happy. It keeps them quite warm on their planet, though fairly miserable in warmer temperatures.
Whether their fur is straight or curly depends on genetics, with both traits being equally dominant. Generally, if their fur is straight then their hair is straight; if their fur is curly their hair is curly. There are rare exceptions to this, though.
They will grow extra fur in the fall and shed it in the spring, with kids needing to be sat down and groomed to ensure a smooth shedding. Most kids do NOT like this. Shed fur was historically used in pillows and house insulation, but in modern times it is often just disposed of.
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(Left is Olimar, who has straight fur, and right is Pluto, who has curly fur)
Hocotation blood is bright blue, which helps keep their blood filled with whatever gas they need even in frigid temperatures. As a result, they blush a purple-blue color and their insides tend to range in blue to purple colors, including their mouths and tongues!
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(Olimar’s blush is warmer as I’ve always associated him with warmer colors. Blush colors are hereditary but ultimately mean little.)
Their eyes generally appear to be mostly pupils because of fresh liquid water once being rare! Pupils help filter light, and will expand/contract based on how much light is needed. Water (and ice, if they're desperate enough to boil some for water) is very shiny, and thus they can catch the glittering of it easier. This is why they love treasure and generally shiny things so much - they're subconsciously programmed to think shiny = will keep you alive. This is also why humans love shiny things so much! Though it is a little more extreme in Hocotations. 
Hocotations also have tandem lupin, allowing them to see well in the dark. Below is a comparison of what humans, Koppaites, and most pikmin species can see versus what Hocotations can see. Note how the saturation of color lowers when in low light situations. This happens only in the dark - when there’s enough light, they see colors in the same way we do.
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(left to right are a refrence for everything in the scene, what humans/Koppaites/pikmin would generally be able to see in low light, and what Hocotations can see in low light)
This tandem lupin also causes their eyes to glow when hit with light in dark areas, much in the same way cats' eyes do. What color their eyes “glow” depends on the color of their iris. In canon pikmin media few characters have colored eyes, but in this AU that has been changed to where all characters have colored eyes.
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Hocotations have a sharp sense of hearing, and their ears will twitch when they hear a sudden and/or loud noise. They also have a sharp sense of smell, able to identify a person by smell alone. These scents can linger in an area or on something if strong enough, however they’re not the best at determining the age of a smell. The helmets of their space suits will block their sense of smell.
Hocotations are omnivorous! Because vegetable crops tend to be their most popular export, a lot of other races tend to assume they're vegetarian. They have very sharp teeth, plus a few flatter molars. They can also rarely have a trait that gives them longer and pointer tongues, but it does no harm nor no good for them. Just kinda is.  
Staples of a Hocotation diet include tubular/root plants, fiber-rich mushrooms, squash (a zucchini-like plant in particular), wheat-like and rice-like grains, eggs and meat from a quail-like bird, milk and meat from a goat-like animal, and meat from an ox-like animal. They also have access to sugar for desserts and many spices to flavor their food.
Displaying Emotion
They have long pointed ears which will move about depending on what emotion they are currently feeling. They will perk up slightly when spooked or alert, droop down when angry or sad, and pin back slightly when annoyed. As babies and toddlers, the cartilage in their ears hasn't fully developed. So until around four or five years of age, their ears will be folded down and they'll be unable to emote with them. Starting at age three or four, they will be able to perk their ears up for short bursts of time to emote interest in something, but they will quickly flop back down. 
Repeating from an earlier section for organizational reasons, their fur will bristle and raise whenever they are scared or angry. They’ll also fluff up (which looks softer than bristling) when cold or very happy.
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Hocotations can involuntarily growl to show anger, but can also just growl whenever they please to express any number of emotions. They develop this ability at around 3 to 4 years of age. 
Hocotations can also chuff in a similar manner to tigers to display happiness. Here’s a link to a YouTube video that shows you what this sounds like if you are unfamiliar with it. This will often be written out as “mrf” as an onomatopoeia. They have this ability from birth. 
Lastly, Hocotations have small tails, a left over from the animal species they once were. It gives them no benefit but does no harm either, so it never went away; just shrunk a bit. This tail will wag when they are happy, and shake slightly when they are interested or spooked.
As mentioned previously, Hocotations have a natural eye for shiny things as fresh liquid water was once much rarer on their snowball of a planet, especially in the regions they initially evolved in. Note that this isn’t an instinct to be greedy, far from it, just a natural affinity for such objects. Again, humans work the same way! It’s just slightly more intense for them. 
In the winter, Hocotations will “slow down” considerably on a multitude of fronts. This is due to a sort of pseudo-hibernation. While their activity levels and metabolism do reduce by a significant amount, they do not lower to the same amount as most other hibernating organisms do. While Hocotations typically sleep 8-10 hours* a day, in this pseudo-hibernation state they will sleep for 13-14 hours*, or just over half of the day (because messing with the length of days on other planets, while more realistic, is scary and can be confusing to readers if not made super clear). They will also eat slightly less and will display aversion to foods that take a lot of energy to digest.
*How long they sleep for changes drastically depending on age: these are the averages for adult Hocotations. For babies to teens, please see the section on development. 
Hocotations do have some residual hunting instincts from when they were still predator animals. These quickly fade as they age, however that is caused more by society/culture than by biology. These instincts mainly revolve around chasing anything they perceive to be a small animal. Toddlers will be played with in ways that actually encourage such behavior as a way to manage their energy. Children as young as five or six will lose this instinct when properly taught a healthier out-put for this energy: exercise and sports. The need for this energy output fades with time, due to a mix of this energy instead being put into oft demanding work and the body naturally slowing with age. However, these instincts can reappear for short bursts of time as a part of a Hocotation’s fight-or-flight response (or when angry drunk). This can be further intensified if they are “hunting” with other organisms with similar instincts, such as (but not limited to) dogs and pikmin.
Babies will sleep for most of the day in the warm months, and during pseudo-hibernation they will wake only for food and diaper changes before falling asleep again. This is due to how much development babies (and toddlers!) go though in a relatively short amount of time. As previously mentioned, the cartilage in their ears has not hardened and so their ears will flop down. Otherwise, their development mirrors that of humans greatly. 
This is the stage where their hunter instincts will begin to develop. They will instinctively chase after anything they perceive to be a small animal, a “small animal” to a tot being anything smaller than a typical adult house cat that moves quickly. Smaller creatures will need to be kept away for the safety of both the toddler and the animal, as toddlers will stick anything in their mouths. As they cannot be reasoned with to not chase things and the instincts are too strong to reasonably be taught out with other methods, parents will instead give them various toys to chase and gnaw on. These toys must be specifically designed for this use for the safety of the toddler. Toddlers will bat these toys around much like cats, chasing them the best they can. Due to their fur they are prone to sliding across smooth surfaces, so parents must be careful as to where their tots play (though a few minor bumps are both inevitable and, well, minor). Toddlers also like to look out windows, specifically to watch the various birds and other creatures that dart around the lawn.
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Toddlers will sleep for fewer hours than babies, but will still sleep quite often. During pseudo-hibernation, they will wake only to be fed, changed (or to use the bathroom themself, if potty trained), and for two hour intervals of high energy play that happen once or twice a day, depending on the toddler’s age. These two hour intervals are affectionately referred to by caretakers as “the zoomies”. 
At this stage, the cartilage in their ears will slowly develop. They’ll go from being able to perk their ears up for short bursts to typical Hocotation ears by the end of this phase. They’ll also develop the ability to growl, though they cannot control it.
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Young Children 
As children age, they will slowly but surely need less sleep to function, though still a fair bit more than what adults need. This is the age where, now that they can talk and (kinda, sorta, not really) understand consequences, they are taught to instead put their hunting energy into other activities. Namely, exercise and sport. They’ll spend much of their time in the warmer months running around, though they thankfully lack this extra energy during pseudo-hibernation. By this age, they’ll also figure out how to growl on command and suppress instinctual growls. 
Older Children
This stage of life is characterized (and started by) the beginning of puberty, which largely goes about the same as it does for humans. This is also the age where the pre-established sleep pattern of “needing less sleep as they age” encounters a hiccup. Due to the toll puberty can take on the body, they will once again start sleeping for longer periods of time. During pseudo-hibernation, they are infamously impossible to wake up and will only rise from sleep on their own terms.
Post-puberty, teens will slowly revert back to needing less and less sleep, until eventually matching the patterns of an average adult at around age 20. Otherwise, this goes about the same as it does for humans, how fun!
And that's it for now!!! Still have three, four-ish drawings to make for the culture half of this. Not sure when I'll get to it, but it should hopefully be soonish.
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theredhairedmonkey · 4 years
Do you think the human kingdoms are catholic/Jewish and any other religion and the elves are more like pagans?
Well, perhaps Katolis has a religion that resembles Judaism (hence the jelly tarts, which are really just hamantaschen), though it might ultimately have aspects of both Judaism and Christianity. Clearly Katolis has a state religion, which resembles more Christianity rather than Judaism, as religion in Judaism has more of a communal rather than political role. I headcanon that Sarai, Amaya, Callum, and Ezran are all Jewish, while everyone else practices a diverse array of religions (thus imitating the fact that Judaism is ultimately an ethnoreligion that passes from one generation to the next).
I’d like to think that the practice of Abrahamic religions generally are more prevalent in the Human Kingdoms. Neolandia, for instance, might practice Islam, Evenere practices Eastern Orthodox, while Duren is Catholic.
The elves might practice forms of paganism as you suggested, though I think they likely practice religions that Western audiences (the show’s main audience) are unfamiliar with.
Moonshadow clearly practice some kind of Celtic religion, hence the stone henges and dancing.
Skywing elves are Daoists. Or at least Sky mages are, as they resemble Daoist monks in all but name.
Sunfire elves may resemble some ancient Egyptian/Mayan religion, hence the primacy of the Sun.
The other three are fair game, as we don’t know anything about them. I think Earthblood elves may perhaps practice something that resembles a Native North American religion, Tidebound elves practice a Polynesian faith, and Startouch elves are a complete wild card for me (maybe in their faith they are the gods everyone else should worship).
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jabbers-wild-world · 4 years
Jabber’s Muse List (as of 5/16/2021)
;; All right, everybody. If you were looking for a current and complete list of all of my muses, as updated as it can be for now (since you all know I am always adding more), look no further than right here. This is as complete as it gets until I add more again!
Aaarrrghh (Tales of Arcadia)
- Very large, but affectionate, “pacifist” troll currently allied with Jim Lake Jr. and friends, Toby’s ‘wingman’
Aaravos (The Dragon Prince)
- Startouch Elf, unknown motives, appears to be evil but that is as of yet unclear, usually very polite and dignified
Ace (Kuni no Alice)
- The Red Knight, clueless idiot frequently getting himself lost, generally friendly but does have a mild dark side
Adam (RWBY)
- Bull Faunus, perceived evil and leader of the White Fang, mild canon divergence
Adam (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
- Half-minotaur, has an unfortunate aggression problem due to minotaur bloodline, suitor to the princess
Aden (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
- Human suitor to the princess, generally rather calm and friendly, usually polite and very honest
Adrien (Miraculous)
- Current wielder of the Black Cat Miraculous, sheltered rich kid who just wants to be like everyone else his age
Ahanu (OC, The Untamed Wilds series)
- Centaur, American Paint Horse, Lawson’s second in command, is generally more serious and reserved than Lawson, but he has been known to crack a joke or two from time to time, and he is a force to be reckoned with if you cross him.
Aizawa (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
- Pro Hero Eraserhead, teacher to Class 1-A, generally his usual mood falls in a category of “meh” and “too tired for this shit”
Ajali (OC, The Lion King*)
- Teenage gorilla, left home and now wanders, is generally kind but can be a little reckless from time to time, even on accident
Ajax (OC, Ascension**)
- Captain of the starship Ascension, ladies’ man, also referred to by some as “king of the crash landings”
Akabane (GetBackers)
- aka Doctor Jackal, former combat physician, has knives concealed in his body, currently works as a Transporter
Akei Okami (OC, Wolf Song)
- 23-year-old singer/songwriter/guitarist with the ears and tail of a red wolf and a lot of behaviors to match, he’s working on trying to make it big, and only recently got away from an abusive, blackmailing, and rather possessive manager, but not without some of that blackmail getting spread to the public, somewhat tanking his career so far
Akira (Persona 5)
- aka Joker, generally mild-mannered and quiet, even perhaps seen as a little serious, he is genuinely friendly, Phantom Thieves’ leader (no i will not call him Ren Amamiya, i don’t like it!)
Akiru (OC, The Cat Returns)
- a teenage black LaPerm cat, who may look innocent at first (and he does have a good heart and good intentions) but he is actually the leader of a band of feline thieves who are trying to fix what’s wrong with the cat kingdom society
Akisu (OC, Harry Potter)
- secretly a baku disguised in human form, he just wants to learn magic like the human/wizard children do, is generally shy and fairly awkward, but he is genuinely kind and gentle, and very affectionate if he’s comfortable enough with someone.
Aladi (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
- boisterous ball of energy and enthusiasm, cute and charming human suitor to the princess, he worked as a tailor in the kingdom of Ha’adan, but had a need for adventure and so he traveled across the sea, and when he heard the call for suitors, he joined in the fun
Alekai (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
- one of a pair of half-demon brothers from the kingdom of Tesak, usually more soft-spoken, is currently another suitor to the princess, and he usually has to act as damage control for his brother a lot of the time
Alexios (Assassin’s Creed)
- Greek assassin, snarky and pretty bold, he’s not afraid to stir up some trouble, and flirt with just about anybody
Aljunn (OC, Poison Daggers)
- Shadowman, basically a Nordic boogeyman, he’s charismatic and cunning, so far unclear motives, but he does have some rather impressive hidden abilities, so he is one to be watched out for
Altair (Assassin’s Creed)
- Syrian assassin, can occasionally be somewhat cocky and sarcastic, hates being called ‘novice’
Amani (OC, The Lion King)
- lioness cub, enthusiastic and curious, often likes to run off and explore new places
Amon (OC, Solomon’s Key)
- a Marquis of Hell, ranked as seventh in their hierarchy, he is crass and relatively aggressive, a bit of a ‘lone wolf’ type, and that’s not said ironically, given that he is actually fairly wolf-like, and often takes the form of a wolf. His true demonic form as well, is a large werewolf-like beast standing upright as a man and with the tail of a snake
Anchor (Finding Nemo)
- a well-meaning, if maybe a little confused, hammerhead shark who’s pals with Bruce and Chum, and is a member of the FEA. “Fish are friends, not food!”
Angus (OC, untitled novel)
- a Highland bull Minotaur, he’s generally rather gentle and kind, though he does have a bit of a temper from time to time, he runs a shop in a small town and sells hardware and general goods as needed
Anik (OC, Portal Skip)
- a teenage boy of about seventeen, he along with his best friend and partner Galen, are time-jumpers as part of a task force in the future, and it’s their job to either retrieve necessary persons, gather important knowledge, or prevent certain historical disasters before they happen. He tends to be the quieter of the pair, and is more of a logical thinker, and a realist. 
Anubis (OC/mythological figure, untitled novel)
- Egyptian god of death and mummification, generally rather even-tempered and understanding, but he can come across a little grumpy sometimes
Apollo (Olympos)
- overly dramatic and very bratty/needy Greek god of the sun, he likes to pester Ganymede for attention, but can also get easily offended and is very spiteful
Aramis (OC, untitled novel)
- somewhat smug and aloof male dragon, but underneath his initial impressions, he is generally a good-hearted and well-meaning individual. He.. does have a fondness for shiny things, though, so guard your jewelry and your money, and all other shiny valuables.
Archer (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
- monkey demon, suitor to the princess, he can be a bit of an idiot from time to time, as he tends to think more with his stomach than his head, but he’s also very affectionate, if a bit overly energetic
Archibald (Tales of Arcadia)
- aka Archie, a well-spoken and somewhat sarcastic dragon in feline form, and the familiar to Douxie
Archimedes (OC, Secret of NIMH)
- a very articulate albeit sarcastic companion to a badger named Dodger, Archimedes is a bat, and he’s just as misplaced in the world as Dodger is.
Argent (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
- half-breed Svalden/Mogani hybrid, Argent is the brave and diligent guardian to Yudar the oracle, as well as being a member of the Edovin Resistance. He takes Yudar’s safety seriously, and is also probably the only one who understands him best aside from Nils.
Argo (OC, untitled novel)
- (coming soon)
Argus (OC, untitled novel)
- (coming soon)
Arius (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
- asshole, but with a heart of gold, Arius is a criminal and exile, sent to live in the Outlands around the country of Delanar, where the city of Edovin resides, for the crimes of arson and attempted murder
Arno (Assassin’s Creed)
- French assassin, present during the events of the French Revolution, Arno is rather sarcastic at times, but he is actually a bit more diligent than some of his predecessors, and he takes things personally
Arqaedyn (OC, Overreach)
Arrow (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- A scout, and Gadget’s chosen best friend, Arrow is the more polite of the pair of them. He is clever and quick-witted, and he is certainly much more reserved than his tinker friend. But he is nothing short of charming, and he is certainly a gentleman. But he actually depends on Gadget, for most of what he does. Arrow often makes special requests for Gadget to work on. Ideas and inventions to help all scouts do their best work.
- Ultimately, Arrow is far more of a tactician than a combatant, but just because he’s more brains than brawn, doesn’t mean he can’t pack a punch and rumble with the best of them. And actually, he’s the one to watch in any fight, because he’s such a clever tactician. And perhaps he’s a bit of a show off, especially for the ladies, but he is still good-hearted and kind.
Arsene (Code:Realize)
Arsene Lupin (OC, The Mysterious Cases of Arsene Lupin)
Arten (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Artimaes (OC, The Horseman Series)
Artix (AdventureQuest/DragonFable)
Aspen (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Well, it would be a lie to say that Aspen isn’t a bit of an odd one. An almost obsessive addiction to sweets, the tendency to appear in places no one would ever expect he’d be, and.. he carries around an odd little doll. For a winter animal talent, he’s definitely on the strange side, and everyone on the winter side knows it. And as much as they might want to question it, most choose not to. But that’s just it, there’s always more to the story than just that.
- The truth of it is, Aspen is nearly blind. He still sees shapes and movement, and maybe a bit of color, but not much else besides that. His doll is his comfort, as are sweets, and he’s gotten amazing at sneaking up on people, because he does everything he can to mask his steps so he can be sure to hear better, just in case of any danger.
- It’s actually because of his near-blindness that he also keeps companionship with a snowy owl he calls Lune. Lune keeps a lookout for him, making sure everything is safe for his vision-impaired little friend.
Asra (The Arcana)
Asra (OC, Black Souls Rising)
Asra Fisher (OC, Harry Potter)
- Ravenclaw
Asta (OC, Ascension)
Astaroth (OC, Solomon’s Key)
- the 29th Duke of Hell, he is a demonic entity alongside Amon and seventy-one others that hold such titles, but unlike Amon, Astaroth is exceedingly friendly and even flirtatious. He tends to favor more serpentine forms, or his ‘adorable and sexy’ human form.His true demonic form, is in fact a large, bronze-scaled naga with a line of spikes along his back. But he, among all other seventy-two Goetic demons, is very unique in one particular ability.
- Astaroth is a seer. He can see all things past, present, and future, and he answers all questions asked of him. Of course, his seer abilities are not always within his control, and he cannot always choose the when of what he sees.
Aurelio (OC, Seas of Stormfall)
- man-eating sea demon
Auren (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- A light talent with somewhat of a gruff attitude, Auren doesn’t always come across as entirely friendly, but the truth is, he’s a very relaxed and easy-going guy. He sees all his fellow talent members as family, as one big clan, and he looks out for all of them.
- Even if there’s not really any leader among light fairies, Auren still takes it upon himself to be someone all his fellow talent members can come to when they need advice or comfort, or even just a little bit of proper direction.
- Honestly, his attitude often makes him seem like he’s the leader of some sort of gang of thugs, or something like that, but honestly it’s just the way he is. He’s gruff, and a bit of a tough guy, but he’s honestly just looking out for his fellow talent members like a big brother looking out for his siblings.
Avel (OC, The Faded Legends saga)
Averin (OC, Firestone)
Avis (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Avos (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Aym (OC, Solomon’s Key)
Azir (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Azkhal (OC, untitled novel)
Azra-Khal (OC, untitled novel)
Azriel (OC, Crossover)
- the Angel of Death
Bael (OC, Solomon’s Key)
- the first King among the seventy-two Goetic demons, Bael is the leader of them all, and second only to Lucifer himself.
Bagheera (The Jungle Book)
Bakugou (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Balthasar (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Balthazar (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Balto (Balto)
Ban (GetBackers)
Banjo (Banjo-Kazooie)
Banzai (The Lion King)
Barik (Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom)
Baron (The Cat Returns)
Barrel (OC, Pokemon)
- Golem
Bartleby (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Bartleby (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Batty (FernGully)
Beast (Beauty and the Beast)
Bear (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  Gruff, pushy, and honestly a pretty solid wall of sparrowman, Bear is just as his name sounds like he’d be. He’s a little intimidating to talk to, or even to be around in general, but honestly, he’s very unlikely to hurt anyone. Well, unless someone were to seriously push their luck and actually get on his nerves.
- He’s relaxed and fairly gentle, unless he’s pushed to his limits. He is quite literally the embodiment of the phrase ‘don’t poke sleeping bears’. He’s not very social, unlike some other animal talents, and tends to spend more of his time around animals than other fairies.
- For reasons yet unclear to other fairies around them, Bear seems to have a rather aggressive and spiteful rivalry with Viper. While the two never seem to really get physical with each other, there’s never a shortage of sarcasm and insults tossed between them any time they’re in the same vicinity. Especially if they’re forced to cooperate with each other for any reason. Honestly, it’s a wonder how the two of them even started interacting in the first place, but then comes the realization that they are only around each other because they are both mutual friends of Spark.
Beetle (Kubo and the Two Strings)
Beta (OC, Viral Infection)
Black Jack (OC, The Untamed Wilds series)
Black Joker (Kuni no Alice)
Blaine (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Blitz (OC, How to Train Your Dragon)
- Skrill
Blood (Kuni no Alice)
- head of the Hatter Mafia
Boomer (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Boris (Kuni no Alice)
- the Cheshire Cat that lives at the Amusement Park
Bow (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Bowser (Mario)
Branch (Trolls)
Break (Pandora Hearts)
Briggs (OC, Finding Nemo/Finding Dory)
- a grumpy and cynical adult tiger shark who’s been through more in his life than he’d really like to talk about, and through a rather annoying and frustrating series of events, he’s now apparently responsible for a very energetic and friendly blacktip reef shark who he believes he could do without, or so he says
Buer (OC, Solomon’s Key)
- the tenth Lord of Hell, and one of the Goetic demons in Bael’s company, he is generally rather mild-mannered and sociable, and is actually capable of healing injuries. Mostly, he tends to mind his own business unless he is required to be present, preferring to keep out of the way. Ultimately though, he is actually rather shy and hates large gatherings.
- Buer tends to favor more equine forms, either that of a large white stallion, or a form much akin to Sagittarius the centaur archer, the latter actually being his true demonic form, and one in which he chooses to wear a black blindfold across his eyes. He can take a human form as well, but does not do so often.
Bunnymund (Rise of the Guardians)
Caine (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Cale (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Callum (The Dragon Prince)
Campbell (Camp Camp)
Canterbury (Black Butler)
Capper (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Cassius (OC, Brightwire)
- A former soldier of the Avran military, particularly as a General of the Airstrike Militia, Cassius swore never to involve himself in another war as long as he lives. The bloodshed he witnessed while involved in the battles of a decade past still haunt him, and as such is the case, he very rarely spends time among living company, and he does his best to avoid forming any attachments to any person for long.
- Over the last decade, Cassius has taken on the occupation of being a merchant of alchemical goods, among other various cargo, and he has quickly become well-known as a merchant of reputable standards and quality service. He has become acquainted (unfortunately in his opinion) with a young man named Finnian, who calls himself ‘an affordable alternative to mainstream service’, which Cassius insists is just a charismatic way to say he’s a back alley thief.
- But aside from Finnian, the elven captain has also managed to reacquaint himself with an old friend of his, a mage named Marquis. But now, Marquis is traveling with a young lady named Wren, and thanks to Finnian’s 'helpful’ advice, Wren has sought out the elven airship captain to aid her on an apparently important quest, and Cassius found himself unfortunately manipulated into agreeing to getting involved by Finnian. So, now he’s become the primary mode of transportation for Wren and her questing party, much to his chagrin
Caster (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- He used to be a dust keeper around Pixie Hollow, but he has since gone rogue, and did so even before Tinker Bell was born. He stole pixie dust, especially a bit of blue dust, and he was experimenting with it long before Zarina tried. Like her, he too joined up with pirates for a while, but he left them of his own accord when they were no longer of use to him.
- He’s shorter than most sparrowmen, at a height of about 4.8 inches. But he’s created something even Zarina never figured out. Anti-dust. While normal pixie dust helps others to fly and objects to float about, this black dust with its crimson glow does the opposite. It weighs everything down, and could even create a crushing weight if enough of it is used.
- So beware of the rogue dust keeper. He isn’t your friend in the least. He is the one they all warn the newbies about, and the reason why the blue dust is so vigilantly guarded. But.. maybe Oleander knows something about why.
Catra (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Chardonnay (Sweet Beginnings***)
Charlie (Monsterkind)
Cherry (Sweet Beginnings)
Chester (Tales of Phantasia)
Chouza (Itsuwaribito)
Chris Blackford (OC, Crossover)
Chrono (Chrono Crusade)
Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Colte (OC, Viral Infection)
Conn (OC, The Arcanum Chronicles)
Connor (Assassin’s Creed)
Connwaer (named by me, with permission from crimson-chains)
Cornelius (Thumbelina)
Creek (Trolls)
Cress (Tales of Phantasia)
Crosjando (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Crow (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  For an animal talent, Crow comes across as very intimidating, even downright terrifying to some. But underneath that gruff exterior, he’s actually genuinely kind and caring, and is sort of like a big brother figure to some others, particularly to Gale and maybe a couple others. Still, he’s very rough with his affection usually, and many have said that maybe Crow should have been a scout instead of an animal talent.
- It doesn’t help either that Crow does have a tendency to carry around a rather large hawk talon, as a method of defense. Where he even got the talon, no one is quite sure. All that is known is that, well, he has it and he’s not afraid to use it.
Crowley (Oz+)
Cryptic (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Cysero (AdventureQuest/DragonFable)
Dagan (OC, untitled novel)
Daisuke (D.N.Angel)
Daniel (Camp Camp)
I hate him
Dantalion (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Dante (Devil May Cry)
Dante Ignatius (OC, untitled novel)
Dante Kronos (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Dante Rhodes (OC, Harry Potter)
Darien (OC, Misplaced Magic)
Dark (D.N.Angel)
Dark Law (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Dark Pit (Kid Icarus)
Darrow (OC, untitled novel)
Dastan (OC, Silence Lost)
Data (OC, Viral Infection)
David (Camp Camp)
- a ray of sunshine,”Ooooooooh~! There’s a place I know that’s tucked away..”
Dazai (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Deaikil (OC, Ascension)
- a bad attitude given a full arsenal, he is an alien species called a Ganavir, and is actually a hornless subspecies of them. But that makes him an outcast among his people, and it makes him angrier and more feral than they are. And Ganavir are already a war-hungry, violent bunch.
Decim (Death Parade)
Delta (OC, Viral Infection)
Devil (Sweet Beginnings)
Devon (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Devon (OC, The Camp Mythos series)
Dezimir (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Dhambi (OC, The Lion King)
Digit (OC, Viral Infection)
Docks (OC, untitled novel)
Dodger (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
- the Dodo, and a historian
Dodger (OC, Secret of NIMH)
Don Karnage (Talespin)
Double Trouble (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
- what is gender?
Dr. Facilier (The Princess and the Frog)
Drake (OC, Black Souls Rising)
Drossel (Black Butler)
Duststorm (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
E (AdventureQuest/DragonFable)
Ed (The Lion King)
Eivan (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Elias (OC, The Pariah Chronicles)
Elias (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Elijah (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Elliot (Kuni no Alice)
Elliott (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Elliot Redmond (OC, Seas of Stormfall)
Emmett (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Envy (Full Metal Alchemist)
Envy (OC, The Intentions series)
Eravi (OC, untitled novel)
Etienne (OC, untitled novel)
Euro (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- A dust keeper with a penchant for mischief. Not really the best combination, especially considering he’s friends with Jinx the lock-breaking tinker. He’s often seeking out Jinx, and if he isn’t looking for his friend or doing his job, he actually also has a fondness for placing bets. He has a great mind for games and probabilities, as well as managing dust.
- But it’s the fact he works with dust that can be a little bit of a problem. Euro has his own hidden stash of pixie dust, and he occasionally adds to it. But.. why does he even have it? Well, that’s because he uses it for betting. And sure, it’s great for emergencies too, but a little harmless gambling isn’t so bad, right?
Ezio (Assassin’s Creed)
Ezra (OC, Star Wars)
Fai (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles)
Falkor (The Neverending Story)
Fallon (Sirius the Jaeger)
Fangtooth (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Farren (Lego Elves)
Felix (Satan and Me)
Felix Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug)
Fengari (OC, RWBY)
Fenris (Dragon Age)
Ferio (Magic Knight Rayearth)
Ferran (OC, GrimmalWar)
Ferrin (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Ferris (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Festus (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Finn (OC, Brightwire)
Fisk (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Fox (RWBY)
Gadget (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Everyone’s heard of a social butterfly. Well, guess what! They come in the tinker variety too! Gadget is the perfect example of a social butterfly, jumping from fairy to fairy. And he is even a bit flirtatious too, claiming he’s ever so charming, even if the truth is that his friend Arrow is really the charming one. But there is one problem with Gadget’s exceedingly social nature.
- He is a very physical being, and he loves to just be all on top of those he considers friends. From an arm around the shoulder, to fully draping himself and all his weight on them, Gadget can be a bit of a nuisance. Still, he’s got a good heart and a clever mind, and he’s absolutely thrilled that tinkers now get to play with lost things! Still, there is a secret about him that only Arrow and Fisk know, and it’s not a happy thing that Gadget likes to talk about.
- In fact, he’s deeply ashamed of it, and actively tries to hide it, especially since.. Well, he’d be in big trouble if a certain scout fairy were to ever find out. But Gadget is a vampire. And so far, he’s the only one he knows of in Pixie Hollow. Or at all, really. He can usually keep himself in check by indulging in the occasional nectar mixture that Fisk makes for him, but there are nights when his need to feed becomes too much to hold back.
- Usually, he has enough sense of mind to seek out either Arrow or Fisk, but if he puts it off too long, and ignores the hunger too much, he can turn dangerous and may attack innocent fairies who otherwise know nothing about his vampirism. In fact, he has actually attacked a couple of fairies in the past, and was nearly caught by Venn. Now, he’s extra careful about his late night activities, because if Venn finds out he’s the vampire, it would mean the end for Gadget.
Gage (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Gajeel (Fairy Tail)
Gale (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  A fast flyer with a kind heart and huge determination, he may be a little guy, but he does what he has to to get his job done, and make sure his friends are okay. Not to mention that while he may be the youngest of his group of friends, he won’t let that stop him either. But while he generally seems to look on the bright side, Gale’s early experiences in Pixie Hollow weren’t quite as pleasant as some might have hoped they would be.
Galvyn (OC, untitled novel)
Ganta (Deadman Wonderland)
Gareki (Karneval)
Garrett (Quest for Camelot)
Garrick (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Garry (Ib)
Gavin (OC, Seventh Shard)
Gawl (Generator Gawl)
Geilver (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Gideon (Seven Princes of the Thousand-Year Labyrinth)
Gil (Pandora Hearts)
Gilvein (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Gin (OC, My Hero/Boku no Hero Academia)
Ginji (GetBackers)
Ginko (Mushishi)
Ginti (Death Parade)
Gintoki (Gintama)
Gintoki (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Giza (OC, The Lion King)
Gizmo (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Ever met a moody tinker? Well, here’s one. Gizmo isn’t the type to make friends, and instead would rather keep to himself, building complex parts to the mechanisms that are used all around Pixie Hollow. Unfortunately for him, Kestrel doesn’t take no for an answer. As much as Gizmo may insist that they aren’t friends, he just can’t get rid of him.
- Gizmo has been called rude, grumpy, bad-tempered or even aggressive. But it’s just mostly that he’s a loner and likes to be left alone. But.. does he really? Underneath his moodiness, there is a softer side. He isn’t great with affection, despite secretly wanting it, and that’s due to the fact that shortly after his birth, he was somewhat looked over. That, and he got lost deep in the woods for a few months, having to survive entirely on his own for what seemed like an eternity.
- He was eventually found by Kestrel, but by then, he’d become reclusive and harsh, actively refusing the company of others.By the time Kestrel had found him though, he was hungry and weak, cold and wet, and utterly exhausted, even a little battered and bruised. It’s that that is the reason Kestrel keeps checking up on him, and Gizmo knows that. But he spent too long alone, so soon after he’d been born that it was most of what made up his early experiences, and made him shy away from others rather than seeking them out.
Gizmo (OC, Beyond the Rainbow)
Glitch (OC, Viral Infection)
Gojyo (Saiyuki)
Goku (Saiyuki)
Gourry (The Slayers)
Gowland (Kuni no Alice)
- the “Duchess” and current owner of the Amusement Park
Graham (OC, Assassin’s Creed, Harry Potter, Outlander)
Gray (Fairy Tail)
Gray Ringmarc (Kuni no Alice)
- the Lizard
Griffin (Quest for Camelot)
Grillby (Undertale)
Guy (The Croods)
Guy Cecil (Tales of the Abyss)
Guy Diamond (Trolls)
Hades (Olympos)
Hagane (OC, untitled novel)
Hak (Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn)
Hans (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Hapsun (OC, Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic)
Harper (OC, The Moonlight Ring)
Harrison (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Harrow (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Haru (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Haruka (Tactics)
Hatari (OC, The Lion King)
Hatch (OC, untitled novel)
Hatchet (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Hatchet, or Hatch as most call him, is a difficult individual to actually like. Even as a scout, he’s somewhat of a bully, and though he usually means it in a friendly sort of way, he’s very gruff and forceful in everything he does, so it’s no surprise his jokes are actually pretty harsh and insensitive. He actually has referred to Lock as ‘cyclops’ more than once. No one is really safe from his rough humor.
- But the truth is that he’s looking for someone that disappeared shortly before Tinker Bell had even arrived in Pixie Hollow. He knows that they’re out there somewhere, but he can’t figure out where. As a result, he actually doesn’t trust anyone, even if he claims to, and his harsh jokes are his way of keeping others at a distance. He doesn’t want to be attached only for someone else to disappear on him.
Hatsuharu (Fruits Basket)
Hawke (OC, Beyond the Rainbow)
Hector “Striker” Marques (OC, untitled novel)
Hibiki (OC, Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Hikae (Itsuwaribito)
Hiraishi (OC, untitled novel)
Hiro (Big Hero 6)
Hiruko (Itsuwaribito)
Hiruko (Nightmare Inspector)
Hisago (Itsuwaribito)
Hisirdoux (Tales of Arcadia)
Hook (Okashi na Shima no Peter Pan/Sweet Neverland)
Hunk (Voltron Legendary Defender)
Ibal (OC, untitled novel)
- deity of destruction and decay
Ifari (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Ikuto (Shugo Chara)
Impey (Code:Realize)
Indivar (OC, Seventh Shard)
- a very moody djinn
Inuyasha (Inuyasha)
Isaac (OC, The Stormfront Chronicles)
Isaac Vivre (OC, Camp Camp)
Isaiah (OC, Evermore)
Isandro (OC, Black Souls Rising)
Izaya (Durarara!!)
Izmael (OC, Dead Man’s Day)
Izo (OC, untitled novel)
Izrael (OC, Cantor Descending)
Jabber Quill (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Jace (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Jacquimo (Thumbelina)
Jack (Rise of the Guardians)
Jade Moonfeather (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Jael (OC, untitled novel)
James (Pokemon)
Jasper (OC, The Moonlight Ring)
Jasper Taigan (OC, The Sand Skulls Series)
Jax (OC, Misplaced Magic)
Jay (OC, Camp Camp)
Jellal (Fairy Tail)
Jericho (Kuni no Alice)
- the Dodo
Jester Ring (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Jinx (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Jinx is a tinker. He knows his way around all sorts of tools and devices, and he can figure out almost any puzzle thrown his way. But it isn’t just that. While tinkers usually are of a mind to build and create, Jinx is much more likely to take things apart, even if it’s something the other tinkers just finished working on.
- Queen Clarion has acknowledged it as boundless curiosity, but he is advised to keep his curious nature in check. And he does keep it in check. Most of the time. He does have a tendency to get into trouble along with Euro, Ridge, and Nero quite often. Especially when Jinx has taken apart or picked a locking mechanism that is supposed to keep everyone out of important places. As such is the case, most scouts and those in charge of keeping things in order.. aren’t always fond of him. Or the other three.
Johnny (Sing)
Joker (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Judal (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic)
Julius (Kuni no Alice)
- the Clockmaker
Jumba (Lilo and Stitch)
Justin (OC, Camp Camp)
Jyugo (Nanbaka)
Kade (OC, Plague)
Kaelan (OC, The Wild Warriors series)
Kagura (Demon Love Spell)
Kai (OC, untitled novel)
Kal (OC, untitled novel)
Kale (OC, Animorphs)
- an Andalite warrior
Kaminari (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Kanda (D. Gray-Man)
Karimu (OC, The Lion King)
Karkat (Homestuck)
Karma (Assassination Classroom)
Kasi (OC, The Lion King)
Kaspar (OC, The Tangled Series)
Katsuo (OC, Persona 4)
Kaushal (OC, Desert Sands)
Kavit (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Kazuki Fuuchouin (GetBackers)
Kazuki Muto (Busou Renkin)
Keidynn (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Keith (Voltron Legendary Defender)
Kestrel (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- This is the sweetest, most gentle sparrowman anyone could ever meet. Kestrel is genuinely kindhearted and just full of love and affection to give to others. Even those who aren’t so friendly to him. Like a young tinker by the name of Gizmo, for example. Kestrel is an animal talent, but often goes out of his way to check up on his young friend. Making sure he’s eating right and all that. He knows he doesn’t have to, but he likes to do it anyway. Kestrel does have a secret, though.
- After an encounter with a strange animal no one had ever seen before, during which Kestrel was wounded by the creature’s claws, Kestrel has to make regular visits to the healing fairies, or else the toxin still in his body even now will force him to change, and lose his sense of self for a while. Beware if Kestrel’s blond hair turns silver, because he will not know friend from foe, and the normally gentle sparrowman has turned aggressive and dangerous.
Keturi (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Khazroq (OC, untitled novel)
Khireus (OC, untitled novel)
- deity of justice
Ki (OC, untitled novel)
Kifo (OC, The Lion King)
Kin (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Kirishima (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Kizami (Corpse Party)
who wants to talk about MURDER~~? :D
Klarth (Tales of Phantasia)
Klein (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
Korand (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Koro-sensei (Assassination Classroom)
Krampus (OC, untitled novel)
Kratos (Tales of Symphonia)
Krin (OC, Ascension)
- precious innocent child, and amazing prodigy in mechanics, he is of an alien species called Ch’taar, which appear much like caterpillar-taurs in their youth, like Krin, and their full-fledged adults resemble something akin to mantis-taurs with butterfly wings. Krin is a very shy and soft-spoken young boy, and is only four of his planet’s years in age, but that is approximately the equivalent of a thirteen-year-old in Earth years.
Kuhani (OC, The Lion King)
Kuiba (OC, The Lion King)
Kuro (Servamp)
Kurogane (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles)
Kutal (Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Kweli (OC, The Lion King)
Kyle (OC, Desert Sands)
Kyo (Fruits Basket)
Lark (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Lark is an animal talent, and still fairly new to life in Pixie Hollow, and in general! He’s energetic, somewhat reckless, not always the brightest firefly in the field, but he means well and generally is a sweetheart, but.. he does also occasionally have a little bit of a temper, and if he notices it, he will call others out on their bullshit.
- He is actually unable to fly, because on his first day after being born, he got a little too excited about his talent, and proceeded to run right off the edge and tear his left wing. So now if he needs to get somewhere fast, he rides a black-footed ferret he named Willowby.
Lavi (D. Gray-Man)
Law/Lawrence (OC, Plague)
Lawrence (Seven Princes of the Thousand-Year Labyrinth)
Lawson (OC, The Untamed Wilds series)
- a very rough-and-tumble mustang centaur, and a cowboy ruffian in the American Wild West, Lawson is actually pretty polite when he needs to be, but he’s got a stubbornness to put a mule to shame, and an attitude like an ornery old goat coupled with a strong dislike for authority. He’s seen as an outlaw and a no-good son-of-a-bitch by most townfolk, but that’s because they tend to see centaurs as much the same as their non-verbal equine kin, and treat them as slaves. And that’s something Lawson is fighting to change.
Leif (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Leon (OC, Beyond the Rainbow)
- the Cowardly Lion
Leonardo (Oz+)
- the Cowardly Lion, given a human form, and he is a beautiful, handsome.. himbo.
Leraje (OC, Solomon’s Key)
Levi (OC, untitled novel)
Li (CardCaptors)
Lily (Servamp)
Lincoln (OC, untitled novel)
Link (Breath of the Wild)
Lion-O (Thundercats 2011)
Lionheart (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Locien Kei (OC, untitled novel)
Lock (OC, Pokemon)
- Arbok
Lock (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- While he may not be the friendliest of sparrowmen, Lock is determined and loyal, and very attentive to his work as a tinker. He often tends to be the one handling tools for use by the scouts, whatever those things may be, and he is diligent and hard-working. But he comes across very rough and cold to just about everyone in Pixie Hollow. He isn’t interested in making friends, it seems, and he keeps to himself. But.. there is a reason behind his behavior.
- And her name was Luna. They were born fairly close together, though not from the same laugh. She was a scout while he is a tinker, and she made a promise to him. A promise, that she would always make sure he was safe, that she would protect him first and foremost. And it bonded them together, they were nearly inseparable as a pair, even to the point that he fell deeply in love with her, and she loved him in return.
- She was headstrong and brave, always pushing her way through and never letting him be alone. She was his guiding light. Until one day, she asked him to come with her deep into the forest. She had found something, she told him. She had found something he needed to see. And he listened, following her further and further into the woods, until she had led him to what seemed to be a large, black stone in the middle of a dark, and eerie part of the forest.
- She pulled him to it, showing him her discovery, excited to have him to share it with. It could be some kind of new ore that tinkers could use, she thought, something special to help make their tools stronger! But then.. it moved. It revealed itself as no stone or ore, but a deep black avian beast! Immediately Luna shielded Lock behind her, guarding him from the threat she had brought him straight to, and then- It attacked.
- Sharp talons and a wild serpentine tail slashing and swinging about, and Lock tried to flee, tried to get away to get the rest of the scouts to help- but the monster followed him, catching him within its talons and snapping its beak. One sharp talon found purchase, its tip digging deep into his left eye.. and he screamed as his body was being crushed, his eye reduced to nothing but a bloody hole in his face, and-
- There was Luna. She kept her promise, defending him and rescuing him from the wretched creature she’d awoken, and.. she gave her life for his.. Somehow the creature was sealed away and trapped where it couldn’t bring any more harm, but Luna’s life was lost in the process.. Leaving Lock entirely alone, with no one to love, and no one to make him feel safe..
Loki (Kamigami no Asobi)
- Norse god of mischief
Lokus (OC, The White Game)
Lotus (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Calm, quiet, usually minds his own business except to keep others from getting hurt, Lotus is the sort of water talent that can often be found meditating on a lily pad in the middle of a pond. He’s curious, but not enough to seek out trouble like some others might. He’s more likely to be the one who gets dragged along on adventures by others who are more energetic and outgoing.
- Like Nova the highly exuberant light fairy, for example. Lotus actually came very close to being a scout instead of a water talent, and he has a very high instinct to protect. But at the last moment, it failed and he was instead a water talent. Not that he minds. He knows all the action the scouts get involved in, and he’s content to just take life one step at a time, even if he does always have an eye out in case of trouble.
Lowell (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Lucas DuSauvage (OC, Crossover)
Lucian (OC, Catching Smoke)
Lucian (OC, untitled novel)
Lucien (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Luka (Miraculous)
Luke Ainsworth (Sacred Blacksmith)
Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)
Lune (The Cat Returns)
Lux (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Here comes trouble. A common phrase uttered throughout Pixie Hollow when Lux is around. Especially when he’s got a particular twinkle in his eye. A light talent with a bad habit of getting into mischief, Lux loves to play pranks. And, well, not everyone enjoys his tricks as much as he does. He gets a good laugh, but oftentimes, he is the only one laughing.
- Especially when his pranks have accidentally caused someone to get hurt. He usually doesn’t mean for things to go that far, and when they do, he’s often pretty quick to apologize for his mistake. Well.. when he’s stopped laughing, that is. And.. only if he wasn’t intentionally hurting them, since he can be a bit vindictive.
- Aside from his prankster nature, Lux is also a fairly jealous individual. There are few who he actually really considers close friends, and he loves it when they dump their attention on him. But.. when they give attention to someone else, instead of spending time with him, Lux can get a bit jealous and possessive.
- He can even be somewhat rude and pushy, forcing his way to the forefront of his friends’ attention. He’s much like a bratty child at times, pouting and throwing mild tantrums from time to time, even bullying those who he thinks are stealing his friends’ attention.
- When he likes someone, though, he is very affectionate and friendly, actively seeking out companionship and bringing them things he thinks they will like. He’s happy and cheerful, and generally fun to be around when he actually considers someone a friend. But.. watch out if he doesn’t like you, because you are very likely to be the main target of his worst pranks. Usually though, he is thankfully kept in check by Umbra and Torren. Just be careful not to steal their attention too much. Lux certainly won’t thank you for it, and he’ll have no one keeping him in check.
Lyric (OC, Second Moon)
Lyric (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Mad King (X-Ray and Vav)
Mael (OC, untitled novel)
Majestic (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Makoto (Free!)
Marco (Animorphs)
Marius (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Marius (OC, Down the Rabbit Hole)
- the JubJub Bird, and with a severe attitude problem
Markos (OC, untitled novel)
Marquis (OC, Brightwire)
Marshall Lee (Adventure Time)
Mason (OC, untitled novel)
Masquerade (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Mauti (OC, The Lion King)
Maverick (OC, untitled novel)
Max (Camp Camp)
Maximus (Tangled/The Tangled Series)
Mercury (RWBY)
Merlot (Sweet Beginnings)
Merrick (OC, untitled novel)
Messiah (Seven Princes of the Thousand-Year Labyrinth)
Micah (OC, Micah’s Guidebooks series)
Michal (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  A snowflake talent, Michal is intuitive and protective, and for quite some time has been somewhat of an older brother figure to quite a few of the winter fairies, but mostly to Wolf, on the other side of the border. They met once by accident, and were nearly inseparable since, as Wolf often came by when he needed advice, or just someone to talk to. 
- And Michal looked out for him and occasionally he has teased him for various little things. As big brothers do. But recently, Michal has disappeared without any warning, the only sign that he was ever there at all being a few broken snowflakes around where he usually works.
Midnight Star (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Mifune (Soul Eater)
Migs (OC, The Camp Mythos series)
Mikasi (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Mikhael (OC, Fall of the Titans)
Mikhael (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Milori (Neverland Fairies)
Mist Flare (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Mitsuhide (Akagami no Shirayuki/Snow White with the Red Hair)
Mitsuru (Nanbaka)
Mizani (OC, The Lion King)
Mkali (OC, The Lion King)
Mogar (X-Ray and Vav)
Momotaro (Free!)
Montague (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Monty (OC, Pokemon)
Morgan (OC, untitled novel)
Morgana (Persona 5)
Musashi (Nanbaka)
Mushra (Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Muta (The Cat Returns)
Myles (OC, Rewrite)
Mzungu (OC, The Lion King)
N (Pokemon)
Nagi (Deadman Wonderland)
Naro (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Nathan (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Nathaniel (Miraculous)
Natsu (Fairy Tail)
Nephr (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Nero (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- A fast-flyer with more than enough energy to go around, Nero is honestly of the friendlier sort than some other fast-flyers may be. He actually enjoys zipping back and forth across Pixie Hollow just to run errands for others. Need some food for a baby animal? He’ll go fetch it! Oh, that basket has to be delivered somewhere? Say no more, Nero is on the job! And what about those seeds? They need to be scattered out in the field? Nero definitely has that handled too!
- But when he’s not doing his job or helping others, he’s hoarding some cool human things he’s found. Or he’s getting into some trouble alongside Jinx, Euro, and Ridge. Honestly, he’s not quite sure what the plan is half the time, but he’s having fun with his friends, and that’s what counts!
Nguvu (OC, The Lion King)
Nico (Nanbaka)
Nico (OC, Black Souls Rising)
Nicolae (OC, untitled novel)
Nicu (OC, untitled novel)
Nightdream (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Niklaus (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Nikolae (OC, D. Gray-Man)
Nils (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Nirav (OC, Desert Sands)
Nix (OC, untitled novel)
Njozi (OC, The Lion King)
Nod (Epic)
Noir (OC, The Cat Returns)
Nora (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Nora (Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom)
Obi (Akagami no Shirayuki/Snow White with the Red Hair)
- a smartass ninja/assassin originally sent to threaten Shirayuki, but who found himself instead given a job by Prince Zen and who has been welcomed as a part of their group
Oga (Beelzebub)
Ojiro (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Oleander (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Oleander is more than just a little unusual, especially for a garden talent, but he actually manages it fairly well and manages to go through life just the same as anyone else. Except for one, tiny detail. He seems to have no regard for his own life, and actually may even find enjoyment in near-death experiences. He’s what other fairies and sparrowmen call a ‘tossaway’, as it seems he would gladly toss away his own life, for hardly any reason at all.
- But there is a secret behind all of this. Behind his casual charisma, and his apparent humor in a tossaway lifestyle. He was once best friends with Caster, and actually went rogue alongside him for a while before he grew a conscience and returned to Pixie Hollow to do penance for the things he had done, and what he helped Caster to do. He supplied Caster with the ingredient to make his black ‘anti-dust’. A black Narcissus flower. Now he behaves rather flippantly and acts as if he has no care in the world, but every day that goes by he still regrets what he did, and still misses his best friend.
Oriander (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
- baby
Orion (OC, untitled novel)
Orpheus (OC, Edge of Legend)
Orson (OC, The Stormfront Chronicles)
Orson (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Orson Gibbs (OC, Plague)
Oseru (Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom)
Ouro (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Like Styx, Ouro is trouble with a capital ‘T’, but he’s not aggressive the way Styx is. He has a similar sense of humor for sure, but he doesn’t actively put others in danger with his jokes. Instead, he’s far more likely to sneak up on someone and give them a little bit of a jump scare. Among all the residents of Pixie Hollow, Ouro is known to be the stealthiest of the scouts.
- He has even managed to sneak up on some of the best, much to the annoyance of some. Nyx is a good example of a scout that doesn’t always appreciate Ouro’s sense of humor, or his chosen uses of his stealth skills. However, if anyone were to ask where Ouro’s deepest loyalties lie, there are only three individuals he actually truly respects enough to have the most unbreakable loyalty toward. Queen Clarion, a healing talent named Clover, and Tyr, a scout leader much like Nyx.
- It’s because of this loyalty to only specific individuals though, that makes Ouro really kind of frustrating to some. But of course, there is a reason for this intense loyalty, as there is for everything.
Oz (Oz+)
Oz Diggs (OC, Beyond the Rainbow)
- the Great Oz, wizard of the Emerald City
Ozpin (RWBY)
Pallum (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Pax (Satan and Me)
Peter Pan (Okashi na Shima no Peter Pan/Sweet Neverland)
Peter White (Kuni no Alice)
Phalanx (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Philip (Sirius the Jaeger)
Pips (FernGully)
Piras (Awaken)
Pit (Kid Icarus)
Pteryn (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Qivral (OC, Ascension)
Quinn (OC, untitled novel)
Quirin (The Tangled Series)
Qwan (Qwan)
Rafiki (The Lion King)
Rai (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Rai (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Raimundo (Xiaolin Showdown)
Raito (OC, The Cat Returns)
Raitou (OC, Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Rajan (OC, Desert Sands)
- angry djinn, he may be sexy, but he will kill you if he doesn’t like you, or if you cross the line
Rama Anin (OC, untitled novel)
fashion is immortal, and so is this male model from Ancient Persia.
Rampo (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Ratchet (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Ratchet is one of those sparrowmen that’s just generally hard to figure out. He’s great at what he does, of course, tinkering and making all sorts of handy things. Much like Tinker Bell, he has a very curious mind. Where others might ask why, he asks ‘why not’. Can it be done? Maybe. Should it be done? Who knows! Will he do it? Absolutely. Leave no stone unturned, and nothing left untinkered. Generally, he seems like an okay guy, even downright friendly and without worry. But.. there’s just one problem.
- Ratchet has a very bad habit. One that, try as anyone might, no one can ever get him to break. And of course, Styx doesn’t help, and in fact encourages it. Usually Ratchet’s bad habit has fairly harmless results, but sometimes it can get out of hand. Especially when he’s been hanging out with Styx. But in general, the fact of the matter is that Ratchet is a liar. White lies mostly, but sometimes he can take a lie too far. Still, thankfully no one has been physically hurt by his lies yet. Even if Yarrow may find them mentally and morally taxing.
Ravenblade (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Reik (OC, untitled novel)
Reiss (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Remus (Harry Potter, Marauders’ Era specifically)
Remy (X-Men, personal adaptation)
Ren (RWBY)
Rhett (OC, Finding Nemo/Finding Dory)
a very enthusiastic, energetic, and boisterously friendly teenage blacktip reef shark, he’s the type who’s more likely to befriend his fish prey rather than eat them, which does cause a few problems for him, but thanks to an amusing series of events, he’s got Briggs looking out for him
Rick O’Connell (The Mummy)
Ridge (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Definitely not the smartest guy out there. Among garden talents, Ridge is honestly just usually the muscle, rather than the one who takes on more delicate tasks. He’s rough and tumble, and often down in the dirt with the larger bulbs and things like that.
- His pride and joy though is the large and gnarled willow tree just past the edge of the Hollow, that has become the hangout spot for him and his friends. That aside, though, he is actually a fantastic cook.
- Anyone in Pixie Hollow who thinks they know good food, hasn’t tasted anything like Ridge’s blackberry bread rolls, or his orange and lemon sugar pies. Even his roast tomatoes and baked apples are unlike anything else ever made. It’s honestly surprising that he’s a garden talent, and not simply a cook.
Rin (Free!)
Rin Okumura (Blue Exorcist)
Rishi (OC, Desert Sands)
Rivan (Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom)
Rivaren (OC, The Kingship Quartet)
River (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Born completely blind, River was often treated as if he was helpless and needed extra assistance, but it only served to frustrate him. He has always been perfectly capable of handling things himself, he just has a different way of doing it, but in the beginning, no one really seemed to understand that. So instead, some of the other fairies had taken to helping him and doing certain tasks for him. He knew they were just trying to help, but it was more of a hindrance than a help, and it was bothering him to no end.
- So, one day he left Pixie Hollow. He left and instead ventured deeper into the woods. If everyone was going to insist he was helpless, then he was going to prove to them that he was far from it. It was no surprise that his disappearance had others worried, but he avoided anyone who might be looking for him, knowing he had to succeed on his own, or no one would ever leave him be.
- So for three months, he lived in the woods and fended for himself, training himself to be strong and to be independent. And on his own, he fought off snakes, a hawk, and more than a few nests of wasps.When he finally returned to the Hollow, he came back scarred, but strong.
- He was welcomed back with open arms and worried voices, but he only smiled and shrugged. He knew what he had done, and they knew it too. He was stronger than they had all thought him to be, and he had proven exactly that. Now no one needed to help him with anything, for they all knew he’s perfectly capable on his own. Being blind has never stopped him from that.
Roane (OC, untitled novel)
Robin (Disney’s Robin Hood)
Rock (Nanbaka)
Rocky (Chicken Run)
Roman (RWBY)
Rome (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  It isn’t recommended to trust Rome, no matter how charismatic and charming he may be, or how much he may play on someone’s sympathies. He is a thief, and a bitter soul with a strong dislike of Queen Clarion. A light talent, Rome has all the same abilities as any other light fairy, but he was born different.
- While there are others still living in Pixie Hollow who have lost limbs or other body parts in events of conflict, or were tortured, Rome was born the way he is. Missing his right arm, and his left leg. As a result, he has had his fair share of struggles, and much of the time, he failed to keep up, and so he grew frustrated and angry and began to lash out at his fellow talent members. 
Eventually, he actually ended up exiled for good from the Hollow, and now he’s gone rogue and is very much a problem to everyone in Pixie Hollow, and outside of it. Rome isn’t alone though. He has managed to gather his own followers, and has formed a criminal gang of sorts, and they have their own community deep in the farthest reaches of the forests. A place where all misfit fairies gather.
Ronin (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Ronin is a scout. It’s in his job description to protect Pixie Hollow and everyone who lives there. He’s fast, and an agile fighter, but.. he also has a tendency to go off on his own to explore, as well as the fact that he does like to tease a bit. He’s a smooth talker, most of the time, and he’s fairly well-liked around the Hollow.
- However, he’s pretty bad at handling real affection directed toward him, especially the physical kind. As he usually is on guard and prepared for combat in some way or another, surprise affection can really get him on edge, and even if it’s something like an accidental kiss, he may run away like he’s been shocked, if only just to process his confusion. Fairies and sparrowmen do only feel one emotion at a time, after all.
Rowain (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Roux (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Roy (Full Metal Alchemist)
Roy G. Biv (Monsterkind)
Rukh (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Runaan (The Dragon Prince)
Rush (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  Rush is generally rather rude and pushy, and he prefers for things to go his way, otherwise he can be a bit of a brat. Kyra and Wren are usually fairly on top of keeping Rush’s bad temper in check, but sometimes this storm talent sparrowman can get quite a bit out of hand. He’s certainly not afraid to use a bit of lightning to get his point across, and he can be more than a little overconfident sometimes. He also has quite the tendency to mock others and likes to put himself first.
-  Still, he’d be nothing without Kyra and Wren. He owes his very life to them, after he nearly got himself eaten by a snake, and the two of them put their lives on the line to save him. So, as cocky as he gets, he does have quite the soft spot for them, and will often actually follow them around when he’s not busy with other things. But if he’s not with them, and he’s not doing his job, he unfortunately can be found harassing another sparrowman named Sahar, with whom he actually has a fairly intense rivalry, and honestly the two seem to hate each other.
Rusty (OC, Blackwater)
Ryo (OC, Crossover)
- the god of fate, please resist the impulse to make short jokes or you may find that your ultimate fate and the end of the line arrives sooner than expected
Ryuji (Persona 5)
Ryuma (Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Ryuu (OC, Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Sadir (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Sage (OC, The Kingship Quartet)
Sago (Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Sahar (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Saiqeit (OC, untitled novel)
Samon (Nanbaka)
Sanji (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Saru (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Sasha (OC, Pokemon)
Satan (Satan and Me)
Scar (The Lion King)
Scissor (Okashi na Shima no Peter Pan/Sweet Neverland)
Senji (Deadman Wonderland)
Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
Shade (OC, Neverland Fairies) 
Shahad (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Sharrkan (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic)
Shere Khan (The Jungle Book)
Shetani (OC, The Lion King)
Shin-Ah (Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn)
Shiro (Voltron Legendary Defender)
Shirou (Brand New Animal)
Shizuo (Durarara!!)
Shock (OC, Pokemon)
- Raichu
Shockwave (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Shuseki (OC, My Hero/Boku no Hero Academia)
Sigma (OC, Viral Infection)
Silence (OC, The Intentions series)
Sindar (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Skek (OC, DnD, untitled novel)
- “Skek demands to be taken seriously!”
SkekMal (The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance)
Soren (The Dragon Prince)
Soul (Soul Eater)
Spark (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  The friendliest ball of energy in Pixie Hollow, Spark is the type who generally seems completely innocent and naive, and like he has no idea that two of his closest friends apparently hate each other. However, he actually knows very well what’s going on, and actively inserts himself between Bear and Viper in order to keep the peace. Or sometimes he’ll drag Willow into it just to balance things out, and of course the effeminate sparrowman has a hard time refusing. Even Holly and Shade can’t say no when Spark asks them for the occasional favor.
Staz (Blood Lad)
Steele (Balto)
Stein (Soul Eater)
Sting (Fairy Tail)
Stormblade (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Strix (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Alongside Kestrel, Strix is one of the kindest souls anyone could ever know, and he will go out of his way to make sure others are feeling comfortable and happy, especially new arrivals, no matter their talent. It was honestly by pure coincidence that he wasn’t the one helping Tinker Bell settle in when she was trying out all of the other talents.
- He had actually been on his way to do just that when he’d seen that the other fairies seemed to have things well in hand. Though.. he did have a very terrified baby bird to handle after Fawn had left Tinker Bell alone with it. Still, he is proud of how far Tink has come since the start, like a father watching a child grow. It’s only a shame he will never be able to actually say so.
- Because Strix is mute. And no, he wasn’t born that way. When he was new to Pixie Hollow himself, he was as vocal as any other fairy or sparrowman, and often he spoke up to volunteer his help. As well, he was the type who loved to sing, and in fact, his voice was known to be one of the most beautiful whenever he had an audience, intentionally or not.
- He sang lullabies and gentle tunes, especially to frightened animals in need of comfort, and to other fairies who needed just the same. However, his voice was violently stripped from him, and now he can’t do much more than give a soft wheeze or a huff every now and again. But.. the worst thing is, his voice wasn’t even the first injury he’d suffered.
Styx (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Stay. Away. From. Styx. At least, that’s what most tend to tell the newcomers. He is the scout that other scouts warn about. He’s highly dangerous on his own, and has actually a bit of a violent and aggressive tendency. And you know, when even a scout is unsettled by their own talent member, it’s bad. However, he’s really only a problem when he’s left to his own devices and doesn’t have his best friend to manage him.
- That best friend, being Ratchet. Styx has been around longer than Ratchet has. Quite a while longer in fact, and honestly, Tick and Queen Clarion may be the only ones who actually do know how long Styx has been around. Queen Clarion doesn’t discuss Styx’s behavior, except to say that he never used to be this way. And there won’t be much to get out of Tick either, except the very same.
- However, if pressed further, only Tick will give a little more, but his answer is still vague. ‘What happened to make Styx like this?’ ‘Three.’ That’s all Tick will give, and most are nervous to ask Styx himself. The truth is, Styx has nearly died. Three times. Each one worse and more traumatic than the last. And now he has become almost like a cold, calculating predator. When he’s not with Ratchet, that is.
- To those who have seen the dark side of Styx, tend to avoid him, but when he’s with Ratchet, he’s like a completely different sparrowman. He’s enjoying himself, and laughing and even getting into just some general mischief, which is of course much to the chagrin of Yarrow, who unfortunately often gets dragged along in Ratchet’s plans.
Sugino (Tactics)
Sumu (OC, The Lion King)
Sun (RWBY)
Sun (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Sunny Pine (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Surefire Arrow (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Sval (OC, untitled novel)
Swift (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Syaoran (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles)
Syuro (OC, untitled novel)
Taavi (OC, untitled novel)
Taeval (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Taigus (OC, untitled novel)
Taiyou (OC, untitled novel)
Takhal (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Tamani (OC, The Lion King)
Tatizo (OC, The Lion King)
Tempest (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Terra (OC, untitled novel)
Terra (Kingdom Hearts)
Terence (Neverland Fairies)
Thomas O’Malley (Aristocats)
Thompson (Black Butler)
Thor (Kamigami no Asobi)
- Norse god of thunder
Tick (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- A more mysterious fellow than most, Tick keeps to himself and hardly ever ventures away from his work. He is a tinker, but he is a very unique sort of tinker. He keeps watch of the passing of time in Pixie Hollow, and he is the only one who does. Just as Zarina found her own unique talent within the broader subject, Tick found his own unique subset of tinkering. Clockwork tinkering. Though while discovering his unique skill, it wasn’t always as smooth-going as it is now. He actually suffered a bit of backlash from his own projects, and now has just a bit of trouble seeing out of his left eye.
- However, it is ultimately thanks to him that there are proper schedules, and the seasons are tracked and recorded correctly. He may be a little odd to some, but he knows the balance of time, and how important it is to keep things on time. However, there is something else to his actions. Every now and again, Tick ventures away from Tinker’s Nook, but it isn’t clear where he disappears to. All that is known, is that he keeps a second record of the days, and disappears with it for an hour or so, returning without the extra records.
Timber (Black Butler)
Tink (Okashi na Shima no Peter Pan/Sweet Neverland)
Titan (OC, Dragonmist)
- tarantula-taur
Titian (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Titus (Seven Princes of the Thousand-Year Labyrinth)
Tjarron (OC, Brightwire)
Tobias (Animorphs)
Todoroki (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Tokiya (Time Guardian)
Tokoyami (Boku no Hero/My Hero Academia)
Toris (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Torren (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  Torren is very much the strong, silent type. He only speaks when he needs to, and especially when it’s really something important to say. Most of the time though, this big guy usually just sort of grunts in acknowledgement, or shrugs or shakes his head. Not many actual spoken words needed to get his point across. He’s a gentle giant most of the time as well, but it isn’t wise to anger this particular sparrowman. He is a lightning talent after all, and he is very protective of Umbra and Lux.
Train (Black Cat)
Travis (OC, Camp Camp)
Tyr (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- A leader among scouts, Tyr doesn’t actually go out and fight or patrol as much as Nyx does. Mostly, he trusts her judgement and lets her handle that side of things unless he’s needed in action, and instead he usually handles the more diplomatic side of it all, and well.. paperwork and documentation. Written records of patrols, and encounters, and all that sort of thing. He hates the paperwork part of his job, and can actually often be found skipping his duties on that front.
- He’s great at the social and personal aspect, and certainly a skilled fighter, but he’d just rather not do the paperwork. More often than once, he has actually been found skipping those duties to instead just explore and enjoy some more frivolous activities, as well as interacting with other fairies and sparrowmen. Often he has been escorted back to his paperwork by two of the scouts under his direct command, Romulus and Kyrie.
Tyrian (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Tzekhal (OC, untitled novel)
Tzuriel (OC, untitled novel)
U-1146/White Blood Cell (Cells at Work)
Ueki (Law of Ueki)
Umbra (OC, Neverland Fairies)
-  Everyone knows Umbra, and everyone sincerely enjoys his company. Of course, this is with the exception of newer fairies, but everyone gets to know him sooner or later, because he loves welcoming everyone new, whether they’re his fellow talent members or not. Umbra is highly social, and genuinely sweet and kind to everyone. Of course, this also means that he is extremely popular, and his good looks of course add to that as well, much to the severe annoyance of Lux.
Undertaker (Black Butler)
Uno (Nanbaka)
Uno (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Uriel (Satan and Me)
Utsuho (Itsuwaribito)
Vafa (Arabian Dreams)
Valiance (OC, The Stormfront Chronicles)
Varian (The Tangled Series)
Vasha (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Venn (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Venture (OC, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Vheildar (OC, Ascension)
Vince (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Viper (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Warren (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Watanuki (xxxHolic)
Wesley (Oz+)
Weston (OC, Beyond the Rainbow)
White Joker (Kuni no Alice)
Willow (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- At first glance, most would look at Willow and think that he’s female. He certainly has a very slender, and almost effeminate body shape, and his long hair doesn’t help either. All around, he genuinely appears female. Even his name could be considered effeminate. However, he is as male as they come, and he does actually take a firm dislike to being mistaken for a girl. Honestly, if someone were to call him a girl too many times, they should be very prepared for a willow whip to the face.
He’s fairly tolerant if it isn’t too often, but.. It’s generally better not to push it too much. Generally, Willow is kind and easy-going, and he takes most things in stride. He’s always willing to help out if he can, except.. If it puts him in a rather demeaning situation. He’ll go along with things for a while, but if he feels at all demeaned or uncomfortable, he will make his feelings known and will stand firm on his refusal to participate.
- There has been the occasional instance of a fairy convincing him to try on a dress, but it doesn’t last long before he gets very annoyed. He also has been flirted with by a few other sparrowmen before they realized he was male like them. Willow’s first appearance in Pixie Hollow was a bit of an event in and of itself, and there was certainly confusion about his gender even then, as his long hair masked most of his figure and even Queen Clarion was fooled for a moment.
- Once he’d settled in with the other garden talents though, it seemed things would be much less confusing, and certainly less exciting, from then on. And for a while, it was. Things had settled down and life went on as it always had. At least.. Until what Willow will now only ever refer to, as the Incident.
Wisp (OC, Neverland Fairies)
Wit (OC, Beast in the Bottle)
Wizardmon (Digimon)
Wolf (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- In the case of this particular sparrowman, the term ‘lone wolf’ isn’t just an expression. This animal talent really tends to be found on his own more often than not, and he is usually working with animals like wolf pups or fox kits, even the occasional bear cub tends to be in his charge. Why? Because despite how he looks, Wolf is actually one of the physically strongest sparrowmen in all of Pixie Hollow, following close behind Ridge and Hatch. He can handle an unruly bear cub, or a mischievous fox kit, no help needed.
- So he tends to be by himself with only animals for company, and occasionally comes across as having little emotion or being somewhat cold. He does have a reckless streak though, and tends to act before he thinks, especially if he feels that what he’s doing is right. Hm. Maybe he should have been a scout instead of an animal talent. But, well, it is what it is. And of course, there is unsurprisingly a reason for his loner behavior.
- There is only one other individual he ever felt remotely close to, even to the point of an almost older/younger sibling dynamic. And that is Michal. Only ever able to see each other from opposite sides of the winter border, Michal had been born a few years before Wolf, and Wolf has always looked up to him, feeling a bond between them that couldn’t be explained.
- And now, the pair of them are excited to be able to visit each other across the border as well, thanks to Tinker Bell and Periwinkle. However, recently, Michal has disappeared, and Wolf is trying to find out why.
Xander (OC, The Faded Legends Saga)
Xavier (The Tangled Series)
Xelloss (The Slayers)
Yamato (Nanbaka)
Yarrow (OC, Neverland Fairies)
- Yarrow tends to be the more serious type, taking his role as healer very seriously and not taking no for an answer, especially if he knows someone needs help but is refusing to accept it. He has even been known to purposely wound himself and perform complex procedures on himself while conscious, to demonstrate that it can be done and there shouldn’t be any concern about it.
- He’s very direct and straightforward, and maybe sometimes the way he goes about things can be considered a little extreme, but he’s practical and everything he does has its purpose. And his life has been relatively calm for the most part. At least.. It was until Ratchet fell into his life. As a matter of fact, it was quite a literal incident, in which Ratchet came crashing through the roof of Yarrow’s home.
Yasuo (OC, untitled novel)
Yogi (Karneval)
Yosuke (Persona 4)
Yudar (OC, the Edovin Trilogy)
Yukito (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Yukito (OC, The Cat Returns)
Yuliy (Sirius the Jaeger)
Yuri (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Yuri Plisetsky (Yuri on Ice)
Zack (OC, Camp Camp)
Zeig (OC, The Edovin Trilogy)
Zeik (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
Zelgadiss (The Slayers)
Zen (Akagami no Shirayuki/Snow White with the Red Hair)
Zera (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Zevran (Dragon Age)
Zigisu (OC, untitled novel)
Zoroaster (OC, Blossoms of the Heart)
Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Zwei (OC, Shinzo/Mushrambo)
* - Fanon OC
** - Original works
*** - Tumblr-made comics/OCs)
41 notes · View notes
t-n-c · 5 years
...I don’t think Aaravos was taking Zym’s power y’all.
I think he was genuinely letting Viren have it.
Hear me out! I’ve got evidence! It’s in numbered form for your viewing convenience! Here we go!
1. If Aaravos wanted to take Zym’s power for himself/his worm body he could have easily manipulated Viren to do a spell or something that would allow him to have it. It would have been as simple as “in order for you to drain the dragonling’s power safely, you must have it pass through the caterpillar first.” It’s also been shown that he has Viren under some kind of spell. So even if he couldn’t manipulate Viren into letting him absorb Zym (you can get him to swallow your worm body but you can’t convince him to let it absorb Zym? Come on Aaravos 😂😂) he could’ve easily forced Viren to do it via their Magic Bond. Doing either of those things would be a hella lot easier than possessing Viren mid-absorption process. But he didn’t do either of those things.
2. The caterpillar has been growing since Viren first swallowed it. It’s feeding off something already, we just don’t know what yet (though I have a guess). Regardless, the caterpillar didn’t need Zym’s magic to grow, he was growing just fine.
3. The caterpillar turns around while Viren’s still absorbing Zym. If Aaravos were draining Zym for himself wouldn’t he be a bit more occupied with the task at hand instead of letting himself get distracted by Rayla? And even as he turns around, the draining process is still happening and the worm isn’t being affected at all.
4. There’s also the fact that ghost!Aaravos watches from behind while Viren absorbs Zym; if he was draining Zym himself, I’d think he’d be less interested in putting energy into projecting his ghost form and more into the draining process, but there he is in the background...it looks like the guy’s waiting for something.
5. Aaravos says “He” in his draining spell. If there’s been one constant regarding dark magic since the beginning it’s that it’s very specific. If you want something done with dark magic--and more importantly done right--you’ve got to know the right incantation. To do the right incantation, you’ll have to include at least one (and some spells may require all) of the following: a reference to the material used (slithering steel, smokey assassins), the target (the magma titan, the moonshadow elf, or even a simple “Them”) and/or what you want it to do (reveal what’s hidden, drag them down). So if Aaravos wanted to take Zym’s power for himself he would have needed to say “I” or perhaps “We” if he planned to keep Viren around and/or continue manipulating him later. But he didn’t say “I” or “We” he said “He.” So we have the target (“he” as in Viren), we have the reference to the material (“your” as in Zym), and we have what Aaravos wants it to do (be ‘swallowed’--ie absorbed--by Viren).
And perhaps the most damning thing of all.
6. He was still able to form a chrysalis without draining Zym of his magic.
And I know what you’re thinking. But TN? What about when Viren’s eyes glow blue like Aaravos’ when the latter uses his magic? Isn’t that proof he’s possessing Viren to take Zym’s power?. Not necessarily, my dudes--again hear me out.
I think it’s preeeeetty much canon that Aaravos’ Not Like Other Elves(TM) (sorry, sorry, excuse the pun 😂)--when other elves use their Special Primal Powers(TM) their eyes turn black and their bodies lose something. But Aaravos’ eyes are always black and his body already has a hollow spot, so when he uses his magic parts of him glow--his eyes and the hole in his chest. Maybe that’s what happens to all startouch elves when they use their magic--it could be that Viren is transforming into a startouch creature and his glowing blue eyes is the proof of it.
But like always this is just some of my thoughts on the topic. People are free to disagree.
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tenspontaneite · 6 years
Meta Post: Elf Horns
This post is about the speculative biology of the horns of elves in The Dragon Prince. It contains 7 diagrams.
It will cover the possible internal anatomy of the horns, their sensitivity to various stimuli, and several possible functions of the horns. As this is mainly directed at fellow content creators, this could be useful for fanfiction authors, or people designing OCs.
You do not need to have seen TDP to read and understand this post. Information in this post could apply to horned humanoids in other canons as well.
Section 3 details ways an elf infant’s horns might develop, and would be useful for writers of kidfic, or people designing child elf OCs. Section 5 includes some horn-related scenarios that may interest writers, such as what might happen when horns break, if horns are removed in infancy, details for sickfic authors, and what might happen if a Startouch elf sheds their keratin.
My sources will be found in my reblog. There will be easy-to-understand summaries at the end of every section.
Content warnings: This post contains multiple diagrams detailing the possible internal anatomy of horns. The diagrams are clinical and do not contain gore, but I do mention blood, sinuses, mucous membranes, and other such things in text. In the fiction application section, I also mention scenarios that involve harm to children via damage to their horns. If you are concerned that any of this may be a problem for you, please feel free to contact me to ask for details.
1.       Introduction
2.       a) Anatomy of horns
          b) Elves with branched horns
          c) Sensitivity of horns
3.       Horn development
4.       Possible functions of elf horns
5.       Scenarios for content creators
1.       Introduction
 Horns are protrusions from the skull of an animal with a core of live bone and an outer sheath of keratin. Keratin is ‘dead’ material, and can also be found in fingernails, hair, and the hooves of some animals. Horns are very distinct from antlers. Horns almost never have branches, for example. Until elves appear whose horns seem distinctly antler-like, I will not be making a detailed analysis of antlers here. Startouch elves probably have horns, not antlers, and will be covered in this post.
n.b. The more technical information about the internal anatomy of horns is almost entirely derived from information on cattle, as due to the fact that we keep them as livestock, there is much more information available about their horns than those of other horned animals. I do, however, offer alternative options for internal horn anatomy of elves.
 Summary: Real-world horns are made out of bone covered in keratin. I am assuming that elf horns work the same way. Horns almost never have branches like antlers do, but they do sometimes, and I’ve got a specific section for explaining how that would work for elves with branching horns. I used a lot of information about cow horns to make this post, because there’s a lot of information available on cows and not so much on antelope or gazelles or such.
2. a)      The anatomy of horns
 I consider two main possibilities for the internal anatomy of elf horns:
Option 1: Elves have a sinus cavity inside their horns.
Option 2: Elves don’t have a sinus cavity inside their horns.
Option 1 is considerably more complex (and interesting for me as an author) so I’ll be spending more time on it.
Please see figure 1. This contains a diagram of an elf who does have sinus cavities in their horns. This skull silhouette was traced from a screenshot of Rayla, so her horns will be our main model today.
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I’ll be running through the different parts of the horn labelled here, going from bottom to top.
Sinus cavity: This is where the sinus would extend into the centre of the horn bone. If you were to cut open an elf horn, this part would appear a pale pink colour, and would be full of weirdly shaped hollow spaces with kind of mucous membranes. The sinus cavity develops as the elf ages, and older elves will have hollow spaces extending further along their horns than younger elves. This will be mentioned in more detail in the developmental section.
Mucosal sinus lining: What it says on the tin – this is the mucous lining at the edge of the sinus cavity.
Bone core: This is the section of the horn that is live bone. It is vascularised, meaning it has blood running through it. If the horn breaks, it will bleed. The bone core of the horn is slightly narrower at the base of the horn to allow space for blood vessels to enter it from the head. To my knowledge, this is also where the nerves enter the horn.
Bone membrane: Also what it says on the tin – this is the membrane over the bone core of the horn, separating it from dermis and hypodermis.
N.b. Not labelled here: Hypodermis. This would be the skin layer underneath the dermis, the ‘main’ skin layer, but my main source stated that it is not distinct in horns, tending to ‘be one’ with the bone membrane.
Dermis: The ‘skin’ inside the horn. The dermis in horns nourishes the epidermis, and as such can be expected to contain blood, lymphatic cells, and likely nerves as well. The dermis in horns tends to have a very specialised structure compared to dermis elsewhere in the body, having some really weird villi. Now, I’m not completely sanguine on what exactly villi do in other types of skin, but I understand that in horns, their weird structure forms the basis for the structure of the keratin made by the next skin layer.
Epidermis basal layer:  This is the layer of skin over the dermis. It produces the keratin that forms the hard outer sheath of the horn, pushing it upwards and outwards throughout production.
Keratin sheath: The hard outer portion of the horn, and what will be visible to outside observers. This can be formed in variable patterns and structures depending on the individual and species – for instance, Moonshadow elves seem to have a loosely curved/spiralling texture on their keratin sheaths. Other elves’ horns may be entirely smooth, furrowed, ridged, or even pronged (as in Startouch elves).
Oldest part of the horn: the tip of the horn is the oldest and densest part, and is the first part that grows in a young elf.
All that described, let’s talk about sinuses.
Sinuses are a connected system of hollow cavities in our skulls, lined with mucous layers. They’re connected to our respiratory system, and fill with air when we breathe. Most sinuses drain into the nose through small channels. Humans have several sinuses: the frontal, maxillary, sphenoid, and ethmoid. See figure 2 for rough representation of where these sinuses are located in humans.
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I should note that, despite being located at various depths in the skull, all of our sinuses are approximately towards the middle of the skull – in other words, along the same sort of mid-line as the nasal cavity. They’re not exactly in the middle, but they’re closer to it than not.
Now, looking at figure 2, you might notice that those sinuses are all kind of a long way away from the horns, and their hypothetical sinus cavities. Elf horns do seem to be located quite far back on the skull. As such, if they do have sinuses in them, elves almost certainly have additional sinuses to humans, and quite possibly any sinuses they do share with us will differ in structure.
These additional/differing sinuses could go pretty much any way, but I’ll present one possibility in figure 3.
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Here, I present an elf with an enlarged and differently-positioned frontal sinus, an intermediate sinus located between the frontal sinus and the horn, and the sinus that extends into the horn cavity. In this case, you might expect the internal skull structure of elves to be slightly different, in order to make room for the extra sinus cavities.
Possible names for the additional horn sinus: parietal sinus, para-frontal sinus.
Possible names for the additional intermediate sinus: prefrontal sinus, para-frontal sinus.
I will be calling the horn-connected sinus the parietal sinus, and the intermediate sinus the prefrontal sinus, as these are probably the most accurate and appropriate names.
All this considered, what are sinuses actually for?
We’re not completely sure.
Sinuses are strange, strange things. One theory is that they’re there to moisten our air, increasing the humidity of air inhaled through the nose. They could hypothetically filter unwanted particles from the air too, or at least some of them. They could, in theory, also help to increase the resonance of our voices.
And, last but not least, having hollow spaces in the skull makes it a bit lighter, which is probably especially helpful for elves with large horns who don’t like neck pain. This would probably be my main argument for why I think elves would have horn sinuses, actually. Heads are heavy, and even without horns to make them heavier, our necks can be pretty rubbish at supporting them. Sinuses would, quite literally, lighten the load.
Of course, it’s possible that elves could lack sinus cavities in their horns, per figure 4.
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In this case, you’d still expect the horn to have a lot of the anatomical traits we discussed before, like the bone, the bone membrane, the dermis, the epidermis, and of course the keratin sheath. The only difference would be the lack of sinus cavities. I suppose it’s possible the bone could contain hollow spaces inside it to make itself lighter, such as in many bird bones.
Summary of Section 2.a)
Some horned animals have sinuses in their horns. Some horned animals don’t. I explained, using diagrams, how the inside of a horn would work for an elf in both cases – sinus and no sinus. Basically, inside the bone of horns, you either have a hollow space for sinuses, or you don’t. Over the bone you have special skin that makes keratin, and over that you have the keratin part of the horn that everyone sees.
Sinuses are hollow spaces in our skulls connected to our breathing system. If elves have sinuses in their horns, they probably have more sinuses than humans, and in different places. This means the insides of their skulls would be slightly differently arranged. I gave an example of a couple additional sinuses elves could have – the parietal sinus, connected to the horns, and the prefrontal sinus, to connect it to the rest of the sinus ‘system’.
I think it would make sense for elves to have sinuses in their horns, since it would help make their horns lighter, which would make elves with large horns less likely to get horrible neck pain.
2.b) Elves with branched horns
  We have observed that at least one elf has horns that appear to branch. In our own animal kingdom, there is no animal whose horns contain branched bone. However, there is an animal whose horns have branching keratin: the pronghorn. In The Dragon Prince, we therefore have three basic options for branching elf horn structure. See figure 5.
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a)       The horn has a bone core that does not branch, but a keratin sheath that does branch. This is similar to the function of the pronghorn’s horn in nature, and is what I’d probably go with personally. This also affords an interesting possibility for elves with branching horns: the pronghorn sheds its keratin sheaths yearly and regrows them.
If elves shed their keratin in this fashion, it might happen yearly, or far more rarely. It would probably represent a time of increased energy needs for the elf – they would likely require more food to supply the regrowth. It’s also possible that if the keratin sheds down to the epidermis, the horn core may be sensitive to the touch until the keratin regrows.
b)      The horn bones function differently to known examples in the Earth animal kingdom, and do branch. This would mean the bone core extends at least vaguely into every branch of the horn, and has its own dermis and epidermis to grow keratin.
c)       (Not pictured) These elves don’t have horns, they have antlers. I’ll not go into this in depth, but if these elves have antlers, you can expect them to shed and regrow on a regular cycle. During growth they will be covered in a velvety coating that is somewhat sensitive, and the antler will be full of blood. If cut they will bleed very profusely. When the antler is fully grown, the velvet coat is scratched off, and the antler is hard, smooth, and generally pale to darker brown in colour. It is no longer sensitive, less vascularised, and can be considered ‘dead’. Eventually it will fall off and the cycle will begin again.
Summary of section 2.b)
Elves whose horns branch could work in a few different ways. Either 1, they’re not actually horns at all, but antlers. 2, the bone of their horns doesn’t branch, but the keratin does, and they might even go through a shedding cycle. Or 3, the bone in their horns branches, unlike any animal on Earth.
2.c) Sensitivity of horns
 Light touch: The horns are supplied by nerves. However, they’re also covered in ‘dead’, insensitive keratin, so you can pretty much guarantee they will not be sensitive to fine touch. Light touches, gentle breezes, even stronger breezes – they almost certainly won’t be sensitive to any of that. If a leaf or feather brushes their horn, they aren’t going to feel it.
Pressure: We can expect elves to be aware of pressure or weight on their horns, if only because this will exert pressure and weight on the skull by extension, or change the weight of the horns in a way perceptible to the elf. An elf would notice if you grabbed their horn unless you did it very, very lightly. You could probably get away with a light poke without them noticing. As stated before, they will not be sensitive to fine touches. If the dermis or epidermis under the keratin is sensitive to touch, then a sufficiently tight grab on a horn could maybe be felt through the keratin, but it would need to be a really emphatic grab, and even then I’m not sure it’s likely.
Pain: We can be certain that, if a horn is broken, it will really hurt. It’s possible then that a sufficiently hard impact – hitting one’s horn extremely hard on the ceiling, for instance – could cause pain to the inner part of the horn. It would also probably cause pain to the hornbed, the skin around the base of the horn, and possibly the skull. If we assume horn sinuses, it’s also very likely that severe colds or sinus infections could cause ‘horn-ache’.
Temperature: This one is difficult to gauge. Animals with horns are quite difficult to interview about the finer details of what they are sensitive to. What we do know: many horned animals use their horns to play a role in regulating their body temperature. Animals adapted to hot climates can even experience frostbite in the ends of their horns if they’re somewhere very cold. I think it’s possible that extreme cold could cause a sort of ache in the horn. I feel that sensitivity to temperature would only happen if the ambient hot or cold were strong enough to warm/cool the keratin layer and trigger hypothetical receptors on the dermis. This could really go either way.
Visceral awareness: It is very likely that elves would be very aware of the position and size of their horns. This would be due to a combination of the weight of the horns on their head, learned responses, and possibly a vague visceral sensitivity to the nerve-supplied inner horns that allows the elf to feel them there, as with any body part.
We can be sure that elves will have a well-developed awareness of how tall their horns make them, and how much they have to duck to get themselves and their horns beneath obstacles. Elves who get their horns stuck on things a lot are either very scatterbrained and/or clumsy people, have done a lot of growing recently, or any combination thereof.
Possible exceptions: If Startouch elves shed their keratin, then it is possible the layer of keratin-producing epidermis would be sensitive to light touch and temperature until the keratin grows back in. Possible, but not certain.
Summary of section 2.c)
Horns wouldn’t be sensitive to light touches, but they do have nerves running through the bone and skin inside them. If they’re broken, it will be very painful, and will bleed. If an elf hits a horn very hard on something, it could make the inside of the horn hurt. Elves will be aware of pressure or weight on their horns, like if their horns are caught on something or if someone is resting a hand on one. They’ll probably have a strong awareness of how tall their horns make them and where their horns are positioned when they move around. There’s a chance the inside portions of horns could be able to feel the difference between hot and cold.
3         Horn Development
 Baby elves, probably to the relief of their mothers, may not be born with horns. The newborn elf might instead have two darker-coloured patches of hairless skin on their skull, where the horns will grow from. Under the skin, the ‘horn bud’ will already be present, and will have been since probably around half way through gestation. It will likely be able to be felt through the skin. Please see figure 6.
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This figure labels the horn bud, the speculative parietal sinus, and the parietal bone the sinus is named for. Not labelled are the speculative prefrontal sinus, the frontal sinus, the ethmoidal sinus, the spheroidal sinus, or the remaining skull bones. This figure is derived from a diagram linked in the sources.
The horn bud is likely to have unusually pronounced nerve growth around it, both prenatally and in infancy, meaning it will be an especially sensitive area on the infant. It’s hard to say what form of sensitivity this would take – could be ticklish, could be soothing. Consider a concept: elf parents stroking their newborn babies’ hornbeds as a common form of affection. Some of this sensitivity around the base of the horn could well remain later into the elf’s life – while it wouldn’t be as sensitive as in an infant, it’s possible that the skin around the bases of elves’ horns could be noticeably more sensitive than the rest of the scalp.
The newborn’s horn buds are essentially tiny, well, buds. Buds of cartilage, bone-producing cells, and keratin-producing cells. They are separate from the skull and not connected to it – yet. The horn will begin growing from birth, and depending on elf newborn growth rate, it may take anywhere from three weeks to several months to protrude a centimetre from the skull. At this stage, it is connected to skin rather than bone on the skull, and is mostly cartilaginous rather than bony. You would be able to poke the horn nub and shift it back and forth a little.
In time, the developing horn produces bone and keratin and fuses to the bone of the skull, and can no longer be wobbled around. We can only guess when this would happen in elf infants. I would estimate somewhere from three to six months, but that’s a very rough guess.
In cattle, the sinus cavities begin developing into the horns at around 12 months of age. This would likely occur much, much later in elves. I would think these sinuses might not start fully extending into the elf’s horns until they were at least five years old, possibly even later. The sinus cavities continue to grow in the horns as the elf grows older; an elf fifty years old would likely have a hollow interior almost all the way along their horns. See figure 7 for a possible progression of the development of the sinus cavities in elf horns.
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Alternatives: Some horn-bearing animals are born with horns already present. Elves could be similar, and emerge from the womb with small horns already on their little skulls. These would likely not be any longer than a few centimetres. They may or may not be fused with the skull, but would not have any sinus cavities yet.
Summary of section 3)
I think it’s likely that baby elves are born with the tiniest, tiniest bumps of developing horns under the skin on their skull. If they’re born with any visible horn at all, it won’t be any longer than a couple of centimetres. When elves are born, their horns probably aren’t connected to their skull yet – the horn might fuse to the skull at around 3 months of age. The places where baby elves’ horns grow in are probably very sensitive. Maybe elf parents tend to stroke them. Some of this sensitivity could remain later in life - hypothetically, the skin around the base of the horn could be more sensitive than the rest of the scalp.
If elves have sinuses in their horns, these take a long time to start growing in. The parietal sinus will start growing into the horn maybe at around five years of age. An older adult elf will have far more hollow sinus space in their horns than a younger adult or a child. This means older elves will have more hollow horns.
4       Potential functions of elf horns
 This section will propose and evaluate potential purposes for elves’ horns.
Please note: this section heavily assumes that elves have some sort of evolutionary history, and that they did not spring fully-formed from their primal sources however many thousands of years ago. Each subsection will contain references first to ‘early’ elves, who would be the primitive ancestors of elves, and then to modern elves.
a)       Fighting, rivalry, and inter-elf disputes
This is the least likely of all options. While many horned animals use their horns to fight each other for territory, mates, or just because they took a disliking to each other, this would not be feasible for elves.
All horned animals on Earth are quadrupeds, which already puts them in a more viable position to use their horns as weapons, as they don’t need to bend forwards as far to headbutt something with their horns, or lock horns with each other. An elf, comparatively, would need to bend over into a downright silly position to get their horns to bear on an opponent. This would be easier for hypothetical elves with forwards-pointed or curved horns, but they would still encounter other issues.
Horned animals tend to have more powerfully built and supported necks than elves. Elves seem to have similar neck arrangement to humans, and as such we can assume they’re not made to withstand significant force applied to the head any more than we are. Even if an elf tried to use their horns to whack someone else, the combination of the position they would need to be in, and the force of impact, would probably cause very serious damage to their necks over time.
It is technically possible that very, very early ancestors of elves were quadrupedal, and had better structural arrangement for using horns as weapons. The process of evolution from a quadruped to an elf would be long enough though that the horns probably (probably, not certainly) would have been selected out of the genepool once they stopped being useful for fighting, unless they had some other useful purpose. Like one of the others yet to be mentioned in this section.
Implications for modern elves: Whether or not horns evolved as weapons, if horns are viewed as weapons, a posture with the head bending forwards towards someone could be seen as aggressive or confrontational. Lowered or brandished horns could be elf-specific body language cues.
b)      Self-defence against predators
This is still fairly unlikely, but not as much so as a). Elf horns, especially backwards-pointing ones, could hypothetically be a deterrent against predators with a tendency to ambush or attack from behind. It would make the back of the neck a less tempting target, as there would be pointy things near there that could poke your eyes out if you tried to go for it.
If elf horns do serve a defensive purpose, it would probably be more as a passive deterrent against neck attacks than as weapons the elf could use. If, for instance, an elf were attacked from behind, they probably could jerk their heads backward to gore the attacker, but they likely wouldn’t be able to do it with much force due to limited neck strength, so the defensive damage they could cause would probably be quite superficial. They might also damage their own necks in the process.
Implications for modern elves: If horns do serve a defensive purpose, an elf might have a reflex when being attacked/startled from behind to jerk their heads backwards to hit the assailant with their horns.
 c)       Some sort of magical purpose
There is basically nothing concrete in canon that would indicate this, but nothing that would directly refute it either. Horns could, in theory, somehow facilitate an elf’s connection to their primal, perhaps as a repository of their arcanum. I’m a bit sceptical of this possibility, but I’m including it just in case.
Implications for modern elves: Elves who break their horns may be unable to cast magic as well or at all, if they were a mage. If horns have a fundamental connection to the arcanum, it’s possible that an elf with broken horns might not be able to access innate abilities, such as a Moonshadow elf’s Moonshadow form. If this is the case, there might well be considerable fear and even stigma surrounding the idea of horn loss.
 d)      Thermoregulation
This one is fairly likely. As previously mentioned, many horned animals on Earth use their horns as one way to help them control their body temperature. Horns contain live bone, which means they contain blood vessels. Assuming these blood vessels are capable of the same things most blood vessels are, this means they can dilate (get wider; vasodilation) or contract (get thinner; vasoconstriction).
These are functions used by the body to control how much heat is lost through the blood. If the blood vessels are dilated, more blood is running through them at once, meaning that there’s more blood at the surface to lose heat from. Vasodilation is used to lose heat when the ambient temperature is too hot. The opposite is done when the ambient temperature is too cold – the blood vessels contract so that they’ll lose less heat from the blood.
This would make horns more useful for heat loss than heat retention, as the presence of horns always provides more surface area to lose heat from than the absence of horns.
The likeliness of this depends heavily on where elves originate from. It is entirely likely that different kinds of elf would differ in the thermoregulatory tendency of their horns. We would see certain physical differences between types of elf if this is the case:
Elves who need to lose heat through their horns would have thinner keratin sheaths on their horns. Elves who need to keep heat as much as possible would have thicker keratin sheaths on their horns.
My personal candidate for ‘most likely to use horns for thermoregulation’ is Sunfire elves. There’s two possibilities for them: that their Sunfire abilities make them need ways to lose heat to stabilise body temperature, or that they’re not in danger from high temperatures and instead are very vulnerable to cold. Technically they could also not suffer from high temperatures and also not be vulnerable to cold, but in the context of thermoregulation, the first two are most important when talking about horns.
Sunfire elves vulnerable to cold would have thick keratin in their horns. Sunfire elves vulnerable to overheating would have thin keratin. I personally think the former is much more likely, because the amount of heat they’re seen channelling is more than could be offset by a pair of heat-sink horns.
Implications for modern elves: Elves adapted to hot regions and to losing heat through their horns would be more vulnerable to cold. Their horns will lose heat for them whether they want it or not. If they end up somewhere cold enough, they can even experience frostbite in their horns. If they end up somewhere really cold, they could also probably experience horn frostbite whether or not they’re hot-climate adapted.
 e)      Sinuses
If we assume the ‘elves have horn sinuses’ theory, then the extra sinus space afforded by their horns could be very important to their biology. We may not be completely sure what sinuses are actually for, but bodies in general seem pretty adamant that they’re important and need to exist.
If elves have horn sinuses, this means their horns fill with air when they breathe. That’s pretty cool.
Implications for modern elves: Mainly apply if an elf loses a horn or has them removed at a young age, or gets a sinus infection. This will be covered in more detail in section 5) Scenarios for content creators.
 f)        Mate selection
This is probably the likeliest purpose for elf horns of them all: that their horns developed at least in part as a characteristic that influenced how primitive elves selected their mates. From this perspective, the horns of an elf could be called a secondary sexual characteristic, which means that they would be part of how ancient elves chose mates, but not directly part of elf reproductive function. In elves, horns of a certain size might signal that their bearer is old enough to be searching for a mate. They would also have been an indicator of how fit and healthy the elf had been over their lifetime, as malnutrition during development can affect the shape, size, and texture of horns.
In nature, animals with horns tend to select mates with larger horns. This would partially be because of the defensive capacity of animals with horns, which doesn’t apply as much to elves. However, as larger horns represent a greater energy expenditure to grow and maintain, they indicate that the potential mate may be healthier and stronger than rivals. This would be especially true for any elves who might shed any portion of their horn, such as hypothetical antlered elves, or the hypothetical pronged keratin of Startouch elves.
Being part of mate selection would explain why elves have horns even if they don’t serve any other useful function. For instance, if elf horns are useless for self-defence, don’t have sinuses, don’t thermoregulate, and don’t play a role in magic, there would be no point in having them. Growing horns would be expensive in energy, using up limited biological resources that could be spent growing or maintaining other parts of the body instead. But nature shows us again and again that many animals will grow very energy-expensive body features, such as a peacock his tail, if it might attract a mate.
If there isn’t any other obvious, very useful reason for elves to have horns, the only remaining possibility is that they contributed to mate selection.
Implications for modern elves: We can expect elves to be conscious of the appearance of their horns much as many humans are conscious of the appearance of their hair. We can expect elves to consider certain horn-related characteristics attractive in other elves. They may have preferences for certain horn shapes, as humans may have preferences for certain hair or eye colours.
We can expect elves to visually enhance their horns and make them more noticeable, such as by decorating or ornamenting them – which, I must point out, is indeed what elves seem to do in canon.
Elves may also easily notice things about each others’ horns that indicate poor health, much as we would notice someone looking sick and pale.
Summary of section 4)
Elves probably don’t consider horns to be weapons for fighting or self-defence. If they tried to use them to fight, they would probably damage their necks. It’s still possible that certain ways of holding one’s head and horns could be elf-specific body language, though – like lowered horns meaning anger or aggression. It’s possible that elf horns might be involved in their magic, but we’ve seen no sign of it in canon yet.
Elf horns could be used to help regulate body temperature – if this is true, some elves will be more sensitive to cold, because their horns are designed to lose body heat. They might even get frostbite in the ends of their horns. If elves have sinuses in their horns, their horns would play a role in maintaining their breathing system, and would be lighter than you’d expect big head-mounted horns to be.
If elf horns aren’t useful for any of these things, or even if they are, the most likely possibility for why elves have horns: early elves selected mates based on what their horns looked like. This would mean that modern elves probably consider horns something they can be attracted to in other elves, like nice hair or hands or eye colour. Elves will probably want to make sure their horns look nice and are presentable. This seems very likely, since canonically, elves do decorate their horns, drawing attention to them and making them look more interesting.
5       Scenarios for content creators
This section is directed at people who produce content involving elves, or horned half-elves. This could be writing, producing OCs, or anything of the sort. This section will involve a fair bit of discussion of horn breakage, as well as intentional horn removal in adults and children.
 Horn breaking
If the very tip of a horn is broken off, it may not bleed. It will probably not grow back.
If a horn is broken further down the horn, it will be very painful, and will definitely bleed. There is a chance that it may grow back. Someone who has recently suffered a broken horn will probably want to stop it from bleeding, try to prevent infection, and use some variety of painkiller.
If your elves have horn sinuses, infection may be likelier when the horn is broken, and could spread to the respiratory system quite easily. It could also interfere with the natural function of the sinuses.
Side note on breaking sinus-bearing horns: since the air the elf breathes will flow in and out of their sinuses, if your elf has really bad breath and breaks a horn, you’ll be able to smell it in the horn.
 Horn removal
Removing an adult elf’s horns, or the horns of a child, would be an incredibly painful and traumatic procedure. It could take them a long time to recover, and they could have difficulty adapting afterwards, possibly having issues with getting used to the lack of weight on their heads. To remove established horns, you would need to break or saw them off, which would cause significant pain and bleeding.
Removing the horns of a baby is still painful, but easier. If you have a child young enough that their horn buds haven’t fused to their skull yet, the procedure is known as ‘disbudding’, and the horn bud can be removed to stop the horns from growing at all. As the hornbeds of infants are very sensitive, this will cause them pain for days if they aren’t provided with medication, though the wound itself will heal quite quickly. There are several methods for disbudding, used on cattle, that can be researched by any content creators who care to. If you’re writing about a baby half-elf whose parent wants to hide their elven heritage, you might choose to have them disbudded. Removing the skin at the top of the horn bud can also prevent horns from growing.
Important note: if your elves have horn sinuses, removing the horns of a young child will cause developmental issues. If those sinuses would naturally grow into the horns, that means they need to be there. In the absence of horns to grow the sinus cavity into, the parietal sinus will make room in the skull itself, leading to a bulging cranium. An elf child who grows up without horns will have a visibly misshapen skull. As this has only been observed in dehorned/disbudded cattle, it’s unknown what effects this could have on the cognition of a sapient being like an elf. It could have a whole host of neurodevelopmental effects.
If your elves have horn sinuses, then severe colds, flu, or sinus infections will probably give your elf horn ache. This could be handy for anyone who likes to write sickfics, as it’s a new and exciting way you can cause your characters misery.
If your elf has antlers or is a Startouch elf with keratin prongs, they will shed their keratin from time to time. How often this might happen is up to you. In pronghorns it happens yearly, but you could easily synchronise your elf’s shed with some variety of cycle inherent to their primal source, or something else. They will probably be hungry when they are regrowing their keratin. It may or may not itch. While the dermis is exposed, it may or may not be sensitive to light touch.
An elf who wasn’t eating well or who was sick a lot when their horns were growing might show signs of it on their horns. Inconsistent diet or high energy needs can make energy divert from growing the horn, which can lead to ‘ridges’ in the keratin where it’s thinner or a different texture to usual. If an elf had been sick or starving a lot as a child, another elf would probably be able to tell by looking at the shape or surface of their horns.
 Summary for section 5)
Broken horns will hurt and bleed, and might get infected. They may or may not grow back, depending on a lot of circumstances we don’t understand well.
Removing horns of an adult or child would be incredibly traumatic and painful, and would take a while to recover from. Removing the horns of a baby would be painful but less traumatic, as you can remove the ‘buds’ of the horns before they have a chance to connect to the skull and grow. If your elves have horn sinuses, removing the horns of a baby or child will cause their skulls to become visibly swollen and misshapen as they grow.
Elves whose horns branch may or may not shed the hard outer layer on a cycle. If elves have sinuses in their horns, their horns may ache when they’re sick. If an elf had a bad childhood with a lot of sickness and not enough food, it might be visible in the surface texture and shape of their horns.
  That’s about it for now.
 Final word: I made this for fun, because whenever I start asking questions about worldbuilding details, especially details about speculative biology or metaphysics, I am basically incapable of stopping myself from going on a maniacal research-and-speculation spree. I wrote it up and posted it because this fandom is currently active, and I hope this information might help or inspire fellow content creators. If you use my research at all, or even just found it interesting, please let me know! I’d be delighted to hear about it.
This post presents things I think are possible. They don’t have to be the only way things are. These are just possibilities I came up with while researching a lot, and they are possibilities that I like and will probably use in my own writing. I am not looking to have arguments about this post. Cheers. Please check the reblogs for my sources.
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too-much-tdp · 5 years
Star dragon from cocoon
I wonder if it is really elf Aaravos that is going to emerge from the cocoon. I have the theory that it might be a star dragon instead and that he uses the caterpillar to transcend into a more powerful form (as dragons generally seem to be more powerful than elves - now imagine an arch dragon that wields the magic of all six primal sources).
Maybe he wants to return to the elves’ “original” shape, as some have speculated that elves are in some way a humanoid derivative of dragons (horns, four fingers = four claws, magic abilities inside a “human” body). Or maybe elves have nothing to do with dragons wrt their origin but he still wants to update his power level to achieve his goals, may they be related to “Xadia vs. humans” or to his discoveries of “original magic”. He might also want the body of a star dragon because it could hold the power to break the mirror spell for his still-imprisoned elf body, as now his power in the outside world matches that of the arch dragons that banished him.
This also paints his imprisonment in a new light. Maybe it was in fact part of his plan because he needed to find the right person that would create a caterpillar with him and be willing to go through very questionable and dangerous acts like the cleansing ritual and getting to the point of being able to absorbing the magic of an arch dragon, and Viren, with his desperate willingness to use whack and shady means to accomplish his goals, his hatred of elves and magic and his competence to aggressively invade Xadia, was the right person for that.
Maybe during pre-imprisonment times he didn’t find anybody who would actually fulfill his crazy plans, so being erased from history was actually very much welcomed and intended by him, as well as “falling into the hands” of powerful, desperate humans whose situation had worsened considerably over the last few centuries since his disappearance.
I would assume that the dragon would be more like a second body that he controls like the caterpillar. That is, his actual startouch elf body stays the home of his spirit/soul and he gains a second body, so to speak, that he can use in the outside world.
If elf Aaravos were to emerge I wonder how they would handle it. Would the original body in the mirror prison just die and his spirit would wander into the new body, leaving the old body behind to become a corpse that eventually decays in the mirror? Is the thing that is growing inside the cocoon not so much a body but instead a portal so Aaravos can reach the outside world with his actual body? Or will it be a second body that he puppeteers like he does with the caterpillar, resulting in one mind that controls two elven bodies?
Out of those three, the last one appears too clunky of a solution from a storytelling point to me if there are no limitations to the new body (like it’s not permanent or in some other form restricted). It wouldn’t feel like very elegant worldbuilding or writing, because it seems redundant to me to have him have two identically functional bodies. The one in the mirror becomes obsolete because if he gains physical access to the outside world he doesn’t need to be freed from the mirror anymore. The situation of the body in the mirror loses its relevance for the plot. It would just sit around in that realm for eternity. Its circumstances would be a dead end and that seems like a strange way to end the mirror arc to me. The first one seems rather grotesque and feels slightly weird (but that would probably not stop the writers at this point, I guess).
But all of this makes the star dragon theory an interesting idea in my eyes. Aaravos’ actual body would still be captured in the mirror, meaning there would remain the tension of having to set it free. At the same time I think an evolved caterpillar form would make for an interesting alternative to a restricted/temporary elf body (because he would not just gain a copy of his body but a second, non-humanoid form, that adds to him).
And then maybe he could merge the two bodies into one, granting him the ability to change between his elven and his newly acquired dragon form, evolving him into a new type of magical being.
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raayllum · 4 months
I'm so sorry, but I'm SO confused. What's the difference between Deep, Dark, and Star Magic? And how are they connected??
Basic definitions:
Dark magic: magic taken by using the essence of magical creatures. Most spells need specific ingredients (sometimes multiple) and trigger words and we also see the Relic (Viren's) Staff being used for dark magic purposes*. Has no naturally occurring gemstones
Star magic: magic used by Startouch elves and a handful of other creatures, such as Starweaver spiders, or cuddlemonkeys (Stella). Involves visions, time, and seeming teleportation (Stella's little portals, the Merciful One beaming down to Aaravos, Aaravos' little bug pal*). It is incredibly rare and largely unknown in canon. Has three gemstones — quasar diamonds — that can be used to channel star magic and restore souls to bodies (most likely)
Deep magic: an ancient, older form of magic performed by beings — First Elves — in a time before there were distinct primal elves. We know one form of deep magic is just known as 'Power'.
Relevant metas (bolded is most relevant; rest are adjacent and/or helped develop bolded)
Weird connection between dark magic, star magic, and old/blood magic
Did Viren use star and dark magic to save Soren?
What's up with the dark magic dreams and Janai's nightmare?
Gift Giving & Primal vs First Elves :: Or Going Off Into the Deep Lore Deep End
What happened with Elarion?
Misc thoughts:
The tricky thing about your question OP is that the only magic of the three we have a 'good' understanding of is dark magic. Dark magic is a very cut and dry transactional process — you kill or take parts from a magical creature in order to channel that specific power into your spell — but for both star and deep magic, we can only guess. The fact that both these things are very often muddled with dark magic complicates things further.
For example, while Little bug pal / Sir Sparklepuff is very clearly Star magic — he's born and mirrored after Aaravos — "using his essence" to fully resurrect Viren is about as dark magic-y as it gets ("I'll harvest her / consume you" about Zym and Zubeia; "How are we going to take it home?" "In pieces" about the dragon in 2x07).
Then, we have Aaravos call the Blood of Child ritual "one of the old spells," which is routinely how other things — such as the Sarai avenge spell ("I knew about an ancient spell") and objects related to Aaravos (the relic staff, the cube being "an ancient relic") are referred to as well. Kpp'Ar's arm wounds are also distinguished as being "from an ancient and disturbing practice". We see blood being used in more minor dark magic spells (Claudia uses her blood to help breathe underwater, and Kim'Dael drinks it + moon magic combo) but there's been multiple instances of blood being used in spells that also use star magic (Sir Sparklepuff, the unicorn horn) alongside blood (Viren's blood, Harrow's blood) that also results in dark magic corruption ("No more dark magic, never again!" vs Viren's corrupted face after he corrupts the spear).
There are also more weird similarities — the way Callum and Viren's dark magic induced dreams warp time (Callum's foreshadow his dark magic use in S5; Viren is literally speaking to his past self "here we are again, only this time...") are the only things we've seen work that way, other than Janai's dreams that she asserts "may be a warning". And we know that time-bending and reality altering stuff is related to star magic (Callum's Spellbook).
We also know thanks to s5 that Startouch elves are known as the First Elves in ancient legends (there's that word again). Rayla states "if I can figure out how he put you into the cursed coins, maybe I can figure out how to get you out". Viren's staff — a gift from Aaravos a thousand years ago — is what put them in (dark magic?) but star magic is what can get them out (in theory) so there's a connection drawn there. The one Startouch elf we know well is Aaravos, and he can possess people if they've done dark magic, so there's a personal connection there he's pulling on through the magics, and we know he had some involvement in humans acquiring dark magic at least.
Basically the nearest thing I can figure is that:
Star magic and deep magic are possibly synonymous with no difference between them.
Unicorn / Startouch elf Leola helped give humans primal magic from a 'good' form of deep/star magic but it wasn't enough for insert xyz reason
Aaravos took it one step further and helped give humans dark magic from a form of 'bad' deep/star magic (Power), possibly through his cube key. It's primarily rooted in taking the blood/essence of things
Dark magic pulls on both this form of deep (star) magic Power and primal magic in a twisted perversion. Hence the dreams, corruption, and Aaravos' ability to possess
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elk-crown · 5 years
Don't know if anyone else already has an idea on this- But... Aaravos told Viren he'd make him more powerful than his human form? (Vaguely remember him saying something about ascending)There's a few implications that could be here but I think my favourite idea could be that Aaravos turns Viren startouched. Its far off but still! Anyone else got ideas on what he may have meant?
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netflixoxygenoxygen · 6 years
aaravos || memories
They couldn’t break you fully. Hurt you, and you would have simply waited until death. Killed you, and you would have simply moved onto the next life to meet with Aaravos. 
There was nothing you feared.
Or so you thought.
aaravos x gender neutral reader, angst, mentions of torture, >1.5k 
The cell was pitch black.
At first, you had liked that. It meant you could slip into dreamland, fool yourself into thinking you weren’t awake, weren’t alive, even.
That was before the memories began to attack you. They hurt. 
Dragged to your knees, head pulled back to watch as he was taken away, casted into a mirror dimension right before you. His eyes met yours one last time; a million years would never wipe that look from your mind.
The darkness meant that you couldn’t escape the memories. Darkness that had once been your friend, your lover. The time of stars in the night sky, scattered on his body.
It was then that you began to love the pitch blackness once more.
You could pretend that the crawling on your skin was not whatever vile creatures festered in the cell; no, it was his fingers trailing your arms, face, like he used to. Pretend that if you opened your eyes, you would wake to his starlit face, and not more nothingness. The cold grip on your wrists were his hands, not the chains.
Those thoughts took up a lot of energy. A lot of will. But you forced yourself to think them, forced yourself to live through the life before you had been caught over and over if only so that when you did finally die, you might not even notice it. You would awaken in the afterlife, wherever and whatever that might be, with him waiting there.
You had long accepted that you would die. No one came to see you. To give you food or water. How long had it been? 
You only wished for death to hurry.
The flame of hope; death. Oh, the irony. 
And when bright light flooded through the cell, your heart soared. You had arrived.
But it was not Aaravos’ face you were met with.
Instead, it was the face of another elf, eyes sharp and disgusted as they glared down at your form.
You had not died.
“You’re coming with us!”
“Hey, be more gentle--”
“You defending the freak?”
“No! If it dies, we’re in trouble, remember? Tch, idiot.”
“Be quiet! It’ll live. Humans always do.”
You did not want to. Could they kill you if you wished? You wanted to tell them that, but however long you had gone without water was too long; your throat was rawer and drier than the west of the continent.
Your heart began to pound weakly against your chest as they hauled you away from the dungeons. 
Whatever this was, there was no way they’d let you live freely and happily.
It was a trick. One you could not bring yourself to care about. If all they did was harm you, that would be fine. As long as they dared not to try pit you against Aaravos; as long as they dared not use you against him. 
You were taken to a large chamber. Candles hung suspended in the air, a circle of robed elves in the center, their faces cast in deep shadows. You were shoved into the midst of it all, too starved to try to move. 
It was fine.
You would accept whatever they did to you. 
It might have been the only way you’d die.
“Y/N of the humans. You, who conspired with the traitorous startouch elf, must now pay the price. You, who dared to steal magic from others, must now atone for your sins! Now!”
The elves lifted their arms, the robes hiding the candles from view.
You might have smiled. You might have been too weak to.
All you knew was that you were fine with whatever atonement they deemed necessary. They couldn’t break you fully. Hurt you, and you would have simply waited until death. Killed you, and you would have simply moved onto the next life to meet with Aaravos. 
There was nothing you feared.
“Obliviscatur te in unum. Obliviscatur te docuit ille qui. Obliviscentes in tenebris.”
Or so you thought.
“Obliviscatur te in unum. Obliviscatur te docuit ille qui. Obliviscentes in tenebris.”
“Obliviscatur te in unum. Obliviscatur te docuit ille qui. Obliviscentes in tenebris.”
You screamed, silently, internally, eternally.
It couldn’t have been.
But it was.
It was it was it was. 
You were wrong. 
You feared one thing. 
A life without Aaravos. A life without memories.
Death would have been a thousand times favoured. A lifetime of torture better endured, if it meant you would return to his arms. 
Now, now...
You might have met him later. Might have found him again in that second life, waiting. No matter how agonizing the days. No matter how wrenching the loneliness. You would have waited.
Because you would have never forgotten.
Even as the seconds ticked by, your mind began to crumble.
Memories. Hundreds upon thousands of them. 
The first time you had seen the elf with the universe in himself. Your first meeting, the way he had raised an eyebrow at your antics. The day you had gathered enough courage to ask him to teach you magic in any way he could, knowing it was likely impossible, putting all your hope and faith in him. The relentless hours of study and spell-casting that never succeeded until that summer evening. You had pulled the magic out of the butterfly in front of you and had lit up his dark garden with a thousand lights. The moment the magic spilled out, the wondrous smile on his face as you both knew, in that moment, that anything and everything was possible.
Anything and everything.
Your name was Y/N L/N. You were a human that woke up surrounded by a group of elves all glaring down at your frail, thin body underneath the sheets. If you looked, you would see your ribs poking out and the sharp shape of your legs.
Your head hurt. Your body did too. It alarmed you. Why were you in such a condition? Why were you in such a lavish sick room? Why were you surrounded by such noble elves? So many questions, and yet you were not the one doing the asking.
“Do you know how to do magic?”
You stared at the elf who spoke, blinking in confusion. “No...I’m a-a human. Why...why would I?” You cautiously answered, feeling like your life hung in those words.
The elves seemed to deflate in relief. But they did not move. You couldn’t understand why you were so attuned to their emotions. Like you knew all their signs.
The elf turned to the one next to them. “It’s all gone now. We can release it.”
“Are you sure?” The other one insisted. “What if it returns--”
“It won’t. Trust me on that.”
You didn’t understand what they were talking about. Had you been caught up in something? An attack? A conspiracy? 
Didn’t care.
You had to return home. Someone was waiting. Someone...
Who was it that was waiting? Waiting in that room, decorated with stars...
You winced as a spark of pain lashed out from within your head. 
That’s right!
Your mother was waiting. Waiting at your home with her on the outskirts of the country. 
“If I may leave...” You began hesitantly, but with a firm determination. There was so much work to be done at home. Chores and studies. 
Studies of...
Studies of the farm work. You were to take over the farm once mother let you. You had to study how to do everything she did. 
That’s right.
The elf shook their head. “You must come with us first. It will only be a moment.”
You nodded. That was fine. As long as you returned home quickly enough. He didn’t like it when you were late.
No, she. Mother. Mother didn’t like it when you were late.
You’re hefted from the bed in one smooth motion by a larger elf. 
The walk is hurried, but long. Passing the windows, you tried to catch a glimpse outside but you go too quickly. You swore there was smoke in the distance. You went down many flights of stairs, the lower it went, the darker it became. Your heart began to race when you recognised the dungeons. You passed a door that made you nauseous. You could not bear to look at it. It gave you bad vibes. 
Like...like you could not stand it.
Like something had happened there.
The elves stopped at the cell furthest in the dungeons, the door barricaded generously.
When they unlocked it, you’re met with the sight of an elaborate mirror, runes carved into the frame.
The mirror scared you.
But you did not know why.
You stared at your reflection, eyes wide. 
A shadow passed your face, but it made your head ache. You squeezed your eyes shut, and when you opened them, only your tear-stained face stared back.
Were you crying?
“Tsk. We’ll have to give it another go.”
“Are you sure about that? It may damage it permanently.”
“Do you want to risk it? Do you?” The sharp-eyed elf scoffed. “Asking me ‘are you sure’! Honestly, if I didn’t know better, you are on their side--”
“Of course not! How dare you think that?!”
“Enough. Don’t fight in front of it.”
You did not understand why they were so agitated. You did not understand why you were so emotional. Where did these tears come from? Where did this sea of emotion...
What sea of emotion?
You didn’t feel anything.
The mirror. It must have been dangerous. It must be the one doing all these things to you.
You dropped your gaze, staring down at your wet hands. 
The mirror hurt to look at.
It must have been dangerous.
You did not look at him.
You looked through him. 
Your eyes, that had once gazed at him so lovingly and passionately, now stared blankly at the mirror. You were confused. You were not...
He had fallen in love with your mind, your heart, your passion and desire to grow and learn magic, your silly antics and mannerisms; he had fallen in love with the you that was so clearly not in front of him, a you that moved so little, sat so still. The you that had so clearly been taken away and buried.
He could not bear to see you like that. Your body wrapped in bandages, held by the large elf that gripped you too tightly. Your eyes, dull and different and unseeing.
Your magic, your memories--you were gone.
Of that, he was sure.
And yet, as the elves took you away, speaking of a second round of spells, giving him one last scathing glare as they threw the cloak over the mirror, Aaravos found that that was fine with him.
At least then, you could have a second life. Spared by the lifetimes and lifetimes of pain he would be forced to go through. You would not remember him and all the memories you had shared; from the walks under the starry night, the quiet moments reading together, the days he had awoken to you hovering above him, happily whispering a good morning. From everything and anything you two had shared.
That was fine.
He would meet you again. 
Until then, you could live a life of happiness. What he had always wished for you. What he had not been able to give you.
Because of them.
Aaravos turned away from the mirror.
Until then, he would never forgive those who had separated you from him.
He wouldn’t be idle. 
Lifetimes and lifetimes trapped he would endure.
If only to avenge you when the time came.
a/n: jumping on that aaravos bandwagon yay! first thing ive written for tdp sooo i hope you like it!! thanks for reading!!
(yes i used google translate for the spell. just in case someone wants to know, it’s supposed to say something like “forget who you love forget the magic within” but i forgot (wow the irony) what i wrote exactly and google translate is translating it into something else entirely so whoops)
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queenjanai · 5 years
uhhh give us elavos stargazing. or is that too Cliche(TM)
absolutely not, my friend. under a cut because it turned out a bit longer than i expected.
elarion loved to watch the stars, aaravos found out, much to his contention. at first he thought it was a simple, joyful coincidence. at second he considered it may be a joke of the universe, but that would be impossible, because he was made of the universe, and he would know.
because of whatever reason it may be, his human, the pierce human who managed to get a grasp on earth magic, his lover, enjoyed watching the stars. more than often she would climb up to the roof of his cabin- despite having no ladder, because elarion didn’t believe in obstacles- cross her legs and gaze at the stars like she had seen them for the first time.
“should i be jealous?” he had ask her one time, as she returned to their bed with a steaming cup of moon tea. it was a cold winter day, and the snow wouldn’t cease from falling, and elarion insisted that they shall gather all the blankets and spend the day beneath them.
“certainly not, love,” she planted a small kiss on his shoulder and wrapped his stars covered arm around her, enjoying the warmth. “can you even get jealous?”
now was the same as any other time. elarion sat with her back to the stone chimney, her eyes staring, scanning, calculating the stars like she might find an answer in there. her voice was not desperate, though, it was knowing. it was understanding.
“this one, we call the stallion,” she pointed at a cluster of shinning lights, a smile on her face. it was strange for aaravos to search for a form in the sky. whenever he looked up, he just saw his skin, no the shapes elarion loved so much. he just saw stars.
still, not wanting to disappoint her or seem like he was mocking her interest, he followed her as she explained where the head and the tail were, the body and even two back legs, and soon the stars connected and took the shape of a stallion. 
“does he mean anything?” aaravos asked, twirling one of elarion’s curls around his finger. she shook her head with that knowing grin that he loved so much.
“he just helps us find the northen triangle. see?” just above it, three stars that formed a triangle pointing towards the moonshadow mountains, and with them, the north.
startouch elves couldn’t lie. physically. aaravos learnt that when he was a mere boy, his horns pointing just slightly out of his silver hair, and a strong ache would hit his throat once he tried to be untrue. but aaravos was an honest elf, not an unclever one.
“no,” he turned his head to the other side, pretending not to see where elarion’s northen triangle was, because he wasn’t.
she knew the trick by heart, and laughed before taking his hand, making him close all his fingers but one before she raised it to the sky. “there.”
“oh. now i see it,” he opened his hand to lace their fingers together, and elarion laughed again.
they sat in quiet for a while, elarion’s head on his shoulder, their hands still together, their legs tangeled. aaravos realized her humanity began to rub off on him as much as him being an elf rubbed off on her. he had seen humans doing absolutly unnecessary things like taking a nap despite sleeping more than enough on a night, eating things that are in no way benefit their health, chasing each other for fun… and he found out himself wanting to drift off with ela by his side on the roof, even though it made no sense.
“why do you like doing this so much?” he turned to her and she lifted her head, brown eyes looking almost black in the darkness. “i don’t think i ever asked you.”
she looked away from him and into the sky, a thoughtful hint in her eyes that always appeared whenever she was thinking of something important. “my mother taught me the constellations when i was young,” she finally spoke. “she would open the window in our roof and teach me each one. it was almost hopeful, after my father died. it reminds me there are so many people looking at the same stars, so many lives out there.” a small smile crept on her lips, warm as the summer air, and she returned to him. “it also reminds me of the day you saved me,” her voice was so quiet he almost thought he was dreaming.
he cupped her cheek, stroking it, and couldn’t no smile back at her. “thank the stars for that.”
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Hihi. Since you are like a Guru of The Dragon Prince, and I've come to this fandom pretty late, I would like to ask you if this was discussed before: The name of the elves seems to follow a pattern so far we know: source of power + skill; aka, Moonshadows can become a Shadow; skywings can be born/ grow wings; Sunfires, can turn into "fire"[molten], but Aaravos is a Startouch elf. This brought to me the idea that his "true" power, beyond being a powerful archmage, is related to touching. 1/2
What one can expect from someone with a touching-power is to drain their power [and certainly the similarity of this potential power with the Dark Magic is quite interesting]. So… that may be the reason why he was isolated and trapped in a mirror guarded by the Dragons? The mirror did not allow any touching. He should not Touch creatures around, because his true power is unleashed?. any thoughts or info I dont know about this? Sorry, I’m late into this fandom t.t 2/2
I’m absolutely no such thing as a guru, but I can yeet a few ideas out there for you, since there has been speculation on the naming conventions for the elven races.
There’s a general headcanon that a single concept anchors all the elven race names together. The first part of their race names are their primal sources, and the second part is, well, we’re not 100% sure. But it is likely related to the effect of the primal source on the elves, the powers it bestows on them, or the skills they gain. Or some of all three, plus something we haven’t thought of yet. 
So we’ve got Sunfire,  Moonshadow, Earthblood, Ocean-mumble-something/Waterwet elves, Skywings, and Star Touch elves.
My personal take is that these six things are metaphors for physical embodiments of the primal sources. Six things that the elves can physically do to affect their world, thanks to their arcanum. I made this post about the six elven race names a while back, using Sarai’s comment to Callum about truly knowing something. Seemed kinda cool.
Sunfires have that heat and light being. They also seem to use their emotions to fuel those states, like Janai did when her sister was killed. With the ability to turn off their emotions and still burn hot, the question of power usage is just a matter of What?
Moonshadows can turn invisible, become one with the night, step into the darkness of their own souls. Because they will do anything, no matter how hard it is or what it costs, the question they ask isn’t what or why, but How?
Earthbloods are very steady, and they are connected to living things. The word “lifeblood” is probably integral to their magic, their perspective, and their skills. They’re deeply rooted in history, and that steadies them. They’re very patient as a result, so their question is always When?
Ocean elves are said to be warm, caring, family-oriented creatures. Water is life, and the other half of the concept of “lifeblood”. They’re those friends who will drop everything to help you move across the country, who will answer their phones at 3am because it’s you who’s calling them. The most important question to them is Who?
Skywings can literally fly, they embrace that third dimension in their calculations, they’re flexible and mentally agile. They can and will do anything they like, and it’s just a matter of Where?
Star Touch elves see so much more than anyone else. They have all the answers. Too many answers, perhaps. Do they see possible futures? Can they pick and choose how to guide the rest of the world? Divination is a heavy burden to carry, because your choices never come down to How or Where or When. When everything is possible you need to make your choices based on Why?
So, what’s the metaphor behind Aaravos’s power of touch? It seems like one of those nifty concepts that applies in a dozen different ways. Aaravos can touch everything from Viren’s ear to history itself. His ability to influence–one synonym for touch–is unparalleled, due to a combination of his long life and his powerful skill set. He turned Queen Khessa to ash with a single touch. He can magically create the ability to touch, using a willing partner and a series of magic spells that set his caterpillar free in the world, able to make physical contact with Viren.
But I think the most important aspect of touching for Aaravos is that he was imprisoned in an attempt to keep him from using every single one of his touch-related abilities. Aaravos is purposely being kept out of touch. He literally cannot touch the world, and had to watch as it passed him by, as decisions were made without him, as lives were lived and new creatures came into being, free to do exactly as they pleased without a single bit of contact, on any level, from a Star Touch who could see so much.
I know I go on a bit with my love for Aaravos being a karma god, able to give people exactly what they deserve, but if that mirror prison isn’t a karmic Star Touch punishment, I dunno what is.
If Aaravos really is growing himself a new body to pop his astral form into, then I’ll be on the edge of my seat to see exactly how his senses of touching will be unleashed. I expect there will be many instances that call back to his name: Star Touch. Physical touch, the touch of destiny, influencing events around him (the physical embodiment of ta’veren, perhaps), and maybe further-flung related ideas, like making someone “touched in the head”/driving them mad–looking at you, Viren–or bestowing gifts/powers/arcana to those around him.
Aaravos keeps using the creepiest powers possible. It’s far more visceral than I expected for an elf so connected to mental powers. He’s got bugs down people’s throats and he’s grabbing queens by the face and murdering them with his finger. He’s very touchy indeed. I don’t think that level of shenaniganry is going to disappear anytime soon, either. Aaravos is going to be a very hands-on elf. And I’m thinking that that may be a big part of why people dislike him so much.
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