#i may come back to bakugou once season 6 airs and i can get back into his mindset or whatever
bakgos · 2 years
hi. so ive been gone LMAO ive been adjusting to my “work promotion” ive gotten , having a more fulfilling social life & generally just trying to handle new stresses thrown my way too. right now , writing canon characters is difficult for me but i miss writing on tumblr & making new friends , so i listened to my impulse and made a new blog lmao. imma reblog the lil self promo i made on it over here , but the blog can also be found HERE.
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shutupandshipit · 4 years
Sharpen Your Blades - Ch.7
Summary: “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
The thinning of Aizawa’s patience was evident in the twitching of his brow. “If you stop asking questions, maybe I could finish explaining.
”With a huff and roll of his eyes, Katsuki glanced away from their coach.
“City Hall and the SC want us to give them more variety. We are a team solely made up of single skaters. Every year, we dominate the rankings for single skate while Shinketsu dominates the pairs, so this year both cities are being required to split their skaters evenly between singles and pairs with at least one pair coming from out top five.” There was a collective intake of breath, but no one commented, choosing instead to remain silent. “Unfortunately, for us, it’s a lot easier to switch from pairs to singles. With our male to female ratio, alpha/beta/omega ratio, and those of you actually experienced with pair skating, we’re at a disadvantage. So, I’ve decided to choose your partners for you.”
Or where Katsuki and Izuku are forced to be partners so they can continue to compete, but the blood in the water may be thicker than anyone realized.
Pairing: Bakudeku
Rating: T
Chapter: 7/20
Previously <- Chapter 6: Something about cats and bags
Chapter 8: First Snows -> Next
Chapter 7: Catch
“Making their debut, our first place winners are still unofficial as they haven’t presented yet, but we cannot wait until they do! When they go official, they are going to dominate the competition! So, without further adieu, coming in first place, we have Bakugou Katsuki as lead and Midoriya Izuku as follow! Let’s give these two youngsters a round of applause!”
The announcer’s voice rang distantly in Izuku’s ears. With his anxiety and panic and excitement all mixed together, his heartbeat raced and his face burned. Katsuki’s heat pressed into his side, the back of his neck and shoulders, didn’t help the situation. The thud of his heartbeat in his ears was nearly deafening in the already loud rink. All of the applause and shouting voices and whistling was echoed and amplified by the dome.
Gold medals and pretty red ribbons were hung around their necks. Just another sensation that Izuku’s overstimulated mind struggled to incorporate.
Dizzy nausea swirled over him. The announcer moved on to the second and third place winners, but his mind didn’t stop spinning.
He was only seven. He didn’t know how to deal with his emotions in a healthy way yet, but he knew how to act like he did. It was one of the first things he’d learned how to do when his father started to disappear for longer and longer stretches of time, and his mom couldn’t hold in her grief around him anymore.
While his smile remained firmly in place, he felt himself sway just slightly.
Katsuki’s arm tightened across his shoulders, holding him upright even as his knees turned to jelly beneath him. “Almost done. Then we can go home and watch tv.” His voice was quieter, much quieter than the cacophony around them, but Izuku heard him clear as day. Just like always. Just like it was one of Katsuki’s superpowers. “Can you make it?”
“I can make it,” Izuku told him, and though he wasn’t sure if he was being truthful, he knew Katsuki would make sure it was the truth in the end.
October Week 4
Aizawa stood at the entrance to the rink, but unlike nearly a month ago when Izuku had been on the same side as him, he was on the ice this time. Their coach pinched the bridge of his nose while he waited for them to form up and shut up, brows pulled close together as if he had a headache. It was early in training for him to have a headache though, so Izuku thought that someone else must have caused it this time.
The team quieted down faster than the time before.
Izuku could almost taste their anxiety on the air. Or maybe that was just his own.
“Alright,” Aizawa started, not lifting his head, but cracking his eyes open to stare at the ice, “Who’s seen the news today?” Several hands went up, one of them Izuku’s. “How many of you stuck around to watch the sports section?” All hands dropped, even Izuku’s. The only sport he cared about was figure skating, and the news rarely covered it, even in their city. “Right, so, I’m not sure who let it slip, but somehow the media got ahold of the news that we and Shiketsu are splitting our teams this year.”
Izuku squirmed, remembering Mirio’s words. After a moment, he raised his hand. “Um, Mr. Aizawa, I think I might know something.” Heat rose in his face as all attention swung his way, but he pushed on. “Mirio asked me to verify the rumor last week. I didn’t agree or disagree, but…”
“But you’re shit at lying, so he knew right away,” Katsuki snapped, arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the wall. “The kids I teach also asked me about it last week.”
“Right,” Izuku mumbled, “Well, he said that someone had given him the information. Maybe there’s a leak in the SC?”
Releasing a heavy sigh, Aizawa scrubbed a hand through his hair. “That seems likely. While it’s not going to cause us much of a problem, it might in the coming weeks. You all know how it gets as the season ramps up to the Preliminaries. Keep an eye out for each other. This stunt that the SC is pulling might make things worse, especially when the other teams start to flood in. I’m not worried about the teams themselves, but fans can get crazy. Try not to be out and about on your own if you can help it. Any of you. Yes, I’m talking to you Bakugou. Just because you’re an alpha doesn’t mean idiots aren’t going to try challenging you for being Midoriya’s partner. Keep your heads up, keep them on straight, and don’t do anything stupid. Got it?”
“Yes,” the team called in unison.
“Good. Shiketsu and we are going to be releasing a joint statement concocted by the SC with the names of the skaters who are transitioning between pairs and singles tomorrow, so you can expect to be recognized more than usual in the next few days.” They all groaned, but Aizawa simply waved away their complaints. “Whatever. Pairs, we’re going for large tricks on ice today. Stretch out well. Warm-up. Meet me on the south side of the rink in fifteen. The rest of you, you’ll be with Toshinori and Yamada today. Get going.” Aizawa turned towards the three coaches behind him, mouth set in an irritated line.
Izuku’s throat began to close as the five pairs, Todoroki and Ashido pushed off towards the south side of the rink. Panic leaked from him, and it was all he could do to keep it out of his scent.
Despite that, he still caught Katsuki turning his head to glance over his shoulder at him, but stopping briefly before he could turn all the way. After a second, he turned back forward. Could Katsuki smell it on him even through his blockers? Even though he was trying to force it down? Was he that obvious or did Katsuki just have a strong nose?
Fifteen minutes was far too short of a time to calm anxiety like Izuku’s.
Aizawa was waiting for them when Iida’s watch chimed the end of their warm-up period, and the twelve of them clustered around him and Ishiyama. “We’re going to do one team as a time to keep the ice clear. Ishiyama and I are going to act as spotters, but the ten who will be against the wall need to be alert as well. We’ll be up close and may miss a subtle indication of a fall. So, if you see something, say something or even jump in. I’d rather you get in the middle and it be for nothing than for someone to get hurt. This is mostly directed to those with pair work, but this also goes for everyone else as well.”
Aizawa’s eyes lingered on Katsuki longer than any of the others. He wasn’t surprised. Katsuki was a strong alpha with a long history of pair work. It would make sense for Aizawa to rely on Katsuki, even if it was just a subconscious reaction from the older man’s omega. Even still, the thought had Izuku’s own omega raising his hackles.
‘We don’t have a claim on him!’ Izuku reprimanded, but his omega wasn’t listening.
Aizawa pointed at Izuku. “Midoriya, Todoroki, you’re up first since you’ve got the most difficult tricks. After that, we’ll go through groups in descending order of difficulty. Let’s go, you two.” He turned on a blade, gliding out further onto the ice.
Izuku wanted to throw up.
“Midoriya?” Todoroki’s voice was quiet and gentle, just as gentle as the hand that settled on his shoulder. “Are you alright? Do you need another moment?”
Jumping, Izuku shrugged out from beneath the other omega’s hand with a wide fake smile. “I’m fine! I’m good! Totally a-okay! Let’s get going before Mr. Aizawa gets angry.” He shoved away from the wall sharply, ignoring every set of eyes he could feel boring into his back. He just needed to calm down. Calm down. Calm down. He’d completed every trick off ice multiple times with no screw ups. There was no reason he shouldn’t be able to do it on ice.
Which, of course, was a lie. The ice was a completely different environment than the studio with a host of different factors to consider. So many extra factors to consider.
All he needed to do was forget about them. It seemed counter-intuitive, especially for his ever analyzing mind, but it was the only thing he’d found off ice that allowed him to perform as he should. He just needed to allow his body to move on muscle memory. If he didn’t think, then his mind couldn’t overreact which meant neither could his body.
It was going to work. It had to work.
Todoroki followed after him. The distance was small, but significant. “What do you want us to start with?” he asked.
“Your overhead lifts have been the most solid off ice, so I want you to start with that first. Take it slow. Don’t rush. One step at a time. Plant your feet, make sure you have a solid foundation and a good grip. Once you’re sure of those, then attempt the lift. If something feels off, just abort and return to the ice. Don’t get hurt trying to force it.”
Lifts were the simplest pair trick in Izuku’s opinion. It required strength and balance, but not much else. He didn’t have to think during a lift. All he had to do was not move once Todoroki had him overhead. He could do that. He could manage a lift on ice. There was nothing to them. Lifts were easy. Lifts were easy. Lifts were easy. Lift were-
Izuku shook his head rapidly to clear the intrusive thoughts from his mind. He made himself smile even wider as the three stared at him. “Sure! A lift will be a cinch.”
Aizawa’s eyes narrowed as he glared at izuku, but after a moment, he just sighed. “Alright. Take a round to gain momentum. Don’t attempt the lift until you’re back here and see us in position. You can begin your setup once you’ve reached the other side.”
“Sure thing!” Izuku chirped. He pushed off and waited for Todoroki to fall into sync with him before spreading up.
Just like Aizawa had instructed, they waited until they’d made it to the other side of the rink, skirting the edge of the other group, before beginning the setup for the lift. Izuku slid out in front of Todoroki, turning to face him after a moment. He pulled Todoroki along as the other omega planted his feet and gripped Izuku’s waist.
“Almost there. Ready?” he asked, voice ripped away by the rush of air passed Izuku’s ears, but he recognized the words on his lips.
‘Don’t think. Don’t think. Don’t think.’ Izuku nodded.
Two dark blurs came up on either of their sides, and then he was above Todoroki’s head, the omega’s small hand digging into his abdomen as he quickly shifted into position. For a moment, his mind was blank. There was just the beating of his heart, the cold air biting into his cheeks. He started to reach back for his blade.
Then he glanced down. The panic he’d managed to suppress flooded back into his body in an icy wave.
His body seized before going limp, mind going as blank as his vision.
Izuku absolutely reeked of putrid acidic anxiety as they warmed up. It was worse than usual, more potent. Each time Katsuki passed him, he got a whiff of his scent. Putrid like sewage or a rotting body. Acidic like vomit or ammonia. All undercut by suppressants that made him smell almost chemically scentless. All together, it was an unpleasant scent, and it only grew stronger each time he passed Izuku.
It made his stomach curdle and his alpha pace restlessly. ‘Protect. Comfort. Omega distressed. Protect. Comfort.’
‘That’s not my place,’ Katsuki through bitterly, but that thought was quickly replaced by another, ‘Not yet at least.’ Not yet. That was a true enough thought. Not yet, but one day he’d earn that right.
Katsuki didn’t know how the others didn’t smell it, how the other omegas weren’t plastered to his sides in an attempt to calm him. That was how other groups of omegas operated. If an omega was unmated, it fell to their pack mates to calm and reassure them, especially pack mates of the same secondary gender.
The same was true of alphas. Katsuki couldn’t count how many times his alpha pack mates (specifically friends like Kirisihima and Ashido) had pulled him aside to get his head on straight. To calm him when he fell into a panic attack during competition.
Those had started when he was twelve, and they’d never really gone away. Luckily, they only affected him during high stress situations like the competitive season, but he was still lucky to have people there to help him unlike when he’d been younger. When he’d been alone in his own head.
That was what pack mates were for. So it bothered Katsuki more than he’d ever let on that neither Icy Hot nor Uraraka made an attempt to calm Izuku. He wanted to yell at them. He wanted to make them pay attention to the real issue at hand rather than ice skating. An anxiety riddled Izuku was an Izuku prone to mistakes. If they were doing the big shit for practice, they needed to take care of Izuku first.
Leaning back against the wall, Katsuki felt his own anxiety leaking into his veins. Kirishima wasn’t there that time to bring him back down though, and so his heart galloped forward unhindered.
When Izuku and Todoroki pushed off towards the singles’ side of the rink, Katsuki stood up straight. When they turned towards each other and prepared for the lift, he dropped his arms to his sides. When they rounded back towards their side and their coaches flanked them, he dug his toe-pic into the ice. Izuku’s face was pinched in concentration, but there was also that ever present fear as he was lifted off the ice.
Katsuki moved before Todoroki had completed the lift. He wouldn’t have been able to explain what spurred him forward. Maybe there was a slight shift in Izuku’s scent from scared to terrified. Maybe there was a twitch in his expression. Maybe the light dimmed in his eyes.
Whatever it was, Katsuki was there before anyone had realized something was going wrong, catching the omega as soon as Todoroki’s arm collapsed from Izuku’s dead weight. Katsuki only managed to keep them from tumbling backwards by digging his toe-pic into the ice harshly.
The silence in the rink was deafening. After a moment of labored breathing as his heart began to slow, he realized that the rink was as loud as ever, he just couldn’t hear it passed the rush of blood in his ears. All of his attention was focused on the man huddled in his arms, nails digging into his bicep and panting breaths hot against his shirt. Izuku’s eyes were screwed shut.
Slowly, sound returned to Katsuki though he would have been happy for a few more moments of white noise.
“What just happened?”
“How did you do that?”
“Midoriya, Todoroki, are you alright?
“We should get them off the ice.”
“Where’s Ms. Shuzenji? Someone go get the doctor!”
“What happened!”
“Shut up,” Katsuki snarled. It was the only sound he could make that wouldn’t portray just how shaken he was. He could feel the trembling in his hands, in his arms, all covered by how badly Izuku was shaking. He was shaking like a lead in the wind, nose buried against Katsuki’s chest. “Stop fucking yelling. Nobody got hurt.”
There was a sharp hysterical laugh from somewhere close by, and Katsuki wasn’t sure, but he thought that it was possibly Ashido.
“Yes, but someone could have been.” That was Aizawa, voice deep and monotone. Lifting his eyes, their coach stood beside them, soothing black tea scent snaking out as his hand clasped Izuku’s shoulder. “That could have gone very badly.”
Katsuki didn’t say anything in return, arms tightening around Izuku instead.
The feel of Aizawa’s hand seemed to snap Izuku out of his own head, and he blinked rapidly at Katsuki’s chest. “W-what happened?” he whispered, fingers easing up and nails coming away red with blood. His movement grew faster, and he frantically pushed out of Katsuki’s hold. “What happened? I was- Todoroki- How-”
“You fucking freaked out and I had to catch your dumbass!” Katsuki spat viciously and angrily, temper rising the longer he was given to process the whole incident. “And you know what? Fuck that shit! That’s the last time you fucking practice with anyone other than me!”
Izuku sputtered wordlessly, cheeks going pink and scent growing sweeter as they stared at each other. After a moment, he squeaked, “Really?”
The change in his scent only pushed Katsuki on. “Yes! If you’re going to get fucking dropped, it’s going to be by me because at least I’ll be able to fucking catch you!” He pushed roughly through the crowd towards the rink entrance. Only when he made it off the ice did he recognize the tightness in his chest, the shortness of his breath, the heat beneath his skin. Bile burned at the back of his throat.
Kirishima’s arm slid over his shoulders, a gesture that would look like familiarity to any of the others, but was really a means to keep him from faltering as he walked. “I’ve got you man. Let’s go outside for a breath,” he said under his breath, guiding Katsuki towards the side exit that faced a small thatch of trees. A place for him to either freak out or wretch in peace.
Not for the very first time, but for the first time in awhile, Katsuki was thankful that his friend knew how to read him like an open book.
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melyaliz · 4 years
Remember me pt 5
Master List
Fandom: My Hero Academia 
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x oc 
Notes: This dumbass posted chapter 6 before posting chapter 5... so yeah that happened. so think of it this way. You get two chapters in one.  
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
-0-0-0-0-0-0-- Olive --0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
It was the perfect day as they both laid out on the cool grass watching the sunset over the large open-air venue. A plate of bacon cheese fries and two beers between them.
“This has been such an amazing time” Olive sighed moving her hand over so she could get it tangled up in Eliott’s.
“Yeah, best birthday gift ever from the best wife ever,” he said turning to look at her with a smile
“You're welcome” she said, “I had to try to keep up with the amazing gift that is you being in my life.”
He scrunched up his face pulling it back so it made him look like he had a million chins in his golden beard. “I’m ok,” this earned him a soft slap on his thick stomach.
“Oh stop,” she said. They lapsed into silence again just enjoying the Heavy Mental that was playing on the stage. Knotfest had been a full day experience and they were taking a short break from rocking out to have some dinner and just relax before the main event
“So I was thinking” she started “It’s not that I don’t love my job.”
“I know,” he said, turning on his side taking a swig of his beer, his stormy eyes watching her.
“It’s just, I’m actually making pretty good money doing this smut novel thing, and... maybe I can cut back on my hours?”
“Yeah, that makes sense.” He said nodding.
“It may make a dip in our funds though.”
“Yeah but the more novels you write the more money you make. Besides, sports season is about to start up again in a month and I may have some leads on hero work.”
“Wait really?” she turned to him. Excited about the idea of him trying something new. Hero work paid good money too.
“Nothing concrete yet but I say let’s take the leap. You are happy writing and I want you to do what makes you happy.”
Olive smiled biting her lip, her heart feeling so full at the moment.  “You are what makes me happy,” she said leaning forward kissing him.
“Well that’s good because I don’t know if you know this but…” he leaned forward whispering in her ear, “I kind of love you.”
“WHHHAAATTT” Olive gasped pulling back her hand over her mouth in shock. “Are you drunk or something?”
“Maybe you're just beautiful,” Eliott laughed.
“So are you.”
“I guess,” the blonde man said stroking his beard, “if you’re into that gnome look.”
“My hot gnome,” Olive said, kissing him again as the band wrapped up.
“Are you ready?” Eliott asked, pulling away. Olive raised an eyebrow confused, “To open up the fucking pitttt” he said moving his elbows around pretending to mosh pushing himself into Olive who fell into the grass giggling and laughing as she tried to push him off.  
They stood there for a few moments. His overwhelming scent and body looming over her. She didn’t feel trapped or worried. He had never given her a reason too. Even if he did have a grumpy face, he always treated her tenderly.
Or at least from the three days they had been together.
So while she didn’t feel uncomfortable she was painfully aware of his body over hers. Her breath shallow as if she couldn’t seem to catch it. It was obvious that he wanted to kiss her and was testing the waters.  The way he looked at her, just close enough that if either of them moved they would touch. The pull so strong it seemed to tug at her very soul.
But for some reason, she couldn’t give in. Her body and mind at such odds with each other it was making her head spin. Her heart racing so fast in her chest she thought it might just come out of her body entirely. Pound a hole right through her
Gently she pressed her hands on his chest. His own hand warm came up clasping itself around her cold fingers as he looked down at her.
“I… it’s late,” she whispered as if breaking the spell, waking him up. For a moment, just the briefest of moments. He looked very putout. Upset.
Looking away he nodded stepping back letting her brush past him toward the bedroom. He watched her go frozen in his spot until she was out of sight. Then letting out a growl he punched the wall where she had been standing. Frustration coursing through her veins like venom burning him from the inside out.
By the time Bakugou had cooled down enough to face her again Olive was already in bed with Dolemite. The cat looked totally content his long thick tail swaying back and forth as he lay curled up next to his owner. Never in his life had Bakugou ever wanted to be a cat so bad. To have that unconditional love like he got.
“Hello” her soft voice came from the bed as she watched him go into the large closet to change coming out in some sweats, shirtless. The sight of him makes her look away for a moment and he can’t help himself, the anger still there bubbling just below the service.
“Can I sleep in these? I mean normally I’m in boxers.”
“You can do whatever you want” was her response as she studied his expression, “this is your house.”
The single comment deflated him. She was always like that. Never engaging him in his anger. Even when she remembered him she would just let him yell it out and then move on. “It’s yours too” he mumbled running his fingers through his hair looking up at her feeling completely defeated.
At his soft comment, Olive felt sick. A sadness washing over her as she looked at the blonde before her. He just looked… so lost. Like a basset hound with those sad eyes.
“Did… you want to sleep here?” she asked hesitantly. They were married, she reasoned. She had loved him once. Trusted him. There had to be a reason she had broken her vow of living the rest of her life alone. There must have been something that had made her be able to find someone who could measure up to Eliott.
He looked so surprised at her question that it reminded her of a child who was just told they could have an extra piece of candy. The look of shock frozen on his face as his eyes went from her to the bed she was nestled in. Then frowning he shoved his hands into his pockets.
“You sure?”
She nodded trying not to laugh at him. He was so grumpy all the time. However her smile seemed to encourage him because with a simple shrugged as if he didn’t care -he did- he lept into the bed almost crushing Dolemite who let out a cry of annoyance. Grabbing the cat he tossed the fluff ball onto the floor before studying Olive. She looked back at him unsure of what he wanted to say then it dawned on her.
“Am I on the wrong side?”  
“It’s fine”
“It’s clearly not.” she said getting up and stepping over him, “Move”
He did, watching her intently as she cuddled up again getting comfortable. He had this intense stair that was slightly unnerving. Olive vaguely wondered if it was just reserved for her or if he looked at everyone like that.
“Katsuki,” she said looking up at him. At the sound of his name, he looked down at her. Still stiffly sitting up in the bed.
“Why did you marry me?”  
“What do you mean?” he asked, studying her.
“I mean,” she said rolling onto her back looking up at the ceiling, “You are the number 1 hero, very hot, and seem like a pretty normal guy. I, on the other hand, am some weird girl who apparently now only writes smutty novels.” then sitting up something struck her.
“Wait how many have I written?”
“You just finished your fifteenth.” he studied her totally confused by her sudden shift in mood.
Her eyes went wide, a grin spreading across her face, “Do you know what this means?”
“No what?”
“I get to read my stories without remembering writing them. It’s like… every writer’s dream. I just want to be able to read my story . Well, now I can!”
He couldn’t help but smile because he wasn’t sure about other writers but he routinely came home from work to find her laying on the floor moaning about how she just wanted the story to be written.
“I just want to read my story”
“So hurry up and write it.”
“It’s not that easy ok!” letting out a groan dramatically she pushed her laptop off her stomach. Then rolled onto her stomach before fake crying, face down in the carpet. “It’s HARRRRDDDD”
Fighting back a smile he walked over gently kicking her in the side. Looking up she glared at him through messy hair. “Stop being a little bitch," he said playfully earning him a middle finger.
“You were the first” his voice was soft as he watched her giggling to herself over the excitement of finding her books and reading them tomorrow. Pausing Olive turned confused by his comment studying him.
“You were the first,” Bakugou said again, his chrisom eyes so intense she couldn’t look away, “You were the first woman I had ever met who just… I liked.”
“Oh,” there was a soft flutter in her stomach as she looked up at him. “So weird but ok.”
“That’s not weird!” he snapped angrily, “You can’t just say that after I say something romantic like that!”
Biting her lip Olive leaned back into her pillows. It had just kind of slipped out. She had never understood why Eliott had loved her and when he had died she had just assumed she would never meet another man who could love her. Who could follow up an act like Eliott.
Looking at the man next to her Olive wanted to tell him she loved him too. Wanted to somehow explain that he must have been someone special. But it sounded fake and forced in her head. “It’s really sweet Katsuki” she finally said. “You have been nothing but perfect this whole time with me. Showing me all these things I like. It’s like you just know.”
“Idiot I do,” he said laying down arms folded over his stomach. His whole body dejected, frustrated trying to find the right words.  “I know that mushrooms make you sick. That you liked weird movies. You have a strange obsession with ugly things.” slowly Bakugou turned to meet her gaze. “You love to watch people and have always seemed to see things no one else does.” it was like he was reading her soul. Going into her brain and pulling out who she was and laying it out in front of her. “I know that you love to get dressed up but after an hour you are back into your PJs. That you are one of the most loyal people I have ever met and even when I’m in the wrong you are on my side. You are the reason I’m number 1. You kept pushing me and finding ways to move me from being number 2. Not because you cared about my rank but because I wanted it so badly.”
“I…” Olive paused unsure how to respond to this. It was incredibly romantic. So soft and gentle. But it was coming from a stranger. It was like listening to someone talking about someone else. There was no history on her side. No context to what he was saying. As if someone had written those words about her and then had an incredibly hot guy read them too her. She felt uncomfortable with his tender words. So unsure how to react to the,.
“Don’t” he sighed rolling onto his back again, “I know you don’t remember so don’t try and make me feel better because I know you want too. I’m not some pathetic guy who needs you to make him feel better.”
“I know this isn’t what you want Katsuki but…” she took a deep breath, “I know I loved you and I know that even if I don’t get my memories back I will love you again.”
“Yeah? and how do you know that?” he asked harshly, glancing at her. Giving her major side-eye as if scared to really look at her after spilling his heart out to her like that.
“Because,” she said, reaching out gently, touching his shoulder in what she hoped was a comforting touch. “I would never commit myself to marry someone unless I knew that our love was forever. I didn’t do that with Eliott and I wouldn’t have done that with you or anyone else.”
He turned then, studying her. She had told him a week after he had proposed that if they did get married that as long as he was alive she would never marry anyone else. That when they said “I do” that she was committing herself to him for life. When she had said it then he had thought it was one of those cultural things where she was trying to make sure he knew what marriage meant to her. But now laying there with her not knowing him at all he realized what that meant.
When she had told him she loved him and that she wanted him forever, she had meant it. And even if she didn’t remember him she knew herself enough to trust that she had loved him. That she wasn’t going to leave him.
Him, not Eliott.
Not anyone else.
Master List
Story Tag: @0hmydeku @inumorph @it-jinxed-us @myraticm
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