#i may have gone too far in my etymologies lol
Remus Lupin, aka
Wolfson Wolfy, son of Wolf Wolfy, bitten by the Wolfe of a grey back, is the boy who was tragically turned into a werewolf to everyone's shock and surprise
Wolfson: Remus- From the myth of Remus and Romulus, twins raised by a wolf after a mess with prophecies that led to them getting abandoned. (spoiler: the prophecy came true bc that always happens no matter what in greek and roman myths). Remus and Romulus wanted to found a city so they decided to climb up two close hills and watch for birds. Remus saw 6 (?) first but Romulus saw 11 (?) [don't trust me on the numbers] and so Remus thought that this meant he'd be king and founder of this new city but Romulus argued that since he'd seen more birds he should get a city named after him. They dueled and (oops tw: death/murder) killed Remus in the duel. The city is now called Rome
Wolfy: Lupin- lupus in Latin literally means wolf and lupine (pronounced loo-pin apparently) means wolf like
son of Wolf: Lyall- from Old Scandinavian "Liulfr", "ulfr" literally means "wolf".
Wolfy: Lupin- See above
bitten by the Wolfe: Fenrir- son of Loki, a monstrous wolf who will help fuck up the world at Ragnarök (Norse myths's apocalypse) "resulting in the collapse of humanity and society, and kill the god Odin." (from Wikipedia) ... so like the Fenrir that bit Remus
of a grey back: Greyback- ...this is self explanatory I think
Remus and Romulus: I did Latin for 4 years
Lupin: aforementioned latin + i speak french + google to check the latin spelling
Lyall's name is kinda stretching it bc the main source seems to be the Harry Potter wiki guessing at the etymology, a vague wikipedia page and a baby name website but i wanted to include it bc well, it's fun lol
Fenrir: the linked wikipedia article + memory)
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apompkwrites · 1 year
Oh? I may be the first person to hope that Idia is too late? Or at least the first person who has said so? Hee hee…
What can I say? I like angst lol
And I like being observant and taking in details of writing? I really like etymology and am fascinated by dialogue and how characters may communicate so that last line stick out to me!
As for lil Shroud not being good at design? Previously I wrote
The body was humanoid. Two arms. Two legs. A torso. And a head. The body may’ve looked humanoid, but it didn’t look human.
Like a bare minimum.
But now with your words I’m wondering if it’s even less of a humanoid? Ooo, really making me wonder!
But also, the curse the wiki says the shroud family has? I’m just imagining the flames on their head slowly dying out as their soul is being transferred. And it’s quiet. And save for the screens that showed their vitals that have gone blank, it’s dark. And then, on the head of the artificial maybe humanoid body, little embers start to flicker to life.
As for overbloting, I’ve read the wiki and some of the translations for chapter 6. So uh. Spoilers.
Anyways. Idia having control over himself during his overblot is scary enough. But lil Shroud having control or influence over other blot creatures and other people’s phantoms? That’s a different kind of scary/unnerving.
Also, for that one anon(I think it was an anon? I can’t remember;-;) who said something about lil Shroud seeing their childself and their siblings as children? Ooooo… I wonder if lil Shroud will feel guilt over killing “another” child? I put another in parentheses cause, well, they killed Ortho in their and their parents’ eyes(at least three people, unsure of anyone else), and then after that, they went on and killed their childself who was so wide eyed and curious. Sacrificed them to repent and try and “rectify” “their mistake”. So I wonder if they see it like that. I wonder if they wonder what their childself would think of them if they saw just who they turned into.
- Heartbeat Anon
hehe dwdw i also love angst (i mean, that's very obvious from my blog :D)
there are def two ways that lil shroud could have handled the design aspect of their experiment. one could be what you mentioned where it's less than human, or it could be that lil shroud might have... left the design the way it was? if you get what i mean ;)
anyway, yes yes lil shroud would be terrifying during an overblot or really helpful. all depends on what side they're on. if we go with the idea that all the black sheep exist in one universe and they all overblot together, i can only imagine the horror that lil shroud would enact alone, let alone with the other black sheep
and 100% lil shroud, if they saw their lil happy child self, would wonder what would happen if they didn't "kill" them. poor baby is in a constant state of wondering "what ifs" that it pushed them too far :((
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