#i may have scrapped my old tag system where i did tag political posts a loooonnng time ago but i have Always kept it contained to
Hey em, could you please tag your political posts please?
sorry nonnie, but no. 1) i specifically don't tag them because i think they're important for people to see, and 2) tagging stuff takes a lot of energy for me. i am one person with a whole host of mental health issues that constantly drains me. i am not a corporation or an influencer with a team of managers. this is my personal blog where i post personal things pertaining to me. i simply cannot be held accountable for other people's experiences on this platform, and to suggest that i do so is quite frankly unreasonable.
if they're genuinely triggering for you (i.e. tumblr is the place you come to escape from politics) i get that and here are some things that might help:
most of these posts will already be tagged with topics in the original post. so if there's a specific topic you'd like to avoid seeing, i'd suggest blacklisting it, and any of my reblogs without tags should still be blocked for you due to how tumblr works.
you can also block content and tumblr will scan the text body for your blocked words/phrases.
having said that, i usually only post 1-3 political posts per day (with the rare exception that i accidentally schedule more, though i do try not to) and all of them in the very brief window of 7am-8am Eastern Standard Time. this is done intentionally to not flood y'all's dash, and i'd say it is usually objectively successful in that goal.
if you still have to unfollow me for that then do what you gotta do. you curate your own social media experience.
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