#i may have wasted money on this watercolor set but i can make it work >_>;;
pain-tool-sai · 1 month
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pixiealtaira · 6 years
Into The Woods
Here it is... day 15 of Kurtoberfest...2016
It is not Blaine friendly, it is a break-up fic.  It features the Warblers and Elliot.
Rated M...but probably doesn’t need that high a rating.
Kurt centric
Summary: Kurt is Lost In The Woods.
 In to The Woods (not posted)
Kurt Hummel was lost in the woods.  At least that is what his Facebook page was shouting. He’d already called his dad and informed him he wasn’t ‘lost’ lost in the woods, but he was…in a manner of speaking…lost in the woods.
Kurt Hummel was lost in the woods with a tent and air mattress, three sleeping bags, several blankets and two pillows, plenty of clothing, a cook stove so he didn’t have to build a fire, a cooler full of food, a cooler which was filled with bottled water, a generator that he peddled on which he could make enough power with to charge his laptop, cell phone and the lantern he used as his main light source at night.  He had a very comfy camp chair and a portable table.  He had his digital camera and several novels he’d been waiting to read until he’d had enough of a school break to do so.  He had notebooks and pencils and even a sketchpad and watercolors, watercolor paper, tape and a great selection of paintbrushes. He had his laptop and several days’ worth of downloaded movies, his old IPod classic which held music and only music and enough music to listen to all week almost without repeating a single song.
He had a working cellphone, cell phone service and he even had internet since he’d set his phone up as a Wi-Fi hotspot.
He was perfectly content to remain lost in the woods for the rest of the godawful ‘camping’ vacation…which was three more days.
It started with a magazine article and a desire to try to ‘fix’ his relationship with Blaine.
He and Blaine could not live together. It seriously was as simple as that.  The evening Blaine had moved back in, within hours of sending Rachel off, Blaine started fussing about the loft. He wanted to redo the book shelves, he wanted the bathroom reorganized. Heck, in the bathroom he wanted to come up with the money needed to have the bathroom renovated so the toilet and sink were in ‘better’ spots for Blaine’s use, regardless of Kurt’s insistence he would have to ask the landlord about that in the first place and they were never going to come up with the money considering a certain someone had no steady job.  Blaine needed things done his way in the kitchen, even though he used it less than Kurt. It only got worse when Kurt spoke about school.  Kurt understood that’s June’s showcase took a lot of time and that just because it happened didn’t mean it was completely over and Blaine could just start ignoring her.  Kurt pointed out that Blaine still had classes to attend and that he hadn’t thought Blaine skipping them when preparing for the showcase was a good idea to start off with and Blaine certainly should not keep skipping them when he wasn’t working towards an actual event.
Kurt was reminded that he wasn’t the boss of Blaine and that Blaine could do what he wanted.  Fine and dandy, however, the tantrum tossed when Kurt refused to skip class and meet up for an afternoon of gaming with Sam while Sam was in town finishing up paperwork at the model agency was uncalled for and ridiculous.  The semi silent treatment…Blaine refused to speak to Kurt when Kurt spoke but Blaine was happy to tell Kurt about how mean Kurt was acting and how much he had hurt Sam’s feelings (Kurt hadn’t, he’d texted an apology to Sam with the explanation that Kurt could not miss his dance class and that he’d buy Sam dinner when he was in Lima next and Sam said he was fine with it) so long as Kurt just sat and took it and didn’t dare speak back…was annoying and irritating.
Then there was the wedding crap.  Kurt told Blaine the hour after they got engaged that he was NOT getting married until he had finished university...and maybe even landed a full time serious job in his fields of choice.  It was NOT happening.  Kurt heard nothing different from Blaine about it either.  Until it passed a year of being engaged and all of a sudden Blaine kept coming and telling him about potential sites and potential caters and asking for him to make a firm decision on colors and a guest list.  Kurt had never even mentioned colors or a guest list, ever…not to even make a non-firm comment. Kurt’s reminder that he still had two more years at least and maybe more before even THINKING about a wedding seemed to not be heard…at all…not any of the 500 or more times he said it. (Neither did Kurt’s reminder that KURT had his wedding planned down to the number of filler flowers in the table displays, thank you very much…so Blaine needed to back off and chill out because so far nothing Blaine had brought forward would ever work even in whatever dream reality Blaine was working under. When Kurt decided that it was time for a wedding, Kurt would then present his fiancé with five choices and after that make five calls and they would be ready to go.  That had been yelled the fourteenth time Blaine asked Kurt if he thought Forest Green and Peach would be good for wedding colors. )
All that added with the fights about shoes and clothing and picking up after one’s self and TV choices and movies and gaming and food choices and washing dishes and chores and jobs and rugs and towels and bathroom timing and personal hygiene and good lord everything…Kurt and Blaine were not at a good spot coming up towards the end of the semester.
NYADA’s last day for underclassman was the 16th of May.  NYADA’s seniors walked the 10th, with all that week before dedicated to the seniors presenting their final projects and stuff and the seniors taking all their finals for non-presentation classes.  It was a dead week for the rest of the campus…it was supposed to be used to study for finals and any presentations they might have during their finals week…unless you were involved in a seniors project.  Kurt was not during the end of his second year…or rather his job had already been done and he wasn’t needed on campus. Furthermore, he had already presented for three classes, finished and turned in his huge paper for one class, was complete and ready to present in two classes and didn’t need much more studying for his finals in the rest. To top it all off, he’d taken off the whole of dead week from all jobs, because the year before during dead week Kurt had been buried under so much work it had not been funny. He had just neglected (or blocked) to remember why he’d been so far behind and working so hard to catch up.
When Kurt came home on the last day of April, Blaine was already home.  He was sprawled out on the couch and had his face buried in some sort of magazine.  Kurt hung up his bag and coat, pulled off his boots, and went to sit by him and turn on some TV until he had to move again…or make dinner, even though it was Blaine’s night to feed them.
“Hey Kurt,” Blaine said as he noticed the TV go on. “You should read this article.  I bet we could get some ideas on how you could fix our relationship.”
“We could certainly use some help, but I’m sure a therapist would be a better option than a magazine article.”  Kurt replied.
“I told you, I’m not going to therapy.  It is a waste of time. My mother says it has not helped one single bit for either her or my dad, so I doubt it would help us.”
“Well, you do have to sort of show up for it to help…” Kurt said under his breath. Louder Kurt said, “So what does the article say?”
“It talks about activities couples can do together to reconnect and get back into tune with each other.  We should go camping!  It says camping allows couples to rely on each other and talk to each other without distractions.  We could go before finals.  We should totally do the full week!”
“Don’t you need to study and finish up projects?”  Kurt asked.
“Ok…we’ll come home late Friday.  I’ll have the whole weekend.  We can leave this Friday, right after your morning class.”
“I have a presentation to give at my 1pm class.”
“Ok…right after that.” Blaine said bouncing on the couch.
“Is it even all the way thawed out anywhere?”  Kurt asked.
“Thawed? I guess.  It’ll be great!  I know the perfect place to head off to! You get everything together and I’ll get the place set up.  Oh…we’ll need to rent a car.”
Blaine’s confusion at the word thawed should have been the first clue that he and Kurt didn’t have the same idea of camping.  That and the word car.
“Leave that to me as well, Dad gave me the number to some of his friends.” Kurt said.
Had Kurt thought about things for much longer, instead of simply going into planning mode, he probably should have figured out that Blaine’s idea of camping and Kurt’s idea of camping were very much two different things. Except, Kurt rather liked the idea of camping, of peace and nature and relaxing, so he didn’t think about it long and just jumped into planning mode.
Kurt called one of his dad’s friends the next day, who rented him a SUV since he wasn’t sure where they were going camping and he might need a 4wheel drive. Kurt also called NYADA’s student recreation center and found out that they did rent out tents and camping gear, also if he chose to buy they gave him the name of three sporting goods shops who gave tremendous students discounts.  Kurt rented the tent and camp stove with a full propane tank, but when they showed him the pedal powered generator and external batteries to be charged and used with laptops and other larger items, Kurt went to the sporting goods shop and bought that (he’d already bought sleeping bags after their snowed in day). He bought the type of camp food that was like military MREs, but which he hoped tasted a bit better…although some of the MREs his dad forced down him when he was younger weren’t too bad. He bought other food too…hot dogs(which were only edible outside cooked over an open fire) and potatoes for a fry-up, marshmallows and eggs, some good fish that was frozen, onions and peppers and other things to make tinfoil dinners. He even gave into nostalgia and bought spaghetti circles and meatballs and canned raviolis and hot chocolate packets and instant oatmeal. He broke down and bought sodas, not just his Diet Coke, but fun root beers and other fruity sodas in bottles and regular cans of Cokes and Pepsis and Sprites. He found a good deep pot for Dutch-oven cooking and bought the makings for peach cobbler and a good outdoor fry pan that could sit over open flames or on a camp stove, he added a smaller pot and camping utensils and camping dishes for himself and Blaine that he could wash but he wouldn’t have to risk his matching place settings at home. He bought two coolers and four of the reusable ice packs to keep frozen food frozen for a decent amount of time. He bought enough bottled water to cook with and drink and even wash their hands and face with for a whole week. And, since Kurt did not trust the weather, he also bought long-johns, silk and thermal and two pairs of fleece lined jeans.  He bought two cable knit sweaters...one wool and one cotton, two fleece pull overs, a good multi-layer hooded waterproof coat which wasn’t too bulky to be comfortable, good gloves which included fingertips with which he could use his phone, nice lined boots and lots of good thick socks…oh, and a few hats.  He bought a hiking pack which he could put all his clothing and some food in, a compass and a good fire starting kit, a first aid kit that was geared towards outdoor recreation use but would be wonderful to add to the loft, and a wonderful water bottle/canteen which he couldn’t wait to take jogging with him when the whole camping thing was done.  He had never been so glad a store stayed open till 9pm in all his life.   When he got back to the loft, Blaine wasn’t there…he’d left a note saying he was out with some friends and that he’d be ready for Kurt to pick him up at three and could Kurt have the car gassed up and ready to go at the time as well.
Kurt spent the night washing clothes and getting everything ready for the next day. He charged all his devices; he loaded movies and games on the laptop.  He pulled out board games and card games and books to read. He pulled out his travel art box, and filled it with pencils, watercolor paints, brushes, and his watercolor paper pad and his sketch pad.  He found the extra SD cards for his camera and the extra battery pack and made sure it was charged.  He packed extra notebooks.  He packed a ‘goody bag’, just in case Blaine’s bonding activity ideas were more on the physical side.  He pulled out the three sleeping bags he’d bought after they were snowed in, the extra blankets and the pillows that could travel and their air mattress (bought when Sam was living there at the loft).  He packed everything into the SUV except the stuff he wanted to move to the SUV last minute.  
He finished packing as soon as he got done with his dance class, where everyone presented their pieces so that Miss July could go somewhere right after she sat through graduation. Kurt was exhausted but he thought he nailed it, which was good.  Blaine wasn’t home yet and so Kurt finished packing and had everything in the car ready. Blaine was dropped off by someone at 2:45 and ran up to the loft just in time to meet Kurt who was bringing down his art box and the last sack of groceries (seasonings and stuff from their own kitchen).
“Kurt as soon as you put that in come help me bring my stuff down and then we can be off!” Blaine yelled.
When Kurt got back up to the loft, Blaine handed Kurt a large duffel bag. Kurt locked up as Blaine carried down a large paper sack full of some sort of bottles and his travel cosmetics case. Blaine took those two items with him into the front of the SUV and Kurt packed his bag into the back.
“God, this car is huge! I don’t see why you thought we needed something so big.” Blaine complained as Kurt got into the driver’s seat. Once again, Kurt should have considered that Blaine’s surprise should have been a clue to his idea of camping.
“I didn’t know where we were going so Dad’s friend thought we might need 4wheel drive.” Kurt said.
Blaine nodded. “We might, I didn’t ask.  It’ll take about five hours to get there once we get out of the city, so we’d better head now.  Take I-80 until you get to almost Watkin’s Glen.  There might be tolls. Wake me at Binghamton if I’m not awake by then…or if you stop for food.”
Then Blaine popped his head phones in and leaned his head against the window.  He was snoring before they were even out of the neighborhood. Kurt popped his music in and settled in for the drive, singing along as he drove north.  Kurt stopped for food without waking Blaine.
He woke Blaine up when he was supposed to, and they stopped for dinner at a fast food drive-thru.  Blaine then spent the next half hour chattering about presentations and how annoying it was they were all needing to be done the week of finals.
“Why didn’t you take the option of presenting early?” Kurt asked.
“Why would I do that?” Blaine asked back.
“Because it allows you to space yourself better?”
“But it makes it so you don’t get as much time as everyone else to complete stuff.” Blaine said.
“Well, you do…I mean I know in three of those six classes you share with me the paper or presentation project is in the syllabus and so you’ve had since the start of the semester to work on it if you wanted to.  If I chose to work on it early and have it down and ready to present early I don’t see how I’ve lost time.  I just used it to my advantage.”
“But you could have done more or added more or changed things over the next week or so!” Blaine exclaimed.
“Why would I need to if I already have it done?” Kurt asked back.
Blaine just grumbled and glared at him.
“When you get to the turn off to go to the state park, take it and drive along the road you’d take to get to the back way into the camp grounds.”
“I’ve never been up here Blaine, I don’t understand where you want me to go.” Kurt said.
“There is a sign for a bed and breakfast and an inn…take that exit and follow along.  We aren’t going that far though.”
Kurt sighed. “Just tell me when to turn Blaine.”
Blaine snorted and played on his phone and Kurt drove until Blaine told him to turn.  Then Blaine started paying close attention to the road.
“See that turn right up there…the big open gate.  Turn there.” Blaine said.
Kurt turned, frowning.  
He followed the paved road up and around a bend and to the front of a large lodge thing.  He should have known. Blaine reached over and blasted the horn and guys spilled out the front.
Wes and David led the wave of boys who spilled out. Kurt noticed Jeff and Nick as well, and thought he might have seen a few others around somewhere…school, callbacks, or maybe even Dalton.
Blaine jumped out of the SUV and Kurt let his head fall forward against the steering wheel.  He sighed and got out of the car, watching as Blaine was passed from group to group for hugs and high fives and chest bumps and the whole nine yards.
“Kurt! I’m so glad Blaine talked you into camping with us!” Wes shouted, so Kurt could hear him over the noise the other guys were making.  “There is a fire out back and we’ve already set out drinks.  There is still some chowder on the stove if you haven’t eaten yet. Richards will be up later to clear it away, but he’ll leave snacks out, so don’t worry if you’re not hungry now. Would you like to take your bags up before you head out back?”
Kurt watched as Blaine draped his arm around a guy Kurt wasn’t familiar with and moved with the group of boys towards they backyard.
“I guess I’d better.” Kurt said.  He reached in and grabbed Blaine’s duffel bag and his backpack, giving the rest of the gear in the back a longing look. David was waiting for him instead of Wes.
David showed Kurt a room with double bed. “Wes got called to see if Richards would leave out stuff to make s’mores with. You lucked out; Blaine won the flip for this guest room.  Jeff was put out because he and Nick are one of the bunk rooms and he has to share with Lenny.”    
Kurt smiled.  He dropped off the bags and followed David out towards the back through the house, taking note of where everything was.
Half an hour later he went back into the kitchen for some soup.  Blaine hadn’t even acknowledged Kurt since they pulled up other than to get the keys so he could get his stuff from the front seats where he’d left it and then bring the keys back to Kurt.
Jeff wandered in a bit later, to see Kurt rinsing out his bowl.
“You don’t have to do that.  Richards is here.  He’ll come wash up later.”  Jeff said.
“I feel better if I do.” Kurt said.  
He listened to Jeff talk about his classes and clubs he was involved in.  He hadn’t realized Jeff and Nick were both at NYU and that several others they went to school with were at Columbia.
“Are you going to shoot with us tomorrow?” Jeff finally asked.
“Shoot?” Kurt asked.
“Wes has set up the archery range, but he’s also got trap shooting set up.”
“I haven’t ever done that.” Kurt said.
Jeff looked at him oddly. “Have you ever shot a gun?”
Kurt snorted.
“We go hunting.” Kurt simply said.
“Oh. I bet you could come shooting with us then. Of course if you don’t want to the hot tubs are both filled and the courts are set up and there is always gaming and TV in the house.  The pool isn’t filled though. This is the week the official pool cleaners come out and scrub it so it needed to be empty for that.”
Kurt just nodded.
“We should go see if they’ve started telling scary stories yet!” Jeff said, dragging Kurt back out to the yard.
Kurt watched as the guys told stories and drank and Blaine talked and chatted with everyone but him, leaning in and snuggling in to random guys all night. Blaine spent a good amount of time with two blonds in particular, both darker blonds than either Sam or Adam, but blonds none the less. Kurt mostly hung with Jeff, while Nick seemed to be having it out with a red headed man about the amount of alcohol he was consuming.
Kurt went up to bed at 1am.
He was one of four out of 25 up before 10am.  Wes was up working on some school work and two guys Kurt didn’t know, who ended up friends of David’s from Yale, were out in one of the hot tubs.
Richards was a very nice man in his early 50s who took care of the lodge throughout the year and stayed to do all the work needed when people were at the lodge.  He made a mean coffee cake and had no problem with Kurt making himself an omelet.
Richards showed Kurt the ATVs, all with keys ready so that they could be used, the dirt bikes and gear and the trails and explained how far back they could go before running into other people’s property or into the state forest.  There were a lot of woods out back and to the north of the house that Wes’ family owned.  He was warned not to get lost.
Blaine was finally awake around noon and Kurt joined him for lunch, along with most the rest of the guys.
Jeff bounded up to Kurt and Blaine (and the two blonds and a dark haired man whose hair was actually a mess of ringlets).
“We are going to the range this afternoon to shoot.  Wes decided he wanted to do skeet shooting and we don’t have the proper set up here for that.  Do you still want to come?” Jeff asked.
“Sure,” Kurt said.
Blaine looked at the two blonds who shook their heads and then answered. “I think I’ll stay here. I’m not big on shooting.”
Jeff looked at Blaine weird. “You love shooting with us.”
“I just think I’ll stay, but Kurt should definitely go if he wants.”
Kurt sighed and rolled his eyes.  “I’ll follow you guys. When are we leaving?”
“We are heading out at 2.” Jeff answered and then waved as he bounded off to the next bunch of guys to see who was going.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay, Blaine?” Kurt asked.
“I’ll be fine.  I’ll hang with Ricky and Edwin. I doubt you knew them; they both graduated my first year at Dalton.  Ricky was the head of the Warblers council before Wes, he served with Wes and Wes’ cousin Lance,” the blond wearing the man bun waved, “and Edwin was fencing champion.  That’s why I knew all about fencing when we got to stage fighting class…I use to watch Edwin fence all the time.”
Kurt smiled while struggling to keep his snort in.  Blaine had been called out over and over and over for improper fencing during class, and ignored the teacher every time…insisting he knew the real rules. Kurt hadn’t interfered with that mess. Blaine and the professor’s animosity towards each other had become legendary and Kurt wanted no part in it. He and Blaine had not been paired since the fiasco that occurred the week he’d been able to participate again in class after being bashed in the head, so it was just easier to stay out of the fuss and focus on class and not upsetting Blaine by paying too much attention to any specific other people in class.
“I’m sure you’ll have fun, then.” Kurt said.
“Are you sure you’ll be ok, Kurt?” Edwin asked. “Don’t let Jeff bully you into shooting if you don’t want to.  Blaine has told us all about how you aren’t into things like sports and horror movies and such and prefer clothes and fashion and musicals.”
“Really now?” Kurt asked, smiling the type of smile that would have warned Santana and Rachel he wasn’t happy.  Blaine seemed not to notice.
“I’m sure we could find you some of the movies you’d like,” Ricky said. “Wes has girl cousins who come up here to the cabin every summer.  Most the movies pulled out for the week are horror or action movies, you know…guys films…though, sorry.  I’m sure you’ll have time to watch other things though when we are doing the tournament video games later today and tomorrow.  There is a TV in the back room past the gym equipment since we use the TV room, the theater and the gaming room for tournaments, but it’s hooked up to a DVD player and the satellite.  Patrick and Felix are really the only ones who don’t participate in the tourney. Felix totally would but his brain won’t let him be in the room with video games for long.”
“I’ll be fine, I’m sure.” Kurt said.
“Felix is the boy who looks like a clone of David.” Blaine said.  “Patrick is the red head without the huge mass of freckles.  Neil has the freckles.”
“Thanks, Blaine. Did I see Conner last night?” Kurt asked.  Conner was one of the non-warblers Kurt had been friendly with when at Dalton.  Blaine had hated him since.  Kurt had always thought it hilarious that Blaine hadn’t wanted to date him or notice Kurt’s crush on him but had bristled up like a dog protecting its bone whenever Kurt spoke with Conner.
Blaine growled. “Yes, he’s here with his boyfriend, Jake.”
“Cool, I’ll have to find him and catch up later.” Kurt said.
“Kurt, he is very serious about Jake.”
Kurt rolled his eyes. “Yes, Blaine. I’m sure he is.”  Kurt fiddled with the ring on his finger.   He and Conner had never been like that anyway…Conner wasn’t even out at the time to anyone and Kurt was who he’d approached about things. Kurt had once asked why he didn’t talk to Blaine and Conner had answered that he knew Blaine couldn’t keep a secret. Kurt had just nodded. “Who was the guy Nick was tal…”
“Come on, Blaine. Let’s go see if they’ve started the after lunch movie!” the dark haired guy said as he pulled Blaine towards the huge theater room that Kurt had seen on the way to the kitchen.
“Have fun later, Kurt!” Blaine yelled as he bounced after the others.
Kurt sighed at his questioning being interrupted. He went out to check out the trails in the woods to the north of the house.  He’d at least get hiking into his foiled camping trip.
Ten minutes of slow wandering into the woods on the largest trail and he could no longer hear the boys screaming and yelling at each other outside where they were playing basketball and tennis.  Five minutes after that several game trails broke off the path and Kurt decided to take one of those to see where it led.
It was a short trail, not more than about 100 to 200 steps. It led to a lovely clearing with a brook running through the back of it and wildflowers peeking through the carpet of old fallen leaves.  There were some great trees surrounding the clearing, huge green leaves making the light coming through dapple over the few evergreens.  Kurt brushed the leaves away, finding the ground mostly dirt under a copse of evergreens and birch and giving away to green grass which was trying to fight the dead leaves.
He made plans to come out the next day with his sketch book and pencils and possibly the camera before heading back to the house so he didn’t miss the trip to the shooting range.
It wasn’t all that late when Kurt got back, so he joined Jeff and Nick at the archery set up at the far end of the lawn.  He didn’t see Blaine anywhere.
Using the bows Wes had for everyone’s use was fun, but Kurt missed his own. When he complained Nick teased him.
“What,” Kurt said. “My dad’s cousin was ecstatic when he learned of my interest in bows.  Granted it started because I watched Robin Hood, but it was something he could work with in making a connection, you know. So when I outgrew my first bow, he took me and had a friend make me a longbow I could hunt with but would also look cool and be useful as a prop.  I also have a hand crafted recurve and he is trying to convince me to come to the dark-side and join his love of cross-bows.”
“You’ve hunted with a bow?” Nick asked.
“I’ve gone bow hunting.” Kurt said. “I try not to actually hit anything and my dad and his cousin’s family all promise not to tease me too much when I cry as they field dress Bambi.”
Jeff had to sit down because he was laughing so hard.
“You should have joined the archery team at Dalton.” Jeff said.
Kurt snorted. “Do you remember what happened when Drew’s tire went flat?”
Nick snorted.
“The day at the Lima Bean?” Jeff said.
“Yeah.  I offered to fix it and Blaine got all ‘You can’t do that. You don’t even like sports. You’ll mess up your hands. You’ll mess up Drew’s car. You’ll mess up your uniform. What makes you think you could actually fix a car?’ condescending about it, so I just called someone because Drew didn’t even know who usually looked after his car.”
“Yeah, I remember.” Nick said.
“I decided there that if Blaine wanted this fairy prince idea of me then who was I to ruin it?  He wasn’t listening to anything contrary to it anyway, why force the issue? I joined badminton as my sport, although I admit if the ballroom dance team had had an opening I might have considered that. I steered clear of those sports that Blaine considered too much for my delicate little self and just let it be.”
“So, you could have changed the tire?” Jeff asked.
“Jeff, my dad is a mechanic. We own Hummel’s Tires and Lube. I’ve known how to change a tire since I was 8…by myself for the most part.”
Nick laughed.
“But, Blaine says you work as a singing waiter.” Jeff said.
“I like that job.  I also work at Vogue.com.   My choice of jobs is one of those just because I can do it doesn’t mean I always want to do it things.” Kurt said.
Wes called them to head off before anyone could say anything more.
To Kurt’s surprise, there were 18 guys heading to the shooting range and two of the others had headed into town to pick up something for Wes.  Wes said the others were staying behind to work on projects and stuff for school.
Kurt worried Blaine would be bored, but decided to stick it out for a while.  He stayed about an hour, hitting about 2/3s of the clay discs during his turns.  He couldn’t call the time spent at the range a loss though; he’d spoken to Conner and met his Jake, who could not have been a better match for Conner if Kurt had been able to manufacture a boy for him.  He made plans to see them during the summer.  They were both at Yale.  He spoke and joked with Jeff and Nick some more.  He got to hang with David a bit, who oddly enough was not hanging with Wes as much as Kurt expected. It was great but he was still worried. He told Wes he was heading back to the house and waved goodbye to Nick and Jeff and David.
Kurt parked off to the side so others could get in and out easier when he got to the house and then headed in.   He pulled the SUV up off to the side of the trail he’d hiked down earlier.  He waved to Richards, who looked like he was starting dinner, as he entered into the kitchen and then went hunting to find Blaine.
Blaine wasn’t in the theater room.  Some horror film was playing, but Kurt didn’t see anyone in the room watching it.  He found one of the guys who’d been hanging around Jeff the night before in what Kurt had declared the library, surrounded by books and typing as fast as his fingers could fly.
The dark haired kid and Ricky were located in one of the Hot Tubs. Kurt saw them as he passed by and headed towards the game room.
The game room was empty, the inside gym was empty, the music room was empty. The laundry room was empty as was the formal dining room, the mud room, and the Kitchen…except for Richards. Kurt sighed and went to their room to get his IPod and go relax in the library with the guy working on his school work.
Their room wasn’t empty. The door wasn’t even shut.
Blaine was on the bed riding Edwin with more gusto than he’d ever shown while having sex with Kurt, and Edwin was calling him all sort of pettish type names that Blaine was simply eating up.  The kind Blaine got upset at Kurt for using.
Kurt turned and headed down the stairs to the kitchen and Richards’ peaceful presence.
“So,” Kurt said after watching the man for a while. “Are there any actual rules about doing actual camping on the property?”
“As far as I know, no one has ever considered it,” Richards said.
Kurt nodded.
“But you know of no rules against it?” Kurt asked.
“There are no tents or anything around.”
Kurt nodded. He headed outside to the trail he took earlier.  It was big enough for the ATV until the game trail.  Kurt pulled the ATV to the back of the SUV and went to the garage to swipe a few bungie cords.  He loaded the two coolers and the propane tank first and drove them to the game trail, unloading them and dragging them down the game trail until he reached the clearing. He drove back to the SUV and loaded the camp stove, the tent and a normal camp chair and the camp table. He drove those out to the game trail and took them one by one into the clearing.  He headed back to the house and wandered into the Kitchen again, asking Richards if he knew when the other boys would be back.
Wes had called and told Richards they’d be back in about an hour and to have snacks ready.  Kurt nodded and stayed to help make snacks, grabbing a few mini quiches before heading back out the door when Richards turned his attention towards dinner again.
Kurt loaded a tarp from the garage onto the ATV and sat the air mattress, the generator, the sleeping bags, blankets and pillows onto the tarp. He added the camp chair that reclined somewhat and had a foot rest to his pile. He loaded his art box and the bag of stuff from the kitchen, and finally the box with all the cooking and camping stuff he’d packed. He tossed the messenger bag with his laptop and camera in it over his shoulder and took off one more time down the trail.
After he moved everything into the clearing he’d tucked the messenger bag into the tarp bundle, secured with the bungee cords, and road back to the house.  He headed into the theater room and started a new movie, fast forwarding it to about 40 minutes into the movie.  He’d seen Men In Black enough to not have to worry about missing out on anything.
Jeff and Nick’s voices carried and Kurt hopped up and headed out to see the guys who’d just got back. Nick was once again having an animated discussion with a red head, but not either mentioned by Blaine. Jeff was looking a bit worried, but noticed Kurt and waved. Blaine and Edwin and Ricky and the dark haired guy were all in the Hot Tubs and Kurt made sure to wave as he went around back with the group coming in from shooting.
“Wes,” Kurt said siding up to him, “I’m going to go in and lay down.  I forgot to wear the earplugs while out at the range and have given myself a headache.”
Wes waved and nodded. “If you miss dinner, there is always food in the fridge.”
Kurt smiled and nodded to him.  Then he went up to the room and packed the few things he’d taken out back into the backpack and took the backpack downstairs, tucking it into the garage against the wall.
He went into the kitchen and grabbed more snacks and stuffed them into a baggie and grabbed some pain meds and a bottle of water. He waved to Richards. He went down the hall towards the stairs and the rooms, then turned back and ducked out a side door.
He fetched the backpack from the garage and ran to the trail, then happily and cheerfully hiked his way into the woods, to the game trail and into the clearing.  He sang as he went.
“Into the woods, It's time to go, It may be all In vain, I know. Into the woods- But even so, I have to take the journey.”
Kurt felt lyrics had never so rightly expressed his feelings.
Kurt spent the next two hours setting up camp to his liking, listening to the Into the Woods soundtrack as he worked. It seemed appropriate. The music made his task seem quicker and less lonely.  Singing made everything feel less tight.  It hadn’t been that way in a while. Kurt tried not to think about why.
Kurt counted his blessing as he set up as well. He had the tent to himself.  He had the air mattress to himself.  He had his pillows.  Everything would stay hair gel free.
He realized he was missing a few items, but by the time he’d decided he wanted those it was nearly dark. Kurt made himself an omelet again and a list of what he needed to get from the house.  He took stock of what he had food wise and what he’d need to make and eat first. He decided to deposit what he didn’t want into the fridge of the house the next day, but without feeding two he would still have plenty to go around.  Besides, first he had to see if he could make it through the night.  It would be the first night camping alone he’d ever done.
Kurt put on warm clothes and kicked back in his deluxe camp chair with one of the books until it got too dark.  Then he curled himself up in the sleeping bag nest he’d created with his laptop and watched one of the movies he’d put on it. When it finished, Kurt curled into his sleeping bag and bawled about everything until he fell asleep.
He slept through the night but woke early the next morning, which was fine by him.  He wanted in and out again with minimal contact.  He located the plastic wrap and wrapped all the meat he’d brought, except the frozen fish and a package of bacon, and tucked it into his emptied messenger bag.
Even hiking back to the house had him up and in the kitchen before anyone else. He tucked the food into the fridge and swiped one of the sleep masks that had been sitting in the cabinet that held the pain meds that Kurt had seen the night before.  Kurt headed into the garage, where he borrowed a pair of hedge clippers which he could also use to cut rope, rope and another tarp and an empty box that wasn’t too large.  He headed back into the kitchen and nicked a pack of frozen imitation crab, some butter cubes, and some fresh green onions and tomatoes and a bunch of fruit…bananas, oranges, grapes, pears, kiwis, berries.  He tucked into his bag some fancy cheese spreads and a box of fancy crackers and a small loaf of French bread.
He noticed a note on the fridge door that mentioned the showers in the pool house were open and people should shower out there as well so there wouldn’t be too much wait.
Kurt skipped back to his camp and then skipped back to the pool house shower with a change of clothes and his personal care items in tow.  The pool house not only had showers, but sinks and toilets as well. It was empty still, although he could now see movement up at the house.
Kurt was showered and back out towards his camp in fifteen minutes.
His day was blissful. He took photos of the brook and trees and flowers and all sorts of stuff, lovely detailed ones.  He was sort of planning out part of Carole’s Christmas gift if he could locate someplace to turn the photos into a calendar.
Kurt also spent time sketching.  He was taking set design over the summer and recalled from listening to those Apples who’d been in the class that those in the class were encouraged to get practice in sketching as many different environments as possible.  He drew flowers and mushrooms and trees and rocks, focusing on details in some pictures and the big picture in others.  He went on small hikes, following little trails here and there around his camp site.  He kept his ears open for anyone yelling his name.
He wrote and he practiced his vocal piece and his drama piece. He let his anger out at a spot on one of his mini hikes where a stream ran through what seemed to be rock walls and that had a lovey echo.  Kurt screamed and yelled and called Blaine all sorts of foul names and shouted curses upon him and his future generations, which was oddly satisfying.
Kurt went back to his camp for lunch, where he ate some of the pilfered cheese and fruit and drank specialty root beers. He packed into the small box all the food items that he couldn’t really use without a campfire…the makings for the Dutch oven peach cobbler, the marshmallows and s’mores ingredients, half the potatoes, the other items he’d bought for tinfoil dinners, and more than half the sodas.  He figured he’d just take those things back to the SUV, and then he wouldn’t have to deal with them at camp.
He settled down to read some more and then checked his email and Facebook and played around on the internet for  a while, plugging the external battery in to the generator and pedaling as it charged so he could watch movies again that night while he used the computer.  He decided to charge his phone while he read in the evening and his IPod while he read the next morning.
He fixed himself a fry-up for dinner, using half the bacon and some potatoes, cheese, onions, eggs and peppers.  He used a grocery bag he’d left stuff in to put the trash in and determined to take it to the house after it got dark.
Kurt dug out the flashlight he’d packed and took the trash, his personal care items, and the box to be taken to the SUV back to the house a bit after dark.  He went to the SUV first and put the box in the back.  Then he ditched the bag of trash in the outside dumpster. He saw a few people milling about, a few guys in the Hot Tubs and a few more by the fire pit.  He spoke to one of the guys he didn’t know who said most were in the house playing a video game tournament.  Kurt nodded. He headed to the pool house to shower and use the bathroom.  There were some things he was not doing in the woods unless he absolutely had to.
On the way out, he nicked several smaller trash bags from the box of the under the sink.
The night was spent peacefully curled up in his tent, without the crying of the night before. He’d put on the sleep mask, as well, so he actually slept a bit late.  Kurt wasn’t too upset about it.  During the night he decided he really wanted to play on one of the dirt bikes, so he figured he’d stick around for a bit and being seen wouldn’t be bad, unless it was Blaine…besides he hadn’t slept in that much.  It wasn’t even 8am yet.
Kurt skipped off to the pool house to do his morning routine…messenger bag in tow with clean clothes and his phone to take selfies on the dirt bike.
He slipped into the kitchen and found breakfast laid out, waffle batter to be put in the waffle makers and the goodies to top waffles with and decided to eat. Two waffles later, and a bowl of sugared peaches in cream later, Kurt skipped out the door to the dirt bikes. He was just barely hearing movement.  He wandered around the bikes and decided on a yellow one that was good height and engine size.  He fetched a helmet and jacket and took off on the bike to the area Richards had said was a bike course.
He was out on the bike for over an hour, going over the trails on the course three times a piece. He decided one of the first things he was doing when he got home was calling his dad and spending a whole lot of time apologizing for not letting him buy him one when he was younger.  He might need to send apology gift baskets to the guys his dad worked with as well.  He might not have become the racer they wanted but he would have loved one of these bikes.
He headed back to the house and met another of those guys he didn’t actually know as he was parking the bike.  After a quick exchange where Kurt gave directions to the bike course and the guy informed Kurt that no one was down at the pool house anymore, Kurt went off and quickly took another shower to remove the dust and sweat.  There were a few guys out down by the archery course, but Kurt didn’t see anyone else as he skipped on back to his camp.  There were three bikes gone and he could hear them somewhere off a ways though, so he figured the guy he spoke with went and dragged out some friends.
The rest of Monday consisted of pedaling to charge Kurt’s IPod while he sketched an absolute brilliant Robin Hood costuming idea making Robin Hood and his Merry Men not people who went to archery tournaments but people who competed on the Motocross circuit…ok, maybe not so brilliant but fun none-the-less, and as he was sketching for fun it didn’t matter. He decided to charge the external battery again since he was still sketching when the IPod was fully changed, and then the other battery for the lantern.
He made an imitation crab omelet with onions and tomato and peppers and mushrooms and cheese.  He was almost down to a dozen eggs from two dozen, but his cold foods were still cold, so he wasn’t all that worried.  He might have to go up and sneak some milk out in a day or so, but he’d worry about that when he got there.
After lunch and clean up, he settled into his chair for some more reading.  He’d finished the first novel and was starting the second.  With any luck he could get at least four of the five books he brought read.   By about four in the afternoon, with still no one calling for him, Kurt was starting to wonder about Jeff and Nick at the very least and why they hadn’t been asking after him.  Of course he hadn’t seen Jeff’s car that morning either, so maybe that had something to do with it.
By late evening, after Kurt had made himself some soup with chicken stock and potatoes, adding the rest of the bacon and the rest of the onion and pepper and mushrooms, he settled down to check his social media and watch a movie before sneaking back to the house.  Everything was fine. He hadn’t missed any calls or anything.
The trip to the house at just after 10pm was uneventful.  No one was outside at all, even though there was a fire in the fire pit. Kurt was washed and ready to head back to his camp, trash tossed, without having seen anyone.
He slept the night through without any problems, but forgot the eye mask so was up way early.  That was fine; he wanted to nick some milk anyway. Kurt picked up the empty water bottle he’d set aside for the purpose and tucked it in to his messenger bag.  The house was silent when he got there, however once again breakfast was waiting.  This time there was a huge pot of oatmeal and some absolutely heavenly looking scrambled eggs being kept warm in one of those containers used at like restaurant brunches.  
Kurt ate eggs, which were divine, and a small bowl of oatmeal with fruit and cream mixed in and honey for sweetener. He nicked a water bottle full of milk and a partially used block of Colby Jack and several little balls of mozzarella. He still had some of the spreads left.  He nicked a few bagels and a partially used tub of cream cheese and another small loaf of French bread.  He picked up a lemon from the basket of fruit, as well as a banana, some grapes, an apple, and the rest of three berry baskets from the fridge.  He also swiped more mushrooms, an onion, two bell peppers and a mostly used bag of spinach leaves.
His shower was quick and he was done before anyone else seemed to be up.  He decided to go hiking again after lunch and to bring his paints.
He spent the morning on his computer, looking at his classes needed and what he could take over the summer.  He planned on set design already, in fact was signed up for it.  There was a dialect course he thought would be fun and if he took it during summer, if wouldn’t interfere with his singing course, which he heard it could.  He decided to also do his vocal projection course, make-up arts, and one of the other history of theater courses.  That would give him a full load for summer, but an easier load than was carried for normal semesters.   He checked to see if he could register them yet…and he could, so he got that done. He emailed Carole, to let her know what days he wouldn’t be going to school over the summer…which included every Friday oddly enough.
Kurt fixed himself the left over soup for lunch, finishing it off with the bread and some of the Colby Jack.  He washed what needed washing and put together a small kit to take hiking…watercolor papers taped down onto cardboard rectangles that were small enough to easily carry, about six, his watercolor cake set…small but containing 12 colors, a water bottle for drinking and one for using with the watercolors, a plastic cup and a plastic palette. He tucked his IPod into his pocket and let the ear buds dangle and turned the music loud enough that he could hear.
He left his phone on the table where he’d packed.
He had a grand time. He found the most delightful mushrooms to paint and a set of wildflowers that were peeking above leaves that were still bright red and yellow.  He painted the little waterfall that cascaded between the rocks where he’d yelled earlier. He tried a little blue bird but he wasn’t sure he’d go so far as to call what came out a bird. Finally he painted a rock with moss all over it like a carpet.
He hopped and skipped back to the camp.  It had been ages since he felt so content.
His phone was shrilly ringing when he got back.  He looked at who was calling and saw Rachel’s number so ignored it.
He set out the paintings so they could dry even more and pulled out the fish so it could thaw enough to cook for his dinner. Then Kurt opened his laptop to Facebook.  He called his Dad right then.
Because apparently, Kurt was Lost In The Woods. He couldn’t hear anyone calling for him, but there it was spattered all over his Facebook page…he’d been lost in the woods for three days or maybe two…or maybe just one.  No one could recall seeing him…but some people said they had. But those people all said ridiculous things so obviously they were just saying stuff to make themselves feel important. Blaine noticed he was gone first…no Nick and Jeff did and Blaine was surprised…no Nick and Jeff are wrong, Blaine DID notice Kurt was gone first…if Blaine noticed then why was he surprised when Jeff asked about Kurt…on and on and on.
Rachel was in hysterics and said this was going to ‘ruin her big chance’ she was so upset.
Santana suggested they look for a trail of glitter dust.
Mercedes was wondering if she needed to head out to New York and cancel a show to do so and help look.
Mike asked if they had checked nearby camp grounds and was promptly told how silly he was and asked if he remember who was ‘lost in the woods’.  Mike responded that maybe they should all think about that same question a bit.
Puck asked if anyone had asked his dad or Carole if they had heard from him.  No one answered Puck.
Kurt sighed and turned off his computer. He plugged it into the external battery to charge.  He plugged his IPod into the pedal generator and his little external speaker and started to pedal. He called his dad again…who asked if he was safe and then said he really didn’t care as long as no authorities were called in.  Then asked why none had yet been.
Kurt said he didn’t know and that he was close enough to hear if anyone was actually looking for him or calling for him...and no one was.
“I mean seriously, Dad, I am a 10 minute brisk walk away from the house everyone is staying at. I was at the house this morning and there was no one even up. I spent the morning in my camp registering for school, sent Carole an email, and then spent the afternoon till I called the first time wandering around the woods, and not always deeper into the woods, stopping in places long enough to PAINT! No one has been out here looking.” Kurt nearly yelled.
“And you’re sure you’re warm enough?”
“I got hiking clothing, Dad. I could model for some catalogue like LLBean.” Kurt said with a sneer. “Granted there are a few pieces I might consider moving into my normal wardrobe…but most are too lumberjack chic for my tastes. I got lined jeans, Dad and they do nothing to enhance any sort of figure what-so-ever!”
Kurt smiled as he heard his dad’s laughed.
“What are you doing up there anyway?” his dad asked.
Kurt explained the magazine and how he totally misunderstood the word ‘camping’ in Blaine’s world.
“I’m not kidding; these guys seem to think staying in the house is camping…because they have a fire in the fire pit out back and do things like archery or go shooting and have dirt bikes and ATVs out for use.  It is ridiculous. I swear I made Jeff loose his capacity for speech when I said I had been shooting before, but never trap or skeet shooting…I went hunting. Luckily I did that while chatting the first night we got here and not while out shooting the bows at targets the next morning.  It would have been a shame to have shocked him so badly he took his bow shot when I mentioned hunting while at the bows; Jeff was so not being safe and would have probably hit one of the guys running about the yard at that time.”
“Anything good come about with this?”  Burt asked.
“I have reconnected with Jeff and Nick; I didn’t even know they were in New York.  I have reconnected with a few other of the Warblers. I have learned you can rent equipment from the Student Recreation Center and that NYADA has a Student Recreation Center, and it has this awesome climbing wall and a pool that is just open to students and staff and they do extra dance, fencing, stage combat, tumbling and classes like that for a low fee. I bought this absolutely awesome generator which had these pedals and you pedal on it to charge stuff, but it is easy to pedal, so you can just sit there and pedal as you read or such at the camp and you can charge things like your phone or IPod or tablets or charge external batteries which you can use to charge things like laptops…or a lantern.  I also bought a very nice lantern.  I figured both could be useful for emergencies, like if we lost power again, so I dipped into the emergency fund at the sporting goods shop…which did include clothing purchases but I’ll refund that money back into the emergency fund. Anyway, the sporting goods shop had this awesome first time student buyer discount of 50% and then another 20% discount for a single item. And their student discount is usually 30% off anyway, which is really good.  I have decided that Blaine is a cheating and lying piece of crap and not worth my time or effort.  Oh, and I would like to officially apologize for telling you ‘no’ when you offered me a dirt bike…I was a fool, those things are awesome.  I took out a 250cc four stroke and it was so fun. I didn’t even care the helmet messed my hair up.  I seriously should have let you talk me into that when little.”
“Back-up kiddo.  What was that about Blaine?” Burt asked.
Kurt sighed.
“I was willing to go ‘camping’ Blaine style when we got here, but he spared NO attention to me at all, except once to warn me off talking to an old friend…making it sound like I was the one who cheated and was after guys even though we are engaged…which I don’t think anyone there knows or pays attention to, even though the blasted engagement happened at Dalton.  So I came back from skeet shooting early and walked in on Blaine being screwed by someone else! So…I am done.  We have been fighting about everything since he moved back in, he gets mad at me every time I try to tell him anything like…oh, you should study, we have a huge test next week or we do need to go to class, it is kind of one of those things you do when you go to school, and he never listens to me, not about what I like to eat, not about what I’d like to watch, and not about not wanting to get married until after I have graduated! Then he is hanging with these guys and not telling me, lying about where he’s been or what he’s been doing, and now he’s fucking around and I’m done.”
“Oh, Kurt.  So that’s why you ended out on your own?” his dad asked.
“And are you going to go tell them you aren’t lost?” his dad asked.
“Nope.  Not until someone comes yelling for me.  I’m not exactly hiding.  Or if the authorities come yelling for me, or in with the sirens…I’d be able to hear them I’m sure. We’re supposed to leave Friday afternoon so we’ll be back Friday night so Blaine can do some studying for finals week and get together his presentations and such. So if no one comes yelling before then I’ll break camp and then go borrow the ATV to move everything back to the SUV so we can go.”
“You telling Blaine you’re done then?” Burt asked.
“Not planning on it. I’m planning on right after finals week. That way his schooling disaster can’t be blamed on me…although it probably will anyway.”
“You are sure he’s going to fail?” Burt asked.
“Dad, we share 6 classes…he pulled strings to get into them.  I have done half my finals stuff already.  I spent weeks putting together presentations, picking and working on pieces, writing papers, practicing my dance stuff…although we don’t share that class.   I don’t think he has given any serious thought to any of it.”
“It’s ok, Kiddo. It is not your responsibility to make him do his work.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
“Well, I’m going to go make sure Carole doesn’t think you’re lost in the woods.  You take care and find something relaxing to do.”
Kurt leaned back in his camp chair, his feet stilling after his dad hung up. He really didn’t want to become ‘unlost’ until someone tried to find him, however he wasn’t sure he wanted to sacrifice his evening shower and tending to business either.  He also sort of wanted to see if he could figure out how come, if he was lost enough to shout about it all over Facebook, no one was looking for him and how come it took this long for anyone to notice he wasn’t around.
The first answer, of course was to see if he could figure out a more detailed timeline from Facebook.
Kurt popped open his laptop and got on Facebook.  He ignored the message box for the time being and just started looking at the feed.
At a bit after noon, Blaine posted on his wall about Kurt not being around and to stop calling him to talk to Kurt.  Jeff answered with ‘where the hell is he, since that was what you said last night as well’ and ‘if you don’t want me to call you to talk to Kurt, give me his damn phone number’. Jeff, who has check-ins at food places and such, was in NYC with Nick and Lenny… who was apparently Nick’s brother and who they had to rush back to NYC because he didn’t feel well and then who ended up having his appendix out. They had left right after Kurt had headed to the bedroom according to the posts on Nick’s Facebook page, which was oddly enough how he seemed to be communicating with his mother. Anyway, apparently Nick had wanted to ask Kurt something and was trying to get hold of him, but was busy and almost constantly on the phone with other family members and didn’t have his current phone number. So, Nick had Jeff calling Blaine…starting Monday afternoon. Jeff was apparently told consistently that Kurt was probably off in the bathroom and Blaine would have him call as soon as he got out, or outside and Blaine would have him call as soon as he got in, or sleeping and Blaine would have him call in the morning…or just not around that Blaine could see and Blaine would have him call as soon as he came around. The phones calls never last long because Blaine would then tell Jeff he was in the middle of something and then hang up on Jeff…no offer to take a message or anything.
Also a bit after noon, Jeff called Wes and asked if he could find Kurt and give him Nick’s number so he could call Nick since Blaine wouldn’t.  He also called David, to ask him to look for Kurt but David was in NYC as well, picking up one of their friends from the airport…whose flight had been delayed for 12 hours and so ended up in at 11am on Tuesday not 11pm on Monday, in fact when Jeff called they were still in the airport as even that time was late and they were still waiting for the luggage to be able to be picked up. David couldn’t remember seeing Kurt past the shooting range.  However, Blaine had also told David each time he asked that Kurt was hanging with Conner or with Jeff and Nick…because he didn’t like video games.  Jeff pointed out that he and Nick had been gone since right after they got back from the shooting range, Kurt wasn’t hanging out with them.
Wes called Nick, since Jeff was on the phone with David, and told him he couldn’t find Kurt.  And that Blaine couldn’t actually seem to remember the last time he’d seen him.
Nick posted up a note on Kurt’s Facebook page asking Blaine how he could treat his fiancé like he was. Jeff posted a note asking any of Kurt’s friends if he’d been in touch. Wes asked why Nick thought Kurt and Blaine were engaged…and found out about Blaine’s proposal at Dalton and that they hadn’t even been dating again for two full days and about how many people were there and then started questioning Blaine…still over Kurt’s page…about that situation. Blaine had said nothing other than hadn’t he done a fabulous job at making such a grand display.
Wes posted that supposedly some people had seen Kurt, with the dirt bikes or walking around by the pool house showers…but Blaine posted that the dirt bike story was obviously stupid…didn’t they know Kurt? Of course he refused to answer when asked when he’d seen Kurt last.
Then Wes posted that no one could find Kurt and did that mean he was lost?  And when did he get lost?  And how could no one notice Kurt was missing?
And Kurt’s Facebook page exploded into chaos when his Lima friends all started commenting…none except maybe Mike and Puck in any manner that helped.
Kurt rolled his eyes and sighed. David posted that he and Ravi, the friend he was picking up, would be on their way and some people had a whole lot of explaining to do. Jeff and Nick posted that they would be up in the morning, however they still couldn’t leave until Nick’s mom got back to look after Lenny, who was apparently hopeless and didn’t even have a single friend who could be trusted not to screw up his recovery.
Still, no one at the house right now was looking for him. He figured that he’d walk down and decide then if he was going to risk the shower and toilet or not.  However, dinner was calling and he deserved something good.
The fish had thawed enough to be fried up and Kurt seasoned it with the lemon and some butter.  He ate some fruit and the bagel and cream cheese. He broke out another of the fancy sodas. He washed up.  He gathered the used water bottles and tucked them into a bag he was using for recycling. He gathered the trash and put it in another. He plugged the external battery into the generator yet again and peddled while reading his novel until it was too dark to read anymore. He switched out items to be charged half way through and charged his IPod.  His phone was still fine.
At nearly midnight, Kurt took his bag with his stuff in it and walked down to the house. He’d probably hit things just right, David had just pulled in when Kurt hit the tree line. Kurt leaned against a tree to watch and gather information which he hoped would shed some light on his ‘disappearance’ and the lack of hunting for him.
“Would you like to explain what the Fuck is going on?” David yelled  at Wes who had exited the house as David stood from behind the driver’s seat.
“I don’t know.” Wes said. “All I know is that when Jeff called at about one-ish, and I went to ask Blaine where Kurt was, Chez got all huffy and yelled at me because Blaine was getting grouchy and not being as fun since Jeff kept calling.  He and Ricky were hanging in the exercise room and said Blaine wasn’t with them, so I left to look for him, however Blaine and Edwin were there when I walked back by like two minutes later. I asked Blaine where Kurt was…he said he was probably with Conner.  I found Conner, who hadn’t seen Kurt since the shooting range...nor had Jake. Conner said he thought Kurt and Blaine had been together tucked up in their room enjoying their time together, since that was what Kurt thought the week was for and since he hadn’t seen either.”
“I went back to ask Blaine why Conner thought he and Kurt would be tucked up together and who else might Kurt be hanging with, but I couldn’t find any of the four, so I just started asking about Kurt.  Rocko was certain Kurt was the one who told him about the dirt bike trails. Lex thought he’d talked to Kurt Sunday night about how everyone was up playing video tournaments still so the shower was free. No one else can recall seeing him around. So, I asked Blaine if he knew if Kurt’s stuff was in the bedroom or not…after hunting him and Edwin and Ricky and Chez back down…this time to the hot tubs. He said he didn’t know … he hadn’t looked. I asked when he saw Kurt last.  He shrugged and said he hadn’t been to their room since Sunday afternoon really, just long enough to get some clothes so he could bunk down with Edwin and Ricky and catch up with them. So I asked if he realized no one had seen Kurt since Saturday afternoon, did he see Kurt after he’d gone up to bed with his headache? Blaine said he hadn’t even known Kurt had gone up with a headache, he’d slept on the floor of the movie room after watching movies all night long with Edwin and then didn’t look for Kurt because Kurt is always up early so of course he wasn’t in the room when Blaine went and got his clothing and such on Sunday.”
“So Kurt’s been missing since Saturday Night?” David yelled.
“Well, maybe?” Wes said.
“Where have you looked?” David shouted again.
“Wes?” David’s voice dropped very low and dark.  Ravi, or at least that was who Kurt assumed had also climbed out of the car was, laughed.
“The house?” Wes said. “Look, It’s not my fault.  I kept asking around if people had seen Kurt and Conner found out I was asking around about Kurt so he took off to find Blaine and then all of a sudden it was like world war three! I don’t know if anyone but Felix doesn’t have blood on them somewhere! You had been calling and everyone was antsy and so when Conner found Blaine and started screaming at him everyone just joined in….then Chez threw a punch at Jake when Jake said something about boyfriends and then others started throwing punches and when Richards finally blew the blow horn and everyone stopped, you had a bunch of guys who were just caught in the middle and then one side who said Blaine was engaged to Kurt and were screaming about that and one side who kept insisting the other was delusional, after all Blaine was with Edwin, didn’t we all know that? It was insane.  People even ended up going to the ER. So we had to spend hours patching people up and stopping the little fights that keep breaking out here and there and our friends from college are all stressed at being caught in the middle. Most of the guys have calmed somewhat, since Jake took Conner off to the ER and Brent went with them, he thinks he might have fracture his foot. Except Rocko, who seems to still want to tear Blaine limb from limb.”
“Blaine isn’t with Edwin.” David said.
“Yes he is.” Wes said. “They’ve been an item since Edwin saw Blaine perform at the old lady’s showcase….the one we left early.”
“The one you left early. The rest of us stayed, remember? We wanted to talk to Kurt but Blaine took Kurt off someplace before we could, well…I wanted to talk to Kurt. And Felix wanted to meet Kurt.  Blaine announced Kurt as his fiancé there.”
“Don’t be silly, David. I was with Blaine and Edwin the next day and they decided to see each other then.”
“Like it would matter at all to Edwin if Blaine was engaged or not.” David said “I am not kidding, Wes. Kurt and Blaine are engaged.”
“No, Blaine is with Edwin. They go out about three times a week in the evening. They hang out on weekends during the day.  And Edwin’s not as wild as he used to be, he promised he’d stopped the behavior that got him suspended way back then.”
“And you believed him. He never changed, Wes. He just stopped screwing with kids with enough clout to do anything about him. When did Blaine and Kurt break up?” David asked, throwing his hands in the air.
“I don’t know.”
“And where does Blaine live?” David asked.
“He lives with Kurt, remember?  He moved in when Kurt’s roommates left…” Wes said.
“Ok.  So…you know Kurt…do you think Kurt would have Blaine move in with him after they broke-up recently?” David asked, very slowly.
“Well, no.” Wes said. “but maybe it wasn’t recent?”
“Ok…Let’s play with that idea.  So…we all know and accept that Kurt and Blaine broke up early October of Blaine’s senior year, right?” David asked, still drawing out the sentence like he was talking to a very small child.  Kurt had his bag up to his face to stifle any laughter.  The guy David had brought with him wasn’t even trying.
“Yes.  Trent said Blaine was devastated.” Wes said.
“Did he? Huh, Sebastian said Blaine was only upset when he wasn’t chasing that blond kid Sam around and if people mentioned Kurt.”
“Well, Sebastian is an ass, besides, how would he know?” Wes said.
“Yes, well Blaine spent months and months with Sebastian the year before on the phone and at coffee shops and skyping and texting and going to Country Club gatherings together, so I figure he probably knows Blaine’s behavior well.”
“He drugged them!” Wes shouted.
“Hunter, the guy YOUR godfather brought into the school, drugged them.  Sebastian was one of TEN who were completely clean, and it was Sebastian who brought forth the evidence after Blaine and Sam took their story to the board and nearly got all of them expelled and jailed. Including the blackmailing and threats Hunter was using against half the kids he was drugging. The other half…the ones not being blackmailed or threatened… were your godfathers minions brought in to prop up Hunter.  Besides, the reason Sebastian knew how Blaine was acting is because Sebastian’s role in Hunter’s regime was to keep tabs on Blaine, so they could either get him back like YOU wanted or nullify the threat that several saw Blaine as, for some reason.”
Wes growled. “I thought you said you agreed with me about everything that went down.”
“Again, you weren’t listening. I have argued with you about this since we graduated and I met older Warblers, ones who weren’t under your Godfather’s reign of terror. I argued with you THEN that you needed to go to the school and replace YOUR council choice when Blaine left, which you refused to do because if you couldn’t have Blaine replace you, you didn’t want anyone else to take his spot.  I agreed we should have set up the council more solidly before we left…I should have listened to others and picked a choice truly my own instead of following your advice… and we should have drilled Blaine on his intentions before summer.  He was talking about leaving before he left to his summer job, he wanted a Nationals title.”
“He went for Kurt.” Wes said. “Thad said so.”
“And the Warblers who weren’t so enthralled with him to let him push and shove them around said he spoke about Kurt’s old Glee Club and nationals and the opportunities that Kurt’s school would provide him with, including being top of his class without much work and main lead vocal of a winning choir that was not acapella and thus would allow him to shine more.”
“Because they were jealous.”
David rolled his eyes and his whole head.  “I forgot how much of a Blaine worshiper you were and how all your brains leak out your skull when he comes up or is nearby.  Is he good, Wes?  There has to be some reason you are so up his ass!” David asked.
Wes nearly flew at him with the intent to hit him when the guy with David grabbed his arm.
Kurt watched the whole bit with wide eyes.  Suddenly a lot of Warbler things made a whole lot more sense, like why the talk always seemed to not quite match the actions. And why although a great deal of the school worshiped the ground the boys walked on, there was a substantial subsection that did not and who Blaine kept Kurt away from very aggressively.
“Don’t forget, Wes,” the other guy said in an accented voice that Kurt couldn’t quite place. “I learned a lot the year I spent working for the headmaster while we figured out finances for my third year of University. I watched you let that boy cheat off you his full first year. You handed him papers you had done and walked him through changing them just enough. You gave him solos over everyone else every time he hinted he wanted one.  You let him pick the music, even though his choices took us out of competition. David might have guessed you favored the boy…but I know and have proof.”
“How dare you Ravi!” Wes yelled. “Besides the reason you had financial issues was because your family was caught laundering money.”
“An uncle through my great great great grandfather was laundering money. It just took a year to prove we had nothing to do with him and hadn’t for decades.”
“So, it soiled your name. You have no room to speak or nothing to say!”
“You forget, Wes.  The Warblers existed before you and our gatherings and traditions existed before you and even with the taint that has befallen them…taint attached to YOU and YOUR family…they will exist long after you die!”
“We were going to make them great!” Wes said.  “Bring glory to Dalton again.”
“They are no longer on the show choir circuit. And we were great.  MY sophomore year we took nationals at acapella, when it was a true acapella group. They will be again.  We have instructors taking over who will not let the chaos you and your kin introduced during your years on the council remain. When things have been restored, the council will be brought back.”
“Yes, well….none of this has anything to do with right now. And I don’t see why we are arguing about this again David.” Wes said, leaning back into a sullen stance with his arms crossed over his chest.
David sighed. “We will argue this every time it comes up until you acknowledge what you have done, Wes. I understand the whole ‘legacy’ issue, but your family abused it and used your godfather’s appointment as Head of Student Activities to run rampant over everyone else.  You cost other members their legacy appointments to the council, Wes.  You all obstructed the traditions of the council and the Warblers.”
“My Godfather promised my Grandfather that all of us would hold our rightful places for a long as we wanted.  Father and Uncle Lawrence just made sure of it.  They all resented that they could only claim one year of council. Grandfather doesn’t care if other legacy children lost out.  None are as important as we are.” Wes said.
Ravi chuckled. “Your godfather has lost his position as head and is now coordinator of intermural sports. Your younger cousins and younger brother will not be on a Warbler council, either.  Your junior year, a young man came and requested a council voice, do you recall? The first year Blaine was there?”
“Yes, blond kid. Didn’t want to claim his spot yet, which he insisted he should have without anything to back that insistence up, but wanted a council voice on song choice.” Wes said.
“Yes.  Edgar Dalton.  You refused and instead gave Blaine input.  Blaine bragged about it.  Edgar stopped attending meetings and then moved schools during winter break. Your insult was excused, as Edgar believed the tradition of a single year of council membership was being observed and as he hadn’t forcefully explained who he was.  The next year, when you were still on the council, his father brought up issues and started a search to find other insults and aggravations. Your godfather’s introduction and backing of Hunter was his last mistake. Dalton wanted him roasted, but the Headmaster and Board decided quiet removal of power was better. Your family was important due to funding and legacy, but no more really than many others. They should have remembered that.”
Wes growled. David snorted.
“I can’t believe you would support those people over me, David. Your best friend!” Wes shouted.
“Yes, best friend…who didn’t speak with me after I told you to make a new council appointment when Blaine skipped out for over a year.  I connected with Ravi and others at Yale, like I was told to when I graduated from Dalton and found out a lot that we had lost.  Much of which I was sad we had missed out on.”
“We thought it unnecessary for our goals, David.” Wes said.
“Goals never shared with the rest of the Warblers or your fellow council members. Shall we get back to the topic? Are we agreed that Blaine and Kurt got engaged in March at Dalton, before Blaine graduated?”  David asked.
Wes huffed. “Since it seems half the guys knew about it, then I guess. But I didn’t know about it and am still not sure it really happened.  They could have misinterpreted it.”
“But something happened and Blaine and Kurt were together again?” David said.
“Fine, Sure.”
“So…When did they break-up again? And if they are broken-up…why does Blaine live with Kurt and how in the world do you think KURT would ALLOW that?” David asked.
Wes just looked at him.
“Yeah, I thought so.” David said.
“I didn’t say you were right!” Wes said.
“But you can provide no logical answer.” David said.
“I still think there is some logical explanation and that Blaine wouldn’t do that.” Wes said.
“Well, I suggest you do the logical thing then and march on into the house and ASK Blaine the status of his and Kurt’s relationship and then figure out where Kurt is…because I don’t know about you, but Kurt’s dad will not be happy if he has to come out here to find his son and YOU have done nothing and I for one want to have some sort of answers for him.” David said.
“Kurt’s dad isn’t very wealthy and is in Ohio. Why should it matter?” Wes said.
Ravi started to laugh and David took a huge breath and sighed.
“Kurt’s last name is Hummel. Like…Burt Hummel?” David said.
“And?” Wes said.
“And you are fucking flunking all your courses, aren’t you?  Or did you switch majors?” David yelled.
“I don’t see why you are yelling again, David.” Wes snapped.
“Congressman Burt Hummel?” David said.
“Don’t be silly,” Wes said. “That is not Kurt’s dad.  He was something like a plumber or electrician or something.”
Kurt smothered another laugh as David started to slowly slam his head against the top of his car.
“Like a mechanic, possibly?” Ravi asked.
“Like Congressman Burt Hummel is?” Ravi asked.
“Is he?” Wes asked.
“Yes.” Ravi said.
“Oh. Ok…fine. Let’s go inside and figure out what is up and see what we need to do and like maybe talk to people more and like build a time line?  But stop picking on me!  You can’t treat me like this in front of the others.  It is just not right and it’s not fair.”
“Fine.” David said.
“We’ll see.” Ravi added.
David popped the trunk and Ravi went and grabbed a large duffle bag from within.  Then they all headed to the house.  Kurt moved forward a little bit farther and could see that most people still up seemed to be in the large dining area that was off the kitchen. He figured the others were probably asleep.  He moved across the yard to the side of the house and then snuck towards the back.  No one was out at the hot tubs. Kurt ducked into the pool house, which was also blissfully empty. He showered and did his night routine.
He made it back to his camp without notice.  His sleep was not nearly as restful as it had been the nights before, but he finally settled into a deep sleep.
It was late when he got up.   It was nearly 10am.  Kurt grumbled, but went about getting ready for the day at the camp.  There was no way he could get to the pool house for a shower without being noticed that late in the morning. He ate breakfast; fruit and yogurt and a granola bar he crushed up on top.  Kurt pulled out his laptop and checked his email. He had a note from the school saying his registration was official and a note from Carole saying she’d marked his days off and would figure out a time for them to visit and for him to visit and to have fun being lost. No one else had emailed him. He decided not to deal with Facebook or any other social media site.
He gathered the last of the cheeses and the last of the breads and bagels, some fruit and trail mixes and two bottles of water for his lunch and then set out into the woods with the camera to take more pictures.  If a great deal of his late morning adventure took place near the edge by the yard of Wes’ place, it was surely a coincidence. Really.
He found wildflowers he hadn’t seen yet that he got pictures of and some cool close up of trees and bark and strange knots and light filtering through leaves.  He took close-ups of as many different mushrooms as he could find, thinking of trying to use photo shop to make himself a woodland elf…or maybe a fairy.  He took photos of the few moths he saw; surprised any were out yet at all. Finally he found a little tiny clearing where he could see and hear what was going on in Wes’ yard and settled down to eat …and spy.
Again his luck held. Jeff drove up as he was eating his banana.
“Where’s Kurt?” He yelled as he got out of the car.
David came out of the garage, holding a clipboard.  “Where’s Nick? What time did Nick first call?”
“Nick left about an hour and half before I did, but he had errands to run.  He’ll probably be about another half hour. Nick called Blaine Sunday night about 8pm.  Kurt had said something about a place he works that has singing waiters and Nick’s mom said since her vacation was being cut short, she was bringing some of her girlfriends back with her and wanted fun things to do that were not the usual. Nick wanted more info about that place.  Where’s Kurt?”
“I am trying to format a timeline.  It is nearly impossible.  Would Kurt ever ride a dirt bike?” David asked.
“I don’t see why not.” Jeff said.
David nodded as he marked something down.
“I think he left when he said he was going to go lay down.  You guys left right after that. Someone might have talked to him Sunday night, but they aren’t certain.  It doesn’t help that it was one of Wes’ friends from university and it was dark and everyone is stupid because when he described the boy he talked to they all insisted it couldn’t be Kurt because the guy’s hair wasn’t all fancy. If Kurt had hidden somewhere I doubt he was doing his hair all that much.” David said.
“He left Saturday?”
“However if Wes’ friend saw him and if it was indeed Kurt Rocko talked to, then he was seen Sunday night and Monday morning.”
“Still,” Jeff said. “That is a whole two days without contact!”
“Wes thinks Blaine and Edwin are dating.” David said.
“Kurt and Blaine are engaged.” Jeff said.
David nodded.
“Blaine didn’t go to the shooting range with us.  He stayed here with Edwin and Ricky and their shadow.  Kurt left the range early to come back and check on him.  Blaine cheated on Kurt less than a month after Kurt left for New York.  That was the reason they broke up.  If Kurt walked in on something, he’ll be devastated.” Jeff said.
David nodded.  “I spent the evening and morning watching Blaine. He is doing something with Edwin and maybe even with Ricky and Chez.”
“Shit.” Jeff said. “Have you asked Richards if he saw anything unusual?”
David’s head snapped towards Jeff. “No….and Kurt would be someone who would speak to him.  Let’s go.  We haven’t really searched the house either.  Ravi and I got in past midnight and have had a hard time getting anyone even moving this morning.  Lunch is breakfast.  Seriously no one was even awake other than Ravi and I until half past 10 and Wes said we couldn’t fuss around and look about until everyone was up.”
“What do you expect, they are all camping.” Jeff said. “Hmm…has anyone asked Blaine what he explained about camping here to Kurt?”
“No.” David said. “Wes wouldn’t let us disturb him and he did not come out of the room he was in with Ricky and Edwin and Chaz until about 10 minutes before you got here. He was ‘too upset’ over the big fight last night.”
Jeff rolled his eyes. “Let’s go do those two things. Nick is going to want some solid answers when he gets here and as stressed as he has been the last week, I suggest we have something.”
Jeff and David walked back to the house and Kurt moved back to his camp.  He left his electronics tucked away and pulled out his book.  He sat in his deluxe camp chair and put his feet up. If his peace was going to crumble, he was going to get the most use of it he could.  He did start timing.  It took another 40 minutes before Nick got to the house, and Kurt, even as far into the woods as he was, heard the ruckus.  He couldn’t hear the words but he could hear the sound and tell it was an angry sound.   The wall of noise lasted only about five minutes. Kurt walked over to his drink cooler and pulled out one of the specialty sodas and settled back into his chair to wait on being found.  He just hadn’t decided if he was going to answer when he first heard voices or wait till they came pretty much to him.
In the end the calling of his name didn’t start until he could hear voices.  He heard the arguing first, in fact.
“I can’t believe it took you all so long to ask the butler dude.” A voice that sounded familiar but Kurt couldn’t quite place said.  “I’m pretty sure Kurt said he met Blaine at a posh private school with great academics.”
Kurt was trying to figure out who he knew that he wasn’t expecting to be around here that he’d talked about Dalton who might possibly bother to show up to find him.
“Well, we never claimed what Kurt would call street smarts,” Jeff said.
“Mostly Kurt would say we all lacked logic as well.” Nick added dryly.
“Yes, well I would have to agree, at least for half the guys I’ve met so far.” The voice Kurt hadn’t placed quite yet said.  Then the voice shouted and Kurt could hear it more clearly.
“Kurt!  Kurt!”
“It’s Elliot!” Kurt said out loud, jumping up from his chair and putting his book on the table as he passed it on the way to the game trail leading out of the clearing and to the main trails.
“Kurt!” Jeff and Nick joined with Elliot in shouting.  Kurt could see them coming around the bend to the section of the trail where the game trails branched off.  
“Elliot!” Kurt shouted back, waving his arms so the guys could see him at the edge of the trail where his path broke off at.  
Elliot broke into a run and swept Kurt into a hug, while Nick hurried over as well. Jeff followed a bit more slowly, on his cell phone.
“David said he’s glad you’re located and he’ll tell Richards.  He hadn’t decided if he’s telling Wes yet.  I think he is starting to enjoy the panic Wes is getting in as Richards reminded him that if you aren’t found by tonight they’ll have to call his parents and inform them a kid went missing on the property.”
Kurt chuckled. “Come on back.”
Kurt led them down his little path into his campsite.
Nick started laughing.
Elliot joined in.
“What’s funny?” Kurt asked.
“I told them that you’d have no problem camping, but that you’d also have it set up as nice as a hotel room.” Elliot said.
“Your camp chair has the ability to be a recliner!” Jeff said.
“You’ve been cooking out here?” Nick asked, poking around the edge of the table by the camp stove and peeking into coolers.  
“Haven’t you got bored?” Jeff asked.
Kurt shrugged. “Not really. I have been reading some novels I’d hoped to read during dead week, I’ve been out hiking and taking photos and making sketches. I have my IPod, and cell phone with games, and my laptop with movies and internet. I have been up to the house every day except today, twice a day pretty much. I would not have been good company.”
“So, I’ve got to know,” Nick asked.  “Did you take out the dirt bike?”
“Yes!  That was so much fun.  When I called my dad yesterday I apologized to him.  He wanted to buy me one when little and I always said no.” Kurt said.
“Wes owes us 20 bucks a piece.” Jeff said.
“Why wouldn’t you have been good company?” Elliot asked.  He’d been looking around the camp site, peeking into the tent and flipping through the sketch book Kurt had had sitting on the table.
“I walked in on Blaine being fucked by one of his pals.” Kurt said.  “I know if I have to look at him, I will not be able to keep the scathing lecture I desire to unleash upon his being to myself and I have decided that it is best delivered a bit more private than in front of several dozen other guys whom Blaine desires to maintain a good image with.”
“Oh, Kurt.” Elliot said softly. Elliot held out his arms and Kurt rushed into them.
Jeff and Nick wandered around the campsite pretending to look at things in detail while Kurt cried in Elliot’s arms.
Kurt’s tears weren’t as long lasting as any of the other expected.  He removed himself from Elliot’s hug and wiped his face with his sleeve, before apologizing to everyone.
Jeff and Nick just shrugged.
“So,” Kurt said. “I suppose I have to be found.”
Jeff looked at Nick who tilted his head in thought. “Found yes, but I don’t know if that means you have to come back to the house…” Nick started.
“I mean,” Jeff continued. “At least not to stay.  I know David would be really glad to see you and he really wants you to meet some of the other’s up there.  Ravi, in particular seems to be highly interested in you.  And I think Rocko would like to formally meet you as well.”
“Rocko?” Kurt asked.
“Yeah, the guy you apparently talked to about the dirt bikes.” Nick said.
“But Rocko?”  Kurt asked.  ‘That just so does not sound like a name from Dalton.”
Jeff laughed. “Oh my God, I forgot you missed Rocko’s years there.  He graduated the year before you got there. But you are right.  We were actually penalized for use of Rocko’s first name.  Everyone was commanded to call him Mr. Rochester.”
“His name is Rocko Rochester?”
“Rocko Rude Rochester. The headmaster couldn’t handle people calling him by his middle name either.” Nick added.
Kurt shook his head. “What were his parents thinking?”
“His folks are rich, not smart.” Nick said.  “They named his sister Bunny Muffin.”
“Anyway, as long as you came up to the house a few times a day and maybe sleep up at the house and were seen you could maybe be allowed to stay out here for the most part.” Jeff said.
“I’m fine out here for sleeping.” Kurt said.  “It’s actually quite comfortable.”
Kurt walked the three over to the tent and unzipped the door.
“The air mattress in the one Sam slept on at the loft, so Blaine has slept on it several nights when he opted to stay out with Sam instead of with me. Blaine is not one to forgo his creature comforts, as I’m sure you all know.  I have plenty of covers and pillows.  I have plenty of food, in fact I haven’t even broke out the camp food yet.  I have books and my laptop has movies and games uploaded to it.  I even had card and board games to bring, but I left those in the SUV when I realized it was going to be just me out here.”
“I could stay out here, too.” Elliot added. “I mean I will need a ride back to the City at some point and I didn’t plan on making anyone take me back until the weekend.  I know Blaine would be much happier if I were not up at the house.  So, Kurt wouldn’t be alone.”
“And we could bring camp chairs out here from the house.  There were tons more tucked in the garage and I have three more in the SUV, another one like the one out here and then two basic ones like the one by the table in case we had to hike to the camp spot too far. They are lighter. People who wanted to could come out here and hang.” Kurt added.  “I mean, we could certainly bring anyone actually worried out here to see the set up.  They could make certain themselves.  I just….I don’t really want to be up at the house around Blaine for long periods.”
Nick and Jeff nodded. “At least come to the house and talk to David.  I would say talk to Wes, but he’s being an ass.  I’d think David would probably see your point.” Jeff said.
“I bet no one would argue with you staying out here if you can convince Richards you are safe and well.” Nick added.  “If he knew exactly where you were at, any legal type issues would probably be covered as well, you know, in case any of the other guys like called their folks or something.”
Kurt sighed and rubbed his forehead. He really didn’t want to spend too much time anywhere where Blaine might be. “Fine. Let’s go now.”
Elliot walked over to Kurt and draped his arm over his shoulder. “Isn’t there anyone up there you’d like to see?”
“I guess Conner is still there, and I did want to spend more time with Nick and Jeff.” Kurt said. “Let me grab my phone and put things away.”
Kurt put his book and all his art materials away in the tent.  He grabbed his phone and his soda.
“So, I heard there is an epic music room up at the house.” Elliot said as the guys all headed back to the main trail. “We could give them all a little show.”
Kurt chuckled. “Elliot, pretty much every guy in that house sung with the Warblers at some point.  We could try to give them a show but they would join in.  Seriously…these guys…they could just stop a whole school for performances.  No one fussed!  It was magical to me.”
“Those were the ones who sang A Capella, right?” Elliot asked.
“Yes!  We need to find the beatbox…I have something I’ve always wanted to try.”
“You have your pick,” Nick said.  “There should be three at the house.  There are some non-warblers at the house though, like Conner and Felix. And a few friends from different universities that aren’t even associated with Dalton. Not everyone will butt in on your jam session.”
“But enough will.” Kurt said. “Although, not many will try to take lead…so we are more likely to end up with background music than fighting for the front and center spots, especially if it is obvious we are just trying things out and not practicing for something that lots of people will be watching. Hmm…remind me to call my dad when we get back to the house.”
“So, I know you know Nick and Jeff here, and from what they have said you know the Wes kid whose family owns this place and David…who I think was one of the guys who we met out front?”  Elliot said, looking to Jeff.  “And of course Blaine.  Who else do you know?”
“Yes, David was the African- American who met us out front.  He was with Ravi, who Kurt doesn’t know.  Ravi graduated a few years before Kurt was there. Wes hasn’t ever liked him because Ravi made it into the Warblers as a first semester freshman and was front man for two years. Wes didn’t make it in until the end of his freshman year and all he heard was about how Ravi made it as a first semester freshman and his making it as a freshman wasn’t that big of a deal.  Of course Wes made it in just to be immediately put on the council and started putting in a dozen or so freshman a year so we wouldn’t have such a hard time keeping numbers and training singers so…” Jeff trailed off and Kurt answered.
“Hmm…I know Conner and I’d seen his boyfriend at the school, but never met him.  He was the same year as Blaine and not into music much. I think that one dark haired baritone that Blaine would not let me speak to at all who was in David’s and Wes’s year was there.”
“Braydon.  Blaine didn’t like him.  He thought Blaine was given too much leeway and too much focus. He also thought Wes was an idiot for not taking advantage of having a countertenor in the group. There were about four of the older guys like that.”  Nick said.
“That explains a lot.” Kurt said. “I always wondered why Blaine would not let me near some of the guys. Heck, Thad was seriously the only one my age I was ever introduced to and he did a good job of making sure I didn’t meet too many other kids my age while there.  I hung around with Blaine and his crew and was handed into Wes’s care when Blaine couldn’t be with me.”
Jeff nodded. “Wes and Blaine were very proprietary about song options and so wanted to keep you and what you could do away from the others who didn’t think they should be so controlling and then there were a few who wanted to get to know you well enough to date you and Blaine hated that idea too.” Jeff added.
“Even though he didn’t want to date me?” Kurt asked.
“Oh, yes.  Blaine couched it in terms of not wanting you scared or harassed or bothered after your horrifying trials in McKinley, but most of us knew Blaine long enough that was understood it was also one of those ‘this is mine and not yours’ things.  Blaine is very possessive of his people…friends or relationships.”
“It was horrid the year before you came when he was a freshman, because he decided that Jeff was HIS friend and would not let me or Trent talk to him for about half a year, even though we’d known Jeff for years before that.” Nick said.  “I had to sneak Jeff into my room while Blaine was supposed to be doing his homework to spend any time with him!”
“We resorted to weekends at either mine or Nick’s.  In the end it worked out for the best though…Blaine was soooo mad when we got together before Valentine’s day that year and I kept answering his ‘Jeff is MY friend’ statements with ‘but I’m Nick’s lover boy’.” Jeff said.
“So his ridiculous tantrum at me wasn’t an oddity.” Elliot said.  “I don’t know if I feel better or worse knowing that.”
“No,” Kurt said. “I probably ought to have told you that long ago.”
Kurt sighed as he could see the edge of the tree line up ahead.  Elliot reached over and grabbed his shoulder and gave it a squeeze.
“It will be fine.” Elliot said.  “I’ll stick by you and if Blaine tries to start anything, I won’t let him.”
Jeff snorted. “I bet Blaine doesn’t even show.”
“He was holed up in the bedroom you two were supposed to have with Ricky, Edwin and Chez when we started out looking for you.” Nick added.
“So Chez is the dark haired one who whines?” Kurt asked.
“Oh yes.” Nick said. “He is actually your age, but he was tossed out of Dalton at the end of Blaine’s freshman year, so he wasn’t around during the time you were there.  He had a fondness for destruction…the cupboard that held half our sheet music and the loss of tons of sheet music was the final straw for him. And what got him tossed.  He was mad because some girl told him no when he asked for a date.”
“Huh.” Kurt said. “I always thought you all didn’t have to deal with that kind of thing.”
Nick shrugged. “Oh we didn’t have to deal with bullying in the physical or blatantly vocal sense, but other stuff we still had to deal with. You were actually there at a good time. We’d had a mass amount of kids thrown out the year before when they cracked down on the rules and regulations and kids refused to deal with that.  Those left knew we were being watched closely.  But the professors keeping the tight watch went off on sabbatical during that next year and so kids like Sebastian weren’t reined in so much and then you get the Hunter debacle…but the teachers keeping standards up were back and willing to do something.”
“I’m glad I was.  It was what I needed right then.  Somewhere physically safe for me to regroup.  I just ended up with way too much baggage coming out.” Kurt said. “And I really liked the classes and the school.  We just couldn’t really afford it and I missed being able to be me.  I was going NUTS in the uniform. Although I would have waited till the end of the year if we could have afforded the last quarter.”
“Blaine always said you left because you wanted to sing with your choir at nationals.” Jeff said.
Kurt rolled his eyes. “Part of Blaine‘s problem all together is that Blaine doesn’t listen and can’t comprehend anything outside his immediate experiences. Blaine’s family never had money problems…never had to make hard choices or  make ends meet or even just put anything on hold till the next paycheck.  We got a six month emergency scholarship because my life was considered in danger and there was enough physical proof on my body when Dad called Dalton to ask about it. It does not cover six full months of school…it covered the few weeks in November and the few weeks of December. It covered the few weeks of January, February, March and we switched the first week in April because that was when the quarter there was over and I’d not have to start a few new classes and then be pulled out when the emergency scholarship was up.  That scholarship waived two thirds of Dalton’s fee.  With having to buy a new house and my dad’s medical fees and him not being able to work as much in the garage as he had before his heart attack earlier in that fall…we just could not afford it.  I wasn’t even sure I’d be allowed to sing with the New Directions at Nationals since I hadn’t sung in any of the qualifiers, but I was hoping to be able to. I said I hoped to be able to sing with my friends again and join the club again, yes. But I said all that after telling him over and over about the financial worries and my doubt we’d be able to pull off fees till the end of the school year.  That bit about hoping to sing with the New Directions again was all Blaine heard.”
 Nick nodded. “He does have issues with hearing what is really being said and comprehending past what he wants to have been said.”
 “And it doesn’t help that for the two years he was at Dalton, he was never expected to have to do anything other than that.” Jeff said.
 Kurt snorted. “McKinley really didn’t make him have to listen to others either.  He was still able to just do what he wanted and hear what he wanted and pretty much get everything handed to him on a silver platter.”
 Kurt stopped as they hit the start of the trail into the woods and just stared for a few minutes at the house before sighing so hard that Elliot felt it and Jeff and Nick heard it from the few steps they were ahead.  Elliot reached over and grabbed the soda from Kurt’s hand and grabbed the hand that had held the soda.
 “Have I mentioned how ridiculous I find you all’s definition of camping?” Kurt said.
 “No and I advise not doing so to the masses…they get cranky.” Nick said.  
 Kurt laughed and the tension eased out of him a bit. Jeff smiled and turned to Elliot.
 “So what song did you want a beat-box for?”  Jeff asked.
 “Beatle’s Come Together…right now.  I’ve been thinking about it for ages.”
Kurt smiled. “Oh…that would be good.  If we get the band back together we should consider theme nights.  Beatles would be great…avoiding certain songs of course.  I used to sing a mean Blackbird.”
 “What songs would we avoid?” Elliot asked.
 “All You Need is Love is Forever Ruined.” Kurt said. “Got To Get You Into My Life might be as well, although I still have an insane desire to sing it in public ALL BY MYSELF!”
 “Is that what he serenaded you with at that proposal?” Elliot asked.
 “ All You Need Is Love? Yes.”
 “That is too bad…but there are plenty of other Beatles songs which I think would fit us better anyway,” Elliot replied. “I would love to hear you sing Imagine and Hey Jude and we could have fun with Yellow Submarine.”
 Kurt beamed. “And we have never done a real Madonna night. We’ll have to make some lists.”
 David was waiting for them as the cleared the woods.
 Kurt was pulled into a hug and patted down before he could say anything, even ‘Hi’.
 “God, I am so sorry I didn’t even realize you were missing. I was fighting with Felix all Sunday and that always distracts me and at odds with Wes and then I left on Monday to pick up Ravi and I was just a horrid friend and…” David babbled as he patted Kurt down.
 “David, I am fine.” Kurt said. ”No bumps or bruises or anything…all body parts accounted for. Who is Felix and why were you fighting?”
 “Oh, God.  I forgot to introduce you to Felix.  And I’ve got to introduce you to Ravi…but word of warning now, he like worships your dad. You will be drilled.”
 Elliot chuckled.
 David looked at Elliot. “Who are you?”
 Nick and Jeff laughed.
 “This is Elliot Gilbert. He messaged Nick the moment he saw Kurt was lost with a phone number to call and demanded one of us drive him up here.” Jeff said.
 Kurt smiled.
 “I’m surprised you didn’t have to bring Dani as well.” Kurt said.
 “Dani is in Minneapolis at a roller derby exposition or she would have been tagging along. I was at a Yoga training retreat but made it to the city before these guys left.” Elliot said.
 “Dani?” David asked.
 “She is the other member of my band.” Kurt said. “By the way, where are our beat boxers this weekend? Elliot wants to try something.”
 “You have a band? We so need to talk.  I’m David.  I knew Kurt when he was a wee little junior who’d been chased from his school by bullying.”
 “He started it a little over a year ago…right after he started work at the diner.” Elliot said.
 “About three weeks after I got engaged to Blaine and two after Finn died.” Kurt said.
 “Finn died?” David nearly shouted.
 “I thought you knew that?” Kurt said. “Blaine was in contact with the Warblers at that time. He set up the engagement just the week before.”
 “Yeah, he promptly ignored everyone as soon as they sung to you except Trent and one of Hunter’s little friends who was close to Edwin.” Nick said.  “He even stopped talking to Sebastian and he called Sebastian every single day from the moment you left to the moment he convinced the Warblers to allow him back to Dalton to propose, even though he’d help ruin them. However, Sebastian heard from his dad. We sent flowers and put together a small fund which we sent to your dad at the end of the school year to help with whatever he thought it should.”
 Kurt smiled.  “I remember him saying something about that. I just wasn’t aware you Dalton boys were who he was talking about.  He called you the bird boys.  It makes sense now.  I suppose we ought to head in and at least reassure Richards I am fine.  Let him see it and not just hear it.”
 “He’ll be easy.” David said.  “I mean he was worried but not frantic. Conner…well, I’m sure the only reason he wasn’t out searching is because he got a concussion in the fight over you being missing and hasn’t been able to talk his boy into letting him off the couch until he stops throwing up if he moves to fast.”
 “Conner has a concussion?” Kurt asked.
 “Yes.  He was way furious because apparently Blaine told him you were too busy to talk to him and it was too dangerous for him to talk to you and besides you didn’t like him anymore and so he shouldn’t be potentially damaging his relationship trying to talk with you.”
 “Of course he did.” Kurt said. “Still, I’d like to apologize to Richards first.”
 “He’s been in the Kitchen since the fight.  I think he doesn’t trust us enough to go far anymore.”
 “Geez, I wonder why?” Nick commented.
 “This week has been way worse than spring break the year Kurt was at Dalton.” Jeff said.
 “Hmm, you think?  I mean six girls got pregnant and half the people here had to get tested for STDs for the next year, several needing treatment.”
 “What?!” Kurt shouted.
 “Wes didn’t check before we all headed out here and his cousin Juliette had also decided to use the lodge…anyway, we decided to share…more or less successfully.”  David said.  “That’s why Blaine couldn’t watch your Born This Way performance.  He was up here camping with us. We left pretty much right after we sang at your school.  Anyway, so Juliette was out here with like 20 girls from her boarding school and Wes pulled all us Warblers up and brought up several old Warblers and several guys from the soccer team and polo team and well…I think there were four babies that ended up born.  Luckily no warblers were the daddies.”
 “Ah.  I thought he went somewhere with his folks for Spring Break.” Kurt said.
 “He spent the last three days in New York with them…they went to a few shows and shopping.  He had Wes drive him down so they didn’t come up and find out we were with girls all week.”  
 Kurt rolled his eyes.
 “You guys are ruining my image of private school boys.” Elliot said.
 “You thought they were all sweet and innocent didn’t you?” Kurt asked.
 “Well, mostly.” Elliot admitted. “Especially like the prep school type and not the catholic or religious school type.”
 “Oh God.  I never even thought about that option.” Kurt said. “Hopefully my dad never did either. At that point of my life I would not have been able to cope.  I would have run away or killed myself.  I could NOT have done a religious school and my dad would not have been aware of that at that point because we had not yet discussed what had gone on while he was in a coma after his heart attack.”
 “Wait, I thought you were at Dalton due to bullying?” David asked as they entered into the kitchen.
 “I was.  The bullying changed during the summer…or near the end of the school year before, because they were some instances even then. Anyway, so instead of dumpster tosses, probably because I was too tall for them to be easy…I started being pushed more and pushed harder. Of course the slushies never stopped.  Then my dad had a heart attack right after Labor Day. And that same week the glee club went off on a religious rampage and spent most of the next little while telling me I was horrid and wrong for not believing in God…and no one DID anything to help. I stayed at home, with no one there, made all my own food and did all the chores, took over work at the garage so the others wouldn’t be too overwhelmed, went to school and did all my homework, and was the only one who really spent any time at the hospital…and was still bullied by the regular bullies every day. And the stupid glee club just harped on and on about praying fixing things and god fixing things…like prayer or god was going to make sure the paychecks got out on time or finish the rebuild on Martin Lewis’s 68 convertible that Dad was almost done with or fix dinner or do the dishes or patch up the gash where I caught the open locker while falling after Nelson pushed me, let alone be what actually helped with my dad.  Although I ended up at my friend Mercedes church, mostly so she would stop ignoring me and so people would stop telling me I wasn’t trying to work with them all, I came out of the whole experience even more jaded against religion than I started.  And in the weeks after my dad waking up, when I was the one caring for him all afternoon and evening and still keeping everything else going, the in school bullying shot up significantly, with Finn and others in glee club adding to it even though theirs wasn’t physical mostly.  And at home wasn’t better. Finn and Carole had dad’s ears then, even though they spent like NO TIME at the house helping out. Everything exploded that first week of November and the death threats started and my dad found out about some of it and I ended up at Dalton when the guy threatening me didn’t stay expelled.  I even was able to board for that first bit of time I was at Dalton, which ended up a godsend because My dad had just married Carole and so Finn moved in again but they hadn’t found a new house yet, so Finn and I were supposed to share a room but Finn couldn’t handle it any better than the first time we tried. With me in Dalton, Carole was able to get dad to have me just come home during Thanksgiving and Winter Break and stay at the dorms most the rest of the weekends. We couldn’t afford boarding after the semester started again though, so I drove to Dalton every day. But by then we had moved so Finn and I didn’t have to share.  Heck, our rooms weren’t even on the same level of the house.  Why is everyone staring at me?”
 Jeff wrapped an arm around Kurt. “We just didn’t realize everything you had going on.  I mean Wes and David knew a little about the bullying and I knew after that first PE class that the bullying had had a physical side because you were still all bruised. But I don’t think anyone knew about all the rest.”
 “In fact Blaine insisted it wasn’t really physical at all, but a sexual assault that you were getting away from.  That was why he wouldn’t let certain guys near you.” Nick said.
 Kurt tilted his head. “Hmm, I guess the inciting incident was. One of the Jock bullies kissed me after pushing me, and then he threatened to kill me if I told anyone.”
 Elliot wrapped Kurt in a hug and squeezed.
 “Elliot, I need to breathe.” Kurt squeaked.
 “Sorry, can’t let go.”
 “I’m fine now.  In fact, most everything surrounding that time is OK.  Things were hashed out in the family, with the main bully, even within glee club to a certain extent.  I just still am not big on religion.  Didn’t gain any more liking for it when my dad had cancer, or when Finn died, or when I was bashed.  Nor did it call for me when Blaine cheated the first time or at any point when living with Rachel. In fact, Rachel sort of put me off Judaism as well as Christianity. Elliot, don’t squeeze harder.”
 A deep chuckling came from behind the guys.
 “So YOU are the one missing?” Richards asked.
 Kurt detangled himself from Elliot’s arms. “I am so sorry. I didn’t think at all about the situation this would put you. I just could not be around a certain someone without losing it.  I should have at least like….told you what I was planning or something, though. I mean it’s like the first rule of going out someplace….let someone know where you are and when you should be back and how to be contacted. Like, seriously. I could have left a note or something.  So I am so sorry and I promise if you don’t make me stay up here, I’ll take you out and show you where I’m camped and you can even check for yourself that it is safe and fine and whatnot.”
 “You left the hotdogs and ground beef?” Richards asked.
 “Yes, but I swiped some stuff in exchange.” Kurt said.
 “You came in for breakfast and washed your dishes and left them in the drainer?”
 “Yes.  Except this morning.”
 “Yes, you probably should have left a note, but how old are you?” Richards asked.
 “20, almost 21.”
 “So in your third year of university?”
 “Second, I was held back in elementary the year my mom died, I missed too much school and my dad wasn’t willing to fight the decision.”
 “Still…you are an adult. The only reason you needed to let anyone know was because you were at someone else’s place and there could have been issues if something was really wrong.  But, I understand. I still don’t understand where you got the camping gear. We don’t have any here.”
 “I thought we were going camping.  I was put in charge of all the stuff and he said he’d set up the place. MY version of camping has a tent…I came with the camping gear.  The version these guys run off is NUTS, no offence.” Kurt said.
 Richards chuckled. “I would like to see everyone up at the house at least once a day…just write a note to let me know you stopped by.”
 Kurt nodded.  “So I can stay out at the camp?  It is in that little clearing about 10 minutes out.”
 Richards nodded. “It is still inside the property so I don’t think there will be a problem. However if you were out in a tent, I need to figure out who has been holed away up in the loft in the pool house.  I thought that was you.”
 “Oh, I know that one!” Jeff said.  “Caleb Andrews.  He came out with Felix but needed to finish some papers before he could have fun. Nick told him about the loft Friday night after he kept getting interrupted in the library. He was out with us for most the time Saturday, at least.”
 “So are we good?” Elliot asked. “Because I need to find some beat boxers.”
 Richards nodded. “Dinner will be ready in about an hour; it would be nice to be here for it so everyone can see you are found.”
 Kurt nodded. “Let’s go find you some beat boxers.  And go see Conner.  And who the hell is Felix!”
 David yelped. “I’ve got to introduce you to Felix!”
 Kurt waved as he was drug through the kitchen deeper into the house.  He settled next to Conner on the couch and told Conner all about his set up in the woods, which he and Jake wanted to see, as soon as Conner could stand without feeling sick. He brushed of Kurt’s worry, mostly because he assured Kurt he had been to the ER nearby and they assured him that he’d be fine in a day or two.
 David and a boy who looked very much his double came barreling in from one side of the room while Elliot and several guys came chasing in with Jeff and Nick from the other.
 “I’ve got Felix!” shouted David at the same time as Jeff shouted “We got beat boxers!”
 “Ok. First, Felix.” Kurt said.
 David smirked at the other guys and pulled his double next to him. “Kurt, this is Felix.  He’s my little brother and he went to Dalton with us, but he was in Europe on an exchange program for the whole time you were at Dalton, which wasn’t fair!  He’d have been in your grade!”
 “Felix, nice to meet you. Were you a Warbler?” Kurt asked.
 “I do not sing.  I like acting, though. I participated in academic decathlon and debate and speech competitions. And BPA and the young astronauts program.”
 “Oh, I wish you had been there when I was then, I know you could have helped with some of my classes that I had issues in.  I was generally behind in sciences, mostly because McKinley doesn’t teach science well, at all. I think I ended up talking to David and Trent.”
 “He was good once he understood what concepts he was missing and we liked helping Kurt because he caught on quick and never wanted us to DO the work for him, just explain what he was getting wrong.” David said.
 Felix smiled. “I would have been glad to help you then.  I am not fond of helping some people.  They think helping means doing it for them.  I do not approve.”
 Kurt nodded. “My step brother was that way. Nearly cause World War III at our house when that issue came up. He thought it unfair that I wouldn’t do his work for him.”
 Before the conversation could go farther, another guy came chasing into the room.
 Kurt recognized him from the night he spied on David.
 “Kurt Hummel?” the guy asked, his hand extended for a handshake. “I’m Ravi, Ravi Patil. I am a huge fan of your father’s.  I saw him speak once.  He was brilliant, so down to earth.”
 “It’s nice to meet you.” Kurt said, shaking Ravi’s hand. “I do rather adore him. OH! I had better call him and tell him I’m found!”
 Kurt pulled out his phone and dialed his dad.
 The call wasn’t long but long enough for Kurt to wish he’d done it while alone.   He thought Ravi was going to melt into a puddle of awe struck goo when his dad said to tell him hello and his was thrilled the young man had enjoyed his speech.
 Luckily Jeff and Nick thought it was as funny as Kurt did.  Elliot was confused and then swatted Kurt upside the head.
 “You could have mentioned your dad was a congressman.” Elliot said.
 “I’ve told you about my dad.” Kurt insisted.
 “Yeah, he owns and runs a garage in Lima, Ohio and is often away from home.” Elliot said. “He likes Melencamp and wears ball caps. And he was one of your biggest supporters in school, but you often didn’t let him know what was going on.”
 “Oh….umm sorry. I just don’t often remember it myself. I mean, he didn’t start doing a whole lot in Washington until January my senior year and so sometimes I forget.” Kurt said. “I just think of him at home in Lima.”
 “That makes sense.” One of the guys Kurt wasn’t sure he knew said. “My folks travel a lot and I usually only think of them at the home I grew up in, even though they are rarely there anymore.  Jonas, beatboxer.  Who wanted us?”
 “Elliot wants to try out some songs.” Kurt said.
 “Beatles. Come Together.” Elliot said. “To start with.”
 “Oh. Yes.” Jonas said. “Paul, do you have the Beatles version on your iPod?”
 “Of Course.” Paul answered.  “That will be easy, too.”
 “Kurt, front man or background vocals?” Elliot asked.
 “Backing in this. I know it. Go work up the vocals needed and then come get me when you need to add me.” Kurt said.  “I’m going to chat with some of the others for a bit. I would like to try Hey Jude or Imagine though.”
 “And we should totally have a reshow of Blackbird.” Jeff said.
 “I’ll consider it.” Kurt said. “I am on the edge of that being one of those ruined songs.  It was well done though, so…”
 “Take that one back.” Nick said. “You sang it stunningly. Don’t let Blaine lay claim to that.”
 Kurt smiled. “Fine. I’ll sing Blackbird as well, and decide then.”
 Elliot and about eight guys huddled in a corner of the music room, by the piano, and worked out music. Kurt could tell by the excited look on Elliot’s face that he was learning a lot from several of the guys.
 Kurt talked with Conner and Jake, David and Felix and Ravi.  Nick and Jeff wandered between the two groups, depending on what topics were being talked about in the group of boys surrounding Kurt. Other guys wandered in and joined with the two groups.  Kurt said hi to Braydon and met several others who he recognized from classes but never really interacted with.  They were talking clubs and sports differences in public and private school systems when Wes wandered in, followed by Blaine and his stooges.  Blaine, whose hand was encased in Edwin’s and who had bite marks covering his neck, was giggling and simpering as Ricky whispered something in his ear.
 “I thought you all were out looking for Kurt.” Wes said, glaring at David. Kurt nearly laughed as Wes’s gaze passed right over him, like he’d forgotten how Kurt looked.  
 Kurt snorted. “I’ve been located, Wes. I was camping.”
 “Camping?  Were you in the loft?  I haven’t seen you out in the hot tubs?” Wes said.
 “Camping.  You know…tent, sleeping bag, communing with nature? Hikes?” Kurt said.
 “Don’t be ridiculous.” Blaine said, looking at Kurt for the first time since entering the room.  “What would YOU know about any of that?”
 Conner growled. Kurt put his hand on his knee and Jake put his arm around him.  David kicked back, as if waiting for a show.
  Kurt turned his attention from Wes to Blaine.  He noted the hickeys on Blaine’s neck, he noted Ricky’s hands still on Blaine’s shoulder and Blaine’s hand still in Edwin’s, with his fingers running over the back of Edwin’s hand.
  “Blaine, how wonderful to see you…fully dressed and not in a compromising position, unlike last time I laid eyes on you for any length of time.” Kurt said with a sneer, that Blaine didn’t even seem to notice. “Why do you question what I know of camping?  I’m sure you remember my father. You know, the man that is supposed to be your future father-in-law. The guy you asked for my hand in marriage like I was some sort of simpering princess.  That guy.  You spent a great deal of time at my house hanging with the guys, even after I’d gone to New York. I figure you know him rather well.  Do you really think he didn’t take me camping and hunting and fishing every chance he got? I mean, sure…I worked full time at the garage most of high school, so he didn’t get me out as often as he would have liked, but you have got to be delusional if you think he didn’t take me out at least once or twice a year.”
 “You worked at the garage doing like…secretary stuff.” Blaine said.
 Kurt rolled his eyes.
 “How do you figure?” Kurt said.
 “Well, I know you SAID you worked on the cars there, but I never saw you working on cars there and you aren’t exactly…built to work on cars, you are more – you know…and whenever I saw you at the garage you were answering the phone and dressed nicely. What was I supposed to think?” Blaine said.
“You picked me up from work exactly twice, Blaine. Twice in the whole time we’ve known each other. You’ve been to the garage another three, maybe four times.  Once to tell my dad I had no idea about Sex…before you started dating me…after you basically told me I was unsexy and you had no interest. Which was very creepy mind you and which wasn’t even really true.  I probably knew more about SEX than you did at that point…just mine was more of the boy/girl nature and more of the book learning aspect and more of the view of sex from listening to girls…so lots about menstrual cycles and sore boobs and stretch marks and things like that.  Then you didn’t bother coming to the garage again until AFTER I had graduated.  Hanging with Finn and Sam was just peachy.  And then you went to ask my dad my hand in marriage.  Even after you went to McKinley for school, you couldn’t ever be bothered to come to work with me and hang out or anything, so we saw each other AFTER I was done and had gone home and showered and changed. I guess I expected you to take my word for it when I told you I worked at the garage. How would you actually KNOW anything? I certainly didn’t get receptionist pay, which you enjoyed the fruits of more often than not. I mean when it came to paying for dates and things, I certainly generally took the provider role even though I wasn’t the one from an ‘extremely wealthy’ family ---your words, not mine---with a never ending allowance. Therefore, I never expected that you thought I was LYING to you the whole time. It is utterly insane for one to assume someone is LYING about their job. Unless of course, that someone spends so much time himself lying that he assumes everyone else lies all the time…just like him.  What kinds of lies did you tell me, Blaine?  What lies have you told me that everything I know is based off of?”
Blaine just glared at Kurt and crossed his arms over his chest.  Kurt stood and walked towards Blaine and his pals.
“Shall we start with the big one right now, Blaine?  Why are we here at Wes’s place?” Kurt said.
At first Kurt wasn’t sure Blaine was going to answer.  Edwin whispered something in his ear and the Ricky leaned in and whispered something in his other ear.
“Because I wanted to come and I knew you would be awful if I just headed out for dead week without you.” Blaine said. “You would have said no just to spite me if I’d wanted to come on my own.  And the formal invite was to both of us since David sent them out.”
“See, the truth wasn’t so hard there was it.  Might have been nice to tell it to me before I spent the money I did for this week, but I’m sure you’ll find it in your oh so truthful heart to pay me back at least half, if not more.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Kurt.” Blaine said.
“I’m not kidding.” Kurt said.
Blaine rolled his eyes. “We’ll discuss this later at home.  You’ll see my point after we discuss it there.”
“You mean, I’ll drop the topic after you’ve screamed at me for hours on end just so I don’t have to hear you hollering any longer? My dad already agreed you need to pay back at least half the money I put out due to lack of communication, so it is not going away as easy as you generally manage to make issues disappear.” Kurt said.  “However, I guess we could discuss it at home.  Paying me back for what I put into a trip that you lied about will work in nicely with other topics, I’m sure. Of course, I suggest we do so after you’ve done your school work that you have been slacking off on and maybe even after finals. I would hate for you to actually flunk out because you chose to go camping instead of do your work…or rather I’d hate for you to blame me for your failure when you decided to choose camping over school work. And I will make sure your professors know what you have been up to this week, make no mistake about that.”
“I can’t believe you are being so mean to Blaine! What has he ever done to you?” Chaz sneered.
Jeff and Nick snorted as David held Conner down.
It was Elliot who laughed though. “Are you kidding me?”
“And just who are you?” Ricky asked, turning towards Elliot.
“God’s sakes, why are YOU here?  Kurt, are you cheating on me?  Did you sneak HIM here to have sex with him behind my back?  How dare you?  I KNEW you were cheating on me with him. I knew it. I didn’t for one moment believe he was just a friend and band mate.  How long have you been having sex with him, huh? I can’t believe you would do this to me!” Blaine started hollering.
“Has anyone ever had you tested for personality disorders?” Elliot shouted back.  “You are delusional and a hypocrite.”
“I am not! I know you’ve fucked him. I know it.  You wouldn’t accept my friend request on Facebook or any other social site and you were always calling. I can’t figure out why you want him more than me, but I know you’ve had sex with him and he is cheating with you.” Blaine continued. “And I’m NOT a hypocrite. I’m not wearing the ring; he is, so that makes him mine.  I can do whatever I like, he cannot. I asked for HIS hand in marriage, he didn’t ask for mine.  I’m the alpha male and so I can sow my seed.”
“You’re an idiot is what you are.” Elliot said. “A hypocrite and an Idiot. And delusional and an ass.”
“Blaine, I suggest you stop speaking before you further prove just how stupid you can be.” Kurt said. “And frankly, everyone here knows which of the two of us has been having sex this week so far…you haven’t taken any care to hide the proof.”
“But I can have sex.” Blaine said.
Kurt rolled his eyes. “Men in this room, how many are Gay or Bisexual, or any other identity on the spectrum?”
About half the room raised their hands and Kurt started to cough.
“You Ok there?” Elliot asked.
“Maybe Dalton was a gay school and I just never knew.” Kurt said.
David started to laugh.
“Anyway…” Kurt continued. “IF you are in a monogamous relationship, is it perfectly all right for your other half to have sex with other people?”
Most of those who had raised their hands shouted no.
“Straight men, if you are in a monogamous relationship with a girl….say engaged…is it all right to have sex with other people?”
Most of the straight guys said no.
“Those of you who did not say no to that…IF I asked your GIRLFRINDS the question would they say it was all right for you…the guy…to have sex with others while in a monogamous relationship?”
Only two tried to insist that their girls understood that men must be men and have sex with anyone their nether regions wanted.  Kurt asked for numbers of their girlfriends to ask.  Neither still had a girlfriend.
“There you go, Blaine.” Kurt said.  “The majority of the people here KNOW YOU ARE WRONG.  Not that it really matters. Do you know WHY it doesn’t really matter? Because I, the other half of this supposedly monogamous relationship, think you are WRONG!”
“So?” Blaine said.
The majority of the others in the room looked at Blaine in confusion.
“So?  So I think that BOTH people in a relationship that is monogamous only see each other…that is what monogamous means.  That means when one of those is NOT just seeing the other in the relationship, he is CHEATING.  I told you when I took you back…I would not be cheated on. I don’t give a flying rat’s ass if YOU don’t think you are cheating for whatever STUPID rationality you have concocted…I think you are cheating and I am THE ONLY ONE who matters in that.  I will not live in a world of double standards, Blaine.”
“Now, Kurt,” Blaine started, in a tone of voice that instantly grated on Kurt’s nerves even more. It was that condescending tone Blaine used when he thought Kurt was too naive or too poor to understand.
“We’ll speak of it at home.” Kurt said. “My dad might even join us. For now…I do believe Elliot has managed to work something out with his beatboxes. You are boring me, Blaine. You should go find something to do away from the rest of us….like you have all week, I’m sure.”
With that Kurt turned and stalked over to the piano. “Play me my part, boys.”
Paul smirked and started playing the notes he wanted Kurt to take on “come together”.   Most the guys who’d been sitting with Conner and Kurt by the couches moved over to the piano as well, Jake dragging an armchair over for Conner to sit in. Blaine just stared. No one was paying any attention to him, or Chaz or Ricky or Edwin…or even Wes.  Kurt smirked as Edwin and then Ricky whispered into Blaine’s ear again and Chaz pulled them all out to the hot tubs, Blaine frowning the whole way.
“I still don’t know who He is.” Wes stated, pointing at Elliot.
Kurt paused in his vocals. “Elliot Gilbert, my bandmate and friend.  Apparently there are people out there that care about me, Wes. So when he read the Facebook blow-up, he contacted Jeff and Nick and came out to help locate me…as in as soon as he read the Facebook blow–up he made efforts to come find me…he didn’t fuss about and ignore that I was ‘missing’. Your…nonchalant…manner of dealing with a missing person is, I hope, because it happens often enough with positive results that it wasn’t a real issue.  I shall have to ask Richards about that.”
Wes paled. “I’ve got…things…to do.” Wes said as he turned and headed towards the kitchens and Richards.
Kurt smirked and turned his attention back to singing.
They hadn’t got far in putting together the song before dinner was announced.
It was a much different experience than the first night, when Kurt felt like no one noticed him. All sorts of people came up to him and spoke to him.  He met the guys who’d taken out the motorbikes after he’d gone for his ride; he met several of Ravi’s friends, who spoke with him about his dad and politics. He met a few of the older Warblers, who had been working with Elliot on the songs right before dinner.
It wasn’t like Blaine was alone…he had his little harem and a small posse of pals who gathered around them like moths to a flame.  But Kurt was included in a group as well, and comments from said group made Kurt wonder how much of his being left alone at first was at Blaine’s suggestion.  He’d heard more than one person say they’d hoped to talk to him but that Blaine had told them Kurt would prefer they not.
After dinner they went and worked on the songs Elliot wanted to try, getting ‘Come Together’ to a level that Conner recorded it for Elliot. Then Jeff and Nick talked Kurt into doing Blackbird for them.  Like Kurt had predicted, more guys than they started with moved into the music room to participate.  Kurt could see about nine guys out in the hot tubs, where Blaine and his group were holding court, but the majority of guys were in with Kurt. Several of the guys who’d sung with Ravi and the older Warblers showed off some of the songs they’d done in the days…and won with.  Kurt was especially fond of the medley of John Denver songs they did and their ‘Ring of Fire’ arrangement.
When it started to get dark, Kurt and Elliot headed back to the camp. Jeff and Nick and Conner and Jake were to spend the next day at the Kurt’s campsite…or at least part of it. Elliot grabbed the knapsack of clothes from Jeff’s car as they headed out.
They chatted on the small hike back to the camp.  Kurt pulled out sodas to drink and they retired directly to the tent.  
“You’ll have to share the mattress.” Kurt said. “But you can have your own sleeping bag. I’m changing, I hope you don’t mind. I have extra blankets in the corner if you need some; it is still a bit chilly at night.  I haven’t been cold, but I bought extra thick fleece pajamas.”
“Can I brag to one and all tomorrow that I got to sleep with you?” Elliot asked. “I’ll be fine; I packed what I have been wearing at night at the retreat.”
Kurt shrugged.
“I was hoping to wait to actually break-up with Blaine until after finals….I know he is going to fail and blame it all on me as it is. With a break-up added to that?  I’ll be lucky if they don’t toss me out on me ear…for making the poor darling so stressed and broken hearted he couldn’t do his work. And the teachers will buy it….they always do for him and Rachel.”
“You are forgetting something.” Elliot said.  He made sure to hunt around his bag while Kurt changed his pants. “There is a whole day of you being lost broadcast all over social media and a whole day of Blaine not caring being broadcast just as loudly.  There are three dozen guys here who will mostly vouch for the activities that Blaine did here…while you were lost.  And also probably about how NOT heartbroken the brat is.  I’ll come with you and talk to the powers that be if need be. You know I will.”
“And yet, somehow I doubt it would make a difference.” Kurt said.
“Then make it make a difference.  Is it everyone who seems under their spell, or just certain people?  Go to other department heads if you need to. Had Rachel charmed them all? Are those under Blaine’s spell also those under who had been under Rachel’s?  Or did he do his own schmoozing?” Elliot asked.
Kurt tilted his head as he thought.  “You know…I don’t think she had.  She rather alienated the dean who oversees the drama classes…and who overseas most the non-practical courses like script analyses. She’s upset most the staff who teach on the tech side of the program and all the staff who deal with dance…all the staff, not just the instructors. She was rude to most the other vocal professors. Blaine is harder to gauge…there are people who praise and adore him who don’t seem to have ever met him or know much more about him than he has to be wonderful because he is in sophomore classes. Or maybe his folks put sooo much money into getting him in the classes he is in that they are enamored with that.  I don’t know how to prepare for that.”
“His folks gave money to the school to ensure his class choices?” Elliot asked, pulling out his pants and sleeping shirt now that Kurt was mostly changed.
Kurt shrugged and turned around to pull out the small speakers for his IPod so they could listen to music and Elliot could change pants. “His first semester he was in regular first year freshman classes and he just did OK…there were no As…but he passed the things he took with Bs and Cs.  He was like Rachel, though…he took voice and a private voice section, acting, dance and a lecture course on auditioning for different formats that he wasn’t supposed to be able to take but his brother knew the guest lecturer and got him into that one.  He carried just enough credits to be full time.  He dropped dance with Ms. July and changed into a lower level course within the first week taught by someone else…which he also skipped about ¼ of. He skipped out on his acting course half the time.  Then second semester starts up and he is in 6 of my 8 classes….all 6 of his classes are with me.  My classes are sophomore level…I spent the time attending everything I needed to move ahead with the amount of credits needed to be a sophomore.  He hadn’t even taken any of the first year of script analysis, or English 101, which were supposed to be the prerequisites for script writing.  He hadn’t taken the dance courses or the movement course which was supposed to be needed to take stage combat. The same for everything.  I asked how he was in my classes.  His first response was that he was just so good all his teachers recommended he skip ahead. Then I said I was going to ask around to see which teachers said that. He huffed and puffed and whined before saying that he just signed up and then pull strings to stay.  It was during a chat with Rachel I learned his dad was donating several good sized scholarships for the years he was in the school and that his mom was donating to help fund some instrument updates so he could have the best for accompanying his star performances. I simply concluded that was how he got himself into classes he wasn’t suited or prepared for.”
“Please tell me you are kidding?  That is absolutely horrible.”
“I only wish I were. And I suppose I could be wrong, but it is the only explanation that makes any sense…well, there is the people are hypnotized by his puppy dog eyes and hair gel theory, but generally I only indulge in that one when I am a bit tipsy on cough syrup and pain meds and still running a high fever…or concussed.” Kurt said.
Elliot snorted and tucked the clothing he’d changed out off into his knapsack, making sure he’d pulled out the thick socks he’d packed when he saw Kurt pull out his own. He handed Kurt the knapsack and Kurt passed it off to the side of the tent where his own was resting.  He flopped back onto the air mattress.  Kurt settled beside him.
“This is ridiculously comfortable for an air mattress.” Elliot said.
Kurt blushed. “I didn’t want Sam to be uncomfortable. My dad would have been upset.  He sees Sam as one of us most the time.”
“Do you ever wish to see what would happen if you had that kind of money to pour into things?” Elliot asked, staring at the top of the tent.
“No.” Kurt answered. “I decided once I started school that I wanted to gather as much experience as possible.  I never want a lack of knowledge or experience on my part to be the reason a production has issues. I didn’t get the parts that Blaine and Rachel always did. I didn’t get the summer jobs performing, or the summer voice lessons or fancier dance classes outside Lima, which both had even if they didn’t take as much advantage of what they were given as they could.  I have time and learning to catch up on.”
Elliot snorted. “Why is it always the ones who had everything who never appreciate it?”
Kurt smiled. “I don’t know, but seriously…there is one huge thing I learned at Dalton; Appreciate the things you have and don’t go looking for something better all the time. At first I was jealous of all those kids and their never ending cash, but then I realized that half couldn’t even make themselves a sandwich…let alone wash their clothing or fix their car or bike.  Lose a button?  Toss the shirt out and go buy a new one. However fine that was for a uniform shirt, I watched so many boys whine or get into a rage over loosing favorites because they lost a button.  Drop paint on your shoe?  Write home for a new pair to be sent and some extra cash for emotional turmoil, while whining that now you have to break in new shoes and your favorites are ruined forever and can’t be worn.  Miss lunch due to a meeting with a teacher?  Even with options of an open kitchen for student use after lunch was over and each dorm having a stocked kitchen, half of them would starve instead because they had no clue how to even find a snack.  Not all of them were that bad, but most were close. Our uniform shirts were 60 bucks, due to being so well made and tailored, supposedly. I actually made a killing off kids who would lose a button, bring their shirt to me to mend for 30 bucks, while writing home them needed money to buy a new shirt.  Their parents would send the money and they’d pocket the remainder for sneaking out clubbing or some other dumb thing.  I charged twenty to make grilled cheese, 10 for peanut butter and anything and 10 for meat sandwiches.  I charged three to peel oranges.  Often I made 60 bucks a day from just peeling oranges throughout the day. On the other hand…I realized that if needed, I could survive on my own even then.  I had the life skills needed, and had work experience that would have allowed me to be fine, even if I wasn’t happy.  I could have had full time work as a mechanic with little problem.”
Elliot laughed.  “Did any of them ever realize how much you were overcharging them?”
Kurt smirked. “The few who did were so desperate that they paid anyway.  I am hoping most of them NOW realize it, due to the fact they are all supposedly adults living in adult worlds.  It sounded like most the boys up at the house were managing Ok.”
Elliot laughed. “I suppose so.  What are you going to do about things?”
“I’m going to enjoy the rest of the time here with the guys…and take you out on those dirt bikes with me tomorrow.  I am going to then go home and study and take my finals and finish presentations and whatnot next week.  I am going to call my dad and have him help get back half the money I spent for this week from Blaine…and the rent and other expenses Blaine is supposed to be helping with but really hasn’t.  It’s only been a month since Rachel moved out and he moved in, so the expenses aren’t insurmountable if he doesn’t manage to get Blaine to pay up, but I’m going to try.  I am going to inform Blaine he has a month to be gone from the loft. I am going to have Chase come in with his buddy and help me create a spate space for someone else to live with me and find a roommate.  Not sure where I’m going from there…I’ll tell you after finals.”
Elliot reached over and grasped Kurt’s hand.  “I’ll keep you to it…and to your immediate plans.  Do you think you can make it through the next week?”
Kurt nodded. “As long as I focus on finals, yeah.”
“I can be done by next Friday, even with taking from now until Monday off.  So I can be around when you need backup when moving Blaine out or going to the school about his complaints if they happen.  Dani said she’d return next week if you need her. She got a bit extra in a paycheck and they don’t compete until next weekend after Sunday…she could use it to fly home and be there for you after Sunday.”
“No.  I’ll be good. I would feel so guilty if she used that money to fly to New York just because my world can’t stay stable for any length of time.” Kurt said.
“Yes, well….we both still feel guilty for not being around when you got bashed earlier this year.” Elliot said.
“I am sorry you didn’t know about it until weeks after.  Rachel and Blaine suck at telling people anything…My dad wouldn’t even have known if the hospital hadn’t called him, and he was the one to call the school.  Both were asked about me, but both just said I ‘was indisposed’ and couldn’t make it to classes. They never even turned in the notes I made for them to take.  If I hadn’t needed to reassure myself I could still present my performance assignment, I have no doubts I wouldn’t have any misses excused because my dad wouldn’t have called and got the doctors to talk to the teachers.  I should have tossed Blaine’s sorry ass to the side then. I still wouldn’t have gotten to do my performance if I hadn’t gotten out of the hospital the day before the last day of performances and my dad hadn’t marched into the school and demanded to see the written policy on medical emergencies and then taken it straight to Madame T.  He gave her a lovely lecture on not holding me responsible for Blaine’s behavior, which she forgot she heard before he’d even headed back to Washington DC.”
“I am not joking, Kurt. I want you to promise to go speak with the other deans and discuss Blaine and Rachel and Madame T’s response to them and you.  I swear you should transfer somewhere else.”
Kurt chuckled “I have thought about it. But…I got into NYADA and I don’t want to quit because of Rachel or Blaine. I don’t want to give either the satisfaction. And they would both be quick to rub it in and make sure everyone we ever met knew I had failed…I had quit.”
“Then get the help to make it through that school that you need.  This past semester has been ridiculous.”
“To be fair, the June issue is mostly my fault.  I caved to Blaine’s need to be the focus of all around him and it was my apology for making him feel badly about himself.”
“It wouldn’t have been an issue if the lady had any taste.  Blaine was outlandish and annoying the whole song…and it wasn’t even a good performance because he was not working as a group with anyone.  He over sang and over acted everything.  And before you say anything the whole performance was posted to blogs…so yes I saw it.  AND people there said the video didn’t even do justice to Blaine’s over done attitude. As to the apology bit, I still don’t see anything YOU needed to apologize for.  YOU didn’t make him eat all the fattening food he ate, YOU didn’t prevent him from exercising, I doubt YOU ever even told him no except for the time you were under doctor’s orders to not do anything too strenuous. ”
“I didn’t.  In fact he was always telling me NO, even before I was bashed.  You are right. What makes it worse is the choreography that I stuck with was Blaine’s idea and how we practiced it.  He didn’t want me to ‘be too loud’ in my actions of motions and he wanted everything ‘subtle’ and yet ‘a bit comical’.  I should have done what I wanted as soon as he started his own thing. Or just taken off with my original song counter to him and left him story of our lives to sing on his own.”
“What did you have planned?” Elliot asked.
“Outlaw of Love…or Let Me Entertain You.”
“I would have paid to see either.” Elliot said.
Kurt laughed. “I considered a full Glam For Your Entertainment, but I decided against that after Madame T nearly had a coronary when I came into school with nail polish still of after a spa afternoon with Isabella when I was recovering from the bashing.  They weren’t even too out there…just deep blood red glitter with a high gloss shine. For the head of a theater school, she is very conservative.  I think that is why the Apples had such a hard time…and some of the other kids.  Kids that are her stars are those students that are great but also completely ‘normal’…the ones who would be leads without anything about them standing out in any way that could be negative.  I heard the Dean of Tech yell at her once that NYADA was a school for the arts, the kids were supposed to feel free to be artsy.”
Elliot snorted. “I heard the other vocal teachers actually put out students who have higher hiring rates.”
“Master Franko does. I finally looked those stats up. Madame T has pushed out more ‘stars’ from her classes, but Master Franko teaches students who are hired consistently. And has had a fair amount of stars come out of his classroom as well.  I am taking courses from him this summer and next fall. I haven’t looked into the other two yet.”
“You should take courses from those as well.  I seriously think that if given the option one should take courses from as many different teachers as one can. I mean, yes…classes from the head of the costume department at NYU were fantastic, but when I took construction techniques from Martin Mayers, who worked with the museum as well as working as one of the head costumers for NYU shows, I learned so much more.  Not because he was better, but because his focus wasn’t exactly the same and so he had a different perspective.”
“There was a class that was on writing music that I thought about taking…it dealt not only with creating original works but also transposing songs into different keys and mash-ups and legalities. I think I’ll fit that in next year somewhere. I did well enough in music theory to take it.”
“I think you be brilliant at it.” Elliot said. “Well get you through this, Kurt.  I think you’ll find so many more doors opening up once we’ve got this door with Blaine nailed shut.  I think you’ll find so many people just waiting to pounce in and take up space in your life as so as they knew they can…friends and lovers.”
Kurt squeezed Elliot’s hand. Images of Jeff and Nick and Conner and Jake and David flitted through his head.  They were chased by thoughts of Adam and his Apples, the guys from stage combat, and other in different classes who always were friendly but seem to hold back…and look around as if to see who was about.  Then Chase and Sal’s laughs passed through his mind. Kurt looked at Elliot’s smiling face and thought of what he had said about Dani…and about the other from the band.
“I think you might just be right.  We should turn off the lantern and watch a movie before trying to get some sleep.  I have got to take you out on those dirt bikes.  I think you will love it.  I am so kicking myself for telling my dad I didn’t want one when I was little.”
“Your dad offered you a dirt bike? I thought you just meant lessons or something.” Elliot asked.
Kurt laughed.
“I was entering JR. High and didn’t want to give into what I saw as pressure to be ‘normal’ and ‘fit in’ and be just like all the other rude horrid boys I knew.  And as much as I had enjoyed riding a 4wheeler the summer before, I wasn’t absolutely gaga over it, so I didn’t figure a dirt bike would live up to the hype my Father was giving it.  I’m pretty certain he wanted me to race them.”
Elliot laughed as well. “Blow that candle out, then.”
Kurt’s breath caught before he turned and turned off the light.
“Blow the candles out, looks like a solo tonight,” Kurt sang softly as he pulled open the laptop. “But I think I’ll be all right.”
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drawpaintcolor · 3 years
The Best Watercolor Supplies for Beginners
Are you a watercolor beginner and are looking for supplies that will help you with your art journey? You’re in the right place because this post is going to be all about watercolor supplies for beginners – the things to consider and the many categories that may seem overwhelming for newbies.
I’ve always been fascinated with watercolors but was too intimidated to actually start working with them because the pieces of information I saw when it comes to choosing your first supplies as a beginner were overwhelming. When I got my first watercolor paint set, I was beaming with joy because the plethora of colors in front of me was so pleasing to the eyes. I slowly built my supplies from there with trial and error and a bit of help from the internet.
I want to help those who are starting their watercolor journey so you won’t end up as clueless as me, so I made this guide.
As someone practical, I am all for affordable yet quality products that will give you great results. So without further ado, here are the best watercolor supplies for beginners.
(Some links are affiliate links which means we earn a small commission if you purchase at no additional cost to you.)
Tips for Choosing Art Supplies
Before going to the main point of this article, I have two tips to give you when purchasing art supplies.
1. Buy the best supplies within your budget
As a beginner in watercolor painting, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on supplies to aid you in your journey. At the starting point, stick to your budget and look for the best supplies that you can afford. There are cheap alternatives and these ones, though they have a difference from the premium supplies, are workable and great to have as a beginner.
2. Quality over quantity
You don’t need 48 watercolor paints or 25 kinds of brushes. Start small and choose quality over quantity. Sometimes, investing in one good brush is better than buying the generic cheap brush sets that don’t really last or don’t have the best performance.
You will learn along the way what works for you and what doesn’t.
Watercolor Supplies for Beginners
Despite the many options available on the market, there are brands of art supplies that have quality products and made for beginners to build up your skills without making your wallet cry.
We’ve compiled the lot of them and made some recommendations on great products so you will have ideas and choices should you decide to get them for yourself.
Watercolor Paints
The first thing you need to have is, of course, watercolor paints. Sample sets might be the best place to start in this category.
There are a lot of high-quality brands that carry a variety of colors at very reasonable prices, and you will surely pick one to your liking.
Watercolor paints come in two forms – in tubes and pans. Tube paints are great but they are easily used up, so I personally recommend pan paints for those who are still exploring watercolor painting.
Read: The Best Watercolor Set for Beginners
Pan Paints
Watercolor paints in pans are most commonly used by beginners because of their convenience. Pan paints are highly portable, easy to clean up, mostly have a built-in mixing palette, and they typically last longer.
Look for reputable brands that offer quality products because quality watercolor makes all the difference as it gives you great pigments, color payoff, and workability.
Here are the things you need to know when you get pan paints:
they need to be activated with water before you can start mixing colors
they’re great for small to medium-sized paintings
they are great for traveling
they last longer than tube paints
Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolours Sketchers’ Pocket Box
Sakura Koi Watercolor Sets
Sennelier La Petite Aquarelle
Tube Paints
Watercolor in tubes is in liquid form and is thick. They can be squeezed out on a mixing palette and thinned with water to have varying transparency. And just like watercolors in pans, dried tube paints can be re-activated with water.
The great thing with tube paints is they give intense pigments and are naturally more concentrated than pan paints. The disadvantage of tube paints though is that you can easily squeeze out too much product and end up using more.
Things you need to know when you about tube paints:
Colors are easy to mix together
they are great for large scale paintings
you have to get a mixing palette because tube paint sets often don’t come with it
you need to tightly close the tubes to keep the paints from drying.
Daniel Smith Extra Fine Essentials Introductory Watercolor
Van Gogh Watercolor Paint Set
Reeves Student Watercolor Set
Gouache (Opaque Watercolor)
While many consider gouache a different form of paint, it technically is an opaque form of watercolor. What’s special about it is it gives results that are similar to opaque paints like oils and acrylics. Some artists focus on making artworks using only gouache paint, but you can use this paint in conjunction with watercolors to intensify highlights and depths.
Winsor & Newton Designers’ Gouache Primary Color 6-Tube Paint Set
MIYA Gouache Paint Set
Arteza Gouache Paint
Watercolor Brushes
There are a ton of watercolor brushes on the market and the varieties can be overwhelming. What should you, as a beginner, get?
Watercolor brushes vary in handles, bristles, and prices, and recommending this art supply is difficult because it really comes down to personal preference. What I prefer may not work for you or vice versa.
It’s kind of like a trial and error when it comes to finding the perfect brush for you, but don’t worry, we have a few recommendations that will give you somewhere to start.
One thing to keep in mind is that there are a lot of brush sizes available and usually, the recommended brush for beginners is a round brush in a size 8 or 10. Using this size will allow you to paint almost anything you want.
As for the brush handles, they come in different lengths and materials. Long handles are great when you are working on an easel and are usually designed for acrylic paints. As for watercolors, shorter handles are commonly used as you’ll be working mostly on paper.
There are also various bristles available and most artists generally prefer the softer ones. Brushes made out of sable and goat hair are soft and are popular options, but there are also soft nylon brushes that many artists prefer because of their excellent spring and control.
Pentel Aquash Water Brush Pens
Winsor & Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Brushes
Kuretake Water Brush – Medium
Princeton Aqua Elite, Series 4850
Watercolor Paper
Choosing the paper you’ll be working on is important in your watercolor painting journey. The paper made for watercolor is absorbent and it allows you to work on the paint for multiple applications without warping too much.
There are three main things you need to look out for when choosing your watercolor paper: weight/thickness, absorbency, and texture. Watercolor papers are categorized into three – rough, cold press, and hot press.
Cold Press
This type is the most popular and it’s referred to as “cold press” because the paper is manufactured by rolling them on cold cylinders which produces an irregular dimple pattern on the paper.
This type of watercolor paper has medium absorbency and medium texture. And it’s often the best type of paper for beginners.
Hot Press
This type of watercolor paper is a bit smoother because it is rolled on hot cylinders. The brush strokes are more visible in this paper.
Hotpress watercolor papers don’t absorb water and paint as quickly as the others so it allows you to work and move your paint on the surface for longer. This paper is great for artists who want to emphasize the details of their work.
Rough papers are not rolled in cylinders, instead, they are hard-pressed or not pressed at all. This results in a heavily textured paper and this type is the most absorbent out of the three.
Watercolor papers are available in different weights, the most common of which are 180 gsm (light-weight), 300 gsm (medium-weight), and 640 gsm (heavy-weight).
Light-weight papers buckle and warp very easily, unable to take in too much water.
Medium-weight papers can take a few washes, lifting, and other watercolor painting techniques, although there can be a tiny buckling so it needs to be taped down to minimize the warping.
While heavy-weight papers do not require you to tape it down as it allows multiple washes and wet-on-wet technique. Although this paper has the highest thickness, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better and it’s usually more expensive than the other two options.
Read: The Best Watercolor Paper for Beginners
Canson Watercolor Pad
Strathmore Mixed Media Pad
Strathmore Watercolor Art Journal
Stillman & Birn Beta Series Softcover Sketchbook
MozArt Premium Cold Pressed Acid-Free Watercolor Paper
Mixing Palette
When you are using tube paints, having a good mixing palette is essential. You can use disposable ones like palette paper but those are not really practical because they are a bit wasteful. The watercolors left on the palette can be reactivated for future use and investing in a good palette will do you more good.
There are a variety of palettes available. There are plastic, acrylic, and ceramic palettes among others. I recommend using plastic palettes as they are the most affordable. If you are using a watercolor set that comes with a palette, then you are good to go.
Ceramic Artist Paint Palette
Plastic Palette
Shappy Foldable Watercolor Palette
Masking Tape
When working with smaller paintings, you’d want to have your paper stay put and unmoving. You can use masking tape to adhere your watercolor paper to your work surface.
Spray Bottle
Have a handy spray bottle on your side when working on watercolors. You’ll need this to activate and moisten your watercolor paints in a pan so that you can easily pick them up with your brush.
Pencil and eraser
Some artists paint directly on blank paper while others sketch out a draft first. If you are one of the latter like me, you’ll need to have a trusty pencil and eraser.
A 2H or HB pencil will be useful to make your lines light enough so they won’t be visible through the paint. Although what pencil you’ll use will ultimately depend on your preference and the amount of force and pressure you exert on it.
Two Plastic or glass containers
As mentioned in our Watercolor for Beginners article, it’s recommended to use 2 jars of water. One jar is for rinsing your brush and the other one is for painting and mixing up your colors. It’s a simple hack so you won’t have to keep changing your water.
Paper towel or absorbent cloth
Of course, don’t forget your rag or paper towel when working on watercolors. This will come in handy when you need to wipe off excess water or paint. This will keep your workspace clean and mess-free.
Start Your Creative Journey!
Now that you know the basic watercolor supplies for beginners, you are ready to take on your art journey! It’s exciting to shop for art supplies, but it’s more exciting when you actually use those supplies to start creating your artwork!
Don’t worry about purchasing the affordable options first, you can always upgrade when you have already mastered your skills and are ready to move on to the next level.
I hope this list helped you. Don’t forget our motto, art is not perfect, so it’s okay to mess up a little bit. Learn from your mistakes and always strive to improve on your next try!
0 notes
jonny-b-meowborn · 3 years
I haven’t posted any personal shit in a while, so it’s storytime time
no tw this time, but I’m rambling a lot about silly things that made me emotional so Imma put it in keep reading
So this summer I spent like 1,5 month at my dad’s in Germany. One time, his girlfriend planned to visit a huge shopping mall in a different city and wanted to take me there, so I was like, yeah cool. Dad was working that day so we went without him, but with the girlfriend, her son and her friend, so I was a lil nervous. It was the biggest mall I’ve ever been too. I knew we’re gonna visit mostly clothing stores, but hoped to either find something cool there, or find a different store I wanna go to. If dad came with us, we’d probably go to some gaming store or something like that, so it kinda sucked that he couldn’t, but whatever. We went to a couple different clothing stores and I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t find anything I would like to wear, like, I’m not straight so. Most of the time I just waited in front of the stores, playing games on me phone and stuff.
At one point we passed an art store and I was like “oh hell yeah I gotta go there today”, and when we went to a clothing store nearby I just said I’m gonna be in the art place, dad’s gf was like “okay cool, I’ll meet you there when I’m done here”. And when I entered the store, I was like uvsdbvjksbdvbsdkvd. There was so much cool shit, I was pretty much overwhelmed. I tried hard not to flap my hands and squeal all the time, bc I didn’t want people to stare at me, but I was really super happy. I’ve never been to a store like this before, so you know, it was extremely exciting. I walked around, checking out every single thing I could find, getting more and more happy. Things that looked the best to me include, but are not limited to: a set of watercolors with a paint brush, a huge book with really dope origami patterns, a bunch of crocheting guide books suitable for a doofus like me, lots of threads and yarn, sketchbooks, needle felt kits, a loom, buttons, beads, boxes for organizing your art shits, and more stuff I don’t remember. And then, after like half an hour, dad’s gf came and asked how I was doing. I was like “this place is amazing I love everything here” and she was like “that’s great! Did you pick anything?” and I was like “... what” and she said “I thought you picked something, you were here for a while” and I was surprised, like, she wanted to buy me something? I mean, she brought me to this mall to buy me a piece of clothing, but this is, um, not clothes, so I had no idea she could buy me anything. So I was like “oh um, everything here is so great, I didn’t think of choosing anything” so she was like “that’s fine, we’re gonna go to one more store, and when I come back I can buy you something, okay? I’ll be here in about 20 minutes” and I was like “oh okay cool”. She left and I felt even more overwhelmed. Not only I can browse all these treasures, but I cat get one for myself??? Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck. I absolutely couldn’t decide what I wanted. Too many good things!! Too little brain!! I went around a couple more times, trying to pick something, but my brain was constantly going “no, too expensive. You won’t use it. You may use this one, but you’ll be bad at it. It’s useless. No” so I was getting more anxious. On the other hand, I was afraid that if I won’t pick anything, dad’s gf is gonna be angry at me, because I rejected her kindness and wasted her time (thanks mom for making me afraid of shopping with people), but also I didn’t want to burden my hosts with any unnecessary expenses. So after all, I didn’t choose anything and cried. Literally cried with actual tears. I tried to calm down before she comes back, I didn’t want to burden her with my emotional stupidness. But I’m pretty sure she noticed when she did come back, bc I had eye makeup that day and it was a lil smudged and also I looked bad. She asked, if I want something. I tried laughing it off and said that if I could I’d take the entire store *nervous laughter intensifies*, but no, I couldn’t decide. I don’t know if she actually was annoyed, but I felt like she’s angry at me. She said next time we’ll come here with dad and maybe then I’ll pick something. Which is so nice of her, because absolutely, having dad next to me would help me a lot. I’m just way more comfortable and confident around him, and even if I had a breakdown like this I could talk about it with him and he’d help me calm down. I mean, I could talk with her, too, but I have huge issues with expressing emotions, especially to people I don’t know that much. I love her, but we’re not that close. I’d love to be closer with her, but being afraid of people and simultaneously being afraid of hurting their feelings doesn’t help.
So we just went back home. Entire way back I was feeling horrible, because a) I wasted an opportunity to get a nice thing for myself, b) I was angry at myself for overthinking all that, c) I felt like I made dad’s gf feel sad and rejected, since it was her idea to take me to that mall to buy me something, but also d) there was a part of me telling me it’s good I didn’t pick anything, because I shouldn’t expect them to spend money on me (even though she wanted to), e) I felt embarrassed for that little breakdown. When we got back to our town dad’s gf decided to go to one more clothing store, and buy me a cropped hoodie that I found a week earlier, but back then dad said they don’t have money yet for this. So since I didn’t get anything from the mall, she took the hoodie for me and from that day I wore it all the time, except for times when it was in laundry. I was very grateful for it, and it did cheer me up, but I still felt bad about this whole mall situation.
We never went there again, but I’m hoping that we will when I’ll visit them next time, and this time we’d go with dad, so I’d feel better and maybe I’ll even get something cool.
So yeah. I had an opportunity to get a nice gift, but the perspective of getting it made me so overwhelmed I had a little breakdown and didn’t get anything. That was quite stupid of me but oh well, sometimes my brain is just silly like that.
If you actually read my ramblings, thank you for your time, have a great day
0 notes
doodlewash · 5 years
My name is Marsia Bramucci and I have so many ideas for this post. My only problem will be to put them all in an understandable order. So let’s start with the basics. I am Italian, both parents Italian, born in Rome in 1980 (I am not even 40 yet), where I lived for 15 years. Then I moved with my mother and brother in Greece, finished high school in the Italian school of Athens and then became, by mistake, a graphic & web designer, instead of a professional artist.
Well you see, my painting journey was not so easy. A long, hard and constant fight with my family, with my insecurities, and with just life that made it impossible to let me take this road sooner. It even sent me to the wrong university. I am not complaining. I am a professional graphic designer and love my work very much; I am also able to make my own inserts for my planner. Because, I also love planners very very much!! And most important of all I am a very positive person. And I want to say it now before you keep reading because the following may make you see me differently.
Now, a few words about my art journey. I surely proved that I was an artistic soul from the time I was very little. But, I had my “art call” somewhere around the age of 14. I suddenly drew something that was so perfect. I still remember that. As I worked with shapes, the picture was becoming so alive. I felt, myself, so alive like I suddenly just jumped out of my child world and now I could understand feelings deeply.
It was amazing (if I had a smartphone then, I would have a photo of it right now, unfortunately we didn’t back then). But that “call” lasted less than 30 minutes. In fact, my beautiful drawing ended up in a thousand pieces on the floor just in front of my feet. This was followed by a great scolding, all mine, where the meaning was that I wasn’t good at drawing, I never would be, and that the actual drawing came out good just by accident.
Of course, I had to move on but I needed art in my life. I was already playing piano (I almost completed my piano studies) but, to say the truth, I was good but it wasn’t me. It made me anxious and I had the same feeling when playing guitar, violin, singing, making candles, metal jewelry, haircutting, crazy gardening stuff, photography, singing, manicure, sewing, macramé. The never ending list! (by the way except for the piano, everything else I researched and learned it by myself).
I was just searching for my own ART to express myself. I was good in all art forms above but I needed to find that feeling, relaxing and peaceful, and I couldn’t find it because I had totally deleted the drawing part.
Then when I was 18 years old, I met my husband and he loved my music, he loved my gardening skills, my cooking skills (hey I am good at it for real!), he also loved my haircutting style, poor man, and he loved even more a couple of sketches I made just for fun. He actually went crazy then! He bought me sketchbooks, pencils, markers, brushes, canvas (he is the cutest) and my answer was always that he was wasting money because I was not good with painting and drawing.
Then we had our beautiful daughter and some more years passed. And, at some point, I started painting with acrylics and I liked it so much (every time family or friends would came to see us we would also take a painting while leaving!). But then, I had one of those days where you just can’t paint and this brought me back and reminded me that I wasn’t good at it. The good pieces were just accidents, and I left everything back again. But drawing was always such an attraction to me. So, I started again after a couple of years with watercolors and loved them even more. But then, again, my insecurities came up and I stopped and then started again and then stopped and then started again. Just because I loved it so much.
After 5 (not continuous) years enjoying and loving watercolors so much, but with so much insecurity about my results, I decided to push myself and start posting my watercolors online. I wanted to become more consistent and not let go again. And, I received back so much love and appreciation, recognition and support! Now, I am the happiest person on this world.
After so many years, I can almost say that I can draw. Yes, I can draw and paint and I feel amazing. I got back my ART to express myself and no one is going to take it away from me ever again. So in the end, the only time I wasted was the time when I wasn’t painting.
It is crazy how minds can be marked when you are still young. I know now that the words said to me were so much nonsense, but believe me, I do still hear them in my head sometimes when I look at my paintings.
Hopefully you are still here and if you are not, then all complaints go to Charlie because he told me to speak a little bit about my Art Journey (of course I am just kidding, love you Charlie). But if you are ready, let’s move on, to my watercolors, what I use and what I love, etc.
I like to paint in journals and I usually also add a few words in my pages just to make it more personal. I really enjoy the idea of making my own life books to flip through time to time and remember things. Just like a hand painted photo album. I started with super cheap watercolor notebooks. I would actually buy paper sheets and make notebooks in the size I wanted. And my first watercolor palette was also the cheapest from the kids section of the stationery shop.
My husband hated to see me painting with them. After two days he came home with the Winsor & Newton watercolor palette with 24 Cotman half pans in it. I loved it soooo much. I used it so much and I always suggest it to anyone who’s just started with watercolor and doesn’t need yet a set of fine watercolors.
As I proceeded, between painting pauses, at some point I felt the need to try a fine watercolor set and I bought a few Sennelier tubes, a larger palette and a mop brush. And with all of these, I evolved my style so much. I could actually see so much difference in my paintings and that was so refreshing! Because, from the “I am just not good” mindset I moved to a “I may not be good, but it makes me feel so good” mindset.
And this is how I continued painting for the next couple of years. Just recently I felt the need to try some new materials. I discovered the Nevskaya Palitra White Nights Watercolors which are good quality and so intense and I love them so much. What I love the most is that their shades somehow reflect better the shades I have in my mind. Of course I also bought some more brushes… hmmmm.. I guess I should say a lot of brushes. But you know, in the end, you always use the old good ones that make you feel comfortable more than anything else. And, time to time, you also find a new gold one to add to the old favorite ones!!
I think that somehow my style is defined as “not too loose, not too detailed.” So when I have the idea in my mind of what I want to paint, I’ll usually keep the background loose but will do a detailed work on the main object of the painting. I will usually use 3 to 4 brushes per painting. One larger for the loose background, a middle one for main shapes, shadows and few details, and then a smaller one for accents and precise details. In need, I will use also a liner but that is not required most of the times. The brush size is not specific and it totally depends on the paper size I’ll use for each painting.
And I just can’t believe that I am at the end of this! I sincerely hope that you enjoyed my art and my art journey and, most importantly, that it wasn’t too confusing! I also hope that Charlie won’t freak out when he sees how long this is, when I send this to him! Happy ART everyone!
Marsia Bramucci Instagram
GUEST ARTIST: "My Art Journey" by Marsia Bramucci - #doodlewash #WorldWatercolorGroup #watercolor #watercolour My name is Marsia Bramucci and I have so many ideas for this post. My only problem will be to put them all in an understandable order.
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself This Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself For Christmas, Because You Know You've Had Your Eye On A Few Things
Just because people say it's better to give than to receive, doesn’t mean you have to play martyr and deny the fact that when you wake up on Christmas morning to presents under the tree, you’re pretty damn excited to rip off the wrapping and see how your loved ones chose to spoil you this year. You work hard, and probably don’t play as hard as you deserve, so it’s not a crime to scope out gifts to buy yourself for Christmas. Trust me, friends, you've earned it.
And don't you dare think, even for the tiniest of milliseconds, that splurging on yourself is in any way . Think of it this way, OK? Gift exchanges are wonderful, and I'm sure you're very appreciative of any present a friend or loved one goes out of the way to give you. But, unless you make a detailed wishlist or Pinterest board and send them out for reference every year, I'm willing to bet you don't receive everything you want.
If you a) have the funds and b) are constantly adding and deleting a specific item from your digital shopping cart, allow yourself the luxury this holiday season and treat yourself. Here are a few special gifts to buy yourself for Christmas this year, because you deserve a little TLC and spoiling, too.
1Eye Masks
Honest Hazel
Eye Gels - "TRY ME" - 3 pack, $12, Honest Hazel
I will not hesitate to admit that I am a sucker for cosmetic trends on Instagram. Lime Crime, Dose of Colors — you name it, I've tried it.
Lately, however, viral makeup products have been pushed aside, allowing real skincare goodies shine though. I'm all about self-care these days, so once I spotted Honest Hazel's eye gels all over the health and wellness social accounts I follow, I knew they'd be at the top of my wishlist.
2Artisan Teas
David's Tea
24 Days of Tea, $45, David's Tea
To say that I'm a tea addict would be the understatement of the year. I come from an Irish household where tea time was served the time, and on average, I'd probably sip down about three cups a day.
Over the years, I've expanded my palette well beyond traditional black brews, and I personally find joy in sampling new flavors, which is why this advent calendar of loose leaves from David's Tea has me working my way up on my husband's "Nice List." In each miniature compartment, you'll find a tiny tin of single-serving delicacies like cream of earl grey, silk dragon jasmine, and white cranberry bark. Now sounds like a delicious way to kick off the new year, no?
3A Cropped Hoodie
Women's Cropped Hoodie in Pale Turquoise, $38, Gymshark
I've been a fan of Gymshark's since the very beginning of my fitness journey. If you're a fan of Lululemon, I'd definitely go out on a limb to say this brand is the slightly more affordable version.
Gymshark leggings are bae, and their sports bras fit nice and snug, but I've been eyeing this turquoise hoodie from the second I got wind of its release. Obviously, cropped anything is associated with warmer weather, but when you're killing it at the gym, this is definitely a staple piece for any high-intensity wardrobe.
4The Perfect Makeup Kit
Limited-Edition Magic Star Collector's Set, $49, Tarte Cosmetics
Purchasing high-quality makeup adds up fast. For an all-encompassing set, you're generally spending over $50, but thankfully, Tarte's giving the gift of affordable cosmetics to its loyal customers this holiday season.
This limited-edition set is comprised of all the essentials you'll need to perfect a full face. With 25 exclusive matte and metallic eyeshadows, the brand's signature clay blushes, highlighter, bronzer, and every tool necessary to master a wicked cat eye and bold lip, this is the dream set every beauty buff deserves to treat herself to this year.
4" Live Assorted Succulents Set of 4, $49, Urban Outfitters
Not all of us were born with a green thumb, OK? I know myself, and even though I love the look of plants, I definitely am not one for maintaining them.
This succulent set from UO is perfect for anyone who adores the homey aesthetic plants add to their space, but is admittedly sort of forgetful when it comes to trimming thorns and daily watering. TLC requirements are minimal with these lovely blooms; just make sure they're strategically located where they can soak in the sunshine, and water once in awhile for nourishment.
6Earthy Apothecary
Hello Crisp
The Earthy One Gift Box, $48, Hello Crisp
I recently came across Hello Crisp and instantly fell in love with the brand's cozy, minimalist aesthetic. They offer a range of themed gift boxes catering to unique personalities, and this earthy blend stood out to me as the perfect wintertime treat.
Each product is hand-selected and made by artisans that are environmentally friendly and produce high-quality goods. The Earthy One is comprised of a black pepper birch wood cedar candle, a body lotion that harmonizes notes of vanilla and greenery, as well as a warm apple-scented soap bar enhanced with amber and wild lavender.
7A Graphic Sweatshirt
Wholesome Culture
I Know Guac Is Extra, But So Am I - Unisex Crewneck Sweatshirt, $35, Wholesome Culture
Guac may be extra, but it's worth it — and so are you.
I love graphic tees and sweatshirts emblazoned with phrases that are not only catchy, but speak to my soul. Avocado speaks to my soul my stomach, so Wholesome Culture's crewneck truly says it all. Plus, their sizes seem to run a little roomy, which is optimal for post-holiday dinner lounging.
8The Gift Of A New Hobby
We Are Knitters
Avanto Beanie - Knitting Kit, $49, We Are Knitters
I realize that knitting is often associated with a vision of a grandmother in a rocking chair with balls of unraveling yarn at her feet, but We Are Knitters is making this craft cool again, and I personally want in on the fun.
The site is divided into levels of expertise, so if you're a beginner, there are tons of kits to get you started. The Avanto Beanie kit is technically a two-for-one special if you think about it. Not only will you be honing a new skill, you'll also have a chic piece of headgear to sport all winter long.
9Book Club Membership
3-Month Membership, $44.99, Book of the Month Club
If you prefer books over people, there's a club for that. Share your joy of enticing plots and genius character development by gifting yourself a three-month membership to Book of the Month Club.
The process is simple: Choose one or multiple of five titles showcased each month, and have them shipped to your door (sometimes the brand sneaks a surprise inside your bundle), and enjoy!
If you're looking for a book club that's a little more engaging, Emma Roberts and Karah Preiss launched their own exclusive association where readers can purchase Belletrist's monthly pick and discuss via social media.
10A Fancy Planner
Erin Condren
Erin Condren 2018 Hardbound LifePlanner, $30, Amazon
I wouldn't exactly call myself cheap, but I'm definitely not the type of girl to pay a visit to the mall on a weekly basis and waste money on material things I don't need (except books — you can never have too many books).
When it comes to planners, though, I've been known to splurge. Some people look at $30 for a planner and think it's outrageous. I, on the other hand, am drawn to pricey notebooks and will gladly drop a few bills on a hardbound planner clad with pages dedicated to setting goals and organizing schedules.
Erin Condren's life planner comes in three designs: watercolor splash quote, painted petals, and floating florals. It's also huge, with 164 pages to doodle, take notes, and plan your entire 2018. Is it worth the big bucks? For you, I definitely think so.
More From this publisher : HERE ; This post was curated using : TrendingTraffic
=> *********************************************** Post Source Here: 10 Gifts To Buy Yourself This Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things ************************************ =>
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself This Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things was originally posted by A 18 MOA Top News from around
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself This Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself For Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things
Just because people say it’s better to give than to receive, doesn’t mean you have to play martyr and deny the fact that when you wake up on Christmas morning to presents under the tree, you’re pretty damn excited to rip off the wrapping and see how your loved ones chose to spoil you this year. You work hard, and probably don’t play as hard as you deserve, so it’s not a crime to scope out gifts to buy yourself for Christmas. Trust me, friends, you’ve earned it.
And don’t you dare think, even for the tiniest of milliseconds, that splurging on yourself is in any way . Think of it this way, OK? Gift exchanges are wonderful, and I’m sure you’re very appreciative of any present a friend or loved one goes out of the way to give you. But, unless you make a detailed wishlist or Pinterest board and send them out for reference every year, I’m willing to bet you don’t receive everything you want.
If you a) have the funds and b) are constantly adding and deleting a specific item from your digital shopping cart, allow yourself the luxury this holiday season and treat yourself. Here are a few special gifts to buy yourself for Christmas this year, because you deserve a little TLC and spoiling, too.
1Eye Masks
Honest Hazel
Eye Gels – “TRY ME” – 3 pack, $12, Honest Hazel
I will not hesitate to admit that I am a sucker for cosmetic trends on Instagram. Lime Crime, Dose of Colors — you name it, I’ve tried it.
Lately, however, viral makeup products have been pushed aside, allowing real skincare goodies shine though. I’m all about self-care these days, so once I spotted Honest Hazel’s eye gels all over the health and wellness social accounts I follow, I knew they’d be at the top of my wishlist.
2Artisan Teas
David’s Tea
24 Days of Tea, $45, David’s Tea
To say that I’m a tea addict would be the understatement of the year. I come from an Irish household where tea time was served the time, and on average, I’d probably sip down about three cups a day.
Over the years, I’ve expanded my palette well beyond traditional black brews, and I personally find joy in sampling new flavors, which is why this advent calendar of loose leaves from David’s Tea has me working my way up on my husband’s “Nice List.” In each miniature compartment, you’ll find a tiny tin of single-serving delicacies like cream of earl grey, silk dragon jasmine, and white cranberry bark. Now sounds like a delicious way to kick off the new year, no?
3A Cropped Hoodie
Women’s Cropped Hoodie in Pale Turquoise, $38, Gymshark
I’ve been a fan of Gymshark’s since the very beginning of my fitness journey. If you’re a fan of Lululemon, I’d definitely go out on a limb to say this brand is the slightly more affordable version.
Gymshark leggings are bae, and their sports bras fit nice and snug, but I’ve been eyeing this turquoise hoodie from the second I got wind of its release. Obviously, cropped anything is associated with warmer weather, but when you’re killing it at the gym, this is definitely a staple piece for any high-intensity wardrobe.
4The Perfect Makeup Kit
Limited-Edition Magic Star Collector’s Set, $49, Tarte Cosmetics
Purchasing high-quality makeup adds up fast. For an all-encompassing set, you’re generally spending over $50, but thankfully, Tarte’s giving the gift of affordable cosmetics to its loyal customers this holiday season.
This limited-edition set is comprised of all the essentials you’ll need to perfect a full face. With 25 exclusive matte and metallic eyeshadows, the brand’s signature clay blushes, highlighter, bronzer, and every tool necessary to master a wicked cat eye and bold lip, this is the dream set every beauty buff deserves to treat herself to this year.
4″ Live Assorted Succulents Set of 4, $49, Urban Outfitters
Not all of us were born with a green thumb, OK? I know myself, and even though I love the look of plants, I definitely am not one for maintaining them.
This succulent set from UO is perfect for anyone who adores the homey aesthetic plants add to their space, but is admittedly sort of forgetful when it comes to trimming thorns and daily watering. TLC requirements are minimal with these lovely blooms; just make sure they’re strategically located where they can soak in the sunshine, and water once in awhile for nourishment.
6Earthy Apothecary
Hello Crisp
The Earthy One Gift Box, $48, Hello Crisp
I recently came across Hello Crisp and instantly fell in love with the brand’s cozy, minimalist aesthetic. They offer a range of themed gift boxes catering to unique personalities, and this earthy blend stood out to me as the perfect wintertime treat.
Each product is hand-selected and made by artisans that are environmentally friendly and produce high-quality goods. The Earthy One is comprised of a black pepper birch wood cedar candle, a body lotion that harmonizes notes of vanilla and greenery, as well as a warm apple-scented soap bar enhanced with amber and wild lavender.
7A Graphic Sweatshirt
Wholesome Culture
I Know Guac Is Extra, But So Am I – Unisex Crewneck Sweatshirt, $35, Wholesome Culture
Guac may be extra, but it’s worth it — and so are you.
I love graphic tees and sweatshirts emblazoned with phrases that are not only catchy, but speak to my soul. Avocado speaks to my soul my stomach, so Wholesome Culture’s crewneck truly says it all. Plus, their sizes seem to run a little roomy, which is optimal for post-holiday dinner lounging.
8The Gift Of A New Hobby
We Are Knitters
Avanto Beanie – Knitting Kit, $49, We Are Knitters
I realize that knitting is often associated with a vision of a grandmother in a rocking chair with balls of unraveling yarn at her feet, but We Are Knitters is making this craft cool again, and I personally want in on the fun.
The site is divided into levels of expertise, so if you’re a beginner, there are tons of kits to get you started. The Avanto Beanie kit is technically a two-for-one special if you think about it. Not only will you be honing a new skill, you’ll also have a chic piece of headgear to sport all winter long.
9Book Club Membership
3-Month Membership, $44.99, Book of the Month Club
If you prefer books over people, there’s a club for that. Share your joy of enticing plots and genius character development by gifting yourself a three-month membership to Book of the Month Club.
The process is simple: Choose one or multiple of five titles showcased each month, and have them shipped to your door (sometimes the brand sneaks a surprise inside your bundle), and enjoy!
If you’re looking for a book club that’s a little more engaging, Emma Roberts and Karah Preiss launched their own exclusive association where readers can purchase Belletrist’s monthly pick and discuss via social media.
10A Fancy Planner
Erin Condren
Erin Condren 2018 Hardbound LifePlanner, $30, Amazon
I wouldn’t exactly call myself cheap, but I’m definitely not the type of girl to pay a visit to the mall on a weekly basis and waste money on material things I don’t need (except books — you can never have too many books).
When it comes to planners, though, I’ve been known to splurge. Some people look at $30 for a planner and think it’s outrageous. I, on the other hand, am drawn to pricey notebooks and will gladly drop a few bills on a hardbound planner clad with pages dedicated to setting goals and organizing schedules.
Erin Condren’s life planner comes in three designs: watercolor splash quote, painted petals, and floating florals. It’s also huge, with 164 pages to doodle, take notes, and plan your entire 2018. Is it worth the big bucks? For you, I definitely think so.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2irYgzw
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2AoF1kT via Viral News HQ
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bloobomber · 7 years
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy lX Review 10/31/17
Reviewed by: Christopher Quintero
Have you ever thought or considered playing Final Fantasy lX? Well what lies in this entry of the Fantasy series are: storybook based kingdoms that look as if they emerged out of a watercolor illustration, high flying battleship chases that will keep your heart pounding, young lovers from different backgrounds coming together to stop a greater threat, magical melodies that you will keep on humming long after completion and explosive battles that will have you nervous and on edge and even frustrated from the difficulty, but proud in the end from your efforts when you emerge victorious; these are some of the things you will experience as you make your way to your journey’s end in Final Fantasy lX I have wanted to play ever since I witnessed my brother playing the game when I was just around nine years old. I remember him playing the start of the game and being amazed by its complexity and difficulty and so drawn in by the quirky characters and the game’s fantastic setting of Alexandria .It was not until years later I got to set off on that exact adventure and uncover the story that piqued my curiosity when I was younger.
It’s astonishing to me of how this game’s plot was never revealed to me and of how nobody once-so-ever brought up this game in a conversation beforehand. If it were not for my older brother, this game would probably still have been a complete mystery to me. Finally, I decided purchase the game and witness with my own eyes what lies beyond Alexandria. This entry kicks off with the character Vivi in the kingdom of Alexandria - a kingdom with a grand castle watching over a town of homes and shops to the lower class. Vivi, a young boy shrouded underneath an overwhelming wizard’s hat adorned with calm glowing red eyes- not the fierce glowing eyes of some monster in some horror flick, but the eyes of a kind, gentle and docile boy- he enters the town amidst gleeful citizens preparing to watch the festivities of the year’s play from the Tantulus group. The beginning of the game is probably my favorite part of the entire game. Picture a moonlit night with gleaming stars- a gargantuan ship swimming past empty skies over a kingdom glowing with citizens looming down below watching in anticipation for the coming feature that will be played for their entertainment by the Tantulus group.Along all this in the backdrop stands the beautiful castle of Alexandria bustling and crowded with royals ready just the same. It really is a scene to behold and our friend Vivi is front row along with his newfound friend, Puck! It sets up the story wonderfully and really captures the fantasy and magic of what is to come. From there out you meet some of the other set pieces to the tale. You soon take control of Zidane; a blonde haired spunky thief with a cat-like tail who has a thing for women and cheesy lines who eventually meets the beautiful kind hearted and intelligent (I know, talk about the whole package) Garnet who is adorned with her orange jumpsuit and then comes along her stout and honorable knight and bodyguard Steiner, who appears to be stylized in European armor or maximilian armor that he found in a bargain bin in the market place. Seriously, he looks like he is wearing a cargo shorts style of European armor! The characters are pretty solid in the game and some of them are pretty fleshed out with a good deal of moments to capture your interest and the designs are rather fitting in this game’s setting. I know this game and the rest of the entries in the series take a while to actually complete and the creators stretched it long enough that it actually had four discs on the original Playstation platform, but in all of that time, I felt that some characters could have had more of their backstory described to the audience. I learned so much about Garnet and Zidane of course and even Vivi, but I felt that some of the other characters backgrounds were somewhat absent in the game. Sure there was one brief entry where is talks about Vivi’s origins, but I wanted more of that. Some characters even just get a brief nudge at their reason for joining the party, but I digress. Zidane at the start of the game seemed a bit much for me. He constantly delivered lines that I felt were a bit forceful and dull. He constantly gave positive reaffirming lines like: don’t give up, we’ll do this together, etc. I do like his kindness as a person, I just feel that the script that was given to his character was a bit dull and overused in other JRPGs and when he says things like that I just sit here rolling my eyes- I also felt no reason to think of him as this somewhat bad boy some characters attached to him from their history together. It felt they liked him so much just because he was the obvious main protagonist and the creators just made it that way. I think Zidane really shines when he is not taking himself so serious. He is always trying to make light out of a situation with some snarky remark when the party is in danger. There is a ton of chemistry in between the characters. I love the big brother attitude Zidane has towards Vivi and how he is always giving him advice and positive reinforcement and how Steiner acts like this overly protective uncle with Garnet and how he tries to shoo Zidane away and calling him a lowly thief, and then romance between Zidane and Garnet is heartwarming and earnest as the game progresses. I really was smiling at how all the characters bounced off each other.
               Final Fantasy takes what the previous games had and added a couple of spices to the mix to create a familiar and new experience. Nine returns with the traditional turn based gameplay style fans have come to love and added a new twist. In this game, you acquire different types of equipment that you give to your part members; with this equipment, you are able to learn the skills that are attached to them by gaining AP (ability points) through battle. It is pretty similar to Final Fantasy seven’s materia system, but less complex and easier to understand. In seven, you must equip your weapon of choice followed by your set of materia to attach to it. By doing this, your character will gain ap to level those abilities up. In Final Fantasy nine- just go ahead and equip the weapon and you will have the new skill available, but to keep it permanently, just level up that skill. It is like growing a plant to be added to your beautiful garden- your garden of death! Yeah! The game is pretty straight forward to character classes. You have thief, knight, white mage, black mage and so on, but as I played I separated between magic users and physical attackers. All characters have abilities they can activate with the use of MP (Magic Power), but it is most prominent with the mages. I always try and keep a balance of the two parties. Summons make a return, for it has become one of the core elements for the series. You can summon varieties of different god-like beings and creatures to assist you. They are a sight to see in the beginning, but I rarely used them because they took up so much MP and so much screen time. It is pretty awesome wasting your enemy in a giant energy blast and causing massive malefic damage, but not worth having to spend extra minutes during grinding moments. Props to the team for always including this element to the games because they are always engaging and must take tons of hours to create those moments for us to enjoy. You also have the trance mode making a return. The trance mechanic allows your character to activate a special ability to be used, or for some, attack twice. The abilities can only be used when your trance gauge has filled up and they can be pretty handy in a tight spot and they have saved my booty in some difficult battles. My favorite game mechanic is the active time events. The active time events are like little cut scenes that show what your pals are up to while you are making way to another destination. It is a nice addition because it fleshes out some of the characters and adds to them a little more and it also shows how much of a fat cow Quina is! I see you looking for some delicious food while the rest of us are working! If you do find anything though, you better share! The game itself can be quite difficult at some points- mostly in the beginning for me though. I found myself grinding a bit when I first hit the world map because I struggled against some enemies. I worried about not having money for potions or just running out of items to heal my party. As the game progressed, I had plenty of dough to spend on potions and my white mages cared for my ill friends using abilities like cure, so I became at ease as time went on; although, I did find myself trapped in a corner at times struggling for victory. It is nice because it does have its difficulty, but not difficult enough to be impossible to those who may even be new to the series. I think one of my problems in playing RPGs is that I always conserve my inventory until the absolute last moments of the game. I should stop doing that and maybe I would stop dying less.
               The last thing I really want to touch upon, is the games soundtrack. Wow does this game have the tunes! In all, I think my favorite part of this experience was the music throughout my time in Gaia. Out of all the games made by Squaresoft or now Square Enix this Final Fantasy was the most fantasy-like sounding game. It gave me the feel of some fairytale out of some timeworn and tarnished storybook mixed in with some dungeons and dragons. The game’s composer Nobuo Uematsu-san. Uematsu-san is a returning composer to the franchise and was there from the start. He composed tracks for the first Final Fantasy and even the legendary soundtrack to seven and now he has returned to continue to do what he does best: make magnificent and memorable music. Throughout the creating process Uematsu-san spent roughly a year to compose more than a hundred tracks for this game’s purpose and not even all of it was included. The story opens up with this medieval yet child-like melody called “the Place I’ll Return to Someday.” It sounds like something you would maybe hear wandering in Florence Italy during the renaissance. It sounds pleasant yet mysterious with its soft brass instruments humming quietly in unison. It really gives a room to the possibilities to the upcoming adventure you are soon to embark. The battle theme “Battle 1,” is the tune you will mostly hear when encountering different enemies throughout the game. It is addicting listening to this tune as soon as it kicks in, you will have your head bobbing and your feet tapping to the rhythm as you waste the upcoming threat, so it is a great thing that it is addicting because hearing a bad song over and over again would probably drive you crazy to say the least. This tune is like many other tracks in the game, for it is an updated version of the theme from the previous entries of the series. “Dark Messenger” is pretty epic. It begins with the organ piano as if you were in some church, then transforms into this foot stomping hand clapping stadium anthem, which then turns into some rock concert, then lastly converts to this sympathetic piano piece. It transitions wonderfully and fits the grim scenario; although while I would be getting pummeled, at least I get to listen to some wonderful tunes-right? Along with the sinister “Dark Messenger,” comes its counterpart the “final battle,” theme. It sounds as if you were walking into a chamber of tortured souls whose moans and whales gave me shivers. It is as if something you would hear in Dante’s quest in “Dante’s Inferno.” That would be it if it did not then transform into some fast paced, almost chase scene-like tune! It picks up really fast and gets me so pumped up! Lastly, I want to mention what probably the most prominent song you will hear throughout your quest and that song is “Melodies of Life,” let me tell you that this easily became my favorite melody. It is sung by the talented Emiko Shiratori in both English and Japanese versions of the game. Shiratori’s voice is peaceful, loving and endearing and she is spot on with this arrangement. It is absolutely touching and will warm your heart dearly. Throughout the game, you will hear Garnet humming the tune so beautifully, but it is not until the end of your journey that you will finally be able to hear it in its full composition. The song encapsulates everything and the romance between Garnet and Zidane. It is probably one of my favorite closing sequences of any game that I have experienced.
Final Fantasy lX is probably my favorite title in the series and I wish more people would talk about this entry on the same level as llV and X because it definitely holds up even today and I believe it will always be a memorable experience for future gamers to come. To say the least, it was a grand journey filled with adventure, love, laughs and sorrow as well as anger. It had some rocky moments that I think could have gone better or probably could have been worked on a bit more, but in the end I give this game a 9/10.
Favorite aspects:
-Musical arrangement
-Environment designs
-Magical storybook feel
-Some dialogue moments
-Undeveloped backgrounds to some main party members
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 7 years
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself This Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things
10 Gifts To Buy Yourself For Christmas, Because You Know You’ve Had Your Eye On A Few Things
Just because people say it’s better to give than to receive, doesn’t mean you have to play martyr and deny the fact that when you wake up on Christmas morning to presents under the tree, you’re pretty damn excited to rip off the wrapping and see how your loved ones chose to spoil you this year. You work hard, and probably don’t play as hard as you deserve, so it’s not a crime to scope out gifts to buy yourself for Christmas. Trust me, friends, you’ve earned it.
And don’t you dare think, even for the tiniest of milliseconds, that splurging on yourself is in any way . Think of it this way, OK? Gift exchanges are wonderful, and I’m sure you’re very appreciative of any present a friend or loved one goes out of the way to give you. But, unless you make a detailed wishlist or Pinterest board and send them out for reference every year, I’m willing to bet you don’t receive everything you want.
If you a) have the funds and b) are constantly adding and deleting a specific item from your digital shopping cart, allow yourself the luxury this holiday season and treat yourself. Here are a few special gifts to buy yourself for Christmas this year, because you deserve a little TLC and spoiling, too.
1Eye Masks
Honest Hazel
Eye Gels – “TRY ME” – 3 pack, $12, Honest Hazel
I will not hesitate to admit that I am a sucker for cosmetic trends on Instagram. Lime Crime, Dose of Colors — you name it, I’ve tried it.
Lately, however, viral makeup products have been pushed aside, allowing real skincare goodies shine though. I’m all about self-care these days, so once I spotted Honest Hazel’s eye gels all over the health and wellness social accounts I follow, I knew they’d be at the top of my wishlist.
2Artisan Teas
David’s Tea
24 Days of Tea, $45, David’s Tea
To say that I’m a tea addict would be the understatement of the year. I come from an Irish household where tea time was served the time, and on average, I’d probably sip down about three cups a day.
Over the years, I’ve expanded my palette well beyond traditional black brews, and I personally find joy in sampling new flavors, which is why this advent calendar of loose leaves from David’s Tea has me working my way up on my husband’s “Nice List.” In each miniature compartment, you’ll find a tiny tin of single-serving delicacies like cream of earl grey, silk dragon jasmine, and white cranberry bark. Now sounds like a delicious way to kick off the new year, no?
3A Cropped Hoodie
Women’s Cropped Hoodie in Pale Turquoise, $38, Gymshark
I’ve been a fan of Gymshark’s since the very beginning of my fitness journey. If you’re a fan of Lululemon, I’d definitely go out on a limb to say this brand is the slightly more affordable version.
Gymshark leggings are bae, and their sports bras fit nice and snug, but I’ve been eyeing this turquoise hoodie from the second I got wind of its release. Obviously, cropped anything is associated with warmer weather, but when you’re killing it at the gym, this is definitely a staple piece for any high-intensity wardrobe.
4The Perfect Makeup Kit
Limited-Edition Magic Star Collector’s Set, $49, Tarte Cosmetics
Purchasing high-quality makeup adds up fast. For an all-encompassing set, you’re generally spending over $50, but thankfully, Tarte’s giving the gift of affordable cosmetics to its loyal customers this holiday season.
This limited-edition set is comprised of all the essentials you’ll need to perfect a full face. With 25 exclusive matte and metallic eyeshadows, the brand’s signature clay blushes, highlighter, bronzer, and every tool necessary to master a wicked cat eye and bold lip, this is the dream set every beauty buff deserves to treat herself to this year.
4″ Live Assorted Succulents Set of 4, $49, Urban Outfitters
Not all of us were born with a green thumb, OK? I know myself, and even though I love the look of plants, I definitely am not one for maintaining them.
This succulent set from UO is perfect for anyone who adores the homey aesthetic plants add to their space, but is admittedly sort of forgetful when it comes to trimming thorns and daily watering. TLC requirements are minimal with these lovely blooms; just make sure they’re strategically located where they can soak in the sunshine, and water once in awhile for nourishment.
6Earthy Apothecary
Hello Crisp
The Earthy One Gift Box, $48, Hello Crisp
I recently came across Hello Crisp and instantly fell in love with the brand’s cozy, minimalist aesthetic. They offer a range of themed gift boxes catering to unique personalities, and this earthy blend stood out to me as the perfect wintertime treat.
Each product is hand-selected and made by artisans that are environmentally friendly and produce high-quality goods. The Earthy One is comprised of a black pepper birch wood cedar candle, a body lotion that harmonizes notes of vanilla and greenery, as well as a warm apple-scented soap bar enhanced with amber and wild lavender.
7A Graphic Sweatshirt
Wholesome Culture
I Know Guac Is Extra, But So Am I – Unisex Crewneck Sweatshirt, $35, Wholesome Culture
Guac may be extra, but it’s worth it — and so are you.
I love graphic tees and sweatshirts emblazoned with phrases that are not only catchy, but speak to my soul. Avocado speaks to my soul my stomach, so Wholesome Culture’s crewneck truly says it all. Plus, their sizes seem to run a little roomy, which is optimal for post-holiday dinner lounging.
8The Gift Of A New Hobby
We Are Knitters
Avanto Beanie – Knitting Kit, $49, We Are Knitters
I realize that knitting is often associated with a vision of a grandmother in a rocking chair with balls of unraveling yarn at her feet, but We Are Knitters is making this craft cool again, and I personally want in on the fun.
The site is divided into levels of expertise, so if you’re a beginner, there are tons of kits to get you started. The Avanto Beanie kit is technically a two-for-one special if you think about it. Not only will you be honing a new skill, you’ll also have a chic piece of headgear to sport all winter long.
9Book Club Membership
3-Month Membership, $44.99, Book of the Month Club
If you prefer books over people, there’s a club for that. Share your joy of enticing plots and genius character development by gifting yourself a three-month membership to Book of the Month Club.
The process is simple: Choose one or multiple of five titles showcased each month, and have them shipped to your door (sometimes the brand sneaks a surprise inside your bundle), and enjoy!
If you’re looking for a book club that’s a little more engaging, Emma Roberts and Karah Preiss launched their own exclusive association where readers can purchase Belletrist’s monthly pick and discuss via social media.
10A Fancy Planner
Erin Condren
Erin Condren 2018 Hardbound LifePlanner, $30, Amazon
I wouldn’t exactly call myself cheap, but I’m definitely not the type of girl to pay a visit to the mall on a weekly basis and waste money on material things I don’t need (except books — you can never have too many books).
When it comes to planners, though, I’ve been known to splurge. Some people look at $30 for a planner and think it’s outrageous. I, on the other hand, am drawn to pricey notebooks and will gladly drop a few bills on a hardbound planner clad with pages dedicated to setting goals and organizing schedules.
Erin Condren’s life planner comes in three designs: watercolor splash quote, painted petals, and floating florals. It’s also huge, with 164 pages to doodle, take notes, and plan your entire 2018. Is it worth the big bucks? For you, I definitely think so.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2irYgzw
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2AoF1kT via Viral News HQ
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