#i may write him tn…yeah let’s do that
nejiretai · 8 months
all it takes is one thing for me to start thinking about haibara again and now i’m in tears
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likeadevils · 1 year
2007 & 2008 Lover Diaries Transcripts
Apr 8, 2007- Nashville, TN -> Los Angeles, CA
I’m on the plane on the way to L.A. because we’re playing the opening day for the Dodgers tomorrow. Yeah. It’s Easter. I packed for LA and we (mom + I) went to the airport. At the gate, I got recognized by all these girls on a softball team, and this couple whose daughters love my cd … It happens everywhere I got now – at lunch it happened 5 times. So I signed the teams autographs and took pictures. Then they asked me to play a song (not thinking I’d say yes), so Emily, Grant, Ben, and I pulled out our instruments and played ‘Our Song’ and 'Teardrops On My Guitar’ right there in the airport terminal. Ha. It was fun. Now we’re just sitting here on the plane … Doing nothing. It’s exactly a week til the CMT Music Awards, and I am SO nervous.
Dec 30, 2007- Nashville, TN
I apologize for not writing in so long. A lot has happened... Let's see, Christmas. It was great... Austin and Andrea had their minds set on drying the turkey this year, so the day before Christmas eve, my friend and I went to WalMart to buy a turkey fryer. Apparently no one in the store knew where a turkey fryer would be located. So, one hour and 50 million "Will you sign this"'s later, we had a turkey fryer, which we found in the garden section. Of all paces. Frying the turkey was a cute idea. I give mom credit for being creative. They had their little rig set up in the back yard and the 70 barrels of oil... it was great. When it actually came to making edible food, that's where the whole thing fell apart. The turkey actually melted in the turkey fryer. It was disgusting. We had a vegetarian Christmas dinner. Present exchanging was cool. I painted my dad 2 paintings for his office, and mom cried like a baby when we played The Best Day DVD I made for her. I got an iphone from my parents, and I'm so obsessed with it, it's not even funny. It's my soulmate.
May 11, 2008- New York City, NY
Hey … This past week has been amazing and CRAZY! I’ve been in New York City doing all kinds of fashion stuff. I got invited to this event called ‘The Met Gala,’ which is THE party of the year, put on by Vogue. Each designer picks a celebrity to wear one of their new dresses from their new line, and I was picked/invited by Badgley Mischka, this AMAZING team of designers. I’ve loved their dresses for so long, and was SO excited when I got word that I was picked by them. The red carpet for the gala was held on the stone steps up to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. There was a tent over it, and paparazzi on each side of the stairs. When we got out, the paps started SCREAMING for me. It was crazy. We made our way up the red carpet, posing for everyone. All of the women looked so glamorous in their gowns. We got to the top of the stairs and waited in a long line to greet the hosts of the evening: Anna Wintour of Vogue, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Giorgio Armani. Along the sides of the long carpet we were on, models stood as decoration, standing still and wearing gorgeous gowns. Then we went into the cocktail area. I saw every celebrity ever created. Scarlett Johansson, Gisele, Tom Brady, Beyonce, Jon Bon Jovi (who called me over to talk to him), Victoria Beckham, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, EVERYONE.
(2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 & 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 & 2017)
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belliesandburps · 4 years
Non-Kink:  Top 12 Best Stealth Action Games
I was inspired by my dear pal, @twistedtummies2, to share a lil bit of non-kink related stuff about myself with’chall.  One thing to know about me is I’m a huge lover of video games.  I may not have as much time to PLAY ‘em much these days, but dammit if they aren’t one of my biggest joys beyond writing and the great outdoors. 
And my favorite genre in all of gaming is the stealth action genre.  Anyone who knows me knows that I adore the Metal Gear Solid series, but I also love a whole bunch of other stealth action games because, to me, this genre is the one with the most meat to come back to.  Stealth action done right is you being put in a room or outpost or whatever with a bunch of bad guys, and trying to carry out an objective without engaging with the enemies.  OR, it’s picking off the bad guys one by one, quickly and quietly.  Oooooor it’s you try to be sneaky, get caught, say fuck it, and wage war with an armada of Russians because isn’t it always Russians.  XD
I love that so many stealth action games can play out so many different ways.  And the feeling of escalation, like trying to be sneaky, and being overwhelmed when you’re caught and having to escape a hectic situation?  That, to me, is more thrilling than ANY set piece or scripted, linear mission from any game I’ve ever played.  It’s why I’ve replayed many of these games time and time again, and haven’t even THOUGHT about most of the biggest AAA blockbusters upon beating them.
Now, this list is subject to change.  I have a few games I need to play and they may beat out a few on this list.  But for now, here’s my Top 12 Best Stealth Action games because on top of being a thirsty old bastard, I loves me some espionage and bandana action.  :P
12) Batman: Arkham Origins (2013)
This game gets a lot of flak, but believe it or not, it’s actually my favorite in the Arkham series.  It’s City with a new coat of paint and a few more bugs, but City was still awesome, and so is this game.  It had plenty of clever predator stealth sequences, with more enemy variety to shake things up, that always made wiping out the bad guys swiftly and silently deeply rewarding.  AND it had more stealth action boss fights.  City had Mr. Freeze and a single predator fight rehashed twice with Two Face and Harley.  Origins had Mr. Freeze again, but with new additional options, and a pre-fight stage where you had to stay outta sight.  It also had Deadshot, the best of the three basic “predator boss” types, as well as TN-1 Bane as the final boss, and damn if it wasn’t intense.  With more gadgets and clever ways to mix and match, I think this game would be higher, but it’s still a great one for lovers of more approachable stealth action paired up with excellent brawler combat.
11) Assassin's Creed (2007)
The other AC games may be better, but AC1 is the only game in the series to stay consistent and simple with its design philosophy.  Here are targets for you to assassinate, here are bolstering crowds with beautiful cities to Parkour across or hide within, and at every turn, there are hiding spots but also enemies, making situations escalate organically and entertainingly with each assassination.  Hence why, despite most people regarding AC1 as the weakest entry, it's my personal favorite.  It's the one I replay the most and the one that just stays consistent with what it advertises.  No more, no less. 10) Hitman (2016)
I've yet to play the other Hitman games, and by accounts, each sequel is better than the last.  But you've seen the Jackie boy vids.  What more need be said?  :P
9) Death Stranding (2019)
Death Stranding's kind of a jack of all trades in the stealth action.  On one hand, you have conventional stealth action where you're infiltrating enemy camps and can either pick off all the bad guys one by one or go nuts and fight everybody head on.  On the other hand, you have BT's, whom you sneak around by holding your breath and moving slowly, lest these ghostly monsters drag you out to a tarpit for a boss fight.  The stealth is fairly simplistic but functional.  Combat as is would be fairly shallow, were it not for the sheer quantity of options you have in any given battle.  Seriously, you have a sticky gun that lets you snatch cargo straight off a bad guys back then immediately bludgeon him unconscious with it, and snatch HIS cargo to smash his BUDDY out cold with that in one fell swoop.  The way situations can organically just bleed from stealth to action and give you options for both makes it a blast.  And the boss fights against Cliff and Higgs are almost all I could ask for from stealth action battles. 8) Spider-Man: Miles Morales (2020)
I DO wish the game had some stealth action boss fights, but far as superhero games are concerned, no game has better stealth action than Miles Morales.  It hits fast and is deeply gratifying.  You have corridors with as much as twenty plus bad guys, and you can clean it out in minutes thanks to being able to hide in plain sight through invisibility.  Venom Takedowns with let you wipe out a chain succession of enemies all at once.  Corridors have TONS of environmental advantages to wipe out a bunch of bad guys with one move.  And unlike Spider-Man or Arkham, if you're caught, just go invisible, flee, and go right back to picking off baddies in seconds.  It's like playing a predator sequence in an Arkham game on steroids...and in fast forward.  And the sheer volume of enemies you're often up against keeps it from feeling too easy. 7) Ghost Recon: Breakpoint (2019)
This game SUCKED at launch.  Like, it was actual trash that became a chore to finish when it first came out.  But fair's fair, Ubisoft stuck with it and the end result is one of the most customizable experiences I've ever had in gaming.  Like, this game is straight up now designed to let you change the entire experience simply by pausing the game and flipping a new options on and off and have it immediately go into effect.
I hated the injury mechanics of the first game because it slowed you down and led to a lot of random, unfair deaths because you could never predict which attacks would be critical and which wouldn’t.  So now, I can turn them off.  I thought bad guys were brain-dead.  So I can make them smarter.  I thought constantly slowing down when I'm running from bullets was detrimental, so now, I can make stamina limitless. 
I thought some areas had way too many guards to viably take out without co-op buddies...soooo I can activate an entire squad of AI partners all throughout the game with me and there's a lot of coordination you can do with your team for really covert missions...and you can even customize their look to create a team that looks as cool or goofy as you want.  It’s a really dorky thing, but I LOVE customization in shooters and being able to fully customize, not just yourself, but your team to look however you want in missions is really fun.
And if you think the enemies are too easy to take down?  Turn on Terminator mode and have T-800's storming the place.  Yeah, freakin’ Terminators.  XD
The game gives you literally all the options you could ask for to have an experience perfectly tuned to what you WANT to have.  And the options you have make it so the game can feel like an entirely different, borderline strategy game instead of a solid third person shooter.  You can activate a drone now to coordinate your three AI buddies to stop and go where you want, mark targets for them to eliminate and have your eye on the entire battlefield.  It's honestly staggering how many options this game has.  And were the missions not so boilerplate and were the boss fights actual boss fights and not just reskins of basic enemies, this would be one of the best games ever.  As is, it's a genuinely impressive comeback story!  6) Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (2016)
Mankind Divided is the game Cyberpunk WISHES it was (Spoiler Alert: Cyberpunk isn’t very fun or responsive yet).  It's a game with some spectacular level design where there are dozens of ways around any given enemy and tons of options for any mission.  You have a wide assortment of augmentations to let you sneak or fight your way through any scenario and they give you the tools to use your robot powers in really clever ways for navigation purposes.  This is a game where even the simplest side mission has about a dozen different outcomes, and most of them are wholly organic.  What it needed was more...well, GAME.  After all, MD is a third of the game it was meant to be.  But it IS a marvel of stealth action goodness. 5) The Last of Us: Part 2 (2020)
I have a BUNCH of issues with this game, but on the subject of stealth action, TLOU2 is one of the best in the genre.  Every single encounter is highly difficult, but has dozens of variations.  The levels are all designed with tons of varied cover spots and hidden paths to let you navigate as you either pick off the bad guys one by one, or sneak past them.  The enemies range in their weaponry, but possess self preservation, so they aren't just standing around shooting aimlessly. 
And on top of that, combat is brutal.  Every bullet counts, and you feel the impact of every shot fired.  The melee system is simple but complements gunplay fantastically.  So if you wanna save bullets, you can shoot someone in the leg, and as they stagger, you can bumrush them, grab a hammer or brick you find on the ground as you're running and bludgeon them to death to save bullets.  The game also has a great lil "MGS4 Battlefield Stealth" system.  Several encounters have humans and infected, and you can pit the two against one another and either sneak around the carnage or use it to pick off the harder enemies.
The game also has a FAR better predator fight that's basically David's fight in the first game, but with way better mechanics.  The boss increasingly upgrades their weapon each time you attack them, the environment is perfect for this fight, and if you're caught, you aren't just dead, you have a means to escape a hairy situation.  TLOU2 may have been deeply polarizing, story-wise, but as a GAME, it's terrific.  And best yet, once you beat the main game, there's an encounter mode that lets you skip all the BS and just jump right into every single stealth action encounter and boss fight throughout the whole game risk free.  What's not to love about that? 4) Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater HD (2004 / 2010)
MGS3 is the first really great linear MGS game.  It ditches that terrible fixed camera, simplifies the controls, and has more than ten rooms where you do any sneaking.  Its best moments are proto-MGSV outposts, where you have an area with tons of guards and multiple paths to your objective, and a whole lot of opportunities to get creative.  It was also the first MGS game that made combat just as viable as stealth.  You CAN actually just punch your way through the bad guys now, and the end result is shockingly fun thanks to all the weapons and more intuitive controls.  But the real star is the boss battles.  MGS3 has some of the best bosses of any video game I've ever played in my life.  And MOST of them incorporate stealth beautifully.  To the point where you can eliminate half the bosses with any of 'em ever even knowing your location, and giving you a plethora of variety in the bosses themselves AND the means in which you fight them.
3) Splinter Cell: Blacklist (2013)
Splinter Cell's an odd series.  The story is nonsense yet also pretty drab and simplistic.  Sam Fisher REALLY isn't an interesting character, none of the characters are except the villain and anti-hero scumbag.  But as a VIDEO GAME, Blacklist is the peak of linear stealth action.  MGS3 had boss fights, and THAT was the biggest mark for the game.  And Blacklist only has a single boss fight, which is basically a slightly elongated version of Deadshot's "fight" in City. 
But the moment-to-moment gameplay is out of this world good.  You have brilliant level design that makes sneaking from A to B deeply gratifying, but you also have insane mobility that makes you feel like the biggest badass when you play.  There can be a room full of guards.  And like a game of chess, with the right moves, you can end them in seconds, which requires skill to pull off, rushing the first guy and taking him down, shooting his buddy, then using execute to auto-kill up to three guards you've marked who were in range.  It's about using the systems the game gives you to maximize efficiency on the field.  And you can pick off bad guys using your environment, or climbing a plethora of terrain. 
The game almost plays like Arkham half the times when you're climbing walls or pipes and dropping down on bad guys or shooting them from overhead.  It has a huge variety of gadgets to aide you as well, and combat is incredibly difficult but doable.  Sam can only take a few hits before he's dead, but the means to shake off enemies is fair, and recovering from a slip-up is more fun than it is frustrating.  The campaign has several excellent missions which would satisfy a person as is.  But it also comes with over a dozen bonus missions you can access from your allies, each one taking place in entirely new settings with new enemies and storylines, each one with simpler and more streamlined objectives (perfect stealth, predator missions where you kill all the enemies, and survival waves where you have to fend off increasingly harder enemies).  AND it has the best kind of co-op.  Like Peace Walker, you can play any side mission with buddies.  But it also has missions exclusive to co-op, designed to be fully embraced with a buddy you can play with on the couch or online.  It's a game with tons of content, and all of it is mostly excellent. 2) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015)
MGSV is the best game I've played.  That's because it's a game that hits all of my buttons.  The outposts are examples of perfect level design.  Each one is designed with a huge array of cover spots and multiple paths, direct or secret, to an objective area.  As a result, every mission allows you to get in, carry out your objective, and get out without raising a stink.  And when you screw up, it doesn't feel like punishment, because the combat of this game is fantastic. 
Everything is highly responsive, so your inputs happen with no delays.  You can go from diving to shooting from the ground in a tenth of a second.  And combat lets you seamlessly go from shooting, snatching guns from bad guys and blowing away with it, to taking breathers behind cover or with a human shield.  The enemy AI is the best the series has ever had.  They have way more self preservation, they're liberal with grenades, have way more variety in their weapons, and actually use turret guns and mortar cannons now. 
The missions themselves can be resolved tons of different ways.  Assassination missions play out like small-scale Hitman missions, without the frustration of screwing up and restarting because missions are so short, you just roll with the punches.  And the overall feel of a mission changes dramatically, depending on your loadout, the paths you choose in the level, your playstyle, and the time of day you select when you start a mission. 
There are only a few major downsides to the gameplay.  The bosses lack variety, like, I REALLY wish MGSV had more XOF assassins like Quiet to confront along with the Skulls and MoF.  Some missions are a bit too samey, and there aren't enough larger scale outposts.  Some more enemy variety wouldn't have been remiss.  And finally, the open world itself is pretty lifeless.  It works to complement the missions, like giving you a whole stretch of land to carry out ambushes or battle the Skulls anywhere you please.  But open world games are best when they have more to react to and engage with, or secrets to find.  Oh yeah, and the main villain should've had a boss fight, a stealth action shootout at that because that’s what the OG plan was until Kojima decided to be slightly more pretentious than usual. 
But beyond that, this game is a freakin' masterpiece.
So why is number 2 on the list even if it's the best game I've ever played?
Because this game exists... 1) Deus Ex (2000)
Deus Ex isn't as mechanically good as MGSV.  It's even that good mechanically, like, playing it now, it feels pretty clunky and not the least bit smooth.  Still fun, but you feel the age.  So why is it number 1?  Simple.  Deus Ex is the most open-ended video game ever made.  It's a stealth action RPG where every, and I mean, EVERY single level has dozens upon dozens of different paths to choose and make your own.  It has class specialization, meaning the build you create gives you a whole ton of new paths and strategies to use for hacking or flexibility. 
Every single mission takes place in a sprawling area.  You have an objective, obstructions blocking your way, and a whole bunch of guards.  You can blaze right to a solution, resolving a situation in minutes.  Or, you can take your time and find any number of different paths to your goal.  And all throughout each mission, there's tons of things to find as you explore.  There's entire other side missions with their own plethora of options.  Lots of really clever flavor text.  Upgrades to bolster your augmentations.  And really ominous messages you can find that'll come into play later. 
The bosses may lack variety but each one is a perfect stealth action battle where you can choose any number of options against the bosses, right down to running away from them and the game outright acknowledging that the boss enemies weren't killed.  Best yet, it's a game designed to be broken.  Unlike Human Revolution, all the bosses are recurring characters you spend plenty of time with.  But you can outright blow them away WELL in advance and the game will acknowledge their deaths and keep going anyway.  If you engage in a boss battle during a designated boss fight, but avoid them or run away, then that boss will turn up again for a rematch later. 
This is a game where you can create your own cover spots or platforms by gathering vending machines and dumpsters and piling them on top of each other.  Where specialization changes the entire feel of the campaign and incentivizes repeat playthroughs just to come up with different builds and experience missions in whole new ways.  And best yet, this is a game where when you're in a hub, whatever you see around you, you can interact with.  If you see buildings in the distance, you'll be able to go in and explore, and there's always something to find. Deus Ex is number one because there will never be another game like it.  It's debatable that no other game will ever be as FUN as MGSV, but no other game will ever be as open ended as Deus Ex because it's literally impossible.  The game is clunky and cheap looking because the engine it was built on was a low-memory one.  They traded in graphics fidelity and more impressive flow for the sake of creating a vast video game with an impossible amount of content to constantly stumble upon.  And unlike all the other games on this list, that open endedness actually DOES translate into the story, giving you dozens of different branching paths to the story, and sadly, only three fairly weak endings, but damn, if the journey up ain't a blast.  
I have a whole slew of other lists I’ve been meaning to post for the better part of two years, and honestly, they’re fun to write.  So, who knows?  Don’t worry though, they won’t get in the way of bellies or burp content either.  XD
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dougmeet · 4 years
flynt (13)     hustler (5)     died (4)     trump (4)     million (3)     doing (3)     insurance (3)     larry (3)     seniors (3)     ditching (3)
In 2017, Flynt offered a $10 million reward for evidence that would lead to Trump’s impeachment, and in 2019, Larry Flynt Publications sent a Christmas card to some Republican congressional members that showed Trump lying dead in a pool of blood, with the killer saying: “I just shot Donald Trump on Fifth Avenue and no one assassinated me” — a reference to Trump’s boast that he could commit such a killing and wouldn’t lose votes.
Eggleston Works è una società di cui  avevo sentito parlare molto tempo prima che io abbia mai avuto la  possibilità di assaggiare le loro merci. Situato a Memphis,  nel Tennessee, La loro prima offerta era un oratore che  sembrava un tavolo finale, ma alla fine non ha avuto il successo come  avevano sperato. Alla fine del 1996, l'Andra fu rilasciato.
Dr. Seuss Enterprises Will Shelve 6 Books, Citing 'Hurtful' Portrayals
no more Seuss or WAP for my kid
CSS Grid CSS Grid simplifies existing layout patterns
adds new possibilities for graphic design.
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You can place items at precise locations on the grid independent of their HTML source order. Alignment features control how items align when placed into a grid area, and also how the whole grid is aligned.
In our urban and suburban houses what should we do without cats? In our sitting or bedrooms, our libraries, in our kitchens and storerooms, our farms, barns, and dockyards, in our docks, our granaries, our ships, and our wharves, in our corn markets, meat markets, and other places too numerous to mention, how useful they are! In our ships, however, the rats oft set them at defiance; still they are of great service. How wonderfully patient is the cat when watching for rats or mice, awaiting their egress from their place of refuge or that which is their home! How well Shakespeare in Pericles, Act iii., describes this keen attention of the cat to its natural pursuit! A slight rustle, and the fugitive comes forth; a quick, sharp, resolute motion, and the cat has proved its usefulness. Let any one have a plague of rats and mice, as I once had, and let them be delivered therefrom by cats, as I was, and they will have a lasting and kind regard for them.
watch  -- 6,780 results ("mrjyn" AND "dougmeet") OR ("dougmeet" AND "BLACKPINK") SEO Results Deliver (images) in something i call (Bracket Racket Cluster SOF SEO) inspired by mr. Kurzweil, who makes your piano tuned No thanks to The Recording Academy for inexplicably overlooking Apple's new album Fetch the Bolt Cutters for an Album of the Year nod at this year's Grammys. @fionaapplerocks
In 2017, Flynt offered a $10 million reward for evidence that would lead to Trump’s impeachment, and in 2019, Larry Flynt Publications sent a Christmas card to some Republican congressional members that showed Trump lying dead in a pool of blood, with the killer saying: “I just shot Donald Trump on Fifth Avenue and no one assassinated me” — a reference to Trump’s boast that he could commit such a killing and wouldn’t lose votes. (65)
flynt (13)
hustler (5)
died (4)
trump (4)
million (3)
doing (3)
insurance (3)
larry (3)
seniors (3)
ditching (3)
Porn purveyor Larry Flynt, who built Hustler magazine into an adult entertainment empire while championing First Amendment rights, died Wednesday.
He was 78.
Flynt had been in frail health and died of heart failure at his Hollywood Hills home, said his nephew, Jimmy Flynt Jr.
Advertisement Skip Ad From his beginnings as an Ohio strip club owner to his reign as founder of one of the most explicit adult-oriented magazines, Flynt constantly challenged the establishment and became a target for the religious right and feminist groups.
Flynt scored a surprising U.S. Supreme Court victory over the Rev.
Jerry Falwell, who had sued him for libel after a 1983 Hustler alcohol ad suggested Falwell had lost his virginity to his mother in an outhouse.
Paid Post What Is This? Seniors Are Ditching Their Auto Insurance and Doing This Instead Seniors Are Ditching Their Auto Insurance and Doing This Instead Seniors Are Ditching Their Auto Insurance and Doing This Instead See More Sponsored Content by Comparisons.org Flynt’s company produced not only Hustler but other niche publications.
He owned a video production company, various websites, a Los Angeles-area casino and 10 Hustler boutiques.
He also licensed the Hustler name to independently owned strip clubs.
His publishing and financial successes were offset in equal measure by controversies and tragedies.
Advertisement 00:48 02:53 Shot by a sniper in 1978, Flynt was paralyzed from the waist down and used a wheelchair the rest of his life.
He fought battles with drug and alcohol addiction, and his fourth wife died of a heroin overdose.
His daughter, Lisa Flynt-Fugate, died in a 2014 car crash in Ohio at age 47.
With a fortune estimated at more than $100 million, Flynt spent his later years in the political arena.
When Gov.
Gray Davis was recalled by California voters in 2003, Flynt was among 135 candidates who ran to replace him.
He called himself “a smut peddler who cares” and gathered more than 15,000 votes.
A self-described progressive, Flynt was no fan of former President Donald Trump.
Before the 2016 election, he offered up to $1 million for video or audio recordings of Trump engaging in illegal or “sexually demeaning or derogatory” activity.
In 2017, Flynt offered a $10 million reward for evidence that would lead to Trump’s impeachment, and in 2019, Larry Flynt Publications sent a Christmas card to some Republican congressional members that showed Trump lying dead in a pool of blood, with the killer saying: “I just shot Donald Trump on Fifth Avenue and no one assassinated me” — a reference to Trump’s boast that he could commit such a killing and wouldn’t lose votes.
Flynt’s life was depicted in the acclaimed 1996 film “The People vs.
Larry Flynt,” which brought Oscar nominations for director Milos Forman and Woody Harrelson, who played Flynt.
—2021年3月3日 (@mrjyn) status: WAP—2021年3月3日 (@mrjyn)
  Twitter [@]  Tweet to: @squarebooks From:  @mrjyn Comm. on:  squarebooks (reply) RE: SB mention by  (author) re. SB her book status: WAP—2021年3月3日 (@mrjyn)
mrjyn comment: quotes Elvis song lyric: 'i don't care' adds:  'I miss #BarryHannah (author), mutual friend to mrjyn (person) and SB, Oxford, MS (bookstore) adding here: RIP Date: 03:13:2021 Time: 8:17 CST
1 of 3 jpg att: 1.  Elvis photo ephemera 'TCB Oath' 2. Photo of cover of Barry Hannah book jacket "Tennis Handsome" Pub: Knopf Ed.: Gordon Lish 3. Jerry Lee Lewis   Cover of Bio Author: Nick Tosches
definitive hypnogogic, Biblical Ovid Southern Gothic Epic hagiography, esprit l'escalier epitaph precursor to whose words will be most tribute to the possible mortality race between the Killer and Keith Richards, KR JLL's Jr. by 15 yrs. check Vegas Book for Odds says Stanley Booth, Author 'Up and Down with the Rolling Stones,' Memphis, TN 'author' -- not Rockcrit, please?
   mrjyn comment: quotes Elvis song lyric: 'i don't care' BarryHannah
This frisky pop confection finds Blackpink teaming up with American singer Selena Gomez. The five girls use a series of ice cream double entendres to send out mating calls and detail how they are different from the other females. I know that my heart can be so cold But I'm sweet for you, come put me in a cone Blackpink and Gomez are encouraging the guys to ignore their icy cool demeanors. Once they take a couple of scoops they will find they are loving and affectionate.
The song's icy metaphors not only have a sensual connotation but also allude to the singers' wealth. Ice on my wrist, yeah, I like it like this Get the bag with the cream The girls are wearing diamond encrusted watches (ice is a slang word for diamonds). "Get the bag with the cream" refers to a bag loaded with cash.
The song is Blackpink's second hookup with a major American pop star in 2020, following their Lady Gaga collaboration, "Sour Candy." Both songs use sexy food analogies to represent the enticing love that the girls are ready to give out.
Frequent Blackpink collaborators, the Korean Teddy Park and the American Bekuh Boom, are the primary writers. Park wrote the main melody while Boom was in Korea. She then wrote the lyrics over his tune, incorporating a series of sexy ice cream-related play on words. The other credited writers are Ariana Grande, her go-to collaborators Victoria Monet, and Tommy Brown, Mr. Franks, Selena Gomez and the Korean producer 24.
The retro-tinged video finds Gomez driving a pink ice cream truck in a pinup sailor outfit. The four Blackpink girls all appear in a candy-coated frozen dessert fantasy land before ending the clip in an ice cream amusement park. Blackpink's scenes were filmed in South Korea, while the scenes featuring Gomez were shot in the US because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The song was birthed at a songwriting camp that producer Teddy Park asked Bekuh Boom to run for Blackpink's debut studio album. Boom asked Tommy Brown and Victoria Monét to come to the sessions at LA's Westlake Studio, and the pair brought Mr. Franks along with them. "Tommy had Franks pull up beats, and eventually Franks played the one that all of us started vibing to and decided to work on together," recalled Boom to Genius. "Victoria brought up the subject 'ice cream' and started humming melodies that we then started writing lyrics to together in the room. From that point on we had a great back and forth of ideas for the first half of the song that was done that night."
  A post shared by mrjyn (@dougmeet)
no more Seuss or WAP for my kid. Dr. Seuss Enterprises Will Shelve 6 Books, Citing 'Hurtful' Portrayals https://t.co/Cc23ru1M6K— mrjyn (@mrjyn) 2021年3月3日
     Eggleston Works " Fontaine II "
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   L'opportunità per me di ascoltare  un altoparlante EgglestonWorks è arrivata tramite il mio amico e collega,  Marshall Nack. Alcuni di voi lettori a lungo termine  potrebbero ricordare la recensione approfondita di Marshall dei Rosas di  EgglestonWorks.    Marshall e la sua adorabile moglie  Lynn sono una coppia insolita in quanto entrambi sono audiofili. In  realtà, sono l'unica coppia audiofila che conosco personalmente. Sono  certo che il fatto che siano entrambi dei musicisti seri è in gran parte  responsabile della loro capacità di ascoltare le gradazioni e i dettagli  tonali molto fini con tanta facilità. Tra i suoi molti  talenti, Marshall ha un'eccezionale capacità di dare voce a  un sistema. Sembra sempre in grado di trovare la giusta  miscela di componenti e accessori che si traducono in un sistema  eccezionalmente ben bilanciato. Questo è molto più difficile  da realizzare di quanto si possa pensare. Tuttavia, la natura  rivelatrice dei diffusori EgglestonWorks è stata determinante nel  raggiungimento dei suoi obiettivi sonori.    Quando lo Stereophile Show è  arrivato in città questa primavera, la stanza di EgglestonWorks era in  cima alla mia lista delle visite obbligatorie. È stato lì che  ho incontrato EgglestonWorks prez Jim Thomson e ho iniziato il mio primo  ascolto con i Fontaines. So che hai tutti sentito che la  qualità del suono agli spettacoli è generalmente piuttosto brutta. Mentre  trovo che questo sia ampiamente vero, allo stesso tempo, puoi avere  un'idea del potenziale sonoro di un prodotto, o come alla  fine potrebbe funzionare in condizioni di casa. I Fontaines  furono sistemati nella sala dell'home theater di Eggleston. Incluso  con il display era un paio di sub-woofer dedicati.    Secondo la letteratura aziendale,  "il design di ciascun modello di altoparlante nella linea EgglestonWorks  inizia con il midrange". Per le Fontaines, una coppia di 6  "polipropilene, i driver a doppio magnete gestiscono il  midrange e il basso. Ognuno di questi driver ha una bobina da  3 "di diametro, che è stata ripetuta molte volte ma che ripete, come è  vero, se il midrange non è corretto, di tutti gli altri è  infruttuoso. Il tweeter ha una grande camera di smorzamento  aperiodico che imita il caricamento infinito del diaframma. Il  tweeter è collegato al crossover con un cappuccio e due resistori  utilizzati come un L-pad.    Un singolo set di morsetti è  montato in un pannello incassato nella parte posteriore della sezione  driver. Ho chiesto a Jim Thompson di utilizzare un singolo  set di post di rilegatura in contrasto con la tendenza attuale di  utilizzare post doppio. I driver sono direttamente collegati  ai bind. Ovviamente, se un cliente è impostato su biwiring,  questi diffusori possono essere dotati di doppio binding post su un ordine  speciale.
I driver dei bassi e dei medi sono  alloggiati in quello che EgglestonWorks descrive come una custodia con una  linea di trasmissione quasi in trasmissione. Ciò si ottiene  impiegando un materiale di imbottitura acustico specializzato noto come " Lastre  di granito italiane legate a loro. Il risultato finale di  questi sforzi è un recinto molto inerte che fornisce una risposta dei  bassi molto migliore rispetto alle dimensioni ridotte dei driver.    Dopo diverse conversazioni con Jim  Thompson, quattro cartoni di dimensioni medie ma piuttosto pesanti  arrivarono da EgglestonWorks. I cartoni contenevano il driver  e le sezioni di base corrispondenti. Dovresti stare molto  attento mentre imposti questi diffusori per non danneggiare la squisita  finitura nera del pianoforte. L'immagine non rende in alcun  modo giustizia a questi oratori. Devi davvero vederli di  persona per capire cosa intendo. I Fontaines possono essere  visti come uno di quei prodotti che rientrano nella categoria "audio come  arte". Sono semplicemente belli. I Fontaines  possono essere visti come uno di quei prodotti che rientrano nella  categoria "audio come arte". Sono semplicemente belli. I  Fontaines possono essere visti come uno di quei prodotti che rientrano  nella categoria "audio come arte". Sono semplicemente belli.    La vestibilità e la finitura sono  proprio lì con il meglio che abbia mai visto.È ovvio per me che  EgglestonWorks ha preso molta cura e ha fatto spese considerevoli nella  progettazione e costruzione di questi contenitori.    Una volta assemblati, gli  altoparlanti danno l'aspetto di un monolitico sul pavimento. Le  basi sono sabbia-fallibili e formeranno un recinto molto sostanziale. Vi  consiglio caldamente di stabilirvi il posizionamento finale prima di  riempire le basi di sabbia. Questi bambini sono abbastanza  pesanti per cominciare; una volta riempito di sabbia, sarebbe  quasi impossibile per la persona media muoversi da sola. Ho  posizionato gli altoparlanti su una trapunta, quindi sui loro lati, per  inserire i quattro bulloni che fissano le basi in posizione. Questo  viene fatto attraverso un pannello di accesso nella parte inferiore della  base. Mentre le punte fornite sono molto robuste, hanno  un filo sottile e possono essere facilmente danneggiati se si è negligenti  durante l'installazione. Il cofano del conducente è molto  inerte quindi consiglierei molto se decidi di eseguire il test delle  articolazioni.
Mi piace particolarmente il modo in  cui hanno scelto di affrontare le griglie. Sono costruiti con  un materiale molto puro montato su una sottile struttura in acciaio. Si  collegano al pannello frontale mediante magneti che sono sepolti sotto il  laminato di superficie. Questa disposizione rende il  fissaggio delle griglie il più semplice possibile e ha funzionato bene per  me.    Mentre l'efficienza è elencata come  quello che potrebbe sembrare un 87db piuttosto basso, non ho avuto  problemi a raggiungere livelli di rottura del lease con l'amplificatore di  potenza Bel Canto EVo. Però,    Quando ricevo nuove attrezzature da  recensire, inviterò spesso diversi amici non audiofili, accenderò il  sistema e osserverò le loro reazioni. In ogni caso, le  reazioni ai Fontaines iniziarono prima che il primo CD fosse nel cassetto  ed erano sempre abbastanza positivi. Tutti sono stati presi  con il loro aspetto sorprendente e il modo in cui si sono mescolati così  facilmente nella stanza. Sono belli come sono discreti. Mentre  è abbastanza ovvio dalle specifiche e dalla qualità dell'hardware  utilizzato che EgglestonWorks costruisce i suoi diffusori con molta cura,
Come suonano?    Dal momento che non ho la  possibilità di eseguire alcuna misurazione sull'attrezzatura che ho per la  revisione, posso solo dirti come si comportano nel mio sistema. Mentre  credo che le misure abbiano il loro posto, difficilmente  danno il quadro complessivo. Ci sono stati molti componenti  che hanno misurato terribilmente, ma erano artisti stellari dal punto di  vista sonoro, e viceversa.    Hanno quella qualità trasparente  che consente ad ogni strumento di occupare il proprio spazio, ma sempre  con un naturale senso di proporzione all'interno del palcoscenico. Nessuna  durezza o nervosismo ha mai accompagnato questa chiarezza. Ho  notato anche una qualità semplice e costante del suono che lasciava che la  musica scorresse in modo molto seducente. Piatti e campane  hanno la giusta quantità di lucentezza e delicatezza e di nuovo, sembrano  avere le giuste dimensioni. I tassi di decadimento per questi  strumenti contribuiscono anche al senso del realismo.    Hanno costantemente svelato i  dettagli di basso livello che tra l'altro davano un senso reale delle  dimensioni del luogo di registrazione. Con Miles Davis,Tipo  di bluHo sempre messo in  discussione il suono registrato del pianoforte, specialmente con molte  delle vecchie registrazioni Blue Note. Proprio l'opposto è il  caso della registrazione XRCD, in particolare con molte delle  vecchie registrazioni Blue Note. Proprio l'opposto è il caso  della registrazione XRCD, in particolare con molte delle  vecchie registrazioni Blue Note. Proprio l'opposto è il caso  della registrazione XRCD,Waltz  for Debby del  Bill Evans Trio [JVC XRCD VICJ-60141]. Qui le qualità tonali  e la complessa struttura armonica del pianoforte sono presentate molto  bene.    Sono rimasto sorpreso dal senso di  profondità con cui questi relatori mi hanno presentato. La  mia stanza non collaborerà molto in quest'area, quindi questa è stata una  sorpresa gradita. In effetti, è il migliore che ho sentito  qui. Il riempimento del centro era azzeccato: i solisti erano  un po 'più avanti di quanto io non fossi abituato, ma era di buon effetto. Nel  complesso, ho trovato le capacità di imaging di questi diffusori di essere  eccezionalmente buone. Per i miei gusti,    Dal momento che il punto -3db è  quotato a 55Hz, non mi aspettavo troppo dalle regioni inferiori, ma sono  rimasto piacevolmente sorpreso da ciò che ho sentito. Ora non  fraintendere, questi non sono gli altoparlanti per gli organi  a canne o i fan del reggae. Per quel tipo di uscita dei bassi  dovresti guardare molto più in alto nella linea EgglestonWorks. Ciò  che è notevole in questo caso è la precisione del basso. Non  è mai cupo; piuttosto, tende ad essere stretto e melodico. Quando  eseguito male, il basso può oscurare gli elementi musicali nella gamma  media inferiore. Il basso dei Fontaines non interferisce o  oscura affatto il midrange. In altre parole, la fioritura  della fascia bassa non viene a scapito della chiarezza del midrange. Per  classica e buona parte del jazz, potresti essere abbastanza  soddisfatto della fascia bassa delle Fontaines. Nel  complesso, l'uscita dei bassi è stata molto meglio di quanto mi  aspettassi.    Lo scorso giugno Tim Shea ha  scritto una magnifica recensione del Musse Audio Reference Two NF  speakers. Li ho a portata di mano e farò una revisione di  follow-up. Tuttavia, poiché sono nella stessa fascia di  prezzo delle Fontaines,    I Reference Twos, come i Fontaines,  sono monitor bidirezionali. In questo caso, fornisci gli  stand. Le differenze sonore colpiscono a causa della forza di  ciascuna bugia alle estremità opposte dello spettro sonoro. Con  un punto -3db di 35Hz e una frequenza di sintonizzazione della porta di  29Hz, non sorprende che i Reference Twos si approfondiscano. La  parte bassa qui è stretta e melodica. Mentre i Fontaines non  vanno così in profondità, Devo dire che il basso è un po 'più  stretto e un po' più melodico dei Reference Twos. Tuttavia, i  Fontaines ottengono sicuramente un cenno del capo per l'estensione del  registro medio e superiore, dolcezza e ottima resa dei  dettagli. Questi sono tratti sonori che sono un appuntamento  fisso nella sala d'ascolto di Perry e in seguito sono venuto ad ascoltarli  per tutto il tempo. In aggiunta a questo, c'è  molta aria intorno agli strumenti con un tasso di decadimento molto buono. Alcuni  potrebbero descrivere questi diffusori come neutri dal punto di vista  tonale, tuttavia si desidera descrivere questa caratteristica. Io,  d'altra parte, trovare la loro tonalità per essere  leggermente sul lato caldo. Mi sta bene. Nel  complesso, semplicemente si tolgono la via della musica.    Etta James, Life,  Love and The Blues [Private  Label 01005-82162-2]: Questo è un CD che è un ottimo esempio del suono  "Mussel Shoals". Ha una linea di basso sostenuta molto  pesante durante molti tagli. Check-out " senza  alcun segno di sovraccarico del conducente o altro pericolo. Dal  basso superiore in su tutto va bene. La voce di Etta James  arriva con la giusta quantità di morso e calore. Dal basso  superiore in su tutto va bene. La voce di Etta James arriva  con la giusta quantità di morso e calore. Dal basso superiore  in su tutto va bene. La voce di Etta James arriva con la  giusta quantità di morso e calore.    Patricia Barber, Companion Il  senso di immediatezza e presenza è tale che è possibile ottenere  un'implicazione delle dimensioni della stanza senza alcun iper-dettaglio  per intromettersi. Sul taglio "Usami" c'è un  assolo di basso verticale che i Fontaines riproducono con tutte le trame e  la ricchezza armonica in tatto. Signorina. La  voce del barbiere ha una trama soffice che è abbastanza piacevole senza  che i dettagli vocali siano mai esagerati. Non ho mai avuto  l'impressione di poter vedere le sue tonsille.    Con opere sinfoniche su larga  scala, questi bambini continuano nella stessa vena. Mentre le  loro capacità limitate di fascia bassa diminuiranno parte dello slam e del  peso che i loro fratelli più grandi sono in grado di gestire,    Per riassumere, la EgglestonWorks  Fontaines può essere descritta come molto musicale. Mentre ti  daranno tutti gli attributi che gli audiofili bramano, non sono mai  eccessivamente analitici. Apprezzo molto le qualità dei medi  che mantengono le mie sessioni di ascolto sul lato lungo. Mi  fanno venire voglia di togliersi la roba da audiofili e semplicemente  sedersi e godersi la musica. Mi trovo a tirare fuori CD dopo  CD che non ho sentito da un po 'di tempo per ascoltare. Se  ritieni di dover semplicemente avere quell'ultimo bit di uscita dei bassi,  ricorda che i sottotitoli corrispondenti sono disponibili. palcoscenico  sonoro totalmente coerente e la massima semplicità della presentazione  musicale. Non ho mai sentito alcuna discontinuità tra basso,  medi o alti. Erano sempre coerenti in questo senso.    Questi diffusori sono di altissima  qualità ed è necessario collegarli a ingranaggi di pari qualità a monte. Ovviamente  lavoreranno con amplificatori economici, ma riveleranno  rapidamente tutte le carenze e le deficienze del suono. Le  Fontaines EgglestonWorks sono l'essenza del lusso. Mentre non  possono essere considerati a buon mercato e sono in un campo affollato a  questo punto di prezzo
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solartranslations · 5 years
Dante 5/25: The Face Beneath the Mask
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Dante is acting strange…when she visits the Chief Executive’s Office, some suspicious people are…
~*Scene: Chief Executive’s Office*~
Liberta: Wha, Ojou!? …Crap, we can’t get out of this now!
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems nervous
Person: I was wondering who it was!!
Arcana: This is top secret though!
Orso: And who was the one who said “nobody would come to the Chief Executive’s Office”!
Nino: Hey, now’s not the time to fight! It’s not like we’re doing anything we shouldn’t be!
Felicita: *throws knives*
Liberta: Uwawawawa!?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems nervous
Person: We’re not intruders!
Arcana: This is top secret though!
Orso: …Well…she’s pretty good
Nino: Oh, she’s definitely good but…
Nino: If there were knife marks in the Chief Executive Office’s desk…it wouldn’t look good for Arcana Famiglia…
Felicita: …
Liberta: Whoa, Ojou, calm down! We’re not thinking about doing anything bad while Dante’s away!
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems to be hiding something
Person: This is a misunderstanding!!
Arcana: This is top secret though!
Nino: Come on, that just makes us sound more suspicious. Ojou-san, will you listen to us?
Orso: We’re not searching the Chief Executive’s Office because we want to
Orso: Besides, if we of Intelligence need something from Dante, we’d go to the ship
Liberta: But then this is what Dante told us
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Person: This is Dante’s fault…
Place: What is Ojou doing here?
~*Flashback: Captain’s Cabin*~
Dante: “On May 25th, the Intelligence Division will have the entire day off”
Dante: “I will also be away on business that day. So don’t go looking for me”
Dante: “I’m sorry that this is so sudden, but just bear with it”
~*End Flashback*~
Liberta: See! You think it’s weird too, right Ojou!?
Felicita: …
Claude: Danger is coming for Dante
Claude: As an apology for before, I’ll give you some useful information
Claude: On May 25th, at 8pm, come to the harbor
Claude: But, if you tell anyone about this, the deal is off
Liberta: …Hm? That face! Do you know something!?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Person: Dante’s been acting weird
Person: Ojou’s gone pale
Liberta: Hey, if you know something then tell is! …It’s alright if it’s nothing though
Liberta: …It’s just. Dante…we’re worried about him
Nino: Okay, that’s enough! If you think about it, we don’t need four of us to search this room
Nino: So, Ojou-san!
Nino: Can you and Liberta go search the ship then?
Orso: Oh, you’re right. There might be a logbook on the ship
Liberta: Logbook….you mean that annoying thing? That says when you set sail and where you’re going and stuff…
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems as usual
Daily: Oh yeah, Dante’s always writing in it
Place: Nino said to come here, so why are we going to the ship?
Person: I wonder if Ojou will look with me
Liberta: I think it’s fine as long as we make it back ok
Orso: …Don’t lump Dante-san with a little kid like you
Orso: Even if Dante-san was on land, he keeps a faithful logbook
Orso: Maybe there’s something in it about this sudden holiday
Liberta: Huh, Ojou? Are you really going to the ship?
Fukurota: Hoot hoot!
Liberta: Alright, I get it…
Liberta: Ow ow ow, that hurts! Don’t peck me!
Orso: …
Nino: …
Orso: This is okay, right…?
Nino: …Yeah. He’s not a child that we need to protect from the truth anymore
Nino: …And Ojou-san isn’t either
~*Scene: Harbor*~
Felicita: *running*
Liberta: Ojou, wait up~!
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Arcana: Let’s find that logbook!
Person: Ojou is really determined
Liberta: …That guy, is making Ojou worry this much…just what is he up to!
Felicita: …
Liberta: Oh, it’s nothing! Come on, let’s hurry~!!
~*Scene: Captain’s Cabin*~
Liberta: Excuse us~…
Liberta: It doesn’t look like Dante’s here…
Liberta: If Dante isn’t here, then we don’t need to sneak around! Okay, Ojou! Let’s find that logbook!
>It’s not on the bookshelf?
(+10 Amore)
>On the desk maybe
(+10 Amore)
Liberta: Hm~, I guess…well a logbook is a book after all
Liberta: Nope, these are all normal books. These are printed so they wouldn’t be the log…
Liberta: Oh! Hey, Ojou, look at this!!
Liberta: I love this book! You know it? The story starts with them chasing a mysterious creature called a narwhal
Liberta: And guess what it really was! It was giant gold ship that could move through the ocean! Then the protagonist got kidnapped, and then––
Felicita: …
Liberta: …Sorry. But, you should totally read it someday…
Liberta: Oh, Ojou! Look at this! Have you seen this photo? I guess the old man was like this back then…
Felicita: ?
Liberta: That pendant…right. Dante gave you that
Liberta: Hehe! It…looks a little big on a girl. But the old man’s had it since he was this young
Liberta: So…I’m sure it’ll protect you. Take care of it, okay?
Liberta: Yeah….Well, it’s weird if I say it! Okay, let’s look somewhere else!
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems excited ❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Daily: I want to see what happens next!
Arcana: The logbook…
Person: He trusts Ojou
Arcana: Let’s find that logbook!
~*Scene: Captain’s Cabin*~
Liberta: …The hell, Dante!!
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems as usual
Arcana: Where’s the logbook!!
Felicita: !
Liberta: He usually says stuff like “It’s good to keep equipment for making shochu on hand”!
Liberta: That old man never really cleans up…is that so he can hide the logbook…why?
Felicita: …
Liberta: !
Liberta: Maybe, we need to look at this from a different angle
Liberta: Okay! Maybe if I sit in the chair Dante usually uses…I can understand how he thinks and we’ll find the logbook right away?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Person: Was that a good Dante impression?
Arcana: Where’s the logbook!!
Felicita: !
Liberta: Whoa!? What is it, Ojou!?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems nervous
Place: The chair!?
Arcana: Where’s the logbook!!
Liberta: Whoa, the chair opened!? What did you just do, Ojou!?
Liberta: I’ve always seen this chair but I’ve never noticed…
Liberta: Okay, now that it’s open…
Liberta: …Found it!!!!
Liberta: Alright, now let’s read it!
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems excited
Pleasure: We finally found it!!
Arcana: What did Dante write?
Liberta: Anyway, I’ll read it out loud, so tell me if anything jumps out at you
Liberta: “May 25th 0400: Departed from the Arcana Famiglia mansion. Today I set course towards my past
Liberta: “I hope to sail with no regrets…” (TN: “sail” and “regrets” are both pronounced “koukai”)
Liberta: Dante, nobody will see your bad puns if you write them in here…
Felicita: !
Liberta: Hm, what, Ojou? “Sail with no regrets” really is bad huh
Felicita: No
Liberta: Huh, not that?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Person: Ojou is really determined
Arcana: What’d Dante write?
Liberta: Here? “Set course towards my past…”?
Liberta: …Yeah, that’s…not really like him. Okay, let’s take a closer look at this part
Liberta: Oh, look…a page has been torn out!
Liberta: Which means he wrote something on that page…and took it with him
>Let me see!
(+10 Amore)
>Liberta, this is…
(+20 Amore)
Felicita: *scribbling*
Liberta: Whoa, words appeared!
Liberta: Hm, a pencil? For what? You’re going to scribble over this page?
Felicita: *scribbling*
Liberta: Hm, uh…oh. Right, if you scribble too hard it’ll be a pain to erase later. So, gently…
Liberta: Alright, I see something!
Liberta: Um, 1-33-3 Salvatore Street…hmm, based on the address this is where the holiday villas are
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Arcana: We found a clue!
Person: It’s Dante’s fault for not explaining!
Liberta: He told us not to look for him but…we’ve already come this far!
Liberta: Let’s go, Ojou!
~*Scene: Salvatore Street*~
Liberta: I don’t come to Salvatore Street often so I don’t really know it well but, um. We’re at 4 now so…
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems as usual
Person: It’s Dante’s fault for not explaining!
Place: This is definitely where the important people’s estates are
Braun: Miss Executive of the Swords!
Liberta: Hm? What’s with that guy? You know him, Ojou?
Braun: Good timing. I was looking for you
Braun: I wanted to talk to someone from Arcana Famiglia about Dante
Braun: That was my intention. But the only member I’m acquainted with is you, young lady
Liberta: Dante!? Sir, are you a friend of Dante’s!?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Person: That guy seems important
Person: It’s Dante’s fault for not explaining!
Liberta: Then, have you heard anything? I’m sure you know, but Dante is a total workaholic, right?
Liberta: But…today, he went on holiday without telling us his plans or where he was going
Liberta: So, we’re running around looking for Dante now but, sir, do you know what’s at 1-33 Salvatore Street?
Braun: …When I find him, I’ll have a word with Dante about your upbringing…
Braun: 1-33-3 Salvatore Street is the address of my new villa
Braun: Dante visited me there the other day
Liberta: Huh!?
Braun: It looked like he was involved in some kind of trouble
Braun: He asked me to keep maintaining my relationship with Arcana Famiglia
Braun: …It seemed like he was preparing himself for something
Liberta: Wha…what the heck…!
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Pain: …What’re you up to, Dante!!
Braun: Of course, I asked him about it. I said I’d do whatever I could to help
Braun: But he wouldn’t tell me. He just said it was his own problem…
Braun: So, young lady. I at least wanted to inform you of the situation
Braun: I was sure…that you could determine the best course of action given that information. …I believe it
Liberta: Sir, you did the right thing
Liberta: Ojou and I…we’re not just Dante’s friends. As Arcana Famiglia, we’re his family!
Liberta: Now that you told us, we’re gonna go knock some sense into our idiot dad
Liberta: And tell him that he should rely on us more!
Braun: …Yeah…okay!
Liberta: Okay, Ojou! We’re gonna make a stop at the mansion
Liberta: We definitely know Dante is in some kind of trouble…which means, this isn’t the time for the two of us to be running around
Liberta: We’ll get Orso and Nino, and your subordinates. Everyone we can and…
Felicita: !
Braun: Wha!?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems confused
Place: It’s coming from the coast!?
Liberta: What!?
Liberta: No, it can’t be…!?
Braun: This is…!
Braun/Liberta: We’re under attack!
~*Scene: Cliff*~
(*hoist) Masked Man: Haaaaa….
(*rumble) (*boom)
Masked Man: Yaaah!!
(*slide) Masked Man: …Ugh…
Masked Man: *panting*…
Masked Man: I won’t let you lay a hand on Regalo…!!
~*Scene: Harbor*~
Felicita: !
Liberta: What is that!?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems confused
Place: A fleet!?
Person: But we gotta find Dante!
Liberta: The ships are shining…!? …No, they’re not just shining…someone’s returning fire!?
Jolly: Well well, I didn’t expect you to be here too, Ojou-sama…
Liberta: Uwaaah!?
Jolly: Quiet down
❤≪Jolly≫ Seems irritated
Arcana: That light looks familiar
Person: The children are so loud
Place: The sea is Intelligence’s department
???: I can’t see very well here
Jolly: But Liberta. I thought you would be helping with returning fire against that fleet
Liberta: Intelligence is supposed to be on holiday today
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems irritated
Place: What’s happening?
Person: But we gotta find Dante!
Jolly: Oh?
Liberta: It’s Dante’s orders. He left behind a letter but…
Liberta: But, what I can say now is…
Nova: So I guess, the damage that fleet is taking isn’t from Intelligence’s ship
Felicita: ?
Liberta: Nova!
❤≪Nova≫ Seems concerned
Place: I can’t forgive anyone for attacking Regalo
Arcana: What is Intelligence even doing
Nova: I’m having my subordinates investigate, but we don’t have any eyewitness information yet
Jolly: There’s no point asking the masses but…I understand that the Chalices are taking action
Nova: Normally, I should be making this report to the Chief Executive
Nova: All you do as the advisor is stay shut in the lab all day, it’s unlikely that you would understand the situation
Nova: If I may offer my personal opinion, isn’t that light…from the power of the Tarocco?
Luca: Yes, that’s it exactly
❤≪Pace≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Luca≫ Seems concerned
Place: This is our precious island…
Person: I came because I thought it was someone else though
Arcana: A Major Arcana that isn’t present
Person: There’s no mistaking that light
Luca: And it has to be a holder of a Major Arcana
Luca: …A Tarocco power that can hold off even a fleet…it’s the first time I’ve seen it but
Pace: ……
Pace: But Luca, we were going around eating lasagna, right?
Pace: I was just about to stick my fork into that nice cheesy crust when the sky lit up…
Pace: For a second, I thought it was lightning but then Debito was all “That’s not how it sounds!”…
Luca: That’s right. So it wasn’t us
Felicita: …
Liberta: It wasn’t me or Ojou either. We were running around looking for Dante all day
Nova: Obviously it’s not me. I was giving orders to my subordinates, and then came here
Nova: I had no time to use the Tarocco’s power against the enemy fleet
Luca: …Jolly. I thought that it had to be you, but?
Jolly: It wasn’t me
❤≪Jolly≫ Seems as usual
Person: I was reluctant to even come here
Daily: The children are so loud
Place: The sea is Intelligence’s department
???: I can’t see very well here
Jolly: As you can see, someone who stays in the lab all day like me, wouldn’t be going out to a place like this…
Jolly: I am only doing so because Mondo can’t move, and the Chief Executive is absent
Jolly: And it appears that the Deputy Chief Executive was absorbed in “sticking his fork into that nice cheesy crust”
Jolly: …So, Luca. When do you think I had the time to drive back that fleet?
Luca: Then, who…?
Jolly: Someone possessing a power great enough to do so and isn’t here…
Jolly: …You know the answer, don’t you?
Felicita: …!
Liberta: It’s Dante!! What’s that old man doing!?
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Person: When the fleet arrived, Dante was the only one alone!
Pain: That’s reckless!
Pace: Yeah, no matter how strong Dante is, he has his limits! If he keeps using the Tarocco’s power like that…
❤≪Pace≫ Seems concerned
Pain: What is Dante thinking…
Arcana: We’ll protect our island together
Liberta: I’ll go look for him!
Nova: Wait. Jolly is the one in command now
❤≪Nova≫ Seems as usual
Arcana: I want to protect the island too
Person: But it’s not like I don’t understand how you feel…
Nova: Jolly, what’s your decision?
Jolly: As holders of the Major Arcana
❤≪Jolly≫ Seems as usual
Arcana: We will deal with this mess immediately
Daily: The children are so loud
???: I can’t see very well here
Jolly: Our fundamental duty is to protect the peace and independence of Regalo
Jolly: So what is it that we must do to accomplish that?
Jolly: That would be to capture every single person on those unidentified ships
Jolly: It would be trouble if they were to land and use civilians as shields
Jolly: Nova, Pace
Jolly: Patrol the town with the Chalices and Clubs
Jolly: Arrest anyone who seems suspicious
Jolly: In this situation, use whatever methods seem fit. …You understand what that means, yes?
Nova: Understood!
❤≪Pace≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Nova≫ Seems concerned
Arcana: We’ll protect our island together!
Arcana: We’ll protect Regalo!
Pace: Okay! You got it!
Jolly: Luca, you stay here and respond to any emergencies
Luca: Understood
❤≪Luca≫ Seems as usual
Arcana: …That means we’re in a state of emergency
???: I can’t see very well here
Jolly: And, Liberta
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems as usual
Place: I’ve got to get to Dante fast!
Liberta: !? Wh, what?
Jolly: As of now, you’re the acting head of Intelligence
Liberta: The acting head of Intelligence!?
Jolly: Gather the members of Intelligence, and pursue the enemy fleet in the patrol ship
❤≪Jolly≫ Seems as usual
Person: This is a favor…
Daily: The children are so loud
Arcana: Now, for Ojou-sama
???: I can’t see very well here
Liberta: G, got it! We’ll definitely catch them!
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems nervous
Arcana: …I’m the acting head of Intelligence
Jolly: And lastly Ojou-sama, you will…
Jolly: You will have a job we likely cannot accomplish
Jolly: I’ll leave the search for The Emperor to you. Got it? Make sure you find him and drag him back here
Liberta: Ojou! Please take care of Dante!
❤≪Liberta≫ Seems concerned
Link: I trust Ojou and Dante!!
Arcana: I’m not confident in myself but…no, I’ll do it!
Liberta: I’ll do the best I can as the acting head of Intelligence!
Felicita: Okay
Liberta: Please, Ojou!! We haven’t all gotten a chance…to talk this out yet!
~*Scene: Cliff*~
Masked Man: *pant, pant*…
Masked Man: !?
Claude: Well, good job Dante
Masked Man: You…Claude…
Claude: So you can pretty much destroy the fleet on your own…huh
Claude: But, if you overuse the Tarocco you end up like that
Masked Man: …I’ve trained to specialize in and infiltration combat
Masked Man: Even without the Tarocco, you can’t…!
Claude: Hah! As if you could do anything in that state!
(*grip) (*whish)
(*clang) Masked Man: Guh…
Claude: See! See!! Your movements are slow…!
Masked Man: …!!
(*grip) (*whish) (*clang) (*slide)
Claude: Oh…will you look at that. Nice to see you, Ojou-san
Claude: I gave you enough warning to get away safely, but oh well
Claude: You’ll have to become an experimental subject so that my country of Nord can unravel the mysteries of the Tarocco’s power then
Felicita: *grips knives*
>Surrender now!
(+20 Amore)
>He didn’t obey the deportation?
(+10 Amore)
>I won’t let this go your way!
(No Amore)
(*whish) (*dodge)
Claude: As if I’d surrender just ‘cause you told me to…!
(*whish) (*dodge)
Claude: Ahaha! Like I care about that!
(*whish) (*dodge)
Claude: Haha! I guess I won’t catch you off guard this time. Then I won’t face you head on…!
(*dash) Masked Man: Watch out!!
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Dante: Ojou-san, are you alright?
Claude: Hehehe…Ahaha!!!!
Claude: I was going to expose you…but I guess I don’t need to anymore!
Claude: Now confess your sins to your precious Ojou-sama, you traitor! See ya, Mr. Masked Man! Ahaha!
Dante: Let him go
Dante: He’s just an info broker after all…and I’ve destroyed the fleet that was sent through his information
Dante: He’ll be chased down by the surrounding powers soon enough
Dante: They won’t bother attacking Regalo
>Why did you become the Masked Man?
(+20 Amore)
>What did he mean by…confess?
(+10 Amore)
>Dante, he called you a traitor…?
(+10 Amore)
Dante: For atonement, that was my intention
Dante: I hid my face and identity for my sin…I came to steal the Tarocco’s power for my home country of Nord…
Dante: I wanted to atone for that
Dante: …Out of everything he said, that is the one thing I need to set straight
Dante: Right, I need to…confess everything to you
Dante: The reason I originally came to Regalo…
Dante: It was…to steal the secrets of the Tarocco’s power so that my home country of Nord could use it for themselves
Dante: Yes
Dante: By joining Arcana Famiglia, and hosting The Emperor…
Dante: I said that I was a pirate to hide the truth of my past
Dante: I’m actually a spy
Dante: I infiltrated Regalo in order to steal the Tarocco and its secrets
Dante: …We should talk about the past
❤≪Dante≫ Regalo
Pain: If I talk about it…I’ll feel better
Link: It’s all coming back to me
Dante: Back when I was even younger than you are now…there was a great war
Dante: Everywhere was subject to the horrors of war, and these waters were no exception
Dante: As an island blessed with unique culture and fertile soil, Regalo was too
Dante: But Regalo wasn’t overtaken by the surrounding powers and maintained its autonomy and independence
Dante: Why do you think so?
Felicita: …
Dante: What was rumored to be true back then was that…
Dante: “Regalo had a new weapon that could wipe out an entire army in an instant”
Dante: Yes. If the rumor was true…then the surrounding powers couldn’t lay a hand on Regalo…
Dante: Based on information collected by our operative, Claude, my home country of Nord came to a conclusion
Dante: In my country, civilians were spreading rumors that the Tarocco…
Dante: Had been awakened by Regalo’s Arcana Famiglia and that they were using its power
Dante: I was just starting out as an intelligence operative back then. So I saw it as a chance
Dante: If I could infiltrate Regalo and steal the Tarocco, I would gain recognition
Dante: And my homeland could get its hands on something very powerful…
Dante: …I suppose I was caught up in the heat of war
Dante: I was closing in on Arcana Famiglia
Dante: I felt confident. I’d been trained to specialize in combat and infiltration after all
Dante: I pretended to be a pirate, and I was proud of the experience I gained from that
Dante: But, by chance. No, it might have been inevitable
Dante: I was discovered by Mondo
Dante: I fought Mondo with all my strength…
Dante: But of course, I was nothing but an insolent child
Dante: I was completely defeated
Dante: I’m sure you know how harshly Mondo treats those he defeats
Dante: But then…the Tarocco took my blood and started to shine
Dante: That was…The Emperor that I now host
~*End Flashback*~
Dante: …I continued to make false reports to Nord
❤≪Dante≫ Can’t seem to handle it
Pain: I was charmed by Arcana Famiglia
Link: I still treasured my home country
Dante: That the Tarocco was securely guarded by Arcana Famiglia
Dante: Finding and stealing it would require time…
Dante: Mondo said that “once I was chosen by the Tarocco, I was family”
Dante: The people of the island trusted me even though I never talked about by origins…
❤≪Dante≫ Seems to want to cry
Pain: I chose Arcana Famiglia over my home country
Link: I wanted to protect this
Dante: I wanted to protect then and this island with lies
Dante: But, now might be the right time
Dante: I’ll return without the Tarocco itself and…
Dante: Deliver The Emperor that’s hosted in me
Dante: I’ll leave Regalo with Claude
Dante: I had devoted myself to my home country of Nord. The reason I’ve stayed here for so long was…
Dante: Because I was charmed by Regalo out of my own greed
Dante: I’ll become their experimental subject and make them understand that the Tarocco can’t be used as a weapon of war
Dante: …And it might be time for The Emperor to find a new master
Dante: …I’m sure you don’t like me telling you this
Dante: You really are Mondo’s daughter
Dante: I blindly trusted my country, and only used that in my judgment…
Dante: While Mondo showed me a world filled with light
Dante: …I’ll stay in Regalo until the Arcana Duello
Dante: Ojou-san, once I see your growth to the end, I’ll say good-bye
>I’ll stop you…
(+20 Amore)
>Then, I’ll definitely win!
(+10 Amore)
>I won’t lose to you, Dante
(No Amore)
Dante: …Hm
Dante: …Right, sorry
Dante: That was a rude thing to say to you as one of the competitors in the Duello
Dante: …What?
Dante: …Hahaha…! Hahahaha!
Dante: You’ll win and succeed Arcana Famiglia…
Dante: And your first order will be for me to stay on this island, you say?
Dante: …Ojou-san…
Dante: There certainly are many unknowns regarding your current powers
Dante: Right…what’ll happen after the Arcana Duello
Dante: Is something we can’t predict right now…!
❤≪Dante≫ Seems concerned ❤≪Dante≫ Ojou-san ❤≪Dante≫ Seems concerned
Link: The future…huh. Yeah
Love: She’s a strong girl
Link: She doesn’t want to lose, right…yes, we’re equals
Dante: Hahaha! Interesting!!
Dante: Right, saying that I’d “see your growth” was presumptuous of me
(*pat) Dante: It was inappropriate to say as your opponent
Dante: Even if we face each other, I won’t hold back at all!
Dante: Ojou-san, we’ll fight a great match, fair and square!
~*End of Scene*~
You have one Heart Voice. It can be heard within SPECIAL
(Continue to Dante May 27)
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tnsmeta · 6 years
On Eldon and the concept of masculinity (in honour of 6x17) -Part 1 otherwise it will never get posted
Please bear with me, this is relevant...
The very first moment we meet Eldon, he’s wearing only blue, and judging himself in the mirror (I know this is auditions, but still - we don’t see any other character do this).
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We can tell from looking at him that he doesn’t think he measures up to something (were we not still getting used to our surroundings as an audience, and of course ‘auditions' - this will also come up a lot generally). Later on we get the answer to a question we didn’t even know we were meant to be asking: he’s dancing for respect from Emily, who he thinks he likes.
He equates the better he masters a skill, to the better a person he becomes - except he doesn't quite get that last part, and won’t until Thalia comes into the picture.
Jumping back to Emily’s point-of-view of the same events, she is aware of Eldon’s (estimated five-year) crush on her but does not reciprocate, and has to turn him down at least twice a day.
“I come into the studio: ‘Hey Emily, wanna go out?’. I leave the studio: ‘Hey Emily, wanna go out?’”
In the next episode, when he finds out he’s made A-Troupe, as expected he’s overjoyed - but he shows it in quite an unusual way: he has the most aggressive ‘bro-hug’ I’ve ever seen (watch the way he tugs West back and forth). But also here, he says something we don’t quite expect:
“That’s a whole other year with Emily, that’s a whole other year I get to ask her out.”
Pause. Doesn’t he want to date Emily? Doesn’t he want her to say yes? (Not saying this is the right way to go about that, but...duh).
This is the point a lot of GA (one of my family members included at first) thinks 'aww, what a sweet harmless boy, waiting for her to be ready’ *cough*which has it’s own problems*cough*. But what a lot of us were tricked into thinking (initially, myself included) is that this is about his "devotion"/creepy obsession - call it what you want  for Emily, as misplaced or wrongly-influenced *cough cough* as it may be.
This has literally nothing to do with Emily. At this point in time, she could turn him down every single time without missing a beat and he’d be happy.
So what changes?
Well, as everyone who has seen season 1 (and still remembers it) knows, the inciting incident for the show, delayed as it may be, is Michelle’s arrival. The synopsis for S1 indicates that she’s the catalyst. She sparks the change in this little underdog studio and it shows... in more ways than one (many, many more ways).
Okay, so our agent for change is Michelle... but he doesn’t gain feelings for her until episode 7, after he’s getting more desperate (I use this word carefully) to get that crucial date with Emily? What?
Let’s return to episode 2 for a moment; A-Troupe is lined up and Emily has (rather prematurely) eagerly called the vote for Dance Captain, she gets shot down, Kate and Chris put the pressure on Michelle and... Eldon sees all of Emily’s intense attention focused on this new person. He may be clueless as to Michelle and Emily’s mutual attraction to one another, but going by episode 7 again, he knows he needs to have Emily’s attention if he’s going to have a chance in hell.
So far, Emily is a tough dance captain but given that Chloe wasn’t in A-Troupe earlier on, James is the only other person she’s given that angry rage-moment(?) to as an individual. You know, the person he clearly looks up to too much?
And Eldon decides that this time things will be different. She will notice him.
“I’m trying to get Emily but it's not working.” 
“You need to get her attention.”
“Yeah,”- he voices this in a way that suggests he has already enacted this plan before he voices it out loud to James.
Also worth mentioning here is the offer to spy at Elite - “I should have volunteered sooner, you know, to show Emily that I’m brave and I’m a man.”
If you’re wondering/can’t remember, Emily couldn’t care less - Michelle has already volunteered.
But the point is Eldon equates the offer to spy on Elite with manliness and masculinity (the fact that Michelle has already done so has completely escaped him). But... Emily's acceptance of Michelle’s help is what triggered him to suggest it? On a subconscious level Eldon is equating Emily's acceptance to attraction, and consequently restricting “the Emily in his head” to paraphrase Tiffany, to only be attracted to examples of masculinity - and that’s something he aspires to be. When we first met him looking at himself in the mirror, he was judging himself: because he thinks not having a girlfriend makes him less of a man, and consequently less of a person.
Alright, James has successfully come up with a plan to manipulate Emily into dating Eldon (keep in mind this is the person Eldon looks up to), and so Emily and Eldon go on a lovely date, learn about each other and deepen their relationship through genuine connection-
*SNORTS* Yeah, right!
As said by Emily:
“First, I think he read a book that was based in the 1940s...”
Nice, you think to yourselves, a good comedic portrayal at best, and at worst - they don't mesh (they date later). But again, there's more going on under the surface.
I digress slightly to point out that when asked her favourite line, Victoria Baldesarra also told us that sometimes the creator/director (Frank Van Keeken) would write lines, that were said as they were written *she had to take a few takes to stop laughing, because that's the footage they wanted.
Let's briefly look at what was happening in the- actually, let's look first at the 1930′s for a bit of context:
-The Great Depression in America, (think about Of Mice and Men, post-war, misconceptions had caused a lot of people to lose everything)
-The solution according to Wall Street (mostly to benefit themselves, but capitalism isn't really dealt with at all in TNS) is to create an economy boom, by making the public buy things they don't really need. (The Great Gatsby)
    -By enforcing “traditional” gender norms, shaming women that don't stay at home, to create a ready-made market of consumers
    -Thus, from this era, you have these lovely adverts for household items, that have since been banned for being sexist
    -And dating etiquette
Back to season 1, we have the template for Eldon’s behaviour, let’s revisit their ‘first date’:
Eldon is nervous and can't decide how to sit (why is this a thing? 1940′s dating etiquette - gentlemen must have a certain posture etc (it's stifling) )
He attempts to ask Emily to get a drink, but even Eldon at this point notices something just isn't right - he appears lost in thought and struggles to understand what he ‘should’ be doing next. There's nothing natural about this date, for either party.
They do interact, via a hug... but it's uncomfortable to watch - Emily is visibly repulsed. That feeling of uncomfortability is only heightened when we hear her thoughts on the evening: "It's going awful, but I have to keep reminding myself: I’m dance captain. This is basically my duty.”
The scene ends and we think ‘thank God it's over’ (unless you ship Eldony).
Then it continues, and Eldon attempts to rate the ‘three-juice’ date, at which point we find out, he hasn't even been paying attention to her.
And then he asks her out again.
Why? No seriously, why?
Obviously Emily, having sense, turns him down immediately. She knows she can turn him down without repercussion(?)
But then Eldon changes the routine.
He asks her why she won't go out with him. He's conflating a toxic ideal of masculinity, and the presumed entitlement that comes with it, with being a good person - essentially he’s hinging his entire self-worth on a girl not remotely attracted to him (who sometimes straight up uses him - they're both jerks atm) saying yes to being in a relationship with him,
There's nothing healthy about this relationship for either of them.
Back to Emily: she tells him that he tries too hard. He doesn't disagree, but argues over why - he thinks she can't see him for who he is. They dance together, and she enjoys it. She informs him that she's still not going to go out with him, he's visibly upset, but she says he can be her duet partner. 
Eldon takes this as indication to continue. Probably, because Emily had pointed out just earlier that day: “Why would I want to go out with you if I just said no to being your duet partner?!” So now he's conflating dance partner with romantic relation with self-worth... and this is where Michelle comes in (again).
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itsbaobeibei · 6 years
Please note this is pretty in-depth so it’s a long post. Also note there may be some misunderstandings of the plot of quotes on my part. I am not fluent in Japanese, my level is probably only above N3.
This is some real cute fucking shit. So KAKUGO YOURSELF. TN: Kakugo means prepare
So this current ES theme is about deepening your love and all of them revolve around this guidebook which I’m assuming is Saizo’s Lover’s Guide but I can’t confirm since I don’t know the name of his book in Japanese.
So things start off with Hotaru and MC enjoying a morning together having fun and some light making out. MC is not really used to doing this sort of thing in the morning and gets a little embarrassed, telling Hotaru they have to get up to get ready for the day. She notes to herself she should probably tell Hotaru when it’s okay and not okay to do these sort of things because it leads to...THAT.
Later on in the day Kagetsugu, Yoshichi and Kageie are being noisy in the hall. MC wanders over to see them holding the Lover’s Guide and eventually Hotaru sneaks the book away to see what the fuss is about. MC naturally gets a little embarrassed because they somehow get on the topic of Hotaru’s love life and what they’ve done...while MC is right there. Things only get worse when Kenshin comes and decides to help Hotaru deepen his love for MC by helping them study. So they start trying out things from the book. For example first they introduce themselves and bless his poor little soul Hotaru keeps slipping up. Like he just says “Hotaru” instead of “My name is Hotaru” which is more polite. Then he has to compliment MC so he does what he always says “MC...ah no...MC-san, you’re very cute.” and Kageie’s like
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“That’s a bit...too childish” and everyone suggests “beautiful” instead.
Next they have to write letters to one another and have it sent to each other. Since MC and Hotaru share the same room, they agree to split up for the time being. MC will move to a new room, they won’t speak to each other or even see one another to ensure that they are following the book properly. Hotaru will learn how to write letters appropriately and MC will decide when they are ready to meet and move onto the next step.
MC moves out but Hotaru comes to her fucking room cause HE WAS WORRIED ABOUT HER EVEN THOUGH THEY’RE IN THE SAME CASTLE AWWWWWW. He delivers MC a letter and she says “You brought this yourself? Ah, you should have someone else send it instead.” So Hotaru realizes he forgot they weren’t supposed to meet and takes out a notepad and writes “Sorry” on it, like how he was at the beginning of his MS when he would never speak out loud. MC feels a little sad and tries to cheer him up by telling him “I’ll read your letter with the utmost care” *She says 大切にする so that means to treasure/cherish it. He starts to leave but as he does so, he keeps turning and looking back at MC sadly. Wahhhh
MC and Hotaru continue to exchange letters as the days pass. Their letters are sort of like “How are you feeling today? I’m doing fine but when you’re not here I get so lonely.”
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Now prepare your hearts cause it’s about to get real cute. It’s at night and MC sees a sudden shadow at her door. She guesses it’s Hotaru and wonders why he might be here since they can’t meet but his figure suddenly disappears. When she slides her door open she finds a flower with a letter waiting for her. In the note Hotaru writes “I saw this flower and thought of you. I hope it brings a smile to your face.”
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MC decides it’s time to finish the letter exchange, Hotaru has passed and new they can finally meet. She sends a letter via Tora to Hotaru (who is training with Kageie, Kagetsugu and Yoshichi telling him to meet her later. HOTARU IS SO EXCITED HE STARTS RUSHING OFF TO MC’S ROOM. But everyone calls Hotaru, telling him to come back. Poor baby boy was so excited he forgot it said “Let’s meet at the tea house later” and he starts sulking.
Then it’s finally time for them to meet! Hotaru is already waiting for MC, he says the Lover’s Guide said it was a man’s duty to do the waiting. He also gives her a flower because the book said women are happy to get them. “I wanted to see your smile so I also brought you a flower today.”
MC gets a little lonely when she sees that Hotaru brought the guidebook since he starts referring to it and reading it from it. So their conversation becomes stiffened and a bit unnatural. Hotaru goes to place the order for food and tea and some creep comes sauntering over “Oh hey babe, you alone?”
“No, I’m with someone”
“Haaa? Are you really, even though you have such a sad and lonely expression. How about playing with me? Hmm, not saying a word? Well someone’s shy. What a cutie. I know some place more fun than this, let’s go.”
MC tries to refuse but ya you know...MEN, some can’t take a hint. Luckily Hotaru comes to save the day and sends the creep off. “She’s taken.”
MC is safe and Hotaru is relieved but is suddenly saddened. He forgot to follow the rules of the book. When saving a girl, check to see if a situation becomes dangerous, if you step in you’ll look cool (SAIZO YOU PIECE OF SHIT THAT’S HORRIBLE). He despondently says “I didn’t wait and see. I’m so lame.”
"No, don’t say that, Hotaru! You were amazing! In fact, I think men who just wait around and do nothing when someone’s in trouble are the lame ones! Not everything in that guide in true, you know!”
MC feels a pain in her chest when Hotaru asks if he’s made any other mistakes with her. The Hotaru she loves isn’t the one who is desperately following the book. It’s the one who is pure and good-hearted. This lover’s guide Hotaru simply isn’t him. She thanks Hotaru for what he’s done for her and apologizes for causing so much trouble and takes his hand in hers. Hotaru starts to blush. Voltage has blessed us with 3 blushing sprites of Hotaru
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Upon seeing Hotaru blush, MC starts blushing. It’s basically whenever MC and Yukkin get embarrassed and Saizo makes fun of them for being ripe apples. For awhile they don’t even say anything. The conversation literally goes
Hotaru then takes MC’s hand and places it on his chest. “My heart’s pounding...when you touch me, it starts beating even more. Does this mean our hearts are connected?” This is the result of their love deepening thanks to the guidebook. They’re grateful for the lover’s guide but MC and Hotaru decide to do love their way instead of relying on a book.
“I want to touch you more, is that okay?” Good for you, Hotaru. Constantly practicing consent.
“Ahh, only when we’re alone, just the two of us....also not in the morning”
“Oh...so MC prefers it when it’s dark.”
Oh Hotaru, my sweet summer child. He then starts asking MC embarrassing questions like “Does your heart also beat for me? What makes your heart race? When we hug? When we kiss?”
MC is super embarrassed but manages to avoid answering when two women gush about how cute they are and changes the topic wondering if Hotaru really ordered their tea.
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Later they return to the castle and Hotaru returns the book to Yoshichi. Everyone celebrates Hotaru’s success but fucking Hotaru says “Kenshin, MC won’t answer my question. Does her heart beat when we hug, when we kiss?”
MC’s mind (literally): WAAAWWAAAWAAAAAA!!!!!
Kenshin just smiles and says “Just by thinking of her her heart’s already pounding for you.” **Translation, not sure
After death by embarrassment, MC and Hotaru return back to “their” room and talking about their experience. How they were lonely without one another but they were glad for it. They start to get touchy-feely and start exchanging kisses.
Hotaru asks “Is your heart racing?”
“Mine too. I’m glad I got to fall in love with you all over again. I want your heart to race even more. I want us to be even closer.” The story ends with MC mentally noting that:
This loud, beating heart of mine has become even more so.
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My rating of this ES out of 10: “I've only had Hotaru for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
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theaphonics · 7 years
Why I Love Languages
Often, I get asked a lot of questions about my interest in languages; why I love them, why I learn them and how. I decided to write about this subject in hope that it can probably answer to those inquiries.
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Why I learn them…
Language is a method of communication. Let that sink in for a while.
It’s insane how a language can connect you with people around the world, whether it’s making new friends in a famous diverse park, preaching the gospel to a nation or just helping an unknown at the airport. Language has a very unique way to unite people. I love the fact that we can travel somewhere far far away from home in the world and be able to communicate with the people in their mother tongue, it’s just unexplainable.
Frequently, the ability of speaking one’s language gets underrated, people get to make fun of others because of their accent or even relate their linguistic knowledge to a lack of education. Trust me, I know what I’m saying. I live in a bilingual country where if you can’t speak the native language of our settlers, French, they label you as “uneducated”, not that I will remain quiet about this issue, it is not the subject today.
Why I love them…
“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” – Nelson Mandela
Recently, I was in the United States, I spent most of my time in the beautiful, sunshine state, Florida. I’m sure that we are all aware of how diverse this breathtaking state is. My amazing host (mom #2, as she likes to be referred, who currently works at Disney.) and her phenomenal family goes to the Disney parks quite often, which resulted my frequent visit to the parks during this fantastic summer as well. Being able to explore the parks was fascinating to me, they are filled with enjoyment in all of its kind. Walking around the parks, I tended to be observant of the words I could hear near me just to find out what language was being spoken close to me.
Most times I would hear English (obviously), Spanish, Portuguese, French and even my mother tongue; Haitian Creole (etc..). But there’s something special to me when it comes to the language of Portuguese, yeah you guessed it right, the Brazilians. Gosh, they were everywhere in the parks! And my soul was just rejoicing every time I spotted one or two. I spoke to them for the sake of any privilege I had. It was just beautiful how their faces would light up, I mean you could literally read happiness on their faces because of someone who is not even from a Portuguese-speaking country cared enough to learn about their language and culture, we would keep up conversations for a quite long time and still to this day, I remain connected to some of them. I got to speak to some of the foreign workers at the parks as well and it was magical. It doesn’t end here, there’s more.
I spent a week in Nashville,TN at a program and part of it was to visit and spend time with some gracious people. It happens to be that one of those people was half French. While we were at one of our must-visit towers, I stumbled upon a nice lady, her name was Jasmine. I saw her across the room in her beautiful green dress with her bright red lipstick sitting on the table with the others doing their thing (coloring, eating snacks etc..). Something was pushing me to just go talk to her, so I did.
I asked her her name, by her accent, I became aware that she was foreign, I then asked her where is she from and with a french accent she replied “My mom French, my dad from Egypt”. Unfortunately, I don’t speak Egyptian Arabic or generally Arabic but that’s when my French came to the rescue. We began to speak in French, and when she asked me my name, I handed her my name tag to read it, she read it in the most possible french way. She was so happy, and I wish everyone could’ve seen that glow on her face and her delighted smile. We kept the conversation going for quite a while. I love the joy I felt during this brief period of time, I wish I could explain it.
“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
Fundamentally, what I am trying to make you perceive above is that; languages connect you globally.
When you learn and speak another language you shouldn’t do it just to connect with people on a linguistic level, to some extent you should experience a cultural connection and enjoyment, how splendid would that be? If you are not experiencing any of those facts, you’re doing it wrong.
There are some other deeper reasons to consider learning a language, probably more than I am aware of but one thing that has recently caught my attention is the neurological benefits it associates with. Yes, you read that right, it does stuff to your noodles. It’s not just about switching your personality as you switch languages, *cough*, It improves your memory, you earn different perceptions, build multi-tasking skills, you stave off Alzheimer’s and dementia, and so much more. Basically, you become smarter.
… but how did you learn them?
This is always a complicated question for me to answer. First of all thanks to God, my dad, teacher Maxime, people who have helped/are helping me to practice, Google Translate, Duolingo, books, movies or any other FREE resources found on the web.(sounds like an award winning speech…).
Learning a language doesn’t require any super power, it’s hard work, it’s consistently pushing yourself, but people only see the outcome. Of course it can be hard to maintain them, specially when you reach the point to also maintain your native one, yes, sadly it happens and this why you should prevent that. Guard it; it’s just like any other foreign language.
“Surprisingly, learning languages is the easy part. You learn one. And then another. And another. And it gets easier as you go.”- Luca Lampariello
Growing up, I was taught Haitian Creole and French as a main language, but my father would always “sneak” other languages into our brain, he started teaching us how to count, the alphabet in Spanish and in English, later on I was taught the Greek and Hebrew alphabet but decided to solitary learn the Cyrillic one as well. Speaking French, a Latin-derived language, built an automatic bridge to the other ones. If you have any knowledge of Latin-derived languages, you know for sure that they are like cousins so the rest is history. (to make it clear, I do not speak all Latin-derived languages, or maybe not yet.)
“The joy of knowing a foreign language is inexpressible. I find it really difficult to express such joy in my mother tongue.” ― Munia Khan
I have been shuffling my learning of languages quite much recently, It’s exciting! But I have decided to remain them mysterious to the public eye.
Go ahead, learn as much as language as you ever want, learn a different type of writing system, (it’s fun, no one can find out what you wrote), travel to a country where it is spoken (if you earn enough $$$$), learn the Lord’s prayer in a new language, watch your favorite [Disney] movie in it if available, just go for it if you really want to, it’s pleasant and beneficial, you’ll thank me later.
There are a lot of reasons why I ceaselessly fall in love with languages and I fear that I may never write about them all.
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years
8/04/2017 DAB Transcript
2 Chronicles 35:1-36:23 ~ 1 Corinthians 1:1-17 ~ Psalm 27:1-6 ~ Proverbs 20:20-21
Today is August 4th. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It’s great to be here with you today as we move forward with the next step in our adventure through the scriptures this year. We will be concluding Second Chronicles today and beginning First Corinthians in the New Testament. But first we’re reading from the Names of God bible this week. Second Chronicles chapter 35 verse 1 through 36 verse 23 today.
Ok, so, we have arrived at the doorstep of Paul's first epistle or his first letter to the church at Corinth, also known as first Corinthians. And Corinth was a was a pretty big hotspot. It was a city of trade and commerce. It was a destination place to go in the Roman Empire. It was the fourth largest city in the entire Roman Empire at the time of Paul's writing. And, so, being a trendy city, it had all of the things that go along with a trendy city, even today. It was a melting pot of spiritual ideas, idolatries, sexual exploration and immorality - all of the things to go with a large secularized society. And Paul writes this letter as a response to some of the things that he’s hearing that are going on in the church. So, its central theme is unity, church unity. And, so, that makes it no less poignant now that it was then. Paul talks about a lot of topics, from the way that we should behave toward one another, to the way husbands and wives should behave, to the way you should behave in church. And some the most quoted portions of the New Testament will be found in this letter, this first Letter to the Corinthians. Things like - through a glass darkly, or when I was a child I spoke as a child, and then, of course, the thirteenth chapter of first Corinthians, which has been known for a long time as the love chapter - beautiful, beautiful, beautiful work on what love is, what it looks like, and what it does. So, Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth echoes through time all the way to us today. It’s like we just received it in the mail and we’re going to open this letter. And it has just as much meaning now as it did then. And, so, we begin. First Corinthians chapter 1 verses 1 through 17.
Father, we, like king David, share the same desire, that we can remain in Your presence all the days of our lives, that we might gaze upon Your beauty. And we realize that when this is the posture of our heart, when this is what we are seeking primarily - to be in your presence, to feel your presence wrap itself around us like a warm hug, to feel your intimate awareness of us, that You want to be in fellowship with us, in friendship with us, in collaboration with us, in union with us - we seek this. This is what we want. And, so, when we seek Your beauty and Your presence everything else in our lives is automatically put into its proper perspective and we realize that some of the things that have been so deeply consuming to us shouldn't even have a hold over us, perhaps shouldn't even be a part of our lives. So, Holy Spirit, we invite you to lead us deeper into Jesus, to lead us on the pathway that leads to life, the narrow path, deeper and deeper. And as the world recedes into its proper alignment, we ask You to reorder our lives so that we can consistently and continually, for all of the days of our lives, walk with You in Your presence, in Your will, following Your ways on the narrow path that leads to life, guided by Your word that illuminates our paths before us. This is our prayer. This is our desire. Come, Holy Spirit.  We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website to base was going on around here.
Well yeah, we had a blast last night at the Sneezing Jesus live, Facebook Live, that we did. You guys are awesome. I’ve just been very, very inspired by some of the stories that I've heard and it's just really beautiful. So, we had a good time with that last night.
I remind you that, if you haven't had the chance, Sneezing Jesus is available wherever you can get books. I invite you to take that journey because I think that journey will bring you close. It’s a kind of presence that we were just praying about, found in the book of psalms, this sort of desire for union and intimacy in all things at all times. This is available. And looking at Jesus up close and personal, it just opens up that doorway. It’s always been there for us to walk through. So, check that out.
So, we’ll be taking a Sneezing Jesus on the road for a few months of traveling around and just hanging out with the family and seeing everybody. If you’d like to see that come to your city, here’s how you get that ball rolling. Go to sneezingjesus.com, scroll all the way to the bottom, and you’ll see this little tiny form. Just fill out that form. We’ll be in touch and see if it can happen.
The other thing about Sneezing Jesus is  the reviews at Amazon and stuff. If you have gotten your copy from Amazon or Barnes & Noble or wherever, if you would be willing to take five minutes out of your day and leave a little review for that, wherever you got it…that…I mean…that’s certainly something that we’re told to do by the publishing companies…but I see that as a seed…I see it as a seed. Those things get planted. And then somebody, somewhere, along the way, maybe many years from now even, comes across this, sees what you had to say, and that convinces them that this is what they’ve been seeking, this is what they’re looking for - a clear picture of Jesus. And then that seed gets watered and comes to fruition and becomes a harvest. So, if you could take a few minutes, that will be helpful. Thank you for that.
If you want a partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that it dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link. It’s on the homepage. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the More button in the lower right hand corner, or if you prefer the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill TN 37174.
And of course, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayers and Praise Reports:
 Hi my DAB family. This is your sister Julie. My heart is full of gratitude for all of you and I love you. Brian, my brother, to God be the glory, the great things He has done through your family and your ministry. Thank you for making your faithfulness in making the word of God come to life for me again. This family has helped to resurrect my soul from a shipwrecked life. I felt the need to call and reach out to all my DAB family members who are silent and empty. I know that there are lots who call on a regular basis to encourage us and I’m very grateful to them. But to the silent loved ones, your situations and circumstances are not silent to God. I pray that the river of living waters wash over you and give you peace in the middle of the storm and may you have strength to look up into the face of our Father and know that you are dearly and wonderfully loved by your brothers and sisters in this family and you are a part of it. And I just want you to know that I love you and I think about you all every day because I’ve been a silent one too. And I’m reaching out to you and letting you know that you are prayed for every day. Even though we may not know your name, you are still our brothers and sisters in Christ. So, keep sneezing everyone. And I love you. Bye-bye.
Hi family. Drew from the bay area. Listen, I’m just calling in today because the Holy Spirit wants me to. I only have a second because I’m going to be late to work. But this call is for Asia and for David and for Rebecca and for Daniel J. Jr. and for Blind Tony and for sinners and for many that are struggling. The Holy Spirit wants you to know that He has you. Did Sarah doubt that she was going to have a child in the wilderness when she was an old lady? Yes, she did. Did Elijah doubt that God was going to protect him and take care of him when he was running away from Ahab and Jezebel? Yes, he did. Where is Elijah now? Did Jonah run away from God and did God take care of Jonah and bring him back? Yes, he did. Did God come through on all the promises that He made to Hannah? Yes, He did. Did he come through for Elizabeth? Yes, He did. Did he do all the things that he promised to? Yes, He did.  Yes, He will. He loves you. So, take your eyes off yourself and realize God's plans are bigger than all of us. But together we can have strength. And our lives are like a flower that just wilted this past spring and died. But the seeds that spring up the next year will even better than before, even more numerous. So, don’t doubt what God’s plans are. Just pray and worship Him. That’s all He wants from us. I love you family.
Yes. My name is Mark N. I live in Davie, FL. I’ve been a listener for about nine years. I would desire everybody’s prayers right now. I’m going through a lot and my family. My mother is in the hospice. I just got a call. She’s got 73 hours left. She’s going downhill quickly. So, please keep us in prayer. We’re losing my mother. There’s five of us. And I’ll be flying back home in the north. So, I would desire everybody’s prayer. Again my name is Mark N. Just pray for the N. family. And I thank you for your prayers.  
Hi. Brian, I wanted to say thank you so much for your readings, always, but especially Romans. I appreciate how you emphasize, slowly, things in Romans. And it’s just beautiful and so important for us to understand Jesus’ love through all of this with us. And these are the tenants of our faith being read to us. It’s so exciting. And I just wanted to also say hi Pastor Gene. I just love you. And I just think of you, not only as a prayer warrior but a warrior as a testament of Jesus Christ. You know, when you're dealing with all you're dealing with, with kids, and you’re on that brink of dealing with depression because it’s something that you just have and it’s a thorn in your side, like Paul. And you’re such…you’re strong through it all and you are so able to help other people through that. And I just so appreciate you. And I just want to give you a quick update on my daughter. She's healing well from the C-section. The baby is just amazing and beautiful, nursing well. And my daughter-in-law, she’s the one that lost the baby, she's doing well. She loves God and she understands His sovereignty. And Asia, I just want to say I am praying for you and praying for the God of comfort to bless and keep you. I'm running out of time, so I just want to say I love you all and praying for you all. We all have similar…while I pray for Asia…I know there’s other people with that exact same thing. So, I'm praying for you all, in Jesus’ name I pray all these things. Amen.
Hi family. This is Charles in Ohio. It’s been a while since I’ve called. I just...I was calling with both a prayer request and a praise report. My wife and I are still not together. She’s still with this other man. But today my wife and I were able to go together with our kids to the beach today. It was the first time we were able to spend time together without arguing since we separated. And while we were at the beach we found out that her father was found dead yesterday. And on the drive back from the beach, for me to take her to her grandmother’s house, God used me in the situation to minister to her and I feel that a good part of the drive was just Jesus speaking through me directly to her. But I just want to ask that everyone would keep her in prayer, that she’d be comforted in this difficult time, and also for our family as a whole, just that we would figure out some sort of new normal out of all this.
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katyjustso · 8 years
It is my first post of the year so I shall begin with the obligatory…
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Yes, it’s the fucking 19th alright?
New Year, New Me.
Except it’s less an Emphatic Statement of Intent and more a Bewildered Question.
New Year, New Me…?
Erm….perhaps next year.
Listen, you’re going to have to excuse me for a minute because I’ve reached that age (and weight) where I can no longer blithely dismiss sudden chest pain as ‘just trapped wind’ and it feels like someone just dropped a breeze-block on my sternum.  I better go and investigate.  I’ll be back (I hope).
Yup.  Just a massive fart.  Yet more of the anxiety wind which is currently blowing through my life. Anxiety, you say? This early on in the year? Even with the kids safely installed back at school?
Well, yes.
Sadly, I haven’t had the kick-ass start to the year I was dreaming about.  More a massive kick you UP the ass kind of start to the year that I could not have anticipated in a billion years.
The wank start to 2017 comes hot on the heels of a fairly dog-shit end to 2016 which left me uncharacteristically desperate for the festivities to end and gagging for the 1st of January.
I use the term dog-shit advisedly (believe it or not) because that’s what our festive period felt like tbh.  Like, if Christmas 2016 was a spanking new pair of white Nike Tn’s, then I spent the majority of it trying to scrape off a steaming turd only to find I’d walked through it again.
But, much like a shit-covered shoe, our Christmas troubles were mere trifles; annoying inconveniences which rather threatened to spoil everything than actually doing so.
The main culprit was sickness and disease.  Having swerved such things at Christmas for the last 16 years or so, I guess we were due a turn.  But it’s always crap when your kids are poorly and it’s even crapper at Christmas.
A particular highlight (for me, not him) was Thom’s impeccable sick-etiquette on Christmas morning.  Not wanting to spoil the splendour of the occasion, Thom repeatedly asked to be accompanied to the kitchen between opening his own gifts so he could chuck up what was left of his little guts.  Bless.
Although between MTV’s Bangin’ Bassline Christmas Hits (absolutely no fucking sign of Bing Crosby at alll) blaring out of the TV and the frenzied ripping of wrapping paper by his siblings, his bile-only retching would doubtless have gone unnoticed.
The real highlight of my Christmas morning is still telling the kids not to worry about dropping all the wrapping paper on the floor cos we don’t live with your anti-mess freak father anymore.
The smug satisfaction I still get from saying this after five years is quite shameful but in my defence, as a single mum at Christmas you’ll take any little win you can get.
I might have to chalk it up as a loss though, cos it’s one thing to let the kids open presents without following them around the room brandishing a carrier bag for the rubbish but when you use it as an excuse to leave the room strewn with wrapping paper and ribbon for about 10 days, you start to look less care-free and more lazy bastard.
So yeah.  The ‘Noro-Virus’ did the rounds over Christmas.  Noro-Virus sounds more sympathy evoking than 24hr bug. Also, I don’t think 24 hours carries sufficient gravitas when you’re 8 and the 24 hours in question starts at 11pm on Christmas Eve  and lasts right the way through your Christmas dinner.
And, whilst I felt dreadfully sorry for Thom and his khaki coloured sick, my Christmas Eve wasn’t exactly all wine and wassail.  Well, it wasn’t wine cos, recovering alcoholic obvs, so yeah that bit of Christmas has gone out of the window.  But as is my Christmas custom, I still had about 80% of the wrapping to do once the little ones finally lost consciousness.
But no sooner had I rolled up my sleeves and attached my snazzy new ‘On-hand Sellotape dispenser” than I was interrupted by Thom’s tired and tremulous crying.  Actually, to my shame (just add it to the fucking list shall we?), I sent the teen upstairs the first time I heard him crying and that was only after there was a break in the carols I had blaring out from the TV.  The teen has even less patience than me, if that is even possible, so when he came downstairs after fifteen seconds armed with the considered conclusion that Thom was ‘over-excited’, I took him at his word and carried on with my frantic wrapping.
By 8am Christmas morning, there was a pile of presents under the tree that might as well have been wrapped by an 18 month old.  I was so tired with darting up and down stairs to hold back Thom’s hair (oh, hang on, I don’t do that with him do I – so why does he need me?) as he was sick every half an hour that I’d barely bothered to hide all the tape and left over bows.  Not that anyone noticed.
Boxing Day saw the girl fall foul of the wretched bug and the day after that had me dashing between bathroom and bedroom all day.
With all this festive digression, I have quite forgotten the subject of my post.  Which is a relief actually, cos it’s fucking painful to think about.
The reason I have entitled this post The Moving Memoirs #1 is not because I believe these posts will be moving in any emotional sense.  Whatsoever. They will be filled with a shit load of whingeing and bitching about various stuff going on but this is not a sympathy seeking exercise. I can’t be arsed. No, I shan’t be moving anyone to tears.
For you eagle-eyed readers, the #1 is not accidental.  The thread of this blog will probably take at least three months to exhaust itself and so I may manage to write a few more posts.  That’s not a threat, nor am I making any promises.  I am struggling to write at the moment.  I am struggling to do most things.  Functioning is at an all-time low.
So. Not trying to ‘move’ anybody emotionally and it might be a three month long series.  Dunt take a genius to work out that the moving in question is a house move and I shall be blogging about this for the foreseeable future.
I have moved house before but in the five years that we’ve lived where we live now, so much has changed, and I fear this move is going to be pretty different to any I’ve done before.
So. I remember seeing something on Pinterest once – like a ‘countdown to moving day’ list or something like that.  I must have read it cos I sort of remember it saying shit like this:
Three months before you move
Begin to compile a list of removal companies you could use
Make an inventory of each room
Invest in some ‘packing boxes’ and begin to label them by room
One month before you move
Inform the relevant phone and cable TV companies of your impending move
Start wrapping your breakables in newspaper
The day before you move
Make sure you have left the kettle and other essentials out for your last day
Have your gas and electric meters read (my mother just told me this…seriously I have no idea about this shit.)
The day of the move
Get up early
Fucking blah
  Right.  You get the picture.
Here is how my list thus far with my confident predictions for the next few months:
Three months before (eviction notice served)
Spend 36 hours in a stunned stupor because you can’t believe your home will no longer be your actual home in ninety days
Say ‘fuck’. A lot
Hide under a duvet
Desperately call parents and incomprehensibly wail about impending homelessness
Two months before
Still say fuck. A lot.  Also shit, wanker, twat and bastard.  For example:
(a) “What the fuck are we actually going to do though?”
(b) “You tell me where we’re going to fucking live then you stupid fucking twat.”
(c) “What sort of wanker calls that a third fucking bedroom?”
And so on.
More crying
Spend excessive amounts of time on sofa whilst permanently hiding under a blanket that now hasn’t been washed for six weeks and is covered in tears, snot, chocolate and crumbs
Eat everything you see that is in the sugar/carbs group
Stop cleaning the house in a kind of half-assed protest over being evicted
Continue to barrage those close to you with totally inappropriate over-emotional calls about your ‘desperate’ predicament
One week before
Resign yourself to fact that you are absolutely fucked and you’re going to end up moving you and your three children into your mother’s house
Start hurling random things in Morrison’s carrier bags whilst telling everyone how you’ve ‘nearly finished packing’
Panic and start throwing away things you need simply cos you don’t know what box to put them in. Seriously, do tea-lights go in the box marked kitchen or living room? You fucking tell me.
Order a massive skip that you can’t afford whilst kidding yourself (but actually nobody else) that THIS time you mean it when you say you are going to de-clutter. Then spend two of the three days you’ve hired it for watching inconspicuous members of the public (seriously, they may as well put on a comedy moustache and glasses) surreptitiously chucking all manner of shit into YOUR skip because THEY’RE too fucking tight to hire one themselves.
On the evening before the skip is due to be collected, gaze in wonder and horror at how little space there is left to put your own mountain of crap into now the skip-jackers have filled it.
Try to remedy this problem by shifting all the contraband crap to one corner of the skip.
Stumble upon at least four priceless pieces of other people’s crap you can’t believe has been thrown away and now you can’t possibly live without. Like, we could be talking about a fucking lava lamp or a scabby nest of tables that you just know you could upcycle with that tin of Annie Sloane pain that has been gathering dust in your garage for the last three years.  Y’know, ever since you abandoned upcycling that old book shelf you had and ordered a brand spanking new one off ov Very instead.
Seriously, you are genuinely thinking how unbelievable it is what people will throw away as you cradle your new free treasures (one man’s trash etc..) and take them into your already shit laden abode.  At this point, it is fair to say that the balance of your mind is clearly disturbed because the child’s manky old bicycle you’ve picked up has only got one wheel and is clearly for a four year old.  Your youngest child is 8.
  OK.  I’m majorly rambling now but are you getting the diabolical picture?
Moving house is a great big pile of shitty turd.  Moving house is something you don’t want to do even when you do want to do it.  As in, when you’ve chosen to move out, onwards and upwards in your life.
But when your only reason for moving is a big fat eviction notice that couldn’t have been any less expected if it had parachuted through the letter-box and kicked you in the fanny, well, the prospect of moving is bloody, fucking, shitting, bastard horrible.
So.  There you go.
My blogging raison d’etre for the next ninety days – give or take.
If the last fortnight is anything to go by there will be tears, tantrums and possibly some hilarious moments – like when I tell my kids that two of them are going to have to share a bedroom (jokes. It’ll obviously be me hunkering down on the sofa until one of the little bleeders moves out).
Arm yourself.
It ain’t gonna be pretty.
The Moving Memoirs��#1 It is my first post of the year so I shall begin with the obligatory… New Year, New Me.
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tnhorrornews-blog · 6 years
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HEY DID YOU HEAR ABOUT…. By Yeti Instagram https://www.instagram.com/the.yeti.616/  So, I may have missed the bus on some cool news stories and I’m sure you’re all thinking, “This guy sucks at producing regular articles,” to which I reply “eat a dick”.  I kid! I kid! When you live the kind of life I do sometimes life just kind of happens and some things have to take a back seat. I give you my word, Dear Reader, that I am taking steps to actually produce regular content. That being said, I am currently in my underground bunker scouring the interwebs for interesting nuggets of information for you guys! So, without further adieu.. Hey, did you hear about…     How in-demand Guillermo del Toro is right now? He has a pretty fucking impressive resume already but with his recent Oscar win with “The Shape of Water” it looks like that resume is gonna keep getting better. He has already inked a deal with Fox Searchlight that lets him create a new label under the brand for live action movies that he writes, produces, and or directs which promises to be great news for fans of the genre. Notice the interesting distinction there? Live action films. That’s because he also signed a deal with DreamWorks animation to make animated films. DreamWorks Animation has put out some great films in the past and when you combine that talent with the mind of del Toro it seems like a deal that is just too damn good to fail.     How brutal the new “Susperia” remake is? In a time when the film world is saturated with nostalgic remakes, reboots, sequels, and so on it is hard to get excited about remakes of just about anything. The original “Susperia” has been hailed as a masterpiece and one of the most disturbing films ever and I’m sure many people are worried that the remake will cut the nuts off of the film and dumb it down for modern audiences. Here’s a little piece of news that helps to lay those worries to rest. Dakota Johnson, who plays the lead role in the film, said in an interview with “Elle” that she had to go to therapy after shooting the film. Any film that fucks up the lead bad enough for therapy is worth checking out.  According to Bloody Disgusting, post-production on the film has finished so we should see just how disturbing the “Susperia” remake is soon enough.     The first official poster for the new “Halloween” film? When it was announced that we were getting a new Halloween film starring Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie and with Nick Castle returning as The Shape and that it would completely retcon everything but the original “Halloween” it was cause for excitement.  Today, exactly six months before the October 19th release date, the first official poster for the film was released. It is bad ass. Michael’s mask looks like it has gone through forty years of hell and it would appear that the coat hanger wound to his eyeball that Laurie gave him originally hasn’t completely healed. Sure it’s a small detail but it shows a commitment to continuity that I’m sure we can all appreciate.     The new developments with Tennessee Horror News? Well let me tell you, Dear Reader, we have some pretty cool stuff going on here at TN Horror offices. We’re selling shirts now! Yup! Have you ever seen one of our team members rocking a fresh Tennessee Horror News shirt and wished you could get one yourself? If so then your wish has been granted! Hop on over to the merch page to get your very own, super sexy, reasonably priced, TN Horror shirt! But wait! There’s more!! Do you love fall? Are you counting the days til the leaves change, the air cools, and everything dies? Do you miss campfires? Well we have you covered! Tennessee Horror News has teamed up with Macabre Melts in order to bring you Tennessee Horror Nights candles! They deliver the scents of pumpkin and campfire with a crackling wick. Now you can have the scents of fall all year round! You think that’s all we got? Well you’re fucking WRONG!!! We have developed our own serum that turns the recently dead into highly intelligent, bulletproof, super strong, blood thirsty soldiers. Think Universal Soldier meets Night of the Living Dead. We already have about a dozen of these terrifying motherfuckers and once we have about fifty of them we plan to release them on the world…unless you wanna maybe donate to the Tennessee Horror News Patreon or buy some merch. So yeah, buy some merch, hit up the Patreon. Your financial contribution could well stop us from bringing about the end of the human race. Your move, Dear Reader, your move.
0 notes
solartranslations · 6 years
Pace 5/1: Caterina
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The truth about Pace that she saw at the Lord’s mansion. Meanwhile, a letter arrives
~*Scene: Lord's Mansion*~
Alberto: To Felicita-sama
Alberto: Thank you very much for attending the banquet held at our mansion the other day
Alberto: Again, I do sincerely apologize for not showing you the proper hospitality at the time
Alberto: My family hopes to continue maintaining kind and friendly relations with those of Arcana Famiglia
Alberto: Now…as for why I am writing to you on this occasion, Ojou-sama
Alberto: There is a matter regarding my brother, Pace, that I would like to consult with you in private
Alberto: I understand that you are busy, but I would appreciate it if you would spare a bit of your time
Alberto: Again, I greatly appreciate your understanding, and ask that you keep this matter confidential
Felicita: ?
~*Scene: Cemetery*~
Alberto: Hey…I thought you would come
Alberto: As an Executive of Arcana Famiglia, you wouldn’t be able to ignore that
Alberto: Oh…don’t make such a scary face. It spoils your beauty, you know?
Felicita: …
Alberto: Oh, right, I did call you out here. I’ll get right to the point
Alberto: This grave…do you know whose it is?
>I don’t know
>Someone I know?
Alberto: I guess you wouldn’t
Alberto: You wouldn’t know her, but you may have heard about her
Alberto: The one resting in this grave is Pace’s mother
Felicita: !?
Alberto: My mother is in good health though. In other words…Pace and I are half-brothers with different mothers
Alberto: And Pace ended up being born before me
Alberto: That was the beginning of all this misfortune…
(*creaking) Pace: Mother, why do we have to leave this place?
Caterina: Pace…
Caterina: You want to stay here forever?
Pace: No…I don’t mind where we go as long as I’m with you
Pace: My home is wherever you are, mother
Caterina: Pace…
Pace: But, I finally have a little brother…, so I’m kind of sad
Caterina: Yes…. It’s because Alberto was born…
Pace: I like Alberto
Pace: But, I don’t like Alberto’s mother
Pace: She used to be really nice…but all she does is say mean things now
Pace: And, she says bad things about you a lot…
Pace: Father also said “if only you weren’t here”…
Caterina: Pace…you haven’t done anything wrong
Caterina: You’re a really good kid. To me, you’re more precious than anyone…
Caterina: But, if we stay here, it will just be hard on both of us
Caterina: So, the two of us are going to leave
Pace: It’s alright, I don’t feel bad about it at all
Pace: Mother…, you’re warm…
Caterina: Pace…I love you
~*End Flashback*~
Alberto: My father’s second wife, Pace’s mother…Caterina gave birth to the eldest son
Alberto: But, my mother, his first wife, who had a hard time conceiving a child, gave birth to me afterwards
Alberto: Caterina knew that her son would get caught up in an inheritance battle in the future…
Alberto: So she left with Pace on her own
Alberto: After that, it seems that they were taken care of by the church…
Alberto: I heard later that…they were living in poverty, and that it was quite difficult
Alberto: There’s no way a mother and child with no relatives could live easily
Alberto: My father didn’t care since they left of their own accord, and abandoned them
Alberto: From my mother’s position, there was no way for her to help…
Caterina: Pace! Time for dinner!
Pace: Okay~!
Pace: Wow…! It’s lasagna
Pace: The lasagna you make is the best in the world
Pace: I love this lasagna the most!
Caterina: Pace, say lasagna correctly (TN: Uh, so Pace says it as “la-sagna”, I just never type it like that….)
Pace: Yup, I love this lasagna!
Caterina: That’s not how you say lasagna…
Pace: Oh, whatever. Anyway, let’s eat!
Pace: Agh! Hot!
Caterina: Come on…eat more calmly
Pace: Huh…? You’re not going to eat, mother?
Caterina: Oh, um…, I’m just, not hungry
Pace: Come on, you have to eat!
Pace: Here, I’ll give you some
Caterina: It’s okay…. That’s for you to eat, Pace
Caterina: You love lasagna, right?
Pace: Yeah…
Caterina: It’s fine, I’ll eat in a little bit…
Pace: Really…? Okay, I’ll eat it all then!
~*End Flashback*~
Alberto: Caterina passed away not long afterwards
Alberto: Nobody from my family attended her funeral
Felicita: …
Alberto: Caterina…quietly passed away here, alone…
Alberto: To me, Pace was more of a rival than an older brother
Alberto: Although Pace never thought that…
Alberto: My mother raised me like that since I was young, so I never thought anything different
Alberto: But…now that I’m grown up, I decided to think back on it objectively…
Alberto: What my parents did to Pace and his mother can’t be forgiven
Alberto: I…want Pace to return home if possible
Alberto: And, I want Pace to be the next Lord. …And not as an atonement
Alberto: Of course, Pace can be a bit flighty. And compared to me, it’s true that he isn’t as educated
Alberto: But, my brother has something that I don’t
Alberto: He has the charm and popularity to draw people in. That’s a skill that a Lord needs more than anything
Alberto: I can supply the knowledge and refinement that he lacks
Alberto: He’s popular, loved by the people, and cares about this island more than anyone. And that’s exactly why Pace is suited for being the Lord
Alberto: Don’t you think so too?
>You just have to work harder
(+10 Amore Pace)
>Pace really is suited for being the Lord
(-10 Amore Pace)
>Pace is my family
(+20 Amore)
Alberto: A harsh opinion, but I guess you still have to say it
Alberto: People all have their strong and weak points
(*phew) Alberto: So you do think so
Alberto: It was worth it to come and tell you
Alberto: I understand that you feel that way, but that’s not the reality
Alberto: There’s no bond stronger than those by blood
Alberto: In any case, Pace probably won’t listen to anything I have to say
Alberto: So, could you convince Pace to return home for me?
Alberto: Just like this
Pace: What kind of selfish things are you saying!
❤≪Pace≫ Seems irritated
Person: What is he talking to Ojou about!
Pain: My feelings haven’t changed
Link: ???
Felicita: !?
Alberto: Pace…
Pace: Alberto, you’ve got completely the wrong idea
Pace: I’ve never thought of myself as unfortunate
Pace: And, I’m a part of Arcana Famiglia of my own will
Pace: Don’t try to assume how I feel!
Alberto: But, it’s an unchangeable fact that you’re the Lord’s son!
Pace: No, I’m not! I’m the Deputy Chief Executive of Arcana Famiglia, Pace
Pace: The Pace who was the Lord’s son, died a long time ago!
❤≪Pace≫ Can't seem to handle it
Person: I don’t want to hear this anymore!
Pain: My decision hasn’t changed
Link: ???
Alberto: Pace…
Pace: I don’t know how you were planning on trying to bring me back,…but I won’t be going back!
Pace: If you understand, then leave now!
Pace: Ojou, let’s go!
Alberto: Wait! I…!
Alberto: ! Damn it! No! What I wanted to say was…
~*Scene: Back Alley*~
Pace: Huh…
❤≪Pace≫ Seems concerned
Person: How much did Alberto say?
Pain: Things got weird again
Link: ???
Pace: Sorry, Ojou…it looks like you ended up hearing about something strange
Pace: And…, I guess I’ve been different today
Pace: Ojou…, forget about what happened today
Pace: You don’t need to worry about anything Alberto said to you
>I’m pretty worried
(+10 Amore)
>I’m not worried
(+20 Amore)
>How did you know where we were?
(No Amore)
Pace: Yeah, I guess you would be…
Pace: Then, I’ll tell you all about it someday
Pace: Someday, definitely…
Pace: As expected Ojou, you’re so nice
Pace: But, it’s written all over your face that you’re worried
Pace: Sorry, I’ll make sure to tell you someday
Pace: Actually…I had business with you and went looking but, I couldn’t find you
Pace: Luca didn’t give a clear answer when I asked him
Pace: I kept asking, and he said you were here…
Felicita: !
Pace: Ah, don’t get mad at Luca, okay. I made him tell me
❤≪Pace≫ Seems to be hiding something ❤≪Pace≫ Ojou ❤≪Pace≫ Seems concerned
Pain: …I’ll make sure to tell her
Link: Of course she’d be worried
Person: Ojou is honest
Link: …I’ll make sure to tell her
Pain: I was kind of scary…
Person: I don’t want to make her sad
Person: Good thing I asked Luca
Daily: He was worried too
Pain: ???
Pace: Oh, this is off topic but, we danced together at the Lord’s banquet the other day, right?
❤≪Pace≫ Seems concerned
Pleasure: This is what I really wanted to talk about!!
Person: I’m worried about Alberto, but let’s forget it for now!
Pace: So, if you want, maybe we could go for dance practice
Pace: Learning might be useful someday
>That’s really all you wanted to talk about?
>That’s fine
Pace: Huh? Umm, yeah
Pace: I’m not good at talking about this stuff
Pace: Really? Thanks, Ojou!
Pace: Then, tell me what day you’re free and stuff next time!
❤≪Pace≫ Seems as usual ❤≪Pace≫ Seems as usual
Pleasure: Huh? Something else??
Pleasure: Yay!
(*smile) Pace: Okay, let’s head back then
❤≪Pace≫ Seems as usual
Arcana: There should be more balls soon
Daily: Now that I’m relieved, I’m hungry
Arcana: ???
Pace: Oh, but before that, do you want to go eat some lasagna?
Pace: Of course, I’ll actually pay instead of putting it on my tab
Pace: It’ll be fine, I won’t do anything to make you angry anymore
Pace: You’re kind of scary when you’re mad, Ojou~
Pace: But, you’re angry face is cute too
Felicita: …!
Pace: Ahaha…
~*End of Scene*~
(Continue to Pace May 2)
(Back to Directory)
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tnhorrornews-blog · 6 years
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​By Yeti Instagram https://www.instagram.com/the.yeti.616/ HEY DID YOU HEAR ABOUT….  So, I may have missed the bus on some cool news stories and I’m sure you’re all thinking, “This guy sucks at producing regular articles,” to which I reply “eat a dick”.  I kid! I kid! When you live the kind of life I do sometimes life just kind of happens and some things have to take a back seat. I give you my word, Dear Reader, that I am taking steps to actually produce regular content. That being said, I am currently in my underground bunker scouring the interwebs for interesting nuggets of information for you guys! So, without further adieu.. Hey, did you hear about…     How in-demand Guillermo del Toro is right now? He has a pretty fucking impressive resume already but with his recent Oscar win with “The Shape of Water” it looks like that resume is gonna keep getting better. He has already inked a deal with Fox Searchlight that lets him create a new label under the brand for live action movies that he writes, produces, and or directs which promises to be great news for fans of the genre. Notice the interesting distinction there? Live action films. That’s because he also signed a deal with DreamWorks animation to make animated films. DreamWorks Animation has put out some great films in the past and when you combine that talent with the mind of del Toro it seems like a deal that is just too damn good to fail.     How brutal the new “Susperia” remake is? In a time when the film world is saturated with nostalgic remakes, reboots, sequels, and so on it is hard to get excited about remakes of just about anything. The original “Susperia” has been hailed as a masterpiece and one of the most disturbing films ever and I’m sure many people are worried that the remake will cut the nuts off of the film and dumb it down for modern audiences. Here’s a little piece of news that helps to lay those worries to rest. Dakota Johnson, who plays the lead role in the film, said in an interview with “Elle” that she had to go to therapy after shooting the film. Any film that fucks up the lead bad enough for therapy is worth checking out.  According to Bloody Disgusting, post-production on the film has finished so we should see just how disturbing the “Susperia” remake is soon enough.     The first official poster for the new “Halloween” film? When it was announced that we were getting a new Halloween film starring Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie and with Nick Castle returning as The Shape and that it would completely retcon everything but the original “Halloween” it was cause for excitement.  Today, exactly six months before the October 19th release date, the first official poster for the film was released. It is bad ass. Michael’s mask looks like it has gone through forty years of hell and it would appear that the coat hanger wound to his eyeball that Laurie gave him originally hasn’t completely healed. Sure it’s a small detail but it shows a commitment to continuity that I’m sure we can all appreciate.     The new developments with Tennessee Horror News? Well let me tell you, Dear Reader, we have some pretty cool stuff going on here at TN Horror offices. We’re selling shirts now! Yup! Have you ever seen one of our team members rocking a fresh Tennessee Horror News shirt and wished you could get one yourself? If so then your wish has been granted! Hop on over to the merch page to get your very own, super sexy, reasonably priced, TN Horror shirt! But wait! There’s more!! Do you love fall? Are you counting the days til the leaves change, the air cools, and everything dies? Do you miss campfires? Well we have you covered! Tennessee Horror News has teamed up with Macabre Melts in order to bring you Tennessee Horror Nights candles! They deliver the scents of pumpkin and campfire with a crackling wick. Now you can have the scents of fall all year round! You think that’s all we got? Well you’re fucking WRONG!!! We have developed our own serum that turns the recently dead into highly intelligent, bulletproof, super strong, blood thirsty soldiers. Think Universal Soldier meets Night of the Living Dead. We already have about a dozen of these terrifying motherfuckers and once we have about fifty of them we plan to release them on the world…unless you wanna maybe donate to the Tennessee Horror News Patreon or buy some merch. So yeah, buy some merch, hit up the Patreon. Your financial contribution could well stop us from bringing about the end of the human race. Your move, Dear Reader, your move.
0 notes
dailyaudiobible · 7 years
05/01/2017 DAB Transcript
Judges 13:1-14:20 ~ John 1:29-51 ~ Psalm 102:1-28 ~ Proverbs 14:15-16
Today is May 1st.  Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible.  I'm Brian. It's great to be here with you today. We started a brand new week yesterday and we get to start a brand new month today, so like everything is sparkly and shiny. We started the book of John yesterday so it's all new around here, and as is the case in all of life, how we live into this month is what this month is going to end up looking like.  The choices that we make in thought, word and deed will write the story of the month of May this year and so we choose in advance to be wise and choose well.  One of the ways we do that is the rhythm, the rhythm of the scriptures in our lives every day always, always here in community.   So let's get to it.  
We’re reading from the Holman Christian Standard Bible this week and we’re in the book of Judges and we’re about to learn of the last judge and his name is Samson.  Judges 13:1 through 14:20 today.  
Father, as we move into this new month, we’re moving into new territory in the Bible, in our lives.  So we take counsel from the Proverbs today and we choose now at the beginning of this month to live it sensibly by watching our steps.  We choose to be wise by being cautious and turning away from evil. This alone continually remembered will change the course of this month.  This alone.  But we want to walk with you in all things, so we invite your Holy Spirit to show us what it means to be sensible and watch our steps.  Show us when we’re walking into territory we shouldn’t.  Show us how to be cautious and turn away from evil. Show us how to be wise.  We give ourselves to you this month and look forward to the fellowship, look forward to the intimacy and the conversations that we’re going to have.  We invite you into all that we are, all we say, all that we do, all that we think. Nothing is cloaked from you, nothing is off-limits from you.  We invite you into it all.  Come Jesus, we pray, into the month of May.  We ask in your name.  Amen.  
Www.DailyAudioBible.com is home base.  It's where you find out what is going on around here.  One of the things we’re mentioning is the fact that we’ll be going back to this land of the Bible.  So like even in today's reading, we’re reading of Jesus calling Andrew and Phillip and Peter and Bethsaida is mentioned as a hometown.  We go there.  It is one of my favorite places to go.  So, yeah, the Bible just becomes a very, very living thing when you’ve been able to be in so many of the places that it happened.  And so we’ll be going back in February, February 19th and then ending March 4th and you are invited.  You can get all the details at www.DailyAudioBible.com if you just scroll down.  You’ll find this little banner, green color.  It says Israel 2018.  Click on that and you’ll get the details that you’re looking for. Hopefully I’ll get to see you. Hopefully you can come.  
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible in the mission that we share to bring the spoken word of God to anyone who will listen to it, anywhere on this planet, anytime of day or night, and to build community around that rhythm so that no one ever has to feel alone in this faith journey, that is what we do and it has been a beautiful thing to see.  If that has been beautiful and life-giving to you, then thank you for being life-giving back so that it exists, so that it moves on another day, another day, another day.  Thank you profoundly for your partnership.  If you’re using the app, you can press the More button in the lower right-hand corner.  Or the mailing address, if you prefer, is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today.  I'm Brian. I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
Good morning Daily Audio Bible.  This is Kadian from Mississauga, Canada.  I’ve been having the urge to call from quite a while.  Some time ago I was listening to the Community Prayer maybe three Community Prayers ago, and I heard a young man call in.  He was driving and he was having trouble understanding the purpose of living and that life seemed to have not much of a purpose, that kind of stuff.  And I think the Holy Spirit has been asking me to call in because I struggled with the exact same thing and in my entire life, thinking I'm just a part of teenage pregnancy and so I don’t know why I'm living and it is something I constantly struggle with, but I want to say to this young man that you’re not alone, first and foremost, but I want to tell you what I’ve learned that has helped me to have intentionality when I live or live with a greater purpose or intention daily. Every day I have to tap into it. I read the awesome book Reframe and can I say read the book?  It's an awesome book.  It opened my eyes to see God in a different way and relationship with him in a different way and so now I live my life with a concept ‘but God.’  Every time I see that my life is without purpose, I go ‘but God.’  And I remember that somewhere Solomon said that there is no meaning in life and when he concluded he said without God.  So basically ‘but God.’  So can I suggest to you strongly that you definitely tap into the ‘but God?’  When it makes no sense, just rest on the ‘but God’ part of it.  Because God makes all the difference.  He makes it worth it.  He makes it all worthwhile.  Without him none of this has a purpose.  And I want to also say that I heard a couple of callers say and I’ve found it to be true, just __ the Daily Audio Bible family and about a week or so ago a lady called in and challenged us about…
Good afternoon Daily Audio Bible family.  This is Lee from New Jersey and today is April 28th.  God bless you all.  So calling in.  Mark S., from Australia, he actually opened the doors for us to call in, confess our sins and also to ask for prayer especially in regard to sexual sin.  Especially in regard to lust __, so I'm asking for prayer for me and I'm also going to request that we all pray for each other, especially all the men and women that are struggling or suffering because of it. And for those that are suffering around it as well, all that have pain and suffering because of it, that they may have been either cheated on or they feel that they are being, how do I say in it? -- a spouse seeing another spouse, watching pornography or something like that, how that makes them feel.  It makes them feel like they’re worthless, like they are not worth anything, like they are not good enough.  So we need to pray for that as well.  Brothers and sisters, pray for me, that I may continue on my journey clean and free from too many lustful thoughts and of course from committing any kind of sexual sin. Thank God for that.  And I also pray for the rest of you, my brothers and sisters, that you will also steer clear from any sexual sin and that you will deal with your lustful thoughts and ideas rightfully so and God has __.  So folks, I'm just rambling on because it's something that has been on my mind and it has been bothering me and something I struggle with, like I said before.  I sin every day one way or another.  It may not be big sins.  It may seem like it's not sinning against anyone else, but still they are sins.  So ask God to come into that, to come into my life and to continue to bless me and my family.  And also I pray the same for the rest of you as well.  God bless you all.  
Hi.  This is Angelica.  I'm calling from California.  I'm a first-time caller and today is the 28th and I’ve been listening to the podcast and how everybody is encouraging everybody to call.  I wasn’t going to call because a lot of you guys say that you pray for even the ones that don’t call, so I was thinking that would be enough, but I really need prayers for my son.  His name is Fabio.  He's in the Air Force in Aviano, Italy.  He's been detained in __.  His court date is coming up on May 15th. He's so far away.  He's reaching out to God and I just need help to pray that the Holy Spirit would draw my son to him, to Jesus, and that every assignment or plot that comes from the devil to be canceled because I know that Jesus is __ for my son.  Anyway, he's so far away and I feel so helpless.  I’ve been praying that he changes people's heart.  He thinks the outcome is going to be good and he's feeling positive, so also pray for me and for my family, that we get through this and that we start thanking God for the outcome.  Just help me pray that any plot that the enemy has for us, for my son, that it gets canceled. I need your prayers, family.  Thank you.  
Hi.  This is Joyful in Tennessee.  I was calling for Alicia in Phoenix.  I heard your call about your marriage and I just want to say I heard your call, that when you gave your call the Spirit just jumped in me because you said you were asking and you were seeking and the Lord will never deny your request when you ask and when you seek.  So I just wanted to encourage you and say fix your gaze on the Lord.  Take your eyes out of the details of your issue and you fix your gaze on your Savior Jesus who loves you and who hears you and he finds you precious and you have purpose and you are wonderful to him.  I just wanted to encourage that in you.  I also want to pray for you.  Lord Jesus, I pray in the name of Jesus that you would just encourage my sister Alicia, that you would build her up, that in the name of Jesus you would protect her marriage, that you would just bind Satan from all that is going on there, Lord God, and that only your purpose would be accomplished.  Lord God, I pray that you would send people, you would send purpose, that you would give her reason, Lord, and that you would speak to her so loudly that she will know her God hears her, Lord.  I just thank you for her and I praise you for her.  In Jesus’ name, amen.  I will be praying for you, Alicia.  I love you.
I am a 7-year listener and a first-time caller who is in desperate need. My husband called in last week and I am married to the sex addict of Central Washington.  I want to express my need for prayer and support in dealing with this recently revealed sexual addiction my husband is involved in.  It's an addiction that has controlled his mind and physical body for our entire marriage.  It has and continues to __ as a woman and a wife and a person.  It has also led to violence in our home on my part to the degree that my husband filed charges, criminal charges against me.  I'm at risk of losing my adult children, my household and my job and I'm sinking into the depths of despair and feeling unworthy of God's love and any affection my husband can feel for me.  Please pray that the prosecutor would drop charges altogether and that I would regain my mental and spiritual health and, if God desires, that our marriage would be healed.  Please lift up my husband and give him the strength to deal with this so he can beat this addiction and be a light to others who are experiencing this.  Thank you family.  Thank you so much.  
Hi, my name is Sonja and I'm calling from Tampa.  I probably called two times during the 7 years that I’ve been listening to you, Brian.  As I was praying, God spoke to me and told me that I needed to start connecting with my Daily Audio Bible family.  I listened to the broadcast on April 24th and it was there that something rose up inside of me and when I heard Miss Annette speak of her son Alex.  It is a path that I have taken as well.  I remember it was the most difficult decision I ever made as I phoned the police to come and get my son who had violated his probation, watching the police handcuff him and looking into his eyes of shock and disbelief left me paralyzed and broken, but my love for him was way too strong to see him go in the wrong direction.  I had to trust God beyond any measure and in the midst of all of this I __ the Lord in this difficult journey, it was there that I saw God's glory manifest itself.  I saw the glory of God in such a way that it is even hard to put into words, so I say to you, my dear sister, trust him no matter what and speak life.  Trust him in the midst of every circumstance and you will see how the glory of God will be manifested in Alex's life.  Today my son works in the finance department and he is studying to become a CPA.  If he did it for my son, he’ll do it for your son Alex.  All you have to do is trust God and declare God promises over your son.  Today I pray that God embraces you during this season and that the angels of God encamp all around you and your loved one.  I pray that no weapon formed against you or your family shall prosper, in the name that is above all names, in the name of Jesus. May God protect and shield my Daily Audio Bible family.  God bless you all.  
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years
03/29/2017 DAB Transcript
Deuteronomy 11:1-12:32 ~ Luke 8:22-39 ~ Psalm 70:1-5 ~ Proverbs 12:4
Today is March 29th.  Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible.  I'm Brian. How are you today?  We just have two days left in this month and it is exciting. We’re making progress as we move our way through the scriptures this year.  So we’ll move back into the book of Deuteronomy, back out to the edge of the Jordan River where the children of Israel are listening to Moses speak the last things that he wants to say before he transfers leadership of the children of Israel on and moves away from these people that he's led for so long.  So we’re reading from the Common English Bible this week, Deuteronomy chapter 11, verse 1 through 12:32.  
As Moses continues to recount the story of how the children of Israel became the children of Israel and how it is that they find themselves on the precipice of entering the promised land once again, over and over and over what he is trying to instill in them is that when they get there they must not forget their history.  They must not forget how they got here.  They must not forget the Lord their God who brought them here.  So he tells them, “Place these words I'm speaking on your heart and in your very being.  Tie them on your hand as a sign.  They should be on your forehead as a symbol.  Teach them to your children by talking about them when you are sitting around your house and when you are out and about, when you’re lying down and when you're getting up.  Write them on your houses’ doorframes and on your cities’ gates.  Do all that so your days and your children's days in the fertile land the Lord swore to give to your ancestors are many, indeed, as many as the number of days as the sky has been over the earth.  In other words, forever.”
So even today if you are among the Jewish community, I mean, it is still part of their custom.  Even people who don’t believe any of this still have this woven into their culture so it is not unusual to see, in an orthodox way, to have these things tied around their hands or attached to their foreheads, on the doorposts of their homes. I mean, you can’t go to a hotel practically in Israel that it is not on the doorpost in your room, in this little thing attached to the doorframe.  
So does that mean we need to go get all that stuff and start walking around that way?  No, not unless it is going to remind you, because that was the point.  The point wasn’t that you just do all of this and not remember. The point was to remember.  So whatever it is that will remind us, whatever it is that will keep us constantly present to what the Lord is saying and how he is leading and to his presence, that is important because it is easy for us to forget how we got here.  And if we don’t like where we are, it is easy to start blaming anything we can find for it rather than admitting our own culpability in it.  So remembering is no less of a big deal.  It is no less important now than it was then.  
As you see as we go through these laws, at first blush we’re like ‘why is this in the Bible?’  And then at second blush, we’re like ‘man, there's just a lot to this.’  And at third blush, it is kind of like ‘some of this stuff is kind of bloody’ and we get lost on the surface, when the point is everything about this law and custom and ritual, everything about everything in this culture is a reminder of who they are, who God is, where they’ve come from, and where they’re going if they will simply stay true and present to God, if they will love him with all that they are.  If they will interweave conversation about the Lord into everything that they do, they will stay present to him.  And as they stay present to him, they are intertwined with him in relationship.  This is the point and it is no less true right now, this very second.  So may we consider the things in our lives that are those reminders, the things that we go to daily that create a rhythm in our lives, that are reminding us, because we forget and we are seduced away so easily.
Father, we invite you into that.  One of these things is certainly the rhythm of coming to your word every day, but show us the other things that match our relationship, that match the lifestyle that you have allowed us to have and that we are grateful for.  Show us the things that are constant reminders of your presence.  Show us how to be mindful and present to you in every second of every day, in every decision, in every word and every thought, in all that we are so that we never lose sight of the fact that you are near and we must be near you if we ever hope to have the intimacy with you that we desire.  So come, Holy Spirit, into this, we pray.  In Jesus’ name, amen.  
Www.DailyAudioBible.com is the website.  It's home base.  It's where you find out what is going on around here, so be sure to check it out. Check out the Prayer Wall.  Pray for your brothers and sisters.  These little lifestyle things are important and so being mindful of each other and praying for each other, this is one of the ways that, even though we’re a virtual community, we are continually talking about the goodness of God and that we are encouraging one another through those difficult times.  This is one of the ways that looks now.  So the Prayer Wall is a great place for that.  DAB Friends on Facebook is a great place for that.  There are lots of places for that in our lives, but we’re trying to find practical ways and these things plug into the community that we share here, and so, yeah, check it out.  
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, thank you.  That is how we have a community in the first place. We are all in this together and we’re constantly reminded that we’re in this together so that no one has to feel alone on this faith journey, isolated and completely abandoned.  There is no need for that.  It is not true.  So thank you for your partnership.  If you’re using the app, you can press the More button in the lower right-hand corner. If you prefer the mail, the mailing address is P.O. Box 1996, Spring Hill, TN 37174.  
And if you have a prayer request or comment, (877) 942-4253 is the number to dial.  
And that's it for today.  I'm Brian. I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.  
Community Prayer Requests and Praise Reports
Hi, it's Lourdes from Canada and I'm just calling in.  I just heard Rich from Arkansas.  He's 500 days sober and you said you went to the USA for a job interview and you “fell on your feet,” and I just wanted to say to you, Rich, that we hear you, that God hears you, and I want to encourage you, that yes, he can set you free and it is his desire to do so.  Our God is no respecter of person and what you saw him do and heal in the word, he will do for you.  I agree with you.  He is a one-step God.  So let's go to prayer.  God of all hope, comfort and peace, thank you that you are able to heal and that it is your desire to give us the kingdom.  I'm praying that you would make this bumpy road straight for my brother and that you would sanctify his life as he abides in your word.  Thy word have I hidden in my heart that I would not sin against you.  Father, remind my brother that your work is a finished work on the cross.  It is done.  That he has moved from darkness to light, he is a new creation in Christ Jesus, and that he has all power right now to live in righteousness and be set free from this sin.  But Father, as he walks on this earth and as he is sanctified and, Father, as you are with him by your Holy Spirit in this battle, I pray, Holy Spirit, that you would strengthen my brother as he battles this addiction here on earth.  And we give you thanks and we give you all the glory for the healing that you will accomplish in this man's life.  You said that the work that you have begun, that you would complete.  And so we stand on your precious promises and we lift our arms in prayer on behalf of our brother.  I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.  
Hello, this is my first time calling.  This is Belinda from Georgia.  I just heard a man who said he had been free from using alcohol for over 500 days and he had a relapse when he went to New York City for a job interview. My heart was just touched by this man. I just want to encourage you and tell you that yes, Jesus did heal the blind man and he was not blind.  He could see from that time on, but sometimes God does not work in our lives and other people's lives in the same way.  I just want to say that all my life I struggled with my weight and about two years ago I lost over 50 pounds.  I’ve lost probably close to 70 pounds in all and it is a struggle every single day to keep that off.  Sometimes God wants us just to trust him every single day, every moment of every day and know that he is all the strength and all the power that we need.  And that may be God's plan for you.  I know that has been God's plan for me.  But just know that I will be praying for you, that God will just really grab hold of your life and that you will know that in Jesus you have everything that you need. Thanks.  Bye-bye.  
Hi, my name is Sharon and I live in Red Deer County in Alberta, Canada.  I'm just calling today for all of the people that I guess are struggling or even those that just need a little encouragement. I just want to pass along one of my favorite Bible verses.  It is in Song of Solomon, chapter 2, verse 6:  His left hand cradles my head and his right arm encircles my waist.  To me it's just a beautiful picture of how God just holds onto us.  He is our beloved and we are his.  Just hold onto the fact that no matter what you do and where you are, he is right there and he's holding us.  Thanks.
Hi, this is Bonnie from Virginia.  I am calling to encourage brother, I think he said his name is Tony from California and he is a correction officer and is having some family issues.  But I hear whatever you shared, that I can see your confession and you are realizing your mistake.  I believe that making mistake is not a problem, but not learning a lesson from mistake is a problem.  But I am not a preacher, but I have experience of teaching for 12 years as a teacher.  Still, whatever I learn from the Bible I just want to share with you and encourage you with this message.  We all are not perfect,  As the book of Romans says, there are none righteous person.  Otherwise, we would not need Christ and cross.  So you have confessed your sin, brother.  I will be praying for you and keep your heart strong and just go to the cross and always pray to God, asking wisdom what you should be doing for your family.  Thank you. I will be praying for you. Bye.  
Hi Daily Audio Bible family.  This is Cheryl in Arizona.  I am calling specifically today to respond to something Pastor Gene said.  I have been listening to the Community Prayer.  Today is Sunday, March 26th, and Pastor Gene was talking about that it is wonderful to feel emotions when we are worshipping and praising God, but that we won't always feel God and sometimes we’ll feel bad or sad or lonely.  And to remember the scripture that we walk by faith and not by sight.  And that we are in command of our emotions instead of our emotions ruling our lives.  You said that was for someone and, Pastor Gene, I just want to say that immediately when I heard you say that, I felt very strongly that it was for me.  And then right following it, tears came to my eyes, so I felt.  It is like that sting that happens when we hear something that we know is for us. It may be painful.  But I just want to say thank you and I love you and I appreciate you.  I appreciate your prayers and your faithfulness.  So thank you for that.  Just wanted to say so and I love all of you so very much and am truly grateful to be a part of such a wonderful community of people.  Brian and Jill, I love you both so very much and appreciate you more than words.  Thank you so much for your faithfulness and your commitment and your love.  I hope you all have a wonderful day and week ahead.  Talk to you next time.  Bye-bye.
This is for McKenzie.  McKenzie, it is so good to hear your voice.  The exuberance that you spoke with warmed my heart.  I have had you on my prayer list and I’ve been praying that the Lord would bless and heal you of your anxiety.  Praise God. Thank you, Lord, for touching so many at that youth camp.  May all the seeds that were planted come to fruition and may McKenzie grow closer and trust you more and share her faith as she defeats any anxiety that tries to come against her.  Thank you, Father.  Rich from Arkansas, may the Lord strengthen you and heal you of your addiction.  Cast all your cares, all your fears on him because he cares for you, Rich.  Alleah, Alleah, Alleah, God loves you.  You are loved.  I'm praying for you and I know many are praying for you.  You are loved, Alleah.  This is Sue from Costa Rica.  Love never fails.  
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