#i mean because of my fucked up payday 2 rp
the-regegade · 2 years
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This is Ana!
She is a pornstar
but fun lil fact
She is also the daughter of Dragan from Payday 2 
Because single dad Dragan is wholesome fuck you
Also she may be dating everyone’s favorite russian
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soulsxng--a · 6 years
all the odd numbers up to 11 :^))))
Who is your favorite character in __?
I’m just gonna do from Nie.r:Autom.ata just because that’s the game I’m trying to 100% right now. I think I only have like 2 more trophies left? idk. Anywaaaay!
I’d have to say Adam and Eve (because how can I choose just one of them?) and I don’t really want to go into why because it’ll probably give spoilers for those who haven’t played yet, or aren’t very far, since I’ve seen a few of you on my dash that just started it recently. But man, I just love those two. (as my fiance is in the bg going “you always love the antagonists, kid.” she’s right. 85% of the time I’ll say an antagonist is my fave character)
Do you have a favorite AU?
Not sure what to call it, but when a bunch of characters that decidedly should not work together at all have to band together to change something, I always have fun with those. It could be to overthrow someone, they could be a band of thieves or assassins, or it could be that they were all slighted by the same person or event, w/e. I love that whole “none of us like each other, but we’ve gotta find some way to make this fucking work or we’re all screwed” type of thing. Bonus points if they all don’t do the book/movie “Oh, after one mission I’m in love with you/suddenly don’t hate your guts/understand you completely” thing and it takes a lot of time to build the group bond– and man if the main “antagonist” of the plot is the group struggling to work together and not just kill/ditch everyone, sign me the fuck up!
Name one thing you love about your character.
I’ve answered one similar to this before, and since I’m a multimuse, if I’m saying all of them, I’d say it’s the fact that they’re all beaten down in quite a few different ways, quite a few different times and yet they all still get up again. It’s always kind of cool being like “okay, they got through this, but now how is this going to change them? for how long? why?” and all that. I guess that’s what usually makes me start to learn a bunch of new things about my OCs and I just love that, okay? 
If we’re just doing one character, I’ll go with Jassie boy, and say that I love that he’s the type to stand up and work for what he wants. I mean honestly, he’s “given” pretty much everything, but that doesn’t mean he’s just going to sit back and be like “Yeah, I deserve this, I don’t need to work for it.”, nope. You’ll never hear him say anything like that. He’s just the type of person who will always work for even things he already has. Even people he already has. It’s just his way of saying “I’m not going to take this/you for granted.” 
That’s one of the reasons why even though he doesn’t seem like it, he’ll offer up what he can for friends and family, and even people who work for him. One of them just had a kid? Go ahead, take a few months off, Jas will still pay them their usual amount every payday. One doesn’t have a place to stay? He’ll let them crash at his place (or find a place for them if he doesn’t quite trust them) until they’re back on their feet. Friend needs money? As long as it doesn’t effect how well he can care for JJ, he’ll give whatever is needed. That’s just how he is, it’s his way of letting them know that he appreciates them, and that if it ever came down to it, he’d hope that they would be willing to work like that for him, too.
So uh…Tl;dr is that Jassie isn’t afraid of working hard, and I love that about him.
Who is your favorite muse to RP with that is not yours?
That’s a tough one? All I can really say is that it would be one of @thexuntamed‘s. We have so many though that it’s hard to say for sure. Maybe Adikae, Rourke’s mate? But it’s always fun getting the demon princes together too; Satan and Mammon are hers. But then Flaer…And there’s always Chyffon…and my metal baby Gear…JJ’s bro and sis, Darek and Tia…And Glacie is…Can’t forget Nielis…Even Sai is–!
I’m just gonna go with my girl Kamii. Between she and Jassie, they’re the ones that got all of this craziness going, and though my favorite changes quite a bit, I can’t not love all over my dragon girl, it’s just not possible.
If there is one thing you can change regarding your character’s world, what would it be?
We’re working on simplifying it just a little bit so the timeline flows better and everything makes more sense as a whole. It’s going to take a while before we have everything set right, but that’s okay, I love it.
What one character you’ve thought of RPing but haven’t yet?
If you’re talking another OC, I’m adding Sef on here today or tomorrow, I’ve always wanted to play him on here since he’s another one of my faves (I just love me some death elements, guys)
Otherwise, if you mean a canon character…not really? I did a lot of them in the past and being in the fandom scenes was just a real shit show at times, and it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth for playing canon characters. 
If I had to pick, it would probably be someone from Tou.ken Ra.nbu. Mikaz.uchi Mun.echika, Tsu.rumaru Kunin.aga, Kogitsu.nemaru, or Shokuda.ikiri Mit.sutada. But then there’s always– (this is another reason I don’t do canon characters [and why I’m a multimuse], I can’t pick just one)
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