#yes i do cannon x ocs
the-regegade · 2 years
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This is Ana!
She is a pornstar
but fun lil fact
She is also the daughter of Dragan from Payday 2 
Because single dad Dragan is wholesome fuck you
Also she may be dating everyone’s favorite russian
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 5 months
Hey this one is a bit oc ish do I hope you don't mind but can you write some headcanons for Jean falling in love and secretly dating Levi's adopted daughter? (Bonus fact is that she's basically adopted by the entirety of the scout regiment)
jean kirstein falling for you, levi’s adopted daughter
the day jean kirstein realized you were levi’s daughter was the day his world came crashing down. unusually deterred by a parents opinion, he knew this was different. levi put the fear of god into his heart as a young cadet.
it didn’t completely stop him though. jean just realized he had to watch the way he looked at you when he was around.
it wasn’t helping that you were adored by the rest of the scout regiment. everybody bent over backwards for you. you were the princess of the squad and it made jean want you terribly bad. he wanted to treat you better than the rest.
you were easily impressed by his boldness. no other cadet bothered to make a move, no matter how much they’d wanted to, knowing levi was always around lurking when you were present.
jean decided to ask you out when the scouts were helping the garrison regiment test the cannons. he knew your father wouldn’t be able to hear over the booms. you said yes.
he’d often met you in the middle of the night outside your room. the hallways were always filled with your whispers when the moon was at its highest.
the longing looks at meal times were treacherous, looking too long would raise suspicion.
he’d sneak you an extra piece of bread during dinner, dropping it on your plate as he walked by.
on days with nothing to do, jean would sit and mend up your odm gear, polishing any scratches and checking for any possible malfunctions.
that’s when levi knew there was something going on, when he found jean meticulously going over your belt. he didn’t say anything and let him do what he was doing in peace.
levi pretended to be in the dark about it for most of the time. truth was, jean wasn’t very subtly and you weren’t good at hiding that lovey-dovey look in your eyes.
levi found amusement in watching jean watch you. he liked the way jean’s eyes would flicker from you back to him, to see if he was watching.
levi made it his personal mission to bother jean about it, acting like he was suspicious of you two.
jean would get all flustered when levi would confront him. he’d play incredibly stupid.
in reality, levi accepted that you were old enough to make your own decisions about who to date and he could see that jean clearly cared deeply for you. he just liked seeing jean buckle under the stress.
click here for my jean x reader slow burn fic
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
how they act around reader! you know the usual, how horny they get and how the reader is potentially uncomfortable because not even they can handle the harems hormones.
Hoo boy we have a lot of characters to go through and I haven’t even named all of them so *cracks knuckles* Let’s go with my favorite children for now.
warnings: dead dove do not eat territory here. yandere themes (lotsa violence). please don’t read this if you have a wild imagination like me oh god im aboutta faint at darling’s section. cannibalism. knife play. necrophillia. a transphobic society.
[previous ask for more context]
[next part] - yandere! faculty
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Let’s start with our boy Justin Del Rosario [Yan Jock]
He’s incredibly sweet and caring. At least when you two were dating. The type to always check in on you. Always makes sure you’re hydrated and keeping up with your self-care routines.
As if popular! reader isn’t completely meticulous when it comes to their image.
Looks like a bad boy but is an actual sweetheart. Your relationship started off as a transaction of sorts. Being the softie he is though he developed feelings. Quick. The masochist.
Is a whole ass push-over when it comes to you.
Now post break-up Justin is a bit of a freak.
Like I said in my previous post of his experience as your boyfriend, he has gone through shit.
Suddenly his grades are perfect. People are actually tolerating if not appreciating his presence.
He’s becoming a threat to your place as the ruler of the campus.
But unlike you his fans aren’t declined atrocious yet.
How does Popular! Reader feel about him? Not much really. Their whole relationship was a transaction to them. I can’t emphasize how much of an apathetic bitch I wrote reader to be ya’ll I’m sorry. But in order for their harem to thrive they gotta turn a blind eye.
In terms of Horni Levels it’s uh - not so bad. Once he lost his virginity to you (yes you took his virginity) he found it to be the best stress relief and got addicted. But he’s also super respectful of your boundaries.
That was when you were originally dating though. He’d probably pound you to oblivion if you ever got back together. Pent up horni does that.
Actually, that event might not even need them getting back together. I won’t be surprised if current Justin just takes you even with his relationship with Darling.
For your favorite, Darling De Leon [yan good girl] . . .
Hella shy around you. You almost didn’t know she existed if it weren’t for her consistent placement as second. At least before Isabel came and Justin’s grades shot up.
She has a pretty shit past.
Has always been a little scared of you.
Extremely possessive. She had always been overshadowed by her siblings, and her time abroad without you had really shattered her self confidence. Although she’s deathly afraid her past actions would be revealed, she’s more scared of losing you to someone else.
She thought that by agreeing to date Justin, you’d think of him as disgusting for moving on so fast.
Definitely enjoyed her time on your lap a little too much.
Which brings me to Horni Levels.
If you think Justin is bad. Darling is just the worst out of all the yanderes. She’s the kinkiest one too. She has been saving herself for you, waiting for the time you corrupt her. Hoping that by that time, every obstacle has been removed.
The type to have you fuck her atop the corpses of her rivals kind of kinky. The type to fantasize about you using a knife and inserting in every way possible inside her type of kinky. The type of kinky to fuck your dead body or eat any and every part of you to fully make you two as one.
She’ll own you, dead or alive, one way or another.
How popular! reader feels about her is again, indifference. Maybe a little horni for her soft aesthetic and cute demeanor. Definitely plans to gobble her up once Justin is done playing pretend.
A character that hasn’t been mentioned yet is Isabel Labrador [yan! nerd]
Isabel used to go by the name Isaiah. She used to be pretty alright with being assigned male at birth until popular! reader suddenly announced one day that she’s more horni towards women.
She got disowned for transitioning, and like Darling, disappeared from your life for quite a bit that you forgot about her.
Similar to many of the harem members, she’s very pliant to your whims. She does many of the assignments and projects that aren’t worth your time or would lead to you lacking sleep.
Not like the professors assign you much.
A bit of a whiny brat. Used to be hella spoiled when she was younger so she’s a lot more outspoken when it comes to your sexual escapades. This leads to you beating her up the most out of everyone in the harem.
Popular! Reader is the only one who knows she’s a trans and is surprisingly very respectful about that part about her.
The two of you are mostly amicable.
Horni Levels: Pretty normal for a young adult. Loves to tease you by showing more skin sometimes. Though she always covers up when anyone else is in the picture.
Her hella religious upbringing made her pretty conservative about sex and all that but it’s often balls to the wall when they see you. Literally. Never knew she was into pegging til you took her one day.
How popular! reader feels about her? Mostly a means to an end. She’s the least careful when it comes to her simpery. It gets tiring having to discipline her every time but the angry sex makes up for it.
This one will be short since I plan on him and the rest to be minor characters. Nobody knows how Ricardo Peralta [yan! president] became the President with how much he hates your ass.
People who voted for him were probably like. ‘If a person who doesn’t even want [Y/N] became president. We won’t have a threat.’
Jokes on them he has more notes on you than the entire student body combined.
Boy is the Candace to your Phineas/Ferb. His entire mission is to bust your ass. (and for you to bust a nut in his-)
You don’t even know he exists.
It was almost as if you were made to be the apple of everyone’s eye. Not one person in campus could remember a time where they didn’t know you.
No, it was more like they didn’t want to. Why imagine a terrible era such as that?
A lot of the students from the college are spoiled brats that absolutely adored how cut throat you were. How you weren’t afraid to put them in their place unlike those push-overs they usually meet. Some were just drawn to your charisma and confidence.
Or well, just general fuckability.
People think you’re also rich but you just get a lot of stuff from the students with money.
Your birthday is a bloodbath and a half. You started celebrating it alone so that people wouldn’t see your reactions to the gifts. Both because you wanted to keep them guessing and ‘cause the person whose gift is liked will probably get murdered.
You have to routinely check for cameras or tracking devices.
It takes you every bit of your self control not to just twerk in front of the camera if not give it the finger by fucking someone who you know is innocent right in front of it. They don’t even get to see you properly in the angle.
You strategically use pussy as both a punishment and incentive.
It’s super effective!
It’s super effective.
You often use pussy to discipline or incentivize your harem. It’s super effective. At least, considering you haven’t been kidnapped and/or killed yet.
You’re a bit of a sadist.
Yeah you’re a bit of a sadist.
Popular! Reader uses pussy a lot to keep everyone in check. You’re used to giving your body away to get what you want that you’ve become numb to it.
No one is normal in this College. Not even you.
You don’t even know he exists.
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
[oc x cannon rambles]
OKAY. Continuining from this.
New Au that originates from Royal AU -> Isekai Royal AU
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more rambles/lore/fic/explanation/art below (compiled it into one post so i dont spam yall's tl with my bs LMAO:
[wARNING: big sad, MCD(Raven), angst, death, violence, injuries]
In the ending of Royal AU, King!Price married another Queen and had a kid, Royal Guard!Raven got promoted to Commander, they go their separate ways for the sake of the nation
The kid, aka the Princess, has everything Price had, the exact blue eyes and all except she was blonde like her mother.
She was rather fond of Raven, and always sneaked out to find Commander Raven despite Raven warning her not to.
Raven's still a softie though, so in the end, she ended up growing soft for her.
Until it all falls apart.
First it was a scream, and before she could register it she was bolting towards the voice.
It was the lil girl's scream.
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She regretted not wearing armour that day, but somehow she managed to escape with the Princess in hand, stumbling down to the deeper part of the woods that was safe for now.
"Shhh...don't cry Princess....you're safe now"
Raven coos the trembling young Princess, her poor face pale from the shock and bruises on her delicate skin.
Lost count of how many arrows were on her back, she knew it was only a matter of time before it will take its full effect.
Poison arrows, the fletching bearing a black greenish gradient.
It was an assassination attempt on the young Princess.
"R-Raven...Raven I'm scared...."
"It's okay, it's okay...don't be scared....help's on their way..."
"Papa...I want Papa!!"
She sighs quietly, it stings, not from the arrows itself, but...from the weight of it all.
"I want your papa too....Princess"
She mumbled in a dazed, blood loss and her dizziness making it hard for her to decipher if she was thinking, or talking out loud, one thing she is certain was she can no longer hunched forward as she slumps to the ground.
"R-Raven? Raven!"
"....listen to me well...lil one..."
"...your papa....the Emperor...your majesty...is a great man..."
"he was a man who loved with all his heart...."
"your papa loves unconditionally....and the one thing he loves most in the world...is you"
More sniffles were heard from the lil girl, who were shaking worse than before, Raven reaches her hand out in an attempt to calm the young lady, only to smear some of her blood onto her pretty pink dress, she frowns at that...but...she was tired...
So so tired...but she kept going.
"....papa may be scary sometimes...and he scolds you...or punish you...but it's for your own good"
"....papa is also very kind...when he needs to...he bought you the tiara you really wanted...remember, Princess?"
"y-yes...I love it..."
"that's right...and you are a pretty girl...pretty eyes like your papa...yeah?"
Raven smiles, the pain subsiding into a blur
"and you have the brightest smile...don't cry...Princess...because a smile suits you better...please?"
She knows this is all wrong, that the poor princess will be traumatized forever because of this.
But the Princess was obedient, and smiles through the snort and tears.
Raven chuckles quietly, nodding weakly.
She'll be alright.
"...treasure your papa...Princess..."
Her eyes closed once, twice...and it was getting harder and harder to open them, or to hear anything else, not even the sound of horses gallop that was getting closer and closer
"...do it for me..."
And then she was swallowed by darkness
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In her last moment, she watched a couple sitting side by side, she knew this scene.
The last time they were allowed to be with each other.
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"Maybe in another life..." "I'll look for you in every single one of those lifetime" "yeah...you'd that for me, birdie?" "mhm..." "just remember...I love owls" "pretty vague if you ask me..." "you'll know it when you see me" "....that I can guarantee..."
The scene before her morphs into nothingness when she tried to reach out for it, a blinding light forces her vision to go white as she struggles to move.
When she does open her eyes again, she was heaving, sweating and....grabbing the air?
She blinks a few time, this doesn't feel like dying, wait-
She quickly sat up, and realise she was in a room, dimly lit but there were light at the balcony, she dash towards it, opening the windows only to be greeted with something she wouldn't expect.
She recognise this place...the ocean, the city, the flags, the castle- this castle-
How the hell did she end up in the Umbralis Citadel? [bear with me here i literally cannot come up with names of places LOL]
She quickly strolls back to her room, stopping before a mirror as she glanced at her reflection.
A Princess.
She has reincarnated as the Veil Princess.
anywyas yeah thats sort of the fic SO the premise for the first art itself is moreso Princess Raven who managed to finally see King!Price after some careful planning and such, took the opportunity and meet him.
At first she gaze from afar, because she got emotional seeing him after...after everything they went through (she didn't even get to say good bye to him before she died).
Her attire choices was deliberate, although she was already rocking the modest, simple look since as the Veil Princess, no one really pay attention to her (she's the youngest in the royal family).
So she finally approaches him...AND THE STORY BEGINS-
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ganymede-princess · 8 months
The Crimson King | Rhaegar Targaryen
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ship: rhaegar targeryen x fem!oc
warnings: I really don't think there is any? jaime is a little scary i guess. OH and cannon divergence. Big ol' TW for that.
summary: a young crannogman girl meets the crowned prince on a very special occasion.
word count: 3298
a/n: phew! this was a long time coming. I hope you like it! (and if you don't fuck with the romance, there's a more interesting scene at the end!) There will be a part 2, just by the way ;)
written by @ganymede-princess
The thick, hot air in the royal ballroom carried the scent of a thousand perfumed bodies. Long tables lined the room, piled high with foods from across the Seven Kingdoms. Among the dishes Frida spied fat frogs legs and water lily syrup from her home in the Neck, next to crabs and succulent fried fish from Lannisport, sweet pastries made from the honey of Highgarden, and bowls of flakey pink rock salt from Dragonstone. Despite the sight of countless exotic delicacies, her stomach churned.
Hundreds of highborn folk all milled around, laughing, dancing, talking, each one dressed more lavishly than the last. Frida had never seen so much silk in one place. Bewitched as she was with the nightlife of King's Landing, she found herself growing into the wall like an unsightly mushroom. She was acutely aware that she did not blend in with the royal aesthetics. Her unruly hair could only be half tamed and her mauve linen gown looked miserly next to the lavish satins and velvets that garbed the ruling class. Frida could feel a hundred sets of eyes boring into her, though when she glanced around, there were none there to meet. She thought there must be hearths burning somewhere. If there were no hearths, why did the air feel so heavy?
Frida searched the room for the face of her brother to no avail. Ewyn had no struggles with making friends in spite of his Crannogman roots and noticeable limp. Frida guessed he would be engaged by the end of the night. With no respite in sight and her breath coming shallower by the second, she made a hasty escape. She slipped around the edge of the ballroom, narrowly avoiding several dancing couples, at least three stray cats, and a drunken septon, before emerging onto a small rampart with stairs at either end. Frida thought it wise to take a quick turn around the rose garden below to calm herself, but once she reached a shadowed corner she could contain her exhaustion no longer and fell to her knees between two sweet smelling bushes. She did not cry, just breathed deeply, content in the knowledge that she was far away from prying eyes. Until she heard a sniffle from behind the rosebush to her left.
"Hello?" Frida's voice caught in her throat. There came no answer, just another quieter sniffle. "Who's there?"
"Nobody." Said the invisible man in a voice thick with sorrow. "Leave me."
"What's the matter?" The leaves rustled gently as Frida shifted awkwardly, trying her best to see through the thick bushes.
"Worry not."
"But you're crying."
"No." His voice cracked. "I am the- I am a man."
"What's that got to do with it?" Frida corrected. "My brother cries all the time, and he's already one and twenty."
There was a brief rustling in the bush and the clearing of a throat.
"What brings him to cry?" The voice seemed to settle a little.
"Oh everything!" Frida murmured. "Books, flowers, pretty sunsets. He cries almost every time he rides a horse. He has an injury to one of his legs, you see. A lizard-lion took his knee in its jaws and damn near tore his leg off! He used to love running, so riding is a real joy for him."
"A lizard-lion? You are from the Neck?"
Fuck. Frida thought. The voice carried the accent of King's Landing and she knew very well that folk from the capital were the most prejudiced against Crannogmen out of anywhere in the Seven Kingdoms. He was sure to send her away now, or worse.
"Tell me, what is it like there?"
"Oh- um. Wet." She babbled. "Very wet and slippery."
"I hear that beautiful flowers grow there." The man mused, his mild voice easing Frida's apprehension slightly.
"Yes. Ghost orchids, swamp arums, blue-eyed Bessies that grow on the trunks of trees; all of them beautiful." In a hushed voice she added, "But, do you know which is the most beautiful flower of all?"
"No, tell me."
"Black water lilies. My house has bred them to perfection."
"Your house?"
"I belong to House Fenn, Ser."
"Ah." There was a moment of surprisingly comfortable silence between them. "What brings you to the garden, my lady?"
"You take me for a lady?" Frida giggled.
"Are you not?" She could hear the smile return to his voice. "You take me for a Knight."
"Are you not?"
"I am, yes, but there is more to me than a knighthood."
"Such as?"
The man paused for a moment.
"You didn't answer my question."
Frida hesitated, searching for a way to put it lightly.
"The feast is full of beautiful people. I worried that my being there would ruin things."
"Well... I am ugly, Ser."
"Ugly?" His voice was curt with indignation. "Who led you to believe this?"
"My mother always told me that other folks look down on Crannogmen and that they find us ugly." In the anonymity of darkness, words tumbled out of her. "Though she also said I am ugly for a Crannogman."
A thick silence stood between them.
"How could a mother say such a thing to her child?"
"She's very sick, she doesn't think-"
"She's well enough that you believe her." The truth silenced Frida. "Come here so that I might see you for myself."
"You won't like it." She warned him and prepared herself to move, though she was unsure in which direction.
Frida heard the tink tink of flint against flint, then a warm glow began to shine through the rose bush. Her ears roared with the pounding of her heart, but she knew she had to show herself. She had to see the face of the man with the handsome voice, and more so she had to know what he thought of her. Trembling, she revealed herself. A black hood shrouded his face in shadow, but Frida could see his deep blue eyes widen, almost purple in the firelight.
"My lady-" His voice came in an urgent, breathy whisper.
She turned away from him, already humiliated, until she felt a hand gently guide her face back to him. She resisted, gripping his forearm.
"Please, look at me." Though his voice cracked in desperation, it was commanding enough that she turned to him again. The light caught his arrow-straight nose, and the soft pillow of his lips. Frida's breath hitched.
"I must take your mother for a liar, my lady."
"She said... people like you would think I look like a toad."
"No." He smiled. "But if you did, you would be a very beautiful toad indeed."
"Thank you." She blushed, somewhat sceptical. "Let me see you too."
"I can't, my-"
"Your Grace!" A tall, golden-haired man wearing a glittering white cloak and armour came careening around the corner of the hedge. "Gods, I thought I'd lost you. Avast, wench! Rise in the name of your king!"
The kingsguard drew his ornate longsword and pointed the sharp tip at Frida's face. Aghast, she cringed away from him and crawled a few paces back with him keeping pace.
"Enough, Jaime!" The shadowed man leapt to his feet and lunged forward to push the blade away, toppling over the lantern. "Can't you see she's harmless?"
"Kingslayer." The word was out of her mouth before Frida knew what she was saying. Jaime Lannister swung the sword back around to her.
"It's treason to disrespect a Kingsguard." The young man's eyes glittered with rage. "Say it once more and I'll cut the head from your shoulders, girl."
"Enough!" The shadowed man commanded, and grimacing, the Whitecloak stayed his blade. "Leave us."
"But, Your Grace-"
"Leave us. Alert Ser Barriston that the ceremony will take place as we discussed."
"Your Grace, I cannot leave you undefended."
"I have a sword on my hip and the skill to wield it. Leave us. You will not defy me again."
"Your Grace." Ser Jaime stalked off in a huff, his white cloak billowing behind him.
"Please," The shadowed man looked down at Frida, face creased with embarrassment. "Ser Jaime prefers the title The White Lion."
Frida gaped, wide eyed; knowing the truth but not believing it. As he picked up the lantern with his ungloved hand, Frida thought he would burn his fingers to the bone, but he simply dusted them on his coat, stamped out the fire in the grass with a black leather boot, and shed his hood to reveal a mop of hair that glimmered like spun silver. His eyes were wide and glassy, and Frida saw then that they truly were as purple as morning glory. He held out his hand, and for a moment all Frida could do was stare at it.
"My king." Frida could not keep the astonishment from her voice. "I'm sorry."
"For what reason?"
"I've spoken ill and disrespected you." She looked away. "I'm sure I have."
"I have heard no disrespect from you, lady, I am not so easily wounded. Please, take my hand." He pressed closer, a smile taking over his tear-streaked face when she let him pull her to her feet. "I appreciate your honest words, please do not dull your voice for the sake of my title. Besides, I ought to apologise for the behaviour of my protector. Please forgive him, he is young and still has much to learn."
"My king." Frida found herself without words.
"Go back to the feast, lady." The young dragon sighed and pressed a kiss against her palm. "I must prepare in my chambers. Thank you... for your kindness."
Without the wit to respond, Frida curtseyed clumsily and hurried back to the hall. Her head and heart were reeling with the urge to tell The Bloodmaid, her favourite weirwood from home, and she felt suddenly and starkly alone without the comfort of her red timber eyes. As she tumbled back into the ballroom, her gaze fell on her brother who leaned on a giant stone pillar, surrounded with a number of laughing Riverlander knights. Heart sinking, Frida took a steadying breath and marched up to the group.
"Ewyn, brother," Frida took him by the upper arm, silence falling on the group. "May I have a word, just for a moment?"
"Frida," Ewyn stumbled over his words. "Don't you see I'm busy?"
"Come, have a word with us, fair lady." Grinned a young man with red hair and a speckled face. "There is wine enough for another."
"Ed," Ewyn turned on him, scowling viciously. "Mind you don't drown in it, will you? Come on, Frida, let's talk."
He took her by the hand and limped away with impressive speed. When the pair were out of earshot, he frowned down at her.
"What is it?" Frida could smell the beer on his breath as he spoke.
"You're not going to believe me." She scratched her wrist, the sleeves on her dress suddenly feeling too close to her skin.
"I always believe you." Ewyn cocked an eyebrow, leaning against his mangrove cane.
"Well..." Frida chewed her fingers.
"You've been in the grass." He tutted derisively, green eyes alight with amusement.
She noticed that green stains marred her hem, along with her knees, and she assumed her buttocks too.
"Shit!" She muttered.
"Tsk tsk tsk, is that any way for a lady of the court to be speaking?"
"Oh, sod off." She aimed a half-hearted smack at his arm. "I'll have you know, it wasn't my fault. A Kingsguard knocked me over."
"A Kingsguard? Well, I suppose this is the place for it."
"Well... he was guarding the king."
Ewyn narrowed his eyes.
"What did you do? Spit on him?"
"No!" Frida pressed a hand against her cheek, trying to stave off the heat. "I just spoke to him, is all."
"You- you spoke to him?" His eyes were round as lily pads. "The king?"
"I didn't know it was him to start with. He was behind a bush with a cloak on, he could have been anybody."
"Yes, but-" He squinted, baffled. "He really spoke to you?"
The trill of a lone trumpeter silenced them, and they turned to see a herald on the mezzanine above the ballroom.
"Make way to the Throne Room!" Though the herald was tall enough to be a man, his voice rang out high and clear as a child's. "The ceremony will begin presently!"
As the Goldcloaks pulled open the huge doors at the far end of the ballroom, Frida and Ewyn exchanged a glance, silently agreeing to discuss things later. They followed the snaking crowd down the long hallway until it opened into the cavernous throne room which was already teeming with smallfolk. A pair of enormous candelabras were suspended over the crowd, washing the blood red walls in firelight. Frida wondered how they kept the wax from dripping down on the folk below.
As they passed by the jostling throng of peasants and workers to take their places in front of the ornate barrier, she felt ashamed to be separated from them. Since childhood she had felt the earth on bare feet and worked hard to sustain her House; to be dressed in any kind of finery and placed above the common people felt farcical. Goldcloaks lined the edges of the passageway through the crowd, and Frida noticed they stood two abreast in the peasants' section at the back, and single file from the vassal and cadet houses, all the way to the lords and ladies of the great houses at the very front.
"What was he like?" Ewyn whispered.
"Sad." Frida sighed.
"Sad?" He raised an eyebrow, then nodded wisely. "It's the only way to feel in his position."
"Very lovely, though." She admitted. "He'll be a good king."
Her brother's eyes crinkled in amusement, then he jumped as the heralds rang out a triumphant cry from the back of the room. Silence fell over the crowd as every man, woman, and child turned at once. Frida peered through the crowd, barely able to see a thing. She could see a Targaryen flag bobbing over the crowd, sending an odd lump into her throat as it came closer, and closer. The entire room was silent except for the footsteps growing ever closer. No cheering or jeering, no coughing. Then, through the gap between the two Goldcloaks by her side she saw Ser Barristan Selmy stride through, holding a long staff with a red dragon flag of black silk, glorious in his white armour. Next was the crown prince himself, dressed in mournful black velvet finery and a heavy black cloak that dragged along the ground behind him. The sadness on his face seemed carved into stone, but he held his back straight and walked with the grace and strength of a king. Behind him, his remaining two Kingsguard marched beside each other, their heads held high in pride. Ser Jaime supported the tawny Dornishman Lewyn Martell, who limped along with one leg in a splint, their arms around each other in solidarity. Once the tiny party climbed all the way up the steps to the Iron Throne, Frida caught a glimpse of four men in white who stood a little ways down the steps, new blood waiting to be sworn into the Kingsguard: three fresh faced young warriors, and a grizzled man of middle age with deep auburn hair streaked with grey.
Selmy, Lannister, and Martell took their places beside their soon-to-be brothers, while Rhaegar stood before the Iron Throne, its silver blades forming rippling shadows on the massive horned dragon skull behind them. Frida imagined hundreds of fallen soldiers watching down on the man they had died for, using Balerion's great hollow eyes to see. If their loss weighed him down, he did not show it, standing strong as a giant on the steps where his father's blood once formed a crimson tide. The High Septon stood beside him, hands clasped in solemnity beneath dagged sleeves, heavy with jewels; and beside him stood the little prince Viserys, milk white curls almost to his waist, dutifully clutching a red lacquer box. Rhaegar's eyes swept across the crowd, burning with pride, grief... perhaps even fear; then he knelt, his black velvet cloak folding around his frame like a pair of wings.
"By the light of the Seven, we gather this night to welcome a new king. Let us pray." Every faithful soul in the crowd placed hand over heart at the septon's words. Even for Frida, who's gods were cold and wild, it was hard not to be moved. "May the Warrior lend him the courage of his ancestors, that he might lead us with a bold heart through the harshest of winters; and may the Smith guide him to mend the divisions of our realm. May the Maiden warm his bed with a fitting bride and many sons; and the Crone bless him with wisdom to pass on to his heirs. May the Father Above guide him to justice, and the Mother protect him from harm. And the Stranger- when he must come- may he take him kindly."
The Septon turned, and Little Viserys fumbled to open the box. Frida heart swelled when she spotted an encouraging smile on Rhaegar's face, which seemed to grant the toddler enough strength to get the lid off. He tottered forward and held it up above his head, and the Septon took out a plain gold circlet and nestled it into the King's pale curls.
"Under seven sets of watchful eyes, I name King Rhaegar of House Targaryen, the first of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. Long may he reign."
"Long may he reign." The crowd echoed as one.
Rhaegar rose to face them, and as he did, Frida saw that his crown was adorned with a single glimmering ruby that sat just above his eyes on a fine gold chain. He thrust his fist to the sky, and the room filled with the thunder of cheers and feet drumming on the stone floor. He seemed to drink in the praise, determination steeling his gaze. He dropped his fist to his side, silencing the crowd.
"From childhood, I knew the day my reign began would be marred with grief, but I could never have dreamt of the loss the realm has suffered for my coronation. I know that every soul in the Seven Kingdoms grieves for someone lost to this bloody rebellion, or my father's madness. King Aerys saw enemies in every shadow, and would have razed this city to the ground just to flood it with light and annihilate his mummer's adversaries. I saw smallfolk treated worse than dogs; children whipped by Goldcloaks in the street. How could a man see such tyranny and not rebel? Robert Baratheon's courage was admirable, and in another life I might have fought beside him and called him 'brother;' but his war was not the answer, and now we are left with the consequence. As I stand here now with you as my witnesses, I promise to usher in a new age of the Targaryen dynasty. An age of peace and unity, of prosperity and change. The House of the Dragon will reforge, and the realm along with it."
He stood in silence a moment, eyes ablaze. Then as the crowd erupted once more, he turned, his cloak billowing a red dragon on black, and stepped up to the Iron Throne on a stair forged from a giant warhammer. The heralds blared, Frida applauded until her hands burned with the effort and her heart hammered in her chest, and when she was done she felt her face wet with tears.
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iamyourdailydoseofbi · 2 months
Let's talk about, 'THE CONQUEROR REBORN'
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Roselyn Tully-Hightower, is stuck in the middle of the Dance of the Dragon's. The sickening blow of losing her husband and newborn son within days of each other adds to the pain and stresses of the chaos around her. With nothing to assure her safety from being a pawn or used against her family.  She seeks peace and a hopeful refuge in King's Landing. Hoping the newly crowned Queen Helaena can offer her clemency if not a more merciful fate. Along the way, she finds herself intimately intertwined with Aegon and Helaena Targaryen, forced to relieve the curse of the Conqueror before her as the Rhaenys to an obsessed Aegon.
Now, let's break it down. [ insert funky music ]
It is a, ( Aegon x OC x Helaena ) fic.
The main focus regarding love is Helaena.
Aegon is all about obsession and surviving the war.
It's semi-cannon to the books and the TV show.
Because season 2 of the TV show is not yet out, I've mixed in book events to fill the gaps in
Where can you read it?
-iamagoddess on wattpad ( Yes, with the little - )
I also have it linked onto my social media post.
JUST REMEMBER! You do not have to read the book if it is not your cup of tea.
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inkedeye2345 · 8 days
Got on the wrong foot Pt.5
Air turtle
Rise Leo x oc
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warning:non but cursing and short
Kyle's pov: "HOT SOUP!!!" | raise my head to see Leo do a slam dunk I was sitting down on the bleachers while writing a note (and yes it's for Leo but it'll be all the way in the end 🤭)
"Leo's on fire tonight boysss!" I see him walk almost like walking to me as I slam my book shut trying to act normal and he gives me a wink I turn red and he turns around to his brothers "next baskets for the win!" | see Raph and Mikey serious but Donnie he's just typing on his phone "Mikey m up let's shut his flashy blue face down" I giggle knowing they definitely were going to lose and I got
back to writing while looking at them at the same time
I see Leo do a trick "You can't guard me double me I dare you" and Mikey looked offended "are you daring us to double you?" He said pointing at Leo and I look at Donnie still watching his phone "no l'm double daring you to double me" Raph got pissed off "you did not just double dare us to double you!"
Mikey and Raph surround Leonardo "oh oh oh oh!"
Leo shook the ball side to side messing with his two brothers "ah I'm open transfer it!" Donnie said behind Mikey and Raph and Leo threw the ball at Leo but it hit Donnie's head and Leo caught the ball and slammed dunked it and Raph and Mikey yelled no
and Donnie sat down sighing and I sat next to him hearing Leo "sorry don ton I gotta win tried losing for once not for me" I put my hand on Donnie's shoulder "you'll get better the only thing I can play is base ball" | chuckled Donnie was still grumpy "at least you know how to do something" I smile softly as I fiddle with the note I had in my hand
Donnie noticed it and snatched it "h-hey that's mine!" He opened the note and read it
Dear Leo I have been catching feelings for you for a long time now and I want you to know I'm biromantic-asexual and non binary and I really like you and idk why you accept me when I betrayed you and your family and I'm very sorry for that and I just wanted to make this note and say I like you a lot when I mean by a life I mean more than a friend and it's okay if you say no I totally understand because I used to be a foot soldier and because of my sexualitys i total understand so pls just give me a chance By:Kyle
I see Donnie stare at me "just give it back it's useless-" | felt a tight embrace "we aren't so different after all...I guess we both have trouble coming out" I hug him back "thx Donnie...it looks like dr.feelings did a good job" he rolls his eyes playfully "scoff what did he do to help me" we both laughed
(time skip)
We’re at a basketball stadium “let’s go!” And everyone starts booing as Leo kept on rooting i felt bad cause this place was a bit empty
(time skip)
We we’re all bored for the next game as we just sat there bored as fuck and I see Leo come to us “You guys are in luck I’m going to bring out my victory dance once we win tonight” “ya right and Leo” turned to us “trust me I’m on the inside” April scoffed “that’s a mascot” “more as a consulted who wears a costume when fires at-shirt cannon”
(time skip again)
We see pro players and I was a bit concerned “those guys are going to whoop the Dave’s” Raph said as he points to them I nod my head and we hear the horn go on “YA LETS GO DAVES LET ME HEAR YA” I hear Leo yell and starts dancing as Leo uses the t-shirt Canon
I see Leo grab a speaker as he gets on one of the Dave players shoulder “I’m Dave get loud!” And no one cheers I knew I was going to be embarrassed but this is for Leo I start cheering and clapping my hands and he points to me “she gets it!”
(time skip)
Leo comes up to us nervous “so about that arch thingyyy?” Mikey looks at him “ya think?” “That’s why me and Donnie called the expert” as I let Donnie speak “on all things Mystic” I start to speak “aka Draxum who officially adopted me” as I hear through the phone “ugh point me at the idiot” one of Donnie’s tech pointed the phone to Leo showing Draxum “do you know what you have done!” Leo was confused
“What uhh!” One of Donnie’s tech cupped Leo’s cheek and made him face the mystic thing “that is the arch or Acuna who ever walks under it turn into oh i don’t know A DEMONIC WARRIOR!!!!” “apa cálmate por favor!” I yelled at my father “ohh ya that makes sense” Leo nods I slap my head (time skip) I see Donnie shoot as he was about to miss but Leo came in and dunked the ball in as I cheer and when they stopped cheering Leo comes to me saying “lucky rock lucky rock lucky rock” when he came up to me he grabbed my wrist and brought me to the changing room
he looked at me as his eyes light up “so what did you think did I look awesome of course I looked awesome cause we won!” He put his hand up for a high five and when I did our fingers intertwined (i can’t describe how so go with the flow Kai GO WOTH THE MOTHER F#CKING FLOW-) I look up at him “Leo…” I hand him a note looking down
I felt him grab it I looked away after some seconds later he grabbed my wrist and brought me closer to him i turned more red than raphs mask we were inches away it looked like he got impatient when our lips brush together and he kissed him and I kissed back
this was heaven I cup the sides of his face and he wraps his arms around my waist I break the kiss and turn red “s-so is that a-“ “yes!…I mean ya that sounds cool” I giggle and peck his lips and heard clapping fro behind and i turned around to see everyone watching and I hide behind Leo
and he chuckles and he picks me up (idk the name of the position my bad) and I squeak a bit and heard Donnie take a photo and sent it to the group chat
(Familia loca)
Don tron 👾: scoff more annoying people
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(Let’s just say Leo carried them like that cause i can’t fin another photo so just imagine it from this photo)
Draxum 👺: Leonardo I need to have a word with you
I heard another notification on my phone as I looked at the text message and smile
Don tron👾: welcome to the family Kyle
(Hello I hope you like this part cause it was really short cause I was really lazy and I got really tired so I made it short and I got inspired by the song see you again by idk who so ya comment on my story’s and ask for any requests cause they open so right now I’m going to knock the f#ck out right now so have a good day or night and god bless you beautiful people bye)
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wisdomssdaughterr · 3 days
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summary: steve harrington x oc
when another product of Hawkins National Laboratory escaped a long-survived nightmare alongside her sister, she crashed into one unsuspecting teenage boy and dragged him deeper into the dark mysteries that made up their hometown.
word count. 4.5k || masterlist || ocs moodboard
warnings: cannon typical violence, child abuse, horror, gore, and depictions of mental illness. parts of this story were written pre-season 4 release. cannon divergence.
previous chapter ← → next chapter
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Steve knew that look on Dustin’s face. A conniving glint in his eyes; he was plotting something that Steve had a feeling would be outrageous, but at least this time it had nothing to do with some creature he found in a trashcan. The kid paced back and forth, making Steve dizzy, or maybe it was his lack of sleep catching up to him. 
After getting Sunshine’s call in the middle of the night and racing to her house at the sound of her cracking voice, he couldn’t fall back to sleep. She had cried for a while, an awful sound that made his heart ache, and asked him to stay the night. He had no objections, in fact, even if she hadn’t asked him, he probably would have offered to camp out on her floor. There was no chance he would have left her after listening to the horrifying nightmarish memory that prompted her phone call. But she had asked him and didn’t let go of him, not that was complaining. It wasn’t too long after that she fell back to sleep, curled into his side with one hand on his chest. But Steve couldn’t sleep. His mind kept replaying her words over and over.
He knew there was nothing he could do to take back everything that had happened inside the Lab. He couldn’t undo what had already been done, and he hated it. But Sunshine had tried to reassure him in the morning, after she woke up, that she felt better. She said the nightmares happen, and all she could do was remind herself that all of it was behind her. It was wildly unfair, but that was the way of things. 
Dustin’s mission was a good distraction, though, for Sunshine and Steve. It gave them less time to mull over the past, he supposed. 
“The keycard opens the door but, unfortunately, the Russian with his keycard has a massive gun,” Dustin explained. “Whatever is inside that room, in those boxes, they really don’t want anything finding out. But there has got to be a way in.”
Steve leaned back in the cold metal chair in the back room of Scoops, their base of operation, and said, “I could just take him out.” 
“Take who out?” Robin raised an eyebrow at him from across the table.
“The Russian guard.” Everyone just stared at him for a moment, and Steve felt defensive. It was one dude. Sure, he had a gun, big whoop. It seemed like nothing compared to a Demo-Dog. “What? I sneak up behind him, knock him out, and take his key card. Easy.” 
Crossing his arms, Dustin scoffed. “Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?” 
“Yes, Dustin, I did. That’s why I would be sneaking.”
The kid’s judgmental eyes were almost as bad as Robin’s. At least Sunshine didn’t look like she was judging him or doubting his abilities to knock out some dude. 
“Please tell me this, and be honest, have you ever actually won a fight?” Dustin asked. 
Unbelievable, Steve thought. “That was one time-” 
“Twice,” Dustin corrected. “Jonathan, the year prior.” 
Steve scoffed once more. “That doesn’t count.” 
“Why wouldn’t it? Because it looked like he beat the shit out of you.” 
Steve almost forgot that he saw Dustin a couple of hours after his scuffle with Jonathan. The two were on fine terms, now. They didn’t talk much but between Sunshine and Nancy, Steve and Jonathan were sometimes forced to hang out. After they got past the inevitable awkwardness of being in the same room together, they got along just fine. They had an easy middle ground they could tread on, the kids. But they certainly weren’t best friends by a long shot.
Steve thought back to that night and tried to not wince. He recalled Dustin, Mike, and Lucas’s younger, tear-streaked faces in the back of the ambulance before he tried to shake the memory from his mind.
“Besides,” Dustin continued. “If anyone here is going to ‘take someone out’ it's obviously Sunshine.” There was a sparkle of admiration in Dustin’s eyes as he looked at Sunshine. All of the kids looked at her like that, like she was some kind of superhero to them, understandably so. But Dustin and Max were especially fond of Sunshine. They looked up to her and Dustin had admitted to once having a crush on Sunshine “back in the day” meaning just before he met his camp girlfriend. 
“Uh,” Robin hummed. All three of them looked at her, momentarily forgetting that she didn’t know anything about Sunshine’s abilities or anything about their monster-hunting endeavors. She was as clueless as almost everyone else in Hawkins, and they wanted to keep it that way. “Not that I don’t believe Danielle would put up a better fight than Harrington-” 
“Hey!” Steve objected, knowing she was objectively right. 
Robin rolled her eyes. “But there has got to be a way into that room that doesn’t involve anyone having to ‘take out’ a Russian guard.” 
Sunshine quickly nodded in agreement. “She’s right. We need a safe way in or we’re not doing this.” 
They all sat in silence for a few moments, thinking, but Steve had nothing. If the room was guarded and they needed a keycard to get it, it seemed like the only answer was to steal it from the guard who had it, which would require taking him out but that was probably a little too dangerous for them to do. A lot of things could potentially go wrong. 
Robin suddenly shot up from her seat and made a bee-line out of the backroom, confusing everyone into quickly following her. 
“Robin?” Steve called out just before she stuck her hand in their tip jar, stealing a handful of change and a couple of dollar bills. “What are you doing?” 
She turned around with a smile on her lips and a look very similar to Dustin’s plotting gaze. “I need cash!” 
“Half of that’s mine!” he argued, but she didn’t seem to care. 
“I’m going to find us a way into that room.” She looked at Sunshine. “A safe way,” then returned her gaze to Steve. “In the meantime, sling ice cream, behave, and don’t get beat up. I’ll be back in a jiff!” She turned on her heel and ran out of Scoops, deadest on whatever her plan was. 
“Well,” Dustin sighed. “What now?” He looked between Steve and Sunshine expectedly. 
Steve shrugged. There wasn’t much to do until Robin returned. “Back to work, I guess.” He twirled his ice cream scooper in his fingers and took his place at the front counter. He and Robin had neglected their work duties in favor of becoming American heroes; he figured he should at least look like he was working somewhat so he didn’t get fired. 
Sunshine leaned against the back counter, fiddling with her necklace. “Where’s Tamera?” 
“Beats me,” Steve replied. “Robin said she called off for the next couple of shifts because of some family emergency or something.” He hadn’t seen Tamera in a couple of days. Robin seemed a little bummed to be stuck with Steve, but their Russian investigation seemed to ease some of Robin’s slight disdain for him. 
Dustin, looking board at their current conversation, dug around in his pockets before he pulled out a small wad of cash- which he referred to as “emergency funds but only seemed to spend at the food court or the arcade. “While we wait, I’m going to get lunch. Come find me if she gets back before I do.”
That left Steve and Sunshine alone for the first time since that morning before they picked up Dustin. Her gaze had fallen out into the storefront, unfocused and far away. He moved beside her, gently bumping his shoulder with hers. 
“You doing okay?” he asked. She pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded, not very convincingly. He didn’t want to push it, though. To brighten the mood, he made her a cup of her favorite ice cream and they sat in comfortable silence, watching the mall buzz around them. 
It was kind of funny to Steve, how not a single person inside that building, aside from them, knew about the Russians potentially inside. No one knew about the monsters that had been in the woods. The people of Hawkins were completely clueless. Steve wondered how that felt, being left in the dark while the craziest shit occurred just under your nose. 
Through the busy crowd, Steve watched as a figure zipped clumsy through it in a blur. For a second, he found himself rolling his eyes at some kid with no manners, pushing through people as they ran, but then the kid came closer and Steve realized that it wasn’t just “some kid” running right towards Scoops, it was Dustin. 
He stood up straighter, confused as to why Dustin was hurrying. Robin hadn’t come back yet. Dustin barreled into the shop, wide eyes, and flushed cheeks without lunch in hand. Instead, his hand was holding something that looked like a piece of paper but he was moving too quickly to probably make it out. He didn’t stop as he rounded the counter, grabbing Sunshine’s hand, and dragging her straight through the door into the back room. 
“Dustin!” Sunshine said, stumbling to a stop behind the kid. “What’s going on? What’s wrong?”
Dustin’s face was flushed, and his chest heaved. “I-I saw this suspicious dude by the fountain and I thought maybe he was one of the Russians we’ve been looking for. So I followed him and when I got closer, I realized he was…” He trailed off for a moment, wide eyes swimming with emotions that confused Steve. “He was taking pictures, which I-I thought was weird but then I saw what he was taking pictures of and…and, here.” He shoved a couple of Polaroids into Sunshine’s hands. 
The subject of the pictures was Sunshine. 
Steve peered over her shoulders at the pictures, all of Sunshine at different places in the mall on what he assumed were different days because her outfits were all different. “Why would someone be taking pictures of you?” A bad feeling knotted in his stomach, and by the look on Dustin and Sunshine’s faces, he wasn’t the only one feeling it. 
“I don’t know,” Dustin said. “But it was some dude who looked like…” Something shifted in his expression. Steve wasn’t sure what happened, but the look that flickered in Dustin’s eyes made him look a lot younger, smaller even, like an actual kid and not some smart-ass who had the answers to impossible questions. “I mean…t-they didn’t look exactly the same. But they…when they…”
Sunshine dropped the photos on the table before she grabbed Dustin by the shoulders forcing him to look at her and not at the ground. She spoke in a calm, gentle voice. “Dustin, hey. Deep breaths, okay?” He nodded and tried to inhale and exhale slowly, evening out his breath in tandem with Sunshine until he was a little more calm. She smiled at him, encouragingly and brushed a couple of rouge curls from his forehead affectionately. “Who did he look like?” 
“The suits and the blood and-” Dustin cut himself off, squeezing his eyes shut. Steve stepped behind Sunshine, a pit in his stomach as he watched Dustin. 
“Kid, slow down. You’re all right,” Steve reminded him. He sometimes forgot just how much the kids had been through. He had been with Dustin last fall, but not the year prior. He had no idea what Dustin and the other saw or went through while looking for Will and hiding El. It wasn’t often that any of the kids showed how affected they were by it, not in front of Steve anyway. It became easy for him to forget that they were, in fact, just kids who had faced down monsters and other awful things that haunted them just as it haunted Steve. It made Steve feel nauseous. 
“At the middle school, after El talked to Will and we were waiting, the people from the Lab found us,” Dustin started, his chin trembling slightly as he tried to paint on a brave face that Steve saw right through. “They were in suits and had guns and they tried to take El away. But she…she made their brains come out of their eyes and-” he stopped and winced at what Steve assumed was that memory replaying in his head. “I know they’re gone, or, they’re supposed to be. I don’t know. Maybe he was Russian, the guys taking the photos? But regardless of who he is, it can’t be good if he’s taking pictures of you.” 
Tears glinted in Dustin’s eyes but he blinked them away and ducked his head. Sunshine was quiet for a moment, but Steve could tell she was thinking of what to say. She wound her arms around Dustin, pulling him into a hug that he took to immediately.
“What it is, whoever it is, we’ll figure it out, okay? But right now, let’s just focus on what we’re in the middle of. Let’s get into that room and figure out why Russians are in Hawkins. Then, we’ll deal with whatever those pictures may mean.” She was trying to make him feel better, but Steve had a feeling she was also trying to figure out how to steer Dustin away from whatever business was going to happen with the man taking photographs of Sunshine. 
Steve’s jaw ticked as he peered out the back-room window, checking for any weirdos in suits lingering. That was the last thing they needed, the last thing Sunshine needed. The universe just loved dishing out problem after problem, didn’t it?
“Okay,” Dustin agreed. “But let’s stick together when we’re inside the mall from now on, okay? No one, especially you, goes anywhere alone, even if you’re a better fighter than us.” 
Sunshine smiled softly and nodded, and Dustin gazed at her with the hope that they’d work everything out. Steve hoped, for all of their sakes, they did, and soon. 
Sunshine was a mess of jumbled feelings and nerves. She felt drained and a little hollow as she stared at the two photographs of her in the back room of Scoops. The longer she looked at her slightly blurred figure, the less she recognized herself. 
With a heavy groan, she dropped her head on the table and closed her eyes, trying to shut down her brain long enough for it to clear up so she could properly focus. She had no idea why things started to slip out of her control so suddenly. One moment, she’s enjoying the summer with a crush on a boy and spending a much-deserved normal time with her siblings. The thing she knows, she swarmed with worry regarding Luke and his drawing of the future, feeling guilty about her parents' concern and having to lie to them, trying to figure out why the hell Russians are in Indiana, dealing with a resurgence of hellish nightmares that toyed with her deepest fears, and now someone was stalking her at the mall. 
She wanted to scream, but she didn’t want to freak out any of the customers Steve was serving at the front counter. 
Her mind wandered back that morning, wishing she was still in bed with Steve at her side. Sunshine had actually gotten some sleep after he came over. It was nice, having him there and willing to listen to her. They woke up in a fit of soft smiles and flushed cheeks, despite the nightmares and tears shed a couple of hours prior. If they had stayed like that for just a little longer, maybe they would have prolonged their current issues by just a little. But it was no use. Sunshine had to deal with what hand the universe had dealt her, no matter how unfair it seemed.
Robin returned, excited and out of breath as she barreled through the door. Sunshine quickly shoved the photos into her bag and watched as Dustin and Steve trailed behind Robin, gathering around the table. She unrolled a large map and slapped it down with a satisfied smile. 
“It’s fascinating what twenty bucks will get you at the county recorder’s office,” Robin said. “Starcourt Mall: the complete blueprints.” 
Sunshine gazed at the map, the corners of her lips upturning just slightly. “Impressive,” she said.
Robin beamed before she uncapped a marker with her teeth and drew a dot near the center of the map. “This is us, Scoops.” She drew a line across the paper until she reached a room and circled it. “And this is where we want to go.” 
Steve looked over the map for a moment before he said, “I don’t see a way in.” 
“There’s not.” Robin pulled back the map to reveal another one underneath it. “That is, if you’re talking exclusively about doors.” 
Dustin gasped. “Air ducts!” 
“Exactly! It turns out this secret room needs air like any other old room. And these air ducts lead all the way…” She drew another line, weaving it through the air vents to show a clear path from them to the secret room. “Here.” 
With Robin’s discovery, they got to work on the next phase of their mission. Steve snagged the toolbox from a shelf of supplies near the back of the room and popped off the vent high up on the wall that led into the air ducts. He then shined a flashlight into the dark duct, trying to judge the height and width of it, seeing if one of them could wriggle their way inside. Steve was too broad, Robin had slight claustrophobia, and Sunshine also wasn’t too keen on crawling through tight spaces after her and El’s escape through the drainage tunnel from the Lab, which only left Dustin. 
“I don’t know man,” Steve sighed. “It’s super tight.” 
“I’ll fit,” Dustin insisted. “Trust me. No collarbones, remember.” 
Robin raised her brows. “Excuse me?” 
Steve jumped down from the ladder to let Dustin test out the vent. “Oh, yeah. He’s got some disease. Chry, uh, it’s chrydo…something. I dunno. He’s missing bones and stuff so he can bend like gumbo,” Steve tried to explain, but not very well. Through, in his defense, Dustin didn’t talk a lot about the disease he had. The other boys in the party had explained that it was somewhat of a sensitive topic for Dustin, considering the bullying he received from kids at school. It made Sunshine’s blood boil, but Lucas had said that it had gotten better at school for them; more so, they had learned how to block out the nasty things kids said and lean on each other a little more. Plus, it wasn’t like the party was scared of bullies anymore; they had much more horrifying things to fear now. Some kids calling them names lost weight when they had saved the world and outsmarted monsters from other dimensions. 
“You mean, like Gumby?” said Robin. 
Steve pursed his lips, shaking his head. “I’m pretty sure it's gumbo.”
“Steve!” Dustin yelled, hanging halfway out of the vent. “Shut up and push me!” With a roll of his eyes, Steve obliged and took a couple of steps up the ladder, taking Dustin by the legs and trying to shove him further into the vent. “Not my legs, dumbass. Push my ass.” 
An exasperated groan sounded from Steve. But Dustin was not having it, he was fairly determined to get himself in that vent, despite the rather small-looking fit of it. He yelled at Steve once more, “Touch my butt, I don’t care!” 
Standing beside Sunshine, watching the interaction between Steve and Dustin unfold, Robin snorted. “You really put up with them all of the time?” 
“Yeah,” she replied, both exasperated and fondly. No matter how odd their relationship was, Sunshine would not trade it for the world. She adored both of them, even in their oddest moments. 
For probably too long, Dustin tried to wriggle his way into the vent, but it did not look promising. 
From the front counter, Robin had done an impressive job ignoring someone ringing the bell over and over again until a voice broke through Steve and Dustin’s bickering. 
“Ahoy, sailors! All hands on deck!” The bell was rung again, again, and again. Robin’s eyes twitched. “Come on, get over here and serve me some samples!” The voice stuck Sunshine as familiar. She peered through the crack in the window and saw the youngest Sinclair sibling at the counter, looking through the crack as well, right at them. 
A small gasp sounded from Robin, and Sunshine watched as the wheels turned inside her head, a plan coming together as Robin’s eyes shifted between the young girl demanding ice cream and the vent Dustin was failing to squeeze into. 
Turned out, all it took was some light persuading from Erica Sinclair to take a look at the vent. She recognized Dustin and Sunshine as “one of Lucas’s loser friends” which Dustin took in full offense, but Sunshine found amusing. And she had been visiting Steve and Robin at Scoops all summer, haggling them for free samples, so Erica wasn’t hesitant to agree. She stood at the foot of the ladder, looking up at the vent with her hands on her lips for a long moment before she turned to the group with narrowed eyes. 
“Yeah, I don’t know,” she said. 
Robin asked, “You don’t know if you can fit?” 
“Oh, I can fit. I just don’t know if I want to.” 
“Are you claustrophobic?” asked Dustin. 
Erica scoffed, seemingly offended that he would ask that. “I don’t have phobias.” 
Dustin sighed but refrained from snapping back. “Okay, then what’s the problem then?” 
“The problem is, I still haven’t heard what’s in it for Erica.” 
Ice cream was the perfect bribery. Erica hadn’t said no or yes, but she agreed to at least hear them out as long as Steve constructed a series of her favorite ice cream treats, for free, to eat while Dustin and Robin explained their plan to her. 
Sunshine lingered at the front counter with Steve. She wasn’t a huge fan of the whole idea. She hadn’t even liked the idea of Dustin crawling through the vents into that room, where they had no clue what was being kept in it. There were too many variables she couldn’t control, and she did not like not being able to have some control over any potentially dangerous situations. Erica was even younger and smaller. What if they miscalculated and someone was guarding the room? What if something happened to Erica? 
“I don’t know about this, Steve,” Sunshine signed, fixing her eyes on their group seated in one of the booths. 
“It’s not ideal, but she’s our best bet,” he said.
“She’s ten years old,” Sunshine argued. “I don’t know if sending her, blind, into a secret room that requires armed guards is smart. Maybe we should just take all of this to Hopper before we’re in over our heads.” 
All of her nerves and worries were stretched too thin as it was. Sunshine felt herself spiraling, sinking deeper into an undeniable paranoia as she sat on the back counter of Scoops. Her gaze wandered out onto the food court, wondering if that man was back, snapping photos of her at that very moment. She knew she wasn’t lucky enough to have some average creep watching her; it had to be connected to the Lab. The thought made her feel sick. She had told Dustin they’d figure it out after they solved their supposed “Russian invasion” but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t worry about it. What if it was someone from the Lab? Watching her, waiting for…something? What if she wasn’t the only target? She had three siblings to worry about too. 
Sunshine felt her chest tighten and constrict with every awful thought that entered her brain. She almost missed Steve finishing crafting Erica’s sundae before he stood in front of Sunshine. He placed a cold hand on her bare knee. 
“We’ll be able to watch the room from the roof to make sure no one shows up unexpectedly. But the guards won’t be there tonight because there’s no new shipments coming in. Erica will be able to sneak in, open the doors for us, and that’ll be it. We’ll snoop around and figure out what they’re keeping in there, then we’ll take everything we know straight to Hopper,” Steve said, trying to ease her worry, but it wasn’t working. “Erica will only be alone for five minutes tops.”
“A lot can go wrong in five minutes.” From what Sunshine had learned, the entire world could threaten to end in only five minutes. 
Steve squeezed her knee. “It won’t,” he insisted. “And who knows, maybe the Russians are smuggling tubs of ice cream, nothing illegal or world-ending.” 
A small smile crept onto her lips. “You don’t think they have USS Butterscotch over there?” 
“I don’t think so. It’s probably hot contraband in those parts, they have to steal it straight from the source.” They laughed, lightly before Steve grabbed Erica’s sundae and nodded his head toward the group. “Come on, let’s go negotiate with little Sinclair.” 
They squeezed into the booth as Dustin asked Erica, “Don’t you love your country?” 
Eric jammed her spoon into the sundae, eyes narrowed and set in unwavering confidence that seemed to run in the Sinclair’s blood. “You can’t spell America without Erica,” she said before taking a large bite of ice cream. 
They all sat in that for a moment. Dustin nodded slowly. “Um, yeah, oddly enough that’s true. So, don’t you do this for us. Do it for your country.” 
“Oh, I just got the chills!” Erica said, making Dustin beam with a moment of hope that his speech worked. “From this sundae, not from your speech.” Dustin’s shoulders slumped. “Do you know what I love most about this country? Capitalism. Do you know what capitalism is?” 
Everyone at the table nodded, except for Sunshine, who shook her head not expecting to be the only person to do so. It wasn’t her fault; learning politics or the economy wasn’t exactly high on her list of things to learn after being essentially held captive for ten years. There were a lot of things she was still figuring out, but she supposed ‘capitalism’ should be moved up on the list if a ten-year-old child knew more about it than her. 
“It’s a free market system,” Erica explained. “Which means people get paid for their service depending on how valuable their contributions are. And it seems to me that my ability to fit into that little vent is very valuable to you all. So, you want my help? Then this USS Butterscotch better be the first of many.” She pointed her spoon between Robin and Steve. “I’m talking free ice cream. For. Life.” 
Robin and Steve exchanged a silent look between themselves, contemplating Erica’s request and probably questioning whether or not putting their jobs on the line was worth it. With a defeated sigh, Steve nodded. “Fine, you got yourself a deal, little Sinclair.” 
And their plan was officially set in motion. 
Tagged. @sattlersquarry , @leptitlu , @drunkengodsofslaughter
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twisted-turtels · 5 months
Crossed Paths (Pt.2)
Farleigh Start x black!fem!oc
Author’s note: I’m on a role tonight. This is gonna be a friends-to-lover kind of story. I guess Farleigh's personality is kind of a head cannon, but we know he is a dick head and he still is, but not to Jordan. Just cute, playful banter. I can't wait to keep writing more. 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
1133 words
Crossed Paths
Does the fit give rich, posh English major whose school is paid for by daddy’s money? Jordan thinks to herself as she’s admiring herself in the mirror. She woke up extra early today to make sure everything looked good. Jordan took the time to do her makeup and even set out an outfit the night before. The weather will be pretty chilly, but “A hoe never gets cold,” as her mother would say, so Jordan decided to wear a skirt today. She looks down at her watch. Only 8:30. I still have time to grab something quick to eat and drink. She grabs her school bag and keys and exits the door.
Jordan comes across a quaint cafe and decides to go inside. She notices there’s a line, so she decides to wait. As she takes a look at the menu, she feels a presence standing behind her. She turns around to see Farleigh standing in line as well.
“Look who’s trying to fit into the Oxford aesthetic,” Farleigh remarks with a sly grin. 
Jordan looks down at her outfit, “I- Well,” Farleigh laughs, “I’m just messing with you. Your outfit is cute,” he turns to look at the menu, “What are you getting?”
Jordan laughs, “I think it’s only customary to try the tea that the British lose their minds over. And a scone as well.”
The line continues to move until she and Farleigh are at the counter. 
“Hi, can I get-” Jordan starts, “Can we get two teas with milk and a vanilla scone?” Farleigh continues. Jordan stares at Fareligh in disbelief, “So you’re paying?” She asks. “Of course, it’s the gentlemanly thing to do,” he responds.
Oh, so he got money?
“I suppose so.” Jordan smiles.
Farleigh and Jordan walk out of the cafe towards campus. 
“How does it taste, Jordy?”
“Oh, so it’s Jordy now,” Jordan laughs softly, “and it tastes fine, nothing like sweet tea, though, which is ten times better. The scone is delicious, though.”
“I never asked, but what are you studying?” Farleigh asks. “I’m actually studying English,” Jordan responds. “No way! Me too. What's your first class today?” Farleigh persists. “I’m gonna be honest. I only know the professor and room number. It’s Professor Ware, if I’m not mistaken-” 
“I have Professor Ware, too,” Farleigh continues
“In room 220?” Jordan questions.
“Yeah,” Farleigh confirms. “Oh, thank god. I thought I was gonna be alone,” Jordan says. She felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. “You’re never gonna be alone. You got me, Felix, and Venetia,” Farleigh checks his watch, “Oh shit, we’re gonna be late. We gotta walk faster.” He teasingly walks ahead of Jordan. 
“Wait for me. I got short legs!” Jordan rushes after him, laughing. As they pick up the pace, the laughter continues. Maybe Oxford won’t be so bad. 
They finally make it to the room. Is this the professor’s office? Before Jordan even had a chance to question it, Farleigh grabbed her wrist and rushed them into the room. Jordan hurriedly sits in one of the chairs while Farleigh throws himself on an armchair. 
“I’m so sorry. Sorry, I’m late. Sorry, I’m late. We got completely lost.” Farleigh hurriedly explains.
“Yes, so sorry, Professor.” Jordan apologies as well. 
“Hi, nice to meet you,” Fareligh says to the other boy in the room. I did not notice him at all. Farleigh turns back to Professor Ware, “I’m sorry.”
“You’re Farleigh Start and Jordan Williams, I take it?” The professor asks, “Nice of you to join us, finally.” The professor focuses on Farleigh, “You’re not a relation of Frederica Start by any chance?”
Farleigh nods, “Yeah, she’s my mother.” The professor breaks out into a grin, almost like he’s reminiscing. 
“I knew her when I was your age. We were both here! When she was still Frederica Catton. Before she went to America. Farleigh, in a mocking tone, exclaims, “No way! Oh, my god. I’ll tell her. She’s going to be thrilled I’m being tutored by one of her friends!”
Ware shrinks down, “Oh no, Not really friends. More of an admirer…from afar. We didn’t even speak. No need to mention me.”
Jordan snorts and quickly tries to hide it. Farleigh smiles charmingly and looks at the professor, “Shall we start?”
Jordan is staring absently out the window as the boy she now knows is Oliver is reading his essay. He said  ‘thus’ like 8 times already. 
“And thus the shape of the verse can be said, like Browing’s ‘Last Duchess,’ to look as it were alive.” 
Finally, he’s done.
There’s an uncomfortable silence as they wait for the professor to respond. Ware finally shifts his gaze to the group, “ Okay, yeah. That was very good. A lot of food for thought there. Intriguing.” 
Farleigh chuckles, “Thus.” Jordan quickly glances at him. So he noticed it, too.
Oliver sharply asks, “Hmm?”
“Sorry, just ‘thus’. It’s just a funny word.” The air feels thicker in the room.
“Why,” Oliver asks.
“I don't know. I don't think we really use it that much in real life, do we? It’s kind of verbose,” Farleigh looks Oliver in the eyes mischievously, “don't you think?”
“No. Not really,” Oliver quips
Jordan interrupts bluntly, “You used it eight times.”
Oliver visibly reddens, “No, I didn’t.”
Farleigh and Oliver continue to debate while Jordan’s mind continues to wander. In the next session, I’ll have to bring my own essay. She finally comes to when she hears Oliver sarcastically remark, “Look forward to hearing your essay!”
“I didn’t know that we had to bring our own essay. This is so embarrassing,” Jordan complains as she and Farleigh walk back to her apartment. “It’s not a big deal; the professor said it was fine anyway, seeing as you’re an exchange student. Just bring it next time.” Farleig explains calmly.
“I guess you’re right,” Jordan pauses, “That Oliver guy is kind of odd, yeah?”
“Yeah, and annoying as shit,” Farleigh confirms while rolling his eyes. “Anyways, are you doing anything later, at like 5 o’clock?” Farleigh asks.
“No, I’m not actually. Why, you just can’t get enough of me?” Jordan quips.
Farleigh raises an eyebrow, smirking slightly, “Um, don't get ahead of yourself, but Felix and Venetia wanted to know if you wanted to join us at the bar.” 
“Don’t act like you don’t like me, and yes, I do want to join y’all at the bar. Come get me at 5, okay?” Jordan replies as they stop in front of her door, “Thanks for walking back with me, I’ll see you in three hours?” Jordan walks in and turns around to wave at Farleigh. He waits until he can’t see her anymore before walking away, letting out an audible groan. She’s got me. 
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fluffytriceratops · 6 months
roleplay info. <3 [looking for more rp partners]
making a quick and temporary rp post until the other one i'm working on is ready.
bcuz i lost most of my rps due to quotev being a twat, i decided to start rping more on here. so i wanted to make a post so other rpers can reach out to me.
below will be my rules/requirments as well as a list of fandoms. please follow them all if you wish to rp with me. and if you're interested in rping, feel free to comment or message me.
- descriptive/story/literate rp only. i'm not interested in rping script/text. 
- i only do double up rps. I’m not interested in just rping the canon character or original character for your rp. I don’t enjoy it and I want to actually be apart of it. rather than just play the love interest to your character.
- oc x oc or oc x cannon mainly. for my side. i usually only do oc x cannon esp if we're doing a fandom rp. obviously i would do oc x oc for an og rp. but if you'd rather do oc x oc, cannon x cannon for your side i'm fine with that. 
- it's very rare for me to do friendship based (platonic) rps, as i would like my side to be romantic. but if you want your side to be platonic, i can do that. 
- please try to copy my reply length to the best of your abilities. i need at least a paragraph or two. 
  - you play my love interest, i play yours.
  - i will not accept mary/gary sues. if i believe your oc is a mary/gary sue i will let you know. i do not mean to offend, i just find them annoying and wont enjoy the rp if your oc is like this.
  - with that being said, please don't make the whole rp about your character/oc.
  - no god modding. your oc/character cannot be the best at everything, give them flaws.
  - no adult x child. pedophilia. child porn. etc.
  - no love shapes. (threesomes, etc. i may or may not accept love triangles (just with crushing) depending on the characters and my mood).
- no incest.
  - no vore.
  - no bestiality.
  - no male pregnancies. 
  - no rape.
  - don't just play your oc and that's it. play more than one character. it's more fun this way.
- do not play my ocs.
  - do not spam me. message/spam me after a week of no reply.
  - be realistic. play the cannon characters properly. don't make them do something they wouldn't normally do. don't heal an injury right away. don't make someone pregnant right after having sex. etc.
  - use proper grammar and punctuation to the best of your abilities.
  - do not delete the rp without asking me first.
  - don't just stop replying, if you are done with the rp, let me know first.
  - don't time skip without asking me first.
  - don't make the whole entire rp sexual.
-my side will be bxg/fxm (girl x boy) but if you want your side to be something else (gxg, bxb, etc) than i am more than okay with doing that for you. as long as you're okay with doing bxg for me.
  - smut, cuss, and gore are all okay with me. but we can keep one or all of these out if you'd prefer. (i will not rp smut/nsfw with minors) 
-on that note, i will only rp with those of legal age. 18+.
- do not steal my forms or my characters.
  - do not write in the first person point of view. i will only accept third person pov.
  - if you have any ideas for the rp, let me know! don't be afraid to ask me anything.
  - don't hold your oc back, you know them better than i do. go nuts if that's how your character is.
that is all for now! thanks for reading through my rules, i know there are a lot, lol! :P to let me know that you have read my rules, please comment 'rat' or 'read' below! thank you!
[key] ✦✦✦✦ = very interested in. ✦✦✦✧ = still interested, just not as much. ✦✦✧✧ = don't really want to, but might if you convince me. 50/50. ✧✧✧✧ = not interested atm, very low chance i will say yes. updated frequently.
[animes] my hero academia - bnha/mha ✦✦✦✦ attack on titan ✦✦✧✧ ouran high school host club ✦✦✦✦ dragon pilot: hisone and masotan ✦✦✧✧ aico incarnation ✦✦✧✧ haikyuu ✦✦✦✦ demon slayer ✦✦✦✦ kiss him not me ✦✦✧✧ diabolik lovers ✦✦✧✧ kuro mukuro ✧✧✧✧ fairy tail ✦✦✦✧
[cartoon tv series] how to train your dragon - race to the edge ✦✦✦✧ she-ra and the princesses of power ✦✦✧✧ miraculous: tales of ladybug and chat noir ✦✦✦✧ avatar: the last airbender ✦✦✦✦ the legend of korra ✦✦✦✧ gravity falls ✦✦✦✦ star vs the forces of evil ✦✦✧✧ 3below tales of arcadia ✦✦✦✧ lego ninjago ✦✦✦✦ young justice ✦✦✦✧ voltron: legendary defender ✦✦✧✧ teen titans ✦✦✦✧ transformers prime ✦✦✦✦ transformers robots in disguise ✦✦✧✧ teenage mutant ninja turtles [2003, 2012,] ✦✦✦✦ ultimate spider man ✦✦✧✧ hazbin hotel ✦✦✦✦ helluva boss ✦✦✦✦
[live action tv series] greys anatomy ✦✦✦✧ gossip girl ✦✦✦✧ teen wolf ✧✧✧✧ the mandalorian ✦✦✧✧
the last of us ✦✦✦✧
outer banks ✦✦✦✧
shadowhunters mortal instruments ✦✦✦✧
game of thrones ✦✦✦✧
house of the dragon ✦✦✦✦
[movies] how to train your dragon ✦✦✦✧ spider-man into the spider verse ✦✦✦✦ transformers [bayverse, 1986 cartoon, bumblebee] ✦✦✦✧ teenage mutant ninja turtles [2007, 2014, 2016,] ✦✦✦✦ narnia [all] ✦✦✧✧ the maze runner ✦✦✧✧ the hunger games ✦✦✧✧ hellboy [the first two/older ones] ✦✦✧✧ the avengers [all] ✦✦✧✧ spiderman [all] ✦✦✦✧ xmen [all] ✦✦✧✧ suicide squad ✦✦✧✧ twilight ✦✦✦✧ star wars ✦✦✧✧ the lord of the rings ✦✦✦✦ the hobbit ✦✦✦✦ avatar & the way of water ✦✦✦✦ percy jackson ✦✦✧✧
warcraft ✦✦✦✧
pirates of the caribbean ✦✦✦✧
[video games] the last of us ✦✦✦✧ skyrim ✦✦✧✧ identity v ✦✦✧✧ mystic messenger ✦✦✧✧ genshin impact ✦✦✦✧ five nights at freddys (all) ✦✦✦✦
hogwarts legacy ✦✦✦✦ 
[books] a court of thorns and roses series ✦✦✧✧ [+ more]
if you wish to do a og rp with me, just let me know and we can go over the details. tho i will admit that i am mostly interested in fandom rps and it really depends on the storyline of the og and if i am in the mood for it.
i am mostly interested in rping on here (tumblr) but there are a few other sites/apps/platforms that i am willing to rp on if you really don't want to rp on tumblr.
-quotev (if it ever stops being a rat, as of now i cannot rp on that site)
-google docs (have never done this before but am open to trying it)
-i'm pretty open to trying new places, so if there's a site/platform not on here that you like, feel free to let me know about it and i may be willing to give it a go!
-and ofc tumblr
when i say rping on tumblr i mean in messages. i will not rp on the feed or in the comments.
if you do not want to include certain nsfw topics, that is more than okay, smut is not a need for me. neither is gore, violence, etc. just let me know beforehand.
please tell me your triggers and rules before we start. if you have any.
also please tell me your pronouns before we start, if you're comfy with sharing. ^^
that is all for now. i may add to this later but i really don't know what else to write lol. 
if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to let me know. 
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fineprintedsunsets · 1 year
ᴘᴜsʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡʀᴏɴɢ ʙᴜᴛᴛᴏɴs
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Here's A Link To My Master-List
Synopsis: Stark Distrubution’s Literary Department houses Anna, and her very (rational) fear of tight spaces and heights. It is until she finds herself stuck in an elevator with the one person she hoped to avoid.
Word Count: 2.4k
!Trigger Warnings!
-tony stark X afab! reader 
-cannon? Never heard of her. 
-Office/Corp. AU
-Claustrophobia (Fear Of Tight Spaces)
-Acrophobia (Fear Of Heights)
-Oral, fem(receiving) 
-Insta love, (at the end, sorta?
-specific oc
*Even though it has nothing to do with the fic topic, I was very keen on listening to “You Give Love A Bad Name” *
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 
You Give Love A Bad Name- Bon Jovi 
1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
My jet-black heels click against the polished floor of Stark Distribution. Currently, I find myself hurrying to Mile’s office to grab a stack of papers that need to be printed. I’m not an assistant, and I sure as hell am not a paper boy. 
I’m going to tell him off, but that’s beside the point. Mile's is my boss, the manager of Stark’s literary department. To put it simplistically, we print books, newspapers, ad’s you tired of seeing around Malibu. Our department specializes in paper and ink. 
If it gets the bills paid, who cares. 
I smooth out my black dress, it’s cute, easy and simple, cutting off right at the knees. The door to Mile’s office is just around the corner, I squeeze through a few people, noting most of the men walking are wearing suits, not a single one in grey sweatpants. 
That only means one thing. 
I let out a breathy sigh as I walk through the door, my eyes falling onto the huge stack of papers waiting to be copied and re-printed. Oh, I’m going to give him hell-
“Ah, my assistant, Mr.Stark.” Miles begins, pointing at me. My back suddenly straightens, and I’m acutely aware of just how short this dress is. 
Assistant? Really? 
Mr. Stark smiles his bright smile, his hair perfectly combed over, and extends a hand my way.  “Hello,” Stark adds as I enclose my palm in his, watching as my flesh slides against his own. His eyes are on me, almost too intensely. 
I clear my throat and pull away, suddenly feeling as if bubbles have been popped. “Evening, Sir.” I gruff, nodding my head. He’s the reason all of the employees are acting civilized. 
But what could the CEO want with the literary department? And Mile’s specifically. 
“Anna, What can I help you with?” Mile asks, smiling his stupid fucking smile. I would want nothing more than to shove it up his ass. 
My fingers ball into fists at my sides, inhaling and exhaling with frustration. “You requested me for the printing process?” I would like to burn the papers, preferably with Mile’s watching, but Mr.Starks' eyes won't leave my face. 
I’ll have to swallow it for now. 
“Yes, There waiting on the desk for you.” His ugly brown eyes lead me to the papers I’ve already located. I smile, adding a polite nod towards Stark, and grab the papers from his desk. 
I cover my bare chest with the stack, acutely aware of Stark’s eyes. Not that he’s looking, and not that I would be uncomfortable if he did look, it’s just- 
I don’t want to be fired.
I exit his office, letting the door close with a slam. Sure it’s immature, but Mile’s is a dick. The printers are up on floor 6 meaning I would have to take the elevator. 
A rush of bone-chilling cold runs throws my bones, and my feet almost refuse to move. I don’t do elevators. I don’t do heights. I don’t do tight spaces. I however do work, and I do need to sleep tonight, so elevator it is. I clutch the papers and make my way to the elevator. 
Men and women alike hurry to their jobs, some checking in with the receptionist, others going straight to their desks. The evening sun shines bright against the glass panes of the corp building. I press the button on the elevator and wait until a ding fills my ears. 
I’m panicking, fidgeting with my dress, hopping back and forth almost unnoticeable. I’ve had a fear of tight spaces since I was a child, and the heights pare with it. An elevator is hell on earth for someone like me. 
“The shit I do for Miles,” I mutter as the elevator's shiny doors start to open. I nod to John, Mary, and Cora who are all excited. They work in Tech but are frequent visitors of Floors 1 and 2. 
I enter the reflecting box, putting my back against the wall, feeling the coolness of the steel bite into my flesh. I reach to press number 4, watching as the doors start to close. 
Until there stopped by a hand and a very expensive-looking watch. 
Please. No. 
The hand turns into shoulders, and then a head, who happens to be prying the doors open, stepping inside the elevator. 
Tony Stark. 
“Anna, Long time no see.” He laughs, I wait for Miles to follow him, but I can’t see another person behind him. This is the worst possible situation I could ever be in. He pushes six, and the elevator door closes. Sealing us inside. 
It’s starting to feel very hot in here. My breath is beginning to weaken, and my mind is starting to spin. Stark being here is adding to my panic. The normal proximity to what it feels like to freak out when confronted by your greatest fear is already high. 
We start to move, and I stay against the wall, Mr. Stark’s eyes on his phone. Ok, He won’t see me freak out. 
Not yet, at least. 
My heart beats faster as the elevator music draws on, and the floor begins to shake. My fingers wrap around the metal bar, holding myself up as I close my eyes. 
Don’t panic, Anna. Dont panic. 
The words mean nothing when the elevator shifts, and stops. 
The steel framework stops moving, and I swear I can feel my eyes dilating. 
“Did you push the wrong button?” I manage to ask, my eyes still closed, trying to course myself through the shit show that is about to occur. 
“No?” The stark answers, barely noticing the elevator stops. “Must be a block, I told Tech to fix it.” 
I can’t see him, but I can hear his voice. His is crystal clear, while mine is shaky, full of panic. The music has stopped altogether, and the lights that circle the control panel have gone out. 
I feel dizzy, and my breathing has begun to feel erratic. I inhale, I exhale, but nothing is stopping the rise of panic in my stomach, aiming straight for my chest. Before I know it, I’m gone, I feel myself slipping. 
“Anna?” I hear his voice, but my eyes are still closed.
“Anna, what the hell is going on?”
“I think I need-” I’m falling, I try to catch myself, my grip tightening onto the metal railing, but I slip. 
I brace myself to meet the hard floor of the elevator but It never comes. I fall into some arms, landing against a broad chest. 
God. No. Please, Please.  I plead with myself eternally, but I already know whose arms I’ve fallen into. 
It’s Tony. 
“Anna? What’s wrong?” I feel my back being placed against the cool steel again as Stark plants his hands on either side of me, keeping my body in place. My head is spinning, and I can’t find the energy to focus. 
I try my hardest to form words, but the feeling of this elevator, the closed space, and the heat Tony is giving me. I can’t. “I’m-” 
“Please, Speak.” It sounds like he’s pleading, and Tony sounds worried. 
“I’m Claus-” My lips catch as I feel his thumb graze my cheek, whipping away tears I hadn’t known formed. 
I nod aggressively, the ache in my chest only growing. I feel myself losing it, my cheeks becoming more sticky. 
“Hey, Hey.” Tony rubs at my flesh, capturing the droplets before they can fall. He grabs my chin gently, forcing my eyes open. “Look at me.” 
I do, “Breath, In and Out.” He does them for me, displaying the way to breathe. I watch as his chest rises and falls, his eyes sewn to my own. I feel myself calming, but then I realize where I am and who I’m with. 
It’s embarrassing. 
 Stark’s voice is soft, something I never thought I would be able to hear. He whispers things in my ear, things that shouldn’t be comforting. 
“Good girl, keep breathing. Just like that.” I feel mortified, but I can’t deny the way my body listens to him. I breathe in and out, In through my nose and out through my mouth. 
My whole body is shaking as I hear voices that are not Tony’s or my own through the elevator. 
He holds me up as he mutters into the speaker right at my head. 
“We have people working on it, Mr.Stark.” Jean, the receptionist tells him. I see his face contort with anger,
“Hurry the hell up, dammit!” Stark yells I feel horrible for him. He probably has better things to do than comfort his manager's assistant. 
“Breath, Anna.” Stark’s fingers fall to my hips, keeping me stable as my own hands clutch onto the handles. I breathe, feeling the ache in my chest start to die down. 
“What do you usually do when you panic?” 
I look at him, my mind trying to stabilize. “A distraction. I need you to distract me.” I don’t know what he’ll do with that information, but I can’t talk anymore. My throat feels like it’s closing up. 
“You won’t like my distraction.” 
“Just do it!” I don’t mean to yell, but right now there's no time to be picky. Except, when I see him drop down to his knees, my breath is taken away. 
“What are you-” 
“A distraction.” Stark seems deadly serious, his fingers stay on my hips, but he’s s eye level with my legs, and the buzz of heat that shoots through me is not because of my panic. 
His lips start at my knees, brushing smooth kisses on my bare flesh. What is happening? And why do I not want it to stop?
“Keep breathing,” Tony whispers while placing kisses up my shaking legs, one hand slips away from my hips, the other's grip growing tight. Holding me up. His rough hands start at my shins, his feather-light touch makes me shiver as my head hits the back of the elevator, my eyes closing with pleasure. 
Starks palm brushes against my inner thigh, sending waves through me.
He must look up and see my closed eyes, “Is this okay? I’m not hurting you am I?” I shake my head, urging him to keep going. The ache in my chest is dying down, it’s one hell of a distraction. 
“Focus on my fingers,” Tony mutters, his voice soft. It’s hard not to, his digits graze my panties, surely feeling the wetness growing. I can’t see his face, I’m lost in my void, but it sounds like he approves of the feeling. 
It’s something we have in common. 
“I’m gonna lift this pretty little dress, alright?” Stark does it with one hand, the other still positioned on my hip. The fabric folds, exposing my black lace to his eyes, and I swear I hear him groan. 
“Your stunning, sweetheart.” my heart flutters at his compliment, feeling the way my chest is no longer heaving. My breaths slowed down. 
Stark hooks a finger through the strap, pulling it down my thighs and letting it pool at my feet. I lift a heel, waiting for him to pull it from the floor. 
He does, except he does not discard it on the elevator floor, the sound of his suit pocket ruffling tells me all I need to know. 
And somehow, I’ve grown more wet at the action alone. 
“Open up your legs, inhale, and exhale before you do.” I do as he asks, I inhale and exhale before opening my left leg, repeating the process, two more breaths until I’m spread bare before him. 
A wave of pleasure shoots through me as his lips meet my pussy, heat is traveling through my body, righting the coldness of panic. My clit throbs for his attention, and Tony gives it to me, licking up my slit. 
“Focus on my tongue, focus on how I make you feel.” I moan, my eyes open to look down. Tony Stark, on his knees, eating me out. 
Suddenly, I’m glad he pushed the wrong button.
He grabs my ass, pulling me forward so his nose is at my clit, and his tongue licks up my folds. Pleasure makes me cry out as I buck my hips, wanting more. 
Needing more. 
“How do I make you feel, Anna?” Tony’s tongue is everywhere now, not just my cunt. I feel him everywhere, smell him everywhere. The noises he and my cunt are emitting are enough to tell me were both enjoying this. 
“Good-” I manage to mutter, bucking again as his tongue slides into my pussy, making me flutter around him. The intrusion is new, but it doesn’t hurt. Far from it, actually. 
My orgasm is cresting as his mouth works at me, his tongue delving in and out, his nose hitting my clit every time he licks a stripe up my slit. 
“Are you going to come, sweetheart?” 
“Yes.” I groan the metal handles of the elevator slick with my sweat. I move them from the metal to intertwine in Tony’s hair, feeling his dark strands around my fingers, pushing him deeper into my pussy. 
“A greedy girl, are you?” 
His words, his mouth, his very being is enough to make me come. I shout out in ecstasy, with my waves of pleasure receding my panic, my body is all warm, and the bitter cold in my chest has disintegrated. 
Tony looks at me as my hole flutters around his tongue, coating the appendage with my release. He pulls away from me, locking my eyes with my gaze as he licks his lips. Stark rises from his knees, kissing his way up my legs before pulling my dress down. 
He’s keeping the panties. 
Not complaining. 
“Are you okay? Has it gone away?” His words ring through my ears, and my heart warms hearing his genuine concern. Though, my actions are starting the settle in, the realization of what just occurred in this elevator wracking my mind. 
“I should be fine, I’m so sorry-” 
“You have nothing to apologize for, I’m happy I was here, Anna.” Tony smiles at me and straightens out his suit, my eyes flicker as I feel the elevator shift. I can’t help the whimper that falls out of my mouth, I’m comparable to a scared child. 
But Tony just presses me to his chest, holding me there as we move, Jean's voice ringing throughout the metal box. 
“We're getting you out, sir.” Tony doesn’t pay attention, his lips are at my ear, coating the shell of it.
“Date with me, 3:00?” 
I find myself nodding, as I try to conceal my smile. 
One hell of a distraction.
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ivy-plays · 9 months
Hello so I have a request do u think u could do a stoles date headcannons like where he takes u where what he’s like yk ik I love headcannons it gives me ideas for my daydreaming lol thankkkk uuuu and have a good day/night!
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More memes for time
Of course dear!! I'm always happy to get your requests!
Also.* saves memes * 10/10 Memes yet again .
Characters : Stolas x GN! Reader
Warnings: like one mention of sex.
Type: bullet points/head cannons
Raiting: E
Summary: see request
Going on a date with Stolas would include:
Ether very fancy or very laid back.
There is no in-between lol
But no matter the setting of the date it will be perfect
Stolas would make sure that everything was perfect for your date
But I do personally believe that he would either host the date at his home , or he would take you to a nicer restaurant.
But if it's a more laid back date he would take you to like a fair or just something fun that the two of you could do.
How he dresses depends yet again on where the date will take place.
If it's a more laid back date he will wear his normal clothes.
Stolas would insist that he pays for everything.
But if it is a fancier date he will wear his nicer outfits.( Think back to the outfit he wore in Ozzy's)
How you dress is up to you and your style.( But if you showed up in something more formfitting/revealing he will go feral. 👀)
(trust me. No matter how hard you try to argue with him he won't let you pay)
Compliments. compliments compliments .
There are plenty of compliments tossed around by the both of you.
He gets super flustered every time you compliment him .
He acts super confident but you can tell he's really nervous.
So just give this owl man some reassurance that you're having a good time.
As sex driven as he is in the show I think when going into a more normal relationship he would actually wait until you've been on a few dates and that it was 100% okay with you.
But don't expect him not to kiss you though.
Mans will kiss your hands, cheeks, fourhead and anywhere that he can / is allowed to.
I also think once the two of you were in a comfortable relationship he would try and get you and Blitzø to get along and take y'all out together. Bc birdie boy can't help the fact that he loves both of you.
(And yes Stolas did tell you about the situation he has going with Blitzø and made sure that it was all okay with you before he even started to take you out on dates and such. But if you already knew about it then that makes it easier on him. ( Idk what job/ relationships y'all want for your oc so you get both options)
But over all going on dates with Stolas would be a magical experience. Both literally and figuratively.
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butter-rolls-bakery · 4 months
Welcome to the bakery!
Call me mod butter roll! This is a blog about my headcannons for cookies, fun stuff, sprite edits, creating ocs to adopt, fanfics, and shipping!
Shipping: yes (currently only cannon x cannon ships until I get comfortable, but will do y/n fics or headcannons if ur a mutual!)
Headcannons: yes (as specified above, will only do y/n SHIPPING headcannons with mutuals, otherwise it's fair game.)
Ocs: yes! (But I will be slow- and will only do for mutuals or named anons!)
Art: yes (Also slow)
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I hope you have fun here!!!!
Cookie run (duh, will also mainly write for this.)
Puella magi: madoka magica (all time favorite anime)
Undertale / Deltarune (purely for au chaos)
Pokemon (gotta catch em all!)
Demon slayer (one of my faves)
Gimmick blogs (for shits and giggles.)
KinitoPET (NEW!!)
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Hello, hope you are good! Was just wondering if you have any (cannon universe) multi-chapter fic recs for levi x oc and/or levi x reader?
or just one shots as well that you would recommend checking out that are in the canon setting?
Hello!! Yes, I do have some recs!
I have a master list of fic recommendations here. Most of the one shots at the top are canonverse! For multi-fics, one I’m getting to read is Spite by @/wellitcouldbeworse, which I believe is canonverse!
I can put together a more comprehensive list later once I get home, but these are the ones I can pull up off the top of my head :]
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gomzdrawfr · 7 months
‧₊˚✧Welcome˚₊‧⁺˖ ‎
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A lil bit about myself:
Im Gomz (used to go by Gummmy), I have a panda persona
Im from Malaysia (apa khabar yall) I can speak Mandarin, Malay and English
╭──────────.★..─╮ My socials ╰─..★.──────────╯
My carrd | Twitter (trying to leave but proving hard lol) | blusky (inactive) | Kofi
If you are interested, considering checking out my:
Kofi membership (5USD or 10USD/month)
Shop (free wallpapers)
Commissions (status: OPEN)
╭──────────.★..─╮ Navigation ╰─..★.──────────╯
#gummmyart has all the doodle I drew
#gummmyspeaks has all the rambles I ever talk about
ask response, thanks for the ask <3 is when I answer my inboxes
#gummmywrites has my OC fics -> which you can find some in AO3
#prompt redraw has redraws of incorrect cod quotes
╭──────────.★..─╮ Content ╰─..★.──────────╯
predominantly call of duty fanarts + my cod oc
My masterlist of my contents (these are only a fraction of what I draw)
occasionally I reblog other stuff or memes, which are tagged as words, memes or other fandoms
╭──────────.★..─╮ OC ╰─..★.──────────╯
Main OC that I will yap about is my cod oc Raven
I do oc x cannon content
everything about my oc is tagged with [oc]Raven or Raven[oc]
Her masterlist
Her character sheet
Her color palette
Raven fanbox (collection of fanart of my oc from my friends and followers)
╭──────────.★..─╮ Q&A ╰─..★.──────────╯
1. I like your doodles, can I set it as my profile picture/header/banner?
yes you can! just make sure you credit me ♡
2. Can I draw your oc?
yES BY ALL MEANS!! if you do just tag me and I'll be happy to come see ♡♡♡
3. Can I expand your doodles? (ex: continue the story, make a fic, make another drawing etc)
yes, yes you can, again just tag me when you do! im always excited to see what other takes other people have
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Enjoy your stay <3
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sometimesibewriting · 1 month
Where Are You Going?
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✨Summary: Uryu leaves you with only the rain to console you.
💙Ello, another angst piece, to no one's surprise. Idk if I said this but I had an idea for a chaptered Uryu x OC fanfic set in the Bleach Cannon world. But I was too lazy to write a 3 series fanfic. So I just have like random scenes in my head that won't leave, so here I am just writing them to get them out of my head. I hope y'all enjoy, I definitely want to write stuff outside of angst. Will get working on that soon. :D
❌No warnings❌
📃Wordcount: 945
Uryu saw it coming. If it was true that the quincy were still alive and planning something they would come to recruit him. So he wasn't surprised when someone appeared to him the day Ichigo left and proposed that he join his people in crushing the soul society. He told the blonde man before him to give him a few days to think, the blonde man responded, by saying there was no time to think. But Uryu knew his people well they wouldn't just rush in, they would take their time. By how hasty the blonde man who told him to call Haschwalt was Uryu could tell the observing part of their grand scheme had finished and they were ready to move. Uryu told him that he knew he had time.  Haschwalt closed his eyes whether that was from annoyance or from thinking he would never know. He sighed then left telling Uryu he'd be back soon.
A light flashed, followed by spiritual pressure waking Uryu up it was familiar to him. He looked down at his chest, the girl lying on it not stirring. Uryu did his best to slip out from under her replacing his chest with a pillow, he pulled a blanket up and over her. Before going outside he placed a piece of paper with a written but vague apology on the coffee table. 
He paused looking down at her, she was going to hate him if he did this, could he live with that? No, he would have to live with that. There was no other way for this plan to work he ran his hand through his hair, this was the only option. He pushed up his glasses leaning over to place a kiss on her forehead. 
Uryu went outside to meet Haschwalt it started raining in the evening, and now that it was night the rain was even harsher, how fitting Uryu thought. "Have you made up your mind?" Haschwalt asked as he stepped in front of him. "I have," Uryu said firmly. "Your answer?" Haschwalt eyed. "I decided to take you up on your offer." He gave Uryu a look that read as shock. "What made you come to this conclusion?"
Uryu assumed Haschwalt was going to ask him that. After all, he did talk to Uryu like he was suspicious of his actions. "While I do have friends here, I am of quincy blood, I should profile my duty as one. After all the Soul Society is the reason why I'm the only quincy left." Haschwalt looked down at him his face unchanging. "Well then you have made your decision follow me."
They took one step before hearing the back door slide open, Uryu’s heart dropped at the familiar sound. "Ishida." A fimilar voice called if Haschwalt wasn't there he definitely would have cussed. He turned towards the voice. "Yes." He answered. "What are you doing-" She stopped mid-sentence when she saw Haschwalt, she looked at the blonde trying to get a read on him. "Who's this?"
"I see you still have some loose ends to tie up." Haschwalt looked irritated.
"She's not a loose end." Uryu shot back, Haschwalt's face stayed stagnant. Uryu then walked up to the door standing in front of her soaking wet. She pulled the quilt he had put on her closer to her body as the wind blew. She looked at Haschwalt and then back at Uryu. "He's a quincy isn't he? The spiritual pressure is similar to yours."
Uryu didn't answer instead he hugged her, quilt falling around onto the wet ground. He rested his chin on her shoulder his arms wrapping around her, pushing them closer together. She stood there confused as he wasn't usually an emotional or physical person. It was weird to say his warmth felt warm.
"You know I would never hurt you?" His voice was cold yet sincere. "Right?"
"Uryu..." She repeated.
He put his head on hers. "I need you… I need you to remember that I would never do anything to hurt you."
"Uryu. What are you about to do?" She asked although she felt like she had an idea. "Something I have to do." He answered back. Uryu hugged her once more then went to join Haschwalt at his side, she screamed for him while running towards him. Uryu closed his eyes wishing this was all a bad dream.
Just as she reached them, Uryu along with Haschwalt was engulfed in what appeared to be a black mass. The last thing she heard was Uryu saying; "I'm sorry." They disappeared and she fell as there was nothing to catch her, the rain falling harder or atleast felt like it was. She clenched the ground dirtying her fingers tears filling her eyes as she tried to figure out what just happened. A quincy came for Uryu.
There were other quinces besides him. Her one fear had come true. She knew if the Quinces were alive during everything that was happening it would not end well for Uryu. She knew if he had to choose between his people and his friends he would choose the people. If in the same position, she would also choose her people. It would be shellfish of her to think he would choose her, Ichigo, Chad, and Orihime over the Quinces. Yet that didn’t stop the hurt she felt as he left with no explanation the only thing he said being a simple sorry. As if the weight of what just happened hit her she plopped to the ground, curling up into a ball, crying. Her tears mixing with the rain on her face.
Will he be back?
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