#i mean come on the way sampo talks about him here
tiny-chubby-bird · 1 year
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another collection of star rail classics (plus some extra sampo content again, of course).
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milksnake-tea · 8 months
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❀ ˎˊ- prompt: how they are in a vampire au ❀ ˎˊ- characters: blade, dan heng, dan feng, march 7th, himeko, jingliu, jing yuan, kafka, luocha, sampo, caelus, stelle, yaoshi ❀ ˎˊ- warnings: lots of mentions of blood and wounds, the typical vampire stuff, talks about scents, usage of the word "feeding", intended lowercase, mentions of alcohol in kafka's part, caelus/stelle may be ooc :| ❀ ˎˊ- a/n: NEVER REALLY ANNOUNCED IT BUT YAHOO HERE U GO !!! THE WINNER OF THE POLL WAS VAMPIRES, SO LETS GO ITS BITING TIME HEHE <3 different format bc damn thats a lot of characters i dont have banners for... also first time writing them women so scratches head sorry if it's ooc teehee i tried
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vampire!blade, whose bloodlust runs deeper than most. his desires drive him to the brink of insanity at the slightest whiff of blood, the former human despising the animalistic tendencies that now governed his existence. with his enemies, he is content to lick their blood from his face, finding no remorse in the blood of the dead. but when he dares to drink from you, he is gentle - cautious. always his eyes are watching your own, especially before he sinks his teeth into the crook of your neck. for blade is prone to losing himself in the taste of you, and he fears he may go too far.
vampire!dan heng, who despises his species more than any hunter out there. he longs for the normality and companionship of humanity, and often hides his vampiric traits in public as to masquerade as a human. the only time he'll satiate his desire for blood is when he's on death's door; and even then he'll only settle for blood bags at the dead of night, away from any of the eyes of his fellow trailblazers. when the time comes and you offer your blood to him, dan heng is reluctant, hesitant. never in his life has he fed on another, and you can feel his inexperience in how he cautiously sinks his fangs into your skin - opting to kiss your wrist rather than your neck, just in case he lost control.
vampire!dan feng, who will outright refuse blood that he deems to be unsatisfactory to his palate. even if his dietary needs are considered monstrous by other species, that doesn't mean that he himself needs to be barbaric. dan feng treats blood as he would wine - like a delicacy, only to be partaken on occasion. but all of that is thrown out the window once he tastes you for the first time. when dan feng drinks your blood, he does it with the tenderness of a lover. always, he keeps you against a comfortable surface such as a bed or a sofa as his lips latch onto your neck, taking his time as he savors you like a fine dish.
vampire!march 7th, who never really questioned why she needed to drink blood to survive, and always deemed it as normal. although, she doesn't really consider it cute, claiming that it "ruins her cute-girl aesthetic". as such, she won't talk about it unless you start the conversation first, preferring to disguise her blood intake in the juice boxes she keeps around. even when she does drink from you, it's in small sips, a mere nip before she's off to doing something more fun. don't take it personally, march just isn't fond of drinking from another person. she appreciates you offering, though!
vampire!himeko, whose taste is questionable, even for a vampire. for a second, you thought that her horrendous taste in coffee came from her background, but no, it's just himeko being himeko. unlike her other companions, himeko isn't ashamed of her needs. if she needs blood, she beckons you from across the parlor car, taking your arm in her hand as she gently bites your wrist. there's something playful in the way she drinks - she's gentle, yet doesn't treat you as though you're made of glass, a soft giggle leaving her lips as she licks the wound on your wrist.
vampire!jingliu, who makes sure you understand just what you're getting into when you offer your blood. it's hard enough to keep both her mara and her bloodlust at bay around you, and even harder to control herself when you're so willing to help her. time and time again she warns you, saying that she may not be able to control herself once she gets a taste. but if you're strong and brave enough to feed her despite the dangers, then brace yourself, for jingliu won't stop until she's fully satiated.
vampire!jing yuan, who loves to nip at your fingers playfully, flashing his fangs whenever he can. honestly, jing yuan's the type of person to forget he's a vampire until the time comes and he needs to feed - and even then, it's more of an inconvenience to him than anything else. but that won't stop him from messing with you, after all, he loves the disgruntled face you make whenever he pretends to snap at you. however, when jing yuan does drink from you, he prefers to take it from the back, hugging you from behind as he languidly drinks from your shoulder - making sure the process is as painless as possible.
vampire!kafka, who teases you when you first find out of her species. are you afraid of her now? how cute, but really, there's no need to be afraid. she wouldn't hurt you, not intentionally, at least. kafka can't help but laugh as you playfully hit her for her words. can you blame her, though, when your reactions are just that endearing? kafka isn't one to take blood directly from the source, instead, she prefers to drink it in a wine glass, mixed with some sort of alcohol to really amp up the effects. having both wine and blood in one drink can be quite intoxicating to a vampire, but kafka wouldn't be kafka if she were afraid of the after effects.
vampire!luocha, who becomes addicted to your blood the second he tastes it. over his lifetime, luocha has tasted the blood of many, each with their own flavors - ranging from savory to sweet to downright disgusting. but with you, the drinking of blood is less so a matter of feeding, but rather an intimate act between lovers. he is tender as his lips latch onto your neck, his arms wrapped around you and hands massaging you to ease you through the process. and through it all, his eyes forever hold your gaze as he tastes heaven once again.
vampire!caelus, whose inexperience often makes him dangerous. caelus doesn't know how to deal with his urges, nor does he understand why a hunger builds up within him whenever he sees an exposed patch of your skin. he's a sweet guy, no doubt about it, it's just that he doesn't know how to stop. it's up to you to guide him and tell him when to stop, for caelus is young, and doesn't understand the durability of the human body compared to a vampire. but he's willing to learn, even if it means driving off his own needs in favor of yours. the last thing he wants to do is to hurt you, after all.
vampire!stelle, who nuzzles up to you whenever she feels the slightest thirst for blood. like caelus, stelle has no idea what she's feeling nor how to deal with it. when she starts getting hungry, she becomes clingy - she starts hanging around you more, often staring at you and leaving you to wonder just what it is she wants. it's only when she starts tugging at your sleeve that you realize that she's hungry. when stelle drinks, it's... well, it's not as unhinged as caelus, but she still lacks the control as he does, and you have to tap her head to snap her out of it. but when she's done drinking, you can't help but coo at her adorable face, like a kitten full of soup.
vampire!yaoshi, who prefers to give their blood rather than drink it. they would hate to put anyone in danger, after all. but alas, their instincts won't disappear, even after their ascension to aeonhood. ironic, isn't it? the giver and sustainer of eternal life is also the same one who drains that life. when they feed from you, they prefer to have you in their arms as they do, your back pressed against their chest as they drink. they whisper sweet nothings each time they rise from your skin, their tongue licking at your wound to soothe you. but it never hurts when it's with yaoshi - perhaps it's the dew from yaoshi's trees that numbs you, or the poison in their tail. if anything, you feel as though you are in a hazy dream, not yet asleep, yet not quite awake either.
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impactedfates · 7 months
Love In Different Shapes - Various HSR Boys x GN! Reader
★ Summary: Your lover loves to show that they love you, however some of their methods to do so, aren't something you'd expect - i.e HSR Boys and their love languages (but it's not your typical love language)
☆ Characters Included (Separate): Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Blade, Welt, Luka, Sampo, Gepard, Loucha + bonus character
★ Genre/Trope: Romantic + Crack (?)
☆ Warnings: None
★ Extra: Just had random thoughts about HSR characters love language and decided to write about what theirs is in my opinion - just not your typical ones. // Not proof read - we die like Himeko // There's a HSR Girl version as well! Right here.
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Dan Heng shows his love unintentionally by staring at you. Just full on staring. I mean, I'm sure most of us agree that Dan Heng is a man of few words, but I feel like you could be getting up to get water and you'll come back to Dan Heng staring at you. You might think 'oh, he wants me back in bed'
He's just staring very lovingly at you, as creepy as it is. He wants to make sure he sees you. He can't explain why it gives him comfort to just look at you or why he decides to show that he cares about you this way. But he does! It's his way of saying he cares, and although not many may see it as him showing his love to you. Both you and him know what it means when he decides to look at you for more then 5 minutes without talking.
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Somehow, Jing Yuans love language consists of making sure you aren't able to do your work. Somehow his love language is doing everything in his power to get you to pay attention to him.
You know those videos of cats knocking over a cup? That's him, and all he wants is your attention. He loves seeing what ways make you look at him, even for a split second. Would it be a surprise kiss? Softly rubbing your arm up and down? Knocking over an expensive vase??
He wants to find everyway to ensure you look at him with those pretty eyes, and as confusing as this love language may be to others. He truly does just enjoy messing with you.
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Biting. I will not elaborate (Well I am but-)
Blade just bites you. Not harshly, just nibbles. You could just be doing some work, and your neck or shoulder are exposed, he'd just come up to you and just.
You have so many bite makes because of him, but he doesn't care. He's at work often and as much as I'm sure he loves kissing you. He loves biting you playfully just as much. The amount of bite marks around your body that keeps multiplying is just a show of his love to you.
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Welt shows his love by drawing you. He loves sketching you doing whatever and showing you. He enjoys looking at your face and capturing every detail with a stroke of a pencil. He probably has a sketch book dedicated to drawings of you, but most are ripped out as you stick it on your wall.
If you offered to model for Welt he'd be more then happy and ensures to be extra careful - not like he wasn't before but he wants to capture every single detail there is that he sees. And honestly? If you were to draw your own drawing of him then he'd be so happy. It's stuck on his wall, it's his wallpaper and it'll even by his profile picture for awhile.
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Luka shows off. He's one of the guys that's like
"This is for you babe!"
But he fails, miserably even. He's usual so good at showing off, but when he tries to show off to you to show you how much he absolutely adores you he fails.
T i m e.
It's okay though, you get the gesture. You understand what he's trying to do, even after the countless fails. He wants to be successful even once as he feels if he continues failing you won't love him anymore.
You do though, you understand. And honestly? It's kinda cute how hard he tries trying to score a basket just to show you he loves you.
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Reverse scamming (credits to my friend for this idea :D)
Sampo loves scamming others, but you? You're no exception sadly. On the other hand, how he scams you isn't what you'd think. He'd maybe scam you until getting what YOU want. Now what HE wants. Sometimes he may even scam you to get just a simple kiss or a hug.
You try to tell him if he wants a kiss or a hug he can just ask, but he finds it more fun this way. And you may even try to convince him to stop "scamming" you into getting the things you want, but he also refuses.
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We all know Gepard is trying to garden and failing (I think) right? So what does everyone think of getting a half wilted flower from this man :D
He tries I swear, he just cannot do it correctly. You may even just get a tomato as an anniversary gift as he just couldn't take care of the flowers he was trying to grow for you. Bro may be more upset with being unable to grow you the best flower then he is about not catching Sampo.
He keeps trying and failing but, he still gives it to you in hopes you'll accept it! You will right? Even if he's given you a potato that's about to go bad?
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Loucha can and will pat your head to show how much he loves you. As a merchant and a doctor, he doesn't necessarily have the time to sit down and relax, and even so. He doesn't seem like the type to want to. However he doesn't want his partner to feel neglected either, so to sure that he does love you so you don't forget. He pats your head with a small smile.
It doesn't even matter if your taller then him, he'll find a way to pat your head, whether it be to punch you in the stomach so you can bend over, pull you down by your collar or even just climbing onto his coffin to just pat your head a few times. He will pat that head of yours so you're reminded he still loves you despite his schedule.
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Dr Ratio definitely info dumps to show his love. I don't even know much about this man yet but I know for a fact that he'd be casually talking about the history of something or in general just anything he knows whilst you two are eating.
He'd say something that's so jaw-dropping and continue eating and I love him for that. He seems sweet honestly, and if you want to info dump about anything you like? He listens with such intent, asks questions and remembers every word. I love him so much (I know he isn't out yet but-)
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Hehehe. I spent a good bit rambling with my friend about certain HSR characters "unusual" love language and decided to write one! It's not proof read as most of the time, my rambles aren't proof read. But as always, if I messed some spelling or grammar up. Inform me and I'll fix it :D
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fuxuannie · 1 year
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╭₊˚ ๑︰who fell first? who fell harder? we'll find out!
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:★: relationship : various hsr men x g-neutral reader (sampo, caelus, blade, luocha)
:★: warnings : none, fluff
:★: a/n : i miss rlly quick works it was so fun huhu.. ANYWAYS PART 2 AFTER 500 YEARS RAGGHHHHH 🔥🔥🔥🔥 i rlly should write part 2 of sm of my old fics im so sorry (ESPECIALLY MY BLADE MINI SERIES 😔😔🙏)
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You fell first, SAMPO fell harder.
Okay, maybe it was wrong to let the attractive wanted criminal hideout in your house.. BUT COME ON. Not like you'd do anything serious about your little crush on him, and if you got to piss off those annoying Silvermane guards then you were more than happy to let him hide in your home.
But maybe Sampo started to visit for other reasons, perhaps a little too interested in the pretty little stranger that deals with his crazy antics.
LUOCHA fell first, you fell harder.
He didn't really see it coming, you were just a Cloud Knight that offered him assistance alongside Sushang. He thought you were breathe-taking, an ethereal statue come to life, your features carved perfectly to fit you. After the whole incident, you couldn't find yourself really leaving him alone.
There was a charm about him which felt alluring, an interest in him you couldn't quite explain. Either way, you figured the way your heart races at something as small as a smile or a laugh, you think that your interest in him has changed to something more.
You fell first, CAELUS fell harder
Just a small crush, it's not like you'd be seeing him often! He was apart of the Express, and he'll aaalways be traveling around the galaxy. He was just the cute guy you would talk about with your research friends every now and then.
Caelus has no idea how he got here, kicking his feet in the air while on March 7ths bed and his hands on his cheeks like hes a highschool girl giggling about her crush.. which honestly wasn't a far off description. "DID YOU SEE HOW THEY LOOKED TODAY??" He gushed, smiling like a lovesick fool as March sighed. "Yes, I did. It's not like its the seventh time you've asked about them..."
BLADE fell first, you fell harder.
I mean, Elio's scripts didn't forbid Stellaron Hunters from romance or things of the sort. You were just surprised that a literal wanted criminal was leaving you flowers and the sort at your door at the late hours of the night.
There was something lowkey attractive about someone as handsome but monotone being kind of obsessed with you to a point he's sending letters and flowers to you everyday. And maybe obsessed was maybe a stretch for how Blade felt about you, you were certainly crazy over him.
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chastiefoul · 1 year
heya! Are you writing for star rail as well?
If so, what a some of your sampo relationship headcanons?
I love your writing!
♪ sampo koski’s relationship hcs!
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a/n: i just know he'd be a total sweet heart. because imagine the guy who always live like he had nothing to lose quickly changes his whole demeanor cause now he has you wc : 0.7k
sampo would totally fuss over you so much!!! if you went out for dates or go anywhere at all really, he would make sure you’re content with everything. too cold? sampo will give you his coat, hungry? thirsty? Say no more he would already on his way getting everything you need, most times you don’t even need to ask.
for a man who seemed to always on his feet attracting and ‘accidentally’ getting into troubles, sampo has his quiet moments. when he is not on the streets up and about, there is a high chance that he’s currently in your arms, clinging into you like a koala bear. trailing behind you around the house; when you’re reading he’d be there lying on your stomach as he hugged you, or when you’re working on your own thing he’d be near you with eyes begging for the attention he’s craving for—and of course, you always caved in.
white lies. sampo would lie to you about what he’s been up to, but not because he is unwilling to tell you, it’s just because he hates making you worry. but you found out all about what he did anyway, well because all you have to do is ask around and let’s be real here, who’d take his side over yours??? All you had to do was ask natasha and she’d tell you all she knew, not only that seele would come up to you first and report sampo’s doings that day, and even hook would tell you all about it so easily after you play with her. though you knew his intentions are well you just couldn’t help but still worry and prefers if he tells you the truth instead. this evasiveness would sometimes turn into argument however it’s not anything you can’t solve with communication and words.
 sampo is very easy-going, we know that. he knows how to take it easy. that’s why it’s very important to him to help make you feel better if you are ever stressed by anything at all. he’d know all the good places and he’d bring you to where he knows you will definitely like, and you always did. he never fails to make you laugh and feel better, letting go of your worries and stress as you indulge yourself for a little.
ok we know by now that sampo doesn’t shut up. ever. like the man loves small talk for heaven’s sake. there’d be no silence to fill when you’re with him because he would talk about the most random things. though most part of why he liked rambling to you was because you looked so adorable listening to him intently that his chest swelled up with the most coziest feeling.
imagine dating him AND being friends with gepard. gepard would complain to you about the cunning man and later you scold sampo to give gepard a break and he pouts. how dare you take his side instead of your own lover?? however when it comes to you he's so easy to be coaxed. with a kiss, he turns so obedient and nodding along to whatever you had to say though you weren't sure if he's listening to you at all.
for a guy with a silver-tongue, knowing all the right words to say to people about his business and all that, he’s having a hard time telling you just how much you mean to him. for a harsh world such as this one where he had to do everything in his power to live well, you came to him so effortlessly. so easily like that you made his world all better. made him look forward to each day so much more; seeing you smile and laughing just bring so much joy to this man. he tried his hardest to tell you all of this though sometimes it came across a little clumsy, it’s still the most sincere he’s ever been with someone.
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wysteria-bloom · 7 months
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honkai star rail x f!reader - random prompts
characters : caelus, welt, sampo, gepard, dan heng
warnings : none! :) sfw
a/n : im obsessed with this game and its characters!! Huohuo and sampo have my whole heart ❤️❤️ requests are 100% open for hsr, so feel free to suggest whatever ideas you have and i will write them! Be mindful that I am currently moving onto the second story chapter so i wont know stuff about jing yuan or blade!! I'm definitely doing one with the girl characters after this one-
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Prompt : ̗̀➛Caelus touching [name]'s face and telling her that her face is really soft.
When talking with Caelus, you typically notice the far-off look he gets in his eyes. It’s as though his mind is in a distant land and yet his physical form is present here, with you.
It was an endearing trait of his, but also irritating. Especially when you’re trying to explain something extremely important to him.
He was definitely an odd one…
I mean, the first time you had met him he was head-first in a trash can searching for… something.
But… his strange quirks are what drew you to him. The times where he seemed emotionless were actually the times where he was the most gentle… and the times where he is the most aggressive he comes across as seemingly unhinged.
You were definitely down bad for this strange raccoon guy whom had a literal nuke within him.
Yeah, if your parents were still around they definitely wouldn’t be proud of your choices.
Sighing at the distant look in his eyes, you clicked your fingers in front of his face, frowning when he didn’t even blink,” Oi- Caelus!” You called out, frown deepening further when he didn’t respond,” Yahoo~? Astral Express to Caelus??”
He didn’t budge.
Biting your lip in frustration you went to pinch his cheeks but you were found frozen in shock when Caelus had, in fact, beaten you to it. His fingers were rough from how much he’s been swinging that destructive bat around but they had a comforting warmth surrounding them, and when mixed with the blush on your cheeks you felt as though your face could be considered a heat hazard at this point.
He pinched at your cheeks with a concentrated expression, fingers rubbing your skin gently like he was testing the feeling of it, deciding whether he liked it or not.
It was weird.
He was weird.
But fuck, was it adorable to you.
A hum slipped through his lips and he stopped pinching your cheeks, seemingly deciding on something as he just sort of cupped your face gently in his hands instead.
You blinked up at him in embarrassment and utter confusion,”… You gonna explain what’s going on in that strange head of yours orr…?”
A small smile curled onto his lips as his amber eyes swirled with affection and warmth,” Your skin is very soft… I like it.” He complimented bluntly, his thumbs caressing your cheeks to further emphasise his point.
You were silent for a long moment before furrowing your brows,” I-I… thank you??”
“No problem.”
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Prompt : ̗̀➛Welt using [Name]'s lap as a pillow.
It had been a long day seemingly, and Welt felt as though he just wanted to collapse into a black hole.
Maybe even one of his own.
March was a lovely girl but her social personality was tiring… and she clashes too much with Dan Heng. It was like babysitting rowdy siblings.
When he had made it into the Astral Express with an exhausted cloud hanging over him, you noticed it almost immediately. You could pick it out from a crowd of people.
When he saw you his tired gaze seem to soften a little, an ounce of tenderness within them,”… We are never having kids.”
You let out a laugh as he made his way over to you, his head hanging ever so slightly,” Guessing the youngsters were a little too much for you?” You cooed out gently, watching his stiff movements with pity,” oh, dear… surely they weren’t that bad?”
“No, no… they were that bad.” He corrected as he sat down next to her huffing slightly,” I feel drained.”
“Hmm… thats the joy of children.” You teased lightly, gazing softly into his honey-coloured eyes as you pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose for him,” Do you want to sleep in my room for a while?”
“…” He watched her, studying your expression and feeling his admiration and love for you slowly consuming him.
Perhaps his exhaustive state was affecting his ability to think logically.
Or maybe that’s just what he wanted to beleive -
But when he found himself moving to lay his head in your lap, he felt as though nothing else in the world mattered to him except for how you make him feel.
You blinked in surprise for a moment at his actions, your hands frozen in the air before you slowly began to card your fingers through his hair. Smiling down at him in amusement you raised a brow,” Is my lap comfortable, love?”
“Well… I’m not uncomfortable.” He answered ambiguously, closing his weary eyes.
I chuckled lightly at that response, continuing to scratch at his scalp gently with my comforting fingers. He hummed in approval,” That’s nice…”
“Oh, yeah?”
I sighed a little,” You can’t fall asleep on my lap, Welt.”
“ I disagree… I think this is a perfectly optimal place for me to rest.”
“My legs will die.”
“… a small price to pay.”
Sighing once more, a weak smile curled onto your lips as you took his glasses off for him, setting them to the side,” Alright, alright… Sweet dreams, love.”
There was a small curve to his lips at these words as he began to drift off.
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Prompt : ̗̀➛Sampo teaching [Name] how to kiss
“Oh~? Well if it isn’t one of my dearest friends! [name], what brings you to the underground, huh?” Sampo cooed out with his usual easy-going smile on his lips, the sight of you filling his heart with genuine joy.
You blink up at him blankly before humming,” I came to speak with you, actually.” You answered honestly, arms crossing over his chest.
His placed a hand where his heart would be, a fake-shocked look on his face,” Moi?? Why, what a wonderful surprise!” He leaned down a little so he was looking eye-to-eye with you,” My heart swoons at the fact you think about me, doll! How endearing of you~”
You click your tongue, eyes narrowing up at him,” Don’t get too cocky, moron. I came down to make a purchase, not to see you personally.”
He ignored the disappointment he felt as he deflated slightly,” Ehhh? A purchase?” He repeated, raising an eyebrow,” I’m afraid I don;t have many valuable relics in stock at the moment—“
“I want to buy… a-advice.”
“Ehhhhh??” He was even more confused,” I understand I’m a veteran in this business and everything, but you don’t need to buy advice from me, doll. I can just give it to ya.”
You frowned a little at his response and just decided to rip the bandage off, eyebrows furrowing in determination,” Sampo… I want advice on how to kiss somebody.” You stated bluntly and full of purpose.
His eyebrows raised at that answer…’ Who is she prepping to kiss, I wonder?… lucky guy/girl.’ His heart felt like it was breaking.
“Huh? Why do you need to learn a skill like that?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively,” You planning on fooling around with someone, [name]? How scandalous—“
“No.” You interrupted instantly, bitting your lip to keep yourself from spilling information.
“What makes you think I would be good at kissing?”
“…. Do I really have to answe that?…”
“Yes, please.”
“No… you’d have to pay me if you want to hear that kind of praise from me.”
“Hmmm… I dunno…”
Her eyebrows furrowed,”… I will pay you handsomely if you teach me.”
He bursts into laughter as he pet her head affectionately before stopping himself,” There’s no need to pay me, doll, really!” Then he gave her a cocky smirk,” A chance to kiss you is payment enough~!”
You waved your hand dismissively,” Yeah, yeah, whatever you want… now teach me.” You seemed fairly eager.
Sampo is utterly amused at this, he shakes his head and gives an amused sigh. “Oh, this should be fun.” He says, his smirk turns into a smile. “Okay, come here. Let me show you.” He says and he pulls you close.
He puts his hand behind your head and he kisses you gently. Not too soft, and not too aggressive. You lean into the kiss almost immediately, shutting your eyes as you basked in the feeling of his lips against yours.
Sampo pulls away after a few moments and he’s blushing hard, his eyes locked on yours. “See? How’s that for a lesson?” He asks, his breath a little heavy but he smirks like he’s already planning something to do to you next. He was completely mesmerised by you.
“Hmm… I think I need another demonstration, I didn’t quite understand…” You mumbled, eyelashed fluttering up at him innocently.
Surprised and very eager at this response, he raised a brow and smirks. “You’re asking for more?” He asks. He shakes his head. “Okay then, have it your way..” he says and he pulls you in again. He kisses you a bit harder this time, his arm coming around you.
“Mphm!…” you were surprised by how much more aggressive this kiss was but you were able to adapt to it instantly, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck to pull him closer to you as you took complete control over the kiss.
Sampo is caught off guard by this, his eyes widening in surprise but he keeps kissing you, matching your intensity. One of his hands grabs your waist, the other hand running through your hair. He’s enjoying every second of this. “Mmm…” he says, between kisses.
Then, you pulled away, breathing heavily as you stared up at him with a hazy look in your eyes,” How was that?…”
Sampo’s chest is heaving, his heart is racing. He looks down at you, a big grin on his face. “I think that was perfect,” he says and his breath is shaky. “You’re a natural..” he adds with a smile, his eyes glowing,” In fact… I think you could teach me a few things… how about another try?”
“Sound good.”
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Prompt : ̗̀➛[Name] catches a cold so Gepard makes sure all her needs are met like an overbearing mother.
A groan left your lips as you stared up at your ceiling hazily, your nose felt entirely blocked and your face was burning hot.
You were definitely sick. From what? You do not know.
But what you are aware of us how much of an overbearing boyfriend Gepard can be when you're sick like this.
You watched in amusement as he ran around your shared bedroom like a headless chicken, fixing the pillows beneath your head for about the hundredth time that day.
"Gepard... The damn pillows are fine, leave 'em alone." You mumbled, your voice was hoarse and scratchy. You just didn't sound well at all.
Gepard pauses in the middle of fluffing up your pillows to peer down at you for a moment," do you have to be so cranky whenever you get sick?" He rolls his eyes goodnaturedly, but in spite of that, he was still fussing over you, pulling the throw blanket over you and turning the humidifier to full blast.
"I'm only cranky when you start acting like my mom. I've already got one, I don't need two." You watched as he opened the window to let fresh air into the room, and you would be lying if you said it didn't feel nice to have cool breeze hitting your face.
Your response makes his cheeks puff out in kick annoyance, letting out a dramatic sigh," so your mother is the only one who is allowed to care for you?" He settles himself into the comfy rocking chair next to your bed as he looked over you with a tender smile on his lips," I bet you're not even aware of how cute you look while you're sick." He observes.
You huffed, letting out your millionth sniffle that day," yeah, yeah... Only you would find me cute with snot running from my nose." You teased, still finding his compliments charming however.
He smirks and makes a clicking noise at you in response," I think your snotty nose and feverish flush brings out your eyes." There's that charm of his again before his smirk settled into a warm smile," how do you feel, anyway?" There was worry lacing his words.
He reminded you of a cute dog... His caring loyal attitude never ceases to make you fall in love with him even more.
Smiling up at him, you raise a brow," I feel like shit," you stated bluntly before your eyes softened," but you're making the experience more bearable."
Gepard chuckles and strokes through your hair, ruffled up in a way that was adorable to his eyes." I'm sorry you feel so awful." He murmurs," are you hungry?" He asks.
"no... I'm good for now," you looked down at the swathes of blankets covering you and opened them up, patting the spot next to you encouragingly," I think taking a nap with my wonderful boyfriend would instantly cure my fever." You grinned up at him innocently.
Gepard blushed, your expression and the invitation being far too inviting for him to resist," Of course..." He murmurs as he slowly, but carefully climbs up on the bed before nestling against you until he's under the covers.
His arms are wrapped around your body and he's pressed all the way up against you, like your very own heated pillow," is that all better for now?"
Instantly leaning into him warm and comforting touch, you nodded with a peaceful smile on your lips as you buried your face into his chest,” for sure…” you hummed out, already feeling yourself getting sleepy. Your arms wrap around his waist comfortably as you sigh in his smell of cinnamon,” Thank you… for taking care of me.”
Gepard holds back a groan of pleasure as you tuck yourself so close against him, your warm body just that much more appealing with your feverish flush. The moment your head rests against his chest, his arms instantly tighten around you, and he's holding himself perfectly still. He's not letting you go.
He kisses behind your ear, the tender gesture causing him to blush. "It's nothing," He hums, nuzzling into your neck. "It's my duty."
“I suppose it is,” you giggled out, leaning into the tender kisses he was giving you,” You’re like a knight in shining armour…” you hummed sleepily.
His fingers are gently stroking through your hair, the caress almost enough to lull you to sleep. The tender kisses he's pressing into your neck help, but not nearly as much as the loving expression on his face, one that's a picture of pure content. He nuzzles into you, as if to mark you as his, but mostly because he doesn't want anything separating the two of you.
"And you are my damsel," He whispers.
“Your princess,”you reiterated, blinking up at him tiredly.
"My princess." He echoes.
Gepard's arms are as warm and as comforting as they are tight around you. Your head is pressed right against his chest, his voice just an ear-hugging whisper in your ear.
"My precious and beloved princess." He purrs gently.
You slowly drifted off to sleep at his words, his warm and soft voice lulling you to sleep like the lullaby of a siren.
or maybe it was the fever that made you so sleepy.
Gepard holds you against him, nuzzling into your shoulder as he's content to watch over your peaceful sleep.
His fingers trace circles into your hair, and the warmth of his body, especially as the blankets he's pulling up to you trap the heat, are just perfect for helping you recover comfortably.
All this fuss over a simple cold. He'll make sure you're treated like royalty.
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Prompt : ̗̀➛Dan Heng doesn't like talking on the phone, but [Name] always calls him instead of texting. [Name] admits that it's because she wants to hear Dan Heng's voice.
Den Heng let out a sigh the second his phone started ringing, he almost immediately knew who it was.
Nobody else called him. Not even March!
Why did you have to be different?
Dan Heng answered his phone with a sigh,"Yes, [name]? What is it?"
There was silence before your light voice graced his ears," Hey there~! Long time no talk, buddy." God, he could hear the shit eating grin in your voice.
That stupid grin.
That stupidly charming grin.
"... I hate you, you know that?" Dan Heng murmured and shook his head with frustration as he rubbed his eyes,"What is it you need now? Money? Food? What have you done this time? Are you in trouble again?" He hissed quietly.
"You don't hate me! Den Heng, where are your manners?" You gasped out, acting as though you were offended by his words when you were only growing more amused.
This is usually how your interactions went. You being irritating and him being irritable. Himeko and Welt can't count how many times you both have had your little spouts.
You were like a married couple, honestly. Disgustingly cute.
"And I don't need any of those things! I'm on the straight and narrow," But then you paused then there was a chuckle," For now."
A small smile spread on Dan Heng's face as he heard your laughter. Thank god he wasn't talking to you in person he'd look like an idiot.
"... you're certainly not on the straight and narrow if you're telling me 'for now'..." He leaned back in his chair and raised an eyebrow, "So what is it you need, then, if it's not money, food, or my help when you've definitely gotten yourself into trouble again?" He asked.
"Welllll..." you dragged your words out, almost as though you were delaying something. But then there was a click of your tongue and-," I just like hearing your voice. Is that so bad?"
You said this so casually. Like it wasn't meant to make Dan Heng have a heart attack.
Dan Heng hesitated and coughed awkwardly as he was taken aback by the sudden shift in what he thought to be a light exchange between him and you. He put his phone close to his ear, his eyes wide with surprise.
“... I-I don’t know what to say.” He said honestly but then he deadpanned,“I was about to tell you that you’re a brat to tease, but I had no idea this was going in this direction.”
"I'm not a brat, am I?" You chuckled out, there was a somberness to your tone," I dunno, you're just easy to talk to."
He heard your clothing shuffle, you must have shrugged.
"But I can tell I'm annoying you, so if you want I can just start messaging from now o-"
Dan Heng was quick to interrupt.
“No, no, it’s fine,” Dan Heng said quickly, waving his hand in front of him as if he could see you through the phone.
“You call me whenever you want to talk. It’s just— your timing—” He ran his hand through his hair again,“I thought this was going to be another prank call.”
He heard silence and then your breathy chuckle," You're so cute when you're flustered, Dan Heng." You hummed out teasingly.
Dan Heng’s face turned a bright shade of red and his cheeks warmed in a way only you had ever managed to achieve for him.
He couldn’t find the words to respond and sat there for a moment until he let out a quiet sigh.
“I wish you weren’t so… so… so…” He said, looking around his room as if to search for a synonym. He sighed again and gave up.
“I take it back... you're annoying.”
He heard the creaking of a chair," I'd like to take you out to dinner." You admitted rather bluntly, though there was a gentle tone to your voice.
"If you'd let me," you then added on as an after-thought.
Dan Heng’s face turned a deeper shade of red and his jaw dropped from sheer surprise.
“…W-what?” He asked you, and for someone who wasn’t known for stuttering, he was doing a whole lot of it.
Once or twice you'd joked to him about it, but in all honesty, there were so many times he wanted to ask you out but never did.
“I-… I would love to go to dinner with you." I said. But then realisation struck him and he cleared his throat," But..." He trailed off.
"Buuuut?...." You repeated, sounding a little nervous.
He frowned at himself for making you anxious,“There’s always ‘buts’ with me, it’s never just a clean cut ‘yes’.”
He looked up at the ceiling and let his head drop back down, growing more emotionally exhausted by the second, “In my defense, ‘you’ and ‘me dating’ are things that have never went together in the same sentence in my head.”
"Dan Heng! So mean." You whined out but you began laughing afterwards," You sure about that, though?" There was a teasing lilt to your voice," I see you and I together a lot.
“Well—” Dan Heng paused briefly and cleared his throat, his eyebrows furrowed cutely. Was he really about to confess this to you? Over the phone at that as well.
“…I have actually imagined a few times…”
He looked up at the ceiling again, his expression turning slightly red and he shut his eyes tightly, cringing at his own words.
“…it’s nothing I can say I ever thought would happen for real. But here we are…”
"Ah, I see..." you sounded almost touched,"... Well, how do you feel?" You asked, genuinely wanting him to express himself.
“How do I feel—?” The question caught Dan Heng off guard. As if he had a lot of thoughts going through his head at once.
“I-I feel—”
He was silent, trying to find the words. He couldn’t find the right words.
“I’ll be honest,” He said quietly, staring at nothing as he held his phone to his ear, “I feel a little scared.”
"Yeah?" She breathed out.
"Yeah," He repeated in the same tone,"...If you and I actually… you know… went on a date..." Dan Heng cleared his throat again, and again, trying to find the words," And you started to know more about me… who I truly am... will you still look at me the way you do now?"
He paused.
"Will you still like me? Or will you end up being disappointed?" He finally spoke in a whisper.
"I... I don't think I could ever be disappointed," you admitted genuinely, a gentle smile to your voice," I know you're closed off for your own reasons... but that makes me more drawn to you."
You sounded so enamoured. Affectionate. He's never heard you speak like this before.
"I want to shoulder your burdens alongside you," you stated simply," No matter what those burdens are. I need to make the weight holding you down lighter... that's my genuine feelings."
“…” In all his years of knowing you, he never thought he’d hear those words in your lifetimes.
The silence grew before Dan Heng spoke again, his voice still a soft whisper but now one of resolve and strength.
“...Okay then.” A small smile twitched onto his lips," Message me the details when you have it figured out."
"Nah, I'll just call you." You confirmed with a clear sound of giddiness within your voice.
Den Heng finally let a soft breathy laugh fall from his lips, his resolve evidently broken,"... I know you will."
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earthtooz · 1 year
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in which: sampo has something for you and you fall a little more in love with him.
warnings: 1k wc, FLUFF (slight angst), reader is a little mean :,) but it's bc sampo's annoying, gn!merchant!reader, banter, seemingly unrequited feelings, ambiguous relationship?
a/n: need this pathetic sop of a man so badly it's not even funny. anyways, enjoy! pls rb if u liked it :D
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“sampo, what is the meaning of this?” setting down the heavy boxes of goods with a huff, suspicion stirs in your gut. 
“did you not see my text earlier? i could have sworn you read it,” he hums, trailing off thoughtfully as he looks at you through his swept-aside strands of hair. 
you look away from the carefree glint in his eyes whilst ignoring the pounding of your heart.
“i’m working, sampo- being an ethical and trustworthy merchant is a hard job, y’know?”
the man laughs, boisterous and loud. a migraine is coming, it's only natural to get one after dealing with its human embodiment. 
“don’t you have other things to do?” you mutter.
“what, other than talking with my favourite fellow merchant?” 
“you mean terrorising.”
sampo laughs again. this time, he shuts his eyes close and grins so wide that he flashes his annoyingly perfect teeth. it’s so painful that he’s so beautiful, if only that could excuse his horrendous personality (you adore him). 
pretending to wipe a tear from his eyes, he sighs wistfully. “this is why i love talking to you, never a dull moment with you, y/n.”
you try not to let his flattery get to you. besides, he probably says this to all of his competitors just to butter them up, breaking their walls before inevitably taking them and distributing their resources to consumers at cheaper prices. 
“whatever, sampo. will you leave me alone now?”
“hey, hey, hey, what’s the rush?” he asks, putting his hands on his hips. you try not to look at the exposed skin that sits above. “the business day is over. don’t you have some time to spare for little old me?”
“the business day may be over for me but never for crooks like you. besides. i need to pack up  and i want to go home, so i don’t appreciate any delays.”
“you think of me as a mere ‘delay’?” sampo gestures to himself, all grandiose and dramatics. “i’m hurt, and here i was thinking that we had a connection.”
there’s a part of you that hopefully yearns for him to expand on the ‘connection’ he so speaks of, but the desire fades as quickly as it appears, replaced with dejection instead. to cross the line with sampo koski would be fatal for your business and you fear that you were already toeing the boundaries. tolerating and talking to him for goodwill was one thing, but going ahead and falling for him was another. 
furthermore, you don’t like the feeling that he knows about how you feel. everywhere you turn, sampo is there, leaning against the wall, looking like temptation itself as he toys with those small blades of his. they’re kind of like boomerangs, but you’re not too sure.
there’s a lot about sampo you’re not too sure about- perhaps if you weren’t a competing merchant, you would have tried to learn them all. 
“you drive me insane,” you murmur, packing up all the leftover goods into a crate.
“let me help you,” he offers, picking up some goods and sorting them without permission. you have half a mind to slap him away, but against the better judgement of your brain, you allow him to assist.
when the crate is filled, sampo walks over to grab another empty box, passing it to you. you eye him suspiciously and the blue-haired merchant is quick to make a comment on your speculatory glance. 
“why are you looking at me like that?” 
“why are you… helping me?”
“what? is it so wild that sampo koski can be of assistance? i have some good in my heart, ya know,” he sings, reaching over your stall to adjust the twisted strap of your outfit. 
sampo winks at you when he meets your gaze again.
you hate the way your body reacts to his fleeting touch, and the way you want more. you want to feel how his hands would fit in yours, or around your waist, or holding your face, or-
“speechless, are we now?” chuckles the merchant. “i normally elicit this reaction-”
shaking your thoughts away, you cut him off with a slam of your crate, defeated by the betrayal of your own wandering mind. “sampo.”
for a moment, shock shines in his eyes, his hair bouncing as he jolts. you also can’t help but wonder what it’d be like to run your hands through it. if he won’t share his heart then perhaps his hair care routine could do, after all, it is unfair to have such luminous hair despite running around all day.
“didn’t you have something for me?” you ask, trying not to let your exasperation bleed into your tone. “that’s why you’re here, no?”
he presses a hand to his chest and acts like he's been shot. “so you read my message and chose not to reply? i’m hurt, y/n, how cou-”
“sampo. please, i’m in no mood to banter. can we get this exchange over and done with?”
for a flash of a second, you delude yourself into seeing a slight furrow in sampo’s eyebrows, expression moulding into something akin to sadness. it’s a face that will haunt your dreams, you think, especially with the way he glanced away from you, doubt evident in his body language as he nods shyly.
it's not like sampo to break eye contact, but he recovers too quickly for you to comment on it and then further shuts you up when he presents an innocently pretty box. through common sense, it looks like a box of chocolates, but because you know sampo koski, you’re a little frightful of the contents inside. 
“wh-what’s the meaning of this?” you ask, eyeing the gift carefully.
sampo pushes it further towards you. “open it and find out!”
“it’s not going to blow up in my face, is it?” 
“do you think so little of me?”
“yes, because you trick people like this, sampo, by presenting a seemingly innocent box of chocolates and then bam- they blow up in-”
“okay, okay, i promise this isn’t one of them ones that go ‘bam’! trust me!”
"okay... i'll trust you on this one."
with a little reluctance, you take the outstretched box, scepticism written all over your face. preparing for the worst, you untie the little bow and gently lift off the cover, melting at the contents within.
chocolates of various sizes and design litter the inside and the cuteness of it is enough to make you melt, the small smile appearing on your face only a tiny indication of the affection growing within you. not to mention, these sweets don’t look like the cheap mimics that the underworld produces. how did sampo get his hands on these, and why would he give them to you?
suddenly laced with guilt at the unnecessary attitude and rudeness you showed him earlier, you look up with a ‘thank you’ and apology on the tip of your tongue, but he’s gone. disappeared into thin air at the crumbling of your heart's walls.
disappointed, you sigh and make a mental note to thank him the next time you see him. resuming your packing up, you’re unaware of the new brightness your expression carries, and how you move around with a little more bounce to your step.
hugging the gift close to you, a certain merchant lays low nearby and watches how enthused you seem by the new gift. sampo concludes then and there that your smile is priceless and he would do anything to be the cause of it.
if only he could tell you.
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© EARTHTOOZ 2023, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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lxmine · 1 year
drunk bestfriend + sampo koski x gn!reader
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+. fluff, confession, bad shit drunk sampo
+. summary ; mc calls you to come get your drunk best friend sampo koski
+. A/N i know i’ve been gone for so long but here i am back with another rushed fanfic LMAO not genshin related but i’ve been playing honkai : star rail a little and not far into the game yet but this guy… I LIKE HIM! and i stumbled into this x listener asmr where your best friend is drunk and also drunk confessing lmao so credits to that because it inspired me to do this
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you arrived at said tavern after 20 minutes after mc has called you. and as you entered you could already hear sampo singing some tune you dont even know of and people are eyeing him already. you sighed as you walked up to him. “oh hey, hic beautiful~” he chuckles as he sees you. “get up” you chuckled as you tapped his shoulders. “oh? you asking me hic out already?” he smirks, wiggling his brows.
yeah… he gets so flirty and forgets about your friendship whenever he’s drunk, nothing new so you were used to his tactics already. “my name is sampo by the way~ hic, thats s a m p o not s h a m p o o hic” he smiles watching you you took the seat next to him. “yeah, i know.” you giggled “let’s get you home now though”
“nuh-uh! no taking hic me home just yet, buy hic me dinner first.” he says with a sass, about to drink the glass of beer again but you swatted his hand away, which he didnt seem to mind. “ok that wasn’t it. sorry, hic i’ll let you take me home whenever.” he giggles, you just watch him at this point, until he’s finishes with his rambling. “lets start over alright, sweet cheeks? my name is- is sampo, and thats hic s a m p o and not s h a m p o o. and i think… hic you’re so pretty.” he smirks and giggles. “you look pretty, yourself too”
“i know, i know.” he giggles, leaning in the table, looking at you. you could explain it but the way he looked at you… its was definitely not the way you look at your bestfriend. “[name]~ hic [name] youre so beautiful~” he says, his eyes not leaving your features. and just his stare is enough to get you blushing. “you dint have a boyfriend right? we can date right?” he asks with hopeful eyes. “many people fawn over you, youre so attractive~ i ant you to be mine~” he whines. wrapping his arms around you.
“no, sampo. i dont have any lover.” you said nervously. this doesnt feel like his drunk flirting at all… it’s as if he means what he’s saying. he hummed happily. “[name]~ i love you~ hic i love you so much~ more than a friend, [name]~” your breath hitched as he talked. “i want you to be happy… wanna see you happy~” he says, pulling away to lean against the table to look at you again. “want you to be happy… even if it’s with someone else, [name]~” he chuckles. but when you looked at him he wasnt smiling, he was tearing up.
“sampo, what-? why are you crying?” you giggled caressing his cheeks. “‘m sorry. hic ‘m so sorry~” he apologized as his sobs got louder. he sobbed like a kid. “i love you… i love you s-so much.” he sobbed. people who are nearby chuckling at the scene. “i cant even- b-bear the thought of you with someone else hic.”
“what-?” “i want you to be happy [name]~ but i want you to be happy with me~!“ he sobbed even harder. it was honestly cute, and you couldn’t do anything but to hug him and pamper the big guy. lets just say, it took an hour to get him home.
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merakiui · 1 year
Hey I gotta interrupt your Sampo posting with Mermay update
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OMG YES OTL I am so ill for octomouche. I have written some octomouche before, namely here and here. But I am always ready and willing to discuss more of him!!! >:D
Octomouche who sinks your ship and spares you only because he thinks you're interesting (read: not annoying like other humans), and he keeps you tucked away in his underwater cave. But you keep complaining about how it’s cold and dark and how you’re so scared, and so it’s starting to annoy him. >:( but he likes you too much to get rid of you because you heal the lonely parts of his three hearts, so you’ll just have to learn to accept this situation. You will when he fills you up with lots of eggs!!!!
Octomouche in captivity. Aaaaa he hates the researchers, especially Dottore!! He’s always a hater for Dottore! The amount of researchers he’s yanked into the tank to drown or strangle is too many to count. He’s sneaky, so sometimes he’s close to escaping his confinements. But then he’s always mindful of the cameras and he knows he’s always being watched and listened to. It’s so troublesome. The researchers have this brilliant idea to help him get used to humans by allowing him to bond with one. You’re forced tasked with this mission (because no one else wants to step within a few meters of the tank of a venomous sea beast). It’s rough at first because he’s so averse to humankind, but eventually he’ll warm up to you. He’s such a temperamental mer, grousing over the times when you’re late (even if it’s by only a minute or two) or huffing about how you spent too much time talking to the researchers in the doorway before coming in to see him. He gets attached because you’re one of the few humans who isn’t downright terrified of him and you take the time to understand his perspective. You are his ideal human, but then he knows he can’t be with you in the way other humans can. He can’t walk on land. He’s confined to the sea. But that doesn’t matter to him. He’ll just drag you to his depths so you’ll never leave him. :)
Octomouche with a hunter!darling. >:) he’s been terrorizing fishing vessels for too long now and as a result your town’s fish hauls are getting scarce, along with the amount of people you’re losing each time a ship is sunk. You’re a renowned beast hunter and so the task falls to you to capture this deep-sea beast so fishing can safely resume. Octomouche hates it when humans intrude on his territory, but since it’s only you he supposes killing you would be too easy (and not nearly as satisfying). He’ll just have to give you a proper fright, one that has all of your equipment sinking and your boat being dragged out to sea until all you’ll see is blue on each side and vast, endless sky above. And just beneath the surface, a monstrosity lurks, waiting for you to use your puny human brain to think of a way out. :) the only way out is into his waiting tentacles, after all.
Octomouche who rules over an underwater kingdom and he takes you (an unfortunate peasant/servant mer) as his (forced) lover. You have no idea if he even likes you; he’s so mean to you. :( he’s only using you to hold all of his eggs so he’ll have plenty of heirs for the future because he’s deemed you suitable enough to carry such an important thing. You can’t deny him or protest because he has so much authority over you, and he’s threatened you with death in all horrific ways every time you’ve even hinted at disobedience. But secretly he can’t live without you because you’re the first real companion he’s ever had, albeit a forced one, and he’s grown too attached to entertain a life without you. <3 maybe he’ll whisper a fragile “I love you” when he’s fucking you next time, but you’ll be too sex-drunk to hear it hehe. And even if you do hear it, he’ll adamantly deny it and tell you you’re stupid for thinking stupid things about stupid (im)possibilities. (He is madly in love with you, but the rizz is highly threatening.)
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yurinaa-world · 1 year
Hii! Read your works from hsr and saw that you have open request so here I am ^^ Could you maybe write something about Gepart having an So from the Underworld? Like she's the complete opposite of him, and kinda acts like a Sampo, but well, more trusted. Maybe now even dating but something like his crushing on a villain and she's always flirty with him when they meet and enjoys making him flustered? Or from meeting to dating (they could meet because even through she doesn't really step out of the Underworld she came to rescue Sampo from trouble and after that she just kept pooping out somewhere around him, when his alone on duty but the soldiers are gone somewhere. SO SORRY IF IT'S TOO LONG BUT THIS MAN JUST HAS ME :`)) if u don't wanna write it or want to change something that's completely fine! Idk for what genter you prefer writing (or just didn't notice if u write that somewhere, sorry! +) for and even trough I would ask for a female any other is still fine by me! Hope you'll have a wonderful day/night because u deserved it and remember that you're amazing!!!
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Characters: Gepard x Female Reader
Synopsis: Gepard with a S/O from the underground
Warnings: fluff, might be some spelling errors.
Notes: I hope you liked it :)
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𝒢𝑒𝓅𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝐿𝒶𝓃𝒹𝒶𝓊
The sight of Belobog was beautiful from the tall wall you were sitting on, with the cold air hitting your skin and making your body shudder. The surface was way colder than the underground to you, and snow fell from the clouded sky, making its way to land on top of your hair. "Wow, it's really cold out," you said to yourself before sneezing and rubbing your nose with your hands before crouching down. "Now, now where are you?" you said, squinting your eyes, looking around for your dear lover.
Before your eyes narrowed down to the familiar blonde hair of Gepard, he looked so charming in armor, almost like a prince, which you admire. It seemed that he was talking to some Silvermane Guards. Waiting for those guards felt like an eternity, but if they saw you, you would be thrown behind bars. But you wanted to get closer, so mumbling some incoherent insults under your breath before jumping off the wall and landing softly onto the soft white snow over the concrete before quickly dashing behind a wall.
Hearing guards and Gepard's conversation coming to an end. "You all should be on the lookout just in case the underworlders come back." Gepard told the guards before dismissing them back to their regular stations that he closed his eyes and took a long breath. As you slowly popped out of your hiding place and gently blew his ear, making him flinch and snap his head towards you, "You shouldn't be here!" he covered the ear you blew him with one hand.
"What, can I not see my lover anymore?" You said, pouting, "If the guards see you, do you know what the consequences would be?" Gepard scolded, "I know I'll be behind bars." You sigh dramatically, "But I haven't been caught yet." You added before grinning at him mischievously, "I have something to give you." Before Gepard could say anything, you kissed his cheek.
Seeing his face go a little red from your actions, "you shouldn't be doing those in public," he blushed. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help myself. Come on, you want to give me a kiss, don't you?" you grin. Gepard sighed before pulling you into a small kiss. He pulled away after a few seconds. "You're such a tease," he mumbled.
"I know,"  you giggled as he cleared his throat awkwardly. "You should get going before a guard sees you." "aw well, when you're alone, I want a bunch of kisses." You wink at Gepard, who turned a shade of red before giving him one last peck on the lips. You wave happily as you disappear around a corner.
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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thesaart · 1 month
Hey!! I'm here writing a little fic with Sampo in it and I found myself a little lost on the introspection within his mind. I can't quite understand him. As in, we know that "Sampo Koski, everyone's friend and a conman" is a role he assigned himself for the grand play of Belobog and almost all in-game information is about him in this role rather than well, himself. And sure, Sparkle's story gave us a little bit more details, but I still can't quite put his character together in my head.
So while I'm here slowly boiling in this purgatory of not quite understanding, maybe you would like to share your vision of him? I've been interested in meaning of snake's bones in his design for quite a while and only now I've got enough willpower to ask.
Anyway, love your art and symbolism in it, have a nice day!
First thank you for asking and I apologize that it took me a bit to answer.
If it comes to analyzing a character, I like to go from the side of what they do and what they would need to know and understand to be able to do the things they do. Sampo is a conman who deals in whatever the people he talks to want to have or need. Additionally he pushes and influences the story of Belobog so it ends the way he planned.
With that we can see what a character like this would need to be able to know or be able to do to achieve these things. 
Sampo is a very calculating and incredibly patient character. 
Being able to come up with the plans he does he would also need to be able to read people and situations well and quickly.
When he was with the Nameless for a bit he, for the most part, knew how to talk to them also using their obvious and well placed mistrust in him, to guide them to different situations. 
Even before the Nameless talked to Svarog he dipped and got Natasha for help because he knew that they would definitely fail to get Svarog to listen to them. 
So he got Natasha aka the head of Wildfire while Svarog was basically distracted with a fight so that when the fight was over after Clara, someone Sampo knew is the only person Svarog listens to, stopped the fight, everyone that needed to be here for the plan to work was there perfectly ready to have the discussion that needed to happen.
But next to the calculating, patient and adaptable personality we know that he is also very creative and for a lack of a better word silly. Part of this is definitely exaggerated for the role he plays but another part of him properly genuinely is a man who is goofy and enjoys making jokes.
Part of why I think this comes from the records you can find of some of the people he scammed. Like selling a person an audiobook they wanted but all the voices are replaced by him and all the characters dying in violent ways at the end of the play. 
For me this feels like a character who loves giving people what they want but with a twist almost like a monkey's paw situation  “You want a key that opens every door?’ Sure. I'll give you that but then don't be surprised when you land in prison for being caught in places you shouldn't be.”
I see Sampo as a silly and creative character who while he talks to you is thinking fifteen steps ahead calculating what the person will say, what they want and how he can play with that.
To be so charismatic and being able to guide people into situations that they're not even aware they are heading towards is fascinating. 
i hope that can give you some inspiration
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wri0thesley · 1 year
nat hello i am so out of the loop with hsr but can you please tell me which men in hsr are the most likely to be hard doms 🥺
here is my theory about the men of hsr and their domming styles;
welt: he's a middle ground. he speaks in a calm, gentle way, but he's still stern with it. he's not going to make you call him 'master' or crawl on the floor for him, but he is going to spank you if you misbehave, he is going to sound disappointed in you, and you will want to make it up to him. speaks more in persuasive terms - why don't you get on my lap, pretty thing - than he does in orders. he can be a hard dom, but you'd really have to push him.
gepard: a military man, but a man without all that much experience. the first few times he takes the dominant role, he stumbles over it a little and gets hot in the face and doesn't know what to do - but at some point, a light just clicks on in his head. and yes. when the light has gone on? he's meaner. he's harder. he's a captain of the silvermane guards, and he's used to being obeyed, so you'd better follow his commands unless you want him to look down at you with a sneer on his handsome face and a demand that 'you can do better than that, can't you?'
sampo: happy to take a dominant role, but does it all with a bit of fun. he's enjoying himself, and his enjoyment is the most important thing - he doesn't really like the idea of being a hard dom. he wants you to look at him adoringly and try hard for him and be good for him! but he's not going to be soft and gently spoken because that's not in his nature. he's a little bit of a patronising dom, in the end. pinches your cheeks and spits in your mouth and makes you call him 'mr koski', all with a grin on his face.
jing yuan: much like welt, a soft/gentle dom who hides steel edges beneath his lazy smiles. he prefers playing mind games with you than something so boring and obvious as physical punishment. come keep his cock warm and don't squirm. strip and stand beside him naked whilst he meditates, and do not make a sound even when his underlings come in. be his pretty finch. a little bit of a micro-manager. wear what he likes, do what he says you can. can you blame him? he's such a long lived man . . . he's used to things being done a certain way.
luocha: mean. hard dom, absolutely. says it all in a polite way, but you can simply tell there's something bubbling beneath the surface. before you know it he's choking you on his cock and making 'tsk' noises when you gag on his length, talking down to you about how he expected better. if your mouth is such a disappointment, you better hope that your holes are more satisfying.
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another-goblin · 4 months
2.0 SPOILERS and random thoughts
So the hotel building was a prison, right? It sort of makes sense, hotels and prisons have similar layouts. But imagine, the place of concentrated suffering of hundreds of thousands of prisoners, or maybe more (look how big it is), now turned into a weird supernatural hotel - what could possibly go wrong? (what if they kept prisoners in dreams too, and the dreamworld is a former prison dreamworld. And they were fed Soulglad to keep them docile). These cells were quite spacious though.
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The way Sunday talked to somebody in the end reminded me of Cocolia. Is it possible a stellaron is involved here too?
The dead characters - no way Robin and Firefly will stay dead. They look playable, and you don't kill characters before they become playable (unless it's Qiqi or Blade)
I have a theory based on nothing, that Robin is alive and is actually behind whatever is going on. (Maybe her plan is for all these disruptive guests to kill each other in the name of harmony) She's in cahoots with Sparkle who pretended to be the body.
Sparkle - with her ability to shapeshift, aren't we supposed to be constantly paranoid? Anybody can be Sparkle. But also, seeing how vicious and unhinged she is, she feels like she should be the main antagonist in her own story arc, not just an extra. I mean even Sampo seems apprehensive of her.
I understand people who were enamored with Firefly and saddened with her death, but I personally weren't, because for me her part has the outward appearance of a romantic story, but inside it's just two hours of lies and tutorials. I also saw theories about her different identity and If it's true I hope the writers know what they are doing. Also why is our character so sure she's dead? Don't people who die in a dream just wake up in real world?
If Duke Inferno is dead, and stays dead, and his cool gang is never mentioned again, it's going to be the funniest thing in this game yet.
BTW how did Acheron allegedly enter the hotel using Duke invitation? Aventurine knows that we know that it's very hard (he witnessed our problems with DH's invitation). Make it make sense.
Gallagher - either he's up to something or he's extremely incompetent. He let go an actual stawaway and the huy who fits the description he just provided (Caelus - a guy with grey hair). Also it was him personally who stole confiscated Aventurine's stuff.
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Speaking of which. I think Aventurine mentioned "cornerstones", plural. So it's not just his aventurine, but others too? Ratio implied that these things are crucial for their success and that Aventurine might be in danger from IPC without his rock, I wonder what's that about, and why Aventurine is so dismissive about losing them.
Anyways I'm still curious why IPC sent these two. It looks like they decided to achieve their goals on Penacony in a more or less peaceful way (unlike their military invasion on Jario-6). So why did they send Dr. Ratio, notorious for having the social grace of a nuclear bomb, and Aventurine, who isn't doing that great either.
I wonder how the game expects us to see Aventurine. The game probably expects us to see him as slimy but charming and dangerous. And yeah, he somehow (conveniently behind the scenes) managed to come to some agreement with Black Swan, but otherwise he fails miserably in most of his interactions.
When we first meet him, he pretends that he has the power to help us with our invitation problem, awkwardly compliments Robin and Sunday, tries to buy our friendship with a ridiculously small sum (well it was probably all the money he had left). Then he tries to intimidate us but gets spooked by Acheron. Ratio leaves in the middle of their conversation, Sparkle catches him stalking her and roasts him, and so on.
So my current VERY subjective impression is that he's quite desperate at this point. He constantly fails but tries to save face. He lost his confidence after his stuff was confiscated, he can't count on buying people's loyalty with giant bribes as he probably used to.
He obviously had a difficult childhood, he had to claw his way up, and IPC doesn't seem like a place that nurtures one's appreciation for genuine human connections. He probably learned to see genuine feelings as liability. As the result, he only sees people as assets, and "friends" as tools. He talks a lot about friends and trust, but never even pretends that he wants to achieve genuine trust or friendship with anybody. (I can continue but this post is long enough and it'll probably become obsolete with the next update anyway)
And I know it's probably too much to hope for, but maybe he'll get some character development, making him more open to the idea of genuine human interaction.
I already have seen a lot of interesting theories about what's going on, and I really hope the game won't just ignore all these hints and details it gave us, and all these things are actually important.
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ahaclownery · 11 months
In the Everwinter Museum quest when Sampo thinks we're his accomplice in front of the door he says we got emotionally overinvested when we called him a friend and said this is strictly business which means no friendship. However, when we help him with anything or he tries to conduct business with us, he always calls us a friend. Do you think he actually considers us a friend or is this part of his scam?
Additionally, when Clara jumps in front of Svarog when Natasha threatens him and she talks about family and how she wishes for all of them to work together etc., Sampo stands in the back of the group and his expression seems sad / empathetic. He crosses his arms and nods. Out of our group, in this scene, he arguably shows the most emotion on his face. All the other characters stand with their back to him including Clara and the only person who could actually see this reaction is Svarog but he's not even looking at Sampo. I just think that was an interesting detail. There was virtually no reason for him to react like this strategically as it would hardly have any influence on the situation, yet he's the most expressive in that moment (except for Clara). What are your thoughts on this?
Do you think he actually considers us a friend or is this part of his scam? Idk if this will make sense but I hope it does. I think Sampo has some kind of end goal with us, or maybe even had a past with us, and for that reason, I think he's friendly with us. He most definitely has an act he needs to keep up (the classic scammer personality), where he’s a pathetic, nice guyᵀᴹ to make us underestimate him. He also definitely sees us as a great source of entertainment, he does like human conflict and we almost are always involved in one. Overall, I think he sees us in a friendly way, in his own way, but said way is twisted to other people.
The Clara Situation: I have two points to make for this!
Sampo is good with kids: This post here - Hook says Sampo is really nice to her, and that he brings them out for joyrides. These joy rides are most definitely free and are done probably solely for the Moles's entertainment or they��re unknowingly used in scams 😭 - It makes sense for Sampo to be good with kids, clowns traditionally/stereotypically are supposed to be well-liked by kids and be good with them - Now taking this into account, if Sampo was being genuine, I think he merely felt for Clara. - Now, I feel like Sampo would pull an “even if unnoticed, an actor must keep character” and call it his professionalism But I do hope Sampo has a soft spot for kids!
Clara’s realization - She tells Svarog that “Calculation results can’t always bring people happiness” - Now Sampo doesn’t nod when Clara mentions happiness but calculations, but I think he nodded because he already understood Clara’s message before she finished her sentence. - Sampo belongs to the Masked Fools like Zhongshan, and happiness must be important to them with their obsession with joy - Zhongshan’s “I can promise you a happy ending for everyone.” Happiness is a kinda shorter and more easily accessible version of joy too. - Also to Sampo, Svarog’s calculations may come off as being similar to “scholars who overthink” which the Masked Fools laugh at, making him agree even more with Clara
Thank you so much for this, if it wasn’t for your message I wouldn’t have noticed Sampo’s interesting reaction in the story <33
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littlekiara96 · 4 months
Okay, so, Sampo is not Sam and that theory of mine has sunk to the depths of the sea (unless...?)
considering this post I made so long ago (and ignoring the Sam = Sampo part)
[Spoilers for 2.0 content undercut DO NOT COME COMPLAINING]
considering what happens at the very end of 2.0... yes, I'm talking about that conversation...
Hum... quick question...
How does he know?
Seriously, how can he know something will happen "there"?
Yeah, my point is that Elio told him, BECAUSE HE'S PART OF THE HUNTERS.
And before someone says "but that happens before the events on Jarilo-IV" (I saw that twice already)
WRONG. (Sorry. I'm not trying to be mean, just logical.)
You HAVE to do the quest "Whodunit" of the main story in order to do the companion mission and see all that it entails.
And that would just make no sense. If the conversation at the Reverie happened before the events we participated in on Jarilo-VI, then... Where was his mask?
And yes, he likes being backstage, and he was backstage on Belobog.
But he clearly means he will be front-stage this time around. And thus...
Stuff is about to go down in Belobog.
Also, back to Sampo, the Stellaron Hunter. Think about how Firefly describes him.
Does he look like just some little guy?
No. She describes him like a man of strong build, who walks pretty much silently, and knows how to use daggers. A "skilled fighter, the covert kind".
Yeah, she makes him sound like an assassin.
Which is pretty important, because...
Isn't he meant to be a joke of a guy? We never see him fight in any way while we're on Belobog, do we?? He's only good at scamming people, right???
Yes, he does that weird thing of leaving no footprints in snow and he uses smokebombs to get us to the Underworld, but otherwise...
He's just a lil' guy, riiight?
TL;DR (what are you doing here...):
Sampo has no way of knowing what he knows without being a Stellaron Hunter or at least working for Elio.
Between how much he actually helped in Belobog, how he knew we were on the Luofu (neutron bomb), how he knew we were going to Penacony, and how he knows something will happen to Jarilo-VI, and the fact that Stellaron Hunters are WHEREVER WE GO, except in Belobog??
If not thanks to Elio... then How. Does. He. Know.
Bonus Heehee~:
As long as we don't see Sam and Sampo together, they could still be the same person! :D
Sam is a genetically modified man wearing a mecha suit, after all. :3c
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ryukyuin · 1 month
2.) Anti-Proship
Loving reminder that proship means that you don’t harass people over fiction. It’s only a stance on harassment and censorship, and it doesn’t mean you have to like what I do or that I personally approve and enjoy what everyone else does! Quote from fanlore:
"The pro in pro-shipper means for, to contrast with the anti in anti-shipper (anti meaning against). However, possibly due to Fannish Osmosis, in some parts of fandom, the pro in pro-shipper has come to be understood as short for problematic instead.[5][6][7][8] Due to this new definition, many fans (mainly on Twitter) started to insert proshippers in their DNI lists because they do not want any type of contact with problematic ships These fans may also use the term "proship" as a noun to refer to the problematic ship that the proshipper allegedly supports. Others have incorrectly osmosed the word proshipper to be synonymous with pedophile."
So like. Yeah! Dances around. I don't fw most "problematic ships" but I just need pookies to know the actual definition of the term they are using before they start rallying hate mobs.
Fiction DOES affect reality, and you should be aware enough of that to cultivate your own online experience and use the function of blocking/filtering tags, blocking people, and your own common sense to make sure that you stay safe and everyone has fun!!
(Also if ppl block me bc they misunderstood I will scream and wail and sob /lh, DM/toss an ask if you have any questions!!)
3.) If you can't follow the Three Laws of Fandom/think Dark Media/Dead Dove: Do not Eat/Whump/Yandere enjoyers are normalizing what they are writing about, also shoo. Not the place for you.
I feel like this explains itself, esp since I kinda talked about it above. Please cultivate and foster the online experience you want, follow proper online social etiquette, and realize that just because I find Shaiapouf attractive doesn't mean I want him to gut and eat me in real life. (Most likely. Probably. Maybe. If he asks REALLY nicely and bats his little boytwink lashes and gayass wings /sillyj)
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4.) Do NOT compare me with other writers.
They are them and I am me and we both deserve our own little gold sticker stuck to our forehead! I think it's important everyone gets the recognition they deserve and I've been inspired by SOSO many writers on here, so make sure to go send support where deserved!
JJK, KNY, MHA, GI/HSR, HxH!! Mostly Phantom Troupe + Harbingers + Sampo + Satoru and Suguru + Shouta and Hizashi but like. Throw some crumbs through the tray slot, if I'm interested I will respond.
Yandere/Dark Fiction, reader-inserts, minor character death, non-con/dub-con slash hesitant? (doubtful of my writing skills to bring that justice), body horror/gore, dr**ging, etc...... idk I wanna flap my gay little wings and see whatever horrific shit I come up with /lh
Detailed pregnancy. I just can't man I don't want kids get those little HEATHENS OUTTA THERE!! I'll consider asks about it/drabbles but don't expect like an entire oneshot about it unless a hybrid AU takes me into a fucking chokehold. Then I might be doomed!
OCs, detailed requests, character/character requests (I can't say character/character as a whole I can feel Satosugu + the other homosexuals beaming lasers into the back of my head), oooomegaverse? Hybrids are neat-o to me but. I think I have Omegaverse PTSD I'll be real, come back when there's a more stable system/lore and less breeding.
SELF-HARM/SUICIDE IS A NO-GO!! Idk not only is it not fun for the reader/mc to just fucking. Croak. Self-harm is just not the way for me I don't think!! I MIIIGHHHT consider it but really don't get any hopes up.
PLEASE LET ME KNOW TO TAG SOMETHING IF IT IS TRIGGERING!! I WILL NOT BE MAD I AM JUST VERY FORGETFUL!! Idm if you ask tbh it honestly helps me find my own stuff once I go back, so win for everyone.
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