#i mean he does admit he's bullshitting them but still πŸ˜‚
rikerxworf Β· 2 years
β€œI will find him. I will bring William Riker home. And fearful be the god or man or beast that stands in my way.”
Worfriker nation how are we doing on this fine Thursday;;;;
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bookofbrokencandles Β· 2 years
Let us get a little meta, #1, #2 (nickname and their true name), #5 for everyone (the Scosas too! They are cool too)
I ended up leaving out the Scosas for the second half of question 1 because I'd been working at this ask all day and I developed a headache before I could answer for them.
1. What are your OC’s best and worst qualities? What do they think are their best and worst qualities?
Their best and worst qualities
Day: He's headstrong. Sure of his feelings and opinions, this can make him a steadying presence in one's life, especially for someone who experiences insecurities. He can be your rock. But it can also manifest as stubbornness and his unwillingness to even entertain the idea things might not be as he's decided they are (e.g. his ability to be loved) can make him difficult to be romanced.
Night: He's extremely accepting of people, making him a safe person to talk about your thoughts and feelings without being judged. His worst quality is his stubborn refusal to let people get to know him on a deeper level. It's all hidden under layers and layers of his joke-y, hypersexual bullshit.
Bat: His best quality is his willingness to sacrifice himself for others. He has done and will do anything for the people he cares about. His worst quality is his willingness to sacrifice himself for others. He has done... a lot for the people he cared about.
Myra: This going to sound like such a roast, but she tries, okay? Her best quality is she tries. She tries to be good to people. She tries to understand and connect with people. Her worst quality is she can still be a bit tactless despite her efforts.
Dominya: Her best quality might be her drive, her ambition. She wants to change lives and she really might be able to do it. And her worst quality is she easily gets really down on herself and then she lets that fester without talking about it.
The Scosas: Their best quality, for both of them, is they're very death positive. It makes them act with great empathy for the dying and those who fear dying, as well as easing the burden on the loved ones of the deceased. Their worst quality, again for both of them, is they don't come across as very empathetic in casual conversation. Noel for his gossiping, and Paint for their bluntness.
What they think is their best and worst qualities
Day: He does not think about what his best quality might be. His worst quality is how much he lets people get away with in his life. They're all so annoying. He should just walk away, but for some reason, he doesn't.
Night: I literally can't answer this without tagging for n///sf//w why is he like this
Bat: His best quality is his body. His worst quality is his selfishness.
Myra: Her best quality is her fighting sense. Her worst quality is her tactlessness.
Dominya: Best quality? Nothing. Worst quality? Everything.
2. Is there a meaning behind their name, or a particular reason why they have it? (either in the story, or why you as the author decided to give them their name)
Gonna expose myself here. The truth is that I just pick names I like and think work for a character. πŸ˜‚ In Day's case, I named him in my teens so I don't quite remember what my thought process was, but his name was not supposed to be connected to the actual word. Then Night came along and now I have no plausible deniability there. Night was, of course, named that as a joke. But his family name, Novah, came to me suddenly. I decided Vulks consider it a gentle, lucky name. Day's family name, Daiya, was also a blessing from his Ahma.
Bat's name, actually, came from a Taiwanese movie I really liked lol. It just kinda sprung to mind when I was coming up with his name. Myra's family name, Mirin, is not connected to the rice wine... but I admit I found the possible confusion amusing. Noel (which, for reference, I pronounce with two syllables. No-el.) was just a name I liked.
All the rest of the names, they just came to mind either suddenly or explicitly while I was brainstorming names, I don't really know where they came from most of the time.
5. Does their fashion sense reflect an aspect of their personality? (ie bright and colorful outfits symbolizing that they’re an upbeat person)
Day wears lots of dark clothes... he has a dark personality. No further explanation needed lol.
But to answer seriously, all characters' fashion was picked as a mix of reflecting their personality and reflecting their personal likes and the impression they want to give.
Day likes his dark colors and doesn't want to come across as approachable. Myra chose her clothes based on comfort and an enjoyment of mixing her femininity with masculine clothing. Dominya dresses based on how she was raised and a desire to look nice at all times in case people are judging her. Bat dresses casual in a way that tends to drive people (of the 'upstanding citizen' type) away, although I guess i wouldn't call it a reflection of his likes, so much as just... he needs to wear clothes, so he does.
Night might be the sort of exception, in that he wears pieces he values and coordinates an outfit around that. But I won't go into detail about that right now.
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