#i mean i'm simultaniously surprised and not surprised
yaz-the-spaz · 5 years
ahem. ziam fam may i have your attention please!
so this is apparently the shop where liam’s gotten his most recent rings from (the mickey mouse skull ring and winged gem ring)
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and i’m currently laughing my gay ass off y’all cause not only does basically everything on their website LOOK like exactly zayn’s style...it LITERALLY IS ZAYN’S STYLE (reference pics below) and that’s ON TOP of the fact that they also sell the anatomical heart necklace that liam was wearing recently and the eye rings (which they point out are each made unique and which is why i need an hq pic of liam’s asap so i can compare it to zayn’s properly to see if it really is the same one lol, not that it really matters anyway cause it’s still similar enough and a big enough coincidence, that they’ve both worn them, to leave everyone 👀)
anyway onto the pics!
liam in the mickey mouse skull ring and winged gem ring:
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mouse skull ring
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winged gem ring (which is also available in onyx like liam’s and can be seen in a closer up/better quality pic here)
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some of their eye rings
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both liam and zayn wearing brown eye rings (update: partial credit to @81sziam on twitter whose post i got the pics from, they also have a tumblr which that link is to, so go check them out and give ‘em a follow if you don’t already! however all original credit goes to @ziamminds who those pics originally came from, and who you should def go give a follow too if you don’t already!)
(eta: forgot to point all the similarities/coincidences in the fact that not only are they both horizontal - as opposed to vertical like is also an option - and appear to be the exact same shade of brown, but if those lines going through liam’s are in fact just a glare/shadow/result of weird lighting like i suspect they might be then i think it’s pretty safe to say it’s probably the same exact ring which he also just so happens to be wearing on his ring finger aka the same finger that has the 4 tattoo on it while he was supposed to be stunting with maya lol if that ain’t a giant bat signal idk what is 😏)
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[putting the rest under a read more cause this got wayyyy long as usual]
anatomical heart necklace
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liam in said necklace (second one’s a bit closer up for better viewing)
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(update: i’ve since learned the pic of zayn that was formerly included here where he was wearing their indian chief ring is actually a manip and it wasn’t his hands nor his rings...sorry for the misinformation but just wanted to be forthcoming)
zayn with a ring that looks very similar to their stone signet ring 
(although keep in mind that since most of these pics of him are older it’s possible that there’s even more he’s worn from them that they don’t sell anymore or that what’s in their store right now might be a slightly different style than what he’s wearing in pics but still looks pretty similar enough that i felt it deserved to be included)
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it’s hard to tell for certain from the quality of the pics for these next couple but one of the bracelets (third one down) in this pic looked a lot like their small skull bracelet
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i know people have also always speculated that that chainlink bracelet was a cartier one but after looking around this website i wondered if it’s also possible it’s their shackle bracelet...might not be since the shape/style of the chainlinks/shackles looks a little different on zayn’s but just throwing it out there as a possibility
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and the middle one here definitely looks like their black woven bracelet (which is possibly also in that first pic of zayn above but it’s easier to see in these pics since they’re more hq and not in black and white) 
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and this looks a helluva a lot like their thick link bracelet
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there’s also these plain bands that we’ve seen zayn in a lot over the years
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(he’s wearing one in that first black and white pic above too but here’s another one)
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and last but not least this plain gold ring that i feel like i vaguely remembered liam wearing (or at least something similar/resembling it?) sometime back in like 2017 or so but for the life of me i can’t seem to find a pic of him in it even though i’m sure i reblogged it and tagged it
(edit: nvm i was remembering wrong, it was a similar-looking but different ring, the face had a design on it instead of being plain like this one)
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but anyway here’s a (quite old now) pic of zayn in one that looks a lot like it, funnily enough from the night changes video lol
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(also side note but the guy on their pendants page has some tattoos that look very similar to harry’s lol and harry’s rose ring looks to be from there too so #ot5 for the win)
(another update: just found out louis also follows the shop on IG and is believed to have bought the rose ring from them for harry years ago so yeah...definitely ot5 for the win, man do i love coincidences lol)
anyway feel free to browse around their website and see for yourselves and if anyone else notices any other good similarities/comparisons let me know and i will update this post!
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I second that! My favorite type of angst too. Remember the "You'll be fine without me" another certain winter scene that was pure hell on earth? They all think itd be easier that way and then it never is.
Oooohh god do not even remind me. I just keep thinking that the exhaustion factor with these two is a pure killer. I mean, pingxie specifically just traumatized me for real. It's all the build-up, these constant separations, longing, separation, longing and then when you're like "okay, we're finally okay" and u have this feeling of relief and heck they just go and stab you in the most painful way.
Like seriously after so many times of waiting and waiting and waiting when he woke up out there and realized that that's it.. he's not gonna be able to see him for fucking 10 years and there's nothing he can do about it and he just started crying and he couldn't stop, I fucking... my heart died at that.
And he didn't even have any choice and he didn't even have time to do anything about it, bc he didn't know anything up to the last seconds, it's like "here are some last minute facts, goodbye" *knocks him out*. How to explain to them that when you become a part of each other, it all changes, when you hurt yourself you hurt him more, when you don't share with him, you also hurt him more. And then we ask where the "I'm not anyone special to him, just one of the people he's passing in his long life" came from *sighs*. Part of me is like "I get it", but most part of me is like "you do not make such decisions on your own... maybe for him this is the worst possible outcome and he in fact doesn't see it as a 'I did it bc I love you' move". Have u fucking seen what he's done to himself after that?
It's like stay, talk, we'll figure it out and if not, you can trick him and do your... drastic measures sacrifice thing, I get it, but not like that, like we're not part of that at all.
You'll be fine without me, it's not like you're gonna miss me that badly... and then its a fucking saddest mess and they to the day don't even know how bad it was. Like in some otps I'm still waiting for the part "someone pls tell them that it fucking hurts, bc they won't tell themselves".
And yeah, like I myself personally not a fan of you know, character's death angst and like sad endings stuff, it doesn't do anything for me really. I'm like write me characters and their feelings in a way that I know everything is gonna be okay and no one died, but my chest freaking contracted as if they both did haha. To me being able to do this is a work of art. That angst when your heart is crushed and then you have all this anticipation for the sweetest happy ending after all of this pain haha. It's my type of angst for sure.
And I love when it's written in this incredible way, that you just feel so much. In these cases its just bc you know them so well, you know precisely what they both feel in this moment, and you already know just how much they love each other and you know that they can't say it and you why they can't say it and it's just... pure fucking pain. And I love the rare craziness of "nvm that its 5am, I will die but read until he's with him again" (and yes, my phone did fell on my face, bc I refused to go to sleep willingly and was like 300 chapters aren't that long, I can do it today lmao).
P.S. I always say smartly built angst is a true gem. Like it never ceases to surprise me how if you do it correctly and with a care for the characters, it really doesn't matter if it's even some seemingly harmless misunderstanding in some slice of life, it can make your heart drop. But sometimes for example there's some huge drama where literally everyone dies, tortured, amputated and I'm sitting there like "eh...so?" xD
P.P.S. also I'm offended how my top otps simultaniously decided to kill me. like can u believe Wu Xie finally gave birth "it's romantic, why do I think it's romantic?!!!" LMAO good fucking morning, I stan morons
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occupyvenus · 7 years
Sorry, I didn't intend for my ask to be rude, I was just startled because I thought you were saying Sansa had no right to be hurt and therefore didn't really deserve any sympathy if she was, but I realise now that I jumped to conclusions. Sorry. I'm just dreading boatsex not because I'll be angry at Jon but because I just don't want to see Sansa hurt again, especially by a man she trusts so much (although I know it won't be intentional or "wrong" of Jon since they're not in a relationship). :(
Hi anon, sorry for taking so long! My inbox is full and I really don’t know where to start….. 
Sorry if my answer was a bit rude or salty as well! I know, It’s so hard to judge someones tone and intentions without all the non-verbal communication that’s normally going on. I’m also guilty of that.
If boatsex happens (still crossing my fingers it doesn’t, though I made my peace with it and don’t even think that endgame!jonsa is threatened by it. Optimistic pessimism and all. Just read on.) I do think Sansa will be hurt by it and my heart goes out to her. But looking at the silver-lining, it will probably surprise her just how much it hurts her. I’m going to assume she already knows about r+l=j by this point, so her jealousy will open her eyes about her true feelings. A Green-Eyed-Epiphany.
I imagine that Jon will feel bad about it as well, once he meets Sansa again. Wondering why he feels so damn guilty. Why he can’t look her in the eye. After he finds out about his true identity everything will fall into place for him as well. It will be a blessing in disguise, of sorts. Two characters realizing that they love each other, after one of them sleeps with another person is like a really old romance trope, anyway. It wouldn’t surprise me if they set up the D as a romantic false lead to accomplish just that. 
One thing to keep in mind is this: The jonsa-shipping community has whole-heartly embraced them as a potential couple. We are aware that cousin-relationships are acceptable in westeros, have dissected any underlying meanings and thrive on the whole siblings-to-lovers-angst. But the general audience needs to be slowly and thourougly prepared for that. The series is doing it’s best to foreshadow Jonsa, without being too obvious about it. They are keeping it sublte for a reason. They are constantly using romance tropes and putting them into what could be described an un-siblingly atmosphere to prime the audience for the big twist. They want to keep it ambigious. People have already noticed and once they are ready to come out, a lot of casual viewers will go “now that I think about it, that *insert any, really any jonsa scene* was a bit weird… should have seen this coming.” That’s what they are trying to achieve here. But they will not implement any romantic gestures where the audience could go like “Eww, but they think they are siblings. Gross”. They don’t want us to go LANNISTERS !!!! They want us to root for them, not being disgusted by an assumed brother sleeping with his assumed sister. (Side-note: Jon and Jaime have so many anti-parallels, if desiring your “sister” isn’t among them, I might just scream. That’s the difference between them, though. Jaime actually has an affair with his sister, Jon has the same “dishonourable” thoughts and impulses, but he will not act on these feelings until it’s okay to do so.)
Neither Jon, nor Sansa is going to acknowledge or admit to any romantic feelings, as long as they still believe they are siblings. Now that we have confirmation about them not being siblings, it’s time for a character to notice as well. They can be more open about it. A third party in the show will notice that ~something~ is off and start to drop some hints (looking at you Littlefinger bzw I really look foward to any Tyrion-Jon conversation about Sansa), simultaniously standing in for the audience and drawing it’s attention to the matter. They might not know yet, but we do. As does Creepyfinger. The show has done a wonderful job at setting up jonsa and any J0nerys-sexy-time could be just another piece in the puzzle. Making the audience aware of it, without hitting us right into our cute, little faces. I’m a little down that it takes so long too, but they are taking the narrative in the exact direction I would expect. (side-note: I absolutely love @hyojung12 idea that Jon is dropping the “sister-bomb”, so we can correct him in our minds. They want us to go: But, she really is his cousin, isn’t she? Such a great observation, love it.) 
To ease your mind about boatsex a little bit: Jon sleeping with another woman (or Sansa sleeping with another man, but like please not LF, just no one at all. She deserves to only be properly loved for the rest of her life. No more love-less sexual encounters for her. Seriously.) before they know about r+l=j is actually a good way to keep the gross-factor down. (It’s his bad luck that she’ll turn out to be his aunt. The irony.) It implies that any inappropriate desires where kept far under the surface. It shows that they are unaware of it and that it doesn’t influence their remaining love- or sexlife. It may not be as romantic (I agree), but it also ensures the audience that they aren’t leading their lives accordign to any possible incestious impulses. 
Last, but not least to come back to the original topic of this conversation: Jon and Sansa have a strong bond. They already build their relationship slowly, stone by stone. Ned and Catelyn started doing so after their marriage, Jon and Sansa have already finished that phase. Their relationship is already based on trust, respect and mutual admiration. The love will follow. As I stated in my original post, this will be another ned/cat - jon/sansa parallel. After all Ned and Cats marriage started off with a rough patch as well. They had to become comfortable in their new roles (from future brother/sister-figure to spouse). They had to deal with an alleged affair, even worse having the alleged “product” of it constantly in front of their faces. (sry, jonny.) They worked through it and became of the strongest, happiest romances in the series. 
Jon and Sansa’s relationship will blossom into a love strong enough to get through this as well. In good times and in bad. Once they confess their love, nothing that came before will matter anymore. They can’t cling to the past, if they are busy building a future together. (I love cheesy, dramatic language, btw) 
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