#once more the coincidences pile up lol
lunarsilver · 25 days
What awaits you in September?
It's been a while since I've done a PAC, but I felt like doing one today. I've used charms and intuition for this one. Pick the pile you're feeling drawn to and see what awaits you in the next September.
I’m not a doctor, a psychiatrist, a therapist nor a psychologist. Divination will never replace meetings with them.
It’s a general reading, so not everything will resonate.
If you can’t choose between two piles, probably both of them have some messages for you. You can also not identify with any of them, and that’s okay, too.
Readings can help you make a decision, but they shouldn’t be the main reason of making it.
1 ~ 2 ~ 3
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Group 1
As I was asking what awaits you in September while picking charms, a charm with words meaning “fingers crossed” (the message is written in my native language and literally means “holding thumbs” though, which looks like this 👍) fell to the ground. In that same moment I holded another charm, about to take it out of the bowl, saying “a selfie together?”. The way this first charm looks, it gives me a feeling someone (your spirit guides, maybe) is rooting for you to have enough courage to ask somebody to take a selfie together. Maybe you’ll make a “thumbs up” gesture while taking this photo. I asked for additional context of this selfie and the charms which I took out (all close together) were “smile”, “you’re cool” and “I like you just the way you are”. A friend? A crush? My mind keeps going to a scenario of a confident female friend (or at least femininely presenting), especially a new one, and I see done nails (especially hybrid nails, colorful, or with small diamonds on each one), and I think about Agnes from Despicable Me and Priya from Turning Red for some reason. Maybe this person has some similarities to them. I think about a “girl’s girl”, with a distinct style and someone who hypes you up. And probably someone you aren’t close with yet. I don’t know to what extent this scenario will resonate with all of you, but coming back to the more universal beginning, the charms are telling you to not overthink it, smile and take a selfie with someone if you feel like it.
 Group 2
The first charm coming out was “you called?”, then “now you can go crazy” (with this one I almost took out a charm with “shall we dance?”, but it slipped out back into the bowl) and lastly “that was a good evening”. With the way I was taking out one charm at the time, and didn’t feel like I have to mix charms for too long, you have a rather grounded vibe to me. Like, you do one thing at the time, and you are quite sure about what you want to do. Now, with the messages written on charms, it’s either you taking somebody out or someone taking out you - I feel like in most cases it’s gonna be the latter, with how grounded the vibe you gave me is, and the “now you can go crazy” message. You have an approval of doing something unusual for you for once lol (of course, always stay safe). Pretty straightforward, going out with somebody out in the evening (I see mostly a male friend with a kinda class clown energy, or a bigger group of friends). This “shall we dance?” charm slipping out makes me curious. Someone will like to ask another person to dance, but won’t say it in the end? Or maybe another person refuses? The first one feels more plausible though. I see mostly a city setting, like going for a walk when it’s dark and there are street light, and so few cars someone could think about dancing on the street for a moment (again, stay safe, I don’t really feel any bad vibes, but I’m telling you this just in case). For the whole reading I felt like shuffling a song for you, so here it goes: Ship in a Bottle by fin.
Group 3
With this pile I felt kind of unconcentrated, as if I couldn’t pick what to do. If you felt drawn to one of the previous piles, check them and then come back here. The charms from them were showing up for a moment, almost getting picked up. Your charms are “a coincidence…?” and “every occasion is good”, taken out together, which makes quite a lot of sense. Something unplanned is going to happen, but there’s no reason to not do what you had in mind for some time if an occasion shows up. As I asked for more, “that was a good evening” fell out. I kept mixing charms, but it felt like that’s all they have to tell you, I didn’t feel that I absolutely have to take out some other charm out of the bowl. However, it fell weirdly unsatisfactory, and my mind went to cards with song quotes I’ve made and use sometimes during divination. Low and behold, I didn’t fully finish the question and one card fell out: “Sometimes the worst of ‘em have the best disguises/He’ll go as far as it takes to stay in hiding/Uh, don’t you know, don’t you know/’Bout the devil, he’s a gentleman” from “The devil is a gentleman” by Merci Raines, and at the back of the deck is “I used to think that I was bold/I used to think love was for fun/Now all my stories have been told/Except for one” from “You will be okay” by Sam Haft, used in Helluva Boss as a lullaby a father sings to his daughter after her nightmare. So it feels like someone is up to no good, and for most of you that person is either a love interest, a paternal figure or a man in power (a priest and a teacher came to my mind, but it may be someone else). I don’t want to scare you, of course, it doesn’t have to be as serious as it could appear in your head. Just remember to stick to your guts and listen to your gut feelings. While the first pile feels excited and rather young, and the second a little older, logical and grounded, this one feels a little stuck and probably the oldest (either you’ve seen some things or are a working adult is what I’m getting). It looks like it’s about time to get rid of what’s not serving you and spend a nice evening. You may have some problems with confidence, but it doesn't mean you should put up with anyone's bullshit.
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Would you write a short story about Haytham reuniting with his childhood sweetheart. Maybe they both meet, in an old barn, for refuge from the redcoats?
Of course, I can! I will do my best at this, but I hope you enjoy this! Also, sorry it took me so long. Procrastination and other things just said hello to me and I invited them in, lol.
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Here you are, again, being chased by the egotistical Redcoats. It was all so simple to you: You were walking along the streets of New York, minding your own business, when a four-group army of Redcoats decided you were in their way. One of them dared to push you aside, and, of course, you would not ignore their rude behavior. One thing led to another, and soon enough, more Redcoats came by, but you did not have the skills to take on all 13 of them. 
After a mere moment of blocking yourself from their attacks, and using other Redcoats as human shields from gunfire, you decided to make haste and, risked getting shot at as you quickly navigated your way through the big city, taking any shortcuts you could find. It felt like an hour passed as you kept running, your legs were aching and almost to the point of numbness if you did not stop soon. 
At last, you found yourself in the middle of an open field, and a red, empty barn with a big, white barn door open was up ahead. You made your way in without hesitation, and without a sudden thought, you quickly pushed on the door to shut it and lock it tight. From that moment on, you decided to lean your body against the barn door, letting out some deep breaths you held in for so long. Your eyes glanced around the barn, only to see it was all filled with hay and wooden crates that took up space in empty horse stalls. 
You also thought you were alone, completely and safely alone. You saw a shadow from the corner of your eye, from behind a pile of crates. Slowly the shadow started to disappear, your heart started to beat faster, and your mind was sending out fear signals, to the point where you had to, yet again, defend yourself from whoever or whatever was in this very barn with you. As you pulled out your gun, you could hear footsteps getting closer and closer to you. In the blink of an eye, your gun was pointing at the person who stepped once more in front of your view. 
For a moment, all you could see was red, another Redcoat it seemed. But, as your finger was close to the trigger, almost to the point of pressing it, you saw a face, a face from your past. The features of this person were of an attractive man, with eyes of a dark gray color, and eyebrows lowered to make him intimidating. His lips are steady, and his nose is the one thing that makes everything else attractive to you. However, it was what came out of his mouth that only confirmed your suspicions of who this man is.
“It is somewhat a rare coincidence that we introduce ourselves again, Y/N L/N.”
His voice is that of a noble British accent, only one man that you know has this voice. 
“Haytham Kenway.”
His name falls off your lips quite nicely, and with this, both his and your lips curl up into a small smile. Your hand is still raised with the gun in it pointed at his face. 
“Grand Master now, are you not? It is quite an honor to see you so… languorous.” 
“I think I should be the one to say such a word.”
He lets out a small laugh and with his left hand, he raises it to wrap it around the gun. You let your finger move away from the trigger, and you easily let him disarm you with a gentle touch. You feel your fingers brush against each other’s, something that you have missed for some time now, but you don’t act upon it for now. Your eyes watch as his hands hold your gun and his eyes inspect the color and design of it. 
“Not a bad firearm to have. Did you have someone buy it for you?”
“I stole it.”
His gaze on the gun disappears as he tilts his head up with his eyebrows raised to look at your serious face.
“I took it off a Redcoat a couple of days ago. Better looking than the other one I had.” You continued.
He only nods his head in understanding, not saying anything else as he gives the gun back to you. You place it back in its holster, looking at his face the entire time which goes back to the serious look he always has on.
“How has New York treated you?”
He questions as he starts to pace around the barn, glancing at you as you finally sit down on a bale of hay and rest your legs on another one next to you. From this, you can feel your feet relieved from the pain, but the aching is still there. 
“I have been managing myself. Though, it is not as easy as you think.”
You see Haytham makes his way over to you as you answer him, his soft stare starting to melt your heart. His eyes are now a bright gray with a hint of some blue in there too; he looks like a dream. 
He sits down beside you on another bale of hay and he gently and slowly moves your legs to rest on his. As he glances at your features, his voice also grows soft, and his large hands start to caress your legs, but you do not flinch or make a sound, actually liking the care he is giving you. Your body starts to relax, but your cheeks leave a tinted red there, a small blush that he cannot help but chuckle at. 
“I can see that.”
He pauses for a moment, the silence filling up the barn as you two glance at each other. In your mind, you are in heaven, living in a dream that has come true. 
“I do wonder though, how you have survived all this after leaving the Order.”
“I only learned from the best, Haytham.”
Your smile at his thoughtful statement has him smiling along with you. Just then, you feel his other hand touch your right cheek, caressing it so gently that you could cry. He doesn’t want to ruin the moment, as you can tell from how blue his eyes have become, but you do not mind it at all. He has always been such a gentleman, from all those years you two have been together. It only seems like it was yesterday that you left and that he came all this way just to meet you in this very spot, away from Redcoats nonetheless. Though he wears a Redcoat outfit himself, you do not question it, already knowing that it is probably a disguise mission gone wrong. 
The tension in the air is soft; just polite stares and sweet smiles on each other’s faces. You lean forward, along with him, looking into each other’s eyes, wondering, from each other’s point of view, who is going to do what first. A gentle brush of his lips against yours, a small kiss planted on your or his cheek, even something more like a gentle thumb brushing over your nose and his lips pressing against the tip of it in a loving, caring manner. Yet, that does not happen. Instead, he slowly and gently presses his forehead against yours, and a loving smile on his lips. 
“Bienvenido a casa, mi amor.”
That is all he whispers to you. Nothing else needed to be said. 
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Art is Chaos
Grant Ward x Reader
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Written for Fictober 2022! Requested by anon
Fandom: Marvel
Prompt: "Adaptable, I like that"
Summary: Ward's going undercover in his nightmare scenario - as a hippie art teacher named River. He'll need all his training to pull this one off, but the combination of a pretty girl and a terrible coincidence of his co-art teacher being named Grant might be too much for even Agent Grant Ward's training to manage.
Word Count: 3,541
Category: Uhhhh probably like fluff with humor and a little bit of angst?
A/N: Guysssss this is my 500th post! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Here’s to 500 more I guess lol!
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Grant's POV
"I'm going undercover as an art teacher? Sir, you've got to be kidding me."
"What's the matter? Don't think you can pull it off?"
I scoffed and crossed my arms, looking at Coulson still sitting behind his desk. He just stared back at me, his face completely blank. I hated how easy it was for him to get under my skin.
"Of course I can do it," I replied, knowing full well I was giving him exactly what he wanted. "I just don't think 'art teacher' is really my type."
"What is your type, Agent Ward?"
I fell silent, unable to come up with an answer that didn't sound like a five-year-old would say it. I huffed and looked at the ceiling, then turned back to Coulson with a slight scowl.
"Fine. We'll stick with the planned cover. But if Skye or FitzSimmons says anything, I'm throwing the nearest can of paint in their faces."
The corner of Coulson's mouth quirked up. "Duly noted. Now get going, we don't have a lot of time. The sooner you get teaching, the sooner we catch our target trying to arrange an illegal technology buy in the middle of your class."
"Yes sir."
I nodded and headed out of the room, trying not to look too bothered as I passed Skye on my way to grab my bag. The last thing I needed was her or anyone else asking questions about my cover.
The world outside the bus was about to meet River West, the hippie art teacher from Portland, but I didn't need anyone on the bus besides Coulson to know about him.
I smiled to myself as I pulled open the door to the painting studio just a few blocks from my apartment. It had been open for a while now, and had been offering art classes for months, but today was the first time I'd actually gotten around to taking one.
The studio was bright and airy, with tables and easels set up all around the room. Several of the easels were already taken, and two men stood chatting at the front. I wandered over to an easel in the middle, which stood right beside one a friendly-looking woman already stood at.
"This easel taken?" I asked as I approached. She turned to me with a friendly smile and shook her head.
"Not at all, be my guest."
I nodded my thanks, then dropped my bag and took a second to look over the various art supplies piled around my canvas. I hadn't painted in a long time, but I'd seriously loved doing it when I was in high school, so I couldn't have been happier to have the chance to do it again.
Once I was satisfied with my setup, I turned back to the woman next to me with a smile.
"I'm Y/N, by the way," I said, holding out my hand for a shake. She took it and smiled back at me.
"Sarah. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, Sarah. So, have you taken one of these classes before?"
"Oh, yeah. I absolutely adore painting, so any chance I find to get behind an easel and spend the day like this, I take it."
"That's awesome," I said, completley meaning it. "I want to paint more often, so maybe I'll follow your lead."
"You should. The teachers are all great, too, although that guy on the left is new."
She nodded towards the tall, handsome man with dark hair, and I watched as he set up the last few supplies for the class. After a second, I realized I'd been staring, and turned to find Sarah grinning at me.
"I guess he's already got one fan," she teased. I felt my face heat up, and I waved my hand at her in a shushing motion, but she just laughed. Mercifully, I was spared from further teasing by the beginning of the class.
"Alright everybody, welcome to Art and Soul," said the guy I hadn't been staring at. He smiled out at all of us, his bright red hair fitting in with the bright colors around the rest of the room. "I'm Grant, and this handsome man to my right is River."
River, the one Sarah had caught me staring at, gave us all a smile and nodded with his hands behind his back.
"We're going to be your instructors for today," Grant continued. "Don't hesitate to ask us if you have any questions or need anything, and remember, there's no 'right way' to do art. The most important thing today is that everyone has a good time. So, without further ado, let's get to painting, yeah?"
We all let up a small cheer, and I smiled as I focused in on both instructors. They walked us through the basic steps of a painting we could create if we wanted to, and I decided I might as well follow the prompt, at least for today. After doing a quick pencil sketch to get an idea of the lines and shapes I wanted to build, I was finally painting again, and damn it felt good.
After the first few minutes, the teachers started walking around to look over our paintings and see if we needed any help. I tried not to freak out too much when I saw River, the handsome teacher, coming my way.
"Hey, this is looking good," he said, coming to a stop beside me. He gestured at the different brushstrokes on my canvas before looking at me with a smile. "You've got some real talent here."
I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I glanced down at the floor. River didn't budge, just stayed right over my shoulder until I finally looked up at him. He grinned right back.
"Thanks," I said. "I haven't done it in a while, so we'll see if it stays this good, but..."
"Hey, what's the matter, you didn't hear my co-teacher earlier?" he asked, hands on his hips and a small smile on his face as he fixed me with a look. "There's no such thing as bad art."
My lips slowly pulled up into a smile, and I nodded to River.
"Anytime. I'll be back in a few, alright?"
I nodded my thanks, and River shot me a wink before striding off to the set of easels behind me. I stared straight ahead at my canvas while I tried to get my giddy expression under control. I finally widened my horizons from my tunnel vision when I felt more confident, only to find I hadn't done a very good job.
"So... River, huh?"
I threw my hands over my face as Sarah gave me a sly look. She just laughed, and I sighed as I picked up my paintbrush and tried to distract myself by adding some brushstrokes to the canvas. Sarah nudged me and I shook my head, but I couldn't keep a smile off my face.
"What do you want me to say?" I finally sighed. "He's handsome."
"That he is," she chuckled. "No judgement here. You go get him."
We carried on working with minimal River interruptions for a while, as my painting of the ocean beyond the trees of the forest started to take shape. I set down my larger paintbrush and looked over my remaining supplies for a wiry brush to make the leaves of the trees, but it was missing.
I looked around, but both River and his co-teacher Grant were busy. Sarah was across the room talking with another student, and I didn't want to interrupt any of them, so that meant I needed to improvise.
I furrowed my brow as I looked around for inspiration, finally finding it when my eyes landed on my bag. I dug around for a few seconds then pulled out a handful of bobbypins and a hairtie. Perfect.
I used my hairtie to bind the narrow ends of the bobbypins together, and then dipped the splayed-out unconnected ends into the green paint. I gave them a few experimental swipes over my trees in the furthest corner to make sure I liked the way it looked, and was pleased to find that I did.
Art hacking like a pro.
Now that I had all the tools I needed, I completely zoned in on perfecting my pine trees. The world around me faded away as I worked, and I lost myself in my painting so much that I didn't even notice River showing up beside me until he spoke.
"You're using bobbypins as a paintbrush?"
I jumped, jerking my makeshift paintbrush up and thankfully away from the canvas. I laughed as the adrenaline faded a little, looking to River with a smile.
"Geeze, you scared me," I breathed.
"Sorry. You were really into your painting, weren't you?"
"I mean, yeah. You must know how it gets when you're in the zone."
River looked down and nodded, but didn't say anything. His lips were pursed and he didn't meet my eyes until a few moments later, with a smile on his face again.
"So... the bobbypins?"
"Oh! Yeah, I didn't have a wire brush, and you and the other teacher were busy," I explained. "I was gonna borrow one from Sarah, but she was talking to somebody on the other side of the room, so I improvised."
River glanced from me to Sarah when I mentioned her, but his eyes quickly came back to me. His smile had dropped for a second before returning, and he leaned in a little closer to me.
"Improvising art supplies," he said, sounding impressed. "Adaptable, I like that."
I pressed my lips together tightly to try to suppress my smile and glanced down at my feet again. When I looked back up at River, his eyes were still on me, a kind smile on his face. We held each others' stares for a few beats, and it was like he had his own gravity, pulling me slowly towards him. The distance between us closed, bit by bit, and I thought we were actually going to kiss in the middle of an art class before something seemed to snap River out of it.
He pulled back quickly, his eyes darting to a place over my shoulder before looking back at me. He cleared his throat, for once looking as flustered as I felt.
"I'll, uh- hm, I'll be right back. Sorry."
With that, he hurried off to the other side of the room. I watched him go, unable to help the disappointment pooling in my chest. What had happened?
I tried to shake it off as I turned back to my painting. I'd finished with the trees, so I didn't have to go back to the bobbypins, and Sarah was mercifully on the other side of the room so she couldn't tease me about anything.
The class continued, and River mostly kept to the other side of the room. Sarah floated between the easel next to mine and one in the back left corner, but she never failed to bring up River when she came back to our neighboring canvasses. Despite the unexpected stressors, however, I still found myself enjoyinig the experience.
Finally, it was time for me to put the finishing touches on my painting. Once the last brushstrokes were in place, I took a step back to admire my handiwork. It certainly wasn't perfect, but that was just part of the art. I'd had fun making it, and I liked the way it looked, so as far as I was concerned, it was a success.
The only thing left to do now was to sign it. I glanced down at my station, but all my brushes were filthy with other colors, and the pencil marks would fade faster than I wanted them to. I debated digging into my bag and seeing if I could find some liquid eyeliner, but for my signature on my masterpiece, I didn't really want to find an improv solution.
I glanced up and scanned the room for River, but he was in the far back corner again, hovering around the easel that Sarah kept visiting. Sarah, this time, was next to me, one eye on River. I sighed heavily and decided I didn't want anything to do with that, especially since I was here for a nice, relaxing day of art. I turned and found the other teacher, Grant, instead.
"Grant!" I called across the room. The redhead turned, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw River whirl around too. I turned to look at him, and found Sarah staring at him from next to me too. Nobody moved for a few beats, and a strange silence fell over the room. Then, the man at the canvas Sarah kept visiting whirled around with lighting speed and levelled a punch at River.
"Oh my God!" I cried. I thought for sure he was about to be laid out, but he ducked the punch with lighting reflexes of his own. Before I could blink, he returned fire, knocking the guy out in a single punch as the rest of our class screamed and ran for the exits.
"I knew it," I heard Sarah mutter as she dug into her bag. To my shock and horror, she pulled out a gun and started heading across the room for River.
The room was basically empty now, aside from me and Sarah. River had disappeared in the chaos, although Sarah was clearly searching for him as she prowled across the room. I took a few terrified steps backwards, away from her, trying not to make any noise or sudden movements.
I kept moving backwards, and thankfully, Sarah didn't notice me. I felt like I was about to have a heartattack, but I forced myself to stay calm as I slowly edged backwards. It all crumbled in an instant, however, when a hand clamped over my mouth and a strong arm wrapped around my waist before pulling me backwards.
I started to scream, but it quickly died in my throat as I was yanked around a corner, out of sight of Sarah. My back hit the wall, but not very hard, and I came face to face with River staring at me intensely.
"I'm gonna take my hand off your mouth," he said, his voice soft and barely above a whisper. "Don't scream, alright?"
I nodded, and slowly, he pulled back his hand. I stared at him, trying to calm my racing heartbeat, but considering the events of the last few minutes I really couldn't do much.
"What. The hell. Was that?" I hissed, finally finding my breath. River grimaced and looked at the ground.
"A rookie mistake," he muttered. I raised my eyebrows and gave him an exaggerated look, so he sighed and continued. "My name's not River."
"My name is Grant Ward-"
"Whoa whoa whoa, Grant? Like, the other art teacher Grant?"
River–Grant, apparently–huffed an irritated sigh. "Believe me, I was so much more pissed about that than you."
"Why did you need a fake name to be an art teacher?"
"I'm not an art teacher. I'm a SHIELD agent, here undercover to find your friend Sarah and her buddy in the back of the classroom. They've been using this space as a cover for meetups and scheduling illegal trades of highly dangerous alien technology."
My mouth dropped open, and I couldn't do more than gape at Grant in shock. He gave me a sympathetic look, then took a step back.
"You need to get out of here," he said. He nodded down the hallway, where there was a back exit out of the building. "Go meet up with everyone who's out on the street. You'll be safe out there."
"Wait! What about you?"
"I'll be fine. This is my job, I'm used to it."
With that, he ducked back around the corner and into the room where Sarah presumably still waited with a gun.
I stared after him, completely unsure what to do for a few beats. I glanced back at the door behind me that Grant had pointed out, and took a few steps in that direction when I heard Sarah's now-familiar voice.
"You really had it bad for her, didn't you, Grant?" she taunted. "That was an embarrassingly stupid mistake you made, giving away your identity just because a pretty girl called your real name."
I grimaced. I needed to get out of here. Grant was trained, and I was not. I had no idea what I was doing. I'd probably get in the way and be more harm than help.
"And now, that little mistake is going to cost you. Let's send a little message to SHIELD, shall we? About what happens when you try to meddle in places that were better left alone."
Against my better judgement, I turned back towards the classroom and quickly crossed to the doorway Grant had snuck me out of. I don't know if it was curiosity, stupidity, or something else, but I just had to go back. I peeked around the corner to find Sarah with her back to me, arms up, and a gun pointed at Grant. There was enough space between them that Grant had no shot at getting the gun from Sarah, and I could see in his face that he knew it.
"Any last words, Grant?" Sarah taunted. He took a deep, fortifying breath, and in that gap, I followed my gut instincts and threw caution to the wind. I sprinted into the room at full-speed and tackled Sarah from behind with all the force I could muster.
We hit the ground together, and she shrieked as we went down. It only took a few seconds for her to flip me off of her, and I saw my life flash before my eyes as she whirled on me. Then, at the last second, she collapsed unconscious to the ground instead.
I looked up to see Grant standing over her, a painter's palette that he'd used to knock her out in his hand.
"Are you okay?" he asked, quickly dropping to a crouch in front of me. I smiled at him and nodded, the terror turning into giddyness as the adrenaline dump hit.
"I'm great. Is that a painter's palette?"
"What? Yes, it is. Y/N, what were you thinking? That was incredibly dangerous-"
"Adaptable," I said, breaking in and giggling as I fixed him with what I hoped was a flirty look. "I like that."
He sighed and rolled his eyes, but I caught a faint smile on his face despite how hard he tried to hide it. He straightened and held out a hand to help me up, which I took.
"You should've gotten the hell out of here," he said. We stood almost chest to chest, and he hadn't dropped my hand.
"And where exactly would you be if I had?"
"I would've been fine." I just raised an eyebrow at Grant, and after determinedly holding my stare for a few moments, he sighed. "Alright. You might've saved my life."
I grinned, although I wasn't completely sure why. This was not the kind of situation that should've had me smiling.
"So..." said Grant, dropping my hand and taking a half-step back as he surveyed the scene around us. Police sirens sounded outside, and we could hear the nervous chatter from the evacuated crowd, too. "I need to clean this up. But... I'd love to buy you a cup of coffee afterwards, if you'd be interested. Since you saved my life and all."
I beamed back at him as I answered. "Honestly? You definitley owe me a coffee and a little more explanation after all of this."
Grant let out a small laugh as he stepped a little further away from me and grabbed some drop sheets from the far side of the room to start tying up Sarah.
"You're on. I'll call you when I'm done here," he said. "In the meantime, you should probably head out. I've got a badge to get us out of any questions the cops might have, but it'd probably be better if your name didn't come up at all."
I nodded and took a few steps towards the back door, grabbing my painting and bag as I went. I paused just on the threshold and stared at Grant as he continued to round up the apparent criminals and made sure their weapons were accounted for.
"Grant... do you... need my number? Or something?"
He paused his work to look up at me with an arrogant grin.
"I'm an agent of SHIELD. I'll find you." I raised an eyebrow, and after a second, he dropped the act. "Your number's on the class roster. I'll call that."
I laughed and nodded, giving Grant a small wave as I headed down the back hallway. I probalby wouldn't be coming back to this painting class, if I were being completely honest with myself, but I didn't mind. I could pick back up painting on my own just fine, from the safety of my own home.
Besides, the class wasn't going to be a total wash. I'd found Grant, after all, and every time I thought about him my heart leapt. And since everyone had come out of it okay, I felt perfectly comfortable saying a little chaos was worth the result.
Chaos was my favorite kind of art, after all.
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yaz-the-spaz · 5 years
ahem. ziam fam may i have your attention please!
so this is apparently the shop where liam’s gotten his most recent rings from (the mickey mouse skull ring and winged gem ring)
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and i’m currently laughing my gay ass off y’all cause not only does basically everything on their website LOOK like exactly zayn’s style...it LITERALLY IS ZAYN’S STYLE (reference pics below) and that’s ON TOP of the fact that they also sell the anatomical heart necklace that liam was wearing recently and the eye rings (which they point out are each made unique and which is why i need an hq pic of liam’s asap so i can compare it to zayn’s properly to see if it really is the same one lol, not that it really matters anyway cause it’s still similar enough and a big enough coincidence, that they’ve both worn them, to leave everyone 👀)
anyway onto the pics!
liam in the mickey mouse skull ring and winged gem ring:
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mouse skull ring
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winged gem ring (which is also available in onyx like liam’s and can be seen in a closer up/better quality pic here)
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some of their eye rings
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both liam and zayn wearing brown eye rings (update: partial credit to @81sziam on twitter whose post i got the pics from, they also have a tumblr which that link is to, so go check them out and give ‘em a follow if you don’t already! however all original credit goes to @ziamminds who those pics originally came from, and who you should def go give a follow too if you don’t already!)
(eta: forgot to point all the similarities/coincidences in the fact that not only are they both horizontal - as opposed to vertical like is also an option - and appear to be the exact same shade of brown, but if those lines going through liam’s are in fact just a glare/shadow/result of weird lighting like i suspect they might be then i think it’s pretty safe to say it’s probably the same exact ring which he also just so happens to be wearing on his ring finger aka the same finger that has the 4 tattoo on it while he was supposed to be stunting with maya lol if that ain’t a giant bat signal idk what is 😏)
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[putting the rest under a read more cause this got wayyyy long as usual]
anatomical heart necklace
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liam in said necklace (second one’s a bit closer up for better viewing)
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(update: i’ve since learned the pic of zayn that was formerly included here where he was wearing their indian chief ring is actually a manip and it wasn’t his hands nor his rings...sorry for the misinformation but just wanted to be forthcoming)
zayn with a ring that looks very similar to their stone signet ring 
(although keep in mind that since most of these pics of him are older it’s possible that there’s even more he’s worn from them that they don’t sell anymore or that what’s in their store right now might be a slightly different style than what he’s wearing in pics but still looks pretty similar enough that i felt it deserved to be included)
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it’s hard to tell for certain from the quality of the pics for these next couple but one of the bracelets (third one down) in this pic looked a lot like their small skull bracelet
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i know people have also always speculated that that chainlink bracelet was a cartier one but after looking around this website i wondered if it’s also possible it’s their shackle bracelet...might not be since the shape/style of the chainlinks/shackles looks a little different on zayn’s but just throwing it out there as a possibility
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and the middle one here definitely looks like their black woven bracelet (which is possibly also in that first pic of zayn above but it’s easier to see in these pics since they’re more hq and not in black and white) 
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and this looks a helluva a lot like their thick link bracelet
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there’s also these plain bands that we’ve seen zayn in a lot over the years
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(he’s wearing one in that first black and white pic above too but here’s another one)
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and last but not least this plain gold ring that i feel like i vaguely remembered liam wearing (or at least something similar/resembling it?) sometime back in like 2017 or so but for the life of me i can’t seem to find a pic of him in it even though i’m sure i reblogged it and tagged it
(edit: nvm i was remembering wrong, it was a similar-looking but different ring, the face had a design on it instead of being plain like this one)
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but anyway here’s a (quite old now) pic of zayn in one that looks a lot like it, funnily enough from the night changes video lol
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(also side note but the guy on their pendants page has some tattoos that look very similar to harry’s lol and harry’s rose ring looks to be from there too so #ot5 for the win)
(another update: just found out louis also follows the shop on IG and is believed to have bought the rose ring from them for harry years ago so yeah...definitely ot5 for the win, man do i love coincidences lol)
anyway feel free to browse around their website and see for yourselves and if anyone else notices any other good similarities/comparisons let me know and i will update this post!
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1-imaginary-girl · 2 years
One Last Time
Bruce Wayne x Reader
Summary: Reader is a vigilante-type hero who works with Batman. When a solo mission goes wrong, you call Batman possibly for the last time. Reader is gender neutral.
Warnings: Angst, possible character death, violence, descriptive injuries. 
Word Count: 3693
A/N: I love a good angsty fic! It’s a bit of an open-ended ending but I liked it better than a conclusion so apologies lol.
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The metal door slams into the wall, sending an echo bouncing around the space as you stumble into the stairwell. Your breathing is ragged. You press your hand against your chest and wince at the pain. When you pull your hand back, you see red coating your skin. You can feel more blood bleeding through your suit. But you try not to focus on that.
As you grip the railing and slowly descend the stairs, you can’t help but think back to how your evening started.
You had been bored so you decided to leaf through some files for the case you and your partner had been working on. The two of you were working on taking down a major mafia gang that recently emerged in Gotham. Anyway, while looking through the files you saw a strange address.
It was an address for a pharmaceutical company which made you wonder how it was related to the gang. Upon further research, you discovered the company didn’t exist until a few months ago – similar timing to when the gang started to gain traction. You decided to visit the address in the file just in case you saw anything.
You dressed in your vigilante uniform which consisted of a skin-tight dark purple suit, a matching mask for your eyes, a utility belt with double holsters for your guns and black boots. You didn’t want to be caught off-guard in your civilian clothing. A dagger also sat tucked away in your right boot in case you ran out of bullets.
The address led you to a building on the outskirts of the city. Parking your motorcycle in an alleyway, you climbed the building opposite the one you were staking out. For the first hour you didn’t see anything and when you were about to pack it up, two black vans pulled up in front of the building.
Grabbing your binoculars, you watched as a group of men piled out of the vans. Your jaw had dropped when you realized that some of them were the leaders of the organization. By some incredible coincidence, you had stumbled upon a covert meeting arranged by the gang. You immediately pulled out your phone to call your partner, but they didn’t pick up. You tried a few more times before giving up.
You saw the men entering the building and decided that this could be your one shot at stopping these guys once and for all. Cursing, you watched as the men entered an elevator and got off on the top floor before you descended from your spot. Your first mistake of the night.
The elevator was guarded by two men which you easily took down with your guns. On the ride up, you counted your ammunition and prepared yourself. When the doors began to slide open, you hid in the corner of the elevator and waited for the guardsmen to come to you before striking.
Bullets flew around the room and one managed to graze your arm, but overall, the fight was over before the others had a chance. You locked eyes on a closed conference room and noticed movement in the room. Taking a quick breath, you broke down the doors and faced off with the leaders of the mafia.
They had time to prepare for you but they didn’t accommodate your speed as you dashed around the room, narrowly missing bullets aimed at you. You were doing well, either shooting your targets or taking them on in hand to hand combat and no one had managed to land a hit on you. You tossed aside your guns when you ran out of ammo and eventually found yourself facing off with the last man.
You unveiled your dagger and sliced his neck, his blood spewing on your suit, but you got distracted. You thought you had taken them all out and only realized your mistake when the gunshot rang out. You were quick to react but not quick enough as a bullet lodged itself in your chest. A gasp slipped past your mouth at the pain. You turned to see one of the men on the floor with a gun pointed at you and you tossed your dagger at him, officially taking him out. But the damage was done.
Your wound wouldn’t excuse any sloppy work, and so you tied the men up before leaving. You never wanted to kill your victims unless you had to and you figured they’re worth more alive than dead anyway. You decided you would call the police once you left the scene, knowing that the criminals weren’t going anywhere. The blood loss was beginning to take root as your head felt dizzy. In your weakened state, you foolishly thought that taking the stairs would be faster than the elevator. Boy were you wrong.
And that’s how you find yourself trying to walk down six flights of stairs while severely injured. You manage to reach the fourth floor but when you walk down the stairs to continue, you almost fall. Instead, you stop on the landing in between staircases, deciding to catch a break.
Panting, you lean against the white brick wall and slide down until you’re sitting. You try not to let fear or panic take hold of you. Instead, you take out your phone, though the touch screen is difficult to use with your bloodied fingers, and dial the one person who wanted to hear from.
You pray that your partner picks up the phone. You know they’re on patrol, but still you hold out hope that the ringing will stop. And then it does and your breath catches.
“Hello?” His voice is as deep as always. You suspect that it’s exaggerated to protect his identity, though you’ve never gotten him to admit it. Hearing his voice instantly calms your rising panic. In the background, you can hear the loud noise of an engine which you suspect is coming from the Batmobile. You had adopted that name for the vehicle, despite Batman’s protests. Though you think he secretly likes it.
“Hey Batboy,” you reply, managing a smile through your pain, even though he can’t see you. You imagine him behind the wheel, his gloved hands holding it tight. You imagine his bright eyes focused on the road before him, his serious demeanor on display.
“I’m sorry I missed your calls earlier, I hope it wasn’t important,” he says and it takes you a moment to remember what he’s talking about. When you do, you almost laugh. Not too important, just led to me bleeding out on some dirty floor. Though you don’t hold him responsible. You don’t have the energy for grudges. And after all, it was your choice to act.
“It’s okay, I handled it,” you say.
“I’m on patrol, what do you need?” Straight to the point as always. Though his directness can come across as rude, you never let it get to you. You know he means well and that he just isn’t a naturally positive person. Luckily, you are.
“Can’t I say hello to my partner?” You don’t want to talk to him about your situation because you’ve already come to terms with it. You wouldn’t make it. Even if you told him now, he’d still be too late. You remain calm even though your heart is begging you not to give up. You don’t want to die. But your fate is already sealed. Before you go, you just want to hear from your partner.
“I don’t have time for this. Call me back if it’s important,” he says and you almost cry out in a state of panic.
“Wait!” you say, letting too much desperation slip past your lips. You try to recompose yourself. “Please, it is important.” You wait with bated breath as you hear him sigh.
“What is it?” A sigh of relief escapes your lips, though you tense up again as your wound sends a wave of pain throughout your body. You bite your lip to keep from crying out as you put more pressure on the gunshot wound.
“I have new information on the mafia gang.” You try to focus on your conversation but your mind feels fuzzy and you find yourself staring at the brick wall in front of you. That plain, cold looking wall will be the last thing you see before you die. The thought causes your eyes to blur with oncoming tears. You had forgotten about the call before Batman spoke up.
“Y/N? Are you still there?” he asks, a slight concern in his voice. You smile and ignore your tears as one slips down your cheeks.
“Yeah sorry,” you clear your throat and enter your professional state. “I was going through some of our files when I found an address for a pharmaceutical company that I linked to the gang. The building is located on the outskirts of town, so I decided to stake it out.”
“What did you find?”
“Nothing at first, it looked like a normal building. But then two vans pulled up containing the leaders of the gang. I think it was a covert meeting spot.”
“Wait, what did you do?” His voice sounds suspicious and worried as if he’s figuring out exactly what you did.
“About that…” you nervously chuckle, waiting for his accompanying anger.
“You didn’t.” His voice is hard and you imagine a fire in his eyes. Eyes that you find yourself staring into all too often and yet it’s never enough.
“It was a once in a lifetime opportunity, I had to!” you argue, wincing again as you move and are reminded of your pain.
“You should have called me first!” Again, you want to laugh at his cluelessness. Some detective.
“I did,” you say. You’re met with silence as he takes in the news.
“Shit,” he mutters. “Your phone calls.” You can picture his shoulders slumping with guilt. “You still should have waited for me.”
“I didn’t want to risk losing them,” you admit. There’s another moment of silence as he prepares to ask his next question.
“What happened?” You then explain to him how you fought your way through the gang, leaving out the part where you wound up with a bullet lodged in your chest.
“Wow, I’m impressed.” You feel a little silly for the pride that suddenly swells in you at the sound of that, along with your blush. “So the gang’s taken care of.”
“Yeah, they’re now officially the GCPD’s problem.”
“Thanks for letting me know,” he says. He’s always so professional, so uptight. You often try to loosen him up and have even managed to make him laugh a few times, which remains some of your proudest moments, but it never lasts. You wonder if you were around him more, in a not-so-professional manner, if you could add more positivity in his life. Too late for that now. “If that’s everything, I should get back to work.”
Your breathing picks up at the idea of him leaving you. You try desperately to think of a way to keep him on the line. Unfortunately, only one idea comes to mind.
“Please wait!” you cry out, sounding even more desperate than the last time. It’s getting too tiring to contain your emotions. You prepare yourself to tell him and then – “I lied to you.”
You take a deep breath and smile sadly. “I…they got me,” you say. “They got me good, Batman.” In moments like these, you wish you knew his real identity. You wish you knew his real name. Calling him ‘Batman’ feels impersonal. But I guess you weren’t meant to know him personally, and you respect his right to privacy despite him knowing your identity. 
Another moment of silence passes as Batman struggles to say something. “Are you okay? Where are you?” His voice sounds more concerned. You imagine his mouth turned down slightly. You wonder if his eyebrows are creased under his mask.
“No, I’m not okay,” you say, ignoring his second question. This isn’t how you wanted this conversation to go, but at least he’s still on the line. At least you’re not alone.
“Okay hold on, just tell me where you are and I can help you.” He sounds so determined you almost don’t want to tell him the truth.
“You can’t help me,” your voice cracks, but a smile still remains on your face. Somehow, you feel sad while maintaining a positive attitude. You figure these last moments should be enjoyable. At least you want them to be. Kind of a hard thing to ask for, but you don’t care.
“Yes I can, just—”
“It’s too late, Batman.” Your cheeks become wet as tears slip down them. They slide all the way down your neck where you’re finding it harder and harder to breathe.
“Y/N, tell me where you are.” It’s not his angered voice that convinces you, but the fact that you know he won’t let it go. Even if it’s pointless. Even if there’s not a chance in the world.
“I’m still in the building.” You give him the address and tell him where you’re located in the stairwell. You hear the screeching of tires and imagine Batman turning his car around. It pains you to know that despite all of his efforts, he can’t save you. And you’re not sure he’ll be able to come to terms with it.
“I’m on my way, just hold on for me, okay?” His voice is louder, trying to speak over the roaring engine. You hope there aren’t many drivers out tonight because you can’t imagine seeing that black car zooming down the street. Another wave of pain explodes from your wound and you let out a cry, too weak to try to hold it in. “Y/N?”
“It’s fine,” you say, trying to soothe the worry you hear. But your lie isn’t fooling either one of you.
You hear a growl sound from the phone. “Goddammit Y/N, why didn’t you tell me sooner? I could have gotten to you quicker.”
“It wouldn’t have mattered,” you say,
“Stop talking like that, you’re going to be fine.” His insistence makes you wish he was right. You can barely keep your eyes open, trying to focus on a crack in the opposite wall to ground yourself. But it’s hard.
“It’s okay, Batman. I wasn’t even going to tell you at all because I knew this would happen. I’ve accepted it.” Even as the words leave your lips, there’s still a small part of you screaming to keep fighting. The pain is slowly drowning it out.
“You can’t just give up, I told you I’m on my way,” he says. “And why did you call me then? To tell me about the gang?”
“I…I didn’t want to be alone,” you admit and you feel a small weight lift off of your shoulders at telling the truth. You decide to keep going. “And I wanted…I wanted to hear your voice, one last time.”
Batman doesn’t say anything for a moment and you’re almost afraid you’ve scared him off, when his voice crackles to life, “Y/N—”
“I only wish I could have seen you too.”
“You will,” he insists. “You will when I come to help you. I’m almost there, just another minute—”
“Batman I need to tell you something.” The urge grips you hard to tell him everything you’ve always wanted to say. You can feel blood leak into your lungs and you know it’s only a matter of time before you can’t speak at all.
“No, you can wait to tell me in person.”
“I can’t.” You can feel blood start to bubble up into your throat. The pain is fading away, which only means that your brain is starting to shut down. “Batman—”
“Y/N don’t do this—”
“I love you.” The words echo in your mind and you smile knowing that you’ve said it. At least he’ll know. Even if you can’t be with him, even if he doesn’t love you back, at least he’ll know.
“Y/N.” Batman seems to be at a loss for words. You can’t tell if that means he wants to reject your feelings or if he’s just surprised, but it doesn’t matter. You start to cough up blood and your arm feels heavy as if you were holding up a brick instead of a phone. You stare at the blank wall and try to imagine that Batman is in front of you. You want that to be your last sight.
“Goodbye,” you manage to get out just before your thoughts dissolve into air and your eyes finally close.
“No wait Y/N—” Batman’s yelling falls on deaf eyes as your arm drops to the floor, your phone still in your hand but your grip has gone slack. Batman’s voice echoes in your mind as you finally allow the darkness to consume you.
“Y/N? Y/N!” Bruce yells but gets no response. “Fuck!” He presses down even harder on the accelerator, so much so that it might be touching the floor. That doesn’t matter. There’s only one thing that matters.
Bruce refuses to hang up the call in case he hears something, anything on the other end. As Bruce zips down the streets of Gotham, he can’t help but feel angry. Angry at you for giving up and for not believing he could save you. Angry at himself for not answering your calls earlier and for letting you get hurt. Angry at the world for trying to take away one more fucking person that Bruce loves.
The moment you said those three words, Bruce almost stopped breathing. It wasn’t fair, he thought. He finally finds out that the person he loves loves him back and you’re on your deathbed. Maybe if he had let go of his fears and told you earlier, the two of you would have been happy together.
Stop, he scolds himself. There’s still hope for that. They’re not dead.
Bruce hopes that he’s right. He’s about to find out as he pulls in front of the building you’re in. So close, Bruce had been so close. He told you he was coming. Why didn’t you wait for him?
He doesn’t even turn off the engine of the Batmobile (your nickname for his car) as he opens his door and dashes towards the building. Time seems to speed up and slow down all at once as Bruce runs towards the entrance to the stairwell and keeps on running.
He runs as fast as he can until he reaches the platform you said you were at and he has to take a step back at the sight before him. Slumped against the opposite wall is you with blood covering your face and suit.
Time stops as he takes everything in. Your closed eyes. The blood leaking from your mouth. Your right hand lying against the pool of blood on your chest. But the sight that breaks his heart the most is your phone that you’re still holding in your left hand, still on a call with him.
Bruce feels like the wind has been kicked out of him, finding it hard to breathe. But he snaps out of his despairing trance and quickly rushes over to you. He holds one hand against your cheek. “Y/N?” he asks but you don’t respond. His heart rages against his rib cage as he rips his glove off of his other hand and reaches out towards your neck to check your pulse.
For one horrible moment, he doesn’t feel anything. He’s about to break down, letting out all of the emotions that have been rising inside of him since you told him about your condition. But then, he feels it. A faint flutter of a pulse against his fingers. He feels like he can breathe again. He can actually do something. He can save you.
Bruce briefly examines the wound only to see blood still leaking from what he assumes is a gunshot. He wants to apply pressure to it but he curses when he doesn’t find anything to wrap it in. He’s going to have to move fast.
Carefully, he scoops you up into his arms and his jaw clenches when he sees your head roll lifeless onto his chest. You’re the one who’s usually so full of life. He found it rather annoying at first, but he soon realized that you were actually brightening his life. It’s not fair.
He moves towards the stairs and hears your phone hit the ground behind him but he doesn’t have time. Bruce races down the stairs while holding you tight against him, forbidding any more harm to come to you. He exits the building and manages to set you down in the passenger seat.
As soon as he’s behind the wheel, he takes off towards Wayne Manor. He would take you to the hospital, but the Manor is closer and he can’t have anything more go wrong. He doesn’t trust that the doctors can save you, but he knows that he can. He has to.
Normally when he has you in the car, it’s almost never quiet. You’re either singing (even when he turns off the radio) or just talking about anything at all. He has never hated the quiet so much. He glances at his screen and sees that the call still hasn’t ended. Your words begin to flood his mind.
Hey Batboy. 
I lied to you. 
They got me. 
It’s too late. 
I wanted to hear your voice one last time. 
I love you. 
Bruce’s vision begins to blur but he blinks back any emotion knowing there’s time to hurt later but right now he needs to focus on saving you.
A thought occurs to him to call the GCPD about the gang. Normally he wouldn’t care, but he doesn’t want your suffering to be in vain. But to do that he’ll have to hang up on you and he doesn’t like that implication. Glancing at you, he makes a promise.
“You’re going to hear my voice and see me again,” he promises. “And it won’t be for the last time.” Then he hangs up the phone.
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missjoolee · 2 years
I can't tell... if it's an "A sharp" or if it's a "B flat"!
Juke Goonies au lol           1.3k
Julie could have never predicted that her day would have played out like this. Like, this is insane. She had overheard Bobby Wilson on the phone saying he'd seen Sunset Curve heading out of town towards the cape. The cape her brother has been obsessing over for months because of a pirate's treasure myth. And the band he hangs around when they are using her mom's studio. (An easy feat now that she's never there to kick him out.) There was no way that it was a coincidence. She knew he would be with them and that they probably needed adult supervision despite the fact three of them were 17. So, she and Flynn had grabbed an Uber to take them out to the cape. And sure enough, her brother's bike was in a pile with theirs in the lookout parking lot. 
She'd just wanted to bring him home.
What she hadn't counted on was finding the boys trespassing in an old warehouse. Finding a secret entrance to a tunnel foretold by a treasure map that they stole from the archives her dad worked at. Then using said secret tunnel to escape getting chased by Caleb Covington and his henchmen. And then finding out that that same secret tunnel was filled to the brim with booby traps meant to keep the treasure safe. 
She was completely unprepared to reignite her friendships with Sunset Curve and be swayed to keep on this ridiculous treasure hunt with them instead of accepting Nick's help out at the wishing well. Unprepared for the strongest hatred she'd ever felt to drape itself on her shoulders when she found out that Bobby's betrayal of the band went further than a typical fallout. Unprepared for the fierce need to protect Luke and the guys from the dirty and underhanded business practices of Caleb and HGC Records to flood her.
Completely blindsided by the realization of the depth of the hole it left within her when she'd retreated into herself after her mom passed. How could she feel the most like herself in over a year running from real life villains in a hole that should have been a myth?
No. She couldn't have foreseen the events of this never-ending day. But she is unable to deny anymore how much she missed the guys. How much she'd missed Luke.
They'd just finished a quick break after keeping Alex from falling into a pit of spikes by the strength of his fanny pack's strap and were continuing along the path. Carlos, Reggie, and Flynn in front, Alex and Luke in the middle, and Julie brought up the rear. using the moment to reflect on some things. She noticed Luke looking back over his shoulder at her several times. As her stride slowed a bit and the gap between her and the rest of the group got larger, Luke looked back over his shoulder at her more frequently. 
Eventually he hangs back for her to catch up, resuming his stride once she comes even with him. They walk together in silence for a few minutes, Julie knows she has more pressing matters to be concerned about, but they all fade to the back of her mind as the skin of his biceps occasionally brushes against her arm. The tunnel isn't wide by any means, but it  can fit two people comfortably without them walking on top of each other. They've drifted into each other's space, just like they used to. A small thrill shoots through her at that realization. 
"Are you doing okay, Jules?"
The question drags her out of her thoughts.
"Hmmm? What do you mean?"
"You're being fairly quiet." He gestures around them. "How are you doing with... all of this? Listen, I hope you know we never intended for any of this to happen. We needed money to fight Caleb for our songs, and we weren't having any luck anywhere else. When Carlos brought up the treasure and the map, honestly, we figured it was a long shot but might as well. Nothing else was working. None of this was meant to happen. I don't even know how Caleb knew where to find us."
Luke stumbles to a stop and faces her. "What?"
Julie stops too. "I overheard Bobby telling someone that'd he'd seen you guys heading to the cape. It's how I knew where to find you guys. Now knowing about Bobby stealing your songs and taking them to HGC, I'm positive he was talking to Caleb."
Just ahead of them, the rest of the group stops and appears to be figuring out how to open the next door. She can hear Carlos translating the map. Luke takes a deep breath, eyes closing in an attempt to calm himself at the continued proof of betrayal from someone he considered a friend. Suddenly, Julie feels very guilty.
"I'm sorry, Luke."
His eyes pop open and look down at her, brow dancing in confusion. She pushes on. 
"Last year, after mom died... Gosh, I was quite horrible to you, wasn't I? The way things were between us... and I just dropped you like none of it mattered." Her eyes begin to well up, shimmering in the light of their lantern. Unable to make eye contact with him, her gaze drops to the tunnel wall. "But it did matter. You matter. And I'm mad at myself that it took getting chased into a secret tunnel by stupid henchmen with guns for me to face the reality that I've been incomplete, living a half life, without you guys. Without you."
Luke ducks down to meet her gaze, his hands coming up to hold her face.
"Julie, I won't lie and say it didn't sting when you pushed us away-" Julie's eyes drop again, shame continuing to course through her. But Luke tilts her face up towards his, determination burning in his eyes. "-but your mom died. We understood you needed space. Besides, we've always had an interesting little relationship."
They both smile softly at that, Luke's thumbs beginning to gently stroke the apples of her cheeks.
"I never doubted that you'd come back to me." 
Julie's awareness of her surroundings narrows down to the boy in front of her, his eyes reflecting that same sureness that infused his words. And so has Luke's if the way they are slowly leaning in towards one another is anything to go by. A thrill races through her at the gentle press of their lips.
It's suddenly like the last year hadn't happened. Memories of moments with Luke no longer echoes of what could have been as their arms wrap around each other, deepening the kiss. 
She startles out of the kiss at Flynn's tone. Wait, how long have they been standing here? Why isn't Flynn being smug about her finally getting her shit together?
"Flynn?" she looks over at her friend's face, finding only concern. "What's wrong?"
"What's wrong?" she laughs sourly and gestures down the tunnel behind them. "They're coming!"
Sure enough, they can now hear voices being carried down the tunnels towards them. A rumble sounds from in front of them. They all turn to where the rest of their group is, Luke slipping his hand down her arm to link their fingers together. That same thrill from before darts through her again.
"Oh, cool!" Carlos exclaims, looking into the next room they just unlocked.
"Not cool," Alex groans. "Is that a piano made from human bones?!"
Reggie turns back to her. "Uh, Julie? I think we are going to need your help for this next part."
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
🅁🄴🅀🅄🄴🅂🅃: (ANON) hi! can you do a bucky x reader where they’re at a gala and the team has a mini after party (like AoU) and they’re playing cards against humanity or something dumb like that and bucky can’t keep his hands off of Y/n? maybe a lil smut if you’re up for it hehe. you’re the best !
🅆🄰🅁🄽🄸🄽🄶🅂: Smut 18+ (duh lol), Bathroom sex, horny Bucky, slight dacryphilia, Cw: light asphyxiation (in case anyone gets triggered here’s a small content warning) 
🄰🅄🅃🄷🄾🅁'🅂 🄽🄾🅃🄴: dude I looove this omgg thanks for the request babes ;)
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“Alright, alright! Settle down, guys,” Nat shouted over the laughter.
“Ok next card. ‘Blank’: kid-tested, mother-approved,” she read off a black card.
“Which one, babe?” You and Bucky were a team; you sat on his lap insisted by the man himself.
“That one,” he pointed to the card you also had your eye on. You placed in the pile face down and waited for the other who snickered and giggled under their breaths believing they had the funniest card.
“Ok ready?”
“Whoo!” everyone cheered.
“Ok, we have Dead parents: kid-tested, mother-approved; oh my god,” Nat laughed, as did others.
“This groovy new thing called LSD: kid-tested, mother-approved,” everyone laughed out loud with that one.
“A snapping turtle biting the tip of your penis: kid-tested, mother-approved!” 
“Water: kid-tested, mother-approved.” 
“That one’s boring!” Sam shouted.
“Hey, be nice; that might be Steve’s. He still doesn’t understand the game,” you joked, making Steve rolling his eyes; it was in fact his card.
“And lastly, My inner demons: kid-tested, mother-approved, I just know this one’s Tony’s,” Nat read off the last card, making Tony get really defensive because it was his. 
“Hmm, this is a good one,” she thought. 
“I think I’m gonna go with the LSD,” Nat said, making you and Bucky cheer.
“Awe man, you guys are good,” Sam threw his cards. 
“Alright! I’m dealing now,” you said grabbing the deck of white cards. While you distributed the white cards again to the rest of the players, Bucky couldn’t keep his hands off you. Having you sit on his lap let him get away with a lot of things you two should be doing in private.
Ever since you two had gotten together, he was absolutely addicted to you. He wasn’t a sex addict, especially before your relationship; he hardly ever gotten intamite before. But with you he needed you in some way almost everyday. he addicted to you.
When you two had sex for the first time, Bucky couldn’t stop cuddling you afterwards. You tried to shower and Bucky followed you in and washed your body for you. You went to put some clothes but he just pulled you in bed, kissing your neck with arms wrapped around you tightly. 
Since then he practically couldn’t keep his hands off you. This had been the most sexually active you’d ever been in a relationship. And you didn’t mind too much if you were being honest. He was insatiable and you were more than willing to feed his desperate appetite; it made you feel desired.
“Get a room you two,” Tony mocked.
“I would if my girl didn’t keep insisting on playing with you buffoons,” Bucky growled.
“Baby, be nice,” you warned. 
You pulled a black card and hesitantly everyone put a white card in a pile for you to read. These particular answers got really dark and really funny to the point where you were squirming in Bucky’s lap but he too was laughing so hard.
“Oh my god! You guys I have pee,” you squealed.
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom,” you jumped from Bucky’s lap.
You made your way to the guest bathroom since it was the closest. When you finished washing your hands but in between that you heard the door open ever so quietly, but your instincts alerted you. 
You turned to the small halfway that led into the stall and waited for what could possibly be Wanda or Nat. You waited longer than you’d accept and ultimately turned back the mirror immediately startled by a large figure standing beside you. 
“Bucky!” you shrieked.
“Sorry, doll,” he gave you a toothy grin. 
“What are you doing in the ladies’ room?” you turned to face him fully.
“Got a couple minutes? They won’t suspect a thing,” bucky leaned down to kiss your neck.
“Are you serious?” you laughed.
“Come on, baby. Please,” BUcky’s hips pressed into yours and you could feel his hard cock poking through his pants. 
“Bucky, you’re addicted.”
“With an ass like that, how can resist. You’re perfect,” Bucky said cheekily.
He held your jaw and kissed you quite messily, urgency not forgotten. Your hands snaked up to curl into his long beautiful locks. He spun you around and your hands hit the mirror in front of you. 
Your hips dug into the marble counter of the bathroom as Bucky’s hands trailed up and under your shirt; rubbing your bare skin. He quickly unzipped his pants pulling and stroking his cock.
“Can’t fucking stay away from you, babygirl,” Bucky moaned in your ear. 
He pulled your pants down along with your panties and used his metal fingers to rub against your pussy, moving around the wetness that is coming out of you quickly. 
“Bucky please,” you whined.
“What baby? What is it?” he cooed.
“Bucky, fuck me,” you whimpered, moving your hips back to grind against his cock.
“You got it, my love,” he whispered.
 Bucky thrusted hard into you making your body repel forward. You were sure there’d be bruises from the hard marble table digging into your hips. You looked in the mirror to see Bucky’s stern expression as he thrusted in and out of you relentlessly.
You tried to moan quietly but the pleasure building up inside was getting overwhelming. Bucky moved his arm to cover your mouth and pulled against his chest.
Your breathing became heavy, going in and out through your nose sharply trying to keep your moans muffled behind Bucky’s hand. Bucky kept his eye trained on you still bucking his hips repeatedly. 
“Fuck, doll. You always feel so warm wrapped around my cock. I can never get enough of this perfect little pussy; squeezing me all tight and shit, god, I’m gonna cum,” Bucky moaned.
With your mouth covered, all you could do was whimper and moan as best as you could. Your eyes filled with tears of pleasure and spilled down your face beautifully. Bucky almost came from the sight of you crying in pleasure alone; but he kept his composure, not for long of course.
“You gonna cum? I can feel you squeezing me,” Bucky slid his hand down your front to rub your clit and your entire body jerked against him, making Bucky chuckled mockingly. 
You orgasmed violently against Bucky and he too reached his climax biting your shoulder to muffle his own loud moans and grunts. You leaned forward to catch yourself after Bucky released his firm hold on you.
“Fuck that was hot. Seeing you cry like that. Did I hurt you?” Bucky asked gently, helping you clean up. 
“No that was awesome!” you giggled. 
“What if someone came in?” you said once you felt decent.
“Just adds to the fun,” Bucky smirked.
“You’re crazy,” you pushed him lightly. 
You two went back to the group hearing laughter from still playing the insanely hilarious card game.
“Finally you two! What’s the point in calling it a quickie if you guys are gonna take twenty minutes,” Nat mocked.
“Was it really that long?” you asked, shocked; no shame in trying to pretend like you both leaving after Bucky’s hands were all over was a ‘coincident’.
“Yeah kinda,” Tony spoke up.
“Damn, we’ll have to practice,” Bucky smacked your ass, making you roll your eyes.
“Damn, Buck you’re addicted to her,” Nat chuckled.
“Of course I am, look at her,” Bucky flaunted you, making you feel slightly shy under the attention. 
“Come on guys let’s keep playing!” Wanda shouted, clearly tipsy.
You sat down next to Nat and Bucky sat at your side still holding your waist lovingly.
“You know,” Nat whispered to you, “As much of a sex addict you turned him into, he’s so in love with you. Head over his fucking heels, babe.”
“I know, and I love him too,” you smiled looking at Bucky.
if you want to be added for all my upcoming works and series or just one specific person send me an ask!! or message me! 🥰
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lancermylove · 3 years
Picture (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Demon Bros x gn!Reader, platonic.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Can you do the brothers reacting to visiting MC's family while on Human World Business to grab something for them during their second stay in the Devildom and seeing a picture in their room of their pet cat sleeping on a pile of books captioned "Satan in his natural habitat, as rendered by Mr. Cat."
A/N: Lol, MC’s family must be happy to meet their future son-in-law. Jk, maybe? XD Hope you like it. 
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Beel was very confused by the caption; he thought there was a mistake, and the actual caption was supposed to say, “Mr. Cat in his natural habitat, as rendered by Satan.” 
But wait, when did Satan render a photo for you? Was he missing something? Should he ask someone? He took out his DDD and thought about asking Belphie but thought his twin was probably asleep. Maybe he could ask Lucifer? No, he would most likely be busy. Satan might get mad, Mammon might not know, Asmo may be shopping, and Levi may be gaming...
Beel felt his brain slowly turning into mush, so he decided to ignore the photo, get your things, and take your family’s offer to join them for dinner. 
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Asmo thought the photo was too adorable for words, so he took a picture and shared it in his family group chat with the caption “World’s cutest photo”. Of course, he made sure to share the picture in the chat that didn’t have Satan in it as Asmo wasn’t sure if his brother would find it cute or get upset. Better safe than sorry when it comes to Satan's wrath. 
He got so caught up in the group chat that he nearly forgot to get your things. Asmo ended up setting that cat photo as his home screen background for a few weeks. 
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Mammon laughed so hard that your family members came running into the room, thinking something happened. They didn’t understand what was so funny about the picture, and unfortunately, Mammon couldn’t explain to them that Satan was his cat-loving brother. 
Once they left, the Avatar of Greed decided to take the photo with him and sell it. He was sure you wouldn’t miss it too much, after all, it was just a picture of your cat. You could always take another one. 
Mammon couldn’t wait to see how much money he could extort get from Satan's fangirls. 
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Belphie was so exhausted that he nearly missed the photo, but when he saw it, he chuckled to himself. He wasn’t sure if you named your cat Satan or if the cat was a way of presenting his brother. Regardless, it was funny. 
After he gathered your things, Belphie got a bit jealous at the thought of you having something Satan-related in your room. He wished you had something with his name in the room as well. 
Once he gets back to Devildom, Belphie plans to ask you to put something of his name in your room just to make things fair. 
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Levi was surprised to see something with Satan’s name in your room. He wondered if his brother asked you to put that photo in your room. Or did Satan render that photo himself? Either way, it was unfair!
The Avatar of Envy gathered your things with slumped shoulders. Was Satan your most favorite brother? He’s handsome, smart, and strong, so it wasn’t entirely impossible. 
Levi pouted, and before he left your room, he grabbed a piece of paper, sketched a picture of Henry 1.0 swimming underwater, and put it next to Satan’s photo with the caption: “Levi in his natural habitat as rendered by Mr. Snake.” 
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Lucifer chuckled and shook his head at the picture. The day just kept getting more and more amusing - first, you asked him to visit your house, and he got to meet your family. Lucifer had to explain to your family that nothing was going on between the two of you, but despite his explanations, your family refused to believe him. 
And now, this photo. Lucifer almost wanted to take a picture and send it to Satan to ruffle his feathers but decided to let it go. Though, he did wonder why you named your cat Satan or was this just a huge coincidence?
Whatever the case, he was going to ask you once he got back home. For now, he needs to once again clarify to your family that he is not dating you, and to please stop referring to him as “future son-in-law”.
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Satan saw the photo and did a double-take. He wasn't sure what to think about you naming your cat Satan - he truly loves cats, but for you to have a pet cat named after him. What a coincidence...or was it?
He finally understood why his brothers were acting odd around him- you must’ve shown them this photo. It’s like they wanted to laugh at him but didn’t want to gamble with the possibility of unleashing his wrath.  
Satan chuckled and sighed, “What an unusual picture to have hanging in your room. Though, I’m happy to know that you like cats.”
He took a piece of paper, drew a heart on it, and signed his name before hiding the folded paper behind the photo frame. Maybe someday you will find this and it’ll make you smile.  
➣ Obey Me Masterlist ➣ Buy me a Ko-fi or Commission?
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diavolosthots · 4 years
Im cold, no one requested this, but i needed it.
THE BROTHERS with MC on a cold, snowy winter day
Youre funny if you think he will stop work just because it's cold and snowy outside. Lol. But wait, there is something more. You suddenly find yourself in his lap, one of his arms wrapped securely around your waist as you snuggle into his chest. Lucifer is always surprisingly hot, body temperature wise, and even in the coldest days, when his fireplace barely heats up the room, you can be sure to find warmth against him while he works away and occasionally turns your head for a sweet kiss.
"I'm never too busy to take care of you, my dear."
Hes freezing before he even feels the temperature drop. Cold is not his friend and you're sure to find him huddled up in blankets and thick hoodies while he indirectly-but-really-obviously asks you to cuddle with him. Of course, how could you say no? It's not long before you find yourself under a pile of blankets and wrapped around him. Every once in a while, a shiver will run through him and he squeezes you just a little tighter.
"Please, hold on a little tighter. I need to feel you."
Surprisingly, hes very unaffected by this and if anyone is seeking anyone out, its you seeking him out. Of course he will blush and stutter if you just sit yourself in his lap or steal his hoodie. Worse is, if you climb into his bed and nuzzle under HIS blankets; pictures are sure to be taken. You wont know it, but he will save them and look at them every once in a while when the weather gets colder, in hopes that you'll stop by again and cuddle up under something thats his.
"You leave me so warm and you havent even touched me..."
He screams cozy winter nights. The fireplace is on, hot tea is served, and a good book is opened in front of him. This is ultimate relaxation and you can find yourself be drawn into it. Whether you decide to sit beside him or in his lap, you're sure to find yourself drifting off into a far away place while you watch the snow hit his window, or even read along with him.
"There's something comfortable about silence, at least when it's with you."
The cold dries out his skin very quickly and more often than not, you find him calling a self care day, which you gladly join. Painting nails, face masks, and a massage that could lead to something more are on the table and making you feel warm and fuzzy is his priority. Hes sure to find warm sweaters and cute socks to keep you from freezing and hey! Look at that! They match his. What a coincidence.
"We match better than two peas in a pot"
Food keeps you happy, full, and warm; that's hos motto! You can find yourself in the kitchen with him, whether that be for waffles, cookies, or making hot chocolate. Of course, you still have to watch out that all of it won't be gone before you get a chance to dive in, but assuming it's not, he makes sure to put the extra big marshmallows in your cup and kiss away that hot-chocolate mustache.
"You're the tastiest of them all."
Much like Mammon, he will be under a pile of blankets. He won't be cold, no, he just finds comfort in the snow and staring out the window as he sits in front of a fireplace, a bunch of blankets wrapped around you two, makes him feel good. At ease. Relaxed. He wont talk much, his thumb will stroke over yours and sooner or later his head will be against your shoulder while he drifts into unconsciousness.
"You're so warm... Comfortable... Im sorry i just need to... Close my eyes..."
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dabisburntsack · 4 years
False Alarm
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Pairing(s): Shigaraki Tomura x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff !
Synopsis: When your long time gaming partner brings up the topic of May Day you can’t help but romanticise the olden holiday with your ever growing crush on him.
Wordcount: 1784
This is apart of a sfw flower collab done with the bnharem discord server! I loved the prompt for this collab and can’t wait to see how everyones fics turned out!! Special thanks to @pluviophile-imagines for helping my ass through this as I had a mental breakdown٩( ᐛ )و
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
⇾  signifies texting
May Day was a traditional holiday, one you wouldn’t have really heard of had your long time online gaming partner not brought it up in discussion as you fought against him to bring down the zombies on your screen.
“Yeah you pretty much leave a basket full of flowers with different meanings to them hanging on a loved ones door”
“I would have never pegged you for the romantic type” You replied amused.
“I’m- well, I’m... I would never do it-”
“You wouldn’t?”
“Pffft no, of course not”
“Shame, I think it's really romantic!”
The line went quiet, the only audible sound being the cock of guns and explosions going off in the game. You readjusted your mic wondering if he’d cut off when his voice came again; though quieter than the usual responses you would get.
“You think?”
“Yeah! Come onnn, tell me that isn’t the cutest thing ever”
The line paused again for the briefest moment, but when he finally continued speaking the conversation switched back to gameplay as if the short discussion about May Day had never occured. You shrugged and went back to chatting aimlessly about zombies yourself, though a small part of you may have wanted to carry on with the romance talk.
You had known the player ‘Decay_God’ for going on 3 years now and were as close as online friends could be. From what you’d gathered over the years, Tenko worked at a bar and had a shit ton of roommates. Though he constantly went on about how annoying they were, you could tell he cared deeply for them. He was passionate about what he did, whether it be his job (you didn’t know what exactly it was, just that his mood in your games would be whether or not he had received good news from his end) or his game play.
In the beginning, you didn’t really like him or his attitude; both being highly ranked in the gaming community you would constantly butt heads and his childish behaviour of when you would steal a victory off him annoyed you to no end. But as it went on, his temper tantrums died down and once you got to know him, you found his quips and wit to be quite entertaining. Now two years later, you would look forward to getting home from a stressful day at work to endlessly chatter about whatever topic was of the day.
You couldn’t lie, you had garnered a bit of a crush on him.
You didn’t even know what this man looked like. He could be a catfish! An old perverted dude! Hell he could even be a criminal and you’d be none the wiser! Although, if you were being honest with yourself… you couldn’t help but make the obvious connection to a certain infamous villain. One that happened to have pale blue hair and a decaying quirk. Even in personality they seemed interchangeable, from what you had seen on the news he was also akin to throwing childish temper tantrums and scratching at his neck when frustrated (a habit you regularly scolded Tenko for when you heard the telltale sound nails scraping along side the column of his neck.)
Whenever you did think about it though you stopped yourself, come on as if you would be gaming with Shig- no, you weren’t even going to say his name. So they had a few similarities, this was a whole villain compared to your sweet gaming partner. Dumb conspiracy theories aside, you couldn’t help the small flutter of your heart when he would say your name in a teasing manner or when he praised you for a particularly hard kill.
As you logged off for the night you laid your head against the wall your bed was propped next to and stared at the blank ceiling, your mind drifting back to the May Day conversation. A blushing Tenko came to your mind, his face obscured by a large hood, nervously rubbing at the back of his head before handing you a large bouquet of flowers. Your cheeks flushed and you slapped at them to stop yourself from heating up, vanishing the mental image mid thought.
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t as much of a small crush as you wanted it to be.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
After having a three day break, getting ready for work so early in the morning proved more effort than it should have been. Still trying to blink the sleep out of your eyes, you dragged your dazed body to your front door. You checked yourself for your belongings as you unlocked it, but as you took your first step out your foot landed in...ash?
You lifted your shoe to inspect the little decaying bits stuck to it, looking down you realised there was a pile of decayed dust on your doorstep.
You paled.
Instantly you were on high alert, tearing your foot from the contaminated shoe and snapping a picture of the evidence. You placed the shoe in a bag for further examination and bolted your door before texting your boss, the number four hero: Edgeshot.
Having the job of a personal assistant to such a high ranked hero meant you were used to lives being threatened. So far it had never happened to you and although this was small you could never be too sure. With the inside information you had, Edgeshot had always told you to be aware that someone may pull something sooner or later. It wasn’t completely out of the blue.
After seeing your message to your boss had been delivered, you reached out for the metal baseball bat you kept in the storage cupboard under the stairs, your quirk not really suited for defence purposes as it was made for technological aspects.
Checking every nook and cranny of your small apartment you didn’t see anything out of the ordinary and flopped back onto the sofa. Sighing, you ran a hand through your hair before going through your phone, checking the news, any odd sightings, anything you should possibly be alert for.
However crime rates seemed to be low and the only recent stories were from three days ago. Still not having received a text back from Edgeshot, you automatically switched to your messages with Tenko to type out the events of your morning.
I think I just got threatened lol
Instant response.
If you don’t hear from me in 24 hours call the police :DD
Ok okaY, damn you’re such a buzzkill
There was a pile of ash on my doorstep this morning, with my work you know I can never be too careful 
I’m fine though, I already told my boss
You waited as three dots appeared signifying he was typing but after a while they stopped. You furrowed your brows as they started up and stopped multiple times. After a full five minutes (during which time you grew bored and changed apps) a ping popped up.
With how long he had taken to type you were expecting a lengthy paragraph, what you weren’t expecting was a simple:
Oh? That’s all?
You placed down your phone before another ping sounded out.
Are you sure they weren’t flowers
How the hell did you come to that conclusion
The typing ceased once more and you were left to your thoughts. What the hell did he mean by that? How did he come up with flowers out of all things like-
May Day?
You leapt from your seat, stumbling to look at the calendar attached to your kitchen wall, scanning the dates crossed off before turning the page and realising it was indeed the first of May. It surely couldn’t be a coincidence Tenko had brought up the holiday just yesterday. So he’d brought you flowers, because you said it was romantic… and he’d… dusted them. Dusted them, with his quirk, because he was…
Tenko could not be Shigaraki Tomura.
You did not have a crush on Shigaraki fucking Tomura.
Luckily at that moment the chime of your phone's ringtone going off distracted you. Looking at the caller ID you breathed a sigh of relief to see that it was Edgeshot. You could finally get to the bottom of this instead of drawing up ridiculous conclusions.
Edgeshot’s calm voice came through the other end of the line, stern but familiar. It seemed you’d been right to take the situation seriously, or so he assured you. But even as he talked to you, asking if you’d seen anything or if there was any other evidence of someone watching you, you couldn’t shake the feeling that it hadn’t meant anything at all.
Of course, if your gut instinct was right and you’d been gaming (and falling for) Shigaraki Tomura for three whole years and he’d been trying to romance you then that was. Definitely something. You just weren’t entirely sure what that something was.
You’d been talking to Edgeshot for nearly two hours when a knock sounded on your front door. Had he come by? What was the point of ringing, then? And wouldn’t he have told you?
You made your way over to the door and opened it expecting the sight of your boss, but instead you were met with a large bouquet of flowers perched on your doorstep. You looked up just in time to see a mess of unruly blue hair tucked into a black hoodie turning rapidly round the corner.
“False alarm,” you said quickly, ending the call on pure impulse and making a dash after the stranger.
You weren’t entirely sure what the plan was. It seemed more and more likely that you were right with each new development. What were you going to do if your gamer buddy really was an S-rank villain? Would you still be interested? Would he? He’d gone through the trouble of  getting you flowers not just once but twice, and honestly… the idea that he’d been so nervous the first time was kind of endearing.
That was a cute image, him standing at your door, so worried that he didn’t even notice he’d dusted the flowers in his hand as he set them down, probably running away quickly so you wouldn’t see him.
You reached out to grab the sleeve of your fleeing visitor and as they whirled round your suspicion after all this time was proven correct. You were speaking the moment his eyes met yours, all hesitation suddenly gone.
“You can’t just leave me flowers and run off like that, what if I thought it was another threat?”
Shigaraki’s scarlet eyes widened as they met your own.
“Hey Tenko” you grinned.
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missskzbiased · 4 years
Forget me not
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Oneshot, Drabble, Established Relationship! au
Pairing: Kim Seungmin x Fem! Reader 
Word Count: ~2,3K
Notes: The seventh fanfic for the Valentine’s request [That you can find here]
I don’t know anything about flowers language! So if it’s wrong, please blame google SUHAHUSAHUSHUAHUSA
Chan ||  Minho || Changbin || Hyunjin || Han || Felix || Seungmin || Jeongin
Requested: Yes, by 💎anon   [I hope you like it! I don’t think I’d ever think of something like scavenger hunt for a plot lol, so it was kinda challenging. I did like to write it, and I hope it meets your expectations! <3]
General Tag List: @channiewoo @aliceu @bythesunnotbythemoon
[If you wish to be tagged to the other Valentine’s requests, please send me an ask <3]
    You pouted at your empty bed.
    You and Seungmin had planned to spend the day with each other, celebrating your fifth Valentine’s day together, and yet he was nowhere to be seen. You missed his warmth as soon as you woke up, a soft pillow under your arm instead of his body. You frowned, still kinda drowsy as you get up from bed, wandering around the house to look for him.
    “Come one, Seungmin! This isn’t funny” You whined in the middle of your living room, swiveling your head to get a clue but meeting nothing else than a pile of waffles on your table. You approached them, poking the warm and soft pieces twice, humming as you tasted the syrup… He wasn’t long gone.
    Maybe you should wait for him? Did he go out to buy some milk or something? Maybe he was trying to make you a romantic breakfast? You sat down, staring at the food before noticing a pink note attached to the plate. You would finally get some answers!
    I made you some waffles… This time I didn’t burn them! Haha. Please, eat well. I love you. Yours, one (first) and only Seungmin.
   You arched your brow, confused as to why Seungmin would scratch a correct phrasing to place a “first” there, but too tired to really care. You took a bite from the waffles, humming in appreciation. He did really get much better at this!
   You chuckled as the memory came back to you.
   The burnt smell spread all over the place, waking you up and alarming you. The panicked squeak that you heard from the kitchen didn’t help much to placate your fears, so you rushed there, stumbling all around the place. You would have expected anything but Seungmin standing in your kitchen ─ ashamed eyes snapping at you in a silent apology ─ with a plate of black pancakes, surrounded by a thin smoke.
    The first time he slept over and wanted to do you a surprise.
    You got better at this, hm? Didn’t even burn down my house this time! You messaged him, chuckling as you munched another piece, eyes fixed on your phone to not miss his answer.
    There is a first for everything! He answered, making you roll your eyes playfully. What a silly guy. Ready to come and meet me?
    I missed you here with me… You typed, pursing your lips as you sent him the message. Was it too cheesy? Are we going on a date today?
    First, you have to meet me! He said, and you almost could hear him giggling excitedly wherever he was. It’s Scavenger time, kitten! I promised you this Valentine’s would be really special, didn’t I?
   Scavenger as in a scavenger hunt? You chuckled, shaking your head in disbelief. And you’re my prize? How conceited… You mocked him, getting up from the table to go to your room and get changed.
    He didn’t answer your messages after that.
     You crossed your arms over your chest.
     Were you being too naïve? You stared at the door unsurely, rubbing your chin in wonder. Seungmin was witty and he liked to drop subtle hints around… Were you being too conspirational or were you on spot? He wouldn’t keep repeating “first” all around if it didn’t mean anything, right? The “casual” choice of words was quite suspicious as well… He never called you a kitten before.
    Coincidence or not, the first time you met each other was here.
    A cat adoption center.
    The first time you met Seungmin, you were going to adopt a cat to gift your best friend. They just loved cats and you couldn’t help but think it was the perfect gift. You were right indeed, but up to this date, your friend joked around saying that Seungmin was the best gift they could have given to you.    
    You gathered your courage to get in the place, looking around to see if you could see him anywhere. He was nowhere to be seen. Unsurprisingly, though, Minho came right in your way, an amused smirk playing on his lips. You crossed your arms, narrowing your eyes at him.
    “Do you know what is this all about?” You asked suspicious of him.
    “No, Seungmin knew he couldn’t trust me with a secret” He chortled “The only thing I know is that he’s being cheesy and asked me to hand you this” He said, extending a small envelope to you.
    The first time we ever met… Do you still remember it? Although you can never let him know, I’m forever grateful to Minho for dragging me with him there. Even if his whole point was for me to see that cats were better than dogs. They’re not. You can tell it to him now if you want. Still, it is thanks to him that I ever landed my eyes on you. It’s also thanks to him that we got our first date… You know where you should be going now, right? No need to worry, no one will spill their soda on you!
P.S.: If it does happen for some reason, I didn’t plan it. Please don’t hit me.      
   You chuckled, lifting your eyes to Minho playfully.
   “Sorry, but cats suck” He scoffed at you, rolling his eyes.
   “He’s brainwashing you, Y/N!” He jokingly complained, poking your forehead, “Go away!” He whined, pushing you to the door “And if he asks, I didn’t tell anything about Hyunjin”
   “But you didn’t tell me anything about Hyunjin” You frowned, getting an unimpressed look from him “Oh!” You chortled “Thank you, Minho! It’ll help me a lot” You waved at him, getting out of the store.
    This time you just walked confidently into the store.
    You looked around to find Hyunjin, already aware that Seungmin wouldn’t be waiting for you there. You peeked at the clothes displayed, chuckling as you remember your first date with Seungmin.
    Although both of you were nervous back then, Seungmin was a whole new kind of a mess. The way he got startled when his fingers brushed yours over the shared French fries would forever be carved in your mind as his most hilarious reaction to anything ever. Unfortunately, the soda he spilled over you would also be forever there on your favorite blouse… One could not only win, right?
    “Oh, you’re here!” Hyunjin smiled at you, walking your way “How is it going? Are you liking to play detective?” He chortled, looking for something through his pockets.
    “He’s being too cute for a simple Valentine’s Day” You pointed out to see if Hyunjin would give anything away but he just shrugged “Seungmin was always the hopeless romantic, though” You acknowledged, getting a humming from him.
   “I won’t tell you anything, I’m not Minho” He snorted.
   “Come one! I want to know what’s going on!” You whined.
   “Then solve everything and meet him!” He retorted playfully, handing you the next letter before walking away.
   I hope no one had spilled anything on your clothes today… If someone did, though, I have a surprise for you. Hyunjin should be back with it in no time. Even though that first date was a mess, I’m happy we had so many others after that so I could redeem myself. I had never been so nervous in my whole life, and I think deep down I already knew you were special. I know I’m the one who’s doing this to me, but I wish I could be there to kiss you right now. For me, every single kiss we shared was as tender and full of love as the first one… But the first was what brought us together, and I hope it will bring you back to me once more.
    You smiled softly as the warmth spread over your chest.
    You didn’t even need to try and get this out of Hyunjin… You knew exactly where to go now. You raised your eyes to meet a goofy Hyunjin showing you an outfit too similar to the one you wore on your first date with Seungmin.
    “Put this on before you go!” He chirped.
    The bus stop was empty.
    You made your way to the bench, a sigh leaving your lips as you looked fondly at the place, a nostalgic Feeling engulfing you. The first kiss you shared was rushed and unsure, a bold way to make up for the words you couldn’t speak up. The insecurities were offset by the overflowing feelings that were enough to reassure both of your hearts.  
   You still remembered how you got on the bus, upset by the lack of attitude from Seungmin. Didn’t he like you? Because you sure as hell liked him! Couldn’t he just make a move? Anything? You sighed when you turned away, stepping inside the vehicle with nothing but disappointment in your heart. Maybe he didn’t like you as much as you liked him…
    Then it hit you.
    What if he felt just the same way as you?
    When you snapped your body to turn away and get back to him, he was already there to catch you. Apparently, the same thought had occurred to him, and his arms wrapped you up as your lips met half-way. The initially rushed kiss turned into a loving and tender one rather quickly as soon as you realized that both of you weren’t going anywhere.
    Well, except that the bus driver kinda needed you to go or stay.
    The ride home was filled with a cozy feeling as you nuzzled each other.
    You sauntered there mindlessly, sitting on the bench before looking around curiously, noticing a poster hanging on the wall. You narrowed your eyes in suspicion, noticing how familiar the couple on the picture looked like. It was you two. Seungmin held your hand, and it was painfully obvious how he was stiff and anxious there while you had no clue of what was going on, smiling brightly at the picture.
    The restaurant where he confessed his feeling for you.
    The place where both of you finally got together.
    You chuckled, knowing exactly what bus you should be riding right now.
    Seungmin was waiting for you with a small flower.
    “You’re here” He stated quite awkwardly, and you couldn’t help but tilt your head in confusion. It sounded like he wasn’t happy to see you “You’re… You look amazing” He said emotionally, and you burst out laughing.
    “You don’t look bad as well” You teased, checking him out “I’d even say you’re the most handsome boyfriend I have ever met” You chuckled, getting closer to him to place a kiss on his lips.
    He didn’t let you.
    Seungmin extended his hand to you, shoving the flower in your hands.
   “What is it? Another clue?” You asked confused, looking at the small plant. You didn’t know much about flowers, but you recognized it as a forget-me-not. Only Lord knows why you would know it, though.
    “Y/N…” He cleared his throat, loosening up his collar “I brought you here today because…” He took a deep breath “Because here was the place I finally confessed my feelings for you” He finished, kinda proud of himself for managing to say that much.
    He took one step ahead, holding your hands on his.
    “I know you’re a big fan of Scavenger Hunts… But it wasn’t the only reason why I made this” He continued, a little bit more at ease as you smiled at him encouragingly “First, in this entire world… Meeting you was the best thing that could ever happen to me. Finding you? It was the right place and right time… And you’re the right person for me… On this scavenger hunt of life, you’re the only one I’d ever want” He pursed his lips.
    What did you do to deserve him?
    “I-I’m giving this flower to you…” He gulped down, eyes wavering as he tried to focus on yours “Because it means true love…” You cooed at him, expression softening as you felt your heart swelling “It’s to remember all those memories we shared… And how we’re here now, how our love grew with time… It’s to say that this isn’t a spark” He squeezed your hands, eyes finally fixing on yours.
    “Seungmin… This is beautif—“ You teared up, but he didn’t let you finish.
    “We had many first times together… And I treasure and remember every single one of them… They’re memories that I never want to let go” He continued, and you could feel his hands shaking “But more important than having first times… I want you to be all of my firsts and last times for everything… I want to have two, three, four… A hundred of experiences with you”
    He let go of your hand, wiping his hands on his pants.
    “I truly love you, Y/N” He choked, getting on one knee. You widened your eyes, startled by the slow yet too sudden motion, the tears immediately making their way to your eyes “There is no one else I want to share my life with… This was the place where I first asked you to be mine… And this is the place where I want to ask you to be mine till the end”
    You tried to wipe your tears away, face twisting in a crying frown that would look awful on the photos people were taking of you. It didn’t matter though. Nothing else mattered because Seungmin was on his knee, showing you a small box that contained the symbol of all your love and connection.
    “Y/N… Will you marry me?” He asked, tears rolling down his face.
     You would never even dare to say no.
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kilhara · 3 years
Bit of a weird question, but would you happen to have any hc’s pertaining to G’s posture? 👀
Weird asks? Sign me up 👀
Also, I've literally been writing a little thing related to G's posture??? The hell? What a coincidence... guess that means y'all can have the finished scenario under the cut below, then... 😏
But first, some HCs!
Personally I like to think he's he's a long boi, around 6'10", for a couple other reasons I haven't posted here, yet... but IRL, a lot of the time taller people have more back difficulties, so that combined with the fact that the dude is always trying to maintain good posture means that it would take a bit of a toll on some of his muscle groups. And G' doesn't exactly lead a stress-free life, i guarantee the guy's having to deal with some serious shit behind the scenes, whatever it may be. That stress would lead to a lot of built up tension, and consequently tightening of the muscles. If you look at him walking in HLA from the side, you can sort of see how he's got a little bit of a hunch. I don't think it's completely because of his supposed physical age, since I doubt he's an actual middle-aged man.
Whatever situation he's in, he's always conscious of his posture. He's been taught human body language, and how they way you hold yourself can change how others unconsciously perceive you. He uses it to his advantage, to make sure the power balance between him and people he interacts with stays tipped in his favour. I think it would be so ingrained in him, that even if he wasn't around someone he had to keep up appearances with, he'd still be straight-backed. You'd probably have to point it out to him, and tell the guy to fuckin r e l a x for once in his life lol.
OK, the drabble is under here. Uhh, have someone giving G-Man a nice massage content 👉👈
If G-Man had a relationship with someone he came to trust enough to let them lay their hands on him, he'd discover that it can actually be quite enjoyable. You've noticed how stiff he looks at times, and worked up the courage to offer him a massage. You explain what it is and what you'll be doing. At first he's quite opposed to the idea...
"How does applying, presssure, to the muscles, make one... 're-lax?'"
"It just does, trust me. People paid money to get massages. I used to have them all the time. I know you'd enjoy it."
He eventually changes his mind when curiosity gets the better of him. After some lengthy convincing, you somehow get this man face down on a bed, without his jacket or tie. But... you soon encounter a slight problem. That damn belt of his is going to be in the way. You kneel beside him awkwardly for a minute, wondering what to do. He notices your silence and turns his head, a questioning eye finding yours.
"Uh... your, um. Your belt. I'm gonna have to get that off, too."
"My... belt..."
You start to sweat when he doesn't say anything else, and for the longest fucking time nothing happens. With a little sigh he turns onto his back. Wanting to get this weird moment over with, you quickly grab for his buckle without thinking. His hand shoots out and catches your wrist before you get the chance, a tiny flicker of alarm crossing his features, eyes glowing white hot. Shaken, your heart's in your throat, but before you can say sorry, he cuts in.
"I apologize. I... was not expecting you to..."
He trails off, eyes flicking down to your wrist. His grip is strong, nearly painful. He lets go, looking guilty. Lowering back down, he folds his hands over his stomach, deliberately avoiding your eyes by staring up at the ceiling.
His words come out a little hesitant, "you may... remove it, if you wish..."
Seeing it's safe to go ahead, you carefully start to unbuckle his belt. To ease the tension a bit, you make a little quip, "count yourself lucky it's just the belt and I'm not telling you to ditch the shirt, too..."
He shoots you an uneasy look, rolling back onto his stomach and folding his arms under his head once you've slipped the belt from the loops. He hates being in such a vulnerable position, and just about fucking teleports away when you straddle the back of his thighs, but he really wants to know how it's going to feel, maybe even thinks that it won't do much because he IS relaxed, damnit. You start low, at the base of the spine and work your way up. He's super tense at first, and it makes it difficult to work your hands into his muscles.
"And, this is supposed... to relax me?"
"Yeah, and it would be if you'd stop... tensing up. What the hell are you doing down there?"
The struggle doesn't last for long. As you get higher, he just turns to absolute putty, a literal boneless pile of goo underneath you. He's particularly knotted in the neck and shoulders and at the base of the ribs from keeping up that posture all the time. He even can't help the few muffled groans that escape here and there. He would have swallowed them down, but it honestly feels way too good for him to give a shit. His head is turned to the side, resting on his arms, so you can only just see a sliver of an iris glowing lazily every time you get to a sweet spot.
"So... I see you're enjoying yourself, huh? Guess who was right Mr. I-don't-need-no-massage."
He widens a shining eye, and the pupil is unnaturally blown out, something you've never seen before. It kinda reminds you of a cat about to pounce. He only deigns to reply to your teasing with a slightly husky grunt.
"Yeah, I thought so..."
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littledevil-jpeg · 3 years
Okay, so last post I was giving Lucifer 5B some credit for getting me interested and intrigued about a shitty character, so, as all things should be balanced, here comes the other side of the question. I'll say right off the bat that Lucifer was never a show I took seriously, all at once because of the tone, the way they chose to develop and delve into the themes, the monster-of-the-week format (though also done in spn, there it's redeemed by the darker tone and more subtle theme-development. Obviously, this is S1-S5 I'm talking about) and again the overall way this world works. I've been known to accuse Cobra Kai and even Breaking Bad for coincidence-bending, but they don't even come close to the level of Lucifer here. Then, of course, there's how easy everything is, like a bloody sled on ice: drugs - no problem, kill someone - no problem, infiltrate a mafia group - no fooking problem. How? Well, glaze over that, it's not that important. Except it is. Remember how in that same Breaking Bad Walter's team spent considerable chunks of the show planning, hiding evidence, preparing, measuring little details, diligently covering up their tracks. And they were only involved in a measly drug manufacturing business. Imagine the shit Lucifer runs, with crime bosses, drugs, demons and prostitutes piling out of his front door. Obviously it's a show about angels and demons, and the realism isn't the focus of the program, but still, these things matter. There's always a convenience to it. Like, oh, you need to infiltrate the Russian mafia or some shit? Don't worry, I know a guy - and poof, problem gone. That's not even to mention the universe bending out of shape all around Lucifer, everyone (Chloe especially) putting up with his humiliating bullshit, the fact that he would be kicked out the police in anything even remotely resembling real life, that the mc's get away with almost everything, the unrealistic dialogue that no human irl ever speaks, the second-hand embarrassment, the cheesy "morale" speeches, the dull, predictable cases that are all done by the same formula... and more. So okay, there's a lot, a lot, of problems with this show. Which is why no one really takes it that seriously, we all know it's kind of trashy. But "kind of trashy" is one thing. Now, when season 5 introduces a genuine "evil twin" that we're meant to take with even a bit of seriousness, in the footsteps of such chef d'oeuvres as Dispicable Me 3, when that twin is the most caricature-like villain in recent history, when the allmighty is a buffoon with half a brain, forget omniscient, and isn't even in-line with the stuff he's done before, when one of the main cast is offed as though mid-sentense, with no lead-up, no foreshadowing, no preamble, like a toss of a dice, when the main character is on a race to become God himself, and his love interested Mrs God, and when, oh, Jesus fucking Christ, just stop already! I truly wonder if the writer's room a big dart board with all these drunk-ass ideas stuck onto it, and they blind throw to make the next season. It's finally hitting me now, as I'm writing this, what on god's green earth I watched yesterday.
Why does Lucifer need to become God? Why does a war in Heaven even have to be introduced? Why not focus of the more intricate inter-personal conflicts on Earth, on the characters and their mentalities, on those meaningful arcs that hold actual importance, and emotion, and down-to-earth (lol), well, meaning again. Why do we need a heavenly war? Why does Lucifer need the approval of the angels, when the moral seems to be that he makes himself who he is, not his status, not his people, not his past and not the Silver City (an excellent moral, by the way, so credit where it's due. This self-actualisation business is the second best thing in the whole show)? I get that this is why the majority vote doesn't work, but then what does work? Are they ment to self-actualise into becoming God? Now, I'm aware it's left uncertain whether Luci really is God, so I won't go there for now, but then we have the issue of his resurrection. Was it a reward for self-sacrifice? That wouldn't fit so well, considering all the previous sacrifices that were much more impressive than this one. And what's the philosophy behind that - he's acting out of love? But to what end, if by dying he practically fucked all the other people on Earth, including the very same Chloe he just brough back down? Are these really the qualities for a God to have?
Or did he once again self-actualise, but this time he actualised himself to life? That would truly be a stake-killer. I saw a theory that he finally saw himself as worthy of Heaven, which doesn't quite link to coming back to life. Well, these are perhaps, once again, speculations, and maybe this will be cleared up next season. As for Lucifer's God status, it's a shitty move on the writers' part. Not only was the execution rushed, but thematically, again, Lucifer becoming God to feel worthy of Chloe is nonsense. From a plot and theme standpoint, why does this need to happen? This Godly status holds no meaning, no emotional worth, it's not fullfilling, not symbolic of anything fitting other than that same old "bad to good" and I guess the irony of the Devil becoming God, but the irony is an empty one if it has no real meaning. Which is the case. The whole thing is empty of substance, and I don't know why they went there. You know, it's hollow anyway, not least because Lucifer really doesn't deserve it. Even this season, he is nothing but a child - he acts and thinks like a child, he unchangeably does the same "projecting" bs from season to season to season with no actual sign of emotional maturity other than that in the words of other characters. But you can say he's different all you want, it's not gonna work if the subtle signs of his change aren't there. Say, imagine if Endeavor kept running his mouth about atonement, but kept dutifully abusing his kids - this is that. And yeah, Lucifer loves Chloe in his own way, cares about her, and even comes out of his self-absorbed little world for her, which by the way bugged me about their uneven relationship since season 1 (you know, treating her like shit with a flimsy excuse and then "making up" for it with a grand gesture of sacrifice or a round of angsty suffering. Time after time, every time.)
And finally, of course, there's the issue of how inconsiderate it is to Chloe for him to become God. I mean, it's dead obvious no relationship will be possible there, not without becoming even more unhealthy than it already seems. Themathic significance and meaning aside, even then, even in-universe, it's a shitty thing Lucifer does, again, for himself. So that he feels worthy of Chloe. What she feels, once he's made it his goal to do something, essentially doesn't matter anymore. And the plot fascilitates this splendidly, I mean, she always forgives him without fault like a well-oiled machine. Always, whatever he does, and it's gotten old a long time ago. We know Lucifer can do anything, anything at all, and he will be forgiven - by Chloe, by Maze, by Dan, by Linda, by Amenadiel, by anyone that he needs to forgive him. You'll be lucky if they don't do it the same episode, and extraordinarily lucky if it takes them three or four.
There are many other things to discuss this season, like Dan's ridiculously badly written death, Chloe's whole character stagnation, the, khm, the musical episode, the saturaday morning cartoon villain problem, the fact that Michael manages to descieve an omniscient being, and God himself. I might do those separately, might not, we'll see, as those aren't nearly as interesting to dissect as the above.
Aaaand, anyway, if he is now God, I strongly suspect they'll play the angle of "even though he's God, he stills feels shitty, as true self-love/worth comes from elsewhere" and the usual thing.
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august-anon · 4 years
Tickletober Day 17 - Revenge
Alright I rushed through this and didn't edit so pls be kind lol. Also, it's still technically the 17th where I am SO, this is not late!!
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Ship(s): Gen/vaguely Marinette/Adrien
Characters (lee/ler): Switch!Marinette/Switch!Adrien
Word Count: 799 words
Summary: In Marinette's humble opinion, this was one of the most ridiculous scenarios she could imagine them finding out each other's identities.
[ao3 link]
Ladybug didn’t know who had started it, but she certainly knew who was going to be finishing it.
She and Chat Noir tussled along the scaffolding of the Eiffel Tower, laughs echoing through the quiet fall air. Normally she’d worry someone would hear them and accuse them of being irresponsible, but all her attention was currently being taken up by her partner. Her partner, who was currently digging his claws into her incredibly ticklish sides.
It felt kind of good to just hang out and relax like a teen, for once.
But then Chat’s hands creeped up her sides and Ladybug feared for her sanity. She tried to pin her arms tightly to her ribs, but Chat just laughed and wriggled his hands up into her defenses, eventually landing in her armpits.
“What’s wrong, cat got your tongue?” Chat teased as her laughter went silent.
But Ladybug refused to go down without a fight. Not even being able to open her eyes to aim her hands, she shot them out and started tickling wherever they landed. Apparently it was enough, since Chat was far more ticklish than she was, and she was able to shove him off to the side and lean over him instead.
Ladybug hunted down Chat’s worst spot as efficiently as she could, wanting to return the favor. It didn’t take her long to find it, fingers skittering over his stomach, sides, and eventually his ribs. Just like her, he squealed loudly before tossing his head back in silent laughter. Not long after, he began slapping at the metal beneath him, and Ladybug immediately backed off. She couldn’t really fault him for giving in so soon, after all, they had been tussling and tickling for a while before Chat even got her armpits.
“You win again, M’lady.”
Ladybug smirked. “Maybe by now you should’ve learned not to start fights you can’t win. I’m starting to think you like to lose.”
Chat gave her a grin. “Only for you, Bugaboo.”
Ladybug scoffed and shoved him away, but she couldn’t wipe the smile from her face. She smiled all the way home, even after she dropped through her trapdoor safe and sound.
 This time, Marinette did know who started it. Alya thought she was sly, and so did Nino for that matter, but as oblivious as Marinette could sometimes be, she wasn’t stupid. The whole tickle fight was just a ploy to try and get her and Adrien up close and personal, it was obvious with the way the two of them kept getting shoved together into the middle of the pile.
And frankly, Marinette honestly didn’t mean to tickle Adrien. She wasn’t nearly brave enough for that, just being this close to his smile and laugh was enough to send her into a tizzy. No, she had been reaching over Adrien to try and grab at Nino when Alya had tazed Adrien’s sides, sending him perfectly into Marinette’s wiggling fingers.
But the thing was, Adrien’s squeal was extremely familiar. Truthfully, his laughter in general had been sparking an odd sense of deja vu, but Marinette had tried not to look too much into it. She knew she had a tendency to overanalyze things, especially when it came to Adrien, but this was different. This squeal was one she’d heard only a handful of nights ago, wrestling on the scaffolding of the Eiffel Tower without a care in the world.
Marinette looked down at where her hands were tickling. They had latched onto Adrien’s ribs, in almost the exact same spot she’d been getting Chat Noir the other night. After a few moments of even her half-hearted tickling, Adrien’s laugh went silent.
Marinette couldn’t believe it. This had to be a coincidence. It was impossible. Adrien couldn’t be Chat Noir, could he?
Marinette hadn’t even realized that her fingers stopped moving with her realization. Unfortunately, Adrien took the brief break as his chance to attack. Barely missing a beat to gather his bearings, he quickly tackled Marinette backwards, so that she was the one lying on the floor instead. She was so startled that she forgot to protect her weak points, and Adrien was able to quickly tickle his way up her sides and ribs and into her armpits.
Just like the other night, Marinette squealed, cackled, and went silent. Before her eyes squeezed shut from the force of her laughter, she caught sight of the same recognition shining in Adrien’s eyes. She felt Adrien lean down close and her heart nearly stopped.
“This is revenge for the other night, Bugaboo,” he whispered in her ear, quiet enough that the others wouldn’t hear.
As competitive as she was, Marinette couldn’t find it in herself to mind that she lost. It was no matter. She’d beat him next time.
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smallheathgangsters · 5 years
Destiny | T.S.
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A/N: I’m so sorry! It turned out waaaay too long again! But I do really hope you all enjoy it & that I didn’t waste my time on this lol. English is still not my first language, so excuse any mistakes I made. Lots of love ❤️
Request: “if requests are still open - from the prompt list - I’d LOVE 9 and / or 12 with Tommy!!!! But no worries if this doesn’t spark your fire ;) lots of love!” and “oops - meant 19 and 12 not 9 and 12!!!! But whatever floats your boat xxx” by @shelbyblinded​
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 3202
Type: angst, some fluff
Summary: Tommy’s issue with commitment ruins his relationship with Y/N. Many years later, they unexpectedly run into each other, but Y/N is not ready to give him a second chance just yet.
The wind blew through your hair while you hurried down the street towards the Shelby Company. Tommy had told you to get dressed nicely and pick him up at the shop, because he’d probably still be working. He had booked a table at a fancy restaurant and you were more than excited to be spending a long night just with Tommy.
You two had a complicated relationship. Despite not actually being a couple, you very much acted like it. Much to the annoyance of his family. They wanted Tommy to finally find himself a woman, marry her and settle down. They were convinced that that was what he needed.
You had known Tommy since you were a child. You grew up in the same street and spent a lot of your childhood time together. You had always loved Tommy. As a child you had loved him like a brother. But as you grew older, that brotherly love turned more and more into the one that made your heart ache at times, the one that was so much harder to understand.
After coming back from the war, Tommy had turned to you for comfort. You had helped him fall asleep almost every night, you had assisted him with any kind of family business if he had asked you and you even offered him your body whenever his lust was too overwhelming. Simply put, you had been there for him in any situation of his life.
But it wasn’t at all that you had disliked it. Clearly, Tommy was the love of your life. Even though he had never made you his girlfriend, it sparked joy in your heart knowing Tommy was letting you be there for him, letting you care for him. Because Tommy was not a man to show his feelings, let alone asking somebody for help when the thoughts in his head were too much for him to handle. But he did when it came to you. He talked openly about what was going on in his mind whenever you were lying next to him in bed, caressing his back, trying your best to silence the sounds of the picks and shovels against the wall.
In return, Tommy had bought you gifts that had costed more than you could imagine and took you on lavish dates in expensive restaurants or to the races. Or he would take you to the country to teach you how to drive a car. That was his way of saying thank you.
But you had to admit to yourself, the complicated relationship had taken a toll on you for a few months now. You had thought about confronting him about it several times, though you were too afraid of losing the strong bond you two had. It was something you held dear.
Your slender hand pushed open the door to the Shelby Company. You stepped inside and were greeted with silence. The rest of the boys must have already finished up work and left. You walked over to Tommy’s office and knocked on the closed door. Without waiting for him to answer, you pushed it open.
Your eyes landed on Tommy, leaning over a pile of papers, looking rather frustrated. “Busy day?” you asked softly. His head shot up. You immediately saw the tension in his face relax and he leaned back in his chair. “Y/N …” he murmured contently. It made your heart skip a beat, knowing you had such a positive effect on the broken man.
“How do I look?” you asked him happily, spinning around on the spot, your dress twirling as you did.
“Absolutely wonderful,” he answered, giving you a kind smile. Then he got up from his chair and walked over to the hanger to grab his coat. “Are we ready then?”
You wanted to nod but something made you pause. A strong wave of emotions suddenly hit you and you could feel your mind go hazy. All of a sudden, you heard yourself ask him, “Tommy … what are we?”
Tommy stopped in his tracks, slowly lowering his hand that was about to grab his coat. You gulped hard, trying to understand what made you blurt out that question. You knew he didn’t want to be confronted with the complexity of your relationship and you also knew Tommy would never be ready to commit to you.
He avoided your gaze and didn’t answer your question, making you feel awfully uncomfortable. The silence made you want to turn around and make a run for it.
You looked down at your hands, fumbling with them and trying your best to ignore the blood rushing to your ears. How could you have been so stupid?
“What?” you heard him say.
“I–“ you tried finding the words to save yourself from the mess you had just brought upon yourself. “I– I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to–“
“Yes, you did,” he interrupted you sternly. His back was still facing you.
You could feel your hands getting sweaty. “It’s just been going on for so long …” you said quietly.
“And?” he huffed. The cold tone in his voice made the hair on your skin stand up. Even though you knew his reaction would be negative, if you ever asked him about the situation, you were shocked it was this intense. In a bad way.
You took in a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves. You hated when Tommy made you feel insecure, made you feel like a fool. You may be in love, but you weren’t foolish.
“I want to know what this is, this … thing between us,” you said to him, your voice now stronger than before, regaining your confidence. Then you lifted your gaze from your hands and stared at the back of his head. “And I would prefer it, if you didn’t look away from me.”
You heard him let out an annoyed sigh. He turned around to you and pushed his hands in his pockets. “Why are you asking me this now? You never cared.” He sounded bored.
You frowned at him. “How would you know that?”
“You never mentioned it. And this thing between us has been this way for years. I don’t like you accusing me of not being concerned about what you care about,” he answered.
His remark made anger flare up in your chest. “Maybe I was scared? Scared that you’d react exactly as you do now?”
“Are you telling me you’re scared of me?” he growled. “What have I ever done to make you scared of me?”
“It’s not about you scaring me! It’s being scared of losing you!” you yelled, hot tears burning in your eyes. Why didn’t he get it?
He sighed again, running his hand over his face, rubbing his eyes in frustration. “Why couldn’t you just accept what we had?”
“Because I’m not a child anymore, Tommy,” you said, clenching your fists. You were trying your hardest to not go totally ballistic.
“What are you expecting of me? Asking you to marry me? Is that what you want, eh?” he spat. You never thought he would mock your dream of getting married, settling down and starting a family someday.
“How dare you!” You pushed out, stunned.
He brushed through his hair with his hand. Then he locked his eyes with yours. “Y/N. I can’t give you what you want.”
“You don’t even know what I want!” you exclaimed frustrated.
He sighed again and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” He stuck the cigarette between his lips.
You were speechless. You stared at him while your head was spinning. Your mind tried grasping the right words to say, but there was nothing. There was absolutely nothing left for you to say to him.
You straightened yourself up, wrapped your coat around your body tightly and nodded. “Fuck you”, was the last thing you were able to bring over your lips. After that, you rushed out of the shop without looking back. You knew, this was the last time you would ever step a foot into that house. And it would also be the last time you saw Tommy Shelby.
 “Are you ready, darling?” your husband asked from the other room.
“Almost!” you shouted back, putting on some red lipstick. Then you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You heard your husband step into your shared bedroom. “You look amazing.”
You whipped our head around and gave him a kind smile. “So do you.”
His tie matched your red dress and made you the two of you suit each other perfectly. But you didn’t only match on the outside. You were meant to be together and you could feel it in your heart every day you woke up next to him.
You and Edward had married a few months ago after meeting on a trip you took to London. Shortly after, you left Birmingham to join him. It had been the most perfect coincidence. Since breaking it off with Tommy, the city had been nothing but a burden. You weren’t able to find true happiness after everything that had happened, and the way Tommy had treated you. But Ed had helped you with that and you soon found yourself falling madly in love with him.
It wasn’t the kind of love to distract yourself from Tommy or forget him. You genuinely adored Ed and the way he treated you. And there was no reason left for you to mourn the love you lost.
Ed was a middle-class man with a simple job, who didn’t have much to offer when you first met. Still, he made sure he took you out once a week to a nice restaurant or the pictures. Sometimes, he even saved up his money for you to experience an opera together. He was the kindest, most heartfelt man you had ever run into.
Two weeks ago, you had found out you were pregnant with your first child and Edward was so excited about the news, that he wanted to celebrate by surprising you with a very special date. Yesterday, he had let it slip that he was taking you to the races. You tried hiding the fact that you’ve already been to quite some races before meeting him, but he noticed. You had brushed it off as an old romance you once had, not wanting to talk to Ed about Tommy. Not wanting to talk or think about him in general. It was in the past and it was meant to stay there.
Ed realized that you didn’t want to talk about it and stopped asking about the man who had taken you to more than just one race. “Please don’t worry, Ed. I’m just as excited to go as I was the first time,” you promised him, “Because I’m going there with you.”
He had smiled and cupped your face in his hands, giving you a long kiss. After the kiss, you put your arm around his. “Let’s go to the races.”
It was very busy that day. The dancefloor was crowded and even getting to the bar to order a drink was a rather difficult task. Ed offered to try to push through the people and get you both a glass of champagne, making you wait at the side of the large room. While you were scanning the faces, you suddenly felt somebody stand next to you.
“Didn’t expect to ever see you here.”
Your heart stopped for a moment when you realized to whom the deep, monotone voice belonged.
“Tommy,” you gasped and looked up to the handsome face gazing into the crowd. His eyes were as blue and intense as you remembered them.
“Who are you here with?” he asked you. He sounded legitimately interested.
“My husband.”
He nodded, not once looking down at you. “So, you’re married now?”
Despite not having seen Tommy for a long time, you still knew him too well. You could feel him trying to make you nervous. But you were determined not to let him. He didn’t own you anymore. And he for sure didn’t own your heart anymore.
“Do you love him?”, he asked, putting a cigarette between his lips and lighting it with a match.
You gave him angry look. “Of course, I do!”
That made him finally pull away his gaze from the crowd and directed it to you. “I mean, do you actually like him. And not just trying to prove a point to me.”
You were genuinely offended by his comment. “Trying to prove a point? You really do believe the world revolves solely around you, Thomas Shelby.”
“I didn’t–“
“You’ve had your chance, Tommy. You can’t just come crawling back, trying to make me feel bad about finally having the man and the life I deserve,” you spat. Tommy opened his mouth to respond to what you just said, but your husband interrupted the conversation before he was able to say another word.
Ed wasn’t stupid. He noticed immediately that this must be the man that had broken your heart.
“How about we catch some fresh air, love?” he suggested, handing you a glass of champagne. You accepted gratefully and let your husband lead the way out of the room, leaving a speechless Tommy behind.
 Edward had been offered a job in New York. He had wanted you to join him and to move to America together, but you knew you’d never be happy there. You had had a stable job here in London and weren’t ready to give up what you had worked for so hard. You both knew a divorce was inevitable if Ed really wanted to accept the job offer.
In the end, your now ex-husband left to cross the ocean to the land of the free and leave you and your son, James, behind. You weren’t angry at him. You knew, he had only been following his dream and the opportunity had just been too good to reject. Edward made sure he sent money to you monthly to care for the upbringing of your son and even visited the two of you twice a year.
About six months after Edward had left, you had opened your own clothing store in London, sewing luxurious dresses that started becoming more and more popular. Even though you missed Ed dearly from time to time, you weren’t unhappy. The situation you were in wasn’t the best, but it for sure could have been way worse.
One day, after closing up your shop to go and pick up James from school, you spotted a familiar figure across the street. He was staring directly at you.
Then it hit you. Tommy fucking Shelby. You had almost forgotten the man existed.
You wanted nothing more than to ignore his presence and walk straight to James’ school. But of course, he had other things in mind.
You kept your head down as you stuffed your keys in your handbag. Tommy Shelby was like a curse, you seemed to never be totally free of him.
As you turned to walk along the side of the road, you heard him catch up with you. “Oi, Y/N. Are you ignoring me?”
You stopped walking, but kept your head hanging, so you didn’t have to look at him. “Thomas …”
You could see his shoes position themselves in front of you. Then you felt a hand grab your chin gently, lifting your head up. “Please, look at me.”
His gaze was friendly. Very much different to the look he had in his eyes when he first told you he didn’t want you. And very much different to the one when you met him at the races. It almost seemed like there was a plea for forgiveness in his eyes.
“It hurts me that you feel like you need to avoid me,” he admitted. You sighed. “What are you doing here, Tommy?”
“Does it matter?”
“It matters because I seem to never be able to get rid of you. You keep showing up in my life”, you answered truthfully.
“Destiny, perhaps,” he said, giving you a weak smile.
You scoffed. “I didn’t think you believed in such a thing, Thomas.”
“Only when it comes to you, Y/N.”
You breathed in deeply and let out a heavy sigh. “Are you still not married? It’s been so long, and I don’t think anyone should be on their own for so many years.”
“I was,” he said. “But she died.”
You felt a tiny sting in your chest, feeling bad for asking. Even though Tommy Shelby didn’t deserve an inch of your sympathy, you couldn’t ignore it. “I’m sorry.”
“How’s Edward? That’s his name, eh?” Tommy asked, changing the subject quickly.
You gulped. You didn’t want Tommy knowing about your failed marriage. You were convinced he would mock you because of it.
“Good,” you answered quietly.
“You sure?” Tommy questioned you. He could sense something was off.
You pressed your lips together to a thin line, debating whether you should tell him or not.
“Come on, you can trust me,” he said with a soft voice. You could feel yourself crumbling. “He’s living in New York. We … we aren’t together anymore,” you told him embarrassed. Tommy nodded but instead of making fun of you, he stayed silent.
“I’m on my way to pick up my son from school”, you then said to Tommy. “I really need to get going, if you didn’t mind.”
“Your son?”
“Yes, my son,” you said, giving him an annoyed glare. “I’m not some lonely divorcee if that was what you were thinking.”
He held up his hands in defence and raised his eyebrows. “Not at all. I have a son of my own, you know.”
You weren’t able to wrap your head around the fact that Tommy had a child. Even though he’d always been a family man, you could never imagine him with a son. Taking care of him, playing with him, simply being a soft human being. You didn’t realise you were smiling at the thought of it until Tommy called you out on it. “Something funny about that?”
“No”, you said, grinning, “Absolutely not. I’m very happy about that actually.”
“You’d love him,” Tommy said to you. “Maybe someday you’ll meet him.”
“Perhaps someday,” you replied.
Tommy sighed and then suddenly grabbed both of your hands. “We were good together, Y/N.”
“I know, Tommy”, you said, only speaking the truth. The time you and Tommy were together, or at least almost together, you were more than good. You were perfect. Until Tommy had took a step backward when you wanted to take one forward.
“We could always try again”, Tommy murmured, looking deeply into your eyes.
“Yes, we could.”
“How about a date?” Tommy asked. “I heard you’re designing stunning dresses for a living. Why not put on one of those?”
“You heard?”
Tommy chuckled. “I hear everything, Y/N. So, what do you say?”
You could feel your face form a smile. A smile straight from your heart. The heart, that had never really gotten over Tommy. The heart, that had always belonged to him.
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2018shawn · 4 years
Concept: Shawn and you have lazy parents sex lol and you’re having conversations through it “did you turn the washing machine on?” “Yh, did you iron the kids clothes ah fuck-” lmao idk why but this concept has me so soft and it’s so funny at the same time
oh my GOD i just got this and couldn’t NOT WRITE ANYTHING I’M NOT OK ITS 11.33 AM I NEED TO GO TO CHURCH
because shawn had been teasing you aaaaalllll day so you put the kids favourite movie on and wait with them until they’re settled. once they are you’re racing up the stairs to find shawn and cOiNcIdEnTly he’s in the bedroom, obviously waiting for you because he knows he’s been a little shit. “we good?” he would ask, throwing his phone onto the side. 
“we’re so good.” you would smile, letting out a squeal when he charges over to you and ends up pushing you against the wall when he kisses you because he’s so forceful and desperate and UGH, he just neeeeeeeds you. he’d obviously carry you over to the bed, whilst you’re trying to undress him and when you do, and throw his clothing on the floor he looks at the messy pile and is like “did rosie tell you i almost grounded her because she wouldn’t put her stuff in the laundry hamper..” and you’re like yeah, great, good parenting but how about looking after your baby mummy for a sec. so he’s like ‘right, okay. yeah.’ and on top of you when he’s thrown you on the bed, peppering kisses down your neck, leading to your chest and eventually your breasts. 
because you didn’t get many chances to have fun anymore, usually too tired at night time or quite frankly too rushed off your feet during the day, the sensation only felt more exciting and your legs came around his hips to pull him in further. his head bobbed beneath your face, kissing and licking around your nipples with your fingers running through his hair and tugging on the ends because you knew he low key loved it. “sh-shawn...” you whimpered as he travelled further down your body, only briefly showing some love to your torso because he was far too keen to get to where he needed to be. he hummed back into your skin at your moans of his name, simply taking it as approval for his touch. 
“shaaawn-” you moaned again as his head became level to your warm pussy, the feeling of his breath making you throw your head back in pleasure. he smirked before lowering his face down, your hand still in his hair and his tongue beginning to trace your lips. it took him by surprise when you yanked his head up, his eyes snapping into contact with yours and he stared at you, bewildered, waiting for your explanation as to why you’d stop the start of his performance. “shawn.”
“y/n?” he repeated. 
“did you put the washing on?” he rolled his eyes and nodded, as much as he could, given the fact you had firm grip of his brown curls. “and all the school clothes?” 
he reached up for you hand, dragging it out of his hair and pinning it beside you so you wouldn’t interrupt him anymore. you took it as a yes, though, when he dove back in, tongue connecting with your slick lips yet again until you were a moaning mess beneath him. 
you couldn’t last long - not like you used to, so ushered him up back to your eye level, his hard member prodding your thighs and reminding you just how much he loved you. it changed from needy to slow within a matter of seconds, shawn running his fingers through your hair, your running yours down the sides of his hips because you knew he liked the feeling. and with the arch of your back and thrust of his hips, he was deep enough in you that you suddenly forgot anything and everything. his breathing was heavy in your ears, his hands pinning yours next to your head as he slid in and out of you with smooth motion. “fuck-” you whimpered, eyes squinting shut in an attempt to hold onto the feeling.
they snapped back open when shawn stopped moving his hips, stopping dead in his tracks and when you opened your eyes he was still buried in the crook of your neck you were almost puzzled - questioning what you’d done wrong or if there was a problem. until he spoke.
“did you pick up that stuff for benji’s art project?” 
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