#i mean ive seen clips so there are some things i know in isolation
death-limes · 4 months
As someone who loves Hazbin.... I agree with you, the show gets way more credibility than it should. I have watched the show a dozen times and there are still details I miss because the pacing of the animation is god awful. The animation gets praise because the characters are over animated while standing around - but during action scenes it goes by so fast you can't see anything!!
Please keep the hate up, fans need to be humbled.
incredibly rare W for the hazbin fandom, you are an inspiration to us all 🫡 thank you for being Based and also Very Cash-Money, i will continue hating as normal
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(but seriously thank you, that first sentence scared the shit out of me so I'm glad to be pleasantly surprised ^^ i'm ashamed to admit that i STILL have not actually sat down and watched the show because I only JUST got over my obsession with it & idk if i wanna risk summoning the brain fungus again)
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pidgezero-one · 7 years
dont message me about this please. I just need somewhere to dump it
I had a falling out with my best friend at the end of july and he completely cut off contact with me. i trusted him more than anybody in the world and there are no words to describe how much his friendship meant to me. the way this happened destroyed my sense of self-worth and I isolated myself from people and tried to fill that empty void with drinking and shitty eating habits (namely starving myself followed by binge eating). fell into a pretty bad depression and was constantly lethargic and unproductive. hated going out in public because I hated myself and didnt want to be seen.
suffered a death in the family at the end of august. this isnt something I cope with in a healthy way. especially during that period of time
started talking with my friend again in september but that didnt go very well either. still felt shitty about this every day, just having this constant nervousness and wanting to throw up and feeling like im carrying a huge weight on my shoulders, every day 24 hours a day. i had dreams about our situation all the time and it fucked me up. cant remember the last time I got a good nights sleep. developed a lot of trust issues from revelations that came out in the few discussions we had. we havent spoken in almost 2 months now. still really miss him but also still hurting over the things he said and did
2 weeks later, boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me when I got back from dreamhack. it wasnt really a surprise and there's no bad blood but was still a really hard adjustment. we had lived together since before we started dating.
we were splitting rent on a 1 bed apartment so now I have to pay for it myself. i dont really have the means to move. this fucked me over financially bc I was in the process of paying about 8000 dollars worth of debt accrued from when I was unemployed in 2014. so that's why none of you have really seen me since then, im saving money instead of going out to do things. this is also around when I decided to cut the drinking to prevent it from getting out of hand and decided to fix my eating habits, both of which are saving me money
met someone new in november who I got close to pretty quickly. he knew I was hurting from something, a lot of things, and helped me recover and was somehow over time able to convince me i didnt deserve any of what was going on. i started to believe it too. we spent a lot of time together and became very good friends.
around the same time i saw another friend have a falling out with his best friend and the way it got him down made me really angry. he didnt deserve to feel that poorly. this helped me realize that neither did i.
start of december, i fell mutually in love with the new friend. although it was just the beginning of the relationship, it was unprecedented in how genuinely loved I felt. we were supportive of each other in ways I didnt even know I could be. never enjoyed someone's company so much before or felt so totally safe telling them literally anything, and after I was having so much trouble and anxiety over opening up to anybody like that again, this was really really special that he could make me feel that way. especially considering the vulnerable state I was in, I tried to be cautious about getting this attached so quickly, but I decided to trust him. you kinda had to be there to understand just why I let myself feel this way despite it looking like a textbook mistake and me being well aware of that fact. he was thoughtful and respectful and considerate and was the most loving person i've ever known. we live a long distance apart and decided we'd take things slowly until we had the chance to spend some time together in person and discuss what our future looks like at that time. we spent a lot of time together calling each other around the holidays and never let a day (or an hour, really) go by without making the other feel loved and appreciated and worthwhile. for a christmas gift he contacted a lot of my friends and compiled a series of video and audio clips from all of them sending me kind words at the holidays to remind me that i'm loved. he really was a wonderful person.
being able to really believe that I didnt deserve to feel as badly as I had been since the summer, combined with falling in love again... I was finally something resembling happy again, I got my confidence back, I was energetic and productive and in an improved state of mind... not completely, things still hurt and I think they always will. but I was at least functioning. the wounds were still there and they were still fresh but I was at least starting to heal.
had to replace my pc because too much of my hardware was just not working anymore. that was a big financial setback I wasnt prepared for. my laptop mobo also broke so now I dont have one of those anymore. oh well. once im done paying off the last part of my debt im going to save up for a new one
start of january, one of my closest friends goes radio silent and unresponsive to texts and calls for over a week. i was a fucking mess worrying about him. (we hung out a few days ago but at the time holy shit)
my coworker at my job (the only other dev on my team) is leaving, so I have to learn a ton of new stuff and also train who we hire next, and im pretty stressed out about that on top of the status of my current major project
i didnt go to agdq this year, but that entire week was rough. wanted to stay off social media and stuff to not be reminded of it but this is where all my connections are and I need to work on shit. I spent a lot of last agdq making good memories with the friend i had the falling out with and thinking back to that just makes me really sad now.
was finally starting to enjoy streaming again and I injured my hand recently and cant use it to use a dpad or joystick, so now im not doing that either. it got infected pretty badly and ive been worried about that for a while, but it's healing up now. hopefully ill return soon. also having numerous other alarming things happen healthwise that are too TMI for here but... yeah
last week the guy i loved dumped me. not going to go into detail on this but i feel very very slighted by how he chose to do it. it had only been a month but im pretty messed up and blindsided by it. despite the short length I can't remember the last time I had any kind of interpersonal relationship that was so emotionally fulfilling. i still don't really understand. being around him hurt so much that I left my favourite discord server where a lot of my close friends are cause he's in there too. i miss being in there so much but i just cant do it
on saturday I got the news that one of my friends from the smash 64 community passed away unexpectedly. i went to the visitation on sunday. it still doesn't feel real.
i dont want to talk about it, I dont want any offers to talk about it, I dont want to relive it, I dont want to think about it, and especially especially I d o n t w a n t t o t a l k a b o u t i t. just getting it out there bc I feel kinda overwhelmed atm from everything. i just wanna focus on doing the things I need to get done to keep my mind occupied. i want my best friend back, i want the person I love back, i want my friend to come back to life. there's nothing else that can be done for me
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Anaconda, Andrew Bogut, and Animals: Buttermilk 38341 3 years old, 67 lbs @manhattan acc waiting for LOVE! Whoever said diamonds are a girls best friend never owned a dog **** TO BE KILLED - 8/21/2018 **** AH! SWEET, YUMMY AND SMOOTH, THAT BEST DESCRIBES OUR BUTTERMILK! He is an original with his white coat and "notice me" facial markings. Buttermilk is a youngster of just a few years and a jolly 67 lbs of shake, rattle and roll. The shelter remarked that he, "likes to lick" as well as: very friendly and allowing all handling. He waits perfectly in his kennel and greets with a wagging tail. Brownie points for putting his best paw forward when scared, even trembling he is found with his tail wagging, wanting to earn respect and acceptance. His smile is huge, almost eclipsing his heart, but not quite! Buttermilk loves to be around people more than anything. Having a crew of his own would make his dream come true. He is all heart and excited to be included. A forever buddy, beautifully dressed. Being that the shelter placed him on the Euth list, he is most urgent and needs a foster or adopter before they take him on his final goodbye walk. Buttermilk has demonstrated his worthiness, and volunteers stand behind him. Please message this page if you can help this happy boy. BUTTERMILK@MANHATTAN ACC Hello, my name is Buttermilk My animal id is #38341 I am a male white dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old. Came into shelter as an agency Aug. 16, 2018 Buttermilk has been diagnosed with pneumonia and will need to seek treatment as a vet hospital. Behaviorally, we recommend placement with an experienced home. My medical notes are... Weight: 67.2 lbs Vet Notes L V T Notes 18/08/2018 DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 3yrs based on PE. History : stray Subjective / Observed Behavior - BAR, allowed all handling. very friendly, mouthy. Likes to lick Evidence of Cruelty seen - none Evidence of Trauma seen - none Objective BCS 7/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears have moderate brown debris, no nasal or ocular discharge noted Oral Exam: dc 1/5; pd 1/5 PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: intact male. testicles smooth and symmetrical. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: grossly normal. Assessment dental disease otitis externa Prognosis:excellent Plan:ear cleaning mometamax SURGERY:Okay for surgery 20/08/2018 Hx: Note on Health/Wellness Board saying that there was blood noted on kennel floor, unclear where it came from. No date provided. S: BAR, wagging tail O: No wounds noted, no current bleeding A: Blood noted, cause unclear - R/O foot injury vs. other P: Monitor for further bleeding, no tx at this time 1088 20/08/2018 Hx: Intake 8/16. At exam 8/18, pt was energetic, wagging tail. Vomited 3x on walk yesterday. S: Alert in kennel - gets up, wagging tail, but trembling O: Mild SND, huffing cough. No sneezing. A: CIRDC. Cough out of proportion to nasal discharge - concern for pneumonia P: Sedated chest rads - Dexdomitor 0.25 ml IV and butorphanol 0.3 ml IV 1088 20/08/2018 3-view chest rads: Patchy alveolar to bronchial pattern, primarily in the left and right caudal lung lobes ASSESSMENT: Bronchopneumonia PLAN: 1. Move to medical isolation 2. Place IVC, run IV LRS at 70 ml/hr 3. Unasyn 30 mg/ml 20 ml IV slowly SID TID x5 days 4. Enrofloxacin 100 mg/ml 3 ml IV slowly SID x5 days 5. Cerenia inj 10 mg/ml 3 ml IV SID x4 days 6. Swab for upper resp pathogens 1088 Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 1. Green Behavior Assessment Date of intake:: 8/16/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Stray Date of assessment:: 8/18/2018 Look:: 1. Dog's eyes are averted, with tail wagging and ears back. Allows head to be held loosely in Assessor's cupped hands. Sensitivity:: 1. Dog leans into the Assessor, eyes soft or squinty, soft and loose body, open mouth. Tag:: 2. Dog is fearful but unresponsive when touched. Approaches the Assessor when the game ends. Dog is likely crouching, may have a long lip or lip lick. Paw squeeze 1:: 2. Dog quickly pulls back. Paw squeeze 2:: 2. Dog quickly pull back. Flank squeeze 1:: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2:: Item not conducted Toy:: 1. Dog settles close, keeps a firm grip and is loose and wiggly. Dog does not place his/her body between you and the toy. Summary:: Buttermilk appeared anxious in the assessment room, panting and pacing. He became a bit fearful during tag, but allowed all handling and displayed social behavior. Summary (1):: 8/17: Buttermilk displays a loose body, tail wag when greeting the female helper dog. When introduced off leash, to the female greeter dog, he rushes in immediately, then lunges and snaps toward the helper dog's face. Due to rapid, severe escalation, Buttermilk is not a candidate for further off leash socialization. It is recommended that Buttermilk be the only resident dog at this time, pending follow up outside of the shelter environment. There is no history available on Buttermilk's behavior around other animals. ENERGY LEVEL:: We have no history on Buttermilk so we cannot be certain of his behavior in a home environment. However, he is a young, enthusiastic, social dog who will need daily mental and physical activity to keep him engaged and exercised. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: EXPERIENCE (suitable for an adopter with some previous dog experience, especially with the behaviors outlined below) Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13),Single-pet home,Recommend no dog parks Recommendations comments:: No children: Due to the levels of anxiety and fear Buttermilk has displayed at the care center, we recommend an adult only home. Single pet home/no dog parks: Due to severe, rapid escalation observed toward the helper dog, a single dog residence is recommended at this time. Potential challenges: : Fearful,Anxiety,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Potential challenges comments:: Fearful: Buttermilk is a bit fearful at the care center. It is important to always go slow and give Buttermilk the option to walk away from any social interaction. Buttermilk should never be forced to approach anything that he is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Buttermilk’s choice to approach a new person or thing. Buttermilk would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to his new surroundings. Anxiety: Buttermilk appears anxious at the care center. We have no history on her in a home, so we do not know if this behavior will be present outside of the care center. If it does occur, we recommend giving him puzzle toys, long walks, and things to do to relieve his anxiety. Positive reinforcement, reward based training only should be used. On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: At the care center, Buttermilk has been observed to react to other dogs on leash, lunging towards them, barking and growling. Buttermilk may need positive reinforcement, reward based training to teach him to look at you rather than other dogs. We recommend a front clip harness or head halter to help manage this behavior. * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process *within 48 hours of reserve*, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications. Shelter contact information Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309 Available Animals Thank you for your interest in adopting from Animal Care Centers of NYC. Our At Risk List is posted each day (except Saturday) at 6:00PM and remains viewable until 12:00PM noon the following day. newhope.shelterbuddy.com
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