#i mean that is accurate to these two but not to the nevadans.
nuclearspring · 5 months
okay. yeah. adding cooper howard and albert cole.
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robotgirldisc · 4 years
Got tagged by @cl0udstrife
gonna tag mutuals I know or who my brain have just chosen to imprint on for random reasons, idk if I’ll reach 20: @mandymilkovich @cleophidian @frogonadogonaloginabog @gardenersgossip @transgirlterezipyrope @rainyshome @shining-dawn @soshiro42 @dibsontucker
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better  
name: Emma
gender: I guess genderfluid is probably most accurate, although I’m usually in she/her mode like 80-90% of the time
star sign: Gemini, idk what that mmeans, but I like to joke that it’s because I’m so two-faced
height: 1.69m (5′6′’) (actually pretty happy about how “androgymous” this height is)
time: 1:41AM (2:21AM at time of posting, I’m slow...)
birthday: in the summer
favorite bands: Does Starkid count?
favorite solo artists: I’m not interested enough to have one? my music taste consists of: meme-music, musical soundtracks and Weeby vocaloid beats to study and chill to (I can’t write and listen to music I understand at the same time, it get’s all jumbled up in my brain)
last movie: Little miss Norway, a Norwegian Children’s horror movie,
last show: I’m still catching up on the last season of Hero Academia, so it was probably that
when did you create this blog: Maybe 5 years ago? I had another blog, but my younger sister found it so I abandoned it
what do i post: I usually just reblog memes, but I’ve been missing playing Magic the Gathering recently, so there have been a couple of original Commander posts recently, I really want to learn to build more casual decks than what all the content creators on youtube are pushing, they tend not to be super fun to play against
last thing googled: "pokemon types redesigned” I was looking for a blog post I read 5-7 years ago, the author simplified the pokemon type system down to the most essential 7, and it lives rent free in my head, but I can’t find it
do i get asks: nope
why i chose my url:I randomly generated one, the one I got was a little to masc for me, so I feminized it
why you originally joined tumblr: the girl-gang who “adopted” me in middle school all used  tumblr, so I joined, mostly for mean girls memes at first I guess safsdgfgr
why you stayed: The fact there’s no algorithm here is way more relaxing than other social media. If I “lose” a post after an hour of scrolling, I can usually find it again with some effort, on other sites it’s gone forever
average hours of sleep: 5 lately
lucky numbers: 13
instruments: we got an old piano from my grandma, but I only know 2 very short songs on it
what am i wearing: I sleep in boxers and a t-shirt, so that
dream job: I enjoy physical labor where I don’t have to think too much and I can leave the work once I go home for the day. My hobbies are Think-y Enough. I think I would enjoy doing child-care, but as a trans-person, I *really* don’t want to have to deal with every aspect of my identity being open to questioning and harassment from parents
dream trip: I have been to England a couple of times already, but I’m def going again as soon as it’s safe again
last book i read: last I finished? probably the Hobbit, and that’s like 6 years ago at this point. I recently started rereading the Phenomena series that I read in middle school, but haven’t really set aside time to finish it,
favorite food: this tomato sauce my best friend taught me to make when they visited, I usually can’t stand tomatoes, but I make this one every opportunity I get
nationality: Norwegian
favorite song: florence + the machine wish that you were here
top three fictional universes: Harry Potter (it feels a little Tainted at this point, but I spent a loot of my childhood an teens hyper obsessing with this world, so I can’t really let go), Pokemon and Quarry Junction (and OC town me and my best friend developed together over multiple sessions of Microscope and Monsterhears 2. Juvenile delinquent werewolves, bitchy vampires, and an immortal lesbian Doctor Frankenstein, all in a run-down mining town in the Nevadan desert)
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